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OTTAWA FREE-TRADER Established 1W OTTAWA JOURNAL Eitabliihed 1880 FREE TRADER-JOURNAL WEATHER. Fair tonight and Tuti- d.iy. VOLUME 2.-NO. I.VJ. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, MONDAY. MAY 15, 191s. riMCE, TWO CENTS. n n fflC (fijfn) 1 1 of ma si I II I M I -v II II I (III & 'j, I I I I I I I i OTTAWA TO PUT III FIB Oil BUSINESS HSS WITH $75,000 "tCEIVE DpK; u 'FROM HIGH SCHOOL! WAR CHEST DRIVE OPENS! WITH PROCLAMATION FROM MAYOR PLAN IS NOVEL ONE IDEA CONCEIVED IN KENOSHA. WIS., WILL BE INAUGUERATED HERE ENDS FURTHER SOLI CITATION AND ENDLESS COM MITTEE WORK. Ottawa today enters a new era ot war financing. Adopting; i ho famous Ktnvdia p!.:ti for plenishing a war chest the city will from now on ho in a position to "talk business" with I'mie Sam on all war enterprises in need ,,'r help from the people at large. $Tr,tiO! is to demanded or the com munity. With ihtr Ottawa war chesi. will be MiiiBly tilled. Today sees the drive under way with all tin niRchltiery well oiled. Citizenry will respond to the call freely and liberal ly before the campaign in over lora' banks will bo holding the $T.',.ei;c Biibject to the government's cum inand, or to to the command or iho .. other enterprises which are constant, ly are in need of help i,-,,m privu i sources Thice of four e'onsptcuou institutions which will hem-fit mule) the new order or things here are tl. Red ( ro.jfi V. M. ('. A.. Knight Columbus and Solvation Army. Roc reatlon Centers, Stnileago books ait'.' Defense Council needs will also be taken care of tinder the new arrange ment. The creation of a v:'r tins: grew out of the Kenosha ilan of consoli dating all its benevolences under ntn head. La Salle made a $Io,im.u drive and tifu.uif.ed itself exceedingly sue ressfully, $7."..t, nil! answer al Ottawa's needs and permit of the city holding up its quota in whaiexer man ner a demand is mad" or it by any of the recognized war institutions. The plan is simple, so simple if fae' 'he wonder is no one cli.-cov er ect it utiiil the war was half a vein Old. Committees will circulate Hire every nook and rrany of the city They will hit faciotie.s from top (loot to basemen's, workshops will he con ered", prolessionai men called upon retail stores visited, retired farmer- appealed to, laundry Rills asked Ir bilp and so on until every man, wo man and child in town has been seen personally by some member o' tlo drive niniiiiKenient or his represcnta lives. The thing Is going to he car rled olT with whirlwind rapidity No grass is to bo allowed lu grow under1 feet. No person is going to be given a chance lo say "no." Tin committee is al'ler JT'.nnn and is go ing to net 11. The quicker :hey net It th.r sooner the drive is over. Kach person will be asked to rem tribute weekly, or monthly, as much as will strain )ieir pocket bonks. The assessments anion;.' wane earners will he deduced from their pay and turned over to headquarter. where contribution urn gufnod voluntarily in this manner. For the past year Ottawa nave will lugly and in la rite sums to the Red Cross, Knigh'.s of Columbus, Y. M, C. A. Salvation Army ami other bene volence always exceeding its quota Committees were at work every da in the week. .Sometimes the snlicitu lions were Interlocking, causing "not only confusion, but hardship. Cmlrr