I'1' 4 ....... 'I 4'... -1 I I ... . '.""' ''... . .
We are offering very low prices on all
our Watches from 10. tftgft percent lotrU
e$ Jtan, fheytave ever been before.
JHrit Class Repairing' atkeaaduglalFrlcfS.f f
259 JuftfBTREitj f BANBURY; QPiN.
tj-4'llltt tHIttW in (III'MI (iitfl tiitAii.ifiioi wnm i
i..WI I .t m -ilmiw ?nl.t In H 't kiimiiI i
b iarantep-pipqf rtfv??
liiw 11..11 Diiov him m ij:iiiii(i i
qualify represented and our prices low-
a a- t-- r j u: -i" :i
! ti H M il . llfi
ein. w do ioau an.wuereiiM, (r i j s if 3i
1 11 W. w.ll
I i I I IfiO
l.nil t.i
mi 11..
V D ill
i ii ii w. " .'iv si kfn.i
'it.t ' !) ilij l i-.f'-r-inini'if isi.i
. I.im aIi'I'im ot ipi '(HJ .tiil-'.inl
-....." ,..,-,,,. a;M,i-.viwo, iiirrovr.-.! iii to J.rrii.ll i T. - . , i, ,
.- - : . k-T l l. .
f V. ' ,-. : SB l (in
umm mm
." 'i I I "i.. -Ill i III i ( ii4' I i " ' '?
'' r"l V " ! t 1 V I 1 .-i.i I f,..,
- ' !( : mil Inn: .lii.i nt ft
" ,1,11 ..'I. I ( ,1,1 ,,; yt,,il.
I Ii.l ilii lull ,ii ii n !,,
1 t
111 I II II I III 1 .1 I. I ',: ' .. .
t -ilU Ji.111
,o A .1.1 AH .M
.Jiff ?rO '.pmfI hn .;"i
Your railroad fare
about. If welcHiiHsdtWybuwethan that we are not the - house - we
think we are iTh House in Western .'Ck)meciou'ti
with its 40.000 sduare! feei foiffloorSspace. was hoin IBuiiii'upll'ba
promises nor?rYagants&temenis. .Whether
one else, is not thtieiStibhlrTheauestion for
can we see the laziest
the lowest pricesfe
quantity of goods can
you the benefit of the jobbers' proht ana tnat meas tne ,, .
. Vil,'.i'l!l- .,.!
v"r ", J:.. :, , ,the
135"tbl63.Main St.,opposite, Spring St i;;!?;.u.V:;;';jpM6ElTY & COoprietori.
(I till I'- -.'.I.. ,t. i-i i -T j.i ' ' ! -ni'ivr r V'l
'" ' - " ' ' " ' : -nil t.. ii ut.iiji
,. , ,
1BS5 -
ipecial and unlimited
. a
ot? r i T i c; r it i b f r i mi
r Bpecial and unlimited sale
half the cost of importation. We shall place on sale Monday
morning, foVemherVtloLilfBo pieces' of affwooVDress. Goods of
the very highest standard an$ jay,, imported to retail from
50c to $1 per yard. Sale Price
(VA A Y.JI.'!!rVV,n T;r!.5!A' XWITVAW)'
JQdjJjiJigjnrHn "ill - r ot!
1A.IJIW Jjill.liliil li-l i-1 iinp
To have your Heaters cleaned and repaired for
we little know how soon that' fellow at Washing
ton will reverse his wheel. andi.tumonaitOiusi a
step-mnt.hfir,s breaththa,t wil chill us to the
bone."'-!mT ti 17 rwuynn ''TJrn'
You will temembM'last weel fie slipuea a cog or two' and lodsened the
corkonthatBeriJ)whtbe,ftaaad,)1?t We men
tion this in confidence not that we think we are more capable than others, but
omehow i!lt4eXiV $ur line vines af y etj 'sensitive b hb Ifcafct' Afil es
pecially at this season of the year when 'they are receiving their fall' stCck of
stoves for Heating and Cooking purposes, as we now are- We have a great
variety this year. ,$4S,'not $69, Jmys our bast Steel Ran?e $25 will buy a
No. 9. Cooking stove with long reservoir, oven 2in, fire box 27in. We have
othsf bargains but onpufse wilt not allow- us' toAmopopnlizemore of THE
BEI'S advertising space, so, like the old clock we run down and stop-as-we
hope you will at rfrsw tl:-;p':'.;4 n f ' -
:' i ' E. J; HALL'S, !
6ANDY FIOOK,' ' , r i CONN.
w ..."
T..lil 1 .' U . ' ' HI ..T l . . i, .
.!' ! nil iH I III
ll I JJ
t -1
Wplafceontale' this week a choice assortment- of Suits,1 Ov
ercoats and Ulsters, all new and seasonable garments at? the- uni
formpriceof.r r v r r f ijriu i,v '? 1 ! ! I
$12, lil lBiacTi
Chenot, Thibet, Clay
Diagonal andCassi
mere fiuitaniainagle
'$1'. 12'iO
Bbaver' Ofercoat; all
new and
f menterwelt
k and Frocks at J and perfect
wtMrflt vmi to 4Bfl." examinfif'
;,',:,7,T.-iiir.,v t
lljH ntll fl ll.ll ' '
f ,.ntrf
IKI J'lt'.H ,
.V T-J:llil -!HM !'
is" a very small matter
'line' to select from, the best ttiv&b.g($38
- answer that the House that handles the largest
My Straight ;from the manufacturers and give
libUraIa housetfurniiiers.
?!.-'J - - ... if TT-p rrrrr-rn n rT-Vi.'" ivt n t tr-niyi'Tn 'Tr-f -i i "
t .t , . i ii rr' .... it-
,, '...,, . il 'I n . i I .pi " ..;... .' .-i t
' ...m ,.. . .., .... -1 ArfliPeWngtir'
- New "Boss", Wasiinff iachines.New "Easy" ' Wr,ing9rg
I j .. i. j :'.., I ..f . I., . .....! T,n : ' --" " ," ,!
