Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA FltFfl TRADER JOUWVAE, PACE REVEK The Wreckers FRANCIS LYNDB 1 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1021. i.l ' ' " 'i DOINGS OF THE DUFFS A Midnight Thrill BY ALLMAN ! 'what is ( HBACD A "S OH.VouvJtwt S WHAT WAS ii ! U 0n'T THROW THAT JOU I KNOW WHAT ) A llif NOW SO To lEEpj f Von Mp;Vr LBABm To"! ITME MATTER, yF)M..v. g' JUST PKFAMIW(ii(j:( (HAT? ffl' THAT NOISE WAS -IT.S THAT LOOSE J fTHAT WASJllSTTHe J a a BRAVE LIKBVflllfi pWffft my aJpSI mk di) ii.iit bj CbM !" minor tuM rt!mv you know why I made Goreher break nil ilic rules of the service gel line here. Jlnlulle," In' said, "I'OH" mnsIoii i nine polntaof the law, itnd in thin can H wan rather Inipoi i nut ihat Mr. Dismuke shouldn't find the outfit without ii head and these offices "if ours unoccupied " He rose, Rt red hed his arms over his head like a Hrei bojr, and reached for the golf cap he i kept tn wi'iir when he wenl oul io knock H l' lllll ill till' sho "Let's go up to the hotel and see if1 we I'nn break Into tin- cafe, Jlmmle," I he finished up. "Later iBi, we'll wire Vfr f 'lit,. l i. L - l..., ,).., I ! haven't ' a square inesi In four, ''".vs." ! with everybody supposing he had "You'll meel her some day," laughed resigned ami left the Country, I guess 1 the boss, with a nil of hoppj lilt in there were all kinds of a nine-minutes' his voice thai fairly made me sick wonder In Portal 1 1 . and all along knowing whal l did; and knowing that the Short Line, when 1 1 1 - word wenl I he didn't 'know it, Then he switched out that Mr. Noreross was bark on the I 'h' subject abruptly: "Aboul the ,)oh (i r i r'i n ii ' n it prettj i h the other matter, Ripley: I know you've Mime us if nothing hud happened, been pretty busy, but you've had Tar After supper, on the nlghl of his i hell nenrlj a week. What have y.iu return from the hideout, he IihiI senl I found out?" a long code message to Mr Chadwlck, Ripley briefed Ihe general situation :tnd n short one tn President Dunton: J as it stood on the nlghl of the engine and though i didn't see Ihe reply to theft In a few terse sentences. Aside either, i guess Mr. Chadwlek's an ser. at least, was the rlail kind, be cause our tno'k renewing earopatgn n-ent into commission again with a slfltn. and all the reform policies look a mre-enough fresh start and begat ti hump themselves, with Junetnan work 1 Ing the newspapers to a finish. w.. 1 1 f.i... 1 M,. Dlsmuke, the portly gentleman In Ihe ; tan spats, though he still stayed on nt the Billiard. We saw him occasional j ly at meal times, and twice he was ratten at the same table with Hatch and Henckel, That placed him all right for us, though I g he didn't need much placing. I wondered a little Bl first that Mr fVorcfoss didn't take the clue that Rranderhy, the Mountaineer reporter, had given us and tear loose on Ihe L'lil.u that had trapped him lie didn't : or didn't seem to. From the first hour of the first day he was up to bis neck pushing thiiii: for the new company formed for the purpose of putting Red Tower out of business, and he wouldn't tHke a minute's tlmn for anything else Of course, it says itself that Hatch never made any more proposals about selling the Ited Tower plants tn the itlr.ens' Storage & Warehouse 1 pie after the boss gol back. That move went into the discard In a hurry, and the Consolidation outfit was busy get ting Into It- fighting clothes, nnd Irj Ing to chock the wheels of Hie C, R W. with all sorts of legal obstacles Franchise contracts with the rail road