Newspaper Page Text
' TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1921. OTTAWA FJlEE TRADER - JOURNAL PACf GE EN DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Wiibur Is a Man of His Word BY ALLMAN Z7W7 IT , ( I NOTICED VQU HAO A (3f I an ARGUMENT WITH j MS HE STARTED LAN ING Down A " WOUTOLD II IM HE HAP A VslEAK i . r) . 1 1 1 - r- rvirv I ........ ... ... ) U7: vwr.o fir; OUT S Jl 50UT MV EXPENSE, ,v tOT OF l-'ULfc FOR Mfi AMD ) - i hp AMO told him I'dtaki j l! V ORDERS FROM MO MAM v V ri. - ' v the do iowv ,vi. , w-: : v. Ht ;-AN r HI NOTICED THAT AARY GRAHAM BONNER i miiAT k m I ... - V ACfOUN f PM MV LA-ST ( THE amuuajt of pOvVU-.S- TRIP OU1 01 TWc kVAD' i seMr in Hi". I I I.V 1.1 . . 'Ik. ' I II v J AWFULLN TIGHT v, ---'' in vv va , EFFIE ELF'S PARTY. "I'm going iii give n pnrty," sniil Bffle Elf, "mill I would he delighted ir you would all 'OJ00, im .i.... t. i f . . o ( j j im' in uer i .i i a JfTa ail said they would ue ueiiguieu p come, it is in be fancj (Ire puS iy," the said. "Ami, Breeze Brotl rs," the called, "will you nil help me ask Ihfl other friends? I wanl nil tin' fairies nml tin' brownies nmi the Oaf and It o g a y families, nml old Mr. Giant, nml V im Witch, lvlir- Court Ladies. nml 1ii' Gnomes." "We will help you," the Breexe Brothers sold. The party will be tomorrow even Ing," sni,! Erne Elf. .'nil iiif very next evening every fne whs on time fur the party. They all came moat beautifully dressed. Every kind of a costume could I..' orrb Somo won- dresses they looked like beautiful courl ladles and soma wor wigs an. I look.- like nobl I gentletnon of years ago. There wore fci.utis f stiver and gnmis of oiii nini gowns of many lovely snltnmerlng materials and gay colors, .1. .. r l ;re nc " nun nesor,pnon, nome i innn were fnnny, some were beautiful and some wcr very pner.llng, for no one could raes. who or whm was Inside the costume. One of the gnomes hnd dressed llk a hrown hem- and another hud drtwed like his master, and the hear irna llanolnn nrnnnH nn Id lilnrt lomi wm dancing around on his hind legs, while his master sung a little song for him, which sounded like: "Ah, duddy-ung-dnddy-ung-dun-day." Thesecostui Hindi n worn onm before by two of the little i pic of Fairyland, bui they were so well liked and so popular that It had been re- Ilko that- and that the rnstume-ronk who supplied these costumes mu promise not to tell who was comli like that. As It got Infer mid later, along cat a niot mysterious and Interestii looking person with all sorts of thin written over his suit and tall cup. It was the trenm King, and he w arm In arm with Fairy Wondro Secrets. "I have some of the wonderful i crets ready for him," she said, " after the party he has mnny visits I must pay. I hold the boxes of secre nnd the keys to open the hose-. "When I give n i, ox to the Drea King to gie to aome child or when give n dream myself I see that the ro with the secret is unlocked, for I have unlocked It with one of my magic keys. , "There are many boxes of secrets nnd they are all wrapped up In "iir great Dreamland Boom. "I couldn't dn ss In fancy costume because. 1 have so much still to do lull I did want to come to the party nnd because l COUldn'1 dress- m fancy costume and because the Dream King couldn't, we 're going to fell you seme of the dreams thai are going forth to the children tonight. Oh, they're BUCh beautiful dreams !" "And as ynu spe," said the Dream King, "1 have many little things written over my cap and suit. Things Written. They are all u'it- len on bits of colored Dnper, and I will (ear then, off and give them t the children ns they Bleep. They'i little bits of dreams- little thoughts that