Newspaper Page Text
PAGE SIX OTTAWA FREE TRADKR .K)j HNAI WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1921. GOVERNMENT KEEPS IEEE ON TRAIL OF BOOZE SENT VIA EXPRESS HUNDRED CHICAGO HOMES TO BE SEARCHED FOR BEVERAGE 1 ILLEGALLY SHIPPED A3 MER CHANCISE AND STORED IN PRI VATE CELLARS. Always Found Together W. -inner more Chicago. Jan. 12, t ' mi i Frank D. Richardson will ash Hum 100 search warrants for private dwellings today Immediately upou his Return to Chicago from Milwaukee. The action la designed to-end the new ly discovered trick of the bootleggers to ship whisky to private homes through ox.pri ss companies. During the last month this traffl has Increased to the extent that thoc Hands of cases of whisky have been shipped Into CJricago marked "mi chandise." The arrest yesterday of William II. Qeorge, manager of the Entertainers cafe; three other men and one woman is naid in have netted the prohibition agents leaders of one all gang, They were taken in coi the conspiracy to flood 1 whlky by operating thr press company . Bi sides Mrs, Benjamin Gold an man, 2H&1 West Division 11am Begnisky and Harr Tin' method used by th was simple In shlppln in boxes of various eiu signs by the American urns.; liltle RIlfVDlciOn WU them. The company's wagons dcllv n,.. wltm prpil tin in ana ooiameq sisueu n celpts The books of the company and tin books from iii' shipping point to Chi fiir,i r.r., hAlncr RPflrchpd lr I A" i " 1.1 '" IBS, - fll otleg W hereve goes, his u in i man Hi.' Is a hi.- burohersh Who also toll Hum Acken ticket' X Sobs as He ' Rn i T ties rs ; .- ' ' r ' 'Jlor J t wT .is and ,. deuce hlch i tnion llWUl KX- J f. i K Hii' I ; 1 1 ! 1 1 1 v Jim II. 'alii n. K. I I.I LAND. j wreck ill'1 lied lo his iilisem y i : for the names of all talned suspei ted box boxen that Mr, Richi ested in and the seari be used In raiding the fou ml to have recel (hipments. It Is hot the purpa unison to molest pri liuve been obtaind leg traband liquor will be the owti'T arrested who oil 1 1 is thesi 5 i g Inter- X fi n i power of titl rrants w iii X .son, C, H, aihan, - : X .: . to ' suspicious J affairs while on n E the pn tlon thai he conspired to viola i Wiped oi i The n law by illegally tra Federal Judge I : tpen warrants and tions. The warrai a;: whisky, z vealcd through n - in (I thir-1 J ti. fi.r utlon Al tnjunc- ,.,i ffl,insi ihe n issued ; ! . gainst saloon keepers who hail been X H,w aefl'catlon8 of lien lor uneven nmtiiuu.-. .... , , . ... dl I - for one y. ar In for violating arc already tht in are the McOovern brothers The law provide jail and a fine of. the injunctions, three saloon keepi .sentences and the to follow the precet Tiie in arlng of t Hfeitler change of postponed by ,ludg until Heitler can court. The judge i i'ike" to face bin could not be fair ; Warrants for foi taken out by Ass torfiey Meyer Link Prohibition Directc yesterday. The ph lira E. P. Murdoi T. J. Parker and J, W, Koebn. The men are charged with having abused the privileges accorded them in writing prescription Dr. Murdook and Dt mied out a petition courts seeking to I Stone to is-ue as in; blanks as a. physicia petition claimed thai them the right to ri the restrictions are by officials at Wasl warrant of law. I He . ,00 MARTINIQUE RUi Island Enjoys Era i trial. ( fori De Pi tii t District. At- Ized as on tin the reciUSsI of parity In i he Iph W. Btone : 'j ,is S aM ins named are : of bn8,npW) moraao scon, ml i for M 'I ' CI nd HOPES TO REGAIN THRONE For.ner Emperor Ch.arlcn cf AuiltriB Hungary Vritos to " Faithful." Uses cf tt Ifnoxvtlle, Ten I. ... 