Newspaper Page Text
MONDAY, JUNC ?0. 1921. OTTAWA FT? EE TRADER - JOURNAL. f PAGE SEVEN DOINGS OF THE DUFFS ov- lON" PPEl iiKt j WE'VE OWED TMM GOING 0V6P TO BOWN'i (ACAU POP A LONG TONIGHT- I'M TI8EP! plMfc' VOL' GO lP-t's r;o TOMORROW 'CAU 'HBM US ANl1 Tom Almost Got Away Witht It BY ALLMAN WTr&JT' a. ii - -1 vw I J - Wm Mm i -3LJm y HEMP .1 Ijl Tni.j BROWn'6 RESIDENCE? Id MR PROWW THERE? OH.tCj That so? cot of the CITV? MAC K" NEXT vMEEK-OHVES' Thank oo MRS, 0ROMJ 1 MOOSE OP GOINO TO BR m OVER S Mr- I ft'if fiACICUMTII. nrnor NEXT VJELK. iJn'i JpOWNS TUMP MR 15BOWN S OUT Of-' TOWN AMD WJOW'T I Tt7 auv , AikTED -MAT ? STRANCaE, JD7h T: MPS ttoM1 MR ANl "'' ARE PORCH - ThE just Kfti VOU THAT? H i 1 U ' H1 CAME' .... r.-fT DAILY NEWSLET Interesting Bits of News As Seen By the Eye of the Camera Willis' Uncles See the President Frank B. Willis, Ohio senator, is showing the sights of Washington t" his four uncles, Left to right thev art- John 13., of Boston. Bralnard, Senator Frank; Frank A. and H. K. Willis, all of Delaware.O. The young' 8t of the uncles la over so. Snapped at the White House where they shook hands with President Harding. Lead in Heart Crack Athlete at Three I Lawrence Settcrlleld of BIoomin. flale. N. J., has five shotu in his ; heart and 14 in his lungs. Ho haa been discharged as cured from Pat lerson General Hospital. Ho, was I ehot accidentally by a playmate. Routed! If H .. ... L Roberta Johannes, daughter of the chief of police of tho Balboa Jamil Zone, is only threu years oil. Vcr .-'a.':! an expert swimmer, diver nd acrobat Tne trapeze and rings uro her favorites. Carpcntier in Society QeraM BriggS ot Denver had a rubbish sack for a bed for two (Weeks. But when (he rubbish men fragged him off and dumped him Into the rubbish heap, that iinishod ft for Gerald! Oldest Grad Brigadier General (, C. Olbson ot ft i'slitoalnni 1 in Uu eldest rraduatc of West l'oint. Ho ctle WatcU bj )4ttj L'U-tUtUy .fcvvully I j , ii 2 -! I Carpcntier attended a aoi lay gai dj n pi ty U Uoslyn, L ... Riven foi the I ree Milk for Itali" Fund. The tody ah him is Mrs. Frank c. Ben HWfVMi 111'. IIUlVIHK m . - r . T , g1 I Classified Advertising HELP WANTED WANTED Juno 1st, a competent ..maid for general housework. 019 Cbapel street, phone 785. WANTE Five laborers. Apply at onca to AMERICAN MAGNE BTONE CORE'. YOUNG MAN with executive ability in manage local branch for large chain of tiro stores, (loud references required. Tlrea guaranteed 8,000 miles, tires at prices thai compel business. Manager shares In com pany's profits. Musi invest 600. Won derful opportunity- permanent busi ness IiIk profits. If you arc big enough to carry this responsibility! write or wire. .National Tire Stores, 1 120 Michigan Ave, Chicago. ATTENTION, Agents and Mall Order Men. Ynil can bull. I up a Rood business which will mean an ncome or life. Send for free booklet ;f unsolicited testimonials like this Fort Dodge, Iowa. Sept. ":i, 191B. Rheumatism Herb Company, Hear sirs: The man I treated with your Rheumatism Herbs only used it five days and ho walked downtown two miles to so(. me last Sunday, and now his wife Is also taking the Herb foot I laths, so you nee I Rut results the first time. Respectfully, A. I. Hall, j Price $! Pound, 15 rounds $5, Rheu matism Herb Co., K yy?. Ocean Park, Gal. WANTED WANTED Dressmaking at my new address I can take on more work now as I have help. Men's shirts of all kinds also made. Miss E. M. Orr, 811 Columbus St. Burrows flat, 3rd Boor, Phone 261-X. rAM LANDS FOR SAL.E i""!' acres level, rich, black Illinois land Will accept other real estate or stock of mer chandise as par: payment. This land is pri I at a very low figure. Ad dress "C," rate Kroe Trader-Journal. Ottawa, roll SALE Small farms near Otta wa, as follows: .'. acres, well Improved $ 4,500 10 acres, garden land 10,000 :, I Hcros, one hall cultivated... 10,500 85 acres, one-halt tillable, bal. timber . . 5,000 lu acres, fairly well Improved. 13,000 20 acres, three-fourths limber, small bldgs 8,600 UG acres, mostly black. Im proved 2:',,(inii And others. Terms can be ;ir- ranged . W. B. PUSEY, Ci ntral Life Uldg. Ottawa. Illinois. 