the new arrangement there will be one monumental drive tor $7.Vmm and then subscriptions end. They end the minute there is a $7.'i,hnti guurun ty for (he rest of 1!HS up to May V.MO. The money thrown into the war chest will provide Ottawa meant! of payini; on twenty-lour hours notice its quota tov.ard any if ihe Iuk en terprlses. The quota will be paid the penny, but no more. This Rives -I he solicit Inn phase of the war a business-like phase that was larking tin til Chairman I'ettit started the lust Ited ( toss drive under Hie same plan, I enly on n smaller scale. K Mi .nlle can rai..e iun,ti'ii) in a few weeks, 'Ottawa ran do Its bit. in roiwldeinble less time. The War Chest proposition hns n special up- . (Continued on page 3, column 0), A PROCLAMATION BY THE MAYOR OF OTTAWA Acting upon iln advice and sm; gestioti of tlio various oi .niiat ioiM eiigagi'd actively in general war re lief work, an. I after a thorough in vestigation, 1 am moved to issue tlu I'olloxving proclamation. I am con vinced the; citizens nf Ottawa, with many of whom I have consnlti'd, will fully approve of my action in this nutter This community, like a!! o'her cominunif ics in the nut ion, limls it self at this time confronted serious problems arising out of the war. which, so far as we can now determine, will of protracted length. There have been various uccessftil efforts made to meet the financial demands for funds of vari ous war activities such as the Ited Cross, Y M. C. A . Knights of Col umbus. Salvation Army and others of small scope. This city has always patriotically performed its duty relative to these various enter prises. There are numerous organ izations and committees, and new ones are constantly coining into ex istence, for war purposes. The ef fect of this has been to produce conflict and duplication of e ffort and those solicited for funds have found it difficult to appraise the relative merits of the various appeals made. Frequent campaigns in which teams canvass a community for money should be abandoned. Various bene Pi affairs tor war relief purposes, meritorious though they may be, should be eliminated, as only a ismall proportion of tne receipts are avail able for the intended purpose. The nmuuiil so expended by the citizens of the community reduces just so much the amounts which are avail able for direct results. The pres ent system seems certain to break down and fall to meet the demands of the future. It is now apparent that the requirements of the war in which this country is actively participating on a large scale, im peratively demand a systematic, comprehensive and equitable sys tem for the collection ami distribu tion of funds In the' various war ne e i v i t s which form an esential pari of the war program of the nation. Whereas; A sat i-I'actory plan has been developed and is now in suc cessful operation in cities in this mid other counties ihroughont the conn ry, and his received the1 endorse ment of civic, labor and business organizations of this community re ptesenting each clement of the com munity, including workers, mer chan's and n.annl'ac hirers: Now, therefore, as Mayor of the City of Ottawa. 