Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY, MAY 81, 1021. OTTAWA Fit EE TiTWVEtt - JOtTRN At, paqe rtvi DOINGS OF THE DUFFS -,A.. I,AVI 1 Lit VI - . -M 1HAT IWI J v. V IF Danny Is Quite a Diplomat ( VJHAT AW! V somma Do AoUl ; It V I U'lkl ) , vi.i! ) f Sow CAM V.- - jijj. 11,1 T! - CCT HBH 1 N W ( LKK TfU" - . vi 11 L N - . v, ; ni J I prr i i -i tmmm www i - . i - , BY AI.LMAN ( Cone. OM. let's V V;o Ami? Me c;o ovee and MCK j VA t - I - I, Daily Newslet ? met -e Who OiP SO a Waal aup. The etc ETC P ! ; q A MAY RAISE LIMIT ON PRESCRIPTIONS in Laddie Boy on P r SSUED 10 DOCTORS PROHIBITION l AW WILL BE GUIDE AND NOT INTERPRETS TIONS PLACED ON IT nY OFPI CIALS AT WASHINGTON. Washing! oi 1 1 um have li enable pbysii for racdli ul i necessary, p last night ninety days. The new i er o( Interna Hon ot Dav Salem, N I li u nil lug I 'in llemoval o in r ol preset was made n o( former a gated f i 1 Hi the riKiit to the use of The onlv II t mm li S iM j a Classified Advertising j W WANTED rAPM LANDS FOR f ALE WANTED WANTED June 1st, a e petent pgR BALE- Small farms, near Otta- ..maid for t?oncral housework. 519 wa. as follows: ' s'n H- i.ininr t0Tegi improved I 4,000 40 acres, f; I r Improvomeuta... IS,000 CLKUKS, fmon, women) over 17. 75 bitch, well Improved 16,000 for Postal Mail Service, ?i:! month, ko acres, well Improvod 14,000 Examination May, June. I'Txuerionce ir, acres, improved 6,600 unnecessary. For tree particulars of 20 acres, half timber, Un Instruction, write J. Leonard, (former proved 2,500 Civil Service examinor) 92 qultablo 86 acres, half timber, Ira- Uldg , Washington, I). C. prov:-d 6,000 3 acres, half garden, Im- WANTKD Experienced girl tor proved 10,601 clerking. Phono ill". 116 acres, fair Improvements.. 24,nno HOU8ES. POH a1 i - (Four room house and lot uiiii large barn In block D and 3 lulu in nexl blo k, Inquire Steve iFOIt s A 1 . 1" A line nome on Illinois Ave.; $3,750; complete; terms; tine location; good order; lull value; oarlj possession, T. It. FARKELU WANTED A house and bit 1" Ottawa in exchange for raw land in .tanl ti.iiit Vddre A care this office. WANTED Dressmaking and sewing; gentlemen's silk or cotton hhlrts a specialty. Miss E. M. ORR, over 1 rand's shoo store, Phone 388-K. I'oR SALE Easy terra' semi-modern house for small family, est of references. Box X, this office. cn room modern 1 I ;:t ; $,'1,500; worth WANTED lean rug, any color, at T. B. FARRELL. i the Free Trader-Journal office. ( loiunibus, t Miii 1 UST T MANAOEH itod by 'acturer. Qurnmvs Mr. P 1 1 acco t imi was that noi more ihun one could be prescribed for any one soil within ten days. Raps H'er's Value. Washington, May 21, li Ha W. Wiley, who va i oik e delegate tinil nut "what Is win key" told house Judiciary committee, In a minute talk today, that there wi n medical propel ties in I" er and never had been recognized by medical profession as a renn aetit. Dr. Wiley warned home brewi to 'mil making It unless they employ a scientific brewer It poison, he said took a whack at former Attornej I Oral Calmer for lii.' In t 1 illlng ai stepped out of office. High Flyer. It Is no run nrrenee for Ihe 1 dor fo sour tn 11 helubt of t'uiir mil Llevi ; W.ti awa'sGlassMan God Helps All Those Thai Help Themselves. By buying yt help yourself to them to you for I he has to add h pri s at the Otta n almost ever :s and profit'; You will also help your own town girls tc and enjoy Mother's care. You will help your town industry. Thus fitted. Open evenings, too. ike their livhhood, will .ill lie bene- THE OTTAWA OVERALL WORKS OW. High School Bldg. i 01 m i 0 i (3 C - ' f; . In 1 1 cm a 1 1 1 1 st '','1 re I ica I :;, ' 1 11 1 . -. , .