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TD A IAVD 1AIT N'AJ OTTAWA F REE TRADER Established 1840 OTTAWA JOURNAL Established 18K0 TMfc WtATHER. Pilr tonight: Friday in r e a F i n " cloudiness ' aimer tcmght and Fri A1MO OTTAWA FAIR DEALER VOLUME 5. -NO. hmi. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, Till HSDAY, M A IU 1 1 0, 1921 ITUCE, TWO CENTS 1 LEAGUE STAND I Ail III BOOZE, SLOT MACHINES Ef Al. ARE E The Collector FOUND 61 HIU6 HI V) r I I Ii 50 OR MORE VIOLATORS OF GAMING LAW ARE UNEARTHED rn mtv iq pflM uuum i io uui! nrnn 1 1 t fmmb Ifl! 0 n v niv FOR LOOP TRAFFIC GIVEN COUNCIL 07 BIG SENSATION IS TO FOLLOW VISIT HERE FEW WEEKS BACK OF DETECTIVES WORKINC, OUT OF ATTORNEY GENERALS OF. FICE. Thai Attorney General Urunduge ii tin' conduct ol Ins office maintains iu exhaustive' follow 1 1 f Bystem is uvl denced by the impending appearand before Judge Land Is, in i In. ago, o Eddie Frankeh, ami John Rotlner, Li Salle sofl drink proprietors, both o whom are charged with violation o a restraining order Issued againsi them last December oui ol the federal courts. They are scheduled to appeal for trial next Monday Judge Landl Will he mi the hem h evidence contained during a (heck i ii r tip hi' I. a Salle saloons is held n sponsible ror the second tnes ftotl net and Franken n m I themselves in Two operatives, working out "i Bruu dages office, well founded rumor? aver, were dispatched Into La Sail county "ti see how the i ii - were be having" alter Judge Ijtndia bad Issued temporary Injunctions against them The two men, these sell Binne welt rule Invoked against al Judge Landla To Crack Big OLUTION OF CONGESTION EVIt IS READ COMMISSIONERS BY I C, BRAND- MATTER REFERRED TO COMMISSIONER PALMER FOR INVESTIGATION v1 1 3 s bottom for It no hamlet, h. fined to based si H in y nona, Ot made and prt slot machine; variotv that IN . I ted 11 Ii h quently money i if "winnings." Prosecuti The reports i rour In .Ottawa dragnet, while ( ripal center of I antl-gamblfng la While gaming line, the Inves'l form y ... trt FRENCH SEND NOTE ASKING PRESIDENT TO GIVE HIS VIEWS Paris, March 10. It was stated at the foreign office today that ni gotiations were under way be tween the French embassy in Washington and the state department in an l ertort to induce rresi- nt i larding to favor ance of a rrodified league of nations. The French position is con ciliatory, and is believed to relate to connected liitiKton admin ie peace con H ! ! M T P H D C Washington Withholds Comment. HILL Un Mu RU :;L u 1 vvashmK. ton omctaiB witnnnid comment today on the statements made at the French foreign office that negotiations were victims under way between the French em bassy here und th" state denartment with regard to accentance bv the A G o file iio.coo c L a I M r, United .states of a modified league of $30,000 IN S0!!S;,;:? ' nations FOLLOW M illY PS w 1 i during the 1 CATASTROPHE ESTATES OF THREE AGAINSrT ROCK ISLAND IN ClR CUIT COURT. R L U MUl ! ! iu iii u a d n i m n u mnuiiMU TO AVERT WAGE CUT HPFAII W'l I PACKER EMPLOYES UlMft j hll APPEAL TO HARE 1ST CAMPAIGN 1 MIJPQF 0 VI TIN : MORE PAY SOUGHT I FROM SOUS FOR CO. HOME WARDEN wi re riding ami two Rock Island wai brought i" light today, when damage Miits aggn ;aliiiL' tSO.ftOO wfirn lll t In O EDUCATE PEOPLE IN NEEDS OF HEALTH EXPERT WHO CAN KEEP CLOSE TAB ON VICTIMS OF AVOIDABLE DISEASES. iUPE Tl VE FOR nations. The impression was given, however, that the Initiative in any such development rested entirely with the French government and that In any event the matter had not yet rcai hed the stage of negotiations. Presldeni Harding has in&Mcatejd all along thai his first steps in foreign affairs would come after the forma tion of a definite domestic reconstruc tion program :n:d that nothing for mal would be dime until the attitude of foreign governments had been felt out through unofficial channels. Mr. Harding already has received considerable information through his unofficial sources regarding the feel init of European statesmen, The forth coming visit of former Premier Yi vianl on a special mission and the re turn ol Amabssador Mavis from Lon don are regarded as opening two im portant avenues (,f information aside WJtn the sihia ' president sent s abroad wi'h ka to make in a I i ourse of uch represents id to lead later tand Pat." I 1 tn erica n are "standing said today tl i el ely oul lined toil l)i ct cemmill of tl u Complete 1 1 V 1 1 1 ,1- f the n, ail u the REV. WHITSITT ACCEPTS CONGREGATIONAL CALL ii i Kdv ii Peru Will Filed. tin 111 propt rly. ami n ' liicago for use as i of those bottles are John Hancock w of 0 lurther alleged, Prosecution r, the continues., are to foil alii) In the County Boiatto Want! Prepared to enti r ami to pay a $:;imi Hi posed upon him, Frt sellles soft drink whose home and n renoj t H 'li ! thi "' till cation , very st rutin CONFLICTING REPORTS EMANATE IN RUSSIA Kanle hi cause ot tile aosence ol JUngC Han Reek from the rii. Boiatto was tol he would hSte to wait until to:,,,, row to have his case brought befoi the county court Ltnabte to settli the count agalnt him. Mulatto returned home, promt ing to come had; main tomorro' morning. Yesterday afternoon s 131 tine was asses-, , i Harry Klein, whoi soft drink parlor was raided at tl tune Holatto- horn-' and place i l usiness were searched It is su posed the court will mete out tit same punishment to Boiatto At the time of the raid. Onlj BOHI imply Irottles which had contain moonshine could be found In th it latto place ol business, but in h home a large barrel Riled with ralsl mash was found. Boiatto and bit! wil imth Informed ii mcera thai ii hi ash was being used i', mtking win and claimed thai they never ha manufactured any moonshine The Sunday tail ended in KU Uwittnved on Page I, coL t antt rlli Arirptec) oil from t! three lids I fearing of the i I slow on the ,u ,:i ,,f I Bnally deter reel was ter t,. rjtj with a re-1 for i,Cil! 0 1 " 1 he act Ion was i i HIGHWAY BILL IS INTRODUCED TODAY NATIONAL PLATE EMPLOYE INJURED FORECAST COLD SPELL NEAR GREAT LAKES iuwi next i lie of Si Pl'd B alone lasl u ' i ie am hes tl ONLY 4 DAYS I 12 I T Ti pa) j tuir !ni"iiif lax i at foreign couriers hsvo leavi Pel rograd The tropavlovsk has been FIX DATE FOR VOTE ON COLOiVIBIAN BILL on. m u . ii iii. i tic senate vote on the OokMiMaa the -igbtb day after coti n - tor the April session.