OCR Interpretation

The Press. (Stafford Springs, Conn.) 1883-1935, March 17, 1898, Image 2

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

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Thursday, March 17. 1808.
1.40 a rar. If paid strictly la adrjoe.lJ.
Two Brazilian cruisers have been pur.
chased by the United State, the Ama
Bona which U complete la every respect,
and another vessel which Is very near
completion. Both are One cruisers of the
last end beet produote of the Armstrong
yards In England. '' '
James . Hayden, a retired rnanufact.
urer, formerly of Wllllmantlo, died In
Providence, R. I., Saturday. lie was
born In Albion, II. I., In 1830, and was one
of the engineering party who laid out the
New London Northern railroad In 1843.
He leaves a widow, son and daughter.
Bpaln has remonstrated against the as
sembling of the U. 8. fleet at Key West,
on aooount of Influence it may have with
the approaching elections In Cuba. No
official rejoinder Is looked for. The Fern
Is to replace the Montgomery at Havana.
The report of the Maine Investigation Is
expected within a day or two.
John Reed, alias Spencer, the alleged
bunoo worker, was again on trial In East
Cambridge Monday on the charge of
swindling Charles Sweetser, a Chelms
ford farmer, out of $3,500. The jury re
turned a verdict or guilty ana He was
sentenced to serve a term of not lees than
four nor mors than live vests, to folio
the term previously fixed.
The American thread company, which
has just been Incorporated under the laws
of New Jersey with a capital of $ 10,000,.
000, Is the outgrowth of some months of
effort to combine the leading cotton thread
companies of the oountry not Included In
the Coats combination, and Is composed
of the following concerns : The Wllllman
tlo the Merrick thread company and the
Iladley thread company of Holyoke, the
William Clark company, the Baretow
thread oompany, Alexander King & Co.,
th Warren thread oompany, the Nation
al thread company, the Kerr thread com
pany, th New England thread company,
th Ruddy company, the Olasgo yarn
thread oompany and the Qlaego thread
Judge Owlght Loomla has given his de
cision In ths two Tolland county superior
court cases which were heard by him In
Hartford s few weeks ago as stats rfree.
The first wss brought by the Hock vl lie
Savings Bank In the form of an Inter
pleader to determine who was entitled to
530 whloh was on deposit In the bauk.to
the credit of Arnold Converse, late of
Homer, and which was claimed by Angle
8. Wftlcott, who has been housekeeper
for Mr. Converse for many years before
he died, and also by Carlos A. Converse,
as administrator of the estate of his
father. The other action was brought by
Miss Woloott to recover for services
rendered Mr. Converse tor many years
prior to the time of his death. Boiners
people had a great Interest in the case and
daring the two days Judge Loom Is took
testimony many residents of the section
where Mr. Converse lived were called as
witnesses. Judge Looml has decided the
oases In favor of Miss Wolcott, that she
Is entitled to the money on deposit in the
Rockvllle Savings Bank and that she Is
entitled to receive f 527 from the estate of
Arnold Converse for services rendered
aim,- .
James P. Andrews and Judge Briscoe
appeared for Miss Wolcott and Charles
Phelps for Carlos Converse.
Washington Latter.
Washington, Mar. 14, IMS.
Although Secretary Long has again
officially denied the renewed statement
that the president had been Informed of
ths nature of the report that will be msde
by ths naval court of Injury, there is no
doubt that the president. In common with
almost everybody else, fully expects that
ths report will be that the explosion was
on the outside of the Maine. Of course,
he cannot act until the official report is
made, but he can get ready to back up
his action, and that he Is doing. Every
ship that can possibly be made use of In
case of a war with Bpaln is being care
fully looked after by naval experts, and
every manufactory with a plant for making
guns or ammunition, hss received aseur
ances that the government will, until
further notice, buy everything In that
lias they can make.
