OCR Interpretation

The Newtown bee. (Newtown, Conn.) 1877-current, May 28, 1897, Image 3

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn92051487/1897-05-28/ed-1/seq-3/

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Rugs of rare weaves, rich
tints. Soft, silky "Antiques"
in subdued shadings. "Mod
erns" in all their brilliant
beauty. Names that stand
high on the muster-roll of
rug fame : .
A collection of sizes be
ginning at 2 ft. 6 by 4 ft. 6.
Little exposition, first floor.
Larger, second Moor.
Ask to sees the "Lion" Wheel, $y.oo
ioo Clothes Pins,
Nutmeg Graters,
Tea Strainers,
lVtt.-r Boxes,
Iiipiineso Tooth Picks,
Sink Brushes, .
Pie Plates, ...
Ask to see the "Lion" Wheel, $49.00.
Ilish Mops,
Steel Paring Knives,
Cage Springs, ...
Ask to see the "Lion" Wheel, $49.00.
Inn; Stands,
Oil Cans, . "
Steel Can Openers,
Steel Cake Turners.
Steel Mincing Knives,
Strong Fire Shovels,
Pudding Pans,
Yellow Bowls, ...
Wire Tea Pot Stands,
Wire StHinge Baskets,
Tin Pails,
Wash Basins,
Ammonia, ...
Refined Borax.
Hard-wood Towel Rollers,
Ask to sco the "Lion" Wheel, $49.00.
Steel Tack Claws,
Japanned Sugar Boxes,
Tai lor Pride large bottle.
Tea and Coffee Canisters, -
Large Whisk Brooms,
Flue Stoppers, ...
Ask to see the "Lion" Wheel, $49.00.
They are Ul'-TO-IAT
242 Main St., Datibury.Ct.
Always Up to Date,
BROOKFIELP, CONN-, represents Phoenix,
Caledonia, Mwra Security, Westchester,
Orient, North BtlilHh and Mercantile s'lre In.
suranoe Companies tot tbla section. If too
have ln.uranuH to place you are invited to
oorrnnpoiul with the anderalipied. Also agent
for th M&MiiacIiiiitM Mutual Lite Insuranoe
Co. Telephone Connection.
242 Bank Street, Waterbary, Ct
Alt work done at quarry prices. Marble
ami wranlle Monuments anil Tablets at low
cal prlora. W001I Mantels. Tiling a Special.
ty. v,ii.Kuifti.
MoaaataM, Hsadt BIobm la UarbU or QriniU
Writs for designs and prless,
Jloaiatonio Aveaue, Bridgeport
if lis!
laauary 1, 1883,
Last Week.
The Home Circle.
Only a Bunch of Columbine,
Cella E. Sbute, In Springfield Bepuolican.J
"It'd be the beat thing you ever did,"
she continued, decidedly. "If you're
thinkin' f erious of Julyie Frayle you're
makiu' a mistake. She's a Baser, etaarp
spoken (fa), without one mite of respect
for old folks. She fairly driv me away
jest now by her talk an' actions. There
ain't a better gal in the klntry than Hltty
Wells. What If she ain't a beauty!
Looks ain't everything;, an' that's all
there is to Julyie Frayle."
Keuben sat stupefied, unable to say a
word in reply. Be was a reserved, quiet,
young fellow, and this unexpected in
trusion into the sanctities of his affect
ions completely unnerved him. His con
fusion emboldened Miss Folly to disclose
ber reasons for taking such an unfavor
able view of Julia Frayle's character.
She had a natural aptitude for descrip.
tion, and a really remarkable memory
for slights and innuendoes, real and
imagined, and as she talked this memory
asserted itself, giving a disastrous color
ing to certain events that, viewed from
Miss Polly's prejudiced standpoint, fur
nished testimony of a pitiless kind
against the spirited but good-hearted
girl. Keuben Carter's face grew serious
as he listened, .for listen he did, though
filled with resentment against his caustic
little informant, and despising himself
for so doing. Still he had no doubt that
what she said was true, and when he put
her down at her door he felt that it was
as well that he had learned these facts in
time to subdue the strong affection that,
all unsuspected until recently, had been
growing in his heart for Julia Frayle.
