MOE TWO Ottawa vim: tuadkimouhml CAMP LOEAH BOYS IMBLE 10 REACH K M THREE-DAY LIMIT IS PLACED ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE PRECLUD ING TRIP FROM HOUSTON TC ILLINOIS. Houston, Tex., Dee. i". Visions o' Christmas and New Year's bark ii Illinois with the home folks fade' (rem the minds of the soldiers of tin Prairie Division today. An order va: issued from ilhiskm headquarter which siietitied that not more thar three and a half days' Ieae siial! In Planted over Christinas, and only h few hours inure than a day or ew ' Year's. The order follows: "In view of ihe fact that a state oi . war exists, and that it will be net i s sary to spend a jtreat amount of timt in preparing the division for servict .(abroad, the number and duration o! all leaves and passes for the Christ mas period must be somewhat cur tailed. Leaves and passes will nut lit i framed for a louver pericd than fiom noon on Saturday, Dee. 2'. to mid-; niplit cn Tuesday. Dee. 2.1. ! "Passes may be granted from r treat on Dec. :1, 'o midnight on .Ian.! Passes will not he stunted to en-; THURSDAY, DLCEMI1CR 20, 1017. HUGE VAMPIRE BATS LOVE THEIR BOOZE They Wail, Shriek and Fisjht for Juice of the Cocoa Tree, Filipinos' "Wine." Omaha, Neb. The Vampire, the giant bat of the Philippines is it great boozer. This liuse but goes on a nightly spree in the jungles of ttie Philippine Islands, according to Henry O. Bau ni an of Omaha, civil engineer, who has just returned from a sojourn of six years in the heart of the island jungles, where he was (surveying in the service of the IJureau of Land:-. "These bats come out at night and FRtlJOM 4 4 rrana mini ft a? gave him a faiew party at Hie home of his 1111 .'",7 H! 4t"M,-,M 1 tic mi hii.i.h nr aunt. Mr. and .Ms Mario., Vprr. n.j I SUSPECT EVASION OF o - Miss .'et::e Malaise visited her la tiiei. .1. MalaNe, 1:1 Clam! ItiiLe part of this week Mr. and -Mrs. Paul Schmidt left on, Tue.-iiay eveninu tor San ltenito. Tex., I to spend Christmas it!i tlieir broth ers and sister. 1 There will be 110 more iiicetin-s of the I'.ov Sconis mini riidav, January 4th. ; Mi: s l.etitia Hat! :s visit. na O.tawa ' relatives this tO I "!" week steal the 'tuba,' the wine the Filipino.; Mr. and Mrs. Puil Schmidt visited make of the sap of the cocoanut tree," .at the Kd Brifinim hum.' Sunday, says Bauman. "The Filipinos tut the j Ralph Hall has the Dm. Ii measles. ends of the branches of these trees j A sun was born to K.v. ami .Mrs. A. and then tie long bamboo reeds 01 1. 1, it.'.-diop in Kvaiis.011. Dec. 1 Hit. the ends of the branches. The sap 1 Mr. and Mis. John It'ittertieM, of Miss ir. t tor Leslie drips into them slowly. Jc takes d;ts lonawa to fill up a tube, and in the meantime I Sunday the fermentation has already taken place. This is strong wine even be fore the Filipino comes to gather in his tabes. So these big vampires come out at night and drink out ot the tubes. "An night when you are out in the wilds you can hear them lightin;;, wailing, shrieking, and chattering in their drunken debauch over the stole 11 i tuba.' " It has been suggested that perhaps f here is the origin of the familiar ex- 1 pression. "He went, on a big bat," meaning, "He got drunk." visited :it S. M. Wright's mi Helen Shaw Sunday. Kniidtson, o was a Mclidota ited relatives here wet k. of Woodstock, vis a few days of last ' ell.: 'tc..v .Miss C.ladys wilh Miss Pool i-tut the Princes Guy of ee k Strea- tit HG MUSEUM IS FOUND IN PALACE OF PHARAOHS 1. listed men in excess of per ct nt of , the command." j A new order vas issued today tin t all cllieors 0' ihe camp must, he in camp by midnight here-it'ter. Tlrs rule has been ;u effect for enpstej men for some time and is now in-, erative as lar an ollicers are con cerned, on th" theoiy that a man can . nor do a good diy's work if he has lost a lot of sleep the night before. Men caught selling r.jnor to so! - die rs no longer will be tried by jus , tiers of the peace, according to an I announcement made by Major drove r P. Sexton, head of the military police department 0!' the division. Offender:'. , "Will he taken before 1 I'nitrd Sta'es cxtnmissionor ami bond of $.",0ii0 , asked in each cane. If the cases are not handled to the satisfaction of of- ' Hi ers here, they will he taken to the , central army department and placed: before Federal Judge Land is. If ynu h-.c Iopi