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i or t . OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNA1 AGE TWO. CAMP ROOSEVELT Hf i CONFEREFS FAVOR I1L1 FEATURES FOR '21 ss 1 'i he benefit ladies ol Ihe lust night in 1 1 Huccessful ,,( party given b Hi larj ul tii' 0 ii r 1 1, ii was a very About 120 guei is were in uiieuutoL iuc unu i prettil) decorated in Vmerlcan Flag kite evening nenl in playing euchre, nve hundred and bunco, very pleas IM. Ul PI H BRANCH LARGE APPROI WORLD'S HIGGE A H MAMEMT H - STAHT OF THIRD SEASON TO FIND BIGGEST AND BEST Mltl TABY OUTING FOR BOY9 SINCE PLAN WAS INAUGURATED THREE YEARS AGO. I. ant time.' being enjoyed I TII'JIiSDAY. JUNE! TO - N I C H i ST - , OFFERS MANY NEW Muskegon. Mich., June I -GMij n larg f'rt ami ' mmy 1,111 "" uiuhb. Camp Robwvelt, the big sum mtr training cwnp ntr Muskegon Midi . will inaugurate lie I BUe clMful -eaaon on July 8. The camp vin be open for a period ol i gni feeka, closing on auk. 2'- Four two week periods will maks ip the i j m ejete couree ot training offered ana if boy may en roll (or oo or more w the two-veeJc periads If he does noi eeit to annul durinn the entire ium- Ceanp RooeeveU baa been and wiu continue to be a aacceaa, because jffrda au attractive, and prontabii Aimmer t owaWl price for the boys ho attend II The wholesome, open an- exercise, the picturesque location $ml the touch of romance make a Stronger appeal to iae uoy nation and Intereet than anything el be thai could be devised for an cig,uii7.-il summer outing. Wttotasoroa pleasure, with propel iiioclations, is provided and the boys me grounded with healthful moral atuospht-ti.' al all times Antliorized by U. S. The camp la operated under the tuaplcat ol the board r edu atlon ol Die city ol Chicago and the War De frartment of the United States gov t, i,in, it Cafit. Frank L. Beala, In t bare cm the Hhilitarj training work In tne Chicago bigli school, is In persona CiHuiiiaud of th- camp. Capt. Beais has long heea prominent In military tiaixai.K work and had charge ol Caapp Steever, the predecessor m Camp Roosevelt, and was the founder and has been In charge since the In dention t Ciuup Roosevelt. Localion of Came. Kiv,. iuiIhs m)uiIi i if Muskegon, Mich., on what CoL Halated Dorey, jfi h a . calli an "ideal location the besi I have ever aeon" ( amp i be camp Bite an irouda are separated from Michigan on the west by a r -hit;!! -and dunes whn )i aro tl, Ciilliili t he lr. alal tusmisi " 1 "r " " ReU 1 orps vh,, b ivaa held ye del i rntlv was given. The ladles uukln these reports were p art e, Mae Ingha the intuitu. -f Miss Alice Smith sixteen girls tonight Center Ottawa, al i . - lalit ilat-i ! Patterns for Home Sewing A pattern of this Illustration will be sent your addreiB. Kill out the attached blank ami in til to the Free Trader-Journal enclosing 16c m money or stamps. I'l.ase allow tendaya' time In which to have nattcrn delivered you. II , ami : promotion in camp. All noncomm ii.iouia . sit . T ..l-u (1 th iommiBsione sary nil iiiin at i' trades second M i. .mint anil tantain a!' those taking a special course for tiual- j Iflcatlon and after completing a sat Isfai tory examination. Thi se boj I ment and handling otht rs is Invalu able and does more to develop Inltla li Vi ' ! 5535 L! - i -!)) conditions foi Of 12 and 1 I Even facll given in bw iwlmmii w perts ami taught i i Itrui tor.: Overnlg hi pei lent ed i tlve feature, in the Mlcl bi.ili Interea iove red in flu. Krai h .ill, I i,in- trees. A la-all jjful inland lake, Monk, liei to the east and i- connected with Lake (Michigan bj a channel. The camp, with it- wooded arena ami broad level 'drill grounds, ilea forty to fifty feel above the level of the lake Drainage and sanitation are pei feet The water supply comes from (artesian and deep wells and has been analyzed by the state health depart punt of Michigan ami aalo the health department of the city of Chicago and (found 99.4 pure. Camp Roosevelt is far enough awaj front the city of Muskegon so thai Vie boys can he properly safeguarded Yet it is easily acceesible at all times. Live In Blq Armv Tents,. Bach boy lives under canvas In the large, roofayi pyramidal army tents urmshed by the 0. 