He lived with an iov&lid mother, a fret
ful little woman whom he adored, and it
made his heart leap when he reflected
how easily illusion might have led him
into committing a mistake that would
have made her life of suffering a still
harder one.
That evening Miss Polly, watching at
her little front window that spied upon
the village etieet, saw Reuben Carter
leave the bunch of columbine at Hetty
Wells's door.
More than a week later a protracted
and unseasonable rain, that almost
achieved the proportions of a deluge,
swelled the river that flowed through
the town to a size that caused great
anxiety to those who lived near its
banks. It seemed as if their homes must
become the prey of the advancing waters
if the countless little streams and brooks
that found an outlet therein continued to
contribute with such dangerous un
reserve. The big bridge that crossed the
stream was still stanch and unyielding,
but another, lower down, of far less solid
and pretentious construction, was not to
be depended upon should the river con
tinue to rise.
Polly Anderson's little cottage was in
the endangered section, on the river side
of a pretty, elm-shaded street. But few
houses lay in that vicinity, and behind
them stretched usually a broad flat ex
panse of meadow land, but this meadow
bad been suddenly transformed into a
turbid lake in which trees were dwarfed
and bushes barely showed their remon
strant beads.
It was not for lack of invitations that
Polly Anderson had remained at borne
during the rise of the waters, for there
were none of her acquaintances who
would not willingly have received her at a
period so possessed among her engaging
habits that of preferring to favor them
with her company at inconvenient sea
sons, and withhold her presence if by
any combination of circumstances it
would have been really desirable. So,
though by remaining in her threatened
cottage she caused genuine anxiety to
her friends, remain there she did, regard
less of remonstrance.
Mrs Frayle had been ose of the earliest
and most urgent of those who bad press
ed their hospitality upon her. "Now,
Miss Polly," she had urged, with tears
in her soft, kind eyes, "do come home
with me, I shan't get a wink o' sleep
thinkin' of you down here alone. The
Wellses are gone bag and baggage, an'
I met old Elder Penny jest now, an' he
said be was comin' down this arternoon
to take Mary Ellen's fambiy borne with
him. I don't believe the Ayrses'll dream
of sleepln' in their house over night
"Catch 'em," interposed Miss Polly,
scornfully. "They're allers glad enough
to git an excuse for movln'. I neyer
seed slch an onesy pack."
Mrs Frayle dropped her arms despair
ingly at her sides. "Yor're flyin' in the
face of Providence, Polly Anderson,"
said she, more severely than she could
usually bring herself to speak. "You
know as well as I do that the bridge's is
danger. If it should give way there's
nuthin' to prevent it's comin' right down
on you, an' I belieye your chance
wouldn't be wuth reckonin' on."
"The water ain't rlz an Inch since din
ner," affirmed Miss Polly obstinately
"By to-morrow mornin' it'll be sank way
back of them trees. I've seen freshets
"Well I'm sure I hope you'll live to
see 'em agin," said Mrs Frayle hastily,
and with a tartness for which she was in
stantly penitent. "Do come. Miss Polly,
I'm real tcarey about that bridge."
"Don't say another word, Mis' Frayle,"
ndvised Miss Polly, with a warning in
flection. "The wuftt of It's over, I
promise you, an' I never could abide
folks that scared at nothln'."
Mrs Frayle went away without further
expostulation. But often through the
evening she glanced down uneasily from
ber window toward the low-dipping
village street. The moonlight struck
upon the broadened river, upon the in
fl jw over the low marsh lands, and the
row of little houses so dangerously near
at band. "I wish I'd dragged her away
by main force," she said to Julia, who
Wat mending stockings by the light of a
kerosene lamp at the center table
"There, Aunt 'Liza, you've worried
enough over Polly Anderson," answered
the girl impatiently. "It a person won'
git out of danger I don't Bee whose fault
It is if they git hurt except their own
I'm sure I don't feel as if I bad any cause
to moan over ber, and I shouldn't think
you had either." '
Mrs Frayle turned In a startled way
It was the first time Julia had alluded to
Miss Polly's Interference in her love af
fair since the day of her memorable visit,
The fact that neither she nor Reuben
Carter who previously had been an
almost daily visitor -had been to the
house since, pointed unmistakably to the
conclusion that the former felt some
degree ot culpability in tbe matter, for
It was characteristic of her msthods that
when an arrow had gone its destined
way she abandoned tbe field until all im
mediate danger of a return shot was
over. Julia bent over the stocking
weaving, tbe threads in and out with a
diligence chat had something forced and
forlorn about it. She was looking pale,
and her lips had a sad unnatural droop
Mrs Frayle's desire to justify herself
overcame ber fear of angering her niece
I ain't sayin' she treated you right."
