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OTTAWA FREE TR ADER - JOURNAL. PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY. JANUARY (i, 19:M FREE TRADER - JOURNAL EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO. c9P0RTINi AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALtR 115 West Main Street Today's Markets GOSSIP Published Every Afternoon Except dun J. FREE TRADER-JOl RNAL PRINT1N0 CO W. H, 08MAN O. H. WOOLBBRT Publishers i Editor and General Manager Managing Editor BEARISH SENTIMENT L CHECKS GRAIM SALES !' ITH OTTAWA ELEVATOR. i , : U u line fir Six T'l TERMS: Dally, oiio year In advance by eat Daily, per week, by carrier Dally, on year In advance, by mall, In La Salle Dally, one year in advance, by mail, outside La Said i oun Entered as Becond class i wa. 111., under the Acl of Oi r Member cf the Associat-.U Pi'ess. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for repul of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited to thi anil also local news published herein fi Cditc to sex orF a turn l Iter HOI OLD TIME IS ASSURED BASKET BALL FANS OF CITY as to wheal received new Impetus to da) mii account of the suspension of the British American Continental bank iii London The strength r rllng exchange, however, In tho 0 Ullill ... i, 'i ; c.'IUi ,,.! ... ,a!l i t flli.v i; WALLACF. CHAIN MARKETS. urth I I Whl a a Oats No ng i rli hieh ratiged rrom i Jc to I Si iili Mar, li I .;s I t to 1 .68 ' ' 'Awn v THURSDAY, JANUARY 6. 192!. THE EOY MOVEMENT. At the regular weekly meeting of the Rot day the attention of tin- members was called which 19 now being fathered In the country. If the Ottawa Rotary club t. nest, following out ihc plan which, o i is almost mandatory, the) will di il they have ever done a thing which i, i t ne Di y nv cur rhtint vstem nit" in-i uie enti wn liticance. I ii war i much vaunted father of the man. In making better boys m giving them the principles of true manhood and right living lhe will raise a standard ! citizenship that will endure ft r all time. T. C, Stewart, of Anaconda, Mont., writing about boys in the Rotarian, -avs : "Ever since the time when Adam and live went forth from the Garden i f Eden to people the earth, the pr blems of bov life have been with it-, and some may suggest that is a ad commentary on our effort to confess thai we have not It ng -nice solved its nnc-t serious problems and made our boys and their surroundings more nearly ideal a finished product standing forth t as a certain sign that the millenium shall eventually come through I their perfection." How much attention has Ottawa given to her boys? She has provided excellent schools, which by the average boy are looked upon as fixtures several grade- above prisons, but not in the light of places for his enjoyment or happiness. He don't, except in tare instances, feel that there is anything personal about school it is simply one of the usual and necessary adjunct- to city or community life that take- in all boys and girls alike and is "part of the game." That it i- for his personal benefit or that it is pro vided because anyone is interested in him personally never enters his mind. No sane man Would for an instant decry the great bene- , bcial influence of the school or suggest that anything can take its place, but a boy is entitled to more than the school given h-m he is entitled, among other things, to the strictly persona! in terest of some man or set of men which he cannot ever feel that he gets at school; he is entitled to an acquaintance with and knowledge of a thousand things which he can never get at school, things that cm only be learned by association with men. And these things he i- going to learn. If he has the opportunity; to associate and become familiar (nol "fresh") with the average clean, decent and reputable man he will learn the clean, decent I and reputable things; if not, he will learn those things which de nrace and demoralize from the associates he can readily find who, orr ? I 1 t h " Zar THI IS NO -- l 1 - -i 'M 1 -v V . 