Newspaper Page Text
The Newtown Bee rtlSAT, MARCH 8, 1898. CIKCULATIOM. jahdary s. 1888. ... Last week ... (110 8200 Talk of the Town. MATTERS OF BUSIHESS. For cloaks, millinery and fancy Roods don t rorent to call at cue store or stern Harris, 186 Mala street, Danbury. A 025 AT LEOT01EB COHtH. A CONTRACT SIONE!) TO BRING MURRAY, THK ENGLISH OIIATOK, HERE. David Christie M urray, the distinguish ed English orator and novelist, la booked lor Newtown on March 2S. He ia every where accredited with being the most el oquent speaker on the lecture platform to-day. The committee in charge of the Newtown entertainment course have cored their greatest success of the fea son in rilling an open date with this tal ented and charming speaker. Mr Murray made his tirat appearance before a United States audience at Bos. ton and no public speaker has ever elic Ited more enthusiastic comments from the Boston press. The Boston Herald says: "Anything o spontaneous, so many-sided, so rich In moods and oratorical powers, has not been heard in Boston In many years. For bis running lire of wit, eloquence and Datho his delighted listeners gave him back a running ttre of laughter and ap plause." The Boston Globe says : "He was ro mantic, eloquent and passionate by turns. His speech flawed like a stream and his humor dubbled up spontaneous ly. He drew forth In rapid succession wit, humor, tragedy, sarcasm and story, whl.'h he spread before his audience in the most tempting style. He moved his audience to tears and laughter, thrilling them with his magnetic power." This Is sure to prove the richest treat of the season's course, and few would stay at home on the evening of March 28 If they were fully aware what, a reputa tion Mr Murray has as an orator, a ra conteur and an elocutionist. A CONCERT AT THE TOWN HALL The Tu"kegee jubilee singers are to give a concert at the Town hall, thi (Friday) evening, and an arfactive and enjoyable evening Is a'ured for all who attend. The Danbury News, in p pen king Of their recent appearance there, say: "The quartet sang without nccninpanl ment, explaining to Hev Mr Pierce that their fathers sang without either piano or organ, and they preferred to do the same. They tang the old time negro melodies, but not the songs that are usually sung by jubilee companies, and none of the songs they rendered, while they were distinctively negro songs, had ever been heard here before Their singing was excellent and highly pleaing to the ap preciative li-teners, rich in melody and correct in time and harmony, and they were heartily applauded " COatE FORWARD AND SHOW YOU J INTEREST. It Is thought by some that it is time to commence preparations for a summer en tertainment for the support, of our public library and avoid so much labor during the exTeine tot went he', and it is thought best that those ho will help carry forward this g""d woik meet at the Library room, Tue'day afternoon, March 12, at :i .'til, to talk over the matter and see m hat can be done, ltemember this Is the only wav the library can cx let, and do we wish to be without It? DEATH OF MRS C. H. SREPABD. The death of Mrs C II. Shepsrd oc curred In New liaven on Sunday, at the age of 60 years. She bad been in poor health for some years, but had been seri ously 111 for about a month. Mr and Mrs Sheoard moved to New Haven about a year ago from Sandy Hook. The re mains were brought to Newtown, Tues day, on th 10 47 a. m. train from New Haven, kev Mr Gilbert conducted the service at the grave. The Men's Literary and S cial Club of Newtown Street had a full turnout, at Us meeting at Dick's hotel, Tuesday evening, F S. Andrews and Arthur S. Hawley being the hosts of the evening. The esaylc was R. H. Beers, his f uo Hct ' Our great strikes," which was f al lowed by an animated dlcusslon. The Annual meeting will come in April It has been decided to have a ladles' nifeht In May, and a committee of three has ben appointed to arrange a program lot the occasion. Robert Dutcber has tuflklontly recov ered to resume hi place at the desk, this week. An attack of grip, contracted while on a visit with hi' parents at Meri den, has handled him roughly, like many others during the past few weeks. Buy crushed oyster shells to make yoor hpns lay ; only $1 for 100 pound bag, at E. F. Hawley's. The New York E it conference com mences Its next annual session In Stam ford, April 3, Bishop Warren presiding. There are about 300 ministers who as semble at this conference and there are 34 conferences of the Methodist Episco pal church In the United States. We were surprised to learn of the loss of the Method Nt parsonage by lire, last week In Est Village. The sympathy ol the friends In Sandy Hook Is extended to them Id their trial and loss. The friends of J. H. Warner are pleas ed to know that he is able to be back at his accustomed place of business, once more. Austin Warner from Vicksburg, Miss., Is expf cted In town on Saturday of this week, and during his stay he will be the guest of his brother, J. II. Warner, at Sandy Hook. Lawyer W. II. O'Hara from Bridge