Scrapers, Bird Cages.,adders,(Grass, Seeds, S, herein- Williams Painty j 'John's
Paint, Masury'a Railroad Colors, - Atlantic' and
, t ...... I .,.., or, .1 t .1 1. ... - 1- - 'V - T f . "t
1QSS -
Si 4t 4
1 1
i t i . t,
Oeods iat
irir' I 'to n 1 If
11 nii I .tt"'!i ' iU Ii
M .rt I sftlri i?tp. I., inoil il ttil
3E3ollar Sale.
'-Ti'V tk tt"t Rti n 9 U n nnip
- - s mi it it f is n' t'uffi
hfliii m l,rf til mttf. i.l i '. ,fvn W
ri Y.f,!:!!. .H;lAl TIII1!
feldl ISIJ J f $t 120 1 185.BO
Melton, and I Black
P-n J 11
stylish gar- Ulsters, iuL Jenjjth
trimmed IwelUined-jexcellentj
fitting, at J ptmg garments at
V WiPf W It,. r ., ,w
and eomnare these" lvalues..
. ;!'
' ' ' '"'- '-'
I I M -t A i .
j -( "'-NEWTOWN.
! o'nivft 1 v i
UTTmTTT I 1 r f . f
for this ; concern to talK
you buyofuifprrsome
you to settlels, ' Where
1?tit VI
il i i ii
hT .'il'.ilJ'K
(i.ii.l.lllnlilt i
il i itf oiji ,
ui .tit - n u .jx.i --a
. 1'iiii
Jewett Lead..' .
.I.-IHJ1 -tl
lt,-ll il'tIK
J i 7f:ir
I ii I i i, i
Florida's princituil iniiaairy . waa paralyzetj
ana nmriOTrs wireiasi y tne greatr ireeee
181)4). HWIorrorotiteats lteMo.nd now(Ham'let'
vmou K.'euiqst juunsiry una Deeoine parqiyz
ud and alio baa lost her jnillionu, yes, count
less millions, by the present Ireeze of 181)3.'
ye-refe lol corarsb'itio orw -grleert ibrth twig
pond ipolly.wog atfCliexip Wow ;to ttiotH
w bo are not lovers ol Irogs1 legs or "wog on
toast" all this will be as uninteresting as a
T I eii, but Just lor the 'sake 'ot1 sno-wiog wbat
Kiwjeyviiie coma uo w save ute country id
case ol apinitntult! viu-.'OuktnlmauillHine,
gjwtj wm up one uiy litsi, summer tinu iook a
z. cerisus ot Oiie littlb'apot altout' trie1 Biz. Ol1 a
ponus platttet-. nWe ejntinierat.di Jii5 ftuleeJt.i
liealtby lopkiug wogs, -tybo. all seemed to be
t uuuih xu luai iiLtte given siiii.ue.,xue restless
floating popalatidb we-let' ipaBS ' anennmerHt;-
eu. ; h e ausiea oa our oia aritnmetic, turned
to the tables and carelully eomputated tbe
number ol pprou3 plasters t ace, niuiti
plied this by 1U5, then by the number of acres,
and again by thef average depth ol water 'and
IroH 'spittle. - Chen added slnatd bu'tbs bd-
twuea date) ot triwlcensus awl date oi tjo-juyuta,.
tion. subtracted knawn and estimated natur
al deaths and dailv ennsamntion hv niittmiL'i
krtnawonstsrsv rik' we were 1UII01 o arrt've at
that bas never been condemned or disputed
as was our 1890 enumeration In some ok our
lartr0(Stiei).but the rea.lt watt tiardl srinr unrtr
cauiejsu near ucLiirouing our reason tnat lor
your same we win Kinuiy omit ngures and ml
nordelalU. We.fls,aprrUgiueA! certain
number to every" m-ali; "wbman' add? child io
the United States.giving to each a number to
compare-WUU' tb 'tlltoea 4P' UnAaV Mate we
migut reasonaoiy expect to be able to nir,
nisi 'in 'time or' war and "-laoilhe".' TnrtTw
toon in tta. wftoJe ol 01 tb aud Spiftb utimoel
ill.td. world ami tlw. ixammitnwottranizatioaii
butjjappnpd, fo. thin jupt jin, liuie . at in
case of war as w.e were suppo'sing we should
thelr'tte iur3hin supplies' -M the tahe-mV.
lndilwhli'.t)beyiny A soriptin-feiliinjhiraUoa,'
our act wouiu uaruiy oe ancijoni)U,.uy,.itte:
major general commanding our lorces and
wo. ftair witlirtM.'.uMMirMy , "Ui t 'jMi(,W W
and shot. That wouldu't be pleasanU,so till
being deslroua dt carry ing' bat ' that 'S'criptq
al liij uiction weoiinufinc enemies "eupplte.
andigavetbeia,U.ru;btovieBto tire- turaitucei
meD ol Uanbury, Uridgeport and Waterbury,
kiiuw.uk wen Liiai tueir expense, ox, carrying
on WasiBteSB feo'MeaW ttfia'thetf lamillis'ciiH
never.bopB lor a tatefeitu'er. wog on quail,!
on lousi uiceoiiuuouifinne Keiieromt 01. the
jharitably inclined, and alter all this we. still
had neiii'iy a b.uttiter acre left that in' cftse ol
deleal all along the liue and a hasty retreat bl
ouijprpes vomd:baye toipe, blowniHP withi
dynainite or else left to lall ln;i,o the hands ol
the-enemy. ' No ThiaiB kn enornidns''indtis-'!
try o Ue'dormaatclad uiudo vetopeit ae It werfe.
ji ait 'tiKH. ctwnueae muilonn ol, tadnoles
comparatively few, mature and attain to tbe.
stature 01 lull grown bull trogs. Thejf require
no mom caind are Just a asy to raise, up-1
to the time ot their, birth as any choice r vacf i
about the laying qualities a
ossUnllties of
tnetrog.i-wny, OneKtM u.