1 . to : i ' i to si Deil Man Umner- i ;,' try bus I Tue W01 . ' I.. . ,, ; Atlanta a : tllem ired ti nitents an i" Budapest, Hunt or 'baili s of neat a letter to encourugl will in re an throtn "Power Store tie- and there Joining Germany, the erstwhile mon- land, where he is still In exile. "Wait patiently, our trust;, and well helmed; the clrcumstauces are favorable and with Lite help of Uod 1 ttiull return to in) fhltliful Magyar subjects." The letter Was1 broughl by a confl' tan) t" ciiaiies' adberetits, headed by rriie Louis W indi- 'ligruets, Count Julius Andrasaf and Huron Josepli fatercnyl. einim," tlie letter continues, "is support eti by the Fi lli tke hope tl at Crootm and Slovakia will be only too Jh Augustine Setfbble wnrlly gad to n turn under my scepter and opened the envi lpe thai broughl hack King Ferdinand of llouiuanlu will not ttotn Its twentieth journey his "ole refuse some territorial concessions k , " a Crushed Caterpillar." Tbero me. whs saved Ms throne at the tim dropped upon iii,. flow ihis letter from when Uuutuanta was occupied bjt tb . the regretful editor; Hinl I Borrow Gemini. s." half a dollar's worth of stamps. Ulnl ! Don'l i ';;l to write till you feel Bull Baiting. ; -v"'' ' iust s " ' "' - her il Ii .1 This was sport once popular In hy ' Ustlessnws mid pains In harlnnd. txif ,i..,ir...i I i in is:-, ' ' Then write down ve your pent i III ere . nil !.;.. i md backed the clergy match to lighi would have It, n as in the acl meesi d vloleni Heated wonls : : Ihui dumnooa 'i a Literary Hint jUSt el. h words ii A luill i ml laiJratl l, itnra tiH sometimes the nustrils of the iuil! wer. "'' ''" .Hinl 1 1 blown full ..f pepper to laerease his " Ronl 5 fury. Another form of the snort was ""' rpnl In words, to fasten the bull to i ntske by a long , u,v stamp-. - Plttsbut rojie and thee se; bulldogs : him. otie at I tlM, wlii.h were trained tfl telte Femininity'. Ac tin- iiiiii 1 1 y Mil' i it ! r m v. f V Make Him Grandpa 4 Times i i 24 Noriln Mrs, 11 S I - J - RINCE'S AGENT 13 ARRESTED . i ; I ' i , lo ; irk hi )TICE OF PUBLICATION. i ; : - il i i ; i isim - ' " I i Chic.ii Affiant further states tl i-cr I md do now anv one of the owner mply wun entered l I 21. A. D BeeUM to have l Spm I frolU il s!e "ulalilit." An The bulldog ; Iopo. for tins tj t must ill' called ' The Skia Peppered with Blackheads Needs 4rx : Acne Lr. am, LotJotl and Mwlii ated Soap at home and the Marinello v n sin! t'.e bteckJMMi have i)-n remofsA '1 tss most obV inate ennditloa mW h1' Mprd. lnlormtjaB lud booklet he cf res Idei ci In order to ie d ' r. n nl this Cott.