pore passed Sunday In town as a guest tt Taylor s notei at bandy liooK. Michael Carmody bas resigned hU po. sltlon with the Rubber ompanr, to ac cept a position elsewhere. L. P. Blssel' a large dealer In tobao co, was a guest at Taylor's hotel, during the latter p;trt of last wecR. Don't fall to read E. F. Hawley's ad vertlsemenr, this week, is you want to know where to buy the best styles in hats, caps and neckwear. A fw of those beautiful pictures left that E. F. Ilnwley is giving away on hi- $10 cash card, or soli at 60 cents each Edwrd Taylor ol Sandy-Hook has b.'en stllicted with a hard cold, this week, which has kept him in the bouse. The K'ckspoo Indian doctor's show and his remedies seem to have struck popular chord down at Costcllo's ht.l at the Hook, for good audiences are present every night and quite a deal of the rem edies are carried away. SUBJECT OF MR MURRAY'S LECTURE- i The subject lor David Christie Mur - ray's lecture, In Newtown on March 28, has been selected by Major Pond, and will he "A Novelist's Note-Book." It is one of his most fruitful themes In deal - ing-with human nature. The Boston gam nis neaitn. Post says : "The hour and a half that he But now he is back la his office, vigor occupied to pour forth his rich flood of ous and hearty. He regards Dr David wit, philosophy, anecdote, Imitation and word painting, glided away as if by magic to the cultivated company present. Mr Murray has a most attractive pres- ence, a voice attuned to every phase ol the emotions, and a graphic and eloquent style ol speech that is most persuasive. 30DGINGT0WB AND VICINITY. Mrs L. Durant has been very sick with tne grip. W. H. Ferry has had the misfortune to loose three sheep by drowning. Mr and Mrs Andrews are visiting rriends in Danbury. Edward Lvon bas moved into the house belonging to O. C. Taylor In Dodging. town. Mrs J. P. Barnum is visiting friends in Stamiord and INew l ore. Leroy Barnum is threatened with fever. SHIL0H. Mrs II. W. Bradley is on the sick list. Mrs Munson Clark is caring for her daughter-in-law. "Nutritone," the new food lor cattle. horses, sheep, swine, etc., which A. B. Fancher ol Hawley ville is Introducing in this Reetton, is not a medicine but a nu trient tonic composed of the roots and herbs that nature provides. It is endors ed by nany ol the largest stock men and veterinarians in the country; two pound boxes 50 cent", five pound boxes $1. Mr and Mrs M. O. Gregory ol Bridge port have been spending the past two weeks with Mr and Mrs A. is Fancher ol Hawleyville. Mr Gregory returned to the city, Tuesday, leaving his wife, who will stay a while longer. Mrs Thomas Leavy has a brood of young chickens. Miss Maggie Colgan ol Bridgeport has been a guest ol Mrs Lang. Edward Egan had a visit from his nephew, Eddie O'Brien ol Bridgeport, recently. John Leavy, son ol Maurice Leavy, was on the sick list, last week. Dr Richard son attended him. Mis Annie Garrity is in Bridgeport, this week, at her nephew's, Dr James Gordon's. Miss Florence Warner, who has been passing two weeks at home on account of a case of scarlet fever which broke out in St Margaret's school at Waterbury, expects to return to the school on Mon day. Edward Piatt of Bridgeport will occu py the Lemuel Camp place, where Ho bart Hawley now resides. L. G. Norton is shortly to remove to New Haven. Mrs E. L. Johnson returned, last week, from a sojourn of five or six weeks at Stock budge. Mrs C. A. Schermerhorn returned to Bristol, last Saturday. Dca Andrew Moore ol Taunton district U building an addition to his house. Martin Kelly is to change his residence from the batilurd place at the foot of the titieet to handy llmik. With his characteristic energy, Land lord Leonard is making improvements at his hotel, changing aud improving the kitchen apartments. He has bad an of fice titled up for his insurance business. Hugh Lynch has engaged to work for E. M. Peck for the summer. While C. S. Curtis was drawing wood out of the swamp, one day last week, a trio of hounds passed near where ne was at work. They went a short distance and began barking. Mr Curtis left his work, went to see the cause or tne noise, and found a gray fox up In a tree. He tried various ways to gee the lox Irom his resting place. As a last resort he began to cut down tne tree, as tne tree began to bend the lox gave a leap to the ground, the dogs took chase, no one knows how far, but on their return home showed unmistakable signs ol having an encounter with some animal, being very tired and covered with blood. Henry Barnum has been cutting wood lor Miss Marcla Taylor, Hobart Fairchild with bis team drawing it to the door. Daolel Piatt is working lor Hobait Fairchild. Mrs A. B. Fancher and son, Willie, who have been having the grip, are im proving. Matthew Colgan is visiting his niece, Mrs T. A. McGrowen cl Watertown. Miss Mary Blake ol Danbury is home on a visit. Mrs Henry Lang is sick with a cold. Father Fox is spending a lew days at Burlington, Vt., this week. A new store and a clean new stock is what they have at the Cole & Ellis