Hhv' fehbale rrotr
can lb oaeniwlitKWbeaBlm im luoluiK! like it,
streams ol third arid fourth maeraituoe. XI we
could raise but one tenth parte! -the 'number'
v. e 'ii iwnn mil' in:xmuLtvtJl uppiyi
ol tiogs legs we would bave to dawirout.bnt
with ho one to look alter them in .their Infan
cy . million's ito 00 wn to untimely trraVrt bd-
loiwtiieir veetn are cat or duuis even begin KM
swtui, inmoy nave ineir maw auai troubles
right through life Jxist like the rst ol us, Vet
if liy reason of their great strength they attain
to the age ot three score day -or more there
coaies along a greatitidal wava.ol netorni.xwij
uisease, or some other subtle unseen JLnnu,
ence that causes everv tall to dtoo off. and
tlieyarb just M dome ot tts when1 We -cease'
to have something ox sotnebodythat we loan
wag and tbresb about irom sldia tel side afaoui
own sweet wills, we are no longer happy.
Then comes along the cdld Knfl 'ehiilinir So-'
vember weathef and tbe tadpole silently ani
mysteriously msaajpears from, on, jte; lace ol
the earth and Is no more seen until the. new
crop springs Into existence tile following best
son., ni'i..ii''i; ti' !'' ont ,it,ti, ,ii.
For all there is such a wonderful chance ,to
open up and develop the tadpole at Hawley-
vuie uia minions in it to where- tHere are
hundredsla'furniture.' we 'are -etlllgolBir o
keenstruggUng light along wit4j luraiture tar.
our oatue cry just as 01 old. unr new sftow
rooms are now completed and sto'cKedT wHK
the flnewl. gratiq pf tirptirq ever dVpffyed
anywhere in this section- We invite inspec
tion, we nave just bought a line ot carpets
tbat will be sold vervlow. and 100 rolls ol the
A. G. BAKER, Hawleyville, Cona. L
i r f1!
ii Cotm. - rncoi
mioniMl 1866.- - r
PHilA CLAKKB. Presldent-S O. H. NORTH
ROP, Treasurer. HOUaS 9 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Mondays. inftBn- .,!., 1 1 .sot r
i niu ii isHnifjt &p.'itn rim jt r
! .Iil itttwiift llll .iiH
Office and Eesidenoe JTewtown strtft. .
f elephoneMCiBntttfoB." t ' ' f
l i'f,iinn'l w'li-nl'lttl nil!
Offim and Bagyey piyjKjpoot.
f u.StSStatat.MdtMf
KleetfiMOJ-ono ef taj-tliirapstijaret' Of.
a nnnrnfrom 10 a. a. to 13 to, 8 to 4 pj"m'---3
I -ll",. v.l. , lll .1. Ill,
Paul U. sunaeriand, 31. 1.,
Pbyiioian and Surgeon,
jaffle i'Morgatt-heuei: Kwtown -Btreet.'-
iiniiiliiliiiil niiiiiiiiini lil,iiliii,ni mini il nil
DO. JAMES W. UUKi)Urf.'i '4
Kesidenoe at Mra.-P. -Calliiri an 'a. .hHuee. .ad..
the old mill. Telephone call 8. C. bull's dru
mwmfammtjmwm war . : ,.
J m ,"'"jJLl,'i:."'' ""r"
II., .... ,, , in t l... - ...j
-h-ihw-i'li 't:58i in'a
d It w fi,; n
till 'id
wtl tl)lf"l
li 'liiHtll 4MSM,U .,irll1i:rt3.tilrtflM H.I
TWO VIEWS OF OlfB ifdrhlii " T' '
YHbiiQomplertMdflrni fannOivaidasttaj
..si ,.d!jltrkTi'V JSrfSS? '''!''"'' (('
Price reasonabla tauatereW iuiJ iTTMA
ior particulars, or call at our omce ann ltvb-
ajttfreikopserfnuiiih hrt fifUA ,H .'i inM
b-Kilil ll ll t tkit iiU Wil l II l.linilt-l
I ni.lB.lli i
"flf fid l.i no ) i . .
Hold nn
bought 'A'fcd:
rile i maka ialtiaye oa 4aiid.i Sew (England
agent,icu-,thettAiooal,Sie.i illri tun t ,i)
j WAE80O3t:L3a FAI&FIELB AV& n T.
,vri ,BBiD4ErOr CO'-uto ,il In .
: Bhingies. Il you are in need ot a roof .'' '
j eis, a steeiirvoi uiiu IB
icUoptapMtaitOntn ltti pt.'t-itilxii,- fi'(
R-iE-'AI."-' St,'Aim.E'iV
j mitt.'. . .3.11 t; "'BldgpioTtfc'i i '
Tiojs.-wnrDow shades tottxms,' etoi
Maamfaeturer ni dealer bi Maraeiai Udilii
BHdle. Collars, BWnMts.letK-dt ni ..t.l..i-.-j 1
i.l u.lg.ini lin I i' 1 1Y. linn 1 M I
, i. i tt,,ia.'jjiK Ht .4rrtrifi,iPMnW'ii ''
Native Beef. Newtown 9trbe. 5
' i 'I it ''Jlil iul.il .'iM l,.
AVEHP0EX & O'liASA. AttMinwnd C.nn-
" .i .1 1 .in I. iii.iu.i.in
o loon 4 jtoliljiiit-l, rutn nl-?;fxitl stM
iM nil JVil inil fiikH. ininiW riK
. .T-iitl-w ?il1 'tut .jlttt Y
,.!... 1 1. A- s
, irii,rr:TTTi i.-t
ji t.i Innit,!