come when one is dreaming, you know. "Bee. here Is one which says; 'And i there'll be lots and lots of Ice cream.' ; "And here is another, which says, ; And plenty of cake, too.' "And another which says: 'Not to mention the big box of candy that there'll be.' " I Just then there Came tO the party! twelve of the fairies dressed just like ' the Fairy Queen who came with they as American Beauty roses, it bad been a long time sime the Fairy Qlieen had worn that costume of hers, 1 and she had it copied for twelve of he fairies. And they each carried an j American Beauty rose, which stood as high as they did : And during the evening Fairy Won drous Secrets and the Dream King 1 nlil some of the wonderful dreams they bad ' WAVES' WISHES. "Il's rathef late for the children to lie up. tstl'l It?" asked the KillR f Ctonds af Nurse Fog. Verse Fog looked after the Mist grandchildren. They were perfect little dears, she tfeVHgbt, and they always did Just as hhe 'obi 'Jlelu. "Ves. th. v need a Dap," said Nursp Ko. and old Mr. Sun. who peepel from oeb'inl a cloud La see what was gnlnv; on. saht: 'V. s. they've been up for n lone RM Bow. They must have u oou r III chance. My children, the dear little sun- beams, musl gel up now, and you know the children never gel along well eogother the sunbeams and the I Mlsi grandchildren thai Is unless , ii'!ir old Friend Rainbow Is around to keep pvery one smiling." The Mlsi grandchildren were tired. Tliev hnil boon nlnvlnui I'm- a Imn' time ,),, by ,,. i,,,.,,.,, 0VPr the ,,,,, I upon people's faces everywhere Im 1 j nglnablo had Hi" Mist grandchildren played. Bo they riv perfectly hnppy to o sleep for a nice long sleep wJtn uonderful dreams of how tin y would make everything quite damp when once more they were awake dreams which they knew would come true, rl.i ... . . ........ i iu u:x Kiiining oriKimj now, smiling down upon old MOtliei Ocean whom I Imlred so much, "We're n greal old pair," he said. public Bale To be held In Deer "Yon make folks i I when they jump Park township, live miles south of . into you and I make them nice and Utlca, on Thursday. Jan. 27, 1921, warm and rend) for you once more as commenting at 10 o'clock, consisting i shine down' upop Uiem on the "f horses, cattle and fanning lmple bench." .menta. .1. P. Monroe, owner. , . .1 i Just then came some angry sounds J public Sale To be held at my farm from some of the waves dashing over . one-halt mile east of Utica, on Thura- die rocks along the coast. "I must 4By, January 27, at 10 o'clock. t on - wliai is huppenlng," said Mother Listing of horses, cattle, farming im- Ocean. plements and household goods. Roy Children were playing on the snnd. Lyle, Owner. building beautiful cnstles, others wore! , in swimming, while still ii few wi terestlng and curious shells. For It was warm in this part of the ocean, far down South in the winter. "What is the matter?" asked Moth er Ocean of the angry waves Which were dashing on (he rocks. "Nothing," they said, roaring an grily. "But something musl be Ihe mat" ter?" questioned Mother Ocean. "You've seen us angry before," laughed the Waves, wildly. "Of course." said Mother Ocean, "but you've been nngry In a different way. You've been having make-be lieve battles against the rocks. Neit of you have ever won and so it is fun tO keep on with the niake-lielieve fights. And the wind, good old soul, always takes part. too. I know about ,1.. ,l..l.... 