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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
PAGE TEN l i Act I. Scene l. An old Harden near New York. II in May, I9fi0, PriSl ilia Dean's friends are celebrating her twentieth birthday with a Mardi Oraa party. EHvlra Butman, a social butterfly and granddaughter ot RJlvIra Judd, Esther Beboch Sharp Joyce Kate Towney Rue Margaret Sanders Karr Oealree Alvla Bcberer Mrs. Ukina, "f another generation, Mrs Cordelia Hatheway Act i. Boene 2. The same garden In May. IMS. James firewater. Founder of (he fam ous Hrewster Pills, Melvin French Thankful Standlah, hi- mster, Mrs Max Kneusl Priaollla Brewster, his daughter, Dorothy lienor Flshi ' Primrose Btandlsh, daughter ol Thankful Ruth Dletrli h Tom Hlgginx, of Boa ton, William Huffman Jack Walnrifiht, a young Inventor, Ji Ft in Jaeger Bohhy Brewster, a lion With the ladles Clifford Noonan Klvira Judd, a young widow, Bather Bchocb Bharpe Abigail Tompkins, a BUSCBptible maid en Veronica Brown Act II Scene i same ai Acl l OTTAWA PREE TRADER - JOURNAL, Ait ii Scene Same garden in May, 1838 Little Prisellla, daughter id' Prlsellla Brewater Ruth Haeberle Klvira. daughter of Klvira Judd. Virginia (llelm Daisy, who ituttori Mary Roberta Master Jack, BOH Ol Wizard Jack John Klncheloe Priacllla MiKi"". formerly Prlsellla Brewster Dorothy Retlor Flatter Wizard .lark Walnright, Justin Jaeger Primrose Walnright, formerly Prim ri se Btandlsh ... Ruth Dietrich Elvira ItlggS, formerly Klvira Judd, Esther Schoi h Sharp !:K.iil Tompklnft older 1'Ut Still Slis- ceptlble Veronica Brown Bi Brewster, the same Bobby, Clifford Noonan Zonobla, his wife . ...Sophia Jobst . I III Same as Act 1. Scene 1. Prlsi Ilia Dean, granddaughter of Prisi ilia Brewater, I k)TOthy liefe r Fisher Dr Jai k Walnright, grandson of Wiz ard Jack Walnright. Justin Jaeger Bobby Brewater, still the same Bdbby, Clifford Noonan The Story of the Play heals wild the blighted romance of a scion of ima aristocracy and the daughtei of the founder of "Brewster's rills" which is finally realised in the union of their grandchildren in 1 120 Tin' lone involved In the atory covers a period of more than flft years Vet I Musical Numbers. I Opening chorus. "I Could Be Map pj Willi due Kittle dlrl." Sot letj Croup ami V. ira inks," . . Servants fnIIImf. WkMrnm rrr 3 imiw-mm OTTAWA M) We are absolutely headquarters for all grades ol womens' misses' and children s wearing apparel, Car pets. Rugs, ! inoleums, Curtains and Window Shades, Dress Goods, Silks, Gloves, Fancy Goods, Laces, Wash Goods, Linens, Underwear, Hosiery. Laces, Notions and Fancy Goods. Corsets, Dress rrimmings. Also a complete assortment f household necessities in our great Bargain Basement. S. & I I. Green I rading Stamps with every purchase. Jason F. Richardson ARCHITECT 508 Central Life Building, Ott awa, 111 inois. Before and after "Springtime" visit the Dorris Chocolate Shop We handle delicious Ice Cream, Candy and dainty Lunches. Central Life Insurance Co. of Illinois ( )tt.VV,l, Business in Force $36,000,000,00 Assets $ J, 4 14,0(10. H. W. JOHNSON. W. F. WEESE, President. Vice President CHAS. NADU R. vice President S. B. BRADFORD, T. VV. BURROWS. Secretary Medical Director. W. H. HINEBAUGH Gen. Counsel. :; 'Our wedding Hay." Bridesmaids, Prlsellla and Primrose I Four Little Girls and Four Little Hoys," Maids of Honor, llesl Men and Tom Pill All Our Dreams Come True." Priacllla and Ja k Ait II. 1 "Springtime," . . chorus Oroup L' When Vou Dance the Stephanie Oavotte," Klvira and