she said, extenuatingly. "To tell the
truth, Julyie, it's because I come so near
something to hatin' of her that I don't
feel right not to do what I can for her at
a time like this."
Julia gave a mocking laugh, and then
suddenly rose sobbing, and with her
face bidden in ber hands 'ran upstairs
like a whirlwind. When Mrs. Frayle
dared follow her and call softly ac the
door, she received no answer, but could
bear hr sobbing still.
C Tplexity of feeling drove sleep from
Mrs F.ayle. Resentment and anxiety
colo"d her thoughts of Polly Anderson,
while love and pity, and tbe tenderest
long'rg to be comfort to her sffl cted
niece, made her very miserable when she
thought of Julia's unfortunate predica
ment. More than once she got out of
bed and tiptoed to tbe door of the girl's
room, but it was not until late that
she was relieved by quietness within.
Then she had gone back to her pillow
and fallen asleep, only to be awakened
soon after by the clanging of the village
bell. Julia was at her beside before she
bad fairly realized what bad awakened
"Aunt 'Liza 1 Aunt 'Liza!" called she,
in the sharp tone of one aroused to a t tate
of things not fully comprehended.
'Wake up, Aunt 'Liza 1"
She shook her aunt by the arm, and
Mrs Frayle sat up in bed automatically.
The sharp scratching of tbe match with
which Julia was trying to light the lamp
set her shivering with nervous dread.
"It's the bridge, Julyie. It's that
bridge. I knew ' twould go. O, why
didn't I make Polly Anderson come
away! What shall we do, Julyie?"
Julia ran to the window and looked out.
A cry of fright burst from her lips as she
did so, and hearing it Mrs Frayle nerved
herself to join her.
Tbe moon was high, and ids white light
fell on the world outside, "bringing out
the salient points with photographic defi-
niteness. The broadened sheet of water
that had so dismayed Mrs Frayle tbe pre
vious evening had now so widened that
it seemed as if nothing but water filled
the lower part of the town. Tbe sound
of its impetuous onward rnsb made itself
evident to tbe watchers at tbe window,
while the Ibell clamored spasmodically
as if to call the inhabitants to witness tbe
Inevitable destruction of whatever lay in
its path.
Mrs Frayle's inherent helpfulness as
serted itself.
I guess we'd better be a dressin' of
ourselves," she said, moving backward
and pulling down the window shade with
a resolute snap.
When she and Julia went down the hill
a little later they were passed continual
ly by people harrying to the lower town.
The hillside above the water line was
black with watching crowds.
It was indeed a thrilling scene upon
which they were gazing. On this inland
sea, as out of place as if the product of
mirage, the three little houses rested,
complete and pitiful wrecks of the tidy
little places so recently the pride of their
occupants. The two lower ones, though
twisted out ot position and shorn of chim
neys and all outward decorations, were
not in as deplarable a plight as Miss Pol
ly's, which bad been completely over
turned and crushed into splinters at one
end. A portion of tbe framework of tbe
bridge had become inextricably entang
led with this ruin, and the two swung
back and forth In tbe current like some
threatening and formidable monster of
prehistoric times.
There ain't nobody left there, that's
one comfort," said a man of evident local
prominence. "They all bad fair warn
ing yisterday, an' the whole kit an' bllln'
of 'em got away. Lucky moye, too, I'm
"Where'd Polly Anderson go, squire?"
asked anxious-faced Mrs Frayle, who had
arrived iust in time to hear this reassur
ing remark.
