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FREE TRA I )ER-JO U RS A J AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER r OTTAWA Mill I iiMn H Established 1840 THE WEATHER. Generally fair tonight Sunday! continued warm, OTTAWA JOURNAL fcut.lbliiihcd IKW) v. . V. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, SATUHPAY, MAY til, 1921 L'UICE, TWO CENTS. VOLUME 5. -NO. 171 PAINTERS OF CITY SLASH OWN PAY UNIONS WAR ON CONTRACTORS VOLUNTARY REDUCTION OF 20 CTS. AN HOUR TO "CONSUMER" BOTH SIDES ARE HIT CONTRACTORS AND MEN EACH SHARE IN C'l T Bl ILDING OR OANIZATIONS LAUNCH INTO CONTRACTING (.AMI. TO WORK ONLY FOR PUBLIC, SAYS RE 1 PORT. Ui 1 1 cm n ( ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' a v of union workmen, when doing woil ('in ' My for the public, was made i iliiv by Hi'' pnlntoM, carpcni in ai labored! unlonit. With tin1 iinnoutu men) ' ante nfllcial not 1 11 1 al Ion 1 1 1 I accept work in the future only fro i ii'npi , ... I i n n. in i trustors, ami in. ans thai m the futun architect Li- ownet i tie painting eon (rai 'or, III pel we re 1 1 tte Will haw li ii p in by tii ii n i pin 1 1 pH'viuii'i meei union With joining in tin tin- proi "iii when 193(1 i,v,r- R.F.D. CARRIERS OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS MEET AT STATE PARK The rural letter Illinois will hold jloi k tomorrow lug at 2 o'clock, about one tniml' iml in attendance, besides n number ol prominent men and officers ol uio as I'm nit inn Resides the pleasures in rldem to mootlBg at this historic and scenic !;i"'i there will i' a business tn RHion ii the R. F t. association al ; which matters terntent ol the 1 1 II till' l nr. J0LIET BREWERIES ENJOINED BY LANDIS .i.i. ...... v.,.- ! Tlifi first move M what Wm announced ;is a cam- natKO to '-'op shipment of In-cr Into ..... ,..,v mm v.ik. n todav bV tin- 1 nit - d Stales msirici an i men i mi" y k " restra and t ing llic r. linn-, in .... - i.u,..i I'lilr.pns' Rrnwina t ". both ol Inli.-t. from violation of the prohibl- Doe laws, were ohtalned rrom Judge I .andi. W was charged thai tracks owned by theae companies made dally trips to thkueo wnu real lievr. CARPENTER UNION OS CUT If PAY 3 wd.Hn nuun UT WAGES N BA8I8 OF 90 CI nt:- AN HOUR -ISSUE STATE MINT lu PUBILC ON LATES'i" Dl VELOPMENTS IN LAUOR MT UATION. (n ., , , , t , (.r to I t'.daj t a life ) tin rat pe . . ,., ... ' 1 Hp I the I ! li I , i i I ' 1 1 I. ! 1 u 1 1 v. ' brought maintain, and other conditions ivhl 1 n I n ' ui ernntnlttee Mien madi t , ,,t,i!riitiini a- tnlili the rca ith and v.illi till ' ' .. .. ., ;,,i,c t ,,,,,,,, lti proposal was rejwted nn th ClUtt . on IV S'- tul 1 ORG nr or otp am in in ur o . - - , flty tks - A -,lf ff n V . l -, "-- rlfK ";-. HEALTH BOARO ACTS 10 END DANGER ff VARIOLA EPIDEiC TWENTY HOMES PLACED UNDER QUARANTINE STRICT VACCI NATION ORDERS ISSUED COM PEL.LINCi SCHOOL CHILDREN TO SHOW INNOCULATION CER TIFICATES. Oil tv licalth it s reported MRiUiaii Will be placed iv. and Monda ll pldelllii is Pike board . , l 'ashington, raticis tllld ,11 rinlcri'il I. I'ati Mav 31. ai hi Or. W II , B', . li it home pans li" Ith him IlitlC to I West rhool In North (" ! ,, ) (CoBl TILTING THE U. S. A. Made General i h7r ORDER Several cases of small pox exist in the city of Ottawa, and there is danger of the spread of the d persons against smallpox, and Whereas. The Supreme Court of Illinois has held that it is the duty s ich reasonable ru'es and regula- nd promote the pub'ic hoaltli, and Whereas. The Bupremi C-jurt Mas Idren who not , , ..,, ..,.,, hu ...r. u-x or have not neen le'-cntiy sue- Be t Res0V,,di By the Board of voer of" Public Health and Safety j ,,nd Health Officer of the City of Ot- tawa, that on and after the 24th day d. .u. or other pel employed In or about a school building shall be admitted, received or retained