were flashed up. and Injunctions were prayed for Ripley waded In, and what little sloop he gol for a week or two was in Pullman cars, snatched while he was rushing around and try Ing to keep his new clients, Ihe C. B. & W. folks, out of jail for contempt of court. He did it. Little and quiet and smooth-spoken, he could put the! legal leather Into the biggest hull the other side could hire. Luck! we were an Interstate corporation, a when the local courts prove. crook' Ripley would find some way to i the case out of them and pul it up some Federal judge Around home In Portal city things were just simmering. Between two days, as you might say, and righl i soon after Mr. Noreross gol back, we required n new .loon on the head- quarters force. He was g young fel- low named Tarhell, who looked nnd tHlked and acted like a cow-punch Jtutt in from riding line He was enrried on Mr. Van Brilt's payroll a-an "extra" or "relief" telegraph operator; though we never heard of his being sent out to relieve anybody, I sized this new young man up, right away, for a "special" of s,,me sort, and the proof that I was right came one afternoon when Ripley dropped iti and fell into a chair to fnn himself with his straw hat IWte a man! who had Inst put down a load that he had been carrying about a mile and a half farther than he bad bargained to.; "Tlianlf Hie I Aril hn lust of Ihnaa Injunet Ion in suns is off ihe docfiel " he iwing a long breath and wag- ; said, dia glng his neat little head at the boss. "I'll sav one thing for the Hatch peo- j nle. Noreross- thev're stubborn tight- ' ers." "We'll beat 'em," predicted the boss. I "Thev ve cot to let bo. How shout our I C. S. A W. frit tuts? Are they still 1 game?" ' "Fine"' asserted the lawyer, "The stock Is OVer-SUbSCribed everywhere. now, and c. s. & w. is .1 uoaiu' 1 oncern. Th" building boom 1 on. 1 venture to say there are over two thousand mechanics at work at the different centers, rushing up the buildings for the new plants, at tins moment, urn ought to have a monument, tsorcrots, It's the most original scheme Tor : breaking a monopoly that was ever devised. The boss was looking out of the j window sort of absently, chewing on I his cigar, wMeh had gone out. ; "Ripley. I wonder what you'd say If I should tell you that the idea is not j t ndtieV be -aid. after a little pause. , Not yours?" "No; It. or at least the germ of It. j I i ii z nj - wmaaaxuLJ. f(f'rr,,fi'U . -y.y was given to mo bj a woman; a wo man who knows no more abotit husl white elephants "I'd like in be made acquainted with the lady," said Blpley, with a tired I lit, I,. DM I In HUtttl a ..i'.. I.,, valuable fn he wasted on mere lumber yards and frul! pnekeries tu i I main i elevators ami the llki from the tiL'ht on Red Tower e'en solldated, the new railroad policies were threatening to upset all the time- honored political traditions of i1"' machine-governed state An election was approaching, and the railroad v"'" 11,1,1 Influence must be whipped Into line. Aa the grafters viewed it, th,. threatened revolution was n one- man government, ana it t man could be removed the danger would vanish, The execution details had been turned over to cianahan. the political "boss of Portal City. The plot itself was simple At a certain hour of a given nl'hl an anonymous letter was to be sent to Mr Noreross, telling htm that a gang of noted train robbers was stealing 1 an engine from the Portnl City yard for the purpose of running down the Hue and wrecking the Fast M which often carried a bullion expr II 1 ar If the boss