'ri... e. .!..!.. j I none upm. i a- itioirn lomt: am ride In their foam bonis during your make believe battles and have such a good lime, But today yo differently ju -i as though love your old Met her ( well, you seem jusi piai some I" .mil' I SO in didn't """"J Mother Ocean wet her lips, which, as yon enn Imagine, Wi easiest of things for he one of Ilia to do. S! e ! alwnj's found n rtrinl of water handv Well." said some "we are mad, Mother never been given n fair always been here -j we've had to do jus: We've been allowed you've I n perfectl should play and wbei willing to ns. the Wii n., Bm we've bud to the Wind said, And we've had t you've told us to, It's because we re nuly gon of water Which lielon id the WO Ocean. W to piny w hen V w IlllUg v e i you've been I to play w i:h I do as ynu and .,, when ih inst he drons V"' , ;" ' ' ep. great haven I any say ot our own "What is it you would lik" asked Mother I lo an III her doe voice. We'd like to see more World." they said. "We'd like 10 gO I raveling. like fn see w bat the I ; Bee like; we'd like to creature- besides Rsl an I for,, .is some other nni people swimming la us. were tired of an ocean life. "We vani to live ot land. We bat tfi af 8 i sac . v:,nt to do greai (till ,,, here thai ever l thin .'So roa'd Ilttd t' .,..,,. -,,!,! V - "Will. Wsves. you. And stay ii:;i-. Mother IVi fQ forth; I won't I you come back to . adve: itu "' will stories i "We'd Like to Go." Try the Free Want Adi, PUBLIC SALES The following public sales In the1 ! county are being at; ertised: J'ulilic Sale to be lieiil on the Here ford farm In Ottawa twp . on Wednes- day, Jan. 26, 11)21, commencing at lu.F0H RENT Clean, pleasant rooms A'elnek ronnlstlnti of lioraes. cattle' , A, Cat Iflnta,! 1 ; ' .- ' and farming Unplemenu. David Mum Iter, owner. fuoiic ssai3- 10 oe neia on naarj Finley farm, one-quarteT mile east f Grand Ridge, on Thursday, Jan. 1 Bt 10 ; consisting of horses, came ami uumiog George Boaeman, owner. Public .Sale -To be held at my j farm live miles north of Peru, on 'Wednesday. February 2. consisting of I horses, cattle, farming Implements. Kellv, Owner. Public Sale To be held on Jofleld Bernard farm, two mllei north ol Serena, on February 2, consisting of horses, cattle, fanning Implements, household goods. ct-. '. L. Dondan - ville, Owner. Public Sale To be held a! my farm three miles north of Ottawa on the Plank road, on Friday. February 4. at. W) o'clock, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, farming implements and i household goods. Joe Ki ng, Jr. 1 Owner. I Public Sab -To be held three miles southwest of Seneca, In Brookflt id i township, on Friday, Feb. 4, 1921, com mencing at in o'clock, consisting of OR C. A. BLEAN, horses-, cattle and farming imple- CHIROPRACTOR. ments. John Trunkl. owner. Public Sale To be held at my farm In Wallace twp on Monday. F bruary 7, 1021, consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep and farming implements. .Innpa Piillerton. Owner. T,,,,. c;,o t., tin hota r-.n the lion i i.w.iv, ..i- i" .- - FlshVirn farm in South Ottawa twp. on tuesaay, reu. o, i.'-i, ai i" a. m., consisting of horses, cattle and farm- .Sing implements. Mrs. Anna Fish- burn, owner. Public Sale To I," hold In Dayton township on Ihe old Trumbo farm.: gevcn 11111 and one-l Feb D, 1! .f Ottawa, and two wist of Wv.U ling of horses. He and implements. Kin j Marshall, owner. Public Sale-To be held In South Ottawa township, live miles northwest i of Ottawa, on Wednesday. Feb. 10, 1911, commencing at 10 o'clock, con- sisling of horses, caitle and farming Implement - John But tor, owner. Public Sale-To bo held In Walt . i si limn iwp on i-riuay. i enruaiy ii. oa- (dating of horses, cattle, farming Im- plements. hay, seed corn, potatoes, household goods- William Johnston.' Owner LOTS FOR BALE A good lot on North M I bttry street, Chaplin's Addition, 5fl I l$6i ln- Vi" 8,'u u t0 onw "ki M01, Per week. Parents tea