Co's, new store at 390 Main street, Bridgeport. Thev have an immense stock to choose from and pay special attention to out of town trade. If you anticipate painting this spring don't fall to consult tnem re rardine their . readv mixed paints Samples of papers cheerfully sent by mail on application. DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve cured J. G. Gorrell ol the worst case ol eczema ever known in the state ol Indiana. It cures scalds, burns, indolent sores and never fails to cure piles. E. F. Hawley, Newtown, S. C. Bull, Handy Hook; A. B. Blakeman, Botsford. Mealine soap cn es chapped hacd?. A small audience was present at the To vn hall. Tuesday evening, at the lec ture given by Miss Yates, who appeared under the ausolces or r nntatucK urange Miss Yafs has been heard in Newtown before and handled her subject, "As it wa," In a bright and Interesting manner Don't neglect that cough, it leads to consumption. One Minute Cough Cure possesses a double virtue. It cures and cuies quickly. E. F- Hawlev,Ne,wtown ; S. C. Bull, 8-tndy Hook; A. B. Blake man, Botsford. W. B. Banker and family left, Satur day, to attend thd golden wedding of his father at Crawford, N. J., on Monday Mr Banker returned Wednesday. Mrs Banker and children remain for a longer stay with her mother a Nyack, N. Y. Gardner Stockel, of the Grand Central, has his hot beds nicely started, and ex- NEW Y0EK CITY MERCHANT. HOW HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. FROM THE NEW YORK CITY CATHOLIC NEWS. No one would think to look at Richard , B. Brown, a commission merchant, of ' No. 300 Washington streer, New York ity, tnat lor six weeKs ne naa sunjrea ' in agonv in his bed and tbat pnyslcians , had said it was impossible lor him to re- Kennedy's Favorite Remedy as the savior of his life. Mr Brown's story is ' remarkable. uFor 8everal year?," said Mr Brown to a reporter the other day, "I suffered from inflammation and ulceration ol the bladder, a most stubborn disease. My family physician was unable to relieve me. At the advice ol Iriends I consumed specialists, and they all failed to do me any good. All this time I was growing worse, and at last I was compelled to take to my bed. "My mother-in-law had heard ol Dr Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, and she asked me to give it a trial. I had been confined to my bed lor five weeks and I admit that I didn't think there was much chance ol getting out ol it. Well, I tried Favorite Remedy. There seemed to be a change that surprised me. In a week I was able to get out ol bed and go around the house, and in a short time I recov ered completely. To-day I'm as well as ever and what's better yet I leel that I am permanently cured. I can work six teen hours a dav now, and not be broken up a bit. To Dr Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is all the credit due." Favorite Remedy ranks, with the med ical prolession, as the most perfect of all blood and nerve medicines. It restores the liver to a healthy condition, and cures the worst cases of constipation. It is a certain cure for all diseases pecu liar to lemales, and affords great pro tection from attacks that originates in change ol life. It cures scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, dyspepsia, all kid ney, bladder and urinary diseases, grav el, diabetes ard tsright's disease. In this last disease it has cured where all else failed. Any druggist can sup ply it. pects to have a better garden even than ne had last year. A gentleman ol this county who has excellent judgement, remarked to us the other day that he knew ol no pill so good for constipation, dyspepsia and liver complaint a De Witt's Little Early Ris ers. Edgar F. Hawley, Newtown ; S. C. Bull, Study Hook: A. B. Blakeman, Botsford. The Tuesday evening meeting at the Congregational church, next week, will be conducted by M. C. Rodgers. Mrs E. H. Mitchell is spending a few days with friends in the Purchase. It is not often that any one branch of business becomes as popular outside of its own city as Brennan's restaurant, 26 and 28 Cannon street, Bridgeport. New town residents are much pleased at the attention and service given them at this well known establishment. Mealine soap removes roughness of the skin. Headache is the direct result of indiges tion and stomach disorders. Remedy these by using De Witt's Little Early Ris ers, and vour headache disappears. The Favorite little pills everywhere. E. F. Hawley, JNewtown; . j. Hull, Handy Hook; A. B. Blakeman, Botsford. W hen in Danbury I get dinner at the Pratt House, 20 Elm street. Why? Be cause they conduct a first-class restau rant, nice and clean. In these days of telephone, telegraph. electricity and steam, people cannot af ford to wait days or as many hours for relief. Ihis is our reason for onering One Minute Cough cure. Neither days, nor hours, nor even minutes elapse before relief is afforded. Edgar F. Hawley, Newtown; S. C. Bull, Sandy Hook; A. B. Blakeman, Botsford. Litchfield County News. R0XBUSY. THE PAINTER HILL DISTRICT. Mi-s Hattie Leavenworth