The only actual enlistments yet being
made are of men for the two new artillery
regiments, authorized by oongress.snd of
men for the navy, but the war depart
ment Is getting together arms, am muni
tlon and accoutrements for 100,000 men,
so that there will be no delay In getting
any army together at short notice. We
are already going ahead too fast for Spain,'
which Is now showing an anxiety to delay
Nearly every day brings a new and more
or less elaborate scheme for some sort of
Intervention la Cuba by this government
before the public, but President Mo-
Klnley's scheme, If he has one, Is still un.
known. Ths latest Idea Is that ths U. 8.
shall demand of both, the Bpalnards and
Cubans that hostilities cease, and that
some sort ot an arrangement be made
whereby ths Cubans ars to control Cuba
and to remain nominally under control of
Spain. The advocates of this 'scheme
think It an all around good one because It
would obviate the necessity of this govern
ment sssumtng control of Cuba. Th
say that ths Cubans are unfitted for lo
dependent self-government, snd that uo
ill ths population becomes much Improved
ths Island would not make a desirable as
cession to ths U. 8. j therefore that the
logical outcome Is a Cuban government
under the Spanish suspioes. But all this
Is put forward la the belief snd depend
ent upon the contingency that Spain will
satisfactorily meet the demands that may
be mads on account of the loss of the
Maine, and that we shall not bays ;to
fight to enforce those drmacds - belief
: that Is heavily in the minority. v
If the talk of an alliance between Esg
land and the U. whloh was started
several days ago, because of a message of
congratulation brought to President Mvf
Klnley from Queen Victoria, by the
British Ambassador, was Intended as a
feeler of public sentiment, those' respoo
slble for It must be convinced that such
alliance Is desired by any considerable
number of Americans. This oountry
would need no assistanos to whip Spain..
Moay t ChUdrea or Sickly.
Komi OH4TH Swaur Pownaaii voa Csn
i 4 by Mother ray. a nurse la cuil
m iimiiit la (iw Tof K, Break up colds la 4
I ...nM, :urw Ifvrl &nn, lliulacii, Mimactl
Trt.iiiw, Te'tiirti DiMOrders, and Destroy
V. !).. At all 3rusf''lts, IW Bample rass.
AU. Aiiua a. uIiwmhI, IKoy, H. X.
Booth CaTaatry.
(Ths Beglster Is on sale at ths post offlos eaoh
Hon. Charles Hunt was In town last
Mrs. Lydia Mason spent Sunday In
The Ladles' Association Is to meet with
Mrs. Lydla Mason this afternoon.
Rev. and Mrs. Sydney H. Barrett gave
a reception at ths Congregational parson
age Wednesday eveulug.
Win. Potter of Booth street has been
making alterations and repairs In and
about his dwelling house.
, Miss Mettla Edgertonuhad an attack of
quinsy early last week, and Miss Clovls
Beebe was sick at home of the mumps.
Both hav recovered. ..;
Ooo hundred tickets were sold by the
managers of the old folks oonoert, given
at ths A. a U. W. halL last week Wed-
neediy, by the Baptist society of An
dover. -...
Mrs. Wm. H. Wallen went to Wllll
mantio last week to care for her daugh
ter, Mis. Medora Small, who was very 111
of diphtheria. - At : last accounts Mrs.
Small was Improving.
The tenth anniversary of the marriage
of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Hutchinson
Was observed Isst Monday evening by s
aunoer. slven bv Mrs. Hutchinson, to
relatives and intimate friends.
Last week Friday morning Charles
Clark, a soldier of the 25th regiment, C.
V., and member of the Nathan Hale post.
O. A. R., wss mustered out. Mr. Clark
wss born In Bolton In April, 1887, mar
ried Fidelia, only daughter of the late Dr.
Jonas C. Maine, In 1860, enlisted In 1863,
fought In but one battle, that of Irish
Bend, Red River oountry. In which he
was wounded In his head by a bullet or
fragment of shell, In his thigh by a ballet
and his knee by a minis ball, all of which
were never extracted from his body, as
the Inflammation was so great after lying
three day In the sugar bouse with bis
wounds unattended, it wss Impossible to
locate them. At-r remaining for months
In the hospital he ret u mod north, and for
many years he has resided In this plaoe,
His wife, brother Henry of Southold, L.
two sisters. Mrs. Emma Kolb and
Mrs. Amelia Boyntoa survive him. Rev.
Mr. Bairett conducted the services at the
bouse Monday, and the remains were car
ried to Uroton. where they were Interred
In the Star cemetery.