envtntng you can find It by advertising !n the Free Tnd Subscribo for the Free Trader-Journal Throne Room Where Moses and Aar on Made Pleas Believed Discov ered in Egypt The museum of the University of Pennsylvania has made public a re tort from Dr. Clarence S. Fisher, lead er of the Kckley II. Coxe, Jr., expedi tion to Egypt, iu which he tells ot what appears to be the discovery that .'leremptah had in his palace at Mem I his an archeological museum some thing like those of the present day. Meremptah was the son of Kamesti ILc Great and by many is Identified 'tie Pharaoh of the oppression as de scribed in the Book of Exodus. The throne room was a magnificent chamber of about G0x40 feet. In de ft ribing this room the museum an nouncement stated that "it is proba ble that this throne room, if not the sumo one is similar to the one in hich Moses and Aaron confronted ti e Pharaoh demanding that the peo ple of Israel be permitted to go. The authorities In Egypt ndruit that a great discovery has been made." In the throne room were found or naments, scarabs, vessels for various purposes and vases. The Phebiau Cin le ileal'' d $!u. ki.aar last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jason Thompson will enter tile Ked Cross at her home Thursday. j December -"th. j Ernest Jameson ami I unity moved I into their fine new Ii me last Thurs- I .-a..-. 1 Miss lllanche Mosey, who is attend 'ing James Milliketi t'liivcisity at Dp ; cat u r. came home Wednesday for the ; lit lidays. j The O. E. S meets December 2t!th : This is t lect'on of officers and it is i bi ped t h it all the members" will at tend Some business pertaining fc Red Cross work will be discussed at ; this meet in i The l atitat !. "Around the Wc rid ' with Santa Clans" will In uiven by the j pupMs of the Harding Sunday-schco! at the chinch Monday culling, Dec , L ith, at S r 'clock. ; A Christuris tree ami program will ; be given at the Freedom Lutheran i church Monday evening, Dec. 21th. i a' ; :'''!) o'cloi k. - Klmer Hall ami Lynn O'Neil went to ( illicothe. Ohio, hist week and 'enlisted. Their address is ('ami) ', Sherman. Ohio, care Auxiliary Ke ' mount Depot. Alh-nt Hill went with I them and while there he met all the ; La Salle county boys and said they j wete all well anil happy and' in com I fortable nuirters. Theweathcr there j was below zeio and quite a bit of ; snow on the ground. I Mian Anna Hughes is visiting Miss ' Mare O'Donnell. in Walthain this i week. Aho.ut fifty relatives and friends o' i 1 . 1 . . . .M.jinui eveniijs. r .n 1 Iatiottitn sup. per was served by Mrs. Warren. Mr. I):imivaii has enlisted in the aviation , eerps and left Tuesillv evenniH tol Austin. Texas. f i The patriotic program at the 1 build town schitol-house last week netted wtiK ti has been turned over the Red Cross. 1 1 J Miss Margaret Olson and brother; Ja lies speni the week end with their I cunt. Mrs Barnes, in Ottawa. j There will be a Christmas tree and' ; program in the Wright t Inndhoi se ' 4. I'tiday aftenioon, Dei 21st. 1 X ; Mr. ami Mrs. Ceo P.!i.-s left fur Cai ifornia last week. Tin exi ei t to 'J spend the w inter there. Their dauglir 'ter. Miss Anna, teaches in El Ctntro. 1 .Mrs. Fred Wiley, of KarhtlK is vis Ping her sister. Mr ;. C. A. Wiley. Children taking pa-t ie the Hartiims (t hristmas urogram are to meet at the ' church Saturday afi. rnoon a; 1 Miss Cihuiys Pool will entertain the I D4's at her home afternoon, j December 20th. This is election of j officers. The P.Ps arc still 1 ollei t.'ng ' I old clothes for the poor and anyone jdse who eaies to donate may leive jthem at MissgPool's or give ;h "ii to J any member of the Ill's, j Mrs. Hinkey has leturned t 1 her ibome in Ottawa after a v'sit with her ! daughter. Mrs. Henjainln Didder. U. S. COAL PRICES Newcastle. Pa. What lire suspected to be methods of evml Ing the coal jriee fixing regula tions of the I'liited Slates gov ernment (ire being prnetlceil here, it is charged. Consumers, when offering their orders to some of the big mining com panies, are told that the entire output lias been sold to brokers. Iniiiiry nt the brokers shows that the can be bought at a considerable advance over the fcl ti'.'invs. Coal prices continue to advance here in spile of the coveriiMi iit regulations. ELEVENTH A. ANNUAL DANCE HmiW'!'iiHtWHI M.