1 Don't ec-r cvt THe oj;h J3Tvrv ITcl BG the CRo l.j T HocR or Kokj JM MORRIS SEALS CLASH AT AR MORY TOMORROW SHOULD BE ONE OF MOST EXCITING EVER PLAYLD BEFORE A LOCAL AUD IENCE. ii will be a hot ol time when the basketball heavers from the Waupon- st steps to state "pro' indy county moderate further setback and Ni BOOK thing of a rally, ii sympathized With the weak- Win , f wheal Alter opening I v offlOata like advance Including Ma atlCori Lo 71 3-8c the market harden- N luiie inn then Bagged all around N' a into . J yellow white yellow 1 C K h i G E I Mi ELLVATOR. $1.70 m ii i but what a ganie torrc enough exel connicts ever staged 't.-. there is no doubt night will receive Oats were easier iiie other grains,! starting unchanged to l 8c lower. May' is 7-8c and then tending downward. Livestock. Chicago, Jan, 6 Hogs Receipts 51,000: held over 6,297; few sales; steady to 10c lower than yesterday's average, $!' so bid; quality mostly good; average cosl yesterday $9.f0. Cattle. Receipts 15,000 Wall Street. N'.'w York, Jan. t; in all the broad er dealings of the morning on th i stock exchange today motors, oils, GRAIN QUOTATIONS Chicago market report turnlsued hy W Ktii'v, manager Btmous, t) v o, HiM'ai Molonaj Building, Phone fa. rrer ''loBf C iho. Mai Mai Jan Smith i) il live of P can alo red and vvulti uintel of ti will flash with Coach Glere'sl L i' Now this game i oi i to ., point- special feat included Studebaker and ('hand- July . Oat- Corn 7.1., ;;' booked a very fast ler motors, Mexican and California I Old No petroleum; Royal Dutch, Houston Oil, few -No Atlantic Gulf, American alternation- New No 01 V4 i.ti7'4 '. " - 74 .70 IS '. i .. Cash Markets. .87H 7t', son, and y now wn.i: h i tame i- to a basketball team. They ear and American sugar. Textiles, e tobaccos and leathers featured the Oati special! ii s at more than moderate No MARSEILLES NEWS MARY MACARTHUR Office Phone. Black 176. House Phone Black 35. Office over Star Theater. uwaya trj 10 pica on me nrsi incK:)ins UtiUs were backward excepl nd then i Is easy sailing for them for a five point rise in Delaware No whltf w hlt .47 K' ,45 W .4.S-j .47 A sam 1 1 profits and pressure against Mexican Petroleum caused reactions Of 1 I points throughout the list at n Call money opened at 7 per cent Koer, mere is nommg to it twin petroleum caused reactions of 1 to 4 earns are very evenly matched, Last points throughout the list at noon. rear the teams played two canu ELECTRICIAN FALLS 10 DEATH FROM 8TH FLOOR OF INJURED BY ATTACK victorious in one contest only by a I Uberty Bonds. email margin. But when the local: vw Vork Jan. fi Prirns for lihBf. OF r'RAZ1" SWINE their old stride tomorrow niKht. the! 4s 86.50; second 4- 86.70; first 1 i la ' ,. team from up the line will be a dis- 86,80; second 4 l i 86.88; third 4 ra,n a L wSif appointed bunch, for there are ex- l-4 90.22; fourth 4 l-4s 87.10; victory a cruel wound, wiul" m j.,.tH, , ancnora r weights 3 :!-4s 96.84; victory 4 3 is 96.88, . , ,' . . , . v ., attached to the Seals In tomorrow's - UILUINU :r'zy animal, and then n the boop, which tort mentors promoting the confident that the baa- Potatoes. i bicago, Jan. ;. Potatoes firm; re-' ,B ,,-,n " 1 l' liis hand k",lja" squad tan beat the team fromjceipts :'4 cars; Northern Wlii , , i.J Grundy. ed l.301.40 cut. no sales LOCAL MAHKETS Ducks, lSc. ICru.-. 6Sc, Stai.'M. lie. Lard. is. Packed eggs, 40c. Geeae, 10 c. Et'itter. 6cc. Cooking hutter, xo. Cream, 87c. Hides and Wool. No 1 hides. 5c. No. 2 hides. 4c. No. l calf skins, 6c. No. 1 horae hides, $2 50, Muskrats, 50c. S!,;;nks, 50c to $2. Raccoon, 50c to $.'o. Mink. 50c to $'!. 