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w ACE TWO'. OTTAWA FREE TRADEn-JOITIiXATl fPr v; V-U f) ! r finsRimm J ' B9rX PL1S!E The tqyrs favorite iSf 5? Easiest! lOCBLACKTWHITE'TANjO? r.f.OALLEYCaOP Nev. YORK t INC. DUfPlO,M V v "Duffy's Has Kept Us Young, Mother" What a pleasing picture is a healthy and happy old couple, their eyes bright, brain alert and disposition ami ible. It's always n pleasure to enjoy their friendship end a constant delight to be closely associated with them. To dcluy the effects of old age and. bring back the vivacity of youth, ninny medical men prescribe Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey as a reliable stimulant. Certain it is that thousands who have reached the grand old age willinglv extol Duffy's Pure i Palt Whiskey ; With its prescribed ndvicc of a " tablespoonful in water just before meals and oa goiaj to bed," Duffy's has earned the reputation of en excellent tonio stimulant for temperate use. ltcing an absolutely pure distillation of thoroughly malted grain, it prompts the stomach to healthy action, promotes digestion and assimilation of the food, enriches the blood, and brings strength and 'nnr to the system. It is truly a " Med icine lor uH Mankind" for medicinut purposes only. Why not have a bottle in your home to guard against illness, or in cases of emergency? Better order it now before you forget. "GetOuf!y' tnd Keep Well" Sold in SEALED BOTTLES ONLY. mmm ;Diiffy'g tire Unit Grfutly reduced factimitt of come ami pukukc. F1 S' Xt: t'flTt? 6t Duffy's from your lo ,'w,&Ml druggist, grocer or dealer, If ha can not supply you, vntt us. Stnd (or useful household booklet trtt. The Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. i f : Window Glass is j, Why not replace that broken glass while the weather It warm. :We carry WINDOW GLASS in all sizes. Come in and see us. Fall Decorating More people every year are doing their PAPER HANGING and PAINTING iir the fall. f ' You are in the house more in the Winter time and your rooms should be marie cnecrful. We are showing a complete line of WALL PAPER at a moderate ' price. V We are also sole agents for THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. Paints; a special paint for every purpose. This is the firm that makes the FLAX SOAP ycu like so well. Their other products are just as ' good. I WHEELER m MALO SUCCESSORS TO W. J. GRAHAM PHONE 101. OTTAWA I f ,"Ttrm-TiTT iinnniinw mmm i -SEWING MAC NINES i "4 I to Kinr m ' .',, .M 'wyl That Lasts For Years New Home, Domestic and Standard Rotary ! Machines u All "se! made of solid oak, beautifully finished. Large head.-., Njour or six drawer The latest improved atl.itliiticnU with each mnchine. Come in, let us show you thsse machines, you will cave money by purchasing your machine here. ' The Leader KjSyg 115 MAIN STREET OTTAWA, ILL. Friday, September 28, 191? SUFFRAG E LEADERS OPEN CAMPAIGN 'ATALE OF A WAGGING TAIL--AND OF WAGGING TONGUES OF THE WAGS III BALLO T FRANCHISE LEADERS PREPAR- ' ING FOR CONSTITUTIONAL'CON- I J VENTiON HOPING FOR COM ! PLETE VOTE. Si:iiiirlirld, III.. Sept i !f !ho program for a constitutional I ronvt'iltioii in Illinois for thf rcvi.-ion , of :ho hash' law of ISTo, coiitiiiKt'tit upon a vote of the people in the f A 1 1 ! of litis ate already aeiively al work ! lil.intiiiiR a campaign of education in hvhieh they uill try to show why and in h;it way the present cotistttii j (ion should he changed, j The fiftieth Keneral assetnhly, after i various previous attempts, enacted a j joint resolution callinR for the sub- mission in l'.ilS of the question of a I constitutional convention. I Among the chief advocates of such j a convention are the suffragists, hea led by Mrs. Grace Wilbur Trout. :of Chicago, president of the Illinois ! Kintal Suffrage Association, who are ; confident that a suffrage clause, fully ' enfianchtsing women, can be written 1 into a new constitution. Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch or Kvanstoti, who fought hard at the last session or the suffrage associa tion to have that body go on record in favor of an attempt to get a suf frage amendment to the present con stitution, has, it is reported, agreed to give her support heartily to the con stitutional convention campaign. Mrs. McCtilloch's action is said to ihave united the suffrage forces of ;the slate which for a time threat ! eneil lo part into two opposing ' camps. ' Mrs. Trout has called on Governor ! Frank (). Lowden and has enlisted jhls support, it is stated. In the ram j paign, which is to begin openly within a few weeks, Governor Lowden in his Inaugural I address and In his campaign speeches advocated a constitutional convention, and his Influence was behind the Joint resolution providing for submission bf the (mention to the voters. Plana are also on foot, it Is an nounced, for the formation or a man's organization to coordinate the er forts of men and various societies ami