The man turned upon her with a fall
ing countenance.
"Moses an' Aaron!" ejaculated he,
'Ain't she with yoa, Mis' Frayle? She
sent word she was goln' to your house,
an' I s'posed of coarse she went."
"She never," gasped Mrs Frayle. "I
couldn't git her started no ways when I
was down there."
In stentorian tones the squire put the
question whether anyone within hearing
knew of Polly Anderson's whereabouts.
No one did. The crowd . had assembled
to watch the destruction of the houses,
bat the possibility that a human life had
been or was to be sacrificed aroused it to
a high pitch of excitement. The squire
was persecuted with suggestions and ad
"If sr e was there don't yoa spose she'd
have common sense enough to signal
somehow?" be inquired Irritably.
"Perhaps she's stunned. Tbe bridge
must hav rlve the house an awful Jar to
keel it ovtw that way," remarked a work-
Ingman, sensibly.
Julia Frayle, turning quickly at this re
mark to look again at the displaced cot
tage, stumbled against Reuben Carter,
The seriousness of the situation overcame
all embarrassment. She spoke Impul
"O, Reuben, do yon think she's In
i "I'm afraid so," he replied. "I've ask
ed everybody who'd be likely to know,
an' nobody's seen her. Nat Means's boat
hasn't been put in yet. It's np to the
paint shop, an' Nat an' I are going to see
it we can git through all that floating
New stock. All tested. Henderson's Garden and Flower Seeds are tbe
We have a very large stock in all widths and sizes and can furnish you any
quantity from stock at very low price.
rubbish, an' find out whether she's there
or not."
Julia gave a little involuntary cry.
Ain't it dangerous ?".she asked, looking
up at Reuben with frightened eyes.
"Not very, I guess. The logs Is the
wust," he answered shortly, becoming
suddenly very ill at ease. Julia's con
cern Instead of pleasiug him seemed to
have a contrary eflact. He turned as if
about to go, stung evidently by some
rankling .recollection, then lingered a
moment longer. "Polly Anderson's play
ed me a mighty mean trick lately," be
added, with an angry light in his deep
set eyes, "bu' I can't see her drowned out
there if she has. 1 wish I could tell you
about it, Julia, but I don't see bow I can,
ever." ills lace clouaed more deeply,
and be stopped abruptly. "I must be
hurryin' off," he said, almost gruffly,
and walked away.
Julia flushed hotly, and retreated to
tbe group In which Mrs Frayle was
Men were bringing planks and boards
with which to form a raft, for the pres
ervation of Nat Mean's boat was un
known to any but tbe two young men
and Julia Frayle. The sound of their
hammers reverberated uncannily at that
place and hour. So universal was tbe
interest in its construction that Reuben
Carter and his companion bad approached
quite near before they were observed,
The sensation created by tbe appearance
of their boat spread like tbe overflow,
and cheers greeted them as they passed
by, carefully avoiding the logs that were
continually drifting down upon them.
Followed by the straining gaze of tbe
people on the hillside, tbe boat moved
cautiously toward the overturned cot
tage, and at last was seen to encircle the
house, the men rising and peering into
every available opening. Then it stopped
and Reuben Carter climbed through a
window and disappeared.
Julia Frayle turned away impatiently
from the chorus of wild exclamations
that at once arose. The sound irritated
ber. She wondered what Reuben bad
seen within, bow long it would be before
be would reappear, and a picture of
Polly Anderson, maimed, suffering, pin
ioned under heavy furniture or falling
beams, unnerved her. Her fingers grip
ped each other with a force that left
white lines along the knuckles, and she
screamed aloud as a hand was laid on
ber arm.
"Julvie Fravle. I've been looking
evervwheres for voa. Do vnn 'nnn
he's found her?" panted her aunt,
scarcely able to speak aloud.
"I dunno. He's gittin' out now. Look 1
Look ! Aunt 'Liza !" cried Julia.
"I'm afraid to look," confessed Mrs
Frayle, miserably. "If I should see
him bringin' of her out I should feel as
though I'd killed her myself."