the children to save; toll your boy j girl you will pay 11.00 for every d liar they pay. Cut the lecturing; MmeUting. Tel. 648-W. T. B FARRELL of the; 2 CHOICE Bl ILDING LOTS- 1 cor We'd' nor Paul and Nebraska Sis., l cor- Mr Gaion and Canal avenues. Will ) sell cheap for quick sale. Inquire 104 W. Superior si LOST 1 Lost -1921 license p i Finder phone spl-X. FOR QUICK RESUL'"- TRY THE "WANT-ADS" IN THK FRB TRADH11 40 UNAU "I Balle and Mil.' f ts. FOR RENT Furnished or uafurntou- ed, a B-room house on West Main gt.; the modern conveniences oonsUI 1 0( CRy water in kitchen; good oppor- tunity for young couple Jusi Btartlng; low price; references required and time tO lool. tlltlU Up. Tei 648-W T B PABJtELL 1 - 1 r n M la'- rfOiCSSiOHdi I.SfdS ' ! nn p t ut; t m rt, r.. ISCLL. DENTIST. UJ5 Coumbufl st. Ottawa, Dt : All wort guaramteed first diss , 0fflce hmn , a m 7;80 p n ' Sunday hours V to 11. Phoae 223-Y. DR. E. C. ANDREWS OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN J04-306 Armory Block. over Corbus' Drug Store, pjne Office 619-W, residence 840.K. I ' Tharon L. Lena W WaRRICK A WARRICK, j Chiropractor., Palmer School n-raduatea Rom 212-14 Central Life Building o tawa 111 i phone 100S. oure: 10-H. 3-5. 7-1. UmnmaA W Illinois ti RnnH Uealth. JH-S12 Moloney Bldg. Phoia 1 10-6, Boars: 9-12 a. m., 1-4 p m. 1 OR. GREEN DENTIST sa n , . . . T)) . .w-. ,vi vr.uui uuv ... .f,. i Hi hl',i nitrous oxide oxygen equipment tot painless uemistry. aiwhjs sate ana reliable. Phones 1042-R, 64-L. iD HOa8EY, Auctioneer. , . ien years' experleaca. 1 am now booking sales for ths rns 1 Ing season. Ottawa, 11!., R. F. D. 6 Telephone 9014-1, DR. C. r. VAN ATT A, nocessor to Dr. Hereof. y, Far, N-iie and Trtrjut. Office 404 i r.tral Life. Phone Uis-W. " BA BUCBfl T A 1 e ki rT f ar rnnmH, mm nviiki, If yon want your salo In my calendar make arrangements MOW. It will be published daily Instead of .weekly. The dates are bolag booked fast. . COL. DAN FITZGERAt D See, write or phone at mv espeus m-auua Dhn.. rnc F. A. KOSSOW ROOTING CO.. Xcr and Gravel Rcofera At! Work Guarantteu. R-widenco roots f tho very best. Haft' them fixed tor a rainy 1j, Pneno !.a Salle Hi)Si-R. Attention, Farmers! I am In position to get you jh d dlar for your property at j C. J McCLELLAN. AUCTIONEER v, . or phone at my expense, p ne 11 11 -W or 5S-L. UPHOLSTERING Sl.WATS RIGHT Banna mr Gaoling of furnltnra done rlrM ay ;.-o. Panchle. Telephona 12' x lill Uvs MlD ?trefc U ' ' , 'i BUI X WANTED WANTED Everyone interested tn good, IM' early corn, grown on small stalks, to call at Ottawa Banking ti Trust Co. and hch buinule grown by w. E, Prlchard & Sons vviAJx inu-men owning TiK or nuio, to sell well known lino lubricating oils, house paints, barn paint and rooting materials direct to tanners' commissions paid weekly; spec mommy Donus pain on sates mu re- llahlfl , oncer,, aolllnn farm trade for c years; mianciaiiv resnon;;!! ind standing back of every material sold. Write us today for our complete sales uiupuauiuu. i uiinau rimwiic, CO., Cleveland, Ohio. i . . i rT7trnr-iT nun wavtpti Pnrtv with o-nnd thrPHh , c it hr- 1, ing outfit to thresh a 900 acre run In good community. Must be in po- sition to give Qrst run. Address W. F. , cue Free Trader-Journal. WANTED To rent, several modern dwellings for April 1st, or therea bouts, fine tenants. Tel. ti.vW. T. H FARRHLL. 1 : WANTED Stenographer; state ex perience. Address "M.," care Free Trader-Journal. WANTED An experienced stenog rapher who can keep books. LES- II. 81 BAWN, Ottawa. III. Lifi FOR SALE FAF!M3. FOR SALE Small farms, near Otta- wa, as follows: 10 acres, improved 1,000 15 acres, improved 6,500 'JO acres, half timber, im- proved 2, ."00 35 acres, half timber, Im- proved 5,000 cres, nan gamen, .m- I 1'lUM u ' 1 4o acres, fair improvements... lo.OOO acres, w mprowo id.uuu 80 acres, well improved... 