-, - Experience 1111- ' W. B. PUSBY, Central Life. Ottawa, 111, MRENT FOK RENT clean, pleasant rooms. by day or week. Gates Hotel, La Saiio and Mill Stu. FOR RENT- Four room:; over Megaf Rn's shoe store; toilet and steam ; healer. Apply to T. R. GODFREY. FOR RENT Fine clghi room dwell ing; furnace and bath; close In; : $1"; best of references will be de manded; Immediate possession, T. B. FARRELL. KR RENT good bouse and gar I den and other buildings on farm, well located, where a good, industrious lean can always find plenty of work. For particulars call on WM. JAMI SON, liOli Armory Block. Ottawa, III. n3 OR SALE A Lafayette St.; implete; imnu e dwelling on West 5,500; north more; ite possession. T. 11. FARRELL. 'OH S 1 .1 : ill , room house 0' I; strictly modern ilon; very desirable T. B, FARRELL. I'or SALE Modern cottage Po. ot tawa $4600. Also small house $2, 500 and I room house $2, Inn W. U. PUSEY, Real Est., Central Life Bldg. CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY vT Wt kfl II FOR SALE Modern house, central Ottawa $15iio. Also one at $6000 and large bouse $7500. W. B. PUSEY, Real Est. & Ins., Cent. Lfo Bldg. MISCELLANEOUS I STILL HAVE some young elm troe 1 lor sale. It Is not too late to plant them. Phone 934-K. F. C. AE BRECHT, nil Poplar St. OTTAWA, ILL. Effective October 11, UM. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALU CAH AT LOW RATES. EASTBOUND. Eastbonnd cars leave Ottawa ta' jtlon for Marseilles, Seneca, Morrla, roit BALB JBeren room nouse wit Mtaooka, Rockdale and Jollet. HI. to hot tnr heat, fcaih room, laundry!, m. 5:40. b6:35, 7:55, 9:56. 11:66, In good condition. Three large lots, i In p. m. 1:66, b2:56, 3:55, c4:55, :6, 1 qnatitll; of fruit, Center Ottawa, II,- 8:06, 11:05. 1 600.00. Miss Qerlrude Harris. i WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa it I roil HALB rtT room eortage, bard-; tbm for IRlca, La Halle, Peru, Hprlng wikmI floors, furnace, km, electric Valley, Ladd, DePue, Bureau, lrlnc lights, $4,000; also 6 room cottage, ton in a. m. f5:55, gfi:i0, f8:25, f9:66, city water, two largs lots. $1,100. both Id 10: 65. fli:55. In p. m. fi:55, t3:66. In weat Ottawa. Mlsi Uettra Har- g4:65, 15:50, k7:55. k:55, mil 16. ria. ! . SOUTHBOUND. UPHOLSTERING FlPRA'lTt'RR iinhol terlnu work F0R BALE 81X room, lew, modern Southbound cars leave Ottawa t in it ii 1 , . cabinet, work. Furniture finishing work. Furniture repair work. Mattrqss work. Done pra tlcally and well. GEORGE BAUCHLE. Phone s:; bouse; in good location; noattng (,, f,,r Grand Rldgo, McKlnley Lark and plumbing worth from $2,500 to an() streator In a. m., 6:56, 7:65, 9:66, $3,000; hardwood floors, colonadea ; li;55. In p. m., 1:65, 3:65, 5:55, 6:00 etc.; for quick salr from $6,000 tf j 11: 00. $6,000 leas than houae could b j b Jollet, dally eicept Sunday! tad erected. MISS GBRTRUDK HARRIS, holidays. e Morris. ; A ' 0eir(9etosoc9(i9oe We Grind Our Own ,enses, and Now We are Going to Grind Down le Price oi Glasses for 0 Days. Urea and Tobea Fa dstfr HI 1 36 1 w si - HN- y Vs 1 Hit1 A B )UJ tlic tread! x "Tl Huttrcssed; n iti forccd : rectangular; affording twice the ordinary road surface anil possibly twice the wear, with per fect security. Independent Supply Co. Central Illinois Distributors. We have .ihmit 200 pairs