Newspaper Page Text
We are offering very low prices on all our Watches from 10 to 20 per cent low er than they hare ever been before. lUDEiyjRYANT & CO., ... 0b Int-Claas Repairing at Reasonable Prices. 239 MAIN STREET, , DANBUBY, CONN. rm We guarantee our goods to be of the quality represented and our prices low est to be found anywhere. EIDEE, BRYANT il CO.. - Sellable Jewelers, 9 MAIN STREET, D ANBURY, C3NN. II EWT VOLUME XVIII. NEWTOWN, CONN., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1895. EIGHT PA6E8. NUMBER 44 N Bee. : Leder ' - xm E OH THE WATERBURY FURNITUREC 0., Your railroad fare is a very small matter for this concern to talk about. If we can't save you more than that we are not the house we, think we are. The Largest Furniture House in Western Connecticut with its 40,000 square promises nor extravagant statements. Whether you buy of us or some one else, is not the question. The question for you to settle is, "Where can we see the largest the lowest prices." Wo answer that the House that handles the largest quantity of goods can buy straight from the manufacturers and give you the benefit of the jobbers' profit and that means the THE LIBERAL HOUSE-FURNISHERS. 135 to 169 Main St.oppoaite Spring St . JOHN MORIARTY & CO.,Proprietors. 1865-1895. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! Now is the busy season in our Millinery Department and we are showing a grand assortment of Ladies' Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Children's Rob Roy Caps and Tarn O'Shanters together with every other article that can be found in a first-class Millinery establishment. Remember, we are the only strictly one price millinery establishment in Dan bury, a motto that ensures to custom ers the best goods at the very lowest price. X. 3D. DPX-l-TT"3r 5c ZBZE30., 197 Main St. Danbury NOW IS THE TIME! To have your Heaters cleaned and repaired for we little know how soon that fellow at Washing ton will reverse his wheel and turn on to us a "step-mother's breath that wil chill us to the bone." Ton will remember last week he slipped a cog or two and loosened the cork on that sero weather that he has had bottled up all summer- We men tion this in confidence not that we think we are more capable than others, but somehow all men in our Use of business are very sensitive to the least chill es pecially at this season of the year when stoves Tor Ileating ana uooKing purposes, as we now are we nave a great variety this year. $45, not $69, buys our best Steel Range $25 will buy a No. 9JCooking stove with long reservoir, oven 22in, fire box 27in. We have other bargains but our purse will not allow us to monopolize more of THE BEE'S advertising space, so, like the old clock we run down and stop as we hope you wtu at E. J. HALL'S, &ANDY HOOK, LEVY BEGTHERS' Groat Ton Dollar Sale. We place on sale this week a choice assortment of Suits, Ov ercoats and Ulsters, all new and seasonable garments at the uni form price of TEN DOLLARS! w JJy away Suits fitting at $12, 12.50 $10. We want these values Reliable Clothiers, feet of floor space, was line to select frcm, the best quality of goods and Are Soiling the New "Boss" Washing Machines.New "Easy" Wringera.New Cycle Wagons, Scrapers, Bird Cages, Ladders, Grass Seeds, Sherwin-Williams Paint, John's Paint, Masury's Railroad Colors, Atlantic and Jewett Lead. they are receiving their fall stock of CONN Here they are: $12, $13.60 Black Cheviot, Thibet.C lay Diagonal and Cassimere Suits in single and double breasted Sack and Cut at $10, $12, 12.S0 and $13, Ker sy, Melton and Beaver Overcoat, all new and stylish garments, well trimmed and perfect $10.00. and 13.50 Black Chinchilla, Frieze Heavy Melton and Cheviot Ulsters, full length well lined and excellent fitting garments at you to see, examine and compare we offer. 