closed a suc cessful school term in Bethlehem Center, ast week. Edward Tracy has a nw horse, pur- Chased of Wateroury parties. Keuben JSdwards has delivered 7UO bushels of potatoes to parties in Ansonia and there's more to follow. Mrs C. R. Leavenworth and niece were in Middlebury, Ft , "ay. V . a. Leavenwon, s beat man, James Kelly, says he is mat ng over three cans tit milk daily and it is pronounced the best in quality ol any delivered at the Station. One ol the oldest men in this section is Seymour Patterson, who celebrated his dlst birthday on January 14. Mr Patter son enjoys very comfortable health, this winter and is able to take short waits out of doors on pleasant days. He lives with bis son, Abijah Li. Patterson. Mr and Mrs David Piatt from Marble- dale spent last week Tuesday in town as guests ol Mr and Mrs James Wheaton. Charles Peck, who has been caring lor the creamery here, has gone to Danbury to live, where he. has purchased the Canaan creamery. His many friends wish him much success in the new ven ture. Mr Lee has been fortunate in se curing Peter A. Agnew to take his place at the creamery here. W. F. Trowbridge has recently pur chased a pair ol three-year-old Herlord steers Irom JN. I . tfeardsiey. iney are very handsome creatures and he also bas a pair purchased at the same place, last rail, that are equally as good. Ab!jah L. Patterson recently purchas ed a fine pair ol three-year-old lull blooded Devon steers ol John Wells ol Northville. The steers were lormerly calves belonging to Mr Patterson, which he sold. Miss Nellie Ford and Miss Florence Piatt have been passing a week as the guests or Mrs Camp at the Center. W. A. Sanford ol magic purse lame has been kept very busy this winter making the purses and has had a larger trade than usual, during the winter sea son. Another bright little novelty he has brought out is a small match case made ol leather and so arranged that in withdrawing a match Irom the case it strikes fire.. It is a neat and ingenious little affair and no mistake. Edward Peters has suffered a shock ol paralysis. '-- - .--....-..-.. Mrs Ambrose H. Wilsey returned home on Monday, having been lor two weeks with the family ol Frank IS. Jud son in Woodbury. W. B. Mansfield is not the owner ol the goose that laid the golden egg but he has got a goose that has broken all previous records in laying large eggs. One ol her recent efforts measured in length five and onejfourth Inches and in circumferance was 12 inches the long way ol the egg and nine inches in circum ferance around the center of the egg. It weighed three fourths ol a pound. This Is not a fish story but an egg story and it's true, lor the scribe saw and measured the egg. LANESVILLE- Harry Warner, who has been sick, has recovered. A number about hers are sick with colds and grip. Mrs Darius Bristol ol Marbledale, with Friday, March 8, 1895, The Howland. Gow. Stark Company, Bridgeport, Conn, New silks and dress goods are comine every day now, This process will go on till uuying lime is uvu agam. Nobody ' knows when is the best time to see. Now is the time to see what we have chosen to begin with. Taffetas in Changeable Colors, In Stripes, Chene, -Pointllle, ' and Flowered Effects. Gros de Londres Tafleta Plisse Damascene Novelties . Brocaded Taftetas Printed Indlas &o. Creponslnnew cr ink lings, Crepons ol the goat's-hair variety, . Light-weight Woolens, Modest Tailor Suitings, Closely Twilled Woolens, Tweeds and Cheviots, ol course, Plain Weaves, of course. In sending for samples state about the price you wish to pay, for what purpose goods are to be used, and about the colors desired, ; ... Sheridan's Memoirs in ? volumes of 500 pages each; and our price for the two one dollar. This is the same work that was sold so largely by subscription at 7; same paper, same print, same bind ing. Less than 500 sets to sell at this price, and no more to be got. Have you been through the Midway lately? Someone has christened the place between the front and rear basement the Midway. Many new and beautiful things are there. cat glass in latest designs lamps and clocks silverware and carving sets Wedgewood and other wares Japanese porcelain, &c. Fifty Japanese some of them gold ered, in the Midway thirds prices. $5.00, regular $S 60 screens two- 4.00, regular price 8 00, regular price 2.50, regular price 2.25, regular price 1.25, regular price 6.50 4.50 4. 4. 