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SR-JOURNAJ u fTAWA FREE I RAORfl Established 18 tu OTTAWA JOURNAL Lstahlbihed 1 880 WEATHER Generally fair tonioht and russday; not much Chang In temperature. AMD OTTAWA FAIR DEALER VULUMK rj.-NO. 195, OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, MONDAY, JL3NJ5 20, 1921. L'itiCE, TWO CENTS. LEGISLATURE tt: V-iZjL J DEATH IF TWO RUTLAND CHILDREN '- isy vvi - i k, Jr - AH K'T TIS' P.. 1 x.? BABY. JUST BORN, DIES SAME DAY TRAGEDY TAKES OTHERS DIE -IN HAY BARN TRIPLE SORROW CAUSED MOTH E R TO BEGOMI SERIOUSLY I LI AFTER ORDEAL THE H AO JUST CONE THROUGH FAMILY lb PR0MINEN1 AT RUTLAND. Btreator, June 80. (Special.) Six candles placed prettily on top o( a birthday cake, proved instruments ol ii terrible death to two citiidron and perhaps fatal burning of a third yea terday afternoon at '' 30 o'clock, when tlu' trio, all offspring hi Mr. and Mrs Kerne ration, ol near Etutland, loos ilii! cuke with Its Daring torches Into the haymow ol their barn to "cele brate" HtUe Maxlnc'a sixth auniver amy. Maxine and Wlllard, aged I, today are only charred aembiancea of their former Bweel selves. Royfleld, 8. in at IiIh homo suffering burns which las) prove fatal Roylield heroically tried to save his brother urn! sister, and In fighting to rescue them was horrSbly aeoftched anon the head, ace and body. Maxine and Millard, trapped on the haymow and with all BVenueti "i cape cul oft fiy the rapidly spreading Bre they had Innocently started, won charrejd to a crisp before the Bainei had reduced the barn to .i mass o smoldering ashes, only their bono tvere taken from the ruin:.. A bahv born Wednesday to Mrs Fallon died a oilier two IHt out, bringing few hour; before tin live trip! ll tragedv the home and causing the mothor, , still in bed, to become seriously ill. , Thoughts of Mother Causes Tragedy, i Desiring to celebrate Maxine's birthday In s manner befitting such , an ovenL the cake which had been carefully baked In preparation for the fete, with lis six candles all lighted, gave opportunity for too much bols- WMP terousness to permil of s party In mi,!, the home, where Mrs Fallon lay a m1(, patient after giving birth only a tow . ,, days before to a child. The little tots nr,, decided to go Into the bam and there owj, have ii function which would do prop- half er honor to Maxiao's great success i ;i, One of the candles Is suppose I to ! chair have toppled from the rake Into the s;h hay, In a few seconds flames spread j i,, in to the doorways and windows, cutting off ail avenues of escape Royflold rii braved the names with little Maxino mid rushed her in the open dooT, bill Kile seems to have become panic stricken and darted back Into the barn, Royfleld Jumped to safety but th nolhiiiK more was seen or hear I of the sister, or Hudr little brother, un til searcBirs in digging through the ruins today found the charred bones of their precious little bodies. The family resides about midway between Wonona and Rutland in La P 1II0 county, and is well known throughout thai territory. La Salle Printer Suicides. La Salle. June L'O I Special. I rnomaa Rhode, aged a printer em- ployed at the "Open Court" in this city, shot and killed himself morning at 8 o'clock Rhode denpon lent over I he dea I h ot mother, who died aiboul six w, ago He is believed to have 1 temporarily insane at the time committed his act. this I was I his he Rejected: Shoots Self. Dixon. June jfl rasper Wails, an 1 auto mechanic, shot and killed him- self Saturday night In front of the .1 ton school teacher, with whom he had been keeping company and wh I ' bad told him thai she could not go with him longer. Two Drown at Kankakee. Kankakee. June '.'a Ralph Mallow, if Chicago, and Carroll Brkloy, of Kankakee, son of a former pastor of I Trinity M E church here. were drowM I Sunday in the Kankakee riv