5 1 rwi FATALITY OCCURS THIS MORN ! in? ING VICTIM MEETS INSTANT haidi FATE IN EIGHT STORY PLUNGE ', AT NATIONAL BISCUIT PLANT. Is quite ill. which makes it weren't many of them, who attended made public, will visit most of the lim to endure His brother the game New iear a night, will all leading links in this country to study i f one hone In his left wrlsi agree thai never before did they I conditions peculiar to the sport in ile ago by the kick from a see a man play o hard and consist- J America. Kmil Toupln, an electrlci t' i dev ilc thci rth time ti i a bov s deerada tire c er mni lion. Ottawa also provides by ii- churches and Sunday schools op portunities id- the religious education or training of the boy. An other thing nothing could supplant and whose beneficial influence can never be even estimated. Bui it is another fixture, and how , many boys are so constructed or educated that it. in conjunction with the scht m A, till his life the elevator shaft and striking concrete floor of the basement. Toupln and other workmen tner none was mrown out o nd is left weak and sore. Mi- mother Mrs. Minor Wl round, for their daughter la sn r p from so severe a cold that she it able to be out of the house (,clf association traing propo . I w r . U MCA i- . tended the game, His crafty manner I changes in t ales permitting the clei Mrs, W. E. ( rosiar was a La s.ilb the sphere also made a ing of muddy halls and their removal I waller yesterday fans and kept th, op- by hand when imbedded in putting banc' Mn -am Madden and Mrs. QeO, : shopped in La Halle yes- little starring in the conflict. I Saturday both men played exception ally well and made several halrrais- l country do i In England. Nat;on- Aftd that is pretty nearly the list. These provisions arc made tSki m the Win la It. Dr. VVeirick wa extinct before of the accident The young mi both lets broke crushed and the The bodv wi by Lloyd 8ml undertakers, a tabllshment or for his mental and moral development. What aboul the physical, which from the viewpoint of the average boy t- pretty nearh ihc big thing!'' What provision is made for his recreation or pleas ure? Has Ottawa one playground worthy oi the name.' With Muffs and hills on every side, was there while the recent snow lay upon the ground one decent place for the boy to coast without danger of being run down by an auto, or about as bad I from the boy's standpoint), bein called down by a cop? The time has gone by when "the vacant lot next door'' will answer the purpose of a ball ground the vacant lot is no longer there. It' he want to play ball (or any other game close to a boy's heart) he plays in the street until run down or called down. The boy is entitled to more than just school public school, high school and Sunday school, He is entitled to some chance for clean and proper recreation. Again quoting Mr. Stewart: "A boy engaged in clean, rugged and invigorating sporl is not apt to be led astray. But how easy it is for him to drift into those Surroundings which seem to offer agreeable companionship, but at the same time bring before him evils we desire most to screen 1.:... 'ri.: . l.i : . I I ;.i .i . .t 1. mill i run i. i in- jiuuiciii is ucuig met wim imicn success inrougii ,,.r Df o,, Electrical VVorkei obys clubs, skillfully organized and handled so a to give the Ixvi local 134, Chicago. The ut both trainino and beneficial spurt and entertainment. Through then he is being developed physically, and unconsciously he is grovvinj mentally and morally. The Boy Seoul organization stimulates manly spirit, a love for those tiling- which make for strength Helpful companionship, a stud) and knowledge of things out-of doors, that leads the hoy naturally to plea-ant investigation and th acquisition oi knowledge through his play and recreation, Wrong I electrical work on theNatfdnai Biscuit doing, or crime, in boys is largelv misdirected energy, l ew bovs pompanya new building for the lai i . e , i a . , i two month' and had become acquaint are naturally had and habits of crime are largely acquired in the ed with many of our young people recreation time when their impulses and energj arc not properl) directed. " The influence of a good mother is probahlv the most powerful force entering a hoy's life. If he has her love, her help, her com fort and sympathy, mam rough, hard places will lie bridged over and our boy will have a fighting chance, though he may lack many other advantages within the reach of other boys. Then, too, if lie has a dad full of interest, one ready and anxious to devote the time biscuit Company Notice. Odille, the photographer, taking photographs of the oaai Biscuit Company's im lime to time as it was for the use of the .lohn md tackli LOCAL BOWLERS AGAIN DEFEAT