1 proclaim that from Hits time forward 'until further not ice collections for any ami all pur poses incidental to the war. except. Liberty Bonds and War Savings cainpaius, (which are investments, not donations'! shall h( made through an organization to 'he known as the Ottawa War itelief As ;ocial ion, with the purpose of forming "Patriots fund." Collections shall he made through this authorized ugemey ami distribu tions made by the same agency. To the Executive Committee of this As sociation all demands for funda lor pill pose related to the vvu.'- wi! ne pre-iicp' cd, ami Ihio.ig.i lb" said ex I'cuiive (ommitioi' all war reiief will be administered. The said 'ci live t ion. in '( e tit the Oitaw i Wr Keli''j Association shall also act as a board of trustees of the Patriots fund. As uiaxor of the city of Ottawa. I hereby appoint the following er eeuilve committee for the said Ot tawa War llclief Association: II 't'ei'ill !,. Ahibecber, to repre sent the manufacturers. John I". Iterry, president of Puild ill'! and Trade Council. Dennis .1. I'ltnn. to represent fac tory workers. Clarence (liiggs. president or Chamber of Commei-'e. Reverend Henry F. liber' ami Reverend John P. Qiiinn. to repre sent ri'liglous organizations. Chiirlee II. Kingman, to represent educational organizations. L. C. Piiand. president Merchants' Asiocl it Ion. AI. F. Schoch, to represent bank ing 'organization. (Contlnui'd on page ;:, col. 2.) 7BSTUDEUTS WILL I LIST OF GRADUATES ANNOUNCED, TODAY BY . FACULTY COM MENCEMENT EXERCISES TO BE HELD THURSDAY NIGHT. Seveiity-six Students will be gradu ated from the Ottawa '.'owuship High school in the class of is. The forma! ( I L'l adicit inn itvi'i-i-ii.d util t... i,,.t.i tin I humbly evening in lb.- school au toi ium. Dr. Herbert I.. Willet of the I - n i versitv of Chicago will deliver tne ; ommeneeinent aildre-ss. Dr. Willet .poke in Ottawa last summer at tne Chautauqua. His appearance on that oicasicn is one that will he reine-m- beri'd for a long time bv the people who heard th not-d Chicago eduea-j lor Dr .Willet is a speaker of great! do'iuetico, with great personal mag .ictisni.' In addition to Dr. Willci's address, the high school orchestra will fur nMi music and Miss Oladys KUiot will sing. Tin' students will be a very attrae (ive sight again this year in their ;ray caps and gowns. The complete program for com nencemi'nt, will be: America. Orchestra and audience. Invocation.Very Rev. John Quinn Patrol of the Hed. White and Blue, Pollison -- The Orchestra. (a When the lloys Come Home, ."peaks. lb) Knitting, liisher. Ic Dixie. Kniniett---(Jbidys Klliot. The Last Spring, tirieg. National Defense March- The Or ht's Ira. Address by Cr. Herbert L. Willet )l the 1'niverslty of Chicago. (a I Rule iirittania. (b .Marseillaise. 'cj Star Spangled Panmr. Oladys Klliot. Pre dilation of Diplomas. Class Song. j The members of the gradual i.rJf ; class are: j Rachel Hall MradNh. 'Coia Inielda Hradley. ; Howard llradshaw. Louise Carmen lliicbtier. , Cora Marie liurdiek. Leo N. Cardozo. . , Irene Not a Clark. Ite-ittfice Connaway. Maitland Coope. ' Oale Kdward t upping. llany Hanifi n Costello. S Joijfph I). Dougberty. Kdward Lawrence' Dv.yer. Pessie K. Katori. I Kstlicr Doroiby Kliert. (iiace Wil.