"Well, you needn't feel that way yet,
Mis' Frayle," remarked a bystander',
dryly. "He ain't got her, an' they're
comin' this way agin. She can't be
there arter all."
"Well, I declare to man !" ejaculated
Mrs Frayle, feebly. She tightened her
hold on Julia's arm. ''Don't you go an'
leave me alone agin," commanded she.
"I can't stand much more."
Reuben Carter was dripping when he
stepped up onto the bank.
I poked an' waded into every hole an'
corner, an' I can't find a sign of her any
wheres," he announced to tbe gaping
crowd. "Perhaps she tried to git awav
too late, an' got kerried off by the cur
rent," suggested a pallid woman. "Some
how I've felt all along as if she's jam
med In among them logs sornewheres."
This grim theory found numerous ad
herents, and armed with poles and axes,
and with a third man to assist, Reuben
Carter and Nat Means again set forth in
quest of Polly Anderson, while the raft
was hurriedly finished and poled down
in the same direction.
Morning had now dawned, but tbe
wearied people could not be induced to
leave tbe scene of the disaster. It seemed
so probable that Polly Anderson's body
might at any moment moment be discov
ered in the floating mass of debris that
covered the meadow lands, and stopped
in its progress by the broken remnants
of the bridge, blocked the egress of the
waters below, that they remained as if
rooted in their places, pale with antici
pation of what might be disclosed, and
almost worldless In the stress ,of expect
ancy. Now and then a movement of un
usual activity on the part of the search
ing party would be recognized by a surg
ing chorus of exclamations, or a shud
dering sigh that seemed to emanate from
a single huge throat. , Then all would be
breathlessly quiet again, until a fresh
cause for the exhibition of emotion
The long-continued tension was at its
height when the crowd began to be aug
mented by the arrival of dwellers In tbe
more remote sections of the village, who
had been forced to wait .until morning
to investigate the inroads made by the
storm. One of the wagons loaded down
with these late arrivals, coming around
the hillside at all possible speed, bore on
its front seat a shrill-voiced old woman,
whose tones fell upon the ears of all
within hearing with the potency of an
electric crash. Mrs Frayle started for
ward as if galvanized.
"Merciful goodness ! Polly Ander
son 1" cried she, graspingly, running to
the side of the wagon and clutching this
woman by the arm. "Tbe hull town's
huntin' for you out there. Where yon
bees?" Her face was quivering, and tbe
Step in and examine our big line of '97 WHEELS.
The Man who is Raising
Ucal farming comprehends not only t!:
to'the'scrc of hsyt the best fjrau.-i-;-something
more than this j for there i
crcp is saved, successfully, speed:!- c.a i
measured the season's profit . 'oss.
Harvesting Machines are the profit'bringing kind they are the kind that keep down
expenses; there are other kinds that don't, and are in fact a constant expense because
they are so conpan!y out of fix. Let's admit, that ve arc all trying to make money
let's admit also because experience has proven it true that there's nothing cheaper
than the best. In harvesting machinery here it is,
The McCormick Right-hand Open Elevator Binder.
The McCormick New 4 Steel Mower.
The McCormick Folding Daisy Reaper.
The McCormick Vertical Corn Binder.
Come in and let us show you these machines j they are the only kind we handle)
they are the only kind to own.
If In want or any Agricultural Tools come and see me, or 11 unable to, should be please
to correspond with any parties. Dealer in Lumber, Shingles, Saab Doors and Blinds. Whole
Bale or Retail. Can give City Prices.
Brookfield, Ct., Mar, 1, 1897.
Bridgeport Wood Finishing Co.,
In justice to you I desire to give testimony to the superior
qualities of your paint. I had my mill in Brookfield painted in
1890, and to-day it is as fresh and clean, without crack or blem
ish, as the day it was painted. We also used the same paint on
our elevator in New Milford, the largest group of buildings in the
village, using a great quantity of the paint, and putting it on ov
er old paint, and it remains bright and clean, just as satisfactory
as the Brookfield job, and it was always a pleasure to me to show
my friends these buildings.
We had a very hot fire in Brookfield near the mill, scorching
one side of the building badly. We have no fire apparatus in the
town, and it was the opinion of many that the silicate in the paint
prevented our mill from being destroyed.