tiuestn "My Garden of Memories," Prise ilia i ' Spirits of Memory," Danes Oroup "Finale," Ensemble Vi i 3 2 "Trial by Jury." lury Group 3 Drama Club Follies (a i "Rainbow Trail." Show (iirls ihi "The Men and the Cow." Miss Hatheway and Futurist Group (C) Dam e Mardi Cras. Ensemble, Society Group Blanche Mosey. Mildred Lloppld. Irene Llepold. Freda Human. Irma Jegglie Alma Butterfleld Walter Lindeman Lynn O'Neill Ralph Stone Walter Wellman. Frank Weiler Charles i'ettlllion. Servants Catherine Volkenant Luclle Mercer, i. in lie Goodman, Grace Koenig Alula llassley. Luberta Schumacher. Mary KittcnetOO, Esther Farrell, Bridesmaids, Marion Meagher. Harriet! Burster Gay Ina Snow. Alvlna Scherer. Vera Morley. Blsie Walklins. Itiith Gladfelter. Ann Hatheway. Maids of Honor Mrs Arthur Prlchard. Mrs i-Tn r I Haeberle. Leila Pettlt. .Mary Mulholland Best Men, Alfred Taylor. Andrew Lclx. 1868 Group. Mrs Florence Bow-beer. Mrs ciem Crowley. Marie Hagelund Miss Bernlce Curtis, Miriam Farnswortli. Sylvia Funk Lina Moulton, Fred Rnem Fred Prichard August Ledrich Art Prlchard James O'Toole Spirits of Memory, Audrey Colwell Thelma Louth, Bernlce Rude. Lelta Toney, Genevieve Lyons. Jane Palmer Winifred holder. Marlon Manna Kdith Calmer Margery K Flick. 1888 Group. Mrs W arren Gladfelter. Ruth Keltn let or la Uhl, I-rancls Misler. Luclle Parks Monsie O'Noil Mr Warren Gladfelter Newell Vomkx. Man id Langer. Gu lunette Johnson. Albert La Velio. Vernon O'Nell Jury. Kdith Rnttowa Mate CirNr Marie lirandhera Gladys Olson. Mildred McGaiT l aphne Merrick Maty !i i.rrer. Tresi inlander Lillian Campbell Mary Cary. I ','iMlh Dunn Margate! Carey ?hcv- Cirli I I. 'Istia V. hite. R:ta "v n t rev. Uattie Tfnftta THUHSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921, '1 First National Bank Ottawa Assets Over $3,500,000.00 wmm i' tins . ... . - tf -M 3 per cent Paid on Savings Deposits Safe Cons er vat h e Friendly OFFICERS: LORENZO I ELAND, President. EDWARD C. SWIFT, Vice Pres. CI IARLES E. I IOOK, Vice Pres. OSCAR HAEBERLE, Cashier. FRED A. GERDING, Asst. Cashier. EDWIN J. CASS1DY, Asst. C ashier. JOSEP1 1 M. GEARY, Asst. Cashier. The Springtime Musical Comedy Will convince you that the Ottawa Drama Club arc experts at pro- producing amateur plays. We also claim to be expeits in our line, which is filling prescriptions properly and supplying your Drug, Books, Stationery. Wall Paper and Paint Wants. WHEELER & MALO "We strive to please." The home of Sherwin William Paints. Smart Shoes for Spring Shoes that express in every detail the styles of the coming season. Made over pretty, graceful lasts from the most approved leathers. Fashionable, yet not ostentatious. Just the proper heels and vamps and all sizes and widths for correct fitting. We will deem it a pleasure to show you these models. . Megaffin & Son Fitters of Feet. Fancy and Finance. 615-617 La Salle street. Ottawa, 111. DIRECTORS: LORENZO LELAND, President. EDWARD C. SWIFT, Attorney at I .aw. CHARLES E. HOOK, Vice Pres. CLARENCE GRIGGS, Attorney at I .aw, LAWRENCE M. LUCEY, Merchant. t i i ALBERT E. Gil .MAN, Manufacturer. W. NEVOYSTRAWN, Farmer. FRED A. GERDING, Asst. Cashier. EDWIN J. CASSIDY, Asst. Cashier. OSCAR HAEBERLE, Asst. Cashier. Apollo Theatre The Movie" House that Presents the Best. H. A. Boyle C L O I HIER 609 La Salle St., Ott awa EASTER HATS Now ready. - i 4 4 E The Secret of ; '" .. Financial Success j U Is not so much what you earn as What You Save. The Peoples Truft & Savings Bank Pays 4i 4 ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.