Tn iha taniYU.dtnmi m,n.al. tliAni.lita a
iurr T-T-,mrtr ,n(ii ,air ra
i i i;i; i.fca nutia mw jii i ,,
."v. wuin.wui. .uvuQUM'VlltlUy5. f (f tifU , Ul PV-t t.j,,;
o rcbieJoixynea thltdh tttoogli taei,wapbifpf,heRyji8r thipgi.yVJeclflii r
ni nefc wiSU toJjuoleyou.iWltJailo,b obbiasli'tb ea4,,,,w9 simply,. ,wiah to. annrti)cp ,i
that we are ready with a very large aseij pf.aian'inter, Clothing.), a
-v sdolnd seleidt!itiffrMn'abdiBiys'i3uits, all grades. ;T,Ue, largest Jine Of VJBtere a,i
l and-Oweriloatslna t9e uitjmui jUnderWoan,' lI.vQao Qlpy;es,.iSlitens-,,i;r;unH,,v,. ij
ni Bags, lb ftto9vety thins found fcd a yeUiriffatd, qtotjpgi gtflre, IHoo't; tell ,tt
call and see for yourself Uiate'Ono.pladetq.tiur.Qlqthin l aj, (.t-1,i.-.h .nsl l ,1
jj-ttl-i3l i.t trtf.ij d tqlva.iiIH . I 111 Jt.1 1 j ' " ' :,,,jl ,,J n,3
... . -" y
-t'tilti: I 'I'.'ff 'f'fi'ff I'M
li'tl.ni v
ti-i AULAJLuli,,
TO THfifidJ?liE OF NEWTQTOfl fatft'Z
mmwfito. Be In-tiediTofmTiiftsriraiWagenji Sttrrey, PhWtoai'Traip.
and examms the uruiierMaiSUaii.ax tn.i
In tout iijtbsto'i ,i'Ps!l"fJ,f'17f jJr''T" T 'WE ' f,
n,i oii nl a,iiijR-t4i4tV,r'fi -wiJPkJU Mott ii
tr ,(
..liJOtJ -'tl
iBTlHJll D .
iff I
l.i l.i.i.
1 ,.!
fitiH sfriiloHI
ftJ.t.W niljaifrt r,yf fI
T itawJLfl Afe
Wliolesale and Retail Dealers in MEBICIOTSj CHraroAXSraTOtS(Morii
SCR1PXIONS carelullT compounded by license pharmacists. Best gKMl,Mfcst triee.
City Bank Building.
. hJ sine ueposu ox y
yiuuwi n . UI , T u.uu
! cwatcKdian.
" " f fH "
363 Main Street,
- - -
? 'i Steel-Vaul&r A V
TliJr!'ljWnl. riepceitecelved "'tt'ldrfti and interest
senritiea bought ajid sold on commlssicUi. foreign bUIsi exchange. JCir-i
Mnk MMMiCMaeVs VrUlable inljpafts pjt. ;Jf nrope, ; jg i-jrs. v
paid, on same. S
le. oeci
fit IIIISII: f .11.1
TTTm... .
.Tr,!ni"rrt'iveT artTiiftettrjf.nBeif ana interest allowed on ail balances 01 sauuor more.
INSU RANCH Fire, Marine. Plate ttlass,
oompanies. itisa i, Kft t AlMSTOugnt, soia or
VAULTS Of the-iateSt'aflpiWed construction. JEMva mu rfgr costpmars
therewith, coupons ana aiviaenas ooiieotea.
U 8UiSC0b:'06lbt;"
, , , . i. .
- iA? - '
WMiiuti rr .,
f ! : Ether or Uyoodermio Injection, lree, when plate are
I ordered, i AeaufJfol'tetof teelni WiirbaranWed Cid
f , warranted t too lnaral( lwest price. ' !
f f V , y s airoiapneitorteeAknuMlawliUe-joB
-- A , . w ,tmm J 'f 11 E'
i Uttjiriilin wilt trt.l aiiiulnt v'iil I.l
1 ' ,-'i.n-i .-In ... , ,, i, ,.
I ' "' ' ' '.""II
'II 'Hl.l in 0 ,( ,!i
i;,.(jt '.ili i.i ,i..,iv i; TT i-..". rFiiin h
.tull tM ,n w.,1 ' - -1 in nimii f,:.,.tl
,MSiXill 'l1 jMIMir . j .f t, h',i .if
,l lA&TreiW, ;pXTm 1doeau't,imean.j ,
y he troubles' ol'the briental 'iflnir-
i.lllfi'lltiiiiiij li;l l',,,, ...I! ..
dom. Japan and Eussia may out t, ,,$
" 4p1toirlf Ulemkelves britftd'oesn' '
,0f'li !, iu-li A ill! .ii i.P,
il 1 1 oncei,-?! ss ihfl cracked china wec , i
refer to fstiat on'
tablea 'fcnA'"
n , i, -I Ml
nlnll i,-4f p m.,11
f i V M W plftsetft. , ,It upeds replacing
,51to, ;it, ifpn -ons-. reason on anotfier.-;
complete set. V '
j'Wi.rTftniTHA." ; .. .n iinn rtt i.nn
;Hl)OHdr hn ajilttnnlm nn l;nlrit
V liDDtiKl hn it a
-,i liwery mine, for autenen and "1
(iti) fit It in i iiTl . i 1 ,1.ii i jj gjivr .li.fi t
-ninii: yd iyn5iionUiii.,-. i,Aif.
. .,,.. t.,..i. .11.. i. ...n4 ...........1.1 .it
h83 Jbiii St i f .i f 1 1 ,i , DMbvry.'Ct-
.OfUT t, v !-.;iit''. n.t 1 1-. 1 1, ti t )Mlilipj . t J4c,
' We teach yoti bow to use yours.' We' "
-JJ'lflitiW B , lyl fli yllttn t.'t; I'll.,, illii lfli
,Ifl,1?;on.?,P8Il9S8,l Thiidrearopona- ,
September 3. Send us vonr bo J Vnl '
jllnat til t eoi.iili-,,, lir.ni i, Jt 't I
,WW,teamtnial4nOii ,No,jf,!lea.rti
'iNfil VaCBrtidngl'Sbnd forfjlrculaiA1. ''""'I 1
J"IH u.ii.uii:'. Ill, iii
-a- J -firi i yi V y a j j j ..l:Jy
-IlO 1l-JO fill I it, 1. iTit! J(TfH
,tlfl n1 hn f 11M ' '!j p ft r "i f ! ; ; - '1, '
i'l tFrJni Jl'illirii'U.'mi
Id p 1 1 ttittt't ImIiiIi. i H
IdU l,lit. flOT!0-ft!arf ,M.
Blackman's New Studio
if nrti ,-jtl tiittil''rij'IB ptlnil'!
IIxou.wAntthA hAMt. flnertlaJ InAnnAtniinta
in ill .in .in ii , i I i If 'Ik .11
,1 1 1,73 .