-t, ild ' ii . i1'.. i cause on A,. And thai ipon di'igi nt Inquiry lace of re idi ace ot the defend foresaid cannot bo ascertained uit cannot bo i rved t m, a.r. ing le i n liled in the Cl fftce of the Circuit 'Court of Garpentier's New Baby I f3' m j t mm ' i 2 -"O-Vf - ii V : ill it. ml mm ) v. i ar W, Il JJL When Furnitlll'S N Drntrd ' I 'hi- a dent in furniture. Ill st of i wot ihe purl With Warm unlet'. loulile a pie e of brow u paper luio ilileliiicsKe.s, soak iii warm water id lay ii oyer ihe dent, Then up- hoi ilnilron until ihe njplsturs ih iptitt' evaporated if the bruise in not - itie. pel ! Ihe proves! no- i be denl is raised level itb the rvsd m Forty Ways. is the staple article of a, mid n good ' ook (here in, re limn i" dishes in ii dates Hgure in nti en-i ii - - - i it m huris n FOI ALTS FOR HiDNEYS :'bl .... .L.ASt'iU ' tKfcKiI.ii this the greatest baby i jacQiii line Inaot lo Mm. C , ..... ..einiit baaipu n, thiuai M id. It's hla new dnubter, MB) ! ts WW vV. I'kr m vL 9k oleum from the world dus try would come to Im of mineral oil, con nil the machinery of the ; I .. In appli From air compn from sewing mac ii . machinery which clothes and feeds, and transports mankind, ib dependent upon petroleum. Bat Ic a meat if Kidneys fed Ultl load or Bladder lot hers you- Mat lorms uric ucid. Most folks forget that the kidney. ' ' the bowels, eel ilugglsh and clogged i need a (luahiua oocstionsllyi elss we lnvo backacho and dull misery in the I in v region, nevere hi adaebesi rbtu : twinges, t r ; id liv.T, acid itontSCh, net i and till lorta of bladder die Vi i rimply must keep your kidneys i.: i clean, and the moment you f tn ache or pain in the kidney (j I about tear ounces ot Jad La from any pmul drug ntoro here, a tal i poonful In a ubiss of water re : - .i : i t tor a lev daj s an I 1.. inej s n ill then act tiue. This dts in made from the acid of .;. . , ,.. ,'. letii in juice, combined with r.nd is I :. Midiita t i tlusli clogged , in '. and litiinulats thctu to uurmal b 1 .if.. It also aeutrallfes the aside , . the urine i it no longer irriutis, thus ending 1 1 uld ir disorders. Js ; id harmless; iaexptnslrei n a tes n delightful efferVesceot lithuv waU drli !. which .TiryL.ilj hiiould take an i t: en to kw ; their ki ineya tleiin, u arolding serious complications, well-known ioeol dniggftt says ho e 111 i , : fad SuHs to folks Vdio beliese in on con ng i idoej UuubU viluiu it is OOjf tiouble. Colonel ; to textile spindles, ; to power house en v of modern life, the Lrial ag supply lubrica keep price witl machinery. egetable oils sufficed for era which preceded the ut only petroleum could in sufficient quantities to ie development of modern ! i of highest grade m pet: oteum. Companv i the system which de r, and whenever, (Indiana) manufac greases varying in t the requirements ies which our com- F federal d SALE CALENDAR FOR Wi YEAR OF 1921 Standard C e, is ttipg women who ligation. 1 1 , 1 ct I So. M i c 1 We., Chicago CeSSSBSBBHSn a BSSBSBSSBBSBSSSSBI r ;C GfiOCKRY $2.89 2.79 5 1 .49 VA o'J .29 29 i-:;n il out f said Cbui EUlt is Hon p ndinr, tc second M ii lay In tli" month oi Marcn nelt, i hy law rtuuirod. Now. nu ll. ss you, the -;iiil deCeadanw abofe named, shall d rRonally I"' aod a near lioforo I rrnil ( our;, on me "rM Si -u.. UiM Bran-. .. .1! . .. . .. ..t ... 1, i W '' - : :iv o . t , i -il m 1 1 i " A it r.nniiir.'r'o cur " - el 19 lt. '.irk". King Quality Flour 4 ,io tb. E.ickti Schmlnke'e Bc:t Flour A 24 tb. icks i : Flour f5 . ..-I, riA r-itlii.i.ifH Fluct vvhr at riour .. 