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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
Thursday, mar h e4, 1921. IDTT V I IM:i: TK VT)ET - .TOTTRM Vh IIIIIM ht 4 iC'.,r' ..;f. - if; v. an , ,-. ,:.J ,- . . ..if U9c Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I I I ' . . Drama Uub send it to II ir t f f $ m s TER SHEET m zrjj Ottawa s toremost r s ! L 4 CLEANERS and DYERS ( m "SPRINGTIME" , 1R T?h iTk ftk irtll 1 1 ill 1 1 III ll I in IlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1 3 BSHSB WHIBB I M M M M : I I I I I I i I " La f IMIillMilHl!!MWIIHMIIilllUlil!NMnMnitMHIMMilMMIIIUUHIMIIIIi:MillMIIMUiilMlilllllllMMniM ' .i . a nr B O O S Tfte Brilliant Musical Comedy Success Gayety and uc ted many enjoyable .ind successful affairs, but never have they presented imcnt as the musical comedy "Springtime." ll will be presented on March 29th Tieatre. iction has met with such jwded for !:: performai prodw tion. Tthe motif ;U. As tin- play covers nodern costumes rcprod oWc part, and rehearsals tich will tend to trn unanimous success wherever it has been presented that it is expected ce. The stage settings which will be used in "Springime ' were de is very original and the coloring artistically blends so as to give a period of 50 years, the special costumes arc also furnished by the ion dif play is being directed. The costumes of 1W8 and 1888 ce with the utmost exactness the fashion of each period. Some of ire toinr; on in splendid fashion In fact the piny is developing all W RFFD Farm Machinery Trucks and Tractors il!iilllll!lli!lllilllillllH it a most protessiona I hlu- production, 1 1 ngtime" is a most enjoyable one and the idea of the play is handled in a most original manner. Id warden near New York, in May, lf20. The occasion is - celebration of Prist ilia Dean' .'Iras party. Her friends, Disirree,, Joyce and Sue. ask Mrs. Elki iilv As Mrs. Elltins starts to speak, the lights are dimme in old lady to el them the is she finishes her story ih later the lichts come slowly on, and the action ol the play continues with tl ing with the blighted romance of Priscilla's grandmother, which is finally real of the 1868 lovers. , i U'( K) vour "SPRINGTIME rlcanino with our )hio-Tuec HILLIARi) J U AGE Ull ill CleaiK a i ion. M.&H. Electric Co. i OH Vuiti Street F 1 R E P R 0 0 F S T 0 R A G E Kelly-Springfield Tires Fisk I ires. v i A nv season is vou (li ivc a SPRINGTIME 1 1'T Buick Sedan Mers Motor Corporation Mt rs Building ,il oil! salesrooms. ' IlllilllllllilllllllllP ( V cy r SWA IU INJ is V I "Springtime" Styles that are correct yet mod! r ite ir price 1IIII1IIIIII1IIII1IIIH llllllllllllllllllllllllHllilll RD C i r "TV . I - i1 illllliitiyMiiii Hi IH..W M,h M ki-illiii ' WOHHIIH.' ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmm mmmmmmmm PAGE NlNB