These resolutions were received by the
correspondent March 10th :
South Coventry. Conn- March . 18U8.
At a meeting of the church, held this
day, the following resolutions, presented
bv the church committee, were unani
mously adooted:
Whereas, It has pleased Almighty uod.
in His all-wise Providence, to remove by
death our beloved brother and physician,
Deacon Henry 8. Dean, who for nearly
half a century has devoted himself unsel
flshly to us, ministering to the sick and
suffering In our community, ever thought
ful of the poor and needy, a steadfast
friend and wise ' counselor, a devoted
christian and faithful church official, ever
holding high the standard of right, purity
and Justice, by word snd example, and
Whereas, While we numbly submit to
the will of our blessed Msstei, we sin
cerely mourn our great loss, feeling that
He doeth all things well." We hereby
publicly express the (, and extend to
Mr. Curtis Dean (his soo) our apprecia.
tlon ot what his father was to us, feeling
that although he has passed on before
"he yet speaketb,w and will long live In
Ih.'h.irt. Atwf marfinra rt t h la h 11 rn K mnti
people: therefore . . i
Uesolved, l bat the above preamble oe
placed on our church - record, a copy of
the same be presented to Mr. Curtis
Dean, and furnished a local paper for
publication. -..
kit. srnasT it aim. haboott, -Jam
a. Mokuan, ' 1
M. P. Torurv. Church
A. KinniiBoaT. fOotaaalUee.
N. c. Wbitk, I
W. L. Uimtun, ' i- J
Prom onotber correapondent. .
Mrs. J. Kellogg of Norwich Is visiting
her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Ross.
The Ladles4 Missionary association met
at Mrs. Lydla Mason's yesterday after.
noon.' - i
Rev. Mr. llortoo of Wllllmantlo preach.
ed and served communion in the M. E.
church last Sunday. , '.
A surprise party was tendered Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Stewart at Mr. and Mrs. L.
B. Hicks' lost Monday evening.
The Orange meeting on Tuesday even
ing was well attended. The first and
second degrees were given to four candl
There Is to be an entertainment In 8t
Mary's . church this Thursday, evening,
hloh Is to consist of drills, dialogue,
song, etc.
Rev. Mr. Barrett and wife gave a recep
tion yesterday afternoon and evening to
the members of the Congregational church
and their friends. -
Out of -town parties have been hers In
vestigating the Cenypo mill property and
also the cartridge snap. It would seem
quite like Id times to see one or both of
these Institutions start up again.
; Bucklsbt's iAnioa Salts. The best
salve n toe world Tor outs, bruises, sores
ulcers, Mir rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and oil
skin eruptions, and positively cures piles.
or no pay required. 1 1 uuaranteea to give
perfecv satisfaction, or money l
Price 25v per , bos. RoM bv.lC. K. Tsft.
' '- : A Card. i-.-"iu
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the- money ou a B0 oett bottle of
Oreene's Warranted Byrup of Tar . If It
falls to our y out cough or cold. We
also gaaioatsie 23 cent bottle to prove
ssusiaotory, or money reianded.
.-"" Ji P.:ROOT,Tolland.
r k, Tba H email t Mm la Stafford , .
As well as tbs nandbomest, and outers are In
vited to call on any drtrtst and get pass a trial
bottlS of ' Kemp's Balaam tor too Throat and
Langs, aisisAdytftM Is ruu-anteed to cure and
relieve all Cnronte and Aeute pongns. Asthma,
Bronchitis and Consumption. ' Prioesscand so&
Stafford Springs;
SJ soo '.to'-Edwardl
Bfaffordvtlle, 9th,' Ruth 'M. frs., 10
mo., daughtarof Mr.- and Mrs, ft. L. I
Wa4brldffe. - - - j
Bomers, 18th, Mrs. Wealthy Pierce, 83.
South Coventry, 11th. Chas. Clark. 61.
Wlltlmantlc, lSth.ChaunceyW-Turner,
Jtxjjj-i ill" i' ;;yt
"OABTURE TO ' RENT, at bargain
X - price, for the season, with privilege of sub-
lMEtflllS. " ' KlJf VIII U u IIII'IIU
VTOTIClirjavlng secured a better
xv lrx erop this season than ever before, I
snail be able to servo all who wish to use Ice.
and at low prices aa , anyone. It has bees re
ported that 1 would not deliver loe this summer,
bat whea the season opess I shall be prepared
to serve OIL Thanking all for post favors. 1 am
Hone better, and none more reasonable priced.