Respectfully yours,
This letter speaks for itself.
White and all shades and colors,
New Milford, Ct. ,
tears began to jun down her withered j
Polly Anderson's sharp features
sharpened under the scrutiny bent upon
her, but she was fully equal to the
exigencies developed by the occasion.
"Been?" she repeated, calmly. "Why,
I been up to Elder Penny's. I thought
I might as well go along when he came
for Mary Ellen's fambiy yisterday, I
s'pose I'll get the hull of my insurance,
Squire, won't I?"
"Damn your insurance!" said the
squire, forcibly, in a swift revulsion of
feeling. "What'd you send ns word you
was goin'toMis' Frayle's for? We've
been workin' all night to get track of
you. Seem's if.it would have been
decent for you to have let as known."
He turned away to recall the exhaust
ed workers with muttered exclamations
that it was well for Miss Polly she did
not catch. The crowd gathered about
her, some disposed to be indignant at
their waste of time and emotion, others
inclined to regard the whole thing as a
huge joke, and all agreeing that it was
iust what might have been expected of
Polly Anderson.
"Contrary critter!" remarked the
woman who had been responsible for tbe
investigation of the log jam. "If it .had
been anybody else suthin' would a'
happened to her, but we might a' known
better'n to count on Polly Anderson's
doin' ' anything like other folks. But
there ! What be I sayin', I'm thankful
she's safe, anyways."
Engrossed In listening with poorly
concealed gratification to the tale of ber
attempted rescue for Miss Polly was
taking keen delight in this enhancement
of ber local importance she was still
the center of an animated group when
the searching party returned. Even
under these unusual circumstances it did
not escape her trained observation that
from Reuben Carter's hand hang a
drenched and withered bunch of colum
bine, unrecognizable save by the en
lightenment of prior acquaintance. The
supremely selfish heart of the designing
old woman had been touched by the re
cital of Carter's tireless efforts in her
behalf, and as she came near she stepped
forward and beckoned him to one side,
while the crowd, just beyond hearing,
breathlessly watched what they sup
posed to be a gracious acknowledgement
of her indebtedness to him.
"The Wellses ain't been to home for
i v .i k j. r y
a Bin Grcp
t L.; harvest time is ahead.
c Illicit r.-cin - the most tons
th-t X--V- '"--i contemplate
: r, anc! ;jst in proportion as a
i.i; .:it t::a' proportion may be
Sample cards free to any
240 Pearl St, New York.
more'n a fortnit," she whispered. "I
guess that bouquet ain't been in any
bands but yourn since you left it on tbe
doorstep. I seen it there every day,
She looked at him defiantly as she
finished, already half regretting the con
fession, and prepared to defend her
self from any accusation he might bring
against her, but what she saw on the
young fellow's haggard face was the
radiant look of one who, having re
ceived joyful tidings, forgets all eUe,
and taking advantage of his preoccupa
tion she slipped away before he could
question her.
Alone and unobserved a little later
Reuben Carter untwisted the stems of
the bedraggled bouquet, and extracted
from within their depths a water-stained
bit of paper, upon which could still be
deciphered the words : "Dear Hltty.
Will you marry me? Reuben Carter."
Carter read the blotted potential little
sentence with flaming cheeks, and a
heart palpitating with the emotion in
duced by escape from danger of an im
minent nature. Then he suddenly tore
it into atoms so small that by no possible
mischance could they be pieced together
again, scattered them on the drifting
waters, and with rapid steps and a happy
light in his eyes went in search of Julia
Fairfield County News.
Mr and Mrs Robert Bristol, who have
both been very sick, are much improved
in health. Their son, Darius Bristol
from Marbledale, has been down a
number of times to Bee to their wants.
Adelbert Wildman and bis bride are
now Ihousekeeping In their pleasant
Irwin Piatt of Marbledale, who has
been at Robert Bristol's through his
illness, returned home, last Sunday.
Mr and Mrs J. R. Brush and daughter,
Miss Carrie Brush, Charles Cable and
Miss Lizzie Oleming and Nellie Whitlock
were entertained by Mrs R. A. Canfield
the fore part of the week.