should fall for It as be did, when the time 1 imo and go in pi rsea to stop (he raid, he wni to be overpowered and spirited awn n forged letter purporting to be n n flop of his resignation was to be le for Mr Van Brltl nnd a fake lei gram, making the same announce ment, was to be sent to President Dunton In Kew York Nothing was left Indefinite but the choosing of the night "I suppose Hatch wns to give the word" sfltd the boss, who hod been listening soberly while the lawyer talked "That is the Inference Hatch proh ably gnve the word after bis tnlk with you, but Ihe time was made ,000 more propitious by the arrival of the two telegrams; Ihe one from Mr Chad- wick, and the one from Mr. Dunton. both of which they doubtless inter- cepted by means of the tapped wires." Mr. Noreross looked up quickly. "Ripley, did Dunton know what was going tn be done to me?" "Oh, I think not It wasn't nt all necessary that he should he Inkcn In on It He has been opposing yout policies all nlong, and had .lust sent you a pretty snvnge rail dow n. He J'Oi dh he evi we gel res etl hn mis neen envious to got rto "t you r since The plotters knew very I what he would do If he should ii wire which purported to be your gnntlon He would appoint an r man. quick, and till they would mve to do would be tn make sure hat VOU were well off stage, and would tay off until the other tunti could nke bold." "If worked out like a charm," ad nltted the boss, with n wry smile "1 nven't been talking much about tin details partly because I wanted ti Hnd out if this j was as pood ns raetnlntlon of hln I'm honestly nsl Ti d partly d. Rlnie man Oi my :;.'' and ex perl would swallow bait. book. 01 I 'litl "'tit night deserves I t all 'hnt is coming to hlin. ' "You can tell me now, can't yout" querien tne attorney. "Oh, yes; you have it all- or prae- tleallv nil 1 fell for the anonymous I letter about the Mall hold-Up, and while I don'l 'rattle very easily, or-( dinarlly, that was one time when 1 lost my head, just for the moment The obvious thing to do- If any atten tion whatever WSS to be paid to the anonymous warning -was t,. telephone the police Slid the round bouse. I did neither because 'bought It might be too slow." ITO BE CONTINUED.! Russian's Peculiar Hobby. a, Russian court official nursed a stratue notion In regard In overcoats. He spent the best pan of his life in venting a reversible gsrnieni of that I character, When lie had attal 1 his j desire he was n happiest man in petmgrnd. in winter he made S prSO i ti,-,, ,,( entering a friend's lions,. . lad I heaver ami ..f leaving dressed in reindee lb- boasted thill In , IMl'll ntteiol wedding aial w in inn Mine garment I CLASSIFIED ADVE j ! . aumH.HiiLHii FOR RENT WANTED Girl i; changes In our FOR RENT Clean, pleasant rooms, wor( now raaK0 possible for d by day or week. Uatos Hotel. Lagir to become an experienced opor- Salle ami Mill Sts. ator In half the time formerly requli PAPM LAND5 Ft lit SALE Small farms, near Otta wa, ax folloWK' ho acres, Improved 4,000 15 acres, improved 6,000 j no acres, halt timber, lm- proved 2,500 36 ai res, half Umber, lm- proved C,0(l0 34 acres, half garden, Itn proved 10,603 40 acres, fair Improvements... l:i,O00 1 75 acres, well Improved 16,0031 80 acres, well improved 14,n 10 I 115 acres, fair Improvements., 24,000 I Easy terras. W. B. PUSEY, Central Life, Ottawa, III. COLONIZATION BARGAIN 10,000 to 20,000 acres general grain, stock and fruit farming land close to St. Ixiuls, Mo.; cut size to suit; wonder- nil bargain. W rite JOHN GODFREY, Crescent