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H I DNI SDAY, MAIU-M 23, 10!?t, PAriE TWO OTTWVV Vlt.V.K TTIADER - JOFRXAV NIPPON MINISTER fro "T Tft ZTT j SAYS JAPS CAN NOT 5jg Patterns for Home Sewint CATCH UP 10 YANKS nual lun neon of the Ottawa woman i club announced yesterday that the la dies of the Oongreg Would serve the lun predicts that IF AMfRlCA EN- al the church, rucml loll! rhun ii RACE HI COUNTRY the date upon whdh the luncheon tails, iMn w t :i mnnttniz of the chilli On. lui'i'ltvd BCVCIu) I1C n'etn- wrvro wni catch up with , i, ama ii i:i vpstenlav afternoon hers "I the II kuh I'lilRP utti uded I i tt il to con-1 tin- mm A pattern of this Illustration will to sent your address. Kill out the Attached blank and mail to ihn Preo rrader-Jour-aal, enclosing 12c In Dioney or stamps. Please allow ten days' time in which to bare pattern delivered you. ARMAMENT procram SURE to BE LAUNCHED. Tokio, March 23. Representative Yuiiio OzaW, ex-minister oJ justice, who lias come into prominence am be aufe r bi s championing of il endors eh is now eglslature, i at a: lii i. tt In ii i v. eh .-an II Marseilles t k the place . . Ii challenge to a public debate on anna I by f'rol nf tin' Imperial university, who PS frou nilii ( : of Ici'l I year were nominated. These ' a ill ho i lected a' the annual Prestdt nl Mrs. r s Slew u r Vice president Mrs. P .1. Wi Mrs. Joseph Baker Jr ; I nit. ami of -la course of his argument pointed out I red ty that ' do Qay, Mrs, Arthur Prl i Sll "IK Mi good .V. .v. .v. Am already possesses I very Interesting meeting of the atea i 'Nothing can bo more absurd. use- Pnuaninrop.c aepanmeni oi no- ui- ai in .. i T.nuiH.n than tar I man i tawa Woman's chi was hold today ! busin I'SOtll rt'il c i I ( . nip. li s aVtni then become : hint; that, I t night I ki "As a large number of ladies were in at- C, some tune in April for the benefit ..... . I' the Sisters of ir internal ; working on surgical dressing! and will be open to the general ptfblic and ... : . tiiis time, 0 s n ),,., work. At noon a deli-' given a cordial Invitation to do so. i ssation in Uie race armament.-. Ii Japan are m ELGIN LAWYERS ARE UII naval race is to lie run. ORDERED JAILED FOR Ing in i rder to give reallza :.!' Borah's proposition. ciroumstanccs, consider- UlIlOTit CONTEMPT 0E COURT CAMP FIRE GIRLS For Camp "Fire Girls aid Mothers of Girls. We ARE THE CAMP FIRE GIRLS. Wo are tho ( ami) Fire Kills. Whelo one and all; Is whispering to the lis ntng Wo heed tho w Idwood's call N'DEItGAKME W, are (tie Camp Fire cirls tea had i atlons tli .: ineo the; joined the. Is no reason DE8UPTE OVER MILLIONAIRE'S ESTATE LEADS TO COMMIT MNT APPEAL IS CARRIED TO OTTAWA COURT IN EFFORT TO STAY SENTENCES. As we go down the plk( W. i Each guarcftan true and tried; .... ; Wo all know how to -tart our fire i Upon the windward Bide ruptcy Court, of using force as a mean i Thi the I'iiiled ites Dlstric E, Falrchild, cash-1 We know tin rust Savings bank. Is not a griz lld as vr sleep beneath the moon, and prowling coon Moni es c ame as tho climax I Wo ken tho haunt W Id flowers and fi : . batiste, crepe, satin anil silk, ait; good for this style. I Pattern Dep't. I ? . ? t I'.ca-c send Pattern to my T address, 12 Cts. enclosed. j t Name T ! i Si. ? 1 Postoffic. , CHIFFON GOWN X V fl Hoi l,u Thi' irde i'- of h um pale blue with Chine anil tassel A C isa finishes the waist T orchid chiffon .'h deep orchid velvet. , the same mat 'rial as the fuwn of fl O We rg 4i flllCK : I ( ' 3 A F '" Tl MA SKi feu iff I A1 't 2 Jfc LH ) M i'ltv iTHE one factor which is Ruarded carefully R and never allow rl to vary is the quality of products manufactured by the Standard Oil Company (Indiana). The price may ;o up or down as the markets of the world may dictate, the quantity of products may varj as the demand for t hem varies, but the quality which lias been established by specifica tions determined with scientific exactness, remains fixed. On! n organization ancially secure, phy sically well-equipped and directed by men men tally alert, could maintain the high standard of quality which has been the crowning achieve ment ol the Standard Oil Company (Indiana). The Standard Oil Com any (Indiana) is an organization of 25,000 perienced, capable men and women who are carrying out with enthu siasm the plans and policies formulated by 7 trained directors. Those plans and policies are designed to furnish maximum service to tiv public, regular profit' able employment to the personnel and protection to the more than $200,000,000 which the stock In furnishing service to the public no single factor is so important as the insistence upon a uniform high quality of every gallon of product manufactured, an insistence winch is felt in the most remote corner oi the organization and of the 11 states