'i ottawa fkee TKAnnn-JoniXAi;. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 197. PAGE TWO I 1 TO FIGHT THE FLY KEEP IT OUT WIRE noons (windows In large variety This has been an exceptionally good Lawn Mower Season Our assortment of mowers is still good Coldwell make. JORDAN'S HARDWARE siy:rr Ml'IAL WORK COMPLETE MX wmm RESIDENT DRAFT: DRAWINGS TO MY D SCLOSES REMADE THIS WEEK THE FACTS GF CASE CRISIS OF WOMAN'S LIFE Change Safely Passed by Taking Lydia EPlnkham's Vegetable Compound. i FINISHING TOUCHES BEING ADD ED TO PRELIMINARIES IN AN TICIPATION OFs LOTTERY BOARDS NOW ORGANIZED. MRS. ANNA BUELITZ WILLINGLY ; DESCRIBES REMARKABLE RE-; LIEF SHE GAINED FROM TAN-; LAC. PAINT We carry the famous SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. line of PAINTS VARNISHES, Etc. The line includes a special Paint, Varnish and Stain for every purpose. We also carry SOUTHERN LEAD and PURE LINSEED OIL. Let us figure your paint requirements before you buy. WALL PAPER We carry a complete and up to-date line of WALL PAPERS, SANITOS, VARNISHED and SHELLACED PAPERS. We will have a complete stock the year around. Our prices are as low as you can buy in Chicago. Let us save you the express or parcel post charges. WHEELER & MALO SUCCESSORS TO W. J. GRAHAM PHONE 101. OTTAWA ) : T$ Sound as Gibraltar : Is our reputation builded building material. Our complete line of Cement and necessities for the builder is made up of the best only, while a comparison of prices will show you why our business has grown so consistently. Hamilton & Vincent Washington. I. "., July .".While officers in charge of the national lot ti'iy that will seleit the young men of eliKilde age fur army service are waiting for an announcement of the date on which the drawing will take place, local exemption hoards thru out the country are being formed. Hoards lir every community in the nation have been appointed. They are expected to he organized within u week. The regulations for these hoards provide for the making of duplicate copies of all curds coming within their jurisdiction within three days after each hoard organizes. Reports that considerable delay is being caused by, wholesale resigna tions fur political leasons from local hoards could not be confirmed here to day, and it was asserted that every evidence shows the men appointed I are responding willingly to the call for their services. Post Drafted Names. As the names of the men called for military service are drawn in the big lottery local hoards will post those names and opposite the names they will post the "serial number" of each man called. The men will be known principally by their serial number, and this should be referred to in all rases where claim for exemption or discharge is filed. These lists will be posted in the headquarters' of the various boards, and a list will be made available for publication. Also every man whose name is drawn will be informed by mail at the address ho gave on reg istration day that lie has been called for service. I'nless the man who Is railed noti fies his local board of Jils claii for exemption within ten days after the notification of his selection Is mailed to htm he will be considered fit for service and will be accepted if he passes the physical examination. In all canes those who claim to be unfit for service will use the forms prepared by the war department. These forms can be secured from the local board. Use Government Forms. 31 1 The headquarters of each board will f4 be made public as soon as the boards have picked their offices. There will be 14(1 forms covering the grounds for exemption and discharge on which claims may be made. Every man upon ('(ll,e(l must use these forms, other- sjiwise nis ciaim wui not oe recognized. j llegiuuing next week it is expected the various exemption or discharge T claim blanks will be available to the J public. These blanks will show in m detail the Information and conditions, thnt will be required In all claims for exemption. "I surejy can heartily recommend Tanlac to everyone who sutlers as 1, did. for t'lis new medicine has done me more good than all the re.-t I've ever taken." .Mrs. Anna Huelity. well1 Waeoner, Okln. "1 never Ret tired of praising Lydia E. 1'inkhams Y. ge- l a 0 i e w oiiijiuuiiu because ouritit' Change of Life I was in bed two years and hud two operations, but ail the doctors und op erations did me no pood, and I would have been in my grave today had it not been for l.ydia E. I'inkhatn's g- "J etablii Compound known Ottawa woman of Locust Btreel, tolll tile I atllac mall on .Mine jr:mmfixtsmtemtm ,.t:tlil,- Compt 1 fit h. . ! which broupht me out of it all ripht. so "For several years," she continued. I am now well and do all my housework, "Stomach and "kidnev trouble hav. besides working in my garden. Several i-au,., me iiiiu-h siitlermL'. Nervous-! I my m-ip iw-i v h - j lless added to luy iroiiidcs. too. I was continually siiueriu? won muhi'. ni.