organisations tin favor of the convention. Already work has begun in the leg islative reference bureau, under the direr tinn of V. F. Hodd, the secre tary, preparatory to the actual task hf revlsincr the fundamental law which has guided the destiny of Illi nois for almost fifty years. Four legal assistants are now en gaged in Intensive study of other constitutions and will continue, thru the winter to give attention to this work In order that the reference bureau may have at hand every pos sible bit of Information needed when actual revision begins, provided the convention Is called. "While our work In this line might appear to be premature, since we are not assured there will be a conven tion, there Is no way to lie preparer! except to go on the assumption that, there will be a convention," states : Secretary Hodd. fyplal JOHN E. WILLIAMS STATE COAL DIRECTOR Coincident with the warning is suerl by crwl operators that many III! nrds mines art) being forced into In activity thru failure of the govern ment, to regulate costs of production as well as selling prices, antioiinc inent was made from Washington that John 10. Williams, of Streator, had been accepted by Coal Adminis trator Garfield for the post of coal ad uiitilstiator of Illinois. Mr. Williams appointment Is expected soott. He was recommended by the Stale Coun cil of I'elense. His appointment will lie received wltlt salislairion It was said by coal operators, miners and consumers. He has been a member of the general ad visory board for the stale free em Jdo.vnient agencies anil is arbitrator between employes ami Hart Sr hatlner K Marx. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS5. l Warranty Deeds. Nautili' rnilcihill Gerhert and hus band lo Dev. Hilniund M. Ininne, Its ! 1! b 2 llossacks add.. Grotty, $.", 'It. August Wide and wife to August Mid Klizal'olh Wit to, It. 7 b 81 La '.alle, $1. Mary Murphy to Kllen and Calher ne Murphy, It 1 1 b ftti l.n Salle. $1. Haille A. I'rescoM to Kred J. Hut 'i, II I h 47 West's mill , Mendota, '-."mi. Geo, O Kline to ('has. S Dower- Master, pt wVj lie',4 III Hi! I, JI.MHI. , Henry Wllsimm and wife to Harry Heil man, pt se'4 12 ,'H 2, $i0. Simeon G. Gay to Henry and Alice llossiick, It 22 h I2t Valley add Dlv. 2, Dllawa, $,"ii). lult Claim Deeds. Jacob Gelger anil wife to Peter Vogol, It 20 h r., I.oonnre, fl", Nancy S Tlhlen to Flora L Tlldeii, w.s ncU n aa 1, $1. Flora L. Tilden to Nancy S. Tlhlen, same, $l, SOON HAVE RIFLES v FOR CAMP DODGE BOYS Camp Dodge, Iowa, Sept. 2S Mem bora of the National army In the eightyeighth division from central Illinois may have the distinct ion within a few days of being tho first or at least among the first soldiers in this cantonment to receive arms. II was unofficially reported today that 5,000 rifles, mostly of the Springfield pattern were on hand for the One Hundred and Seventy-first Infantry firigade, composed at present of the Three Hundred and Fiftieth Iowa troops. y Issue of rifles for guard purposes shortly is expected. The other men probably will not receive guns until further advanced in squad, platoon and company drill. It was also rn- mured today that trench work for the men would be ordered soon. Clothing for all the ni"n in the reg- lineal, with the exception of breeches, Is being or has been issued. Kach man receives both cotton and woolen socks, heavy and light, underclothine. and has two pairs of shoes, one for inarching and one for dress. The men have regulation belts, "puttees," hats, shirts, overcoats and ponchos, gloves, hat cords and all Incidentals. Kach man has his own iron cot, straw mat tress ami two blankets World's Oldest Observatory. I'ekln lias the oldest nsl loiiotnlenl observatory In lite world. It was es tiibllshcd In iot, aitd It contains sev eral Instruments which were placed there upon its opening. WOMAN COULD HARDLY STAND Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound. Fulton, N. Y. "Why will women py out their money for treatment anrj receive no benefit, when no many have proved that Lydia E. Pinkham'sVeRe Uhle Compound will make them well ? For over a year I suffered so from female weak ness I couH hardly stand and was afraid to go on tho street alone. Doc tors said medicines were useless Bnd only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Flnkham'a Vegetable Compound haa proved it otherwise. I am now perfectly well nnd can do any kind of work." Mrs. Nri.lie VimAn, care of K. A. Rider, R.F.D. No. C, Fulton, N. Y. We wish every woman who sufTera rrom iemaio troubled, nervousness, tnckache or the blues coold Ben tho let. ters written by womsn made well by Ly. dia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Coni'xiunJ. If you have bad symptoms and do not understand thu cause, write to the Lwlia E. link linn Medicine Quit lyriti, Mas., for hultil'ui julvic givtwi Xr .13 If Weil Locat'd. An .'iihen iM-moiii ii !. an electric fan; Just keep it e:ti' a;;, I people are sure f.i L'et wind of ii.