served by the Company. Take, as an example, Red Crown gasoline. This is but one of fifteen kinds of gasoline manufac tured and sold by this organization, Each is made to meet certain uses for which gaso line is needed. Rod Crown is made for use in the modern interml combustion engine and for this purpose it has no superior. Red Crown is the last word in a gasoline for power purposes. That this is generally recognized is attested by th fact thai last year 725,000,000 gallons wen sold ana used by the people of the Middle West. This tamenclous volume is the inevitable result of uniformity, high quality and reasonable price. It is but one phase of the business but it serves to symbolize the earnest, honest endeavor which every individual connected with the organiza tion is putting forth to enable the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) to furnish the public a highly essential service. Standard Oil Company 910 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago 2419 -... - - - . iiA. 111 although she ;i not a j league of nations." exrsi sonio factions among the stu dents, tli" general sentiment at the Mr H ii u as sentenced to serve Our compass the sun by dt plies with a ourt on with land, valued c IN THE MOVIES ARTISTS 800N TO APPEAR AT LOCAL HOUSES, EDJALS CHARLlt- . ... iknrhoff i ansed the will to 7."i V' 3.000.000 WAR ORPHANS IN GERMANY PAY TtNCHfiR I'. v Ttwher. educated to he a Garden or a Tettrazini. is th fi tnialne Charlie Chaplin of the sc r. en Win n Kav lived at Toppka. Kan she wanted to ko on the it.ij ' iter narentR compromised nn grand opera Kav "finished" (n I- . t . mtkA nt-F-i.. l .1 o (h x..... ' il in ..... ,1. ... i . . . " I " 1 ",HS III WVIW (' '...ui i ...... . M M I (',!t(j lort. noppna riRin into a Broad- weramnj being aided by Ion Rh must hav Iipph so had that h wa fnnnv for Cnflith signed ' IB Ii i!n two-reel romeiiR No h i liadniB funny woman in Christie iomdis . " . i.m. .inti or;i! i are DUi s said they torm s large nercentai lief nin I. The Poorth Oimen-,.n. The fourth dimension ,,r Knowledge All-Powerful. It la t'.. gtoriont prerogative of tho r- ;hi- T knowledge that treat it ga u !' aerer loeea, On the eontrnry Il - ases by the multiple of its own i ' : : i II Iti ends bicoeae meaisii II iti stralmnenrs help to uew eon- j " ""' '" a- au entltj beyond tho ii is.- uanid Webster. I mnitations ( length, breadth nnd Ihk-fcnes i hq. nlagaus tl at borne by any of these ti the other two, Kour-dtmenshmnl pare n ay n,. rtgnrded a- a hypox i iai iiMieptioii in explain equu ee in niinl.v Ii. ill id Fire girls are And Make it 8r If. ft 'I i In amp fire for ear lamp at night. We nv XI tat. 'rn ;s Bhop in Portland, m Canning Club, Would Keep Off Moot Anything. In Turkey the moment the roof is to hang from the moot prominent phvp a string of garlic, with ;m old LA SALLE COUNTY REPUDLIC CONVENTION. he ( ire'ilt ( 'i in it room in t 196 in tie- city "f Ottawi alar No cigarette has the 33sTie delicious flavor ns Luc y Str;;o. Because 4tl JXJ IS i'lO o n , m - maw. Jr ""l IK 1 ... a; 1 ; .-tL 3a va SUPPER Thursday, March 24th 5:00 to 7:30 Baked I lam If o f e 1 1 i i a w e For R H E U MATISM Open for ladies 9 to 12 a. m. For men 12 to 3 p. rn. Mashed P tat Baked Beans Buttered Rolls Jelly Cabbage Sal Cake Coffee 50c Orchestra Music Si ORG th Judicial Circull Itn, 1921. W. (' JONES, halrman. R( iVKIt. s incers BAPTIST CHURCH iir niemb d medal fori ling. girls went d a lilth A Skin Soft as Velvet Always Results t-rom Ike use i f lettocp Crcm lot eleansitiK. Comboiaiiun liiAn Hi ii'Kht, an'l the MARINELLO Milk Treatment f lUowad hv an .ippliratinn ofPhan tutn HowfWr Sample ot i'liantom and b'-oklet Ftcc. FlfyiSI'T think because your JLliV JL stomach can digest you are proof against indigestion. The most important digestive work is done by the bowels, liver and kidneys. Unless these are active and work in harmony, you are in danger of self-poisoning. c 1 BEECHAiV Sotfl hy rlrug. Jl.l through out the world. In bo'-', 10c, 25c. PILLS niat existence. EMMA REYNOLDS 501 Central Life Bldg. Phone !T1 R. Ottawa, 111 help the bowels to functionate properly, and influence the liver and kidneys to act very efficieu We Tune the Motors When 1 1 k motor begins to labor on slight jri'.rles, When you have ti) COttX it to r) luli twenty four h"ur.-. service out OI it. when it has to !'o coddled I tnak it mn .it all. perhaps put on its face or stood thi ; idiator, it s in need of a ser vice man. There's nothing Wrong with the mechanism, it merely nerds a thorough overhauling and re-oiling to start it ticking merrily around the day. I hat i lock needs attention From us. I h be tuned. ie motor snoukl Our work 'e. thorough and prices reasonable. W. H. LAW Jeweler and Opticsn 824 La Salle St. For Quick Results Try a Want Ad 0