of' small and odd shaped glasses 1l1.1t we iln not coir in carry any 1 it. ;ll j; .. ..f f I l ' I l i . I I III II W, ll I J . P 71. ,11 J for $2.50 complete, includina 1 stinc vour eyes. T These arc lirst quality lenses 5 "l 10 and 2U years Gold Filled 5 frames, that we formerly sold for 5 $4 and $5. f Old style Cement Bifocals (far K and near) for $4 today. The fl regular price oi these is $6,50. i W grii f es and oia grim I at t ' :nse made. I W. H. LAW F.A.Kossow Roofing Co. Tar and Gravel Roofers. All Work Guaranteed. Residence roofs of the very best. Have them fixcii for 1 rainy day. Plume La Salle 1400 It Professional lards Dr. E. A. Kelly DENTIST IU'5 Columbus St. Ottawa, 111. All work guaranteed first class. Office hours s a. m. to 7:30 p. m, Sunday hours 9 to 12. Phono 226-Y. FOR HAEB Three modern hou8 In Fast Ottawa, west of Orleans street for one halt rata, ills (ertnd Harris. for SALS Very good 7-room bouse, 6 blocks from court bouse; all mod ern conveniences; a bargain. Also fine residence In East Ottawa, with two lots; very reasonable in price. W. B. PUSEY, Real Est. ft. Ins., Centra! Life Hid fl Ladd. f Princeton. g Ladd. daily except Sundays ia holidays. m--La Salle. I 1 I Iih is a ran one in need l ill need ot a :hance for any asses or anyone econd pair of rate mice. Dr.H. Fiedderman PILE and GOITER SPECIALIST It piles, i remove by an absorbent method thai removes them forever, No knife, no Chloroform, no delay from work. GOITER, I reduce tiy a depends!)! absorbent method that gives com plete and permanent results. Pon't wait until your heart eyes and nerves collapse -conserve your health. At Hotel Ottawa, Ottawa, 111., every Saturday from a m. to 6 p. a. Oilice over Atkln'l store. Room 3 J04 Murray Bide. TH E RON L, LENA M. Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTORS. palmer School Graduates Room 12-14 Central Life Building, Ottawa, 111. Phone luiiS. Hours: 10-12. 8-5, 7-8. Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard ot Health. 111-112 Moloney ISIiIk. Phone 620 R Hours; B-12 a. in, 14 p, rn. Dr. C. F. Van Atta Successor to Dr. llerzog. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 404 Central Life. Plume 1016 W FOR SALS- Five nouses east of Or leaas street, all of which will be sold for much less thaa the actiall value. Miss Gertrude Harris. HOUSEHOLD GOODS pin p ALWAYS BUT TICKETS AMU 8AVM MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM l:M A. U TO 1! !!5 P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO Via Jollet, III., and Chicago A JolM Electric Railway: $1 HO Round 0n8 U.UU Trio Way' (Return trip limited to t n days) 11.85 I h AUTOMOBILES FOR MISCELLANEOUS FAST FREIGHT SERVICi. Phona Aqnt fo' "ull lnttrmmtUf THE FREE TRADER-JOURNAL AND FAIR DEALER, 115 West Main Street. FREE I 'RADEH -JOURNAL PTC, CO. Publishers. NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVM S, C. Thels Company, B58 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO R I . PRESENT ATI VES S. C, Thels Company, 164 Monadnork MINNEAPOLIS s. c. Thels Conti r Location. 2 rn Chicago, betwei Lakes Naval Ti U'ju uml Fort Shi Write Dept. K est College. Lake rth ot VRREEL SENTATIVK Lincoln Bid. mav be 1 of Wheeler S and Pyla'l 1 FOR SALE Big type Poland China hoars; cholera Immutted and reenrd td. Also sows with litters at side Phone Grand Rtdge B526 or write WILLIAM H. NAGI.B. U e plan' ,ldar St. ( Taxi J 824 Li Salle St. Open Eveninus, Too. 129 West Main St. - Ottawa, Illinois. t Streator, 111.