Court, Lousiville, Ky. FOR BALE 166 arm situated 3V4 miles from market 1 nd same dls. tance from one of the finest aub-: All work guaranteed tint class, urba out of Chicago. Improvements: Office hours s a, m. to 7;;;o p. m, 7 roomhouao, ham thirty-six by sevon- Sunday hours y to 12. ty-two. with forty three cow stanch- Phone 225-Y. ions; room for eight bomes; Boor all1 concrete; cora crib, granary, dep well; school across the road. Thl8;THER0N L- LENA M. farm has a great future. A bargain; U:L X. U7 why pay the fancy prices. Address 8.. care tfcla office. Reasonable price aad tonus ! FOR BALE or RENT Small fruit nnd poultry farm near Ottawa. Phone 664 V. NOTICE. Estate K dorslnned, Ext and Testamen late of the Ci State of Illlni Of the I, Kal horine Will Aii- 'n Ceunty, on the tit the second day) ol Pobato Court Rot said County, when sons having clal .against :-nid estate tend and urosenl t where all per or demands notified to at I tine in writing I for adjtt ii mens. Hated the, Jru day of M ircl 1921. JACOB M I FR VNK II HAYES, BUTTERS at CLARK, ittorneys, 1. I Annual Town Meeting Notice is ens, legal tawa, in tii meeting and nle will be held at i-'irst Precinct 1 11 m tills street itel Ottawa, Ca- Town iiaii. La reodon Rulldlng, tollman Building, Schaefcr's Hall, Second Pre in Fayette stree Third Pre, t. Columbus street. Fourth Precim Chestnut Btreet, Fifth Precinct ""snmt street. ; Prednci Midnight's 1 1 shop. West Main It: In said town, on Tt day of April, next. Tuesday In said mo xses following, viz; FIRST to chOOte a side at said meeting SECOND to elect trator to i TWO Assistant Su FIVK Justices of ti FIVE Constables AND to ad upon subjects w hich m r law, come before meeting when, tr the transac-1 business shall convened The town meet tion of aiscellam he held at the hoi ;,t Hotel Ottawa Poll open at . "i,m ,MS" '' (Mven under my hand tit Ottawa, Illinois, this 10th dtiv o' Match. A u. JAMES O'MEARA clerk. HELP WANTED ed; we now have work for a few more girls over 16 years old; apply In porson at GARTER FACTORY, Mis Eulton St. WANTED Experienced man to do tiling, four and live im h. Address X, this office, or phone. 9089-3, WANTED A middle ,,,, ,1 woman for cook at cottage at La Salle County Homo. WANTED Competent woman or girl for general housework. MRS, R. V KNOTT Phono 1055. WANTED Experience car washer Phone 600. Condo Motor Suppl) Co. 11 1 sws 1 -.: Professional Cards Dr. E. A. Kelly DENTIST "-;' ' ominous hi. uuawn, m. 1 1 01 1 itrv vjt Willi uk CHIROPRACTORS. Palmer School Graduates Room ru n central Life Building, nttaxua in Phono ions. Hour 10-12. ' 8. Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard of Health. 11M12 Moloney Pldg. Phono 620 I! Hours; !J 12 a, m , 11 p, m. Dr. C. F. Van Atta Successor to iir. Herzog. Eye, Ear, No 8 and Throat. OfllCO 404 Central Llfo. Phone lOlG-W, F.A.Kossow Roofing Co. Tar and Gravel itoofcr;,. All Work Guaranteed. Residence roofs of the very best Have them fixed lor a. rainy day. Phone La Sallo 1409 it UPHOLSTERING BE) ALWAYS RIGHT Spring over I hauling of furniture done right by Geo. Bauchle. Telephone 8;:7.. lOli) I west. Main street. BONDS WE pry and SELL All kinds of DONDS AND STOCKS 1 Room 108 Central Life Building Telephone ROBERT J, REID Magneto Starter. Generator Repairing. Ottawa Electric Co. FRED W. MUELLER, Prop. 3C6 W. Main St. Phone 982 rlrtl Studs of the Human Body. Rarly stndies in human anatomy ! were Conducted under many diiln ul- ties Aristotle was a ii- ihe ilrsl R to verify facts, and when Titian de- "''" '""t n-oi e..m..i,te.i 11, nrsi