211 Ilain St., Danbury not built up on false A. Q. Baker's Adv't. Our additional show rooms are neartng completion ami newgoodntor Fall Stock are beginning to arrive, we nave Just unloaded a large car containing 3 complete bed room suited. 1H chltloniers and 16 Hide boards. Many other lots are on the way ar.d we want to out this one it possible before they ar rive We are Kolnv to make bed room suites a specialty tills tall. We do not mean by this that we are going to make the price of one style of cheap suits that everybody knows the value ot, a little less than cost as an en tictng "stool pigeon" or "sidewalk leader" You know we havn't any sidewalks In Haw ley vllte yet) and then sell all the rest at a bis commission. We shall sell all on a small conunlHHlon and (jive consistent and corres pondingly low prices on the best as well as the cheapest. We buy by the car load and ur location ami met noon ot Handling enaoies h to handle all heavy Koods on the smallest possible expense. Cars are unloaded direct ly into our warerooms, thus avoiding all ex pense and risk from cartage and rehandling both in receiving and shiDninir out Koods. Owning the land and buildings we have no rents to pay ami an expenses are cut down to the low water mark. We were pretty gener uy aim persistently accused 01 madness razy madness, when we located our furni ture business at Hawleyvillo, hut four years .1 Hteadtly increasing business has onlr tended to strengthen our loyalty to Hawley ville as a receiving and shipping point and we can to-day think of no other location that we would he willing to exchange tor except it be at the Junction ol the main link lines inside the "Golden (JaleB." Our new building will give us much better lacilities lor handling and showing furniture than before and travel ing men ami others who have opportunity tor comparison tell ns that onr show rooms are now unequalled in the state. They will all be Ailed to overflowing in a very short time and we shall be pleased to show you around. If you are In want ot any single ar ticle ot special design or size and cannot find It in your own town Just see it we havn't got it before you give up looking, and it you want any considerable amount ot furniture you certainly cannot afford to buy without look, ing us over, Kemember that we deliver free of all freight charges anywhere within 60 miles and guarantee sate delivery. Our busi ness has however during the past year been extending away beyond the 50 mile limit and we are shipping lots or lurnlture twice and three tlmvs that distance, not casual or acci dental buyers, but a sleadllv srrowinsr and le gitimate reaching out. The natural results ol one satisfied purchaser sending another. A. G. BAKER, Furniture Warerooms, Opposite union Depot, Hawley ville. Conn- WE DON'T MAKE BRAINS! We teach yon how to use yours. We fit you tor business. Third year opens Septembers. Bend us your boy. No entrance examinations. No Classes. No Vacations. Send for Circulars. STILLMAN COLLEGE, DANBUET, CONN. THE ALBANY DENTISTS, S88 MAIN STREET, 0pp. Cannon St., Bridgeport PAINLESS -DENTISTRY AT MODERATE PRICES. DR C. L. Q." NICHOLS, DENTIST, WESTPOItT Sturpea lilock. CONN. XTEWT0WN SAVINGS BAHS Newtown, n conn, incorporated lsro. ROP, Treasurer. HOUKS 9 a. m. to 8 p.m.; miiuunys. f mi if u. m. EDWARDS M.SMITH, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offioe and Rsiiioaet Hevtova Strut. Telepfcons Conaaetioa. D. P. ItlCUAItDSON, M. I PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OfEoe and Residenae. Sandy Hoot. OELEST A. BENEDICT, M. D., - . rhyeieian and Surgeon, S2 Bute St.. Bridgeport. Eleotrieltyoneofthe therapeati ageata. Of- ee noarerrom l" a. m. to l m. a to a p, at Paul U. Sunderland, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Newtown, Conn. OOlctln Morgan house, Newtown Street. DR JAMES W. GORDON, Physician and Surgeon, SAN0Y HOOK, CONN Residence at Mrs F. Callahan's house, op- the old mill, jieiepuunB uou 9. v uuu i arug Store. irrDDT.KSEX BANKING CO. Subscribed OL capital, iMO,0t)O. raid In, t(X,000. Issues 8 per cunt Debenture Bonds of til00,t,200, 2fl0 t.HM). fel.000 and tS.OOO. which are bv statu lawful Investments for Trust Funds In the state. 