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Ottawa free trader journal PACT THRTft DISCLOSE SOVIETS OF RUSSIA BEHIND AMERICAN 'REVOLT' THE LINE THAT MAKES THE GOWN LLAR MOVIES LURE ILLINOIS GlrrL FAR. FAR AWAY COINAGE FOR FIRS hail iml li found a j ' oropuny i ,ov III k that bruneti TIME SINCE IE 1 I nail I mini' MONDAY, JUNE 20, 10P1. SILVER DOLLARS IN T LUSK LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE EXP08E8 NANU S OP MANY PI R sons IDENTIFIED with BOI BHEVISTIC MOVEMEN1 IN nil. UNITED 8TA I I s New Vork, June 20, Revelation which tt'iui in 'iinu the existence of 11 ( i ucerted effort un tin pai i of cei lull to-called "uplifti rs," educators and ministers in behalf of revolutlonarj doctrines In this country and altuinn to halt participation ol the I'nltAti If W 1 IP J N v . - yp ; ' f B I Park s j and mi 90,000,000 "EIGHT BIT" PIECES, K,., SUSPENDED LONG TIME AGO, ('orpori ARE IN THn MAKING A X U. 8 on n Wi MINTS 80LD METAL TO BRIT- he can ISH. ' gin I Cigarette r'atln r. II ird liver dollars t: Don. An I'.n V.lllU' ol II arap pan.- HEALTH AND EDUCATION BRYN MAWR HAS COURSE H OF ILLINOIS PUPILS EUR WORKING WOMEN liildi. lml,i ti si.-itr' iii i in' world ivar, arc contained in the report of the Lusk legislative committee which Investigated sodl tious activities in this state in the report la printed corespondence sup poaed tn sustain the charge thai the opponents of the war had noma will lag alda in the n ar di pa i tment, on the federal bench and In congress In some respects the efforts were-a I lied tn those pi 1 VV. W, and oclallsl agitators. Among tin' many mentioned In the leport are Miss Lillian Wuld hi tin Henry street si tth menl ; Mlsi Jam 4ddama of Hull House, i hlcago; Da'Vid Star Jodah, foriner prei Ident of I. eland Stanford university of Call fornla; Senator Robert La Kolletti ami former Representative Claude Kltchln. Others mentioned prominently are Scott Nearing, Morris Hillquit, ' Hi Bill" Haywood and Victor Berger. In the report (a published much cor tespondence, showing activities and opposition in the promotion of the war. which cause the busk commit tea to iiiuhe this gtuerul charge as tn their purposes "A drawing together of all the rad iiai forces of wdrkingtnen, suggesting aacs action, a plan of soviet represen tation, ami an international co-opera tion with the socialist ton is of Eu rope" The prime movers were said to be Louis P. Lochner, who was the aid of gprl Aluie SchwimmeV, the Hungarian rep- cerith resentative ol Germany In this coun- i,,. try prior to the war, and who arrang eontal ed for the Ford peace party, and atlve , Kogt r Baldwin, who erved a year In ar prison for violating the selective draft ., , . act and wan at the head "I the na-i ' , ,' tlonal civil liberties bureau at 70 Fifth avenue. In a letter of Septera :a p her. 1917, Baldwin wrote as tollows: flr oa "We want to look like patriots In Per p' everything we do. We wanl to "'-t a But lot of gimil tint tall ,i good deal I school about Oie constitution and what our are 1,1 forefather wanted to make this eoun- "l'v try, ami to show thai we are the folks that really st.-uiil for the apiril of our tratnii institutions." I commi The correspondence published la..,jmi shows : health 'One letter In which the writ' 'H,.lnoi (iainis that he ran Influence a federa ! , , juiige In behalf of I. W. di fendant .JL ' Who had been indicted for violation of , the espionage In . " . '" A claim on the part of Roger Bald- 01 ,n!' win that Secretary ol War Newton ' '''' : D. Baker was showins considerable affect sympathy for the conscientious ni, 1 that l lectors, adding "thai the men all will roedlci lie freed as soon iif the war is over." of win 'Ihia later. In large measure, happen- exatnii cd. The A letter in which th charge Is tho si made that Victor Berger, tlx Milwau- hope kee HOClallHt, knew that tile 'KUSSlan revolution of March, 1917, would n .suit In Russia withdrawing her sup pwrt from tin allies, PROSPERITY OF UL S. DEPENDS ON CREDITS San Francisco, June is.- Restor ation ot American foreign trade de pends upon extension ol long term , credits and Increased buying abroad, W. P. Koelsch, president of the National Association ol Credit Men, declared today In his annual report to the convention of the organization. ' ' "It is high time," he said, "thai we I :u" as a people began iii realize that we '"' cannot prosper alone. While it Is true rei that the United states n is foreign an traiie more than at any time In Its lei history, this trade will not be secured be and held without great efforts on our ,, part. At home, these efforts will have to be directed against measures de vlsetl by men who believe thai Ann ri eu can be prosperous even if the rest of the world lares industrial stagna- tot lion. The restoration of our international i gco commerce depends largely upon long hghes) lM .lk ,s rhuvlo, h, 2,07fl reillis. in my mutmc jh,i. m. ... These eredits we are better able to extend than any oher people. The reversal ol our