3. Bicycles are close by, the wav, we have sold By more bicycles so far than our very But best guess beforehand. it s to easy sell (olumbias and Hartfords always was easy. The Howland, Gow, Stark Main and (n'rvifr'Mt Agents tor Cannon K,Ompany, Butterick's streets. Patterns. Bridgeport, Conn. her three children, have been guests ol Mrs H. A. Cantleld. Mrs Jane Eddy, who bas been in New Milford lor a lew days, has returned to Mrs Fred Warner's. Mr and Mrs Charles Kellogg ol Bridge port have visited their parents, Mr and Mrs O. L. Hamlin on Pumpkin Hill. Mrs Zelos Shove has been guest ol 1 e son's lamily, Mr and Mrs Frank Shove. In New Haven County. south: beitain. Miss Ambler bas a friend with her for a lew days' sojourn. Mrs Jane Jfi.. Piatt Das sorar recoverea from her recent illness as to be visiting With her children in the village. fialph Pierce drives a new horse. Burton H. Canfield was home over Sunday. - ' ' Live Farm Topics . GIVE THE COWS MORE FOOD. A man would be considered crazy if he required power from an engine which needed 40 pounds of steam to furnish it and he supplied only enough coal to get 35 pounds pressure on the boiler. He could use tons and tons ol coal during the winteV it he shoveled in only enough to keep the pressure at 35 pounds, and he would have nothing but ashes and a worn out boiler to show for his time and coal. Now substitute the word cows lor boiler and leed lor coal and see how it reads, it would be something like this: A man has a cow which needs . fifteen pounds ol lood per day to keep her alive, and lor every pound above that she would give three pounds ol milk. If he gives her only 15 pounds a day he could keep her all winter and in the spring a heap ol manure is all there is lor bis leed and work, while il' he should leed her 20 pounds or more a day be would get enousrh milk to Dav lor the feed ard a profit besides. There are thousands and thousands of dairymen who are working upon the plan ol the man with the engine. They give their cows only enough leed to keep them alive, or if they do give them any more it is not enough to get the most out ol them. Not more than one-tenth ol the cows in this country produce as much as tbey are capable of doing or give as much profit as they might,- and it is only because of the lack ol a little more feed. Four cows will eat what five ordinarily get and give as much or more milk than the five did for this fourth extra of leed. Here Is a sav ing ol one cow and the work necessary to care lor her. As a rule dairymen would find it more profitable to leed their cows 25 per cent, more or to de crease the size ol their herd 20 per cent and feed the same amount of lood to the balance. Practical Dairyman. " KEEP THK COWS WARM. The body temperature of ..a cow is about 98 degrees and this degree of heat must be maintained at all times by the simple process ol combustion of the food eaten. II the surrounding air is cold it takes more lood to keep the heat ol the body at .98 degrees and conversely il the air is warm it takes lees food to keep up I. i mU HATS! HATS! In speaking aout Hats we wish to say that the best factories In the country are unequaled, direct from the manufacturers. Our new line blocks and are the correct shapes of Youman, Dunlap, Miller, Sherman and Harrington styles, in black, brown and London brown. We are determined to keep up the standard qnality of the different lines, and yon are guaranteed the best hats in the market tor $1.25, $1.45, $1.90, $2.40, $2.90 AND $3.50 Any bat that proves unsatisfactory we will amine our $2 40 hats you will find them the equal of any $3 hat in the city, and are aa wel 1 trimmed as the best. To give our patrons the CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS AND HATS has been in the past our highest aim, and the ly attests the success we have met, and confidence reposed in us by the army ol customers we serve. We still continue with the same ways ahead. . SUITS AND OVERCOATS FOR SPRING now on our counters and are ready for sale. Fancy and Negligee Shirts, laundered, at 50c, 75c, $1 and $1 25- Oar special sale of heavy Suits, Overcoat and Ulsters continues while the stock lasts- A few Pants left at $2 and $3 50. A few 33, 34 and 35 breast measure $20 and $25 lines- We put them all in JOHN F. KEANE 39 Main Street, corner John street, SANDERSON'S SPECIAX TAKE THE CROP PRODUCERS. Formula A, for Potatoes, Corn Formula 8, for Tobacco. Formula C, (Superphosphate). Formula E, Top Dressing and Send for circulars and full dollars for all farmers to give tnese goods careful investigation Address 114 CHURCH ST., the animal heat. Now the first use that is made of the food eaten is to maintain the animal heat and to sustain and re-1 place the wastes of the system ; the sur plus oyer and above this is used for the production of milk, the growth of bone aod muscle, the laying on of fat or the production of wool as the case may be with our different animals. If an ani mal's function is to give milk she cannot give an abundant supply unless she has a good surplus of food over that needed to sustain ber body, and the more food you give her up to her capacity to digest and assimilate, the more milk she will give. It is much cheaper to make the stable warm by the use of to irds and pi per and so help to keep the cows warm in this way than to give the cows an ex tra amount of food. Boards and paper cost less than hay and grain and when once put up they are there for years, while the extra hay and grain must be given three times a day. Practical Dairyman, It paysto feed for eggs. So impor tant is this great industry that the Bradley Fertilizer Co., of Boston, Mass., with its unrivalled facilities, its ample capital, its splendid