115 acres, fair Improvement Easy terms. m iju 21,000 W. B. PUSEY, Central Life, Ottawa FOR SALE I have no ti tuousallfls of ,'i'l'e'; hundred farms for e't bui 1 h ive one dandv it, , sell; one Iter. Lasl year I pitel u esotne nuar wheal to the1 line on this farm, it is ' a c 1 one; unimnri tlWays rented for one third crop. Anyone in. 'tere-ited" I Tel, 648-W. T. B FARREL1 FOR SALE 140 acre?, 70 under cul- tivation, balance pasture, one mile 1 of a county seal, good soil, cattle , barn, horse barn, good house. 27 head cattle, 2 horses, pigs, chickens, full ... .,1, InAtujIaJ i I,.,.,, I wyt iiuiii-iiii iii.s, an ue I,..,, vi. fi4,ww. W. B. Pusey, Central Life Bldg.. Ot- ..... iit : ' COLONIZATION BARGAIN 10,009 to 20 j( acres general grain, stool and fruit farming land dose to Bt . l,, . ct RZ8 to auit wonder ' f, bargain! Write JOHN GODFREY , , ,.,, Court Lnuslvllle Kv ' i so i. lit hvre situated IVi miles from market and same dls- tsn'-e from one of the finest sub "ro" ' . .VEST I "TI i room hou-e. bain thirty -six by seven- ty-two. with forty threo cow standi- tons; room for eight horses, floor nil concrei e corn crib, granary, deep well; school serosa the road I his farm h great future. A bargain; why pay the fancy prices. AddreM ram tbts nfflert. tto.-Loiiatilo nrlce ' and terma FXK FiALI Frma sta .oi... ebotOS bargar.4 to r.rra pri rtj U :bU kad ether count i M tht -ill w rtt rou Ojt Mt -rt' ex rkw-s 1- this lin gtvei a ofoonnf1 ,',le for Ust'TiR good fanns ' kntfufa t'tar toot let- tall si on I. 0 WAJtRfl ION ' l 'v SS . rnr b: .. . . a :.jirtr o! IB .1 t.-a'ts ot s-J'oiieOa ; Aj a.l within easy llstaars tn.t U e had very NsNSaMl A ara- bar f tbfso are on saymaata ml SIM amount of SUai It i 1 to Avestlgats. I. O. I.R1 t tO-li i Tel H-Wt lit W Maa tt m m m """tS, HOUSES. j tnl FUR BACH oeven room nonse wnn hot water heat, bath room, laundry "" "". In good Condition. Three large iota, fK. kl Man T quantity of fruit, Center Ottawa. $3,- 800,00. Miss Gertrude Harris. 011 on nai.k Five room eotiage, nara- wojd floors, furnace, gas, electric . . . . - lights, S4,00t; also 6-room cottage, city water, two large lots. 11,100, both !n west Ottawa. Misa Gertrude Har- FOR SALE Five nouses east of Or- 1 leans street, all of which will be sold for much less tnaa the actual) vsiue. Mlsa Gertrude Han-is. FOR SALE sit room, aew, modern house; In good location: heating 13,000; hardwood floors, colonades etc.; for quick salo from $5,000 to (i,ii00 less than i-mise could b : erected. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE The Matthews-Northrup I maps showing population of all places in Illinois, 1920 census, and cal ijenttar attacneu, lor ival, are going I lively at t!."i cents each. J W. B. PI SKY. Central Life, Room 404, ; FOR SALE Three modem houses in j East Ottawa, wet of Orleans street for one-half value. Miss Gertmde Harris. FOR SALE Fine 6-room cottagi largo piece of ground and garage West Side. Also little house on HI nols Ave., at a bargain. W, B. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg. run au i naye tnree m 'fn UWOitlllKM 1111 UIIUUIO AToUUv III sale; neither one for rent; S3700 . w,jmi ana iH.OUU; many oiliers in various parts d city. Would like to meel and talk to prospective pui isers. I Tel. 64S-W. T. B FARRELL. For SALE South Bluff all. Tel. 648-W, ho MUllgan homo on A tare bargain. That's T. B FARRDL 1 "" l.'f II.' O A t it.