George Dickens of Bethel has done
"Knock Out"
We Scoop in the PLUMS with
into details, nor enumerate p ices
E-Sale Opens FRIDAY, MAY
SSMail Orders promptly and accurately
t:e3::e: -
Take the Lead as CROP PRODUCERS.
Formula A, for Potatoes, Corn and General Use. Formula
B, for Tobacco. Formula C, Superphosphate. Formula E,
Top Dressing and Grass. Send for Circulars and full informa
tion. It will save many dollars for all farmers to give these
goods careful investigation. Address
Ijucien Sanderson,
Wood's Blowing Machines
Wood's Horse
Why not buy a machine which is reasonable and will do excellent
service. Everybody who has ever used Wood's mach'xies after
using other makes know from experience they are the best on the
market- We have the
National Hay
Which are first-class and have won a great reputation through
out the country.
P aris Green (Suns
Potato Bugs must go ! These guns are just the thing for killing
Bugs. The Paris Green is put on vines very uniformly- Handy
to use- Oparates very quickly-
Just got in a big lot of Hammocks- They are beauties. Latest
styles, best quality- Cheap. Everything in Garden Tools.
Hardware of every description- Refrigerators and Ice Boxes at
low prices. Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries-
PLUMB HARDWARE CO., 452 Main Street,
Aeentsf or Oliver Chilled, Syracuse,
Syracuse, National, Yankee and Mead's Chilled Plows. Thompson's Grass
Seeder, the Monarch Steel Weeder, Aepinwall Potato Planter, Wheel and
Steel Tooth Harrows, Adriance Buckeye Mower, Tiger Horse Rakes, Ballard
Hay Tedders; also General Hardware, Manufacturers' Supplies, Machinists
and Carpen tors' Tools- Call and see us and we will please you.
397-401 Water St., Bridgeport, Ct.
For Up-to-Date
And all the latest reading in books and magazines give us
a call
some repairing on the Edmund's house.
Darius Bristol of Marbledale was in
town last Sunday.
Mrs Caroline Wildman has visited ber
sister, Mrs Branson.
Tbe family of Edward Montrose, who
have been seriously afflicted with the
grip, fire being down with it at tbe same
time, have nearly recovered. Dr Grls
wold wag in attendance and Mrs Black
man the nurse.
William F. Wildman is very poorly and
confined to his bed.
Mrs Irwin Tattle of Southbury and
two children, Ruth and Bessie, have
been guests of Mrs R. A. Canfield.
The many friends of Miss Caroline
Foster will be pleased to know there is a
little Improvement in her condition.
She has been sick nearly five months.
Shoe' Sals!
EEADT CASH and Give our
We have not time or space to go
Suffice it to say that they are
28th, at 8 o'clock A.
filled- Satisfaction guaranteed. 1
National, Yankee and Mead's Chilled
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or polaon It with blue-mass; but aid Na
ture by using DeWitt's Little Early Ris
ers, the famous little pills for constipa
tion, biliousness and stomach and liver
troubles. They are purely vegetable.
E. F. ' Hawley, Newtown ; S. C Bull,
Sandy Hook; A. B. Blakeman, Botsford ;
B. Hawley & Co., Stepney.
From Sirs to Soa.
as a Ixmlly medicine Baooa'a Celery King
tor tbe nerves pfte from aire to eon mm a Imc
acy. If yoa nave Kidney. Liver or Blood dis
order get a tree sample package ot toil reme
dy. It yon bmve IndUrestion, Constipation,
Headache, Khenro&Usm, this specido wUl
cure yon. H. 8. Comator k, Warrnn: D. Bara
h&xn. New Preeton; Woodbury Drug Co..
Woodbury; HotcbkbtrriUe Catkb 8 sore, K T.
Hawley, Newtown ; B. Hawley 4 Co., Stepney ;
Marshall Beach. Monroe; J. M. Sullivan. Hed
dinff Kldpe; A. B. Biakeman, Botsford ; K. L.
Sanlord, Oxford, and H.J. Pott r. South BHU
iaa, are sole agents and are distributing
samples free. Large packages 50c and &c

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