reputation, founded on two generations of honorable dealing, has produced 'B adley's Superior Meat- Meal' as a poultry food. Whatever the Bradley Company undertakes to do is done thoroughly and welL This well- known, poultry food is composed of beef, blood, anobones, carefully select ed and scientifically prepared. Every poultry keeper should test its merits. We advise each one of our readers to write at once for a pamphlet, entitled 'Feeding for eggs,' by A. F. Hunter, the great authority on ; poultry matters. This pamphlet contains information in valuable to poultry raisers. More than 50 bills have been referred to the committee on temperance of the Connecticut General Assembly. Nearly all of these are intended to be restrictive of the liquor trafne. There la to De a public hearing on their general features in the Hail of Representatives, Wednes day, March 13, at 2 p. m. A call has been Issued urging tne attenaance ui friends of sobriety from all parts of the state, signed by Rev Dr James, Hon C. E. Gross, Bishop Tierney, Judge Ship man, Kev J. H. Twichell of Hartford, President Raymond and Prof Rice of Wesleyan University and others. Able speakers have been secured, and it is in tended to make this a field day for tem perance. ' - ' WTien Bacy was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria 1YTAKELEE PLOWS Manufactured at Box W burv. Conn If von want a new plo this year bay the old reliable Bronson, strona and durable, warranted to work in stony land or clay soil, ah plows ana parts uepi at lub lnarHnsr lm.rdwa.ra stores. We-make the best kind ot roat scrapers, light to handle and dai'aDie. we aiso man u.o n a&euij& ur 8outb bury plow and parts, same as was man ufactured at Southbury. All parts carefully fitted before leaving our shop. Old oast iron taken In exchange for plows and parts H & W BRONSON, Boxbnry, Conn. TjlOE SALlil Or trade, one new buggy In first A' class nrner. w 111 iraae ror cow or neiier. J. A. JAMES, Hawleyville, Conn. B SALE Or exchange tor larger farm. A house, barn end 15 acres of land near Step ney Depot. W. J.CANDEE, Stepney DepotCc. THIS CERTIFIES That I was relieved ot a tape worm 32 feet 4 Inches long including the bead, on this date by the use of The K ick apoo Indian Tap Worm Secret. 1 further certify thlfilsthe fltth and only successful at tempt w k iui wjriu nuu iiie ursb Liini ui this menicine. tai&neuj i:&kl jol. iv, Botsford Station, Conn. Witnesses (Signed) KUwai-u xayior, miunaci J. Lyncn. COMPANY. HATS! our fact ltles tor obtaining the production o t and we eliminate the extra oost by buying of Hats for spring comprises all the new exchange. If yon will give a little time and ex - best values in velum 3 ot business we transact very flattering objects In view and will say that we will be al. - were $3. $3.50, $5 and $6 suits have been left from $12, S15.S1S at $7 25. Ask to see them. & COMPANY, Bridgeport, Ct FORMULA FERTILIZERS LEAD AS and General Use. Grass, information. It will save many NEW HAVEN, CONN. CERES0TA ! As the days and the weeks and the years go by CEKESOTA FLOUR becomes more strongly and more fav orably established in the homes of the people of our town. Knowing the remarkably high grade of this flour when we introduced it on th market; knowing its perfect ly uniform qnality, its undoubted strength, its "holding out" capacity Knowing all these things we dia not anticipate the popularity and splendid sale that it commands io day- a sale that has comparatively out sold all other brands. Will you try CEKESOTA next time? We wouldn't ask you were we not sure that the foregoing is true. Please remember that CERESO- PA is sold only by R. H. BEERS & 00. I ISTRICT OF NEWTOWN, ss. Probate I r.nnrt. March 5. 1895. RHfjitM ot HANNAH TROY late Of Kewtown. In said district, deceased. The court ot probate tor the district ot New- from the date hereof tor the creditors of said nstAtn tn exhibit their claims tor settlement. Those who neglect to present their claims properly attesieu, witnin huiu uuie, nui w debarred a recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to maae liumeui ate payment to Edward Troy, administra tor. TMSTRICT OF NEWTOWN, 88. Probate U Court, March 5, 1895. , Estate ol DEMON and HARRIET NICHOLS, late of Newtown ,in Baid District, deceased. TIia A 4 ii I uti-u trtr havinflr exhibited his ad. ministration account with said Estate to this Court tor allowance, It is Ordered That the Uth day of March, A. r. 1K9R. at. a o'clock in the afternoon at the Probate Office In Newtown be, and the same Is. assigned for a hearing on ,ho .iinwaniiA nf aniii a.d ministration account. with said estate, and this Court directs the Administrator to cite all persons interested tho-ain tn onnfup At. time and place, by publishing this order in some newspaper hav ing a circulation In Bald District, a d by post ing a copy on uie puunu ik" -ir-of Newtown, where the deceased last dwelt. nlSTBICT or JtEDDING, ss Probate Court Estate ol KATE VAN DYKE PARKER, late ot Bedding, In said district, aeoeaseu. TTnrni tiiM ftnniii-.ntion tit Ira