-on Kdv.aids. Corda Marie KlIiiiLen. Klsie Helen Knged. liaie Ksmoiid. Albeit. .Limes Kinley. Sarah Angelino Fowler. Lydia li. Fraikiu. Chester K. Kruland. Clair Mvin Oaard Kdward Clarence Caul. August A. (lit bier. Oladys K. (Ireen. Vernon C. lliulb-y. Margiii'riie Patricia Haley Lohl Mae Hall. I.ucile firan' Hansen. Martha Kllen Hayward. . Hubert J. Ililliard. Kltmr P. Ilittet. Helen Klizabeth Hotl. Paul A. Hollaway. Oirin Willtird Howe. Floyd Hoxey. Hoberi Jacks. Kathryn Ann Job-t. (iirtrude Kiiz.iibelh Johnson, Fri'derick J. King. Charles Stephen Kleiber. Rudolph L. Klein. Howard R. Knapp. Pearl Louise' Laee-. Carl K. Meikenstoik. Helen Ruth Me ice",'. Helen Louise Mllligan. Mauley Arthur Motley. Fram is ( '. Moss. Joseph Daniel Miilholland. Ruth Arabelle Mullin. Ann Louise Neitney. Kiniur'.t Krwin O'Donnel. I.tielle A. O'Kane. Ktlna I.ucile Ostrauder. 1. allele Violet 1 1' Peterson. Laura lone Pool. 'Karl T. Itee-e. Dorothy Klizabe-th Kiilor. Chfitles F.ilwiircl Rett?. William t.i'llov Rose iicians. I'e llcia Marlcin Rude. I William ( hupple Sanders. I EXPLANATIONS !Jgg I HNi, j Tv1 SrtKtj) fr I I ,0 w,Sk$ i r OTTAWA BOARD TO INDUCT SE LECTS INTO SERVICE AS MEN QUALIFIED .FOR .SPECIAL GAS AND RAILWAY WORK. Calls lor enlistment under the Na ion's Want Cobrtnn we're made about four weeks ag.i. The enlist ment closed April 27 with is enlist ments with the Local Kxemptinn Board. Tin so enlistments were lot- warded to Springueld, and from there to VN'ashing.on. I). C. Only the hme lieen accepted. The '.ecu oidertcl to sent ca' Board has under ibis call one gas plant worker to Washington. D. i.'.. and four railroad men to Fort I'.enjamine Harrison, Indianapolis, I nil, May 17. Oilier boards have been calle upon to till ihe other wants listed in April Van B. Heci. of Mendota; Klincr W. Schutte, of Marseilles; Roy u. Luce, of Marseilles and ( hiirles Nie hc.lson of Ottawti are the railroad men who w ill leave on Frida ior Fort Benjamin Harrison, hub. and Henry J. Boi-alor!', of Mendota v. ill go to Washington, as a gas plant worker. INCREASE DRAFT TO CORRECT QUOTA ERROR MADE FIRST CALL pt inglicbl. board miotas ! been changed 1 1 hcKcnson. It M'ty I.". - State lirat! for Mav 2.". call bale by Adjutant denr-ral neci'ssarv the jOeneral said today, because of errors . made In appon ionnien's of Hie lirsl quotas. The toial however remains the same and notices of the com et illicit men . s haw been sent lo all ! boa I (Is. ' Anion..' the counties at'iVc'ed by tlo ! new (plot, i it n 1 1 the number of no n jthey will be e xpected to furnish e i ', Orumly Countv v2, Kankakee non I La Salle Board No. 1, lt'L'; No li i and Board No. II. 111. OTTAWA COUPLE HAVE ONE SON THERE; OTHER ON HIS WAY OVER j , telegram has bei'-n received b; J.Mr, and Mrs. Michael Svanmil from J their son. Charles Scanned, from Camp ' Ft. ton, New York, where he has ai 'rived from Camp Logan, Texas lb lis a member of the l:!:'nd C S lit jlautry, Machine Onn Co., Prairie Di i-il li, a id has been slatiotii'd at Canip Koran until sonii'tftne duritiL' the ! past wi'ek. I Mr and Mrs, Scnnnei's other smi, i William J. Siiinnell. of the1 1 1 1 Fir .si. n erf Heavy ill Frame for Tank Service, has b about six weeks. Kc i,.,etb Sapp t Paul ILc hard Schmidt. Ina Mabel Snow. Chester ( i'Cpler. Louise Dec lailde Fill. Vim a Curtis Vcraiti. Krina A. Wilihcnt. Franc is Kuu Wilson, (li-aee Marie Wit-. on William Wood Kmiitii (' Zirkel. ISMS IN GAS FILLED HON . HOUSE i-ii ir 1 1 1 1 i i riiTpn rtrn nninnn i iinn Vt WILL hNi tK KLV. Wm LAUUo i SPECIAL BRANCHES YOUNG IN ABOUT W P DEAD BODY OF : . t All LARGE CROWD GATHERS AT HIGH SCHOOL TO ATTEND PARTING