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OTTAWA FREE TR VDER JOURNAE. rAGE SIX t WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 1921. BOXING MANAGERS ORGANIZE A UNION t rniip sinwTU iibiuf gamber on trail ruuii mull I I URIVl of reasons ;hat HI CAUSED BIG BLAST qfcc run nr ihipit JLLO VVJ Ul II MUll TRADING !N OR! IS dual Family Service Nothing marked and washed WET WASH TERNATIONA v ITH IM UQG .Hit n To Swim Channel he walled in e i mour rim 25 pounds for $1.00 ROUGH DRY . , i 'S 25 Pounds for $2.00 0 EGGS DROP TO 16 2-3 GTS. IN MISSOU my rTMiMT--- . . i-k. M- . fcfaf IS LONDON S . .if Q - Q f r ii in i iiiiiii 1111 ii Hill iiiiiiiiiiiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii;;iiin;ii!i:r Tin '5- - t - kalh rH ,Aif..l I.'. D j . V w M . Wom tell .is thai u afig' FACE PO ;3f USUI f ttlM, JL H.7 rut nj s-r, JJ J "I V C '(- V ROCKY KANSAS HAS EARMARKS OF CHAMP . Mtm Zetta HIHm in mi from hvr home r uikstuiif . England, across tbe Engl in Channel i. tin French coast lie 18 shown in her bathing ftuil and rope-Jucipli g to t:.. r- .e her ill DUNN SC nilDIMP TUC UUllinu iiil TALL UNCUT FO A Lie 3RD SfS SCOUTS ARE CALLED O.N T PRODUCE RIGHT KIND OF M A FOR IMPORTANT POSITION 0 FANS' TEAM RED IS NOT CO INC BACK. Big S icjar Sale A ' i pound, 6 si run i of Easl rn I ted ! ug ir on the K Q 100 a hundred delivery on Jj i Car Pla-Safe Flour, 4Mb. Sack, $2.69 B Your i P 9 ' '-' 'ne-.t floui' obtainable, UnsurpaFsrd f.n- home bread -nastrles. 15 - ,10 COO FOR DRIVERS IN DETROIT AIR DERBY third h greater pari of last! season . - - has hi en i rylng hard to Rot more than Interested in knowing wl Diiidi nlans to statfon nertiiaitenl in ins less than a man of (he t will be signed to take tin that in 11 few daya tbe hi Will be pulled On I ' ; - are dead and coming nrotl ushered to the waste Vers little attention, It this - mill riate was pr;n t icauy set , RO 111' it I 1 J)nnn's aggregation, : jind lis) season attemptei rat; hi Ram'. Ihinn is planning : tiiiition day. I am tlnw played rlghi ti tl MAKE NEW ATTEMPT TO INDICT PLAYERS I 1 I t t nr. 40 rb. sacks $2.69 50 flour sacks cee that they are stamped 19's not 48' :. .29 I JTJM.N ti i I 1 1 1 I , 0 i 'hairm in ol the Ret ;' tn 1 Vint - d Gagi 3n;ed cent and a half a tfo. ths. good Rio Coffer, It). rd : .29 a . Va ir m i i Soap 25 Jj .ri9 J CIGARS AND TOBACCO 1 tb. J ! ' gars 75 (J I Choi p .18 d . .10 a 29 a 'ap .25 m X. R. GODFREY 5 FIVE NOTRE C CANADA PEEVFD AT AMERICAN 0ARSME n r i IDYL GLEN. j-i.s LEWIS HIMSELF A PLANE iinti-l j, in t inn of the poppy field. Another Wto fan an uhf.Mt i onaMk rably lately Viiti."t,i; who Inirt seesoTt second h;ise berth Red GLASS Of SALTS IF YOUR KIDNEYS leu meat ii you tee! Backaehyor havt- Bladder trouble - Saltl line for Kidaevs. MOtt form uric nrid wliirli cyriti'd to filter it from tbe system. Regular eat .. slot illy. Vou must relieve them like you i doll misery in the kidney r-trton, sharp r sick ben I and when the weather is had you have rheumatia twinges. Tlie urine is often gel Irritated, .lli?ing you to pet up two or three times durinir the night. a te eet about four ounces of Jad Salts i l appear. Ihis famoue salts is made from the scid ( i irrapea and lemon Juke, onm 1 liined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate slue- L Ed I MBUHMMBSBBI 1 - Bl . I I m nmrnvmu . . MWMMBMMMM I This Bank's Directors When rh ;ior. it is import ant tbit you conitder i!::- bank's BOARD OF DIREC1 noli itcrectt of depositor! imp mm whoso namt ; are rsv ,i below constitute an a'!vir.',i board which paa zs on ;i!i important matters. The success of ihis bank has been largely !iir? to iheir s.-r-vicea aitd sound business judgment. BOARD OF t EWI3 M. BAYNF, Gen. Mg-. L. M. BayrtC Lu.n- Attorney and Master In Chan cery of Ua S.ilie County. R. F. KNOTT. PesiJrr.t Crcjccnt Paper Cr . Mnrcitlcs. DIRECTORS. CHARLES S. REED, Pres. Chicago Retort & Tire Co. Ottawa. J. C. SCHUMACHER, Cashier. CHARLES P. TAYLOR. IOMN D. TOV'NE, Vice Pres, IrValden W. Shaw Corp., Chicago. III. I. L. WOODWARD, I'.irm Lands. I .-.t an Ottawt IH'illtiU' t" I'M plae ti pm, likt- -uad" Katroo, la letUBi en sjesaeats. ,"' '" MS from one at Mrs gallle Willi: . water drlnl which w i Arthur Raaaaaaon married on WMIH Udae uuj bsMMsl di-vuses. d thus avoidiae The Na 6 tl City Bank of OTTAWA Established, 1865. Capital and Surplus $350,000.00