11. BANruKv, Agent, u juanop BIW lMtU.JIVil UUUMl Q,:CAUGHTtT;ON.l! The boy hag all lie can do to land the catch. catching by simply dropping In at our office AF KIT Vrif In. tn no fn. nni44nn1.u OT. I 11.1 a sell Attractive Dwellings In all parts ot a Poib 1 ' 1 1 . .( ....!..! .. . i i installments, or make some discount for the nfLVmnnt'. nf fin.. .V. tlx, ..1 . . .1 ..... 1 ' .. 8trilf a dnable.fjuiok pace to look at some ol wuauuiui UUU1CS 765 NORTH AVENUE, CORNER WOOD, BRIDGEPORT W. E. MAESH. rire and Burglar Proof; O A PP.Qf Kew and Second Haid aJ- la Sold on easy pavments. exchanged' and bought. A complete stock ot all the princi ple makes always on hand. New England agent tor the National Sale. WAREROOMS, 132 FAIRFIELD AVE. BUIDGEPOBT, CT. STEAL ! ! Yes. a steellroof that is better than shingles. It yon are In need ot a root, drop a postal to P. C- SANFORD, Hawleyvffle, Conn.,! and Jhe will show yon samples and give yon prices on the best kind ol a rool. J. W. JOHNSON, BRIDGEPORT, REAL ESTATE INSUEANCE, LOANS. (JUUCillJjlN UiiOS Bridgeport. DEALERS IN FINE GOLD WALL PAPEES, OIL TINTS, FRESCO BORDERS, DECORA TIONS. WINDOW SHADES, FIXTURES, ETC. A. W. Orgelman, cSs. Minnfaotmrtr tnd dealer In Uirnrif, 8ddU Bridles, Collars. Blankets, eto NEWTOWN'S CENTRAL MARKET, j. ii. blackmas, Proprietor. Native Beet. Newtown Street. DAVENPORT & O'HARA, Attorneys and Coun sellors at Law. State street Bridgeport.Conn. A GEATEFUL CHANGE In the temperature suggests thoughts of coming Fall and Winter, and with such a change one needs to look through their wardrobe for heavier clothing. We do not wish to burden you with a lot ol trash to read, we simply wish to announce that we are ready with a very large assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing, a choice selection of Men's and Boys' Suits, all grades. The largest line of Ulsters and Overcoats in the city. Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, Trunks, Bags, in fact everything found In a well regulated Clothing Store. Don't fail to ' call and see for yourself that the one place to buy Clothing Is at C. F. HAYILAND & GO.'S, HARTWELL'S OLD STORE. 199 TO THE PEOPLE OP NEWTOWN AND VICINITY. Should you bain need of a harness, Farm Wagon, Surrey, Phaeton, Trap Runabout Concord, Spindle, Bicycle or anythingtai wheels; any kind of Horse Clothing, Boots, Whips or Stable Fixtures of any kind- Before you buy go and examine the immense stock at PECK & 57 to 181 Middle St-, THE W. F. SWORDS Wholesale and MICHIGAN PINE LUMBER, Timber, Lath. Sash, Doors & Blinds, Carvings, Mouldings, Mantles & Hard Wood, Trim, etc North Carolina Yellow Pine Lumber a Soecialtv. - awKaTTMAras rnainsHjcD Pkomptt-t. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS FROST SHINGLES APOTHECARIES HALL. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC, PER SHjaieiiKjaa careiuuy compounded by license pnarmaoisis. rsesi gooua,iowet price. Special attention given to out-ol town trade. - MRS JENNIE M. CHURCH, Proprietress. 17 WALL ST-. City Bank Building. F. W. ItABSH, BRIDGEPORT SAFE DEPOSIT AND STORAGE VAULTS. Safe Deposit Boxes rented at reasonable rates. Private Rooms tor examining papers. Steel Vaults, Time Lock, Watchman. Marsh, Merwln & liemmon, 80 Main'St., Bridgeport, Conn. - BURR & KNAPP, 363 Main Street, - BONDS, STOCKS, MORTGAGES STEAMSHIP AND Paving 6, 5 1-2, 6, 7, 7 1-3 and 8 per oent. paid on same. Securities bought and sold on onuu' urana sua una Koaey umn stouihs Jameo Staples efts do., TtenoHlt received anbtect to check and INSURANCE Fire. Marine. Plate Glass, companies. REAL ESTATE Bought, sold or VAULTS Of the latest approved construction. Private rooms for customers oonneoed. therewith, Coupons and dividends collected. prepared to take the charge and care of estates JAMES STAPLES. 