Jorolomen. ex ecutor.praylng that an instrument purporting to De tne last win anu ieuiuieufc ui w ceased and the codical thereto may be proved approved and aamitwa io rroDaie as per ap plication on file more fully appears, it Is nnntcRRn That, said annlication be heard and determined at the Probate Office In said Redding on the ih day ol Mar, 1895, at 2 o'clock in the alternoon, and the court di rects that notice be given ol the pendency of said application, and the time and place of hearing thereon, by publishing the same one time In some newspaper having a circulation in said district, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign post In the EDWARD P. SHAW, Judge. PUiloUABX IO an uruer uvui ,no wc. Court, I wiU sell at publ'o auction on the I .-fin nay o m.wu icsw. i a y- . -. jti - ta-A no a All tho n.Bl estate belonging to the estate ot Avis Nasb, situated in Gray's Plain school district. 1ST ANTE l Ail to know that I am selling out iewelrv. (clocks, silverware, etc.. at a dis count ot from 10 to -26 per cent, previous to re I . K nix BtvoAf It- fu ill nan ttii trt ill vestigate- JOHN H. KEID, 118 Fairfield avenue, Bridgeport, uonn. & ti a nn Mrs .T. jr. ftahermerhorn wishes to A return thanks to her friends for their blnllllABI ud mrmnathv extended to her our lng the Illness and death ot her beloved bus- Dana. MWVU H IK. THE D. M. BEAD COMPANY. BRIDGEPORT, mnnMmmmnnnmww SPEING OF 1895. A MIDSUMMER DREAM IN MAECH. The first glimpse of Spring and Summer Silks which has burst noon von is a vision of loveliness A. price-wonder the very first thing. Spring Kai Eai and Habutai silks, warranted to wash and to wear, Checks and Stripes at 37 1-2 and 50c Spring Printed India Silks. Cheney Bros- Famous Lines. 75 Btvles at 49c. 69c and 85c. Printed Satin Stripe India Silks, 24 inches wide at 85c- Cheney's Printed Brocades, 24 inches wide at $1. Spring Taffeta Silks, stripes, checks, chene effects and basket plaids. Newest designs at 75c, $1, 1.15 and $1 25. French Crepons the beauty of the weaves. Sea-Foam Crepons, Trianon crepons. Souffle crepons. Eock wool crepons. Dimpled crepons, Crepe crepons, at 75c, Special Sale of Tumblers and Glasses. Lock at the price. 2 cents each- JBay your tumblers here and buy them sow Just received another lot of Stamp plates THE D. M. BEAD COMPANY, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. &sli Buyers ! For a good farm ot from 30 to 40 acres with will do well to call or write. R.eal Estate, 3EC.oia.ts and ZioauS 8 Sanford Building, WAGONS. CARRIAGES. Come and see the Wagons and Bnegies we have on hand. Popular prices anu quick sales. Sow is the time to buy. D- Q. BEERS & CO., Newtown, Conn- PLANTS FOR SALE Strawberry plants, all the o d and new varieties. Raspberry plants all the best kinds. Blackberry plants all the good kinds ana Eldorxda new. He sure ana get my price ust oeiore oraennit Plnnts shipped the same day as dug EDUAU BUTTERY, Lock rox 126, Korwalk, Fairfield county. Conn. FARM HOftSES, CHEAP ! Readers ot The Bee will find on sale at COOK'S PARK CITY STABLES, Kossuth St., Bridgeport, Ct- A number of horses, snltable for farm or road use which must be sold at once. 3No reasonable otter refused. Square dealing. Money refunded. . FARMERS, ATTENTION! WE HAVE FOE SALE A HALF DOZEN COWS, DUE THIS MONTH GKANNISS & H0SF0KD, NEW PRESTON, CT. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED. Swiss watch maker located one mile north of Bouford Depot. All kinds of watches and clocks repaired in the Dent manner possible. Charges moderate. HENRI BuURQUENEZ, SEED POTATOES Grown from the celebra ted Aroostook ConnU's seed an-i warrant ed true to name. Enrly Harvest, the earliest grown.and New Queen n t far behind. Write lor prices, jliwii a. ojixlci, w tivnuwui. FIR SALE Good, young, sound driving horse; will exchange for cow. JOE BUZ ZER, Botstord, Ct. FOR SAle 8lx tons of hav in barn on Broad view Farm, Botslord Hill. HESRi BOCK- QU1NEZ, Botstord. TX)R SALE CHEAP Two mows ot hav in X Darn on BoUlord Hill. G. F. BUNCOMBE, Newtown. WHITE CHESHIRE BOAR For service; a first clas young beast C. B. JOHNSON, South Center District, Newtown, Conn. FIR SALE Seed potatoes. Ear'y Norther, the Minister and Early Rose; raised irom pure seed from Maine, last year. W. M. REY NOLDS. Newtown, Ct. ANTKD A good sow due to furrow in March, state price. Address HOMER K. CLARKE, Monroe, Ct. PIGS FOR SaLE Several brood sows due to farrow In March, April and May; lso sev eral shoaU. JAMES A. RE ID, 66 Beaver St. Bethel, Ct. FOR SALE At Berkshire, one and a halt miles from Sandy Hook, the place lately owned by James Leavy, comprising three acres of land with house and barn. Will be sold at a bargain and on easy terms. For further particulars, inquire at NEWTOWN SAVINGS BANK. NOTICE I will be at Leonard's hotel yards on Friday and Saturday, March 8 and 9, and oiler for sale a car load of extra good working oxen and good young cows. WAL TER S. HINE, Derby, Conn. TURKEY'S FOR, SALE Also one Chester White Shoat S M. BK1NSMADE, Danial's Farm, Trumbull, Conn -- TO RENT