!,.' . Blayela SoaSria, aU klada.
An kinds of Bicycle repairing by s skilled me-
, . ., , choaio. ,. .
1 GEO. WOltTlirNOTON, :
SALE A 40-acre Farm. Fori
JL' particulars Inquire ot
BB L. WINTER, Stafford.
T70R SALE or Exchange for a Cow a
Ben Bouse and Yard, capacity for o hens.
51-t J. Jt U BOBBIN. -
rpwO Good Houses and La nr a Lot for I
JL sole very cheap on Bast Main street.
mm s. IH1U1WI.
JUJ Plymouth Kocks. Also a cross beteea Buff
wrandottes ana Burr cochin, ror utility, soo.
tor 18. A. M. LULL, West Stafford, Conn.
HPHE Annual Meeting ot the Stafford
JL springs Cemetery Association will be held
at vne rooms m voe Dwima mou rn AnmaauuD.
In WarrenS block, oa Monday evening, March
SB, at T.su p- m. important ousineaa.
AJilHiaw waiii'n, rrwiuruu
jr. u. iSAH.tt.it, Decretory.
OR SALE Real Estate of the late
Wm. k. Davis, consisting- of one wood-lot ot
over one nunarea acrea, covered wim pine ana
chestnut: also 1 mowing lot of about 5 acres.
Inquire ot rnoKi e. da vis, sjtecutor.
Rlncrle Comb White Leffhorns. Lurht Brahmss.
Golden and White Wyandot tea. At KockvlUe.
Stafford ana New London I took X7 regular ana
10 special premiums on 81 entries.- Eggs, 18 tor
75 cents at the house ; $1 when packed tor ship
ping, johhua wuuu, sianora springs,
Painters and Paper Hangers.
Kalsomlnere, Whitewashing and Hard Wood
Finishing. Inside work ot all kinds a specialty.
Dot or contract work. Reasonable prtoea. 450
-To exchange a nice
. v v tenement
tenement house, well rented. In 8pring-
Held (or a tarm.
YTITANTED To exohange a good farm
v v
(or a house In the boroueh.
4. s. BJtlLlbUUie.
A. avenue. Inquire at 83 East-Matn-st.
IS selling New ud geeond-hsad Farm
wagons UMp.
Any style built to order at abort notice.
Eaat Wlllington, Conn.
A. JACOBS EN, 8 tar d Sp'gS. . 8t
XTOTICE. The. firm of Irons A Slater
11 having been dlssolTed bv mutual agree
ment, the business in the future will be earned
on by Mr. Irons, who will settle all bills con
tracted oy the nnn. ihaklks i ko ,
Stafford Springs, Conn., Feb. 17th, IMS. 493
Painting and Paper Hanging.:
Having purchased the Painting and Paper
HDgiDg Dumnees n r.L ixtnTerae. i am now
prepared to do all kinds o( work in this una.
rirat Class Work at KaasMabla Price.
Leave orders at Bailey's grocery store.
Stafford Sranros, Com.
FULL-BLOODED Pekln Duck Eggs
for sole fresh from the hills of Vermont.
tms spring si.ou per sitting or is.
U HUH. U.. U K 8EN8, Village HUL WUUngton
COR SALE. One single carriage near-
Ir new. one two-seated buggy, belonging
to ins estate or w. w. lai nrop.
4. h. kiju. Aanunistraior.
Are without question the best (owls (or all I
purposes that exist. I have three yards, thir
teen in each vara, males and females not re.
lated, that are as good stock as can be found in
America. Eggs that ore fertile and warranted
to hatch, 60c per IS when takes at the house ; Si
per is wnen pacaea ior snipping.
a, ii. Bimunun. "unora, iaa.
Rr-corresponaenoe cheerfully answered.