HHiaf,r-tipeaeitlietihop formarrr eoenoied
T 0, ,K- flriffin I ami prepaied to make fcooth and
eboaa tordiri or do aay kindof repair wark ia
eithariestfaatf or rubber geois ; lo ty rtpsii
hiiraeisb-iiStiifiaoteryiirerk guariited!.iiii tm
. 11-) ti i-4 1 I i .-'l ; l,ii ng lil' ' 1
llil , i ; fiikti-jj I il IJI ;
.HHP it.irl '. f.m 'It! ,('.. ..-- -xilJI ;r,lT.
. d .fJil Tfttl Itlal't n-.i. 1 1 d..:l : ; J ,iti( ,
i iMtt-ii tvt jYTI ' "
miMf Mjrti Iftti'M""1""
llf'K IIIMtTl)!! n.vi.l .1 iil.jia fl
I PiintiS eitlT fil',i.il r ii 1 'tl nri.
t n n 11 nn,i nr,A I.I. r. .. t. .
' f urtfioti lin&ittit ovtiri imni o 7 iwi
iT-Ti'iA-p-.ti inACH''1 "
,i.il- t-TkaafcFdrVTis
ft f li r
,"199 Main Stu' Danbury.Tr.H
j i, nsiffjT , . . . . lit- yitj.jna Hi
n fiorl nnillf bt'i tls'" ?'' .
I4fll jtlllt.! .ftO.ilwB dill .J)-" llttij Itil
!il int 1
v '"(
n lift ;t iti o,
fcitiiiV .15
ttH'.;rH" nit I
Pjft'WtoteM latlXf n tltl'towiitrda.api,,ul M"".i' al i'I
I0E M. CHIJECatMetrealS
nnV VmIUImm I . " IttlMiliMlliA! i!Aim
t .ti Bridgeport. Conn.
unoice investments,
If - Vtirvl"rt' 1 t,' o,! t ICoslKaires on BridieoDort,
I; , . ' ' . Interest AUowed i , '
j nogpon; - - on
H.OJrllMII w.'t V tl--.- ''t ff.iftHWb'-t.i ti.
! J'il 11.111,, i.l 'I I ! ' ' I I If, ' 'I
1 Villi
I a ' BridireDorti Confli
I Wil !
-Itill,--ill I. ,lo 2jnHI
i ji.ji-ia. .i.,ii?iij liit , r-iJl -j in . 1A
and! narante' lleMbrg -AMfertcein'Md 'Bngrtan'
exonangau oommwsioni eaji n, aJB.rwt.
xitus-rKjiia uu AjJMiNiJ3lilA.ro,
ntn,tttfl ' 'l'1" " m "Iii 1 1 1 .11 .KlKtf 1
''- r
- j4 ailt aaLBiaAiAf i.isbBL.1.Ab.-'kiA i u.Jiiil MAta
uar-wa are
,li li.t7HTT'.
. I Mr . ...a i . V JI"I.1U OIf.i DHtlKeflUrC, THHID BaOOOWlUUV UUVU
WrtiJr, ..v., k-lAMJ , h,., dlA.a. ajn-
rclM AOp np.i Fatnkxs extracting: , wltft ,.Mi
; .Ynw-vm tiwA .nw :t'in
' ivtE.r u m iinu 1
T. PI. Browne Dvft. Gamble
g i-ji.t)jiiijUI ml.t Ii
(I iil.1 Hit II itvtiiirl'.ll
(f .i l'i bul iv
w ii'i v ' tl nut nii ,
tj -iJ i..t ril'lt.'-i i
!''-.'!. ' I -A
, lit.
& GO.
l-'iTiJfio iitf nil ciav ia fTITTT' rTn, .1 ...
.TMollm.iijT. f n-'ii4 ui 'uin.ii
ii'viii nue 'W.ii'i ."
.ttl -t.l I , r,,., ,! illiHSlJ
('..i'M- ,i.ti ... i ,
I. l"l ,it W'fi n .
A ;i t-.i -.-(! r i - i ii
Il li'Mt . Ion c I
i.l ni id
r villi 1 till pi,u i'ull Til ipt
1- i,Ml "Mi V f "
II i I ln'Kl I I Jul
,! till t.Wfis i.l Ii 1 1 .
Mlil ltt,Ul ."li .'j
tmi .! .!i,lj
I...J .! t a :,,
-,i1 e 1 1 h'lo . 1
I I-V'll '1 -t'Ki-ll fi!l t
Mi't- aM Mi. urtttrl
'and1 we rrfer" to quality1.
IhiJR E;jljir j R:Eit
a '30 mflesfrdm N: H'.on puff.
i,yha,&e Qf S 10 or over w.
huM f-ji"l I't'f at-t-jtw) g'tlfc?a.it smiiI ji
rl n.lt r ih. T'tij'
jil. Iii..
wttiitillt i stilt "1 oti,i--, !l tsttll-
c ltt-B iln
Ii Ottilia.,
make Wans-Whaffhev sfli5ul(i,bo;1frregl9ta"blel
peaiato tneeye.) rvaiis ara too. vtsioteto
unRlu-iitlv.. Tlifttivn demanda .satisfAatlon.
and attractive wans meets us n
oar display of new, striking and artisttc' de '
sigdsWastUdyln wall. deoorBtieMi'.IW pra
Sdnts tbo best and cnotoest rpanits ifl.this Uae,
attained up to date. , Artistic, paper will do
wDnaers ior a room ana neigntenxne eireex or
tertmn8'icoatainsii There 'never 'Will 'M
dore to pick from than now. .it,.
I I.- '. A fl....'T I
1.1 j LOCATED IN,,,,; t
aingialms.! ui'i
C. J3. SPAUL.IlN,.4i.iii J'
tificial teeth and crowns. 15 years experience.
bleTUwa every Hoadar, Tuesday tod Wed
BeidtT. over K. B. BWlf ' sv Offiee noun
Mom 8 aa- to 6 p. m. Bridgeport, Thureday,
Friday and Saturday. " vi mi .i
liftB.H'.OUiMUIVll il rl l .J.IJ
fir tr l.
fori I.R-
a-Ju tnow I have a aale 7, pfir, peat Invest
ment lor a limited amount.
t ,'oB. H JIi.TT00N,iv v., .n
.(i,?taia' Ban,. tWatottwvi 0B.