-. ustomer whose nes hi,i changed will s"ll a sum lracJ nortnwest ol the city Booa noii so. nam. coiCKen House; truit; reasonable price. Love to shoi it to you. Any chicken farmei about '.' Tel. 648-W. T, H FARRBLI SALE 111 "' ( ! ' itetl well, n ken house, g house and t This is one h'trn ' ' cl i . ' . tue bust country homes near Ottawa, I will bcII thii propertj for less than i! "oukl cost to build the house mv B.U. i!J.:-IO , It. ... Ott: MISCELLANEOUS. ,. ton tvi-w.i-. -nig type Poland I ntna boars: cholera Immuned and record - trt- Also sows with litters at side. J'h-me Grand Ridge lt;:5 or write ; tUK -, aiy nay driving mare, gentle ; also my top piano bugfry. ppiy urn uoiweii, uoiweu Block. FO lonoy; reduced prices; 1 -' trom i 50; in lb lb. can, II a. MOT - Ilea KS. lombinatlon coal and rAO, p r. -i; SALK gas range I 'hone 593-1 '"f SALE Ai!'' k , nf "'"'" in r; iia Ina cabi ii FOR I3ALE White iron bed and leather oak rockei MRS IRWIN HANNA, Phone 42T !.. HlKliland PUBLIC SALt ; RoY CONARO a II r wtlon i inal farm vou ii a v ii:ivti n i nr a. now ex M!SCELLANEOUS SELL TO DKALPRH ANTWHKKE Big commission; best homoi brew, Purity Brand Malt and Hops; every thing for home buttling; free recipe w.Ui catalogue. 1'1'KITY MALT EX- TRACT CO , 130 W. Randolph, CW- cago. Lubrication ninnrtu ore In attend , - : ' 7 7 : '? ' ':" " ""T,n .o, AT" anAit iv.m.Iif .1 toilllno f n. I . , 1 . vaii with anv liibrieatlne difficultbaa that W 1 B .,M;V "' S Cl.mcUIUca ttiat penencing DO NOT CHANGE FOR WINTER; rHANnti i iir ait irtun v ' rami . MERS MOTOR CO LANDOLOQY Special Number 2uat QUt contalning 1921 facts of coser 'land In Marinette County. Wiscon- , . h . ,., .,,,. k, . , ment you are thinking of buying good "UUB "'"JC ww '";u' nd at once for tins special number of Landology, It is free on request. Address Skidmore Riehle Land Co., 366 Skldmore-Riehle Hldg., Marinette, Wis. ' MALTOF W1URZBUROER MALT." most wonderful malt extract ever offered to the public; agencies now open; acl quick; no experience, neces sary; big money; permanent, legiti mate business. MALTOP CO., Buf falo, N. Y. THE FREE TRADER-JOURNAL AND FAIR DEALER. 11 Wsat Mala gtreef FREE TRADER-JOURNAL PTG. CO. Publlahars NSW TORK REPRK3ENTAT1WI si. C. The.U Company, Sti Fifth An, CHfCAUO REPHKSENTAnVUfl . c. Theia Cotnpaay. C4 Moutfaofi Blotl kOKNXAPOLIg REPRKSBNTATrtfc u ism i4Hvw, iu vmmm mm The Free Trader-warned may at round at the aewr depota ol Wbeelet ft Halo, Kneasal Hfwu MM 9fW tisr CHICAGO. OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY 1 (1 OTTAWA, ILL. Effective October 31, 1920. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CARS AT LOW RATES. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion fur Marseilles. Seneca, Morris, atinnnka n,,,.i.,!i.i nd .iniiPt in. in A m s:40 im-ar. 7- r 9 ss. 11 :S5. In p. m. 1:65. 1.2:55, 2:55, c4:55. 5:58, S:U5, 11:03. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa sta- lion for Utica, La Salle, Peru, Spring Vall.-v. I.add Tiopno. Rureau. Prince- ' ton in a ra. f5:65. g6:80, f8: 25, f:M, dl0:5, fll:53. In p. m. fl:55. f3:56. g4:55, 15:55, k7:53, k9:5S, ttU:lf, SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa sta- Hon for Grand Rldgo, McKinley Park . and Streator In a. m.. 5:5, 7:55. 9:55 m I; :55, ;00, il;(ni. b -Jollet, dally except Sundays and 1 holidays, c Morris. d-Ladd. f Princeton. p. I.add. daily except Sundays and holidays. m La Salle. ALWAYS Bl V TICKETS AND SAVE MONUV. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM l:tf A. U. TO 11 35 P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO Va -Ollet, I!'.. nd Chicago A Jollet Electric Railway: 3.00 Rsund Onefi O- Trin WavJliOt (Retura trip limited to ten days) FiVST F R E 1 G H r SERVICE. Phone Aflents for FJ i!MsfVi