-.ny Uses for Palmyra Palm. Tbcr.' are said t.. be about MNi uses r the nalmyra rv:i 1 111. which grows throughout tropica1 India. Children Cry rJR FLETCHER'S GASTORSA FOKMERLY THE CLUB HAS NIGHT At Willis Academy Full Orchestra Dancing 9 to 1 Tickets 50 MEAT IF YOUR KWS ACT BADLY Sometimes Very Useful A motor car was held up i" n I'Usy street by a wagon drawn by two horses. The driver seemed jr. no hurry ;o gel out of the way, and at length one of the occupants of the motor ca' exclaimed sarcasticalU ; "Here, I say, my man! What are these things you are driving? What u-e they for,tI should like to know?" "These 'ere, guv'nor?"' answered the rarter flicking the horses with his J vhip. "Oh, these is wot is comminly ! tailed ' 'orses, nn' they're sometime used fer to take motorists to the 'orsnital." Take t&blespoonful of Salu if B&ek horta or Bladder bothers Driak lot of water. W (irs ft nation of meat eaters and our Wood is filled with uric acid, says a well-known authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to froe the blood of this irritating acid, but become weak from the overwork; they get sluggish; the eliminative tissue clog and thus the waste is retained in the blood to noison the entire svstem. When your Iddnevs ache "und feel likft rrythel Want-Ada lumps of lead, and you have stinging : trs. i pams in the back or the urine is oloudv. i full of sediment, or the bladder is irri- , , , ( table. obliginj? you to seek relief duria I the night; when you have severe Jiaad- What tO Use tO aches, nervou and dizzy spells, sleepless- ' . , , i ness, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad PreVTlt AppendlCltlS ; wat'aer, pet from your pharmacist alwut : Ottawa people should know simple ' .fo"r ounces of Jad Salts; take ; , , .. , , . . tableapoonful ia a class of water before buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as ( breakla8t each n,0?nins, and in a fw mixed in Adler-i ka, flushes the KS-. days your kidneys will act fine. This TIRE bowel tract so completely that famous salU ia made from the acid of appendicitis is prevented. ONE ; ffapea and lemon juice, combined with POONrTL Adlcr i ka relieves ANY !it''ia' n 'aa t.icen used for generations j ,,, . t uusu hiiu Binnuiaie ciocgeu Kiuneys, C ASL sour .stomach, gas or to tralize the acids in urine so it is ; tion because it removes ALL foul no longer a source of irritation, thus matter which clogged and poisoned , ending urinary and bladder disorders. your system. The surprises both doctors anil ; W. 1). Duncan, Druggist. 71" i Street. Phone Six Hundred Coide's Taxi Service I IWL'MXSIhMHIli i We are now prepared to give our customers bettci service as we are operating three closed Taxies and a Truck. Kindly help us by ordering your car a few minutes before you need it. INSTANT action ' ",aa 158118 l!i inexpensive and cannot rvitinnw i lnJure! makes a delightful etrervescent J, I JitJ'ia-watcr drink, and nohody wn make La Salle , a mistake by taking a little occasienally ' to keep the kidneys clean and active. t Want The People's Market Place. Five mini Pwiuk Saved THIS YEAR IM The First Payment .Makes You a Member. Here is the Plan Members starting with ,"i cents Members sturtitiK with $2..'it) mid increasing 5 cents eaeb and dcereaaiitg S cents each week for K r r J t week for all &tfr J r CO weeks J)t)0. O k JbbO, 5 L'i get Members starting with 2 cents Members starting with $l.lMi and increasing 2 cents each and decreasing 2 cents each $25.50 i-:5:: $25.50 Members paying r.O cents a week .Members paving H.00 u week $25.00 r ' $50.00 inMMMHMM I. WE PAY 3 INTEREST You Can Join Now JOIN WHY? Because this i3 the surest, simplest and easiest method ever invented for saving for the greatest of all needs-MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. For This. reason we take pleasure in announcing that we have contracted for the Goodman Christmas Savings Clubs for Ottawa and vicinity and will open our Clubs and begin taking members on DECEMBER 17TH, 1917 9:00 A.M. Each Member Gets a Beautiful Pass Book in Which is Printed the Due Date and Amount of Each Payment. Coeb Nothing to Join. If You Cannot Come to the Bank Mail us Your Deposit, Designating Which Class You Want to Join and We Will Mail You a Receipted Pass Book. The Whole Family Can Join. No Fees No Fines No Med Tape ma! '. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS ( II ''If H" till. ! 'Ii, ..I.