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Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA FREE TR A HER JOURN AE, PAOF THRP BEQUEATHS S2.000 CARPENTERS" UNION ORDERS CUT IN PAY (Continued frni'i pugc I.) ARREST FIRST 8TH CORPS ARMY SLACKER Notice. ill be .i meeting ot i h Ale coin council at the Amerl- i itlon for ill' Recognition ii Republic tomorrow evu t'nlmnba'i hall al I o'clock. Prices Reduotdi Chop HotiRfl announce! a n( prh ' i, inn mi change in i it i i terved, The name 1 1 ii o, Over 127 Main rtt. Sunday dinner at DnVBTB'i 1 1 1 1 . ASSIST MEMORIAL 10 HAVE CHARGE OF II. Iltl I'!' I'ollii'll DAY OBSERVANCE MB I 9 V V. in i Hi' in I U tll 1(1 I III Ev! MISS HANNAH CULL, DECEA8ED OTTAWA LADY, LEAVtS LARGE 8UM TOR RELIGIOUS RITES REST OF ESTATE GOES TO HEIRS AT LAW. Q, A. R . W. R. C. AND AMERICAN LEGION REPRESENTATIVES DE TAILED TO VISIT SCHOOLS FOR SPECIAL EXERCISES. WITH FUNDS NOW AVAIL ABLE FOR GOING AHEAD WITH WORK BACKERS OF MOVEMENT ARE READY TO INSTALL SYSTEM. Wi ,ir Ever Aluminum. i ii ale starting May 2:t. l.M an or 29 ( ' His. Don't ml it. fi v daj THE LEADER ITURE c HUO '. , ( ,ii ttt ititd th' thi v be G. A. It.. VV I! 1 (I A I SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1921, WK" SPEAKERS 10 NAME GOMMTTEE 10 BEAN DUINN FOR REQUIEM MASSES CITY PLAY G By the ternifl at the will of the lata Hannah Dull, who died ai hi r Home in si Ottawa mi May 10, Dean John P Qulnn, rector of Bl Co lumbu's church, will receive a legacy (if 13,000 He la to use $1,000 ii tin money In Baying manses tor the ! pose m' tin' bouI ' ill'' decedent, and Um Dthft $1,00(1 m Baying mas s for tlu kuiiIh uf her parents and oth er deceased relatives, .Miss cull left mi ' tate valued at 119,000 and consisting ot real eatatu FRANK KNEUSSL'S t I 0, ('. K K ll.ii wort n i,uoo worth $18,000, Her brother, all tii" properl convert Into i acles ipeciiie nephews, Josi llain Cull, all celve $400 eai ami Qertrude all of Ottawa, . One hundred purchasing hei in tin1 care of The residue divided into i tin- oMu'i' in brotlier Edward Cull Left Estate Wort! A petition for letters tlon in tin' getate of Mi win) died ai her honu March 12, was Bled for Mrs. Shi', i 1 1 mi propel l"i 50. Hr nnn III, n... mal pn R, ('. .Ini WIFE OF BANKER IS ACCUSED OF BURGLARY i : : B. n inn. I. Mr s 5 Charming Victor Records Answer -18738 Blue feans 18740 Make Believe IH742 Sippy Shore 1 H744 On Miami Shore 64947 Also Ask to See Our New Model Victrolas Nos. 80 and 90 $100 - $125 C' SEWING CLASS DESIGNS HEALTH BOARD ACTS TO GOWNS FOR O.H.S. PLAY Em VARIOLA EPIDEMIC (Continued from nace I.) W",ir Ever Alummur Bannon's Music House 127 East Main St. I loll tawi .i:ii I RNITHUE v- Columbia Records for June. ,n unusual nun Morey Robert! partment Mian l.a n Seherer V oil i l rtHlfs pr Jin mm ir i a r (Main want sc lage n vp.j rmn i mm K Shirley Mason in f "The Lamplighter" See this captivating d 5 star in a most inter- New Sunshine Comedy. TOMORROW TONIGHT estmg picture. Also a t.aill painted by tit r 1 the past dranu M r. Emily its ai special must i"' in ry pianist an arn Used l Eelskin to Cure Rheumatism. There is a superstitious belief i vailing among some southerners America who believe in the etlle the BEBE DANIELS in "DUCKS and DRAKES" t Her Latest Success. 2 II you like "live" pictures, see this one. NEARLY INVENT SELVES INTO KINGDOM COME an, I ae elect ri Government and Co-operation. Government and co-operiitloii art' in ll things th" Laws ol Life. Buskin. Marriage Licenses. legal. 0 Hager, Streator, legal M . Bane, liana. 22. Wear Ever Aluminum. TWO GOOD SPECIALS at S ; St. Patrick's Auditorium 3 SUNDAY, MAY 22 l Matinee 3:30 8 Evening 7-8:30 I Monday May 253 SILESIAN ECONOMIC SITUATION SERIOUS lit sllll- Paris, May 21. T atlon In Upper Slle aggttn ated accordini the Prench foreign result of the refuse ployes to restore i rations ami the falli bank In Berlin to s the miners. As a result ol I In ists are engaging in da ami are even i ehipe ot the insur Adelbtn Korsanty, I dispatches say. Detailed Informal the foreign office n man volunteer corp now are about HO.OOt arc. i. divided into manned In Silesia a meets of German o tern In group i ol ail along the front i pteblndte area. Wear Ever puRNrri'itE ft a vo. Cynical Definition. "A haclielur,' letimrks dtappotnt ed PuJv, " " nian tiu Uvea alone with the cue he loves, ' Reduced. NOTICE. Painters Wages Cut. p to p ft SOL LESSER Presents GEORGE BEBAN In his personally produced screen masterpiece "ONE MAN IN A MILLION" A Dramatic Page From Life, Overflowing v r!li Love, I lumor and Humanity With a SUPERLA1 IVE CAS T headed by HELEN JEROME EDDY and GEORGE BEBAN, Jr. Demands 1 hat You Save Money to I ,ive on When l tun Ini i n Stops. II. Wat. Marqnetti POR Ql M'K RKSI'I.TS 1 lt" THE "WANT ls IN THE PR.EE TRADER Jut IRti AL. AVI gfH Paid on Youi Savings at tin People s Trust & Savings Bank J()l IN GARLAND, President. E B, KENDRICK, Cashier. It z i f I i I I Jlj g Is . - v : i Tim i i ' mmm . mmmm m tt MM m f " L A H O M A " A Story of Early Days in Oklahoma rilled W ith Adventure and Romance A Good Production I rosii All Angles SUNDAY VIOLA DANA in "BLACKMAIL" A Spirited Tale of Rogues and Romance Also Two Reel NICK CARTER Feature oniuiu THE GREAT REDEEMER"