Halep nonet r , iji . tatait ui . c -if. in.
i ;i;u . I -- t ' i"'J u "F- . '
M I.l ."I Jldl-
OU KaliaUs OMaaaMsi tst lataa.Tp
Masrai Iasaraktk Ait Bmu Xltttt AJfeata,'
0KP0KT, 0011
III j l.nM.
Jtltfl , i'l
UUUMAiWWli d.jfij ilia. 7 1
Chnren yVewowft'Ooas
.18 ,1, I U r, ,:- w
lall i,i pl
f 1 J pi -i, I Alt. M v.Vl H
Jnt rietlitiloT' farm' work. Sin s or jDoaba
ijdf M and-Kawy jandi evwryttiBB oanap 'Jo
,f..an. , iv,l,ii.1 sl,l .ItS
'fAOX1' ... ., . n n it
t v'Wtfr "tSWl Jr 'wrtrti'i!A '
. ..... ' si-, r t
S-4HSi,l. "9 '' "
K V 'I'l'W
il 1- .iii.T.
i.lii. ( t:i'i. ...li-.( t ,-4.-i ! Siji
Jl'tllff :?l!i.. -.It, . 5tl ft ti,i Jit , flil...
' ,1-t tvJ iiill r!,i Idl vPfiOO , r
I f i!l It .u : -. I
. 1 '-.. ,1.1
j - jnm MTV I
" i Jkav-1 7-'"iW-jviH
' .n, intjl 1 -, l-l viiitl
1 !l ,T.iii 7. l I nn .,lf,; ilAI'il'.,
mm m.-ii-iw- '. .-,it,-w. MFIf.l"M'."tt
'I I -Kin I I '.ilinf ilii I l'i- H I'f
ino i mo Tr ine i n
((1 li iil...ili
lij . t l iii(i a
ft i.lithi.,-.) In f.i. t
'fi,.: . t l ,liliiji4n j
itiliaiw nl,lfii.w.il
HilJ o il ti..,i'i lfl.ii,i,u iani ) hiIj
wn .ll In in.i;liH.ijni '."1 1) l,,
, .1 llrfl 'I . ellly l ..i
.(1 1 IflV
h -fna
ft.iiitj i n!)d.i iinji ,riiii');l ituji
j in aui4.ll ml J ill ..liirfv..;
41 iii 'iliirfyi.i i
W...1 liiiif,- . ,ii,l..i l;,i.)iUal3
I in J 'n v.itii. .ii jt-,.i.. t,i.i ,.ji,,l
il J- til II IK . I Jl l.l,. '.iff 1,111,1 lill ,
!R'f,.ATTdiunPI,'if.'J'bEEaHH) FOR
JMJ!ijrMSilt ,1SWlllll
l.ioiliia naniUtid cmltiini villi;
'j itf 1 1 " .'Ifiijl vlmi'.irt it iintMiij
.The wnA ihearjngt ,Jto, tAs.Fm. H.
kucrrael .Carbetb i cbatced with compile -
iy in fiilDg the barn belonging totfiarhael
A I .H.i H l,,l ,1 Mi.(,,ii,' , I,. , ,
WJBeiva,mp,(op ii.eipgjcrtiy, i,
ocodrttd.at.tha Totrva-ihaU on,. Friday
for the "state i aod . (Attorney i ..William A.
Inkrd br'TAnbirry aiparin 'for th
defense iiiiiihi f.d ,!t i, ri-i4in .'
T t ...f till tvl I lin.iiii. 'i il-i.i. I linn, it,
.It VjlJ, bp. Mmernbei-ejl that, .on JpTj ,
Cokbettwaabronght tteforeiJjigtioe.Caa-t
iatrghVwW VHstharecl 'bJtt." He hA
py. -CoostabK iBlaofcrnaifci lyhot fallowed.
hiw,,';o,,g6 arter'M-coat'aa4 S was
4 akA "r". "VrTi' .c
goiflg anf) maoAiilW.f ?fia.M Homt.tne.or-
fleeu, asd bis wbereabata.'were.unkQowrj
ot tf'ikijA "At the tinte' of 'hfe recent
town .elcclfoiine niaae hKM.BpriearaM
herfl agab) apcLtjiepritF b,ej:iff. feogftrs
made snotbert attpipti Jxi.'get hhn far
this b'earln,' hut? -Constable Wtt1. 6loV
corgjPi .Meayng. gifler.ianiii frlWKe
was throogii wkh tbioiracaahis nbjare-
abbuts Here'tinkntfWtt titatU flne flay',' ran
i',' 'yte'S tih'e'word 'MisMk&ieA' ajotJfafl
tbAtJh.ja;&8 agatoin, tftRntpnu,, ,,,
1,111 ll'.lllI..llin;U0,.4JI i lU .. , ,
stayed unil tba; iday.iQl .JSPihwuiflg;, s
before stated;:-" The Utue.ol' tb heariBg
was'.' put "6 Wll 1 Vb '3' ihAOcW Atlorbey
w ' i ! ' -i' V 'j Ik V ' Ljll rL Ji t J
inar,a,EUgesieq at toe yuwi iu ne
thought Justice , Waiemaa should, refuse
to sit on the case as-thesestiraofly would
be'the' sitm6 "Vi ifwasln lnf tfidtW
IS justice to. the aocosed ,and ihirajBelf he
should whbdraW, knd' the oase'coaae.
fore a-Tus'tfce' br this' tbwn"rather,ttia
Attorney Bcechei said be wamQt tor-
prised at the poflltioH taken by His friend
f r6to';.pihbuA but'r blb case as'ntot
pojponeo, fle, w.puio, . n.0 p,, u;u a ra,
tlon7-v He. thought.- itimoat iproppr that
he" ShoYrld' 'haar 1 the '-case -as fae'was
strariger; tp'tef" wn aif.'WdH, IntiftrdAd
as tax ' mxw M i t eipen'ses Int ur-
i4d4 -via reference to i the justice, otitis
towd he pdinted buehow'tAat severaiof
themaf.reast bad snhtertstj intnecase.