09 Stat St., Oer. Co art. EJoct Painless Process ! -AT 420 with W y.yil BRACKED CHINA, As we use the term, doesn't mean the troubles ol the Oriental King dom. , Japan and Russia may out It up to tuit themselves but it doesn't concern us. The cracked china we refer to is that on your tables and -' In your closets. It needs replacing with new. Pe-naps your attached ; to it for one rea eon or another. That's no excuse for using an in- complete set. D. E. ROGERS, Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery and Everything for Kitchen and Dining Room. 183 Mam St , Banbur y, Ctl WHEN IN DANBURY STOP AT- WESSELLS & CO. S Ladies' & Gents' Restaurant. THE BEST IN THE CITT. PRICES RIGHT. Oooosite Railroad Station, Haia Street GO T0- blackman's New Studio FOR PHOTOGRAPHS, If yon want the best. Special Inducements to out-of-town patrons 242 Main St.. J) ANBURY, CT- TAKE NOTICE Having re-opened the shop formerly occupied by 0 K. Griffin I am prepared to make boot and shoes to order, or do any kind of repair work in either leather or rubber goods ; also to repair harness- Satisfactory work guaranteed- FRANK RIVERS, NEWTOWN. Main St., Danbury. LINES' Bridgenort Conn. LUMBER COMPANY, Retail Dealers in - SIDING, SHINGLES, SPRUCE Bridgeport. Conn. OBAHOI MKRWIB, Banking and Brokerage, " Choice Investments, Mortgages on Bridgeport. Seal Estate. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Bankers and Brokers, " - -Bridgeport, Conn. ANB DEBENTURES. INSURANCE. KAILKUAD TICKETS Deposits received snbject to draft and Interest commission. Foreign bills of exchange. Ch ui ui pun ai Auapa. interest allowed On all balances ot a5floor more. and guarantee leading American and Enrlish exchanged on commission. SAFE DEPOSIT TRUSTEES OR ADMXNI and property generally. . ADMINISTRATORS W are P.L.HOLZER. STAPLBS. BEID8XP0ST. COn. THE Main St.. Brideenort. Tenth niinnnsRfnllv filled absolutely no naln : with Mold. 1 no. Sil ver Me up, Porcelain SOo np. Painless extracting with Gas, Killer or Hypodermic Injection, free, when plates are uraereu, xieauuiui set 01 teetn, m gnaranteea ana . .wimwi wiuv. UMUi Bit M luwwb pnwD. '. - -Gold Crowns to teeth made while yon wait at hall usual prices (these Crowns are warranted 12k Wl VA Us Vaa& NEW HAVEN. F. M.Brown. D.S. Gamble F. M. & GO. offer their Fall and Winter stock of best makes of Horse Blankets at from $1 tO $2 less a single Blanket than manu- factur- " ers sell by the dozen. To sell them at these low prices we had to buy hve thousand in stead of one and now we must sell them quick. Stable Blankets, with or with out circingle. Blankets for stable and street, made carefully of excellent material and stitched. Soublo Pure Mohair Plush and Cloth Lap Ropes these Robes flnlxhed with stitched edges, and are black on outside and green on the other, worn either side, price 4.00 Tartan Plaids. all wool and silk and woo1. an army of styles, all the new ef fects, 35 to 50 in. wide, from 25c to $1.50 yd- Free Farej 30 rrriiesfrom N.H.on pur chasesofSIOor ove r. A FANCY Wall Paper strikes the fancy with a delight ful toroe. Ton like it so well, vou want to see It on the wall. That's the place for fancy papers like ours, and you'll often find them too. There's a charm, a newness, a harmony and originality about our designs that catch the eye at once. It's the papers that strike 9 once. Jt's me parsers mat striae me eve it strike the wall. Our stock of Wall Paper is striking- both victoriously. Treat vour eves to an early inspection of our brilliant and va ried aispiay. . The Cole Ellis Co. ....... . ... . . t . 