Farm, mill and cider mill, with stock and tools it desired, and one half of the bouse. Situated one half mile from Haw levvllle Depot. Enquire oh the premises, MRS R. S BLACKM AN, Hawleyville, Conn. Everybody can afford to boy canned goods they are so cbeap and nice, too; go to . F. Hawley's and get his prices. Morse Sarsaparllla, extract vanilla and lemon are. the pnrest goods made, at E. F. Hawley's. , R SAI E One patrol steers, coming five. good workers. E. L.Goodaell.Newtown.Ct, TORRENT FOR TPS SUMMER My house A. lurnisnea; on mi riensani one nan mile west of Newtown street, with barn, garden and small fruits In abundance. Finest sum mer location in town. Large veranda. Ex- tensive views, fine shade trees, etc Address till April 1. D. C. PECK, Lake Placid, N. V., or C. G. PECK, Newtown, Conn. TIOR SALE Young new milch cows. J: THORPE, Stepney, Ct M.H, IX) ft A LB A litter of Ch sotrw white pivs. 1 TURNAY NO&THROIY 1-aleaUae, how town, Ct. . - COM. mi SI. SI 25. 1.35 up to 2.75 yard. at 10c each- good bulldldgs ; anyone having such property Bridgeport, Conn. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Dr Todd will be at mv stables every Wednesday to clip horses. Charges f lJ per horse. C E. HAW. LEV, Sandy Hook, Conn. FOR SALE Good house and barns with 43 acres of pasture, meadow and wood land. Situated one mile from Easton Center and nine miles trora Bridgeport. Will be sold on reasonable terms or exchange lor city pro pert?. Write M RS N. B PATTISON, Sbelton, Ct.. or call on GEORGE GUERNSEY, Easton, Conn. FOR SALE A farm ot ISO acres with good double house, out buildings and a m Ul with water power. Price low and little money required. Possession given any time. Also a farm of 30 acres, with good buildings and plenty of fruit. Both farms near Stepney Depot. InquireotA PURDY. Stepney, Conn. BEING FULLY EQUIPPED With a 40-borsa power portable engine, we are now pre pared to take contracts for Sawing Ties and Timber in the woods. Money cnnol buy a better uutnt. BEARD BROTHERS, Shalton, Conn. ' VTOTICE 1 will be at the Bnck onilding, on il Saturday, September 15, and every Satur day thereafter till turther notice, to receive taxes, hours Itoipm. ROBERT A. CLARK. Collector, Newtown, Conn. BARBER SHOP Sear the residence ot Tneodore Branson. Ladies' and chil dn'a hair cutting a specialty. A. A. SMITH, Watertown, Conn. AY FOR SALE Apply CO CHARLES HAW- LKt, sanay uoot,uni. HAT FOR SALE Can be seen at bam at C. C.Warner place. J.H. WARNER, Sandy Hook. FOR SALE Good honse and three barns, with 88 acres ot eood pasture. mesdow and woodland, situated in Bridgewater, Ct . about two miles north ot Soutoviile. Will sell cheap t" close an estate, tan inquire ot i. A. Mini, ootn rsniHi", bmni. w GEORGE MINOR. H P. Dowmes, txecutor. 141 Dwight St New Haven, CU F)R SALE A tew young fresh cows and forward springers; also a good pair ot larrn horses, good workers and drivers, r . a. FftliBIE, Brook field Center, Ct. TO RENT Good large bouse, barn and 15 acres ot land In Roxnury Center. Inquire ot Dr PONS, Boxbury, CU F)R SALE 87 good sheep. Inquire of or ad dress, MORTIMERHCBBELUWhOe Hills, Conn. P. O. address Derby, Conn. FOB SALE the MORGAN HOMESTEAD, Main St., Newtown. CU For particulars address K. E. MORGAN. Bridgeport, CU, or C. H. PECK, Newtown. Ct OTICE Renairs lor the Crown Ra-ge, lor IM sale at C. K. OSBOR KS, Sooth bury, Ct. NOTICE All claims In favor ot the late George W. Botslord remaining nnsettled after A pi 11 1. Ix9 will be put in an Attorney's hands for collection. A. B BLAKEMAN, ad ministrator. A DOMESTIC Sewing machine (draw, all attaebments complete, not bntl tUensed, in first class condition tor sale low by C. E. OSBORNE. Stepney. pORBALR t Five young cowa due to call in March or April. 3Furs and skins bought at the market price. J. B.STILLSON, New Preatoa, Conn. XR SALE Broadview Farm, one mile r north oi Botsford depoU 90 acres excellent land, deep soil, suitable tor vegetables, Irult, etc., or dairy. Smooth meadows, lour acres in rye, clover field; extensive orcbanls. Grand building site lor gentleman's residence or sum me- hotel; view unsurpassed, fine room dwelling boase, a smai'er nonse wit& tenant in, two large barns, out buildings, stream .springs, four wells (JOHN II. CHAl TEMS, BoUlord. Conn. FARM FOR SALE Containing loo acres, sit uated in the west parto! the town oi Trum bull, 1 St miles from Long Hill depot on Berk shire Division of New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad, 1 mile from postoftlee, 8 miles from the city of Bridgeport, near school and church, suitably divided into meadow and pasture, well watered, large two-lory house, two barns with abed containing SS stalls, one ball box, other necessary buildings. The farm bas been naed tor years for doard ing gentlemen'slrivtng horses, summer and w inter Would make agf oil milk farm. A d. dress J. HOBART MALLETT. Long hill. CU FtB SALS Seed potatoes, second alse, at SO cents per busbul, grown Horn Vermont weed, vie., Kampdu Esaty. arty sra Cleveiao i. t na. "a" T f '., r"-s4 . " a., i St. i t-