TRIBUTE TO TWENTY-THREE SELECTS ON EVE OF DEPAR TURE FOR TRAINING. The High School auditorium was puked w'sterday afternoon when (I 'd speed exercises were held for the 'selects who left today for Jefferson , harrae-ks to enter armv life. Patriot im was a' high heat during the e-eric-es. An address apropos of the occasion was delivered by Rev. C. . Briggs, in which he paid high tribute 10 the xoii.ig men who were guests of honor at th" occasion. The meeting opened with the sing ing of America and closed with the Star Spangled Banner. The inveea Hon was pronounced ,hy Rev. ,1. T. Lutheran chunii address by Dr lis remarks utg- Mueller, pastor of the pillowed by .1 V. I'ettit, a brief WOO HI ( I (lie jieople to do their bit at holm , while the boys were anay giving up i heir a,i lor their Ibig. in his address R.-v. ISriggs s.'cul in part : onng Hem. I co igfi.tnlate vou Fuel.' Sam ha.; designated you aineuig the of M.'b'ct young men ot gieai nation lo whom lie com mils the present safety and future prosp-rity of oar spletKlid common 1 wealth. Hod has h1m chosen .vou ffmi among t Mower of sous ol men, as t lie 1110 : t h" world's manhood, to light agail.-t the enemy of till' little ciiil-1 dreii, the old W'linou. and the sacred-in-! itut ions of c ertain small nations ..f the earth ulm-f doma'.uis have le-cn eb vast. ite. ! anil depopulated, and Wilit-.e people I.IIVe been Still'VCl. lb" i:raib-d and enslaved. (I b.o'.v my own1 lieiirt yearns ;o go with you into this great Una! strugi;ie for liberty u.-.d hutnatiity How ery gladlv would I cirri ;i soldier's kit bag. -loop in a olduT's tt nt. fi ed on a soldier's f. Mi ami 1:0 oxer the top with you 10 ha-t-'ti l!,i da ol toial viciorv lor li' irioei aev for 1 he w olid. My ines.cigo this aiiermion is me pi im.11 ily to please this y - .at audi- . ene e. Neil ier is I' to be all hi at oriea I eilnn may call for tile llpjiails" ..I ilr.. considerable cotieouie of in lelloW 1 -iti, ells Ka'lier ;ittl 1 ple.isi.'l !.. 1 oine before "i as 11 c 'hfl tt'.in colli I ..1 1 t ic w ho cherished i h I Oppoi I II I i' 10 h.iie a io art I" In art talk wi:h the pb iidi I boys wlio leave II- loiuor re 1 ix atiit.l 'Ii" tears iifl'l 1 hc-efs of their I ; a mis. ;i ml w bo in a few days will be ctig.igi-d in major operations thai shall make glorious Hie ht-toiy of this fair feplllrli' ill her li'iil t b . n to the solu Col, of I he IIIOsI St 0 pel, dlllls pi'Oilf III ! Il.ll II. I s I el' .U 'I' d I lie I.I'h',11 of mankind S;nc' this is .-sunday. the "ttrtet ?rit S.i 'cli itli. and our ow n iiioticin Moth er-' Sunday, and since I stand before oii a- a minister el the ciospel I do not apol.iitl.'a' I'.r elclivetinc , h u-: sermon M , .Vt 1 the inli ie. gi v ' 1 ( olitiuui d on pagf II, 1 ol '1 ) RLlflfJ SUHS ARE SET FOR ASSAULT London, May I 3. All ihe news from the wes tern front indicates we are on the eve' of great events, said the evening Mews today. "Our scouts I 1 iL.l iT - a 'FOREIGNER BELIEVED VICTIM OF ACCIDENTAL ASPHYXIATION , -WAS GUEST AT HARRISON j WOMAN FINDS BODY. I I I Inexperience w ith the use of illtinii- j avoid detection are in place for the nating gas is believed responsible i "l,,st t i,nl' tll;" tnt' Teutons are ,, , ,. ,. , ... . .