8. governmenl Vive boys are assigned lo a tenl Tne fund is good and substantial, tin test meats vegetables, fruits and ce reals .being served at mess. . Kaeh 'bov should have an examina lion to determine his physical coudi lion before coving to camp. Corape setii pbyslctana -will be on duty In ataanp. Physical training is given a mosl promlnenl part In the cour e and is a part of the dally routine. The phyalcal Inatructlon Is fitted to the needs and limitations of the Individ uni No boy is advanced more rap idly than his physical condition war J'iltlts Al i icma of recreation, Bporta and athletics are carefully organised and planned These are told of In an other column. The camp has two part the Ite ei'.,. Officers Training Corpa dlvia-l inn ami the Scoutcraft division. Th R. O. T. C. Course. While the u. O. T, c course la de- ) Igued for members of i; i) T C niiils, any bov who meets lin age and physical requirements ma) enroll Certificates will Ins I sued lo tin. e successfully canihhliui: , :,, ii pei lod Only one cerl IHi ate sued to each student . hjowev r, 'I iii- course ts designed to glvo rath hoy (he best physical results and al the same time a thorough working knowledge of infantry train Street, rtbx Training In leadership Is the I gists. , : The Scoutcraft Camp. The .a huh ran i most inti resl Ing a turea of Camp Roosevelt The aep arate camp forming a part ol the whole, offers healthful outd ' life MTiii.-t must carefully safeguarded kRT l''ROCK FOR THE .11 NIOR el ii tin- ages 1 : id emit' - I CEDAR POINT COUPLE MARRIlD BY pervised by ex tter '-till be Hed Croaa In- n charge of ex ill he an attrac d nature studiet educational Ev iken t.i sen the Experienced I An able and e) r etor h is been Scoutcrafters E ifled assli Unta to erahip and care boys Can Qnal f a-i Sc jats. During a two e -k v i ""l suffl i i, i in i in- j, tally well qual ' ii e proper lead- UVe with the wash fabrics are atitractlve for this A pattern ot thia Illustration mailed to any address on receipt ol 15c in sil r ur stamps. t-l4-i":--t"f-T"i--:-4' I Pattern Dep't Please send Pattern to m' T address, IS Cta. enclosed. i i n n in quality a Hi in one pe Poatoffice ike F II re mired for the it. '1 is boy to become --it r x. c a FEAN.K KNEUSSL'S k!J CORBUS' PHARMACY, A Great Opportunity under hlijh state of cultivation .von small lake In one corner of farm : toi ked imI'i tori hsh. n tin picture at management on and will sacrifi Tin- improver in whit h o crops wiu yiolt Bmnil cash i VI ,r . . ...... . 1M.-V arm Ufa worth llv lle from town. ibtc to carry on the mint i t an accident ts and r.tork on the to it are worth at ie ni to,' planted ,000 bushels. men . balance long Come and see the m oid buildings ii I unit y to sec ore a nuch leaa than the George A. Crowden Let George Do It." .s w - ir Jr - ..-.V 'j WMM Dili , PILE and GOITER SPECIALIST PILES, I remove ny an absorbent method thai removea theiii forever, No knife, no chlbrofbrm, no dslay from work. GOITER, 1 rodnce hy a dependable absorbent method that nlves com plete and permanent results. Don't wall until vo ur heart eves ami nerves collapse conserve your health. t Hotel Ottawa, Ottawa, ill , every Saturday from 10 a. m. to ti p. m. fllllce ovet Akils atore. Room 303-304 Murray Bldg. Streator. 111. 4 S jet i o 5 Paint Up! Clean 1 & I m i i 1 1 wa KUMA2WKVKvwwM!we!WgawWKWWW We Have Reduced the Price J Un every piece ot Jewelry in our store, as we 2 have too much goods for this time of the year. 4 t rhis is a fine opportunity for you to save on 2 5 your Graduation or Wedding presents and 4 4 give gilts that last. 2 4 We are selling Wrist Watches for $15 that 4 t others are asking $20 for. This is a rare 5 5 bargain. Come in and buy that present here and sav money. You will lit,- pleased, I am sun'. W. H. 1-.AW JEWELER & OPTICIAN b.A La Salle St. Ottawa, Illinois sr -a-aaa nsor ii iff ForEvery Purpose and the right sort of hrushes to put it on with and at the right price $6.50, $8.00, $8.75, $9 Subjct i to Prior Sale LEAD OILS VARNISHES READY SHELLACS MIXED GROUND COLORS PAINTS STAINS W. D. DUNCAN DRUG STORE. JU1 UAH 1 Main Street (9 T 9 to 9 a v j it tnd three n iiC pictures every Si Fork FOPv. THE JUNE C-racJucite Gifts of jewelry Arc gifts that en dure, arc accept able and appre ciated. A C omprehensive display of good jewelry makes selection easy at this store. The 1 prices an- most reasonable. R1GDEN 210 W. Main St. mi Sii 1 1 1 n a i i lest of c a; I f iT-if I m ' -'