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THE FREE TMDEB-dOUBML 15 Wert Main Street FREE TRADER -JOURNAL PI8. CO. Publisher, TEAMS: Dlly. on year In ertvance, fcy car rier Dally. Pr wk, by carrier 10 Da Dallv. on veut In advance, by mall . S W Wklv. ona vcur in advanca .... t-'o Entered as iscond cla.s matter Nor. 10. 191G, at the postoffice at Ottawa, HI., under the Act of March 3, 1S7J. Tbe Free Trader-Journal miy be found at the news depots of Wheeler Main Knpi.gRl Bros., i and Me- amn t:ienr ttore ALFONSO TO!-. PRCSIDEMT. t One of the Mor'es cumin; oat f the political contusion of Spain with in the lpst week ls to the effect that jung Aiion. .. i the establish.!!, at of a l.epullicM j form of government, aud vou.d HI. ; to become the first president. i i Tills look... on face of it. very much like a jok. Al.' is a Boar- j bon. one of the few rerwlune sons ( Of the c,Met and proudes. r- yai house j In Europe. Hie taea oi rey uouioon cheerfully iirrnd ring ins crown !s Incredible. Aid thf luea of he-- con tinuing himself hi j"-r as president of the revolutionary eminent ie un deniably I'un.i.v. But li isn't so abb'ird :bs it 8i.iii.ii-, Alton -'i an Primary Bonbon.; He Is Tmi to up m. as ued, indeed, by Viiv rt th.. ml. wnrl tmrlltinns we v"' v ' ' " " I generally associate vnh roy.vty. Au, sovereign of one of lbs inon c.uibcrvu-1 tlve Monarchies ni la. a arid, and head oi a court lamed for its formal- -uy ana re aiioum -j0K., ,0 mlui.e produ-lon of supplies hown himself progressive and a ncce8Barjr t0 tne canduct of the war consiitenL br-nkcr of rules. His sym- and chttrRe oerumn influences and iPfitUies we known, to.. be with the 1 finan:iaI 8upport. .radicals rail.-r tu.ui the reartiouml-. , 0rganlzm nf tho t w. W.. especial IVhile thf Spnuis!.' obllty and vsi h fM fhi1 Btaletare weU flnanced froin d Interests iikR ueial have favored unknown eVP11 t0 those w. II jGennaiiv i, tb ir. h- has beet. t"'o tn fhu wnrlin nt ,i, hnAv ,aily. 'Only l ith the allie. and the rabble :uv hi con e said, v.ii;i a l.iieh. Th present ferment in Spain is un Jntellifiiliie to most outsiders. It sefcins micprftiin whether Ppain will JWing to the Oermau side or the side .of the iillies, or neither, and whether "she will remain a monarchy or fol flow her utiflitior Portugal's example -and turn Iie;ublu un. 1 In the latter event, there might be tm cuu ui uuiiso rcttiiiiiUB ins ro puted ambition, though the rossibiU- ty Is naturally remote. He's tremen dously popular; but new-born repub lics distrust all royalty.! Russia has Known tnat in snciving urana uuke Nicholas. (UNCLE SAM FOR FHPIGHT AGENT. A To have the government ; handle ffast freight lines and take over that l,one phase of transportation is the suggestlon of Frederick C. Howe, com .mlssloner of Immigration at the port iof New York. 1 . " .' ' , Commissioner Howe believes this vcotild be maniiped Just as the parcel fpost system Is, under a separate di vision1 of transportation or Uirougb the postoflice department. This would centralize the problems of trans portation for the whole country, as nothing else could while so many different private companies are hand ling the actual work. 1 1- Naturally, the interest of the rail iroads and private companies now fbandlinE the freight of the country Is to carry fh freight that brings j,the hicliost return and that insures ,he longest haul over their own roads. .There Js little consideration or