890 MAIN ST. .BBIDGEPOKT, CT. THE PLACE TO BUY! i Your Footwear is at Lockwood's, Fountain Place. Ladies' Shoes at 1, '! and S; Men's Shoes from 1 to ts; Boys', Men's and Chil dren's Shoes from 25o to $2. Just call at bis new Store and you will not tail to ouy KuDoer ot almost all kinds; and Repairing done while sou watt. A. B.L0CKW00D BETHEL, CONN. HOUSES, BUILDING LOTS and 7ABJE3, Sold or Exchanged' Special Bar- grains is Farms. , T. N. TABRIHGT0N & CO., Boom to- S, Winn Building. Bridgeport, Ct. T.H.IAEEIH3T0I B.F. POg. C. JE. 8PAULDING, ; IDEHT EST. Taafh .TiTuitMl and tilled without oain. Ar tificial teeth and crowns. IS years experience. Iiitm svery Moadav. Tuesday and wd assdav. svtr . H. Basra Co. Offioa noara from 8 a. m- to 9 p. m. Bridgeport, Thundayi rriday aad Saturday- FIBE INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE, INVESTMENTS. W Just now X have a sale 7 per cent Invest- ment for a limited amount. B. H. MATTOON, Pjthiaa Ball, TaUrtowa, Telephone. FIRE INSURANCE Old Bsliabls Compaaiss. Lswest Batsa. W. A. LEONARD Newtown, Conn FAIECHILD & MEAD, Saatral Iasoraas Aad Baal SstaU Agsata, 81 FAIBTSBLD ATZBUX. BBTDSEPOBT, COn Waraar Boildiag, Ksoa Sw CHAELES JONAS, MERCHANT TAILOR, Church St., Newtown Conn IS! - Just right tor farm work, Single or Doubl Light and Heavy, and everything cheap tor CASH. ' WILSON & W003TEB, S21 Water SV, EridjDort,Ct. BROWN Affairs About Town. HAPPEHIHOS AT THE C0HOEEGATIOIAL - CHUKCH. THE HARVEST HOME SERVICE. The CongregatlODalistg were favored with an ideal day for their annual har vest borne service on Sunday, and A large audience was the result. Every seat In the body of the house was taken, the galleries also being called Into use. The church was very simply but tastefully decorated with the fruits of the harvest. The service was a most harmonious and beautiful one. Interesting letters from the children who had raised the potatoes were read by Miss Susie Scudder. There were also recitations by Miss Mabel Tay lor, Miss Jessie Taylor, Harley Peck and Paul Wolcott. The choir rendered an appropriate opening anthem, and Miss Fannie Scudder sang a solo. Bev Mr Barker's address was In the form of an illustrated sermon for children, which in terested them deeply, and held the close attention of the elders as well. A brief address in opening was made by the su perintendent, A. P. Smith, who also pre sented to Master William L. McArtbur an Oxford Bible for raising the most po tatoes. A dozen or more barrels of po tatoes and apples will be sent to some worthy charity. REV MB JAMES SPEAKS ON TEMPERANCE- The church was again filled to over flowing in the. evening when Rev J. H. James, secretary of the Connecticut Tem perance Union, gave his illustrated lec ture on the "Factors in the Drink Prob lem." Mr James is a very interesting speaker -and closely held the attention of his audience through the entire lecture. The pictures thrown upon the canvass added force to his words and must have brought conviction to his hearers that al cohol is a dangerous plaything and alco holism the damnation of a very large per cent of the ruined lives. Kev Mr James is doing a noble work for the cause of temperance and is always heard with pleasure by the people here, as was attested by the exceeding flattering au dience that greeted him Sunday evening. OLD JIM, THE SOUTH BE IT All CREAMERY H0SSE. He was only a horse, old Jim, and a buckskin, ."the homeliest beast," so mother said when we talked of buying him, "the homeliest beast that ever liv ed, and probably as treacherous as home ly." He bad Zebra (striped) legs and a stripe down the back bone. But he had fine knee action and a good eye, and he came to live at Sunny Crest for better or for worse. The first thing he said when he got into his new stall was to the effect that if there was anything to eat he