5 5 tb tacks Yellow or Whitj Corn Meal 5 tbS. choice Rolled Oatmeal 3 tbs. fine Rice Galio:i or Mo. 10 tint Karo Syrup Large tins Maple Flavored Gyrup Lima Beans, baby cire. 3 tbs. for DIG OflOP IN COf FEE 5 tbs. good Rio Coffee, some kick 3 fbs. deliciouc flavored Coffee 1 tb. choice Japan Biftln) Wc bought at suction al on sale now, 30c cakes Zt Dbl. bulk Cjcoa. It) ZZ B Bb'. bulk Cocoanut, lb ? B 1 tb. rood B;ikii-g Pcwder lu f. - . FRUITS JANUARY, 1921. rs., 13, Janus Wilum, Farm 14, Arthur Spaulding, 2V4 nillus of Prairla Center. r.. Bdward Charley, 1 mil of Oglesby. ., 17, Joseph Segacrt, 'i miles of La Suiii'. Duncan farm, i., ii, Alpherd Costles, 4 miles of Mendota. 19, Kd Sweene) , -ix miles r 20, Conrad Auth, i mllo Sat., Tl, tJfion. Mon.. 24, Michael Fennessey, VVul kieo. twp. Tin s.. John Sagl, north bluff, Wed., 26, David Mumphor, 4 mile of Brewery lilll road. Thurs., UT, Ray Lisle, " miles north east of iltlca , on Timber road. i'ri., 28, A. 0, Kellogg, east of Prairie Cehter. Bat., H9, Open. Mon.. 31, Open. FCBRL'ARY, 1921. T lies., 1, Eckert Bros., ." miles north : we: t ot Grand Ridge. Wed., Joseph Kelly, 5 miles nnrtti of Peru. Thurs., 3, ('. A. Bergbofer, 1 mile northea it of Cedar Point, i'ri., 4, Open. s-it.. 5, Open. Mon., r, Jones Fullerton, Wallace Tin 8, Mrs, Anna Plshburn, South Ottawa township, on new concrete d Wed., 9, Taken, Lj Thurs., in Frank Stone, lartn 5 liiilee Twn. K Frl.. II Win. Johnson. Waltham twp. W. Dill . i -. ' i icti . .79 a Mon., il, Karl Bennett, Deer Park . .79 1 town hip. . .25 s 'i uc .l '. i ipen. A Wed,, 16, John Sutton, G miles of Premium Baking Chocolate 1.00 1.09 5 18 W. .25 soul!,-., ei t of Ottawa, Thurs., 17, open, i'ri.. Is, Open. . . Kat., i!t. Open. Mon., 31, Open, Tnes., 23, Qeo. F. Shuts, South Ot- n t' 5 Big drop C.nnfd Goods y Sm.-.ll tins Tomatoes . 4 Laros tins Tom.-.tocs . 4 Red Kid.-.ey Beans, ca i . ltohert Bnrkhnrt. 1 mile of La Salle. 00 the old cemetery .05 .1 5 .10 hi Man ,1 i , in .mi! for RaW t ount) . , n ihe sec March in xi and pi aige tins Saner Kraut .12 in and r aaw r Lr UM Homlny 9 iccond Monaaj R Mustard cr Oil Sardines lead, answer or de a 23 ' ' ii ,e. pieau. " -- .IBJ ! '. ' 'ItSi'I Lr' t Small 'tins tmoked Salmon i , ' ..,,i,.- Si -' na "... i K arae tins Pink Salmon .. .19 -i i : ,. ; . l. ii tin . ' a " . bi I. aim h 'a Ta siirit- EMMA REYNOLDS Di Central Life i :ittr. will !" !., onfessed, and a d. ' cree enti -., ag Ln1 you accord in I tin prayer of said bfll. 1 IHN U WITZ1 .MAN. (1 i .Tawwry Choice Tuna Flah, dark meat 15 'ONr: -28 Ottawa. 111. II. F. 1.IN v CompV Sul' X. R. GODFREY j Elolua . .' sc., ng a , mc; Chai & Sanborn Boston Teat and Coffees 5 ' - ie No. 2 ., Apricots . . .29 jf choice Apricots 39 A areen G.ige Plums, glass .. -25 A tb. -tone jars Strawberry and J Apple. Raspberry .md Ap- y pie Jam. worth $1.25 79 K Gallon or No. 10 Apricots . .93 E o-o,..-. 1(1 Sliced or Giat- K UrtHUM V, ,-v, - - m " r-H Pmer.pole 1.25 K open dates, so If yon want to ho In Qallon tins Peaches 93 R ale calendar, call or write or Wc sell Ward Cakes. 4 Be 883-Y, at my expense. This mj u,"iiuitl to : iu i'h'iv ii.iv iiiiio .uaint Thnrs., 14, ( rano Bros., southeast ot -oy Grove. I'ri. 35, James Kennedy. 1 mile r!h of Waltham church. Sat.. 2ti. Open. Mon.. S, Open. B. You lea there are very few w a I, 1931. Tick your date, as they are 5 going fast. COL. DAN r IT7GERALD, Auctioneer, i i.i vvi osier nt.. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS. Ucilf Wb I'l.elie i'.'l It.