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OTTAWA FREE! TRADER - JOURN VL. PAGE THREE JAPAN iman Divorce A angle Home Owning Give r : " IS SEEN IN DRIVE ion Li Iwninpj ;i home i". not . financial in iitnenl Kenny iir advantages thai itweiRn lire money interest vastly more importance than cash return Jolhini gives .i larger neg ol satisfaction to father, . and ilii- children than to live in a family -owned I he comforts, conveniences, permanency, and m rlence , t home owning ouahl tu have In si considera- i JAPAN WANT S I" TAKE INITIA I ivr WITH THl UNITED 8TATI'!'. AND BRITAIN TO TNI) WAR FA R I its i THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1921. NEW ERA Toklo, March 2i The armament restriction campaign atarted In thfa country by i uklo teakl, ex mini l r of jiiMi !'. mark the beglunlng "i a 1 1 1 W I I It. i i nil NllgB) IllniU, mi i h l;i a tho late I'i Ince Kattmra, aa expres 1 i n .i pri 1 Intoj lew. Thai the roi lutlon hi Mr Utukl calling upon .1 nan tu take the Inltlatlvu ith tl r i S3 hi ne r more than lour wills and a roof, You can i ijch lull you r: ml ommunity si and ii rhere a nothin ! t the pi -he M owned bv the fai Halted States and Britain i" studj ii navaj I'drtullmeni formula was voted dowif ''' an overwhelming! niujoril) in tin' Moubu "i rapreBontatlvoi . w aa, in NagrinhknU's view, a dl graco to tiii1 govi rn mental pat ty und an Inju n a in tin' nation Tlw repj-eaentutlve continued: "The ! (.nki Ideal nun ernlng nuvul regula Hon if a sound mi" and If the utter ances ol Premier Hara and ('nun! t'chlaa have been coi rectly reporti d they inual .ii least agree with tho principles enunciated "Some ii the political loaders lool ii...... rllanr Ill . f J I . . Id Mil fit peace lovers and dreamers, for which there is no room In ibe every da) matter ot fact life of a nation . Thl contention can hafflly stand the te I 'in the light ot the agitation now go ring on in hoi ii the I ' n ii I'd Stater a nd , Bngland Dl larmument i h no Iqngi i . Ipi';n t i Hit) WIMtl element it Is demanding thai Bocioty In- sol mi u (Inner foundation and Hint i international friendships bo based on something even stronger than the li'.n'.iie hi nations. I he, pre rent nn- m-iii.iI condition and the chaos In .. IfAunlv Mmn iMifnrn fl unr anil it i : the dill v ol Japan t ! 1 1 1 ill I t wish Id I. id il ti:it ii ,Ti in. .-iil-lll Mr, : - ,p.ut prejudlco which killed I mrogrOBH in nil' . IKIH s nun i ' disgrace and 1 i rcdll to our coini- Despite the defeat ol the proj!ct, lleclared Rep Naga hlma, the Osuvkt Ml ft ... itinu would i tnn oeu tor u now and powerful political movement INVOLVES JAPAN IN . i OPIUM SCANDAL it 1 WW wn vine and n larden. I he real value ot thoae I in dollaj md cent Thh I .1 ontentmenl ol the mutnei . 1 II jilOIK tree, yo own lawn, n wrrs igi not i en in a lln'ii vcrv own. I life's -4 ',, j - . . -mtv. u m " 1 I ? v'' us Mrs, James A Stillman (at left) filed a counter-petition against the divorce suit of James A, Stlllman (lower right), president ol io National ' 1 1 v r..ii:U ol New im k, iiiiiiuii); mrs. riorenco ns uir.'1". niniman in nis nc: court papers namoa rrea lieauvais in u- iri French-Canadian guide, charging thai lieauvais is tin- farner oi Mrs. Stlllnmna youngest son. Guy (lower loft). Mrs. 8t 1 ' . . . , . .. . .1... I ..I I 11 .a I ..liil.I us.- in- luii'i'.iiio ui neiu.i ""' " uf- KANSAS PROVIDES JIlUuUnL UUUiiOL I Ur Ollliil : .; - 0 Arctic Sheep R.I ii. in i -i . 1 1 - I i 9 ! houi Fathers .1 . t build horm as fmr.i hey pni moncj nd credil into homes for ti ttisfactton "I parents and children, to create i'i hi Hue lovintr. s i i as wa im in a low priced oncern about being ' rced ut somebody offers move ren sn the '.tnicn.s. ilort Hid atentment do nol come from the Idylir f man' i.ii i ' ti, clothing. I he wif i 1 1 . i i i . ress as in biik, inr noys s:ii noi sutrer wearing nomespun, lathi i can gel alonj; with the old suit. It keeps htm corn I .,1 ,ble. H ti el every father does his best to provide nice clothes for mother, the children and himself; nol with the hope ol financial returns but to give satisfaction, contentment and good standing, I In li I iss house furnishings do not bring financial i turns. Fhe cheapei grades vvill answer the purpose and j represenl less investment