Hisjri)41 wa. 9i$&iktfpg iJ&jmi&h,
whenhej says that,theitesLiaiODy,,wuld
bhS "sahie ar 'in the- forrner'CABea' (tt
seemed 't h1m"M inBtiiti,tb'tlie'triblintl
I . :''. ' -."-( In -i ..11
hat his Iriend had euggestea tnatn,
wcruld'bibiaeed la-his deoiakmtnnd tbat
ti was a'ca'se which' was wanted ratJfoad-
edttiropgH ( ji"'i '. w im simim
" i Aitrney. .lonRri Vp.'ljpjl' tta Vft'tWas
atraidihis-trieod Jia,dJtcatedi himself, too,
much1 at'tbe"atkrt1,aBd'4niafti(''not Ikst
tbrbuti W$asVj" tfe nsld'hyf'f
quells. (naaDcen, .mane-jin a. sie.nycmanij
manner -amcf.bi t grouna was-iweutataea.
He thfen-abctfted theittatice W-'behJeft
Iaw?artp.ef bljtn.e prdsumj aKoftey
.1 I... J(. . . T .1 . :.. -: 1. ......
onrvinn a a i nr run. a vtrv .
7jii,F.w.i"w.vi"M,l Hiil iviki v .4
li. ylili Afl,.WAlVNn,U j, ,j
hfe tdibeasd. enuvghi 9f.arBmen nA tji,
'etoecd wltn.the-C88ei.i.-.i-.B ri4 hn,iii.
TiaWvfei'LeeinarTl -tWeri 'entered a-'bre
tat baf 6$ 'jBg rbuAUiat' "ti jbktj.U;
oheis hVeuapW''a jW Jwi'!t
tried again for the same offense,to whiah
wyer-'BeBeirttr Wred0aWttfH
ie bbu'rt sakt'alneAludemurrer! ! . 11
JftsUofl.Wakeu, qrdWPd, the .hearing
proceed- and ;Lawyeni .Leonard i plead
not fffHit'lo'-tha,,seeugedi'"lTre teirt
mohv was bVacticallyl Ae laraeis'm'te
iormeriuuu.vtiWirvrif.fsiKjiMiiH pump
Bj. Oatop itestifiad.'to'.kaowiDg Corbett
whlntf tfn !ntferet;itl'th barn 'destroyed
and" seeinir ,C8rbetV ana"3flcnols' near
Cbcbett'aJiome after fire,w,han the
la'ttea'aaid AlWbat.inmda tbay.wdnt af
JanterbV" at d th tfrn'a" searcte"WaS'
ueoiUj.il I 4:wi A itM' yi MW p "i iwwi
ajd Nichads.jittBrDnt of.nu. bpaaeaaaro.
Jy tiefore-0' oclocS':ori the"veBin"o(
July 'lf'w'he'n '"flleV' WAfufc '.thJe'-rSatf
niiiiiifiiwi.m,r jiii ,v 'iK.tTii".
EredepickiK-iLakA .gave .them, a drink
of rtrJwh,'theVCaued'lan'kedTOr
ItlaV-'rits ,do6r,',atVcWk,:,:rtievJ, welit
, i ni'iv",rJ-"S 'Il'VL' iiL'iL I'WivSJii1
on up Mlt.IW4 ui4.uri.uv.ifi, ()iuuiuifti
after their' ideparture.ms ae esuita iui
attentibn "to the1 - fireP' They8 ta&M and
wuun.imwivvutteq,,i . ,B, oil .vi,
Miss Susie iA. -Camp ' was driving home
With' hicfbrtrtberat "Abotrt t20from.Mt
Addiichbls wMr'she lad 'b&d ckll-
1 , ,T a t .inn )il.i,i ...I TlTii,, v o,-JiT.r. I,,
Ug.anA.wJieai JibjeLtoB 9? .W.PPr
Cjorbett'a bouse .saw theifire. at theibarn
anrfaWsftW 'dteett-'coibln 'op'tbe
6peCfeVM'fiW VWVgtrM'fHWAl ,.ii,
Robert N. Camp corroborated tils eflater's
I Henry S. NicHbU' Sreift to the Ore
t I
and on bierrwayvbaeK stopped aby Cor-
Sbmoae.waifjp0 ja hayiihe ngUkigi)
ojf lall gtasav ''Later he'aaW'Dorbett'Urli
WS1! fRffrunnlngM the. h,l
iuw rpad.iwftra tiisfVoiMMr
Corbett asked wbytitsiidedaVjset
Ialn(M'.4 wi?lK i'l .ilWioH n.t.,1.
Ammrstiiba M3l m"MM
''hara.. w a:track . thruai..ha. ATgbJ
atrWrrRwetl It tmmVmk.
Tlie' nl'moWtntf'tirak?: lHt V
liarsthatrnlftA ta,tm 4i
ajorhefthteunofandi aarn4C Jiflira
f !it lla .H il lim !rti imif. pull
,ai ton .imin aaon v-Tv
1 1
I4 tbe barn. Hearel ibatt ialk about a
lantern. "--'''
i "SlSSl Aii5.cJMaithe tjjralia.
in the grass and followed them four or five
rods in a soDthwesterly, direction, from
the btol&tftnfe oul of the yaW MA the
Corbet t barn. Could not tell how re
cently 4hei tra ii had been' triad aVi)o
tn.e. hd beeAputto fJtwt,.aptJero hiro
Constable C. R. Johnann artwatnrl n.
be&fa' TabHUri, akiU ty'hls fktter:''
'LJahhoW. ,Gohftn'fht63Iie'WagbilH
when Corbett wantf d the writ read tahidli
Corbett remarked tt at there WM .lMa
need of holding en to him as he wouldn't
waen a&ked about the circumstance, he .