r. i 1 . I : Appeals J. P. Fine. John Shurman of Pern, who was lined flu in a Peru justice eou t on June is. when it was tried for Striking Joe KtnecfHskl In the nice, 'took an appeal to the Circuit Court ("lis after-, noon to avoid paying a line HhunnMI pleaded not guilty t the tines of the I hearing. RUSH OPENS TODAY p" M FOR JUNE DiVORCFS dJm' f IN CfRCUIT COURT BARNHARDT RELEASED FROM jail TODAY AFTI R M AK I NO ALIMONY SETTLEMENT WITH HIS EX WIFE, The ru ih for Juno divorces al I he courl house today exceeded the rush for June marriage llconsos, and the June dlvorceehi win In the future vie with (In1 Jiiur liriilfs. ii' today's pro- lings are a sample of the future Released Fr&m Jail, Barnharl of Thayer, m . w ho held a prisoner In the coun r (on day ror failure to pay .vifo, Mrs Maw J, l arnhard! or, the $ In a month alimony ,:, ty jail tor his first M i hi Streator alleged to V as said Ii nnytnonl i due her. Barnhardl $B80 in arrears in llio alimony. .Jle made a t ol (350 today, and Mrs Itai i 'harloi nr.i nted Crngier i tol I the zior won arges of doHortion. thai he and Mrs. (' rrlod N'ov. U, IWf; a until March, 1919. wh i Crnsiicr deserted hi , lived togi in' claimi of Ills son, Edward, aged en Days After Divorce. Pin w i i granted an an in ; marriage to Julia hi the court that ho and ere married in lows Dec, Wei ''ha i i N'lllm apart from him Woman Securer, Decree. Ida Mlchalowskl of sn, a-1 loye nf a Streator laundry, Ivorei fron 1 i, i on cha rge of cruell v. ' Str Mrs ft that many it when hr II 111" i 11 -to as Bet for trial this 11 vnire of twent; tO hear it. THREE ARRESTED IN RAID ON N. SIDE HOUSE ordi rly and llsturblng the peace, mah lng n impossible for people to sl u1 p Pat Dawson and Jake Severns of Sheridan, together with Oliver L Rette ot Bast street, charged wit! 1 rating a house of ill renute. wen -t, d ahi loc Le Rette home According to authorities. Le Rett? has been oneratina a disorderly hftiiai and Dawson and SevetHS had visited "'at place on Saturday night While '" ""' hot i" trio Of men are said I d arguments which re-1 10 n"v suited Ih a free-ier aii fistic encounter. 'IUI""IS neanng tie rumpus ami me 1 on 1 remarKH 1.1 tiie lad., notified the police. Officers l-'x and Relllv r ponded t, the call, and upon ar rival at the I ... (..,. hoiMl. found Da .ti anson and Severns throwing rocks at the residence. The two men were un der tie- Influence f liquor and were; tnkn into custody and lodged in th-.1 City jail. Uawson mid Severns told 'heir side of the story and gave report nt the - Rette in usp to the officers, who Itn mediatel) returned and Dtaced 1. I,, tte under art'. .: The taken to the county (all. latter as Is No Fool. The Ulan win, never talks of thu grent things be l going li do nmer lia lo explain afterward why ln didn't (I 11. Transcript you TMbCovE-fc THE M'JNtV TO PAYMtH Of) VOOR Trlfc The vou- BIDS CALLED FO ON FIRST SECTION OF ROAD TO STREATOR GRAND ! 4.16 MILES OF. T WL i rJ RIDGE AND OTTAWA WILi PLACED UNDER CONTRACT ON JUNE 8 START AT GRAND I RIDGE END. I Springfield, June 20, (Specls pcn hut., in tin: in .Inn tor the paving 01 inui U 1 and 1,1 of federal Aid I'm eel roads No. 7 in La Salle county, I beginning five miles south of Ottawa and going south i.lti miles. This road is the section of highway between Streator and Ottawa In tie vicinity of Grand Rldgo, which was recently plaited oui for Improvements, it is the beginning of the linking of Ottawa and Streator by an eighteen fool concrete boulevard highway. With the letting ot the Initial con- I ' 4 t i rrors tracts for the pavement ol the road way, ii is probable thai the entire roadway will be under the course of Improvement by the la e fall. By the time tins is completed unawa win oe connected with Marseilles, Morris, Jollct, Chicago, La Salle and many of the cities West Of here by an excellent concrete