Farm of 1W acres, wltn good buildings there
on, pleasantly situated two miles north of Star
toravtlle. on the Holland road. It ts well watered
and suitably divided into mowings, pastures and
woodlands. Mowings iertue ana amootn fruit I
and maple orchard. A large quantity of stand-1
Ing wood and Uea la on the place. Wii
on eur terms. Inquire on the nremlsei
VW be sold
All persons liable by law to pay taxes la the
town oi jionsneia are neiwoy nounea tnai i
have for collection a rate-bill ot is mills on the
dollar on the list ot 1W7, together with poll and
oommutauoD taxea.
Kor the nuroone of recelvlnff sold taxes, on
Tuesday, March 28, 1898, 1 will be at ths store of
A. B. Sumner from s-80 tiu 10 ao a. au, at the
store of L. L. Lyon from li m. till 1 p. m., and at
tne store oi h. v. ntw irom s tut n p. m.
On Thursday. March frith, turn, at the store at
Merrow fiom till 10 a. m.. at the store at. M.
Sailth from 11 a. m. till it m., and at the state
of F. O. Vinton from i.sa till 8 p. m.
B. 8hlppee from 10 till 11 a m.. and at the stare 1
un rnaar. Marcn in. ltwa. at ine store ot a.
of A. Oden tram IS m. tlllSp.-m, . -
All Dersons neelecumr the above notice will
be charged additions, as the law directs.
. aa ukkw m. ukami, vouector.
Mansfield, Conn., Feb. 88, 1888. . v ,
rT"TTTTTTr TT Full Bet of arUO-
I M.n. I l-l clolTeeth,
Guaranteed to fit and give
Perfect Satisfaction.
Teeth Extracted Without Pain.
Opposite Post Office, ....... Koom 4. 1
Honrs 8 to 8. Open Sverr Evening.
In Selecting Glasses
Kven for ordinary defects, no one can proi
fit themselTes.
a. Thesofeplanlatoeonsulttkose
who are quallfled to lit them for you.
We moke a specialty ot thla work.
flood Finn avad Balldlnars Vor Sale. Sit. I
nated within three minutes walk ot post office, I
store, churches and school. Very pleasantly lo-1
cateo in a good neignoornooa. , Also
one cow.
one norse, ana a lot oi nay.
Mae Tackle!
t ?i
' t
Isj "I Ht I
'.i-.v.'f -Sti
Bamboo Cane Poles,
Hooks on Snells,
CsTSee our Catalogue.
. A. BUCK & CO,
Our This Year's Opim
Millinery, Suits, Jackets, Capes, Skirts,
Waists, ChUdreiTs Garments, and
Ladies' Furnishings,
Will take place -Tuesday and Wednesday, March
22 and 23. Our friends
dially invited to' inspect
which will far surpass those ot any former sea
son. ' ' " '. 1 ": -
I such a
Here are the first blossoms of Spring
nery. Suoh a gleam ot color and
variety of style. They are here
for your Instruction and education. If you
wish , object lessons In Spring creations.
If you wish them for wear we will sell
them, and you will also find them fairly
prloed, too.
New, and new and ever new they keep
coming In a steady stream, and faster
with every day. You cannot fully know
what Jacket styles are, or what they're
going to be, without learning' here, for
our styles are pick styles, and very few
are shown elsewhere. .
Skirts. !
Of coarse there's no need to spend any
time In talking about the conveniens and
advantages in fact the "Indispensable-
ness" ot the separate drees skirt. Grant
ing their usefulness-let as tslk about
kinds. Here are tailor-made skirts of
plain, substantial material for walking,
or more elaborate ones for Indoor wear.
or still more elaborate ones for effective
afternoon wear.
Ladies' Furnishings.
This little corner of our store. Is mighty
attractive these first Spring days. The
new arrivals in fanoy buckles and shirt
waist sets (including cuff and waist but
tons) are very catchy. Also the latest
style collars, cuffs and fancy ties. The
infants' wear, too, will come in for a
share of your inspection.
D. H. BRIGHAE11 & CO.,
18 BID.
New '98 Patterns Mk
The Stearns,
The Keating
The Racycle
$50 to
$50 to
$35, $45
and $75.
Bicycle Sundries,
Good Assortment.
Bicycle Repairini ami Gleaning,
In all Its branches.
E. A. BUCK & CO.
, ' ;iovnr of STAFFobo.