in any public, private or parochial (flitted to attend school, who doe:. not present to the proper school author it ttifi a phy had s ternal yeai s. with an cx- B- It Further Resolved, That tin Hi ery public, private and parochial school in said city, o' the order and diiect them to enforce the same. PROCLAMATION. j Whereas. Smallpox is prevalent in our community and threatens U spread. Whereat. Vaccination is the oni against smallpox. All persons exposed to smallpf cordance with the state laws. If you have not been successfully vaccinated Within the last five years, go to your physician and be vaccinated. All persons knowing of the ex istence of case of smallpox or suspect smallpo must report same to the local health officer. under oenaitv orov d- d by state law. 1 Signed) GEORGE V B WEEKS DANA M. PALMER. W H PIKE. M. D. j B i , ou AGE AND CAR WEST SIDE BUILDING DESTROY r n n v c i AUte tuk. uhdmimi -.. FIRE COMMUNICATED Tl roof of HOUSE AUTO Dl STROYED. i Hoys piayini .'. i I. mali'Ii were I garage owned hv .h . vv; Wi t Ji I I tl 1 1 I QYS AND ITCHES nmior oi en UHU0C TO GAf PONTIFF FB0P0SES ARBITRATION AS ONE WAY TO BRING PEACE Duntalk, Ireland, May 21. Pope Benedict has written to Cardinal Logue, primate ol Ireland, ap pealing to both the English and Irish t abandon violence and proposing ,,a,,t.. thai the Irish question be DEATH FREES YOUTH tA- The tit iff sent Cardinal Logue SERVING 2 MONTHS SENTENCE IN If ATTACK OF APPENOITIS FATAL TO r L L I X SMITH, SELF-CONFESSED BURGLAR, WHO PAR TICIPATLO !N CATHY HOME KObOLHY IAN 10. Felix Smith, aged IV. will n in tlii remainder of h tun i ntonce in i lie eountj jail. I I Mini. I I . . I,., an attack of acute :i ppondicit i i. ad i"i and his i ompanlon ere with his family, was abenl tn .'I. A M CHAMPAIGN WINS STATE H. S. MEET i ARREST FLORIDA'S FORMER GOVERNOR 00,000 lire for the white crosa. Kill Constables. On hi I n May 21, Two constablon iarly laal nmin were shot dead near Longford l.. h large body ol armed White a party of police were riding through Dublin streets in a motor lor r, ini niL-iit aeveral bombs ware thrown al the partj by elvillawi. One .1... i I.. I. . (ho Inrrv :ind RXnlod 111 III IIIUD " - t ed blowing two iii the constables In- . I'.-.., I ., II. O ii ipfint nuns were lired :it iif Hackers anil three civilian'.! were ITER SETTLES CLAIM OF C ' $10,000 DAMAGE CASE ADJUSTED ' OUT OF COURT, ACCORDING TTO ORDER ENTERED THIS MORN ING ON MOTION OF PLAINTIFF. The S10.000 damage suit, brought i v Ralph A. Green, administrator fn' th(, late Leslie Cunningham against he c O & P. railway, was settled ,,, ,,., and dismissed toy the plaintin today, klllnd en .Jul v H utmlngham was 16, when he wan j. i,v interut'ban car at the Krove south of Hif city, was returning home with the hi rs ni his family and group of rts after an all day picnic party b terms hi settlement wore not i public. Peru Woman Wins Decree. l- rtiwtm-k ut Peru, se- tornlngi iformed t'endent Aug. it. the court thai sne ana were married In Prim ' on the day following hrleftnas in i'i 'a she a Hi .1 - t tial he beat and bruised' her She also alleges thai on April 28 of this year he tore her drass und threaten a to shoot her. Thi till w as str 'ted this morning ..,,,1 it,,, sei'iirpil a short llillrt BOUND TO GRAND JURY )N SERIOUS CHARGE ( Mr, and Deer Parh .fore Judge o'clock, on ship, was arraign le tliis morning i l Lit Attorney Harry V, Kelly pros mted the case. Miss Hornung was KENTUCKIAN ON RAMPAGE; SHOOTS UP LA SALLE HOTEL An quit." Kanka iia hittel here, caused a .:ii deal of excitement Iml night n n he stepped Into too alley be ... the hotel sad the paatoAoo, . n i ,..,. und Bred several shots in ,. ;iir Tl seapade ceurred about , , The ihot i .'nt Into Hm (VI l A'aa arrMted ami tiiiisl $ia ri te al a Beartag before a IikhI URBAN ROAD niuy unno nr.!n0