-l Phone 751. BELIEVE STEFANSSON IS IN NORTHEAST PASSAGE inp Lvdia E. i'inkhatn's Vegetable Com-nounil"- Mrs. Viola Finical, Waon- ..r Ok tJiooting pains in my back. 1 was so, suih warning symptom? as sense of nervous I simply couldn't got u good1 suffocation hot flashes, headaches, buck night's rest. Mv appetite, too was ! aches, dread of impending evil, timidity, very poor. The' lit, le food I forced sounds in the tars, palpitation of the .... .. 1. 1, ,,;,. heart. FParka before the eyes, im-gu- down dun, t agree with me. Lh .a. tn, VRriable rPet.C, and pains in my stomach invariably: weakm,s3 and doziness should be heeded uiiioweii meals. Severe headaches, ; mj(idle-apel women. Lydia E. Fink also, bothered me at times. 1 was n;Va Vegt table Compound has curried usually constitpated. mar.y women safelyjhruucftjhujgi '1 have just now tiiiished my tir.-t; - bottle of Tanlac and 1 certainly do fee; a lot hotter in every respect. My stomach and kidneys are working properly and I'm not nearly so nerv ous now. The headaches have ceased to occur and I sleep tine at night. I'm never bothered with the severe pains across my hack any more either. My appetite is line and everything I eat agrees with nie perfectly. Yes, sir. I'm glad to ve onnm-nd Tanlac." Tanlac Is especially beneficial for stomach, liver, and kidney trouble, catarrhal complaints, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and the like. Tanlac is now being introduced in Ottawa at W. I). Imuran's drug store, where a special Tanlac representative is explaining the new medicine to the public daily. Tanlac also is being in troduced by experts in Ui Halle at Clancy's drug store and in Streator at the (laut Drug Co. and is sold in Peru aft Sadler's Pharmacy, in Spring Vally at Thompson's drug store, in .Oglessby p.t Bent's drug store und in Marseilles atfEugene Allen's. Adv. Sulphur Lick Springs Hotel) Hi NOW OPEN Special Dinner from 2 to 2 and 6 to 8 p.m. Dancing Every Nigh! Music by Chicago Ladies' Orchestra Golf Links. Modern Bath House Catering to Private Inunctions a Specialty Afternoon Teas Dinner, Dances, Etc. K I L GEO. NEDTWIG, Mgr. II CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years shear i-JP . Alway: the Signatu CLEVELAND PLANS FOR WOMEN CONDUCTORS. Cleveland, O., July 3 Definite plans already have been worked out to "man" the street cars of Clevcltnul with ' women conductors. Traction Commissioner Sanders said today There wiil be no women motonnen for a wliile yet. but the fair conduc tresses will probably have charge of several lines before Winter. When women are put on cars the entire line will be feminized. A wo man matron will have charge of the portions of the barns used by the women. Rest rooms will be provided. Shortage of labor calls for the woman conductor, said Sanders. I With the Fingers ! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a coin can shortly bo lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezono, says a Cincinnati authority.- It is olalmed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of freez one at any drug store, w hich, is suffi cient to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or sorenesa or the danger of infection. This new drut; is an ether compound, und while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and does not intlamo or even irritate the surrounding tissue. This announcement will interest many women here, for it 13 said that the present high-heel footwear ia put ting corns .on practically every woman's feet. Every Family Should Continually Use Ice in the Home It Promotes Economy, Comfort and Health Ice is no longer a luxury but an absolute ne cessity for the health, comfort and satisfac tion of the entire household. It lessens . the cost of living because it eliminates waste by preserving the remnants of every meal. Milk, eggs, butter, fruits, vegetables, and all perish able food products may be kept wholesome, sweet and fresh by using a little ice. If you . .1 11. .1 have no ice box see vour dealer at once or tne 1 1 a Ice Company will furnish you a common Sense Ice Chest at cost, together with a 500 J lb. coupon book, all for $6.85. 