highway. T0NICA GIRL WEDS DEER PARK YOUTH Rev, U. K l.awler The) were at tended b) Mr. and Mr-. Leonard Bod- nutn oi Tonlca, The bridal party drove to the county seat in a brand to w car. in which liny sc. tiled dis- l to make their honeymoon trip Marriage License. Kerinchcck. Chicago, Charles K Cora E. Ba Aurora. Is". Sheridan, 32. A G Horn baker Streator, 2S Anna K rocker, Streator, II. Dwlghl Ahh Marie Uodm Pal k S, ii o lfef Marcus Smith. Chicago, :". Cecelia Joann Stanton, Chicago, 24. Diction. Te noble both iii the affluence ami flu- economy of Wealth that mr diction ; spare no I ran pui In, and toi crate nx Unit v thai .an I vYvulwortii Hi , OU'. 'I b SOMETIMES, IT HAPPENS! you havmii Men TH6 LAST NtW CAR, AG NT Of companv jops you fSk LEGION TO ORGANIZE WOMAN,S"AUXILIARY AT MEETING TUESDAY f I as w c( res 01 hership in t pressed tholr tvfth theli so tlblo to mem- have ox Inlng up" nklns Ot- awa post the meetin r will he callo I to ordei Each legionnaire ba I I to bring bis womi a sssion, and a ma jorlt y 1 ilii ation ha vo promised 1 the movement by In- 11 8 o'clock. ,,, ,. ,, . reiving the n Me v will hel Mol Inns, wives. mem hi rship '""" ieue I unj ny 1 ummumier" 1 rooi 01 ui 1 tawa post, in which was enclosed a ! 1 1 1 1 m I 1 s 1 1 j 1 application with full in (ructions that the blank lu tnd be returned to ih" pest INVALID CUTS THROAT: BECOMES DESPONDENT OVER LONG ILLNESS Supposed to have been despo Rcause he was an invalid. Ruf tempted suicide hist night about o'clock at his quarters at the La i County Home, west Of this city cutting his throal with a largi no knife. According n announcem bj Dr. A. J. Roberts, although gash is a severe one and his wind torn bv the knife, the man will 1 ol the nihil !i his hand at The kt was cons it could not Ql. V J i t r,u i i'- 1 i i j - -I "4r --- m , , I 1 O'Donnell Immediately notified Super-1 petitioned to b appointed the admin-1 latendent Edward Met all and Dr , : Istrator, ffe, bis father, Baeklcl Mar J. Roberts wa summoned. Th" man shall, and his younger brother. How was rushed to Ryburn hospital. It ard O, Marshall, are listed as the only was discovered that his neck was se-j heirs, verely cut and that his windpipe had j neen terribly lorn. Several stitches were taken to clove the wound Clifford when young suffered an ail ment Which caused llilll tO heeunie an Invalid. He I unable to leave Ms h A at iniv time has a t roth Resides bis mother h residing in Seneca. LEWIS 0UT FOR JOB HELD BY G0MPERS Denver. June W John I. lywis. presiden: ol the United Mine Work erg. todav formally announced that ho was a .-a:. delate for tho pre idea- ' of t he n erlcaa rodeiatioo of La tier in nppo- 1 on lo BaaMMl Oompers Mr. Qaaaaer said my name will g tiefore the , ..-.. ml ion ; it will net In wPhdrawn, AND SUP OUT TO THLr WITH you vt 50T A PRICE: S Ft-DOCTiort Rt-BATt ( VCOMiH WHIC-H JtST , SUIT VS. COUSIN IS DISMISSED IN COURT SENSATIONAL ALIENATION PRO CEEOINGS DROUGHT TO AB RUPT HALT WHEN PLAINTIFF ASKS THAT CASL OE STRICKEN FROM DOCKETS. $30,000 da suit started UStUB A. I! ill1-1 Alfred V ,1 his own costs thh morning, The -nit is said to have been an action for ilienatlon and was started after, it is laimed. the affection of the plaintiff wife had been usurped by the defend rincipals are prominent had it cume 0 trial, ail likelihood been one ol tie most sensat tonal 1 Vet 11 '! Ill tie1 loi al tribunal. Dirm'fj Land Case. The 110,000 damagi suit started In tie ( ircull court lasi fall by Ambrose Defenbaugh of Btreator against S. J. Merrlmer ami the Great Eastern Un company was dismissed by the plain It is rumored the ttb'd out of court agree ment d the suit Dana Estate of M0.CCC estate Mrs, Nettie J, Mar- t h.