- UhMhii Transcript. This is a tale of a wagging tail and a dog's mitlispiitahle yelp- of recog nition. Hccausc of it Mo;i :s has been electrified. Tongues with L'.eeo n 'age are merrily. Canine, the innocent party, is the object of great ' interest as he trots up and down the streets in complete af.uel n as v. ell as total unmintlfulnes, t li devil-: mi nt his unprecedented conduct has : left in its wake. Crowds drop their coca colas lo watch tin; hound pass by the drug i store. From the arid sections of 'he iielnilous city, where wine and other , beverages that cheer, were wont to 'Ion, in Rood old days, men lay dawn a "sclinitr of ice cream or a "medi-i urn" lemonade and reflect cheerfully I iver the antics of the mono-el hoTii... i breaker. Having disposed of the prelude ! here's the story: .Morris. Sept. L'S - Dogs can't talk ' --everybody knows that. i A prosperous tlrundy county man knew it, so when friend wile's pet took a notion to ride with him In the I family automobile, he saw no reason ' why he couldn't take his platonic la ly , friend along. And so it happened that ' while friend wife was busy at home, : husband was "absent on business." : and he and the dog and the plalortic ' lady friend rolled over the country roads under the harvest moon. The ; dog and the platonic lady became good friends. Kverybody was happy until a few days ago. Then Scene, the Ma.on fair. Friend wife and dog wandering about giving the exhibits the "up and down." .Miss Platonic Friend wandering around do ing the same thing. Dog spies Miss Platonic Friend and approached with loud yelps of greeting. Miss Platonic Friend fails to see friend wife for a moment, and calling the dog by name, pets him and tells him to go fetch his master -calling master by his. "front'' name. Friend wife stood crh the sidelines and glared for a full moment, then coldly remarked: "If you don't in End. I'd like my-dog." IltiHiness of stuttering, stairmicring and flushing for M.s Platonic Friend. r.'lend husband is still MnlaiiiTnir. SAGE AID SULPHUR It's Grandmother's Recipe Restore Cclar, Gloss and Attractiveness. ta Abne-t everyone knows t!i(it f-ajre To.l and Su''' nr. properly ivmpoundrd, t'rir.'s l a. !, ti e ir.itnral color and lustre b fie fair v ; a a f.idvd. streaked or gray. Yea r auo ti ' only way to get thU ii ivtuie t.i make it at !utm which is niu'iy ami tteu'uli'.-otue. Nowadays, by it sk i 1 1 lt .it any drm store fur "Wyetli's Sa-.'x and Sulphur Compound." Volt will f t a lar'e bottle ef t'lit fatuous old recipe, iniprowd by the addition of other liigiidient, t"r alniiit eO ctnts. j )en't "-tay gray! Try it! N'o onrt i ran pessiMy tell that you darkened your I. air, as it decs it so naturally and ien!y. You ilauipen a sponge or soft j brush with it and draw this through I your hair, taking one small strand at a I time; bv meruit'.; the grav hair dis- appears, an 1 utvr anoth'-r application or two. your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and atti. .. tive. Wyet'u'h Sage ami. Sulphur Compound h a delightful toih-t re.pii.--iti' for thost! ivlio desire dark hair and a onthful ap t.' aranee, lt is not inteiuled for the cure, ion or prevent iou vf disvase. P . 45c . 85c f 163 otato Sale Fancy Irish Cobblers Irish Cobbles, per peck, 15 liis Irish Cobbles, prr ' ? bushel, 3J lbs Irish Cobbles, per bushel, 60 lbs VINEGAR SALE. Order yaur Vinegar now for pickljj. Pure New York Cider Vinegar, guaranteed to keep pickles, per rjallon 25c New Comb Honey, e.ich ....20c Pint jars pure Extra Honey 25c rr.2TJLTZ.''' COFFEE SALE. An Elegant Santos Coffee, 22c p :r lb. or 3 lbs. for big -ICc Coffee sale. 3 lb. cans New Mince Meat, per package 4 lbs. bulk Oatmeal The money saver, Moxley's special Margarine, per lb. Canada Rutabagas, per lb., ..3c 6 lbs. Virginia Sweet Potatoes 25c We handle the highest gradj creamery butter, made. We have another grade we sell cheaper. Don't forget about Aristos that old Wheat Flour. White Grapes. Concord Graces by the basket. Peaches, Pink Meat Muskmelons, Oranges. Large Cucumbers. Celery, Hub bard Squash, White and Red Onions and we have the Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes. PAT SLATTERY CALL ONE FIVE FIVE. ... 60c . $1.09 . . 10c .. 27c .. 35c For QiiicK Results Try a Want Ad. The R Electric Iron Guaranteed Not ta Overheat Insulated Points Form Stand by Tipping Body GET YOURS TODAY AT Jordan's Hardware SHEET METAL WORK IliZi w pentng ICbursba? Saturday J The Mat is once again the climax of the costume. And this Opening Week presents a collection of masterpieces in millinery, de lightful proof of this term of fashion decree ing hats for all occasions. j A" harmony of line attained only by that perfection of workr lanship akin to art distin guishes this njpry. No better occasion t:nan tms cou be sug gested for pwx patrbns to make their selec tions for fl and winter. Zk J5otinet Sbop 7201a Sallc.-strcct ttava mitnoto 1 r