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1 NA.L OTTAWA FREE TIIAULII Established 8io OTTAWA journal; Established iuo i T H f WKATH F R. Unsettled tonlfjht, pot m My showcrii ; Sitt ui cl-y partly cloudy and warm J W r m V ffi j a 68 a k AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER VOLUME 5,-jNO. Ititi. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, I KIDAY, MAIM II 1021. VUWKt TWO CENTS IS S UTOUNDINB THREE. GOES TO PRISON PLEADS GUILTY WHEW ARRAIGNED JUDGE DAVIS (ACCUSED OWNERS DRAW S 1 H YEARS OF "HOOTCH" SHOPS 10 FIGHT CHARGES AFTER EMPLOYING HIS Rl VOLVEH IN BODIES OF KIN ML THREE OTTAWA MEN SIGNIFY IN STOLE 11.18 BELONGING TO TENTIONS of CONTESTING IN FATHER-IN-LAW CAUOHT IN BUREAU COUNTY. FORMATIONS TILLD BY STATE'S ATTORNEY KELLY. Jul I . IMll (III II 111 CM - Ill (III I III .-. I ( The Spirit of Easter ! Ill' u hrfnrinsas T .i n t 0! Ill r'tilci 1 1 III 1 1 1 (i I W ' ! : nil till I I OttHWil . . i I ... Taken to Joliet. Vinci i li In , anil ii t ken lo .In ... Zupanclc is under a sentence oi f run one year to and Johnson of from one to fourteei L i - fit! ' t 07 x ' er- v, . i : wmmmm ' NO Pi ai V- rot, Vl UUII III li mi " ' 'r . i IL Tt ' N .VVL- r-- :. 4 1A :;' e - A I If I I It lift. ...ft I 1 1 II III 1 S I 1 l I I 1 i1 1 lit 1 111 ' Ln. I ' i i 1 U ,tl U V 1 ' . I Tv'iViVW X A '.'t . V 'AVWWvVI w J1 irvi tt'': i 1 r,A, ' WWW ' KVWW. vvV mi i I l i : i Rt UUWv V UWW AWftWW , KWVv v'V ujmmmiw . . . COMMUI WAIVE! IIIIT 331 ISTS' it: ISE HIN INKS Berlin, March 25. Belief was expressed today that unless the communists succeed in tying up mid-Germany's industrial areas in a general strike - ' the government will he able to cope with the BOY nnnTrnn i in! n UUJ1LH MITTI mm 10 10 Plfl tj ! kin n II1UUI1U i L i ii : i: . i i ?s iiouiisj oievaiiincr at .i i . . KJ IIU1 U r Mettstcocit .inti Leu- nea, where the communists are heav ily armed. Ia rierce street rigntmg. ' .- iii- L I CUD I II' streel fighting :is a result Df the com munist outbreak which has been in progress In this Important copper ininiiiK town of Saxony wan contln UMfi desperately tnnii?ht with a hand to hand combat in tin1 streets. The rattle of machine gun lire, the ci cmo i oiut lhuuils INU LASSIES ,,i hand '1 HAVE SITE ALL CLEARED OFF' ' PPinK i tor the last NOW LACK PAF.'APHLRNALIA TO , -,- ,,d,h town while Bion ui i lu Di AV PDni! iLnl I , the crush ne ami the n RoiiiK m ill oi the EQUIP IT. The new oast side play ground', a le past end of Chapel street, has boei Ufi PflNTFQK ! nnnl debs leaves prison orr umr or rAiiiv !iu bun I to lo luuiyi and goes jo capital 5tt Hurt Or EARLY IN APPII npw mrrm BY GUARD 111 HI n.lL ',, .ui ll'I'O ; mi'ia i uan in iki i i nucreil in t In or cpunni RfWDnc UI obfluuL dUAKUo END HREE Mi MRERS OF ) fxpire r i ns yea ; HIGH SCHOOL CON. ney . t Daugherty, sii;.imi; into Washington earl) lie to I icnil I 1RIARITY IILI CONTROVERSY joasi Ottawa, who wain some place to the I P us. All ml well iocs m, tne ueuu aim wound iiiir in the streets, where the fell twenty hours ago, wounded were crowded into At least twenty wore kill fifty wounded in this morn hting, Railroad and tele communications are cut and nobillgt has been found ilsr igh to enter the city in bis e correspondent came into T iritis Revolt 'ntiriam ' hrl much I girls of east IBMITS FIGURES TO , n ' in thif? TUi cei di d i u nh thi BE CHOSEN Daughertj to a groui ISTEE will i'i'!;i HAS UNDt t3L I i - i , foil Ii MMISSION. WHICH "o di tinlte program ol u Hon was tak PROPOSITION1'" '"' " W,'s campaigr EMENT, the Roj Scouts, and to equip the new lids oi I di'ji i n pagandi there Is at to their In Losing. ing :h the I III Ml i ;t mi II trio Ni to s that der i ,e,- I . .- TRANS-U. S. FLYER FALLS: BREAKS BACK Active. Of Ins I, October fecta oi He la hh in prison Ottawa i Lotls i - ie murder of a friend. ' 1 onvicted a , . .... , - assail t on his ttirt"-;i year old Btep .... , ,.,-ci Uretta I I I her. Jehi oi I two charges. nlcn to 1 II - ' ' the latter i Murphy H.ts Pol ice Record. tween her five child i Kdwin Vlurphj here Tuesday charged with stealing Seneca, Klgle K Uos trcsh meat from a car on the I'.och Mrs l-'annle s i lau aland railroad, has a criminal rec- Iowa and Victor V I ord in Chicago, his home city. 'Ihis Bellies, morning Sharif! Ayers received a Left 160 Acre ' ' lives llughi in t him that phy was held by the Chicago police. I fixing the value of the As Murphy is charged with burg- entered an the i lary In Ottawa, he will be prosecuted By the terms of the hero, before bring turned over to thi leaves H t!(i-a re farn ChicuKo authorines He was boundland a plol ol ground i over to tho grand jury under $50() .s io his Iwo nephe bond by Justiio Koenlg at a hearing George rtaidwli lb lata Tuesday afternoon. Utet his ar- remaindei ot the estnt rest he is alleged to have eonfossed to tween the i ttder Farm. detecttres that he, George ( rank an l Thomas O'Brien of North Ottawa com mitted the theft Tie- men claim thai alter taking the meat Item I DOS car ihev carried it to the O' Brief! home and that ihev i.. doned it in a freight car when tin y V'cre given a bum tip thai the police were ftr thetn. The meat found in an empty car las! I'riday motniiig. liel hours I . ii 1 i WARWICK HOLDS WAR RISK ACT DIES JULY 1 ii hi - - I'he land tempted after engine trouble had de v el oped ami the plane fell about sev- l ' : 'titenanl Hying over h swamp wilderness. The - ' led 'in helical lie. I en re lie l -, Tin loelo pronounced ( 'om 5 's I Made Trip in 22 Hours. I - - ' n ;. ... reel of I - il - SHRINERS GO TO CHICAGO P0W WOW BALLOONISTS MAY BE ON GULF VESSEL - IV. 1 1 SLAIN DETECTIVE KNOWN IN OTTAWA SCOUTS TO MEET AT C. CF C. HEADQUARTERS meet T1 : 1 STATE REJECTS BIDS FOR BRIDGE WORK ithln Its I bridg" construction srork and road ii alio grading received ivb. is have beer, lot men t s rejected bj the Acpartantt of public aorka and build lags, GOOD WEATHER SIGN HUNG UP FOR EASTER rate tntr,t. 9 coantrv,"