wanted it, and the demand never varied. I don't believe a horse can do the work of a span with a small ration or with a poor digestive capacity. I never believ ed it, and the .demand seemed rational and was acceded to. But the threat that accompanied it, the glaring eye and lift ed heel I did not like. He waa thin and seemed grateful for his oats, and by de grees sympathy, which the proverb says is akin to love, got the better of my fear. One morning as my hand touched the stable latch I was startled by a neigh so keen and shrill that it sent the blood tingling to my fingers. I began again to fear my new charge, and answered him soothingly as I put the grain in his man ger, watching meantime for the flash of that hind foot. But it did not come and the glare had left his eye ; neither ever showed itself again on any occasion. In stead there was the eager eye and alert ear and arched neck that I soon learned meant affection for me. Always after ward, whether in street or stable, coun try or city, he would speak up when he saw or heard me, compelling a kind word and pat in reply. When I went about him be often whinnied in an undertone to me, asking in a whisper if it were not nearly noon, or time for supper, or if I bad an apple about ready for him, and he always got what he wanted, the scamp 1 He was one ot those short-backed, clean-limbed quadrupeds with four good feet under him and knew how to start a load and bow to haul it any distance, and he never shirked whether single or double. When beside another horse he made it his rule to be the better of the two al ways, and no horse could step so high, haul so much, and do so much pretty stepping when the traces wefe slack. Women and children soon found Jim to be as kind and trusty as an ox and would take him anywhere. One trait waa his which would have preserved him sound until 40 years old he knew how to take care of himself, and on being stripped af ter a day of hard work in harness, he would lie down In his tracks and roll over three or four times. When he rose he always shook himself like a big dog, and then be would trot into the barn as fresh as if it were morning. But poor old Jim! He did not live to spoil his splendid rec ord. One day he returned, after hauling away a big load of butter, and ate his noon ration of oats. Little did I consider that could be, the last time I should feed him, or I would have lingered longer to stroke that glossy neck. The booming of heaven's artillery was beard beyond the western hill. Soon It came over and sped hi rattle and roar across the valley a mid-summer shower suddenly, upon us and soon past. But onward with the hurrying fleecy hosts went the soul of old Jim, if good horses have souls, as their eyes almost prove. . Jim fell in the battle that day, Juty 30, and never did a truer and more gallant charger meet fate.. As the flames con sumed what remained of my pride I ask ed myself whether on that last drive had unduly urged my lost champion,and my conscience made me happy by a neg ative reply. Not a blow and not a harsh word bad been given. It may seem fool ish to some, but to me the remembrance was a great comfort. Unquestionably horses may be governed, absolutely gov erned, by sympathy and appreciation. Farm Journal. THE BEWTO WB SATOOS BAXX. The annual meeting of the directors of the Newtown savings bank was held Saturday afternoon,' 15 out of the 18 directors being present, the largest num ber at any meeting in recent years. The report of the treasurer, Charles H. Northrop, showed the total deposits to be 4597.743.0S, an Increase over last year. The officers elected were as fol lows: President, PhDo Clarke; vice presidents, Dr Monroe Judson, John B. Peck, Daniel G. Beers; secretary and treasurer, Charles H. Northrop; direc tors, Philo Clarke, Dr Monroe Judson, W. L. Tenil!, W. N. Northrop, Cyrus