the needs of the n.ulon :h u whole or of ,ijibw best to s.M-ve them. Tho parcel post ?ysteni has ruined nobody, although the express com Jlianles raised a loud howl when il twas first proposed. In the proeut transpoitafioti roufuslon thore is un doubtedly a large enough field for scr vice to Introduce efficiency without crushing any uiterprlse worth savin,;. If It's necessary for the government to Jiecome (lie single operating agency of the van i! freight llne-i of the conn iry, ir win no it and do it right W" mi on Micte sam, PATRIOTIC LITTLE P.ITIF9 In the eompet notlai iidthand-YI I ,!n tin-, competition aroused by th) .liberty limn, the Red Cresn subscrin-'' Hon cn.i:i)Hij;n awl iho army volun teerln ;, tl,. large cities have had near v3y all the publicity. Anvbody might Mipposa, from readinr. the metro politan papers, that nil the p urioUbui 1n the country Is con m inert m the ten or fifteen cities having the largest population. If is likely that small "t'wns in general hnvi done at 1-iast fts well as the big communities. -'Brunswick, Uu. fov Instance, cunes forvanl with ihc (litt clclm thai it. -load'i the Ciiiie.i siafea in Liberty Bond sabHcnjit'uiii, Mnt Americans nay never luwc tin;,n Hrum-wlck, o. it' titiM- they became Wfire of lir. ...ui.ienr.-. Brunswick Inn -JtMiiiu fr 11,000 people. It bought 'Jt1"0iit worth of war bonds, In nd liiti'.n, ii subscribed $2nooo to the !Kwl Cross fund. It has nlven the nation an eimie Infantry company of volunteer- ,,,! l(m ucupiy co lcn , the rej'ulnr urmv and navy. .inAll this, perhaps, In nothing to brag of. H la no inure than Brunswick Should have done. But what city hat; done better lii proportion to Its Blze? rOR QUICK RE8ULT3 TRY TUB "WANT" ADS. IN THIS FREI5 TRADER-JOURNAL, WW'S BUMED FOR LABOR TROUBLES III WEST: TWO ARE DEAD DEPUTY SHERIFF KILLED BY PHOENIX AGITATOR. WHO IN TURN IS SLAIN BY OFFICIAL FRIENDS. Pliornlx, Ariz.. July 13 Deportation from Bisbee, Arizona, of In tween 1100 and 1 20 industrials workers of the world centered the eyeH of the nation today on an agitation which has risen to considerable proportions in the west. Two men hae been killed in th disorders at Bisbee. (. P. McKae, a copper mine shift bo:is, deputised by tbe sheriff, was hit by a shot fired thru tlie door of his hoiiie by James Brew, on I. . W. sympathiser, whom he so;iRht to arrMf prpw waa ki,C(, hv rompanicn8 of Ml,HaP. 1.,llpas0t Ju,v 13 ,w D n., , no,,, v nnAnBmT of (he ,llrt,1;, UM XVorkm of the Wor,(, tlM,av ,,. n,pJ (haf iierman money w influPnce js M Uw (,npnpr mjne I "'"iere is no Attempt to tie up cop. i per n"'ui. of the I'nited State? Just j h ise we are at war." said Hay ! woo l. "And there is no connection i b. ! v , en the I. W. V. efforts in the j irirvest fields s.tuation and the mine sfri'tpti sr f:'f as 1 know. ..Thp d,,pr,..,(ion wil, not afr,.,t ,he fc.-iicrnl sit..,:! '.t !'!:. i. i .;;.t;o mine ..I,.!, .1 (lift it .- ! . . in was f !: seven states the movement c - t,per w ,. , u n.i. with bayonets. p 0U,i aR0 Officials In sou.e affected pronouncei lM:n the Canadian border to Mexi co civic, state and military authorl ti. j were alert today to suppress all disorder. While almost 1200 agitators loaded In 21 cattle cars were bchit shuttled back and forth between Arizona and New Mexico today, Governor Camp bell was awaiting a reply to his mes sage to President Wilson, asking for Federal troops for every mining camp ,,, ,le , t? Nettf