position from a debtor to creditor nation brines obligations which we have nol yei recognised bul limit If We are to lie saved fioin mini itiinir our onDortunitiefl and seriously I oil effecting our return to proseprity, "We must learn to invest in foreign 1 n lands. Trade will follow OUT m VMtments. We must also learn ti buy s well as sell. We musl nol k expect lo sell aioue as a creaiior tia tlon for there is no rule In business which would long permit thai Wt wottld simple continue to demoralise our opportunities and retard our pro d action for foreir.ii markets " No rettc b&9 the t amo delicious flavor as Lucky Strike. Because Lucky Strike is the toasted cioarctto. rtiln at' I II i 1 1 1 I'elll'ill. i ss, ofnciala salt: intlnue ior Un- i to its p 4 t lo lilt till ' -Well, Tinker.' .-aid the blslu linn mi.' Tinker looki tl at 1 gravely, a ml from tun laj n tended another cluss," H niai i ,. .i i, ed t hai the story, as u eii as lacks confirmation. j Mongolian Pony Hardy Ar I nr endurance, cleverness . inn lit v the Mongol nouv Is pan I'il illver doita mi '' plus th er content its, Mr. Ba COSt i.l lliell liars to i;ng silver lam ad Director lo Englanl amounting silver, at i pn. u n 1 1 1 i will the new students and letie and social actii llw mud ol hair and thickness ( hoof I' is never shod proteel him froi bitter cold, For food he ban scrape away the StlOW with Ins feet ami and i he sparse remains i summer grass underneath, Chloropicrin as Insecticide. Ae report to the French nay n that no other weapon against V t and insects is so effective as el i pterin. If live grains "f this fo ery cubic meter of space ' p ill a room, every Ilea, moth, ll or other Insect w ill be dead iii i, hours, ami the as has no eflei on metal. wimiiI The real economy, con venience Improvement of modem ELECTRIC FIxriJriES Let us dere instrate today! i I K P k 108 W. Main St. Phone 302 W. Ottawa III. il on meiai, wnmi, paint or dye. J Want Ad in the Free Trader urnal for Quick Results; Ohio. MIchiga lansas, Missoui a, .North faro ia and Distri Mason Qc Tim mason is a builder o tnortu r, 'I he LructtVB lines, 10 an increas- I he accented senteu i bine np ions sorts, hosiery and knit Roods makers, laundry WOljtfiM , cigar box Kers, etc. Flowers Not for SIck Room. All flowers grown from bulbs tfTe ingerous In rooms where thre is top, B met It'll intial Nest. I name implies, - of stone ami tttached i" al e ami actually tones cemented The house con ivul shape, and d. The cell is by the neither, a hole in its wever, she her- Real Stove Firot Made In 1885. Stoves are a comparatively recent but oils ll health be. W Which England I. 1821 ol ihe present active can ,, . j gill eTMIiSil limn i l in I liiin i n 1 1 t I nil I and trained olutionll a . & & bb: ' ramtup: of Instructors cannot render efficient the morning hours and in the after I Uildrenl-'iiamen, T Ke library wi n , : sy. joriiven ami. i.'.-ian.i ....i ,, i;,., ',',,.', KftVVsN . or Am m W. Wd r Announcing the Maytag Agency mm Up TurDose The Mountains Change Not. 1 We change our point of view, but the mountains themselves change not, Whatever tace they turn to us, what ever their appearance, it is always one of beauty. 1 hey ari mere breaks in the crust- -crushihgs ol the earth-shell and by the same reckoning color is a mere break In the beam of light, but what a wonder Work each of them spreads before us!-violin C Van Dyke. Queen for Nine Days. i This is Straw Hat j Cleaning Season Make yotlf straw hat fit) another year by having us clean it. We arc experts ill A this business and guarantee A 1 our vvorK. t 1 . X"J.V'. V. rwJ si and the right sort of brushes to put it on with and at the riht price OILS LEAD VARNISHES READY SHELLACS MIXED GROUND COLORS PAINTS STAINS W. D. DUNCAN DRUG STORE. j 0 OTTAWA Hat Cleaning Shop A t TA A 1 VS. tim Tlie shortest reign of an Rngllsh S We specialize in cleaning men's tnd ladies' Panama I i its. j E IE m r HlfHIN BoMreh was that of Lad) .lane tlrey. In I6S8 She was uueeii for nine days, ami then she was beheaded, and Marv, the daughter of Henry VIM. vuine to tb throne. Also I)ye Ladies' Straw 1 1. its ,mv l(,r. of Inlerurban Station. i FACE POWDER Thisdenghtful Face Powder X) cos tarns uo Karmbtlrogretiirats tir . n I .1 m . " n oniqi eu na am a agssssj I k. x t wwni I ' I'TTTiTli I I I n'llil i inllrT Cabinet Electric Washer Do you re lize what wonderful advance the Maytag is over oj 1 style wash- r? It alone has the famous Millrace Principal of Hushing hot , soapy water through the meshes ol the fabric with an Unusual And the Maytag Has many otKer improved ments which make it the i'. ist refined elec tric washer ever produced. ; C nine in and see i( demonstrate its marvel ous quietness and smoothness in operation its ease in operation and control -its beauty ol design and finish. All of these will convince you that tht Maytag is truly the lasl wor I in electric washers. Come in for a Dc-rncnstra iYa Now The Leader Furniture & Rug Co. 813-15-17 La Salle St. - Ottawa, lllinoia