B. Sherman, William Botaford, Aaron Sanf ord, David C. Peck, Daniel G. Beers, Philo Nichols, Hosea B. Northrop, John B. Peck, John B. Wheeler, Tberon E. Piatt, Charles H. Northrop, John J. Northrop. - TUBX OX KOBE LIGHT. WRITTKS VOX THX BU "Turn on more light Onr dying boy cried ; "Where Is the moon? Or have I lost my sight 7" We raised the wick The nickering lamp replied The darkness thick Then scattered all outalile ! "Turn on more light," A sinner wildly cried ; "Only God ia right. And all la dark beside !" "Torn on more light;" A tearful darkness still O'ercloulda the sight Ot one who has his will. "Turn on more light," And let all mankind see That In this fight fia for eternity ! Sbiloh- John B. Stockel, the faithful and effic ient sexton of the Congregational church, has bought a farm In the town of Pros pect, and will shortly remove thither with his family. The farm comprises over 100 acres, and is well adopted to the gardening business, in which Mr Stockel proposes to engage. The farm is handy to the excellent markets of Waterbury, Naugatuck and Ansonia, and Mr Stockel is confident of success. Henry Moore of Taunton district has passed a few days with Stratford friends, this week. The case of Peter Hall, charged with assault on Cyrus Wells, was tried on Sat urday before Justice William B. Rowe at Brookfield. The assault was alleged to have taken place on October 19, Wells claiming that Hall struck him with a shovel. . Hall was fined 87 and costs for assault, but an appeal was taken. Mes srs Beecher & Canfield appeared for Hall and Lawyer James McMahon of New Milford for Wells. Michael Dugan is making extensive re pairs on his house. Carpenter John Bradley is doing the work. The case of Irene Lake against Con stable Glover was tried on Monday be fore Justice Cavanaugb, who gave dam ages against Mr Glover in the sum of $10 and costs. G. M. Clark of Norfolk, Va., has taken a position as night operator for the New England road at Sandy Hook, and is boarding at Mrs Bennett's. C. S. Pryor, the day operator at the Hook, has been transferred to Danbury. Miss Eva L. Botaford has returned from a four weeks visit In Danbury, at Austin H. Hill's. Peter Kelly has newly covered and put in new windows in his house, making it more comfortable for the coming whiter. Secretary P. L, Brynlng.of the Wllmot 4 Hobbs Manufacturing Co. of Bridge port, with Mrs Bryning and daughter, are at Dick's hotel for a month's sojourn. Miss Grace Hawley passed Sunday with Mrs Samuel Camp. Miss Susie Camp was home from Sher man, over Sunday. Gideon Camp, while picking apple, re cently, fell from a limb a dista&ce ot some IS or 13 feet, and bruised bis arm quite badly. - Mr and Mrs Henry Botsford, while oa their recent carriage drive through Litch field county, passed some days with Mr Botsford'a cousin, Heman Botsford, as East Morris. Section Foreman Thomas E. Keane ot the New England road, whose section of track extends from near the tunnel to Wakeley's crossing, has gotten his track in good shape. Through the winter he has only two or three assistants, bat in summer this number Is doubled. Ambrose Tavlor has bought about 1100 acres of woodland of W. C Llnsley of Woodbury in Transylvania district, ue has moved his steam saw mill from Han over district, and will soon be hustling out the ties. Mr and Mrs Wl'llam McArtbur of Dan bury passed Sunday in town, the guests ot Mr and Mrs Archibald McArtbur. There are many good reasons why you Bhould use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why you should not, it In need.ot help. The only harm less remedy that produces Immediate re sults. Edgar F. Hawley, Newtown ; S. C. Bull, Sandy Hook; A. B. Blake man, Botsford. Avoid pneumonia, diphtheria and' typhoid fever, by keeping the blood pare, the appetite good and the bodily health vigorous by the use of Hood's Sarsapa Ula. .