-r home in Dan., ie 10, was filed for probati 1 According to th petition ft of administration, Mrs Via al property worth 16,000. lor eldest son. Orville C, Marsh COUNTY CLERK TH0S. FERGUSON HOME County (Terk Thomas A, Ferguson, ho has h en at Hot Springs, Ark . ince January recuperating from a s ere illness, has recovered sufficiently JUDGE FRIEND TO TRY DIRTY SOX Chicago. Juno .hi Trial of eigh-i toe! former has.. ball p layers and mittors charged with conspiracy I' I COW 'he ISIS world - series" was signed to dav Judge Friends, who "1 r iioiinceil lie WOUIll set the CgM lOT xi Monday. Ii A i i SMALL SIGNIFIES HE WILL DEMAND ACTION ON HIS PET MEASURES Springfield, June 20. Governor Small an nounced following adjournment of the legislature last night that he will call a special session of that 0 uu Ronti i 10 SEDUCTION SOU J. J. LACY ALLEGES IN STATE ME NT OVER OWN SIGNATURE that HE never had immoral RELATIONS WITH DAUGHTER OF NEIGHBOR. John J, Lacy, prominent Grand Ridge farmer, who was made defend ant in the 1 5,0110 damag nit started Charles Scldmore, teda branded the suit as blackmail. Mr. t-acy, reel ing that he has been Injured by the articles published In IliO Ottawa pa pers on Saturday, and claiming that ie has been falsely accused by Sold more, this afternoon over his own signature, submitted the following ar ticle concerning the suit to the Free Trader-Journal tor publication. Mr. I.acy's article, which makes a startling is as follows: Ottawa. 111. June l'u, 1921. To i'ie Ottawa Free Trader-Journal. Gentlemen 1 In last Saturday's issue of your pa per then appeared an article in which it was stated that I had been sued by ( harles Scldmore lor $15,000 dam ages for seduction of his daughter, Blanche Scldmore. The article also slated that I could Hot. be found to give my version of the affair, My version ol tip affair can be given in one ward namely, blackmail, I wish to further state that 1 have had nothing to do with this woman in an Immoral way at any time; that the only dealings I hive had With lur 01 her father, either directly or Indi rectly, wan to permit her father and liis family to live on a small portion of my farm, which 1 did as a mere mutt' r of charity. I have this day In structed James J. Conway, my attor ney. In forci this case to trial at the very earliest date possible, for the this Ided vlng 1 :i" community, where l have practically all my life. 1 at this article over my signature so to protict you from suit in the eve that I am in any manner inisrepr senting either Scldmore or his daug i,er, if any misrepresentation lr her Inabove made 1 am Hnancinll f sponsible for the same. Respectfully your JOHN J, l. AO POLAND BREEDERS la m i pi amq 1 TU FARMER N ANSWER ELECT OFFICERS Fair Site Deed in Air. 10 of the Poland china breed- Springfield. 111. June 20. Tho eon La Salle county met in the farm I troversy between the state ami San- 11 nfflnn Snturriav aH, moon, gamon county over the fair ground June 17th, and organized the La Salle County Poland China Breeders ASSO- elation, p W, Voung, who is state secre- tary Of the breed promotion commit is present al the meeting, and an enthusiastic organisa Ion owing this, a constitution and) s were adopted and the follow- ing named men were elected as Boers: Henry Bruch, president. Thee P Miller, vice president. Ralph Mason, secreta ryKtreasu .1 11 Arntcen and George Elmer. 5.YEAR 0LD 6RL CLAIMED BY DEATH laughter Evelyn Brown, ",-vear-i and Mrs. Charles Brown, 504 1 log for conference reports include tho tuperior street died this ntorn- Sadler bills providing the death pea nit 4 o'clock at the home of 1 altv for holdup RtOH, rents, following a tour weeks', Springfield, III., .l ine M Pinal de of rheumatism and leakage of I termination of rev enue needed will lix: III 1 lie1 rate l 86 cents, chairman Sme.i- was horn in Ottawa in Jan - ;' """ ' u.,p er dbttitiiw sue leavis nT par- i nis. un nrmners. rvmpn ami losepn, :,I,(I i , iiam IMm ,.i B" (.