aliatoiiii. il plates lle v were ilesi 1 ,-v ei I b Vewllus about 1538, ... ankvm mn 1 : ' WANTED WANTED Men owning rig or auto. i" aell well known line lubricating tolls, house paints, barn paint and rooting material, direct to f.muers comml Ions paid weekly; special monthly bonus paid on sales; old re - in ... ,' ' , !' j 1 standing back of every material sold. Write us today for our complete sales i.roiiosltlon CKNTRAL PK'l i;oi .1 l M ed., Cleveland, Ohio. WAVTI'l) i verv,,,,. mi ,..,,.,! in vva.s 11.11 i.vervon lni'ieatea m L-ood l,l,.,,,rlvnT P, ,m um.ll stalks, to call at Ottawa Banking to " " - ' i-' " Trust. Co. and see sample uroii by W. K. Prichard a Sons. WANTKD TO PI NT A well known ladj and a line housekeeper Is about to return to Ottawa and desires to rent a modern house for a year; Will probably buy before the year .9 out. Ph ase call or Bend word ii you have anything to otfor. She expects " fr i oil f,iir 01 Tel. lils-W. WANTED- I want to buy a In with three or lour lots, so my m- : tcmer can raise chickens and do little gardening; will pay S3.500 to H.OOO; 'A''" ! " Bcl A bargain or at least f"'"! value; will not bay a place need- ing repairs or lacaini; modern It provementa unless the price asked' will be attractive enough so that my man can afford to put them In, Send ription 1 I. lilS W it you have. T. B. FARRELL. T WANTED To REN1 House . East side p don before M Ottawa. Ill Adi FOR SALE MISCELLANt.OUt. FOR SALE Baby chi and each week thet White Leghorns, R, I Kock.i. $15.18; order 1 posit hooks your order Aco Poultry Farm, Sht Apt ii FOR BALE Mlg type Poland China boars; cholera Immuned ami record-j ed. Also hows with litters at. sid. Phone Grand Ridge B5I15 or write WILLIAM H. NAGLB. FOR S.M.K white oal iod, tBCHT, Ottawa. d some F. 1 1 1 1 P 34 V. EOOR SALE Choice spring wheat. Inquire 0, J. Ma. is. Phone 90(7-3. inspected; fresh 1920 s I, testli ; 1 s x :i per cent; price $l,"i per i BEN H RtORDAN, Streator, II Phone Red l-'V. Samples can he BC Popla r St. P.l .oon slngle-i omb Rhode It tonioinen, t" mi. ,i se, a :ss LEIAll LINCOl IVED a car of awn ' AUTOMOBILES .,, ord tires. This car will ! 0I1 by the owner at a very reasonabl price i taken soon. Address n., Ihil office. FOP SALE lale 1 1 winter top, now me, hand ally rebuilt 1919 Dodge touring toimng car reflnished our slnp like new 1919 Bnilge Rent hers hu ine-s ear, pert"! 1 condition Vdams ,v Cnmpanv tip; Clinton street. R)R JALE HOUSES, , hat. ... ; r 7" V J . . . w"n , "UL "Bl r "" room, launary iln K''"1 r"nrll"n- Three large lots, .quantity of fruit. Center Ottawa. II.. V mm. , Gertrude Harris. FOR HA LB rive room eottaM. hmrA. fcMd floors, furnace, gas, electric lights, f4,000; alo 5 room cottage, clt wl('r- two ,arKe ! H.100. both ,,,(--,. u.. . a. ... '.' m,mm uuiue W rl. FOR SALE Five nouses east of Or leals .,rPBti alI of wn)(.h wlll be sold for much loss than the acteali value. Miss Oertmde Harris. "" FOR SALE-Sli room, lew modern ' honsA! In ,,0,1 t,,ofin.' ,.,.: and plumbing worth from'$2,500 13.000: hardwood Hoora r,,t,,-ia. r. B. FARRELL. etc.; for quick sa'e from $5,000 to1''1'''' and damaged by an inexperien 16,000 less than louse could b ccn man. Thov cost you too much erected, MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. " "" i FOR BALE Three modem hoos.s In East Ottawa, west of Orleans street for one-half value. Miss 0rtmde Harris. FOB SALE Small house and tws lo's west end. Including garage and chicken house; 1200 down, balance ,,'U r month; also live vacant lots i! pi sky. E & In I Life