MP,irn ...thnrlUpn rPfiiKnri tn n or9 - and where in the state and they were turned around and started back, i Governor Campbell charged in his message to the President that 6,000 I. W. W. agitators are infesting the in dustrial centers of the state and fo menting trouble with the object of embarrassfne the national govern ment. He pointed out that 75 per cent, of the copper production of the greatest copper producing Btate 1 tied up. , - The governor appealed to Presi dent Wilson because Federalization of Btate troops has left him powerless. POISON BEANS ARE FOUND IN MINNESOTA St. Paul, July 13 Quantities of the poisonous Burma and Rangoon beans have been located and seized, accord ing to John McCabe, assistant state dairy and food commissioner, ap pointed by the public safety commis sion to investigate appearance of the beans in this state. Commission firms aud federal authorities are co-opera-ating with state officials in tracing the beans. The first to bo found in the state were seized In Minneapolis the other day. It was said then that they had come in through Pacific ports, were sunt to Michigan and from that large bean producing state were shipped to Uie Northwest, Subscribe for FreeTrader-Journal. lemo i i VI t ancy Home drown Potatoes Per peck, 1 5 pounds 60c Back Raspberries Per crate . $3.00 Pbo 20c FaVicy i lot ! louse Cucumbers, each .... 5c j Ripf Tomatoes, 2 pounds for 25c .fancy California Lemons 300 size, ' 2 for 5c Perdozen 30c Fruit Jars, Caps and Rubbers. Jar Caps, per doz 25c 3 doz. double thick Jar Rings 25c Soaps and Soap Powders 5 bars Crystal White Soap 25c 5 bars Swift's Pride Soap 25c 6 bars Day Light Soap 25c 6 pkgs. White Line Washing Powder . . 25c Spot Cash Grocery PHONE 1006 I. W. W. Agitation in West. ARIZONA. Bisbee About 5.000 copper min ers on strike sponsored by I. W. W. Globe and Miami -About 7 .mm men on strike. Troops on guard since July 5. Clifton Morenri District mine shut down following strike vote by 3 Oi'O men. Jerome Sixty I W. V. mem bers deported. MEXICO. State of Sonora Labor dis turbances at Cananea. Kl Tigre and Nacozari following visits of I. W. W. agitators TEXAS. Fl Paso Three I W. W. mem bers arrested in plots to blow up a railroad bridge. Attempt made to organize Mexican copper min ers. OREGON. Marshalfield-Fanners organize against I. W. W. propoganda which threatened destruction of growing crops. Lumber strike, interfering with production of wooden ships and army canton ments, broken up. MONTANA. Butte Copper mines nearly at standstill following organization of new Union encouraged by I. W. W. workers. IDAHO. Boise Lumber camps shut down, state council of defense dis agrees with governor, who says no troops needed. Western army heads under orders to co-operate with governor in case of need. WASHINGTON. Seattle - About 500 I. W. W. members in town working up agi tation in lumber camps. GRAYS HARBOR. Timber workers demand higher wages, shorter hours. Yakima Valley Strikes among loggers and sawmill nien follow appearance of 1. W. W. workers. State council of defense declares stern measure awaiting burning of grain or laying waste to orchards, following rejection of purposed scales of wages for harvesting hands. MORE BOARDS ARE NAMED BY LOWDEN Springfield, 111., July 13 The fol lowing appointments were announced yesterday: Kankakee hospital superintendent Dr. Eugene Cohn, assistant superin tendent at Dunning. Anna hospital superintendent