All persons liable to nay a town tax of 9u mills
on the dollar on list ot 1897, also s military and
poll tax, are hereby notified that I will he ready
to receive the same at W. K. Bonley's shoe store,
Stafford BnrlnRS. on Monday. April 85 th. and
Saturday, April Sot h, from 9 o. m.tOSp. m ; at
W. v. odell's store, frtairordviiie, 'Wednesday,
ADrtl mh. from 10 a. m. to t p. m.: at . Past Of-
nce, west stanera, r naay, Apru zsnn, irora iu
a. m. to t n. m.: at the Town Hall. Stafford.
Tuesday, April 86th, from S o. m. to 2 p.-m. All
taxes are due April 1st, 1808, and payable at par
until ay isu aiuer woicn oate interest at
cent, per annum and legal fees for coUeci
r will postuvcly be eharged. ' - i
- ,.' ', . w. . iooBUJtx, Jouector.
Btofford Hollow.
Svtfford. Conn-, March 9th, 18B8.
- JEWETT'S ;";
pure whitflead
; 1 6 !Per Hiuidred.
Per Hundred.
T.iztfKhti Paint,
In All Colors.
Sbervio & William'
SooMly Mixed
Ix Aix coioos.
Calcine, Plaster, Lime.
Shellacs and Varnishes.
Vzdiiiz' ?zh rJ Oil Stcre.
!1 0 1
Dm m i wi
and customers are cor
our Opening Display,
J '"l i- :"i.-,
Suits. ?
We shall carry the element of exclu
slveness further than ever this season.
Yon will find In this collection neither
the commonplace nor the old. We have
tiled to make this showing one of origl
nallty and beauty, and we think you will
admtt our success as to styles, materials
and prices.
In this exhibition of Capes for Spring
wear, an important point must not be
overlooked there Is hardly a duplicate,
New, bright and original ideas which will
not be found elsewhere, whether it be
plain or elaborate, inexpensive or one re
quiring large expenditure.
The chief charm of this shirt waist
showing (both silk snd cotton)., aside
from the very practical attention of some
quite extraordinary prices, is the charm
of novelty. There are shirt waists, and
shirt waists, you know, and you also
know that It Isn't necessarily the price
which regulates style and beauty. At
any rate, come and see what we have.
Children's Garments.
Cute little party capes, stylish reefers ;
snd sued an array or dresses. JNo won
der the little girls like to eo Into "Brig
ham's." We have given this section extra
room, and we feel sure you will tind what
you are looking for here. Dependable
goods, all of them, whether of the inex
pensive kind, or those higher priced.
$28 to $125.
$70, $95, $125.
Juvenile Bicycles - -
$19 and $24.
Juvenile Tandems
$45 and $50.
At Very Low Prices.
f The Harbingers of Spring.
Millinery Openings
V". .' Win take place
Wednesday and Thursday,
Mar. 23d and 24th.
A practical demonstration of what you
read In the acknowledged Fashion Delin
eators ; and everybody is welcome.
350 Maln-st.,
Art Wall Papers
'Fox 1398.
Two hundred New Patterns shown in' Four I
Sample Books, which are the same Papers as I
will be sold by me this year: - They are all new I
and up-to-d&te pati erns. Orders taken tor a sin-
iris room, or a number ot rooms. Call at my I
hoose. or dron me a card, and I will call with
sample books tor yon to select from. I can fur-1
nlsh oaythln? is this line from & cents a roll up I
to tne very oest gooas. v
dr. w. X Roberts!
v Artificial Teeth that are guaranteed.
TeetU Extracted Without I ajn.
.j Accurately uompoanaea, uay or Mgnt,,
Imt hav void direct
turner for 'JA vea
saio r!eet. ftaviuir
dealer ronu. Slupauy.
wiiuru lor 4.ausinatiou.
Kveryt'iia; v.arrauled
I lii at vies uf Vehicles,
.-. at v of Harness.
Tu llapicB. to 70.
Biii-twa. $ o tuteLV.
to. I'iiai-tou. Trape, Wagon
Vitus, Si trtii 7- loud awl Milk
Sorrey Fltrncti. Prtc.f 16.00.
