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WrnNTSDAV. JANUARY 1?, 19LM. page four 'officers installed by white shriners SAYS PRINCETON note UGGLERS RUM WILD IN GERMANY WAR BRIDE PROVED FAITHLESS 10 HIM Alllel U'H EX-SOLDIER'S CHARGES OF INTI MACY WITH OTHER MEN IS DE NIED BY FRENCH GIRL WHO 'MARRIED HIM OUT OF PITY.'' W OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOT'RNAU. Iphlcagfo, Jan. 12. "Is evepyboay America willing to believe the wo of a girl tram France who married American doughboy 'Over There' will someone hear her fide ol I ntory and believe?" The question is put right up to t public today by Mrs. Ida Claui Smith, 30(57 ,West Washington bou vard, Chicago, who earnestly wiso an answer because her good nai ami her future happiness depend i on ii. Slic. who was a French madeni selle in TouJi Prance, before she nn l ifil Myron D, Smith, 5118 Kuli greet, Chicago, in .June, 1919, h beeti made defendant in a .-ait t divorce in the circuit court and cbai nd witii undue friendliness with man who lived in the sunn' house wi Mrs. Smith and other rrtoraers North batrobe (street. And the charges are false, ma (Joilsly false," -tii says with tea juM hack of the big brown eyes b read lit:!" tory of tin' shattering Got Him Out of Prison. "1 met him at Toul, France, whe I lived with tot ' r parents in Jam . ($19. He waa stationed there at replacement depot and it was not i UK more than a casual acquaintan men he got Into trouble. He Surtmarttaled and sentenced to -months in a prison tamp. I fed! si rv for him. I went to the lieutenai SLOGaijS How Would You dy spread of Like to I your truck greased, oiled and iysccraib"r' tightened u fi otvfeii fhape? That'- what we can do. Come in and see us. Lot us show (POLEON ' you our wonderful system. ED FOR U. S. : Coade Motor Supply Co. '4 6 go ,P, 1J fj .11(1 0 Mans and beg(e Only if he were would they consi didn't wanl to c pleaded and it n And be said nevoi to America witln epuld be do enou 'Silly. Foolish and consented. 11 ifcture ol his mo ID. ca Park. "Then I was taken lu, He did nothing Co to a hotel and pawned my siege ol Illness al from me days at a t arested. He was on pay "He threatened w America -raise the i Ami then he told tl Hoarder where l had INDIANS IN AMERICA NUMBER ONLY 336.000 si;. 1910 A Bit Ti PollcW Lend .n pi P ly t rep. Chd uhll tg i ftdli ptti tile Helps the Ci H T IT V 5 Ski i; s?..r Origi ! 4 i 4 Lamb stew, per lb. IV, ite v 4f r i t 4 8c i 4 Lamb chops, per lb 14c 0' N'ative veal chops, lb. 14c 4 4 Native veal stew, lb 8c y A i, Spareribs, side pork, Boston butts, pork 4 houldt new Justine Johnstone IN 'BLACKBIRDS' 4 iresn pigs reet, brains. 5 4 TONIGHT A thrilling play, MVealing tne inner workings of a bant! of international crook: Also a MUTT & JEFF Comedy. Robert Brunton Pr : 5 , 4 -vortl ,1 1 ! w. S 8 0 One lot ni S3. 98 cnoice 2 98 1 M V V snn s i IS, ! -I 9c. J" GREAT 4' V 4 ilk rfi choice at 2 One lot of fi 5 Te. One lot of :C cale and P Gingham Dresses iij sizrs up to 6 vea'.'s, choice fl j $1.00 j istment tQTl QT" 7 over- d oui rooms ! rest red to of Suits, which per yard n's Per- l! lll!llll!llli:!lll!!lll!lllllllllllllllllllll rlllll!!; COMING: SHIRLEY MASON, in "GIRL OF MY HEART," A Wm. Fox Special Feature. Robert Brunton Presents J. WARREN KERRIGAN and his own company 1 E. K. LINCOLN 1 -In- IN nncr "$30,000" I Comedy. Mutty Roubert;. n J "Circus Day?. Adults 15c. Children 6c IM1 NT BE SURE AND Surrounded bv one of ih ! cost --anab!.? casls ever S IF YOU WANT TO SEE A PICTURE WITHOUT A DI LI Witness this one. THRILLING nd EXCITING Admission, adults 20c; Children 10c inee slatts 1:15; Night 7:00 TODAY SCREEN SNAP SHOTS. 'N