-about ready to strike. Just where lor the death o! l'nink Brovet agwl : , ,, .,, . , . I ike blow will fait cannot be ioretold. ... an Austrian laborer at the Federal, Two Ka(8er, at Murder Meet. Plate, whose lifeless body uas round1 London, May l!i,--The predicted early Sunday mornine in a gas-lillcd ! double drive on the western and Italian loom at the Harrison House, c orner ! battlefronts which may result from the of Main and Walnut streets. J conference of the Kaiser and Emperor ,,,, , . , . , , ,, i Charles, of Austria, at German head Urovet, who hai stopped at the liar-i ... ,,, , . , quarters, probably will be the greatest ...-wu ...,u.,c o ooe ... , ,oni,e,- m-i .casions, Kept hatch xvtih two c'ciunirv casions, kept batch with two country . Bui Saturday night because of the ilislcment weather and the lateness ot tlie hour he .started for the sett le ! uient xvest of town, sought and was given quarter: for the uighi at room ing house. At ti;i'i o'clock Sumhi.v rooming af-te- she had arisen Mis.; Mary Pies kouich, the landlady, was attnic'ed by the odor of gas in the hallway. Suspecting that something might have1 hapi-iied to Brovet, Miss lieskovil ch opened 'he door to hi- room and was driven bac k by the Mroim odor of gas w hl'ii ;- hot I roiii I lie room. I'.ravi'l's la cm the lied gatiied only in underwear. From appear allies Mists lieskovilch sa al ' I In o et looked as tilo he was dead. Dr. S. K. Parr was hurriedly summoned and alter an investigation c the body 'u'o 11. aimed the man beyond human aid. The gas jo was open full wide when M ss I'll skovil. h I. 'liked into 1 ll" room, while the window was tightly closed A .pt urine cs indie aled I ha 1 Biovci had U'it'il to turn Ihe jet off ' and in doing -0 givi-n it a full ! Mill pel' ill--, lite llis Id esi a Ill cler full pro-sure That he did not do tic' tin odor before falling a.- leep is t lie' only ihiiiL' t!i;it gives rise to the belief thai linnet mtitht haw 111 ne .1 .'.e-s!til attempt :ii suicide. The dead man xx a -i a n sidetii of 'be I'niieil States for a number ol wars. He c ailie to Ottawa about ett'hteeti inontlir- ago lioiu Texas, where he has an uncle and 'wo cousins I'esidiii Ie nils known as an induati'i ais j worker ;W the Federal Plate i!!a-s iiliiiii and Saturday morning alter a niiiit turn in the tactory. but lii 1 1 tends in -a'od spiril.- and m;iIi..' any ini ,niai iott he in" nie, I 1 nd his life. For ibis reason I'.o-e xxh'i ivllllW llllll life inclined to belii-le 1,'s eatlt 10 ! il. B'e el lar s Ti III .oeiel 11 Ottawa tie 11 en'ife I 111' or a. ii a ! Ill bet I".. ( 'or. .11. 1 I'hai ! in:- Mi.- Pb s' plied lor a r Sat'itday inght .ItilUIX s I ill III It c 1 H.'ll Slu D.'Pi . nt. 1 i in ap bout I- 1 k as-l).el him to tlie 0e -Me -aid h.Cl-e o -IOI1-. a. ipia in 1 1 I 1 s. i ll. , , w ;i' t h: he ha I b e 1 : hoik was beiiid eeli ,1 -li'-sl .11 ll I' I w 11 fiii tin 1 in , ,1 lie t nought lie was U one 1 he -aal ll It, ! '.'as bum 'lied a t oller s in l 'i t ih t o' .11 cidei.tal d.'.rh afi' r 'I e ui que-1 at I Siiilex 's I tide!'',' k Ml I 'a -lots, llli'llli'i !'. ot' tlie j.iX w I. I'. V. Yoc key. R M Riciia nlsi.ti VVil-ni Dwxer, William Rhoad.. W'ii-.iiu I'.aile.. and Hanoi Fp'v. rab: tlive''s Giaduation Audrey.