A s;oim1 a soil for Sw-
WftRoos. Sttud for large, tfrea No. 606 Sarrvy . Trio . -Catalogue
of till our si. vie, obade, airou and leudvra, t
ELKHART cakkiaoi: r iiahkrsh mvu.
We have never
As we are showing' this, season. You want one,
and you 'want one that has the appearance of a
But you don't want to pay the custom price. Well; you
don't have to. We've got just the coat you are looking for,
and the price will make you smile. Buy now aiid-r g,et the full
season's wear. , You can't afford to do without. The goods
aft -MrrK4- 4-Vii -ntnoAa oru ,-1 rri orirl " trirfcn ara mdrVii- if irrkn Vknir
It yoiir Spring Overcoat and Suit
Tl Olotiiier.
Having sold corsets for the past 30 years,, and having sold .
a great many different makes, have decided that the
Are one of the Best Made Corsets on the market to-day,
and you will find a large assortment on sale at my store.
Yours respectfully,
A. W. Walker.
Steam Monumental Works.
Burial Vaults.
"I make It a point to give Good Shoes
01 buy lots of shoes for cash and give
S"I have Ladies' and Misses Dongola
they are great value for school
tMisses' Shoes at f 1 are good value.
' bought for service as well as style. . : . . '
STIn Boys and Youths' I excel In Shoes at prices from $1 to $2. . j'1, " , ' ' '
"Full stock of Warm-Lined Goods and Rubbers. Choice lot of Gents' Slippers.
iS"BIg Drives One Lot Boys' Rubber .Boots, sizes 1 to 6, only fl.60v -
394 Main Street, next to P. O' V
TTCi Smith Hi M i irra i.
to tlie on
at hole-
him ih
i un 3.t un. lamps, rot-
r r. it. puatt, Sce'. eluuact, ld.
- s9
seen such swell
V AAU C FA I I t 1 ' , i j .
..is ,
)? 54"; '".
..Building Work.
rices I
at Low Prices. , A , , i
my customers the benefit of the purchase.
Button, whloh cost to make 2.50, for $1.50
shoes. ' , '. ;,
Ladles' ' Shoes from f 1.60 to $8.50. are
Bicycle News
Men's Tailoring
That's of Vital Interest.
Have you ever known a wheel with the
enviable reputation of Ames Manufactur
ing Co. being sold at a third of its usual
price ?
That's what we're doing.
L.ot No. 1. Ames Bicycles
with '96 frames, Morgan &
Wright, Hartford, Vim, or
S. & P. Tires.
List Price $60 and S75.
Lot No. 2. All the latest
frame Bicycles just beinsr
ing finished for us with
Morgan & Wright and Hart
ford tires, fully guaranteed.
List Price, $75.
Ladies' Bicycles double
and single reach splendid
ly finished either in ma
roon or black enamel.
List Price, $75.
Merchant Tailoring for Men.
We have now completed arrangements
with the well-known merchant tailoring
house of Hammerslough Bros., New
York, for custom tailoring for Men's and
Youths' Spring Wear.
We have a large collection ( f cloths to
choose from, and at prices which mean a
saving of almost half your regular tailor
charges. -
Concentration of business admits of It.
The advantage is yours It means a revo
lution in the tailoring business. Exces
sive profits have to go.
Just a mention of the kinds and prices.
Jancy Scotch effects, Sacks or Cutaway
Frocks, also plain blue and black chev
iots. $13.50 a suit to measure.
. Fancy Imported Worsteds in the new
est Spring designs checks, plaids and
plain mixtures full suits to measure, $16.
Finer grades at $20 and $24 a suit.
Trouserings in plain and fancy stripe,
also checks and plaids In cheviots,
worsteds and cassimeres, $4to $9.
Overcoats to order
chaiged by your tailor
at half the prices
A fit guaranteed or no sale.
Second floor.
Springfield, Mass.
English Semi-Porcelain
Decorated in the latest styles, 112 pieces.
- Regular price $10 and $12 a set, : '
Special Price
One Stock Pattern ;
112 Piece DINNER SET.
Regular price $15. .
Special Price
These special
prices for a shorts time
I only.'' '
Large and New Assort
ment of : Goods on . my
5c. and 1 Oc. Counters I
No. 3 Furnace Avenne.

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