Bldg. FOR SALE Whero 1 (hp young tple willing to forego nine of tl trder to own their own 1 nave a gooa property on this , 1 do a renter! rOR SALE A good one-storv fr.u C48-W, T, it. FARRELL. mi h ; all W. P. PUSE , Central Life I P. al Est, IALE I cash. B. Pi SALE Modern dwi lling St.; .1 1 and paving tt! 1 an tit 1 p: Tel. tils w. SAL 9 De witii h i three rooms on'1 first floor; two room below; Do Soto St, ot lowi r on di levi 1 with 'he lot in the rear; tit mums are lev 1 with street; to close an estate will I ments, but good value. j Tel, G48-W. T. B. FARRELL. ' THE FREE TRADER-JOURNAL A.ND FAIR DEALCH. IS Witt Main ttrMt FREE TRADKH -JOURNAL PH., CO. Publishers NW TURK OSPiiESFNT4T'Vi 8. C. The' Company, Iti Fiftk to CUCAW REi'KKSr.N'TATIVgg . C. Tk.U (Wsnpaay. tu Mona4a.e F,IceS i. Tk9l Corvr. 7 Llaecla IM The rree TudervoarnaJ naj onnd at the aew depots 0.1 W'it i Mato ksessat t . a4 rfle tm ntert, SING MISCELLANEOUS BELL TO DEALERS ANYWHKKE lilg commission; best. home2 brew Purity Brand Malt and Hops; every. thing for homo bottling; free recipe with catalogue. PI KIT Y MALT KX- TRACT CO., 130 W. Randolph, Chi cag0 1 ' 1-AN'noLOOY Special Number Just OUt, containing PlL'l facts of closer land In Marinette County, Wiscon- 8,n' If for or as an Invest ment you are thinking of buying good f;m" 1 where farmers grow rich, Bend ' once fnr 'is special number ,,f 1 .,,i..i..,. 1. 1., - " " ' Address Skidmoro -Rlehlo Land Co., 366 Bkldmore-Riohle Illdg., Marinette, Wis. Nov.' IS THE BEST TIME to have your trees transplanted, trimmed or topped. I furnish trees, "any kind," sot them out and guarantee "','"' IIve' Vour fruit and shade treos are valuable lr will nav vmi tx." nav0 v""r H'es cared for by an 1 expert, rather than have them mtitll fr,r 'bat. I make a specialty of this kind of work Address G. R. GII i DINGS, or phone H77 L. I!vvl: your wall paper (leaned by an export. Leave orders nt Wheeler Male s or addroas STEVE 1)00 LAN, i !)15 Weal Jackson St. SUFfcR-KLENE wai-io,iii hand boap Were ycu ever on the road miles from water and h?.d trouble with your car? Hands covered with en8'"C grime which is almost im- possible to remove? This new discoverv instantlv cleans them without water. Simply wipe off with a rag. Send 25c for a large size tube, SUPERIOR PRODUCTS CO. Dent. K, 2124 N. Clark St., tcao. CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY nana !1 OTTAWA, ILL IfTsctlvs October St. 1120. " EXPRESS HANDl.FO ON ALL CASin AT LOW RATE8. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion f.T Marseilles, Seneca. Morris, Mlnooka, Rockdale and Juliet, III. In a m. a 10, b6:35, 7:55, 9:5K, Uttl, In p. tn 1 56, ba:55, 3:65. c4:65, ;5, 8:115, 11:05. WLSTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for P ica. La Salle, Peru, Spring Valley, Laibl. Hel'ue, Bureau. Prince ton In a. m. f5:65, g6:60, f8:?5, f9:55, dl0:65, fll:66, In p. m fl: 55, f.1:S8. g4:5S, (S : SB, k7:65, k9:65, mll:W. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound ears leave Ottawa StS t,on for Brand Ridge, McKtnley Park an(' Streator In a. m., 6 : ."5, 7:65, 9:68, 1 ' ; In p. m., 3.55. 5:56, t:00, b Jollet, dally etcept Sundays and holidays. c Morris. , . d Lndd. 1 f Princeton. g I. adi, dally except Sundays ana bT-Z sane ALWAYS BUY TICKKTS AND SAVR MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN moil l:M A. U TO 11:35 P. M. tickft farfr to CHICAGO vu JoMet- , ,nd Chlca80 A Jot Electric Railway: JiJ.UU Trip w . 5I.OD (Return trip limited to ton days) . FAST FRIlOHT srnvice. hone Aoenu far Full ! atHo