-.. leO'.:e lirtlbe. boohkei p." '' 'le lir-t y, Batik in Ottawa, fiii '.ol'tui I' I e.ieher of Ilia ' If - al'.1 I m v ru iu Hi.' SllUilH r I"- a I't '1 i-'i - 1 1. l nt h " 1 '-1 t III ' a , v . ed li oralioti iit tlie 1.1 a. lit 1' iell -el . i i' . ll' Whit.ikc r 011 Mav p. s.iKew uiai ine ene nv concentrations are near ing their completion. Note For over two weeks allied airmen and other observer have re ported much activity behind the Ger man lines while the Cennan artillery continued to bombard with great fury scattered sectors along the Pii'urdy and Flanders bat tlef routs. llimlenburg's divisions were badly shattered in the fighting southeast of Ypres and east of Amiens late In April and it was expected that the considerable time would elapse be- I fore be would be in a position to re- )js ,,, thnts t. It is now indicated, however, that he Herman guns and troops most of which have been shifted at night to ,,,w , he wari a(.,.0rding to AnistPr-. ; dam advices today, j The supreme Austro-Orman effort is lo be concentrated on these fronts, i ii was stated. ' A Berlin newspaper Interprets the 'meeting as meaning that Austria and Hermany are now resolved lo stick together to the end. A later dispatch from Zurich mint ing a (lefman newspaper on a modi fication of the Austro-OeruiHii alliance more favorable to (iermany said that the act would result In a community of interest in a matters. To Hold Americans Back. Washington. May Kb The mystery creaied by the statement from Ottawa. Ontario, and altribu'ed to the British war cabinet, that the American army will not le utilized by the allies until it becomes a complete and powerful force" 'was heightened this afternoon when Lord Reading, the British 11111 '.Kissador made the statement "diame trically opposed to ai information re- ix fi by me." "I am quite in the dark as to the origin of the statement. At present ail 1 can s.iy js that I am convinced 'hat the doeiitiieu! s have not been is sued with the knowlediie of the prime ui'nis'er or the British war cabinet." U. S. Three Lick 12 Boches. With ihe American Army in France. May l.". Three snericuns ;n a cer tain point in ihe Luneville sector crossed No Man's Land with the ob ject of ferriting out an euieniy's snip ing nest from xvhb h several Ameri cans had been killed. They erieolllil- I red a Herman otlieer and txvelve men and despite the odds attacked killing the elbci r and four of the men. They iook he ullicer's papers and re tire I a Herman re-inforcements were c.,'i'ii!i' up The papers contained the . in ",y' ; code and other valuable in forum ion. Petrograd Starving, I.e. b.u. May 1 i. - "Count er lvvulti M.." is ne ginning to raise its load in II I- :ia 1 1 1 ci 1 inn discontented and st,i,v nt:; masses ai;.iinsi th" sfcviet-,." said Ml news dispatch from Moscow 'odav, 'qitot'tig :h" Bolshevik! premier. The . prein ier slut e incut w a 'a sent bro.oi i on; a tied in 1 si and up ck.'ii 1'i.iro- pealing 1'fai 11 ic. Artibrry Active. M.ix t ' ' The ,,! , :.ery 011 s w as ,,, ' 1 v.- ,e sec ei al if h an i -.."iii .1;' 'hi Awe he Fr te ii v at otlice ,m- 1 l.l ' pel,, ll'.l'ed til'1 l a. s i,.,f b t N.i'ii..-t:v cap- o .;!, ; c 1 1 ti r . v 1 r, f cm. 1;. '-iii i ui in; ; 'x !,: prs .nie : The cnemv ,1 " ' 111 p' '1 a t . I T.I il, ' lie ret lull of St I I e. l't ;' jok" lb',1 II lllldel' Dlf fire. SIX KILLED DURING ILLINOIS TORNADO 11 rrisluirg, Hi., May I ! Six p'r ate rcpor'ed ta'ailv itijurc'il and 'Mis muni hi'ti. 'it is s llooll. s eii.cis,v nur' toitay in a ate I tab.'. nan which swepl 111 of llhtioi xes-erdiiy after-