'Phone 94 at once and secure one of these chests or order one from one of our drivers. ITTAWAICE&FDELGOJ Try a Free Trader Journal Want Ad Prince Patrick Island safe return to lianks R EPUBLIC JL JLX. U.VLKJT A r r - ,.. ".' ' . '.l' ! '.1 ' . -1 . it li lt;,Mniii' ..iutiu J l' t "N A truck that has made good under all condi tions. Just the car for the home merchant. Made in Five Sizes Model 9 E xpress body, canopy top . . $ 895 Model 1 0 Bow top, express body 1 1 95 Model 1 1 Bow top, express body 1450 Model A Bow top, e 1885 Model T Bow top, express body 2750 Capacity of new cars range from I tons to 3 J tons. Prices F. O.B. factory. The celebrated Buda engine ia used in this truck. Selective sliding gear transmission, left hand control, internal drive. This machine has stood all the tests and has been selected because of its superior fea tures. Car on exhibition is ready for demonstra tion at the ACME GARAGE 927 Clinton St. HUBERT AMENDT, Prop. Seattle, Wash., July 3 Stefunsson, at the head of a Canadian expedition, is now the only explorer In the artic seas. It is believed that northwest of ami making a Island. Stefansson passed the Summers of 1915 and 191 1; in exploring this new l:i ml liuvliifr pstablished communica- Vilhjalmar Ljo1 jn wj(h U)e J,erson ,)arty through the power boat Polar Hear, which had gone to Hankslaud with supplies. Ktetansson purchased the mm Ofttt siwa wetansson aim nis twemy iour w ni.e , ,,o,ar Bpar ani, has slm.(1 ni,lll(; jt hjs men and nineteen Ksklmos already ure.now heading eastward from Mer ville island on board the motor ves sel Polar Hear in an attempt to make the Northeast Passage from the Pa cific to the Atlantic Ocean. .Stefansson and his expedition left Victoria, II. C, four years agu in the stea-m whaler Kariuk. At isome, Alaska, the expedition was divided into northern and southern parties, Stefansson, on the Kariuk, taking command of the former, which was to Heek new land north of the mouth of the Mackenio Hlver, and Dr. Rudolph M. Anderson, with two smaller ves vels, proceeding toward the Corona tion (Julf country, east of the Mac kenzie delta, to study the blond Es kimos. The Kariuk stopped at Point Har row, the most northerly point of Alaska, early in September, 1913, and was at once clutched by the Ice, On September 10 the ship was apparently frozen in for the Winter, and Ste fansson, accompanied by the white men and two fc;skimos, went ashore to hunt caribou for Winter meat. I While, he was absent a violent storm arose and blew the Kariuk out to isea. The Kariuk vas soon afterward. juKuiu gripped by the ice and carrfed westward, being finally crushed by j the ice January ,16, 1914, east of iWrangell Island, which Is north of Siberia. The men took to the ice, but became separated, and several were I never seen sgain. I The others, under Captain Robert Uartlett, reached Wrangell Island, and eight men were rescued In September, 1914, by a vessel sent to the island for the purpose, Captain Uartlett hav ing made his way over the loe to Siberia and Nome with news of the disaster. Meanwhile Stefattsson and his asso ciates moved eastward along the shore of the Artic and fell in with the Anderson party In Winter quar ters at Murtiii Point, west of the mouth of the Mackenzie River, Ste fansson and awo companions set out in March, 11)14, over the Ice with dogs and made their way duo, north, dis covering a large Island or continent headquarters. In a letter to Rear Admiral Peary, dated Cape Kellett, Banks Island, January 11, 19 IB. Stefansson said: ."Should you not hear from us by November, 1917, it Is to he presumed that something beyond our control has delayed us. I am of the opinion that In the Spring, 1918, a ship or ships shtnild be sent north from the Atlantic to look for us If we have not been heard from then.' ' Fourteen men of the Canadian ex pediticn have died from exposure, suicide a id disease. At a recent banquet given by business men in a city not far distant, considerable pride was taken in the fact that everything upon the banquet table was produced in that city. The programs were home printed, the bread home made, the vegetables home grown, the meats from ani mals home raised, the beer home brewed. The "home industry" idea was 'practically and thoroughly worked out. When you buy a glass of beer or have a case sent to your home, why not always order Be Careful to keep the stomach well, the liver and bowels regular, by the timely and helpful aid of I lift i Lr(it Sal f Any Medicine In lh World Sold ..arvwhar. In ftoi.i, 10c, 26v. PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tells IIow To Open Clogged Nos trils and . End Jicad-Colds. You feci fine In a few moments. Your fold in head or fatarrh will be gone. Your dogged nostrils w ill open. The air pasugc of jour head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more dull ness, headache; no hawking, imuffling, mucous discharges or dryness no strug gling for breath at night. Till your druggist you want a small Mtle of Ely'B Cream Halm. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream in jour nostrils, let it penetrate through every air tassage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief conies instantly. It is just what every cold and catarrh sufferer needs.', iWt ta stuffodjjp and niserabU,' OTTAWA IEEE The product of this city? No better beer is brewed any where than this excellent brand and it is produced by home labor. In using this beer you are helping, in a meas ure to build up Ottawa. Let us serve you. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS 'Phone 608. A case is no farther away than your telephone. 6 I