MORRIS TEAM On the Morris teafn, Bnger, play I ing rit?ht forward will h. closely Ottawa I'll! Servi llOWiltlK guarded. Enger Is a tar and funs i team i'ain copped the berries when Mr- Cbas, Chamberlain visited in La Salle yesterday. Mr and Mrs. Jack McCabe visited John Hill and daughter In Ottawa yesterday. Mrs, c li. Rounds visited In I.a Salle yesterday. Mrs. Bannister from Odell return ed to her home yesterday after spending .New Year's with Mrs. Fred untry am th Morris team at Morris alleys Tuesday night. This) the second time ihe local bowling I ' would be able to outfit has played the Morris team Bright, their other and defeated It. A: the present tiin Mr, Aoe Pearson transacted bust 's in Ottawa yesterday. Miss Anna Jones from Ottawa was visiting Mrs, Josephine Bttbach yea- hefnalia to be used in crack forward, is at the present time lit look- as though the local team will terday, dge Club. shine !n Bupposed to be nursing an injured ; be the w mil knee, bUl when time for the game to' champion; one be played arrive-, he will be as spry i of the lot on- as a sparrow, itright in also a 1 the evenli in whirlwind basketball player and ajond, Clamp will he thrown around Dim. Followll Also Hansen. and Miller, playing I guards, have been making a fair Lansing "'''t showing for their team. Both men i Hampton er of the i up and th. i Of the league. Haley team was high man ol in Ottawa. out of ice have exceptionally good basketball Sprage record- and are expected to do some-; Scanne thing In tomorrow night's contest. 1 Haley The )it'f 135 170 133 100 86 11 117 135 Ma 139 14J 11". 165 184 12 Alt Uoath h:is heen i,n the stele Bt at his home on Church street, but able' to out. again. Mrs, I'at Connarty was a Princeton isitor yesterday, Mr. Pat Kellher and son from Kan akee visited at the home of his sis ir, Mrs Win. Landers, over New i Mi Cook at 1507-9, Ogden avent tv even In i union meets Mor coin street about U t , 1 1" was on mat ried : i old. one of ., tamilj and five girls. during his taj . ai very hivhlv spoken him either in a soc game between O. il. S. L. C. will ibe started at; . while the main attrnc- me between the Canaries I It. Carr , and the Seals of Otta- Bnger .iin teed Starts. wa' vvi" De opened at 8:15 o'clock Davidson Meed factory started up '"here is no doubt but whtt the game Fabcher No i machine, tho big ui" '"' v,,v Intereatlng. Last Turn- Tablet . and nil other par - of day night the Morris quintet defeat-' ,e runnina it full I iree '''' 'he West side Browns of Chtcagol by i tally of 26 to 23 in a very hotly Contested game. The Seals on la Saturday night defeated the fa n for trespass on tne uocKpori triangles BV to 10. itn Vaupel who left their .. hunting paraphernalia ft, rrnr. Morris. Abe Sumberg transacted business In La s.iiie yesterday. Mr and Mrs. (,eo. Quandt returned home yesterday after a lengthy visit ti."pti si" tj7H 1 North Dakota with relatives. j Mr and Mrs. Fred Hlakeslee wont ing 114; to Chicago yesterday for a few days' visit. Mi-- Tes-ie McClatn from La Salle was transacting business in (Jtica yesterday. 102 128 127 121 133 110 91 109 1J4 119 116 102 ,11 sm Hunting Outfits. s recently tineii by Jus TRIS SURE INDIANS WILL REPEAT IN 1921 ADV. SPACE PROVES OUT AT SCANLAN'S SALE nr the fines, came from rday, ptti'l their tines so their hunting outtlts. ,so Men's Banquet. Cleveland, Jai town a I I. se of printer's ink is Bven In times of is prm en by results ilan's clothing stoic CflMlNG Til AMFRInA ' Cleveland Americans, ( halterdasheiy where a Januan predicts that the Indians will repeal clearance s to accident a wdi as the local un which he belonged. The coroner has been notified and the Inquest udi be hold at 1 00 New Vork, Jan. 6 A committee of tun men's bnnnuet this evening, - ,jV(. English golfers, representing the " held at tie I ongregS' doyal and Ancient club of 8t. An-i : " ' eliirch. will bp addressed by dreWs, will come to this country next1 " . v uowea who u . sumnor to return a similar visit to r" ;" '"'W Europe nm .. ,-,..,, i. ........ f ,, ,.,,,. Mltpjw w?. V" . the Cnited States lf assiation. it was learned yest rday The Brit TI necessan to be a pal (J companion t is boy, the home life of i'11- occurred In Ihe construction f ; (BIS DUIIiaing, and none nt the BC : ilenl s evcetit tbi Ii ivb been of ftQV kit t H i - nrobleni serious note. following the Inquest, which was held thl anernoo nil an i th to an act idem. that lad is Kointr to be helpful. It will help lay a foundation for Ins hie that will be hard to shake and dc-tr of the hoys home life is such a tremendous one that I hesitau even to touch UDOfl it. So mam Imv have nn home life in L ,,l .... I 1.. " 1.1 r,,,,r",'d 90 "i' " VetdlCt, a wimi "" . in. in, win u,ii 1H'1III .lie sm l , r It let I Willi lOIIUl IQC ,,,; titms that entirely tend toward their demoralization. I'hev lack love, sympathy, harmony, companionship practically everything ajwill rel more out k,' ZC , , ihltW thev ever i, And here is where the work suggested to be put over bj the have all the ftm. Kotary CIUO comes in. Ihe bov above all else is entitled lo the personal interest of and intimate a or "t therwise It the Kotar tb. Belolt At classmate of W II ion. Local Notes. - Mclntyre w: an on. The - .: , ,, i.ecion Baa finally re ceived Its rhirter, appli'iition I'm wnu t was made over a year ago Win Deniger, hei daughtt day at her home on easl Blufl -tree! .Mrs Dahl of lAanston Is visiting her sister. Mrs. .Nasli FleinlMI of the T ,,rt I i praii i" "virs. Joe ! lay in chat ipeai clearance sale ot mens apparel has in 1981, I brought uniMrecedehted numbers of "A year ago I made a ew Year's j buyers to benefit from the prio ilaatt prediction that we had the right kind Ing no itolng on there, of baseball material and il we bus- i The alo. which was heralded in tied Intelligently we would win the advance by an abundant use of ad- American League pennanl and the verttsing space In these columns and world, championship," speaker said, immense circulars, wnicn were scat "Thai prediction was fulfilled, despite " 1 broadcast throughout the county, ae, i, lent, that u,, i,i h.ive iliarnuru. Is setting a new mark for Ottawa en- led many a splendid team. terpilse. veater- -i t,.i ih.i i tune the rtehl in v'' Scanlan today announced that make the same prediction for the: campaign of lf21. 'Ihe unfortunate circumstances that disrupted the White Sox prob- if it. w ill gd more I ested their time and if the branch oltlct , " , " o vt a ..... last started by Johnson Paulson ,; ' " it ol Senoca visited v,.. An,n Marco of Broadway went to Ottawa yesterday. There will be a reception In the ibiy have removed one great conten- N'ew York seems to he our the goods were being moved at such a rapid dtp thai late comers are rac ing the proposition of making their purcba ps from goods that, while At In even wa h in In "ti ' picked dot thereby keeping them from th- i nir in iv - are ut nation with gome men dad The problems of n m r greatest asset. (In them dcDends the future, about wee ago ami severely in But .rrovv will 1 e ill, ir I. .1. .. W.. .nl assist . iure.1 Mfl kmc. Miss Allen of beat ruins nf anv i.tht-r I I ritivMi u-ill .1 i .i . . , is the t.'.ir-e ! fliarue o: tlie iiatn nt. ..Ills, III ,ll HIIHI Lt'Oll tltltll. Will: llSf lintW ill the:,- , ,r.. .1 1 "i t I. ,ll t I t - t ill.., , , ,,. ...... - r . get into the U.y game-get next to the toy- they will find theyth burdens of Mm.m',. with Courage a lUJSZT H HIT. . I III IV Slt-ICS Ol 11 lllil ,1,,,,.. ... ,,,. Kreatest rival, tho r. cent trade with j:i , K1um, flo,. , Boston probably strengthening the gcanlan slogan to bis igglnsiisn v'"1K'i Bj folratving thai advice tke) will "untsme nt t nicaco ami nossiniy receive the advantage of the srreeteat la the league is ,, e m s tuc clearance on record. .VI Mrs. Parmelec ot State street, fell i liKeiy io tie -uoncer man last season. nit coats, lats. mrntaniBgS, etc. are nut i i tiiitiK any of mem can selling at rrom S3 to per cent on us out I their former retail prices -Adv. than am n, i.:.i, tvoti'f UnlTersallst church tonight in honor! ni ' "' IK KKH W nil ( v 0 A I!in.(im iBj Nw York, each club a Want Ad in the Free Trade juuruai for Quick Results, . Try a Wan Ad In the Free Trade i Journal fur yuick Kesuits.