-,,,, ..vices m he hell Wed j- ,, ,, , . . '. ,. I f ,,;, Bfrcrnoon at .. o clock front 1 tho fatliilv horn-1 Intirmenl will ,e made til Riversrdt cemetery. ' body to reconsider ac Itionon measures which 1 met with defeat during the closing hours of the assembly. All these bills, it is said, are on the j administration's legislative program. At noon today, the governor said ho I had not decided on the date tor call- ing tip1 special session. Th three items in the. call for tln.5 session probably will be: Revision of the tax laws. Amendment to the civil service law. Home rule for Chicago utilities1, Blame Thompson-Lundhi. Domination Of the Thompson Ilia chine over the state administration, resentment over the Thomnson-Lun- dm lobby, personally conducted by the Chicago mayor and ("Ted l.undin, and a sudden determination by many members to break away from the or ganisation in which they had only a half hearted Interest were attributed by anti-Thompson Republicans as the reasons for the legislatlvi si. impede I away from the governors program " i lie uisi nays 01 me session. Defeat of tin Thompson organiza tion in the recent judicial elections in Chicago started the desertion from (ho administration, sonn members claimed. Entering the last day with little leg islation passed, both houses showed ;i remarkable hurst of speed in passing minor measures. So rapid was action taken on many bills that it Is believed Governor small will veto a largt num ber of them. Ten days remain in which the gOV ernor must act upon the mass ol bills dumped onto Ii 1 111 in the last two days, while some of his pet measures were suffering defeat at tin hands of ,, rein llious senate and house. True to his promise when he was selected speaker in the Republican caucus la., January. Gotthard A, Dahlbe-rg gave , very measure a roll call and appre ciation of his fairness was expressed on the floor by both Republicans and l)i 11101 rats as members were bidding each other good-bye. Like the speaker of the house. Lieu tenant Governor Sterling refused no demands tor roll calls in the senate. No Date Set. Spingfield, ill., June l'u. -Governor Small basset no time lor callitiK a spe cial session 01 tile legislature as an other effort to Secure enactment ot his measures whtch rwere defeated in the closing hours of the regular ses sion. The governor only announced I" his disappointment over the iuiiiiio I of the tax and traction bills tluH tho I special call would be made, Appropriates $171,000,000. Springfield, 111., June 20, 1 otal tu ennial appropriations passed by tho fifty-second general assembly which, closed Its regular session Saturday night amounted to 1171,465,390, in eluding the road and waterway bond funds and other "bookkeeping" ap propriations The amount which re flects a slate tax rate of sixly-siie cents, is made up of the general hoot jirul imivel'Mil V -ir I I . : : , t ' i , M 1 ' K,il! unsettled. Racking tho auminiBirmion 1 ii" .onieieiice cum- mlttee on the ominous bill left in 1,111 uu' provwo mat wi,uuu OUld be appropriated for permanent; improvements at the tair grounds; only upon condition that the county give the stale a title which contain ed no conditional clauses. Last minute action of the leglsla- tur, ten ed the creation of the in arbor commission to inve, pro posed plan for b deep the Illinois-Indiana line, e day. Nov. 11, will be a. Illinois unless the governor m asure adding the anni the close of the world war harbor on Armtlstt Illinois physicians will not he h. d $1 prescription- tor Honor by m tale law as a result of the senate's e Self hill j Bills defeated by the exhausted I house of representatives while wait- ; ka I f th house appropriations com mlttee said. In addition to tho tax effcting lig-ne- the following Hinds were appro ; i llliei i and Mii higan .anil fund, $100,01 n Khe prevent ioa fund. fUl.ltH. Highwav construction. malntenanc9