ol cash. Hut you and mother want the best you can possibly afford. Nice furniture raises youi standard ol living und gives contentment and satis! a tioii to your lolks. You want the best even if it don't paj big in dollars and cents. So with youi home owning fo own your home gives ,1 ur family .i large dc AC ANT LOT HAY MO' WIMMING HOLE Tl PROMINENTLY IN IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1 SUMMER VIrs. I l.r. uniil i rdy R IIIIIIIIHIIIII1III jj 8 ree ol stability, perman ency, hi ! high standing in youi community. fo own the house where you live gives youi ! imiiy a real home in the 1 1 in -,; -,i nse of t he word. ! umbei for home building is much cheaper, from thirtj t,. ii, fifty per cent lets than last summer. Ask youi dealer about prices. lie will givr you facts. Lumbermen's Publicity Bureau TT3 4 1 iiiiiKf rfn Tokii 111 (Mn-i i. ,! To Housewives: l It' a genuine plefis X. trafnc in tf ICwantung leased torn lory were live IiuhIi of remark i by ' J:- , prbup lTn brganlr.uUoii cflliad the Kosai lendo, territory, though nominally ( 'hlnei o Is really ;i Japam concern and all the Irregularities In the opium tral Ii Maudlin - - to concern Hi.- read extract from contracts naiil to exist ibot ween the Chine e un- j iler whose name this so-culled "char ity organization" is conducted and the Japanese wlwi, he said, ure behind I till' (.'cm 11 i nted e tracts from tho books of the firm kecording to which tho Japaneaes In erested derived a profit o 2S8,000 yen between August, 191-9, and March of liisi year, whii ii is at is.OUO yon n month i" 1 tire to use CHINA-LAC ur home, ovemenl is re derful for the money spent. Ii our simple tool you can i in. m on tl rati i'iai!irl'-nl hert (I mi o thifs that ei-i between tin fcertain liiuli offlci bung, anil n i-i mi a tfie Japanese have trade The Hpeal the Irregularities suinr I such propor h;is in be smuggle' into other parts c Use is prohibited. The governor t of Kwantung, rep ornmeni has In m international morality and that Bueti craft or iriii ratnn Hre Ii smuggling as haa w ilonc by evading t eontrol. He ungual) ofnlcial connection ties and saiil lie w fiv Maiinee 3i00- nM Special Easter Show. VAi'; ! 'NDAY, MARCH 27' Evening 7:30 9 iw. 27TH Clarence (ieorgie Oliver a. Olp HE BEEHIVE" make nnv sun ace closely resemble hardwood. It corner, in transparent colors, solid colors, also Gold and Aluminum. Come in foi Color Cards. j Win. D. Duncan ; i i in tent ti m mm "THE VOLUNTEERS" A Musical Novelty by Geo. Fiotsford and Jean Harvez. O'HARA & NEE1 ' "Europe'.- Well tvnown 'u-y'or c-( .'V RF i i ' Af. ii I'V XfMiBB zsssmm n n .intn A SPECIA1 A- m SHOW DOi . r Mi: For Quick Results Try a Wan! Ad Mi Irregular!-. i 1H'S ot dociimenfs, in i n read. PIGEONS TO FL Y FROM CANADA TO TEXAS FARM RIDGE. lanv i ahternph Bdmonton, Mtu, I n f the long an , et,l pigeon t'icliis on record will be I ;lll!r, , (. attempted from Bdmonton to San i .... . Aniiiiiio. Texas, June SO, it I an I health n bunced hero Arrangement for th '. ., . .. , rTh'ln have been made between the J ,,, , , dtnontou Homing club and the s.-m ,.,, j , Aiitonio Ifomtng cli The distance j land m it il ium nun : led to tal k Between M and " homing pigeon and Vlvl will be shlpptHl from Safl Antonio and Ins ot ii laerated here by W Lees, president Itioa held of the Edmonton i lat Mr. ai fThe longest High I on record, accord-1 reside . ing to Information here, was from Streator Hi an. to Liverpool, distance of Ed war l.doo mill . i 1 1 ed ;. Crowded House. Little .Mary awakened in fii'lt nne rli;iit nnuin i..:i her mot hre w-iit in her i" ascertain toe cause of her screams said: ii I . r- r . . t torn iitiin and ail "i His familj wctvltl p itrii I 11 .1 i.ii famll .1 II 4 i i i O' or at F.1 11 f V ar Savin",-, of $25 to $100. inese are tin most radical red ct i ever made in phonograph history i riese prices, below the pre-war level, are foi much impro ed models equip ped with the exclusive Nu Set Auto matit Stop and other exclusive ad vantages wlmii go i make up the only modern phonograph, Come in and u us show y I iic:; pi ice i give. tne big value i rices i'illii!ii!!!i"l ii .a an i a ' hi. ai l. i . HiilinillHiiiiiiitiiii iilillllillllllltlll MOREY THE PIANO MAN n OBERTS tin Street 0 West Main coming living i Is thf