Dr. C. H. Anderson, of McLeansboro, vice Dr. J A. Campbell, resigned. Dixon school superintendent Dr. H. C. Carriel, of Jacksonville. Alton hospital superintendent Dr. George A. Zeller, of Peoria. Trustee of the University of Illinois Cairo A., Trimble, of Princeton, to succeed Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotln, re signed. Court of Claims Ralph E. Eaton, of Mount Carroll, chief Justice; W. S. Phillips, of Ridgeway and Benjamin H. Miller, of Liberty ville, associate Justices. Board of art advisers in the depart ment of public works and buildings Frederick Clay Bartlett, Ralph Clark son, Lorado Taft, Albin Polasec, Irving K. Pond. Martin Roche and Martin A. Ryerson, all of Chicago, and Hugh S Magill, Jr., of Springfield. Board of prak and building advisers in the department of public works and buildings Charles L. Hutchinson, N. Max Dunning and Frank F. Davidson, all of Chicago, and Julius Haegler, of Danville, S. R. Lewis, of Marseilles, and F. F. Noleman, of Centralla. Centennial commissioner Leon A. Colp, of Marion, to succeed Judge D. T, Hartwell, resigned. Public administrator of Lake Coun ty W. J. Smith, of Waukegan, to suc ceed E. W. McDermott, term expired. Notice to Bidders. Bids will be received by the under signed until Friday, July 20. 1917, at 9 o'clock a. m., for excavating and back filling trench for water mains as per specifications on file in city office. W. W. CURTIS, City Clerk. mm. T. E. MAXWELL, Prop. AUTO DELIVERY When the nickel chnrrn? dNh le comes dull w ipe it off wit'i n soft i b.t'i moistened with ammonia and then po! ish with another soft nig. ENGEL'S We have just received a big shipment of S seasonable goods and will offer them al I greatly reduced prices for a few days. Big Sale on Waists Good values at $1.75 and $1.50 on sale tomorrow, and while they last at 98c. Twenty-five dozen to select from. Big Sale on Children's Dresses f They are beauties, white and colors, $1 and $1.50 values for 75c. $1.50 and $2 values for $1. Up-to-date voiles, organ- dies and French Ginghams $1.50 to $2.50. Sport Skirts Sport Skirts, $2.50 values, $1. Coverall aprons, 48c. Big Coat and Suit Sale All coats and suits on sale at half price. We o have just received a nice line of sport mid- lies. ENGEL' CLOAK AND Stilt STORE Specials for Salurday,July4yi4 Toilet Soap, per bar 5c 6 Rolls Toilet Paper. . . 25c Baking Soda, per pkg. 7c Armour's Dried Beef, per glas3 20c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, per pkg 1 0c I lb. pkg. White Line Powder 5c 1 bottle Sweet Pickles 20c Cauliflower, per head Jc Try a pound of our 2 1 cent Coffee. Peaches, Cherries, Black and Red Rasp berries, Water Melons, Canteloupes, Ripe Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Wax & Green String Beans, Peas, Green Onions, Celery. JOHN A. WELSH PHONE 1033 Honest Weight Makes Friends Ever realizing this, we have always given full measure, and sixteen ounces to every pound. .....SPECIAL Bacon (by slab) 31c Royal Buttcrine, 2 lbs 50c Corned Beef 1 1 J c Lard (Bring your pails) I8jc Pork Sausage Meat 15c Hams . . . . ". 21 aC Choice Boiling Meat 13c Choice Home Killed Veal Roast . 