Said he went after his coat while John
held the torse; ahtflkftW going1. "S'"4
'K.1 Ui JohaWte aggSmd' tn' the' arrest;'
hf R - i, 'Ft ),.
s t,cfi f.,1 f.hji'Tnoi.li.lirfjij 1,.! ilj
-l,l iM yajl ii.inlin list nl rl
th4 h( badUtiirtnafld.Jaoeitbei,
music. He also had yeraa with,,
him regarding bis former escape. ?his
finished the testlmonv. and tbe.casa
rested -i r-i in wm i H .it
i Trfr-cHeV kiW he'b.d' Wt louver '
theirotlnd'ef bretrabiecawl btttrarkveas
that the ideacWa.cOnchihre.a4 in!i
Whereabouts and actions had nlaced him
'under iffsp,lciou I'clAium'sla'ifcis'and'ih 'fc"1
pcteWon'td'-dry'the' fleedi "His' rannlng"
away su tbe,-aceawDo,iof former arrest i-
aaia prumpyon.Jif gp.jyMd .bejcon,.
Bidered the. locatln of his whereabouts,.,
thai niiWand"ihe tat ofhls flh.; "
fldeht 'Vr6b'riillba1ld, asked thaVhe' "
be'booBd over to the Mgbe'B tribtUaL .')
ilr Leonard rep Hed,,tbjq, tihe prpaaoa i h
tiDg attorney had had- the third rebear-
salaf hfePomedy,aod trsotaitlhe pso
didn't like his mode of procedure and
told'hYm'lhal',tf li'fibt"' 'a-fly'1
Jlflnpfhk'rJyle, H)
MeST', iSIsTicf ""i'kB joM '6f':th4 !
V ii" l tlTgF t'diiKUTlCPT."'! t"
anfl'esVsfrom'hU kfeusive' ranusger ''
tbeAi'rnnttiOtta: Mr'TiebariI'Uiclr-ai.''
reotad 0ji wavcia .U" the tatter intvhaod,iS
soggesiingintteti JJUe ,;tading, mna6.hei
er Beecher a talk about flia-ht. His
claim was' 'that there oadbeeh no evt-
flencfi lhat 'CbTbett'serThy 1rel,TWrW,,,
was no evidence of a motive tetawehsyi-
deed, no evidence that he ever escape J
frdmKbyioue "fdr btejp-fTeswa'Od tftfii"
coartt, tbat ehad..beca. trasdV oeice aneV
ered the man was being persecuted in
Stead W prosecuttrl "and ' 'no1 jdr'W If w
men? WOflld cnvlcVoV,uYftplee,
ot flimsy fpatcW m4tn CTddeaKa.iakii'a
beeBTOdace .ViJn- nllUTinmla
well chosen arguments, .going over the
grodna step by step. Justice vvakeman
f 0OfflfWBle'r Wttse "sWUDiftM' KKh" n
aelOorbcUovar to thetFaDruaxyiUifeaT
the,aupejaQr,caurtrjJin(icr, l9fflJQQtenji
whil le, conld not luimiBhaDd so Sher
ilTM. C. Eeers'tooB: Wimo'theTriridew
port jail on the evening, train sWdftC" "ah
VtvwHaIl t.ftf' J wc1taf irfivawf ji nt
.A nnlfA Tit Ilii .r- 'tniii. 1 l.i ii.tlulflffm..-1
Gi E. aeltQny.M.iA..wbO!it ippeaf.-!
yhe appjfjes ot thMen's clubjlecurng
Dn" 'The''ian3 i of the MidnigCt Sun,'Mwa8,
botn" ifisMfiscfcdaetts InH" VradTiiffiia'"
frofV'AmheratHmtte0'lfi4Si5tn'tH speBb"1
jixoasaaxNaej tnaveliofl threajb ilKaaopeurr
n 13)50 be, was A.delegatftta Uje Wprjdii,,,
Coaventlon of Young Men's Christian as-
iil li ilTiieQi ir.iirT.. .itneyji -i.tfiji ,n.4
sociations and to the Sunday School Cen-
tenkry hda'anS6HUe,lfcDaa,,,
heV"(4oVrpBtdeVi Tdt "the "ObfcagW""1
TrlbooertClayeisai4 . AadejVfs?iW-
for St Nicholas 'and Wide Awakie. In
im nemed &ti CleVafinl tedheatioif-'w
it Bforekn " whtch "gave1 eaeh winter, 1 1 la'
th& great.. Tabernaule, t 4000; fieraef
cburof.JP teftunea, DreWJeA:Sbya.pTa
taut subjects, and choice, brier books.
Total fatmDeTtlfagsl?rveIW raMrJePi, '
8ii'Bi Hrfcs."he' OtmOary 'Magaskait I4r
1393s jK3 300, 1 1 con taiAO. i aa eavgnUeat .
rKoraf iedercWrng seraT
day! Bvttsr NbTHraplaHe WtTareMi
'd ftaOasjalLes fc Rims in alsp. tfcaaougk 1 y
-sons he has . ariyen 1700. lectures, in the , .
rire cities East. West. Xorth anil South.
in press 4ieiOve1,''4,lOfa1,,etHea,
TbHarHavlrgntai Kxpeaimenta Te
.MagiftKiPev.7 ti,.lcu , ,h ami m v fna .mUi
ISfHiv (...o-g iitflll nli.vi cull ml v.-tm lnl
If a stranger had looked in on TllK
s TTHfi: I5i8" wr 'iswavmlbf tflW'the'"
(nail 4agdi thy(iignt isavlthoiitbtie
aurpiUa artj, wJi ycogtasRi nVthn
workers had only paused Jot a Jew .
minutes to do justice to a magniflcent
frosted cake n resented bv Mrs A. L.
;Hawly. An6yyAHy betui'WaU Zodbl I
If you don't believe It ask John, who
stowed away a large , quarter .injnst 32
seconds. . w ""'
! P. J. Bola'nV6je''ieadlnr,andC'DODoTar
went on a two dyVdackiaj trip off:!
Branford Point, last week. They bag
geffSt TsaVd.ouVf vVTJfi?S .
secjwprrhad lepjOMWfti.
se(kuslj(' 4niwaMd iwitsTxahe napArtv )
When the fog prevented them fronfls1isotai
UbitioiiJMfiBQlsmidk4HdRMM fJWSir
last l ttTcttd-r'otiiilelA.
liidbisiii0 iislki&foii WtzirytiZl
may J.'t, jtiaii kt a, Jiaart wpm baj . agj
the gifted pen of liev Washington Glad- .
den.!. itx'&Ventv' vYaSed'