15c and up Choice Beef Steak 1 8c Beef Pot Roast 15c Diamond C. Brand Vinegar, per bottle .". . : 9c SPECIAL DELIVERY SERVICE Sunday for Saturday night pur chase. We tell direct to the consumers and absolutely refuse to tell to dealers. ft. MUTTER 223 MAIN STREET. Tbe pbrnse "n cork and bull story" i i corruption of the words "a con. o : eil ninl bully t-tory," the latter term be inc derived from tbe Danish Wor lii lien "exaggerated." ! i : i i PHONE 1021 sale i AT : 6 Figure It For Yourself What We'll Save You Saturday and Monday Al (iodfrey's Cut Price Grocery Car King Qualiiy Flour. Ask your neighbor about it. I'J lb. sacks , $3.11 Z II). s.icka ' $1.75 H. & C. Grarcldtcd Stirjir, 11 lbs. .'or $1.00 With 3 lbs. Ch.15 i Sanborn's Coffee for $1.00 Or with j pound of sixty cent Jap.m, English or G. P. Tea. Jelly Glasses, per dozen 28c Mnson Pint Fruit Jars 68c Mason Quart Jars 73c Ferndcll Cm Ktibl-rs. extra heavy, thick, white. 3 e'o'-n 25c Job lot Extracts, labels Lemon, Strawberry, Pineapple, Al mond. -I bottles for 20c 20c cakes Baking Chocolate ..11c M.-scn Quart Jars Cocoa 2'.)c Long Cut Cocoanut, pound .... 25c FINE FOM SALADS. Jap Crab Meat, tin 29c Fancy White Tuna Fish 20c Email tins Lobster 25c Curtice Boned Chicken or Turkey. Large tins Hawaiian Pineapples 20s Curtice Blue Label Catsup 19c Short Quart Staffed Olives 29c Short Quart Olives 29c tiCc bottle Red Wing Grape Jutice 39c 20c bottle Ginger Ale 1ac T. i. GODFREY SPECIAL BUEMLER BEOS. Cut Rale Market Boiling Ueef, per lb 10c Choice Pot Roast, perib 14c Rolled Roust, no waste, per lb 18c 2 lbs. Buehlcr Bros. Buttcrine 49c Choice Steak, per lb 17c Choice Salt Pork, per lb 20c Hamburger, per lb 15c Choice Veal Breast, per lb 13c Veal Chops, per lb 17c Try Our Corn Beef, per lb 12c Small Hams, per ih, 21c Choice Veal Steak, per lb. .......... . 20c Pickled Beef Tongues, per lb . 20c TSlC Red Cross Needs your support, also your member ship. Why not join now? Everybody is elig ible to join. Annual membership $1.00 Subscribing membership, per year . . . .$2.00 Contributing membership, per year , , . .$5.00 Sustaining membership, per year . . .$10.00 Life membership (one payment) . . . .$25.00 Patron in en lb e r s h i p (one pym'nt) $100.00 ! This space is donated to Red by Cciacr, the Grocer. Potatoes 1 pk. new Potatoes, 15 pounds 60c ipk. new Potatoes, 72 pounds 35c 3 lbs. new Potatoes. 15c Flour 49 lb. bag Golden Glow Flour $3.19 (Every sack w.vrmtcd. Your money back if you want it.) I Fruit Jar Rubbers, Jar Caps, Parownx for scaling Fruit Jars, Jelly fllasaes, etc. 3 doz. best grade extra wide and Fruit Jar Caps, per dozen Parawax, 5c cake, 15c pkg., or 2 Jelly glasses), per dozen Mason Jars, pints ........ ,75c a fjallons A TEA SALE. We want you to try one pound of the best Japan Tea you have ever tasted. For the money it's a big bargain, per lb . .39o Water Melons, Canteloupc, Berries and Cherries, Ripe Tomatoes and nil kinds of vegetables. Don't forget that big 40c Coffee,3 Moxley's high grade Butterln, PAT SLATTERY CALL ONE 1)00 cases Canned Goods, label llama )ed new on sale. No. 2 tins, no labels, Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, String Deans 10c 8c tins Milk, c?ch , 6c 4 hno,e tins Potted Ham 29c 15c tins Spaghetti, Cheese and Chili 10c 15c tins Peeled Peppers .... 10c 15c tins Chili Con Came 10c Ma tins Strained Tomatoes ..10c 3 cans Sifted Peas 29c oOc tins B. & M. Chowder 20c Imported Frcoh Mackerel, tin ..10c No. 3 Peaches and Pears, syrup 19c COO tins fancy Llyht Molluscs 15c Do it right NOW, be a "Good Fellow," join the RED CROSS. ' 1 SALE AT Cross thick white rubbers ...... pkg3. for Quarts " . 25c 30c . 25c , 35c 85o $1.00 lb. can per lb i. .i $1.09 32c FIVE FIVE