800 ACRES improved farm in crops. Beautiful home. Will show photos. Small lake, big llsh. 2i horses, 75 cattle, li5 hogs, crops, feed, and seed all no with sale. Accident compels owner to Bell, Reasonable cash pay ment, balance long time at tl' .; . Here Is an ideal place for a farmer and two sons to make 0 fortune as farm will sell much less than its value. Qeorge Crowden, Ottawa, 111. "Let Qeorge Do I." FOR SME HOUSES. FOR SALE Several good houses in Central Ottawa, $3,500 to $10,000. W, B. PUSEY, Real Est. and Ins., ( entral Life Bldg FOR SALE Four houses, West Side, $',7oii to $6,000. W It PI BEY, Real Est. and Ins., Central Ufe Bldg FOR SALE -A line 7 room residence, nearly all modern, large lot; also six smaller places in South Ottawa, $1,800 to $5,000. Also vacant lots. W. B. PUSEY, Real Est. and Ins., Central Life Bldg. FOR SALE The Claussen house on Qridley place; opposite J. L. Bane's heme; $4, 000, or "ill rent It to a ten i.nt with credentials. Tel, 648-W. T. It. FARRELL. FOR SALE Martin Crawford home on Norrls St.; Is now too large for the members of his family who are now lo re; it will serve you as it did him if you need a home; come and see me about it. Tel. 84AV. T B. FVKUKI.U FOR RENT I-Oil RENT A good house and gar den and other buildings on farm, well located, where a good, Industrious tran can always find plenty of work. Cor particulars call on WM. JA Ml SON, 306 Armory Block. Ottawa, Ul. I Taxi J V 601-W J CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PEORIA RAILWAY roll SALE A One dwelling, on West .Madison St., lor $5,000; worth more; modern conveniences; new woodwork and floors; One porch; Kel lastone exterior; come In and ask ouestions, Tel. 648 W. T. B. FARRELL, Professional lards WANTED -A house and lot in Ottawa In exchange for raw land in Mani toba. Address A . care this office. WANTED Furnished, modern or semi-modern house for 6mall family. ct r,f rpfpppnrB. RnY X. thin offlrn. WANTED Clean rags, any color, at the Free Trader-Journal office. Dr. E. A. Kelly DENTIST 1125 Columbus St. Ottawa, III. All work guaranteed first class. Office hours K a. m. to 7:30 p. tn. Sunday hours 'j to 12. rhono 225-V. FOR SALE A house on De Sota St.. for $1,500; a few hundred "down.' balance any old way; well adapted aa home for four to six people. I had it Bold th other day and my custome' was happy; he asked a friend's ad vice when he needed on advice; now he's afraid. I will sell it to someone ( Ise rather than knock off a few bucks and 1 will. T. I!. FARRELL, OTTAWA, ILL. Effective May 23th, 1921. LOST LOST A cameo ring in the Wool worth Five and Ten Cent Store. Finder please notify tho Wbol worth office or this office. Reward, LOST A blue and sand color satin girdle, between Central Life Bldg. and top of wet bill, Cinder please re turn to MorrlsRey hat shop. LOST Several bills. Finder please Inquire at Crescent Theater. Re ward. AUTOMOBILES Foil SALE Five passenger Btude baker In line condition, almost new tires, a bargain at $:!nu; Series IS, 7 passenger, good tires. Ill gOOd condition. $475; Series IS, .", or 7 pas senger, special body, tires almost new, repainted, u good bargain at $700, Overland run only 6,400 miles, quite new at $.".nn. DOLDER'S GARAGE. THERON L LENA M. Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTORS. Palmer School Graduates Room 212-14 Central Life ulldltig, Ottawa, 111. Phone Bins. Hours: 10-12. 3-5. 7-1. Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR. Licensed by Illinois State Board of Health. 111-112 Moloney Bldg. Phone 62n H Hours; 0 12 a. m., 1-4 p. m. Dr. C. F. Van Atta Successor to Br. Hoir.og. Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat. Office 404 Central Life. Phono 1015-W. I OR SALE I have a food home for some young couple; a well built I house mi jollet St., No. 409; 7 rooms; i gas, electric lights, city water, sewe, cement walks; if you are afraid of spooks or paving or sich, don't call; if not, call 648-W, T. It FARRELL. LXPRLSS HANDLED ON ALL CARS AT LOW R A TES. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Marseilles, Seneca, Morris, Minooka, Rockdale and Jollet, Ul., In e. m. 5:40, b8;35, 7:56, 9:55, 11 : 65, In p. m. 1:56, n2:5fi, 3:55, c4:65, n4:55, 8:05, B):00. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Utlca, La Salle, peril, Spring Valley. Ladd, DePue, Bureau, Prince ton iii a. m. f5:55, g6:52, f8:26, f'...r5, dl0:55, fll:55. In p. m. f I fj;55, d4:56, 16:56, n-d6:56, (17:55, f9:55. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Qrand Ridge, McKlnley I'ark and Streator In a. m. 5:55, 7:65, 0:.'i5, 11:55. In p. m, 1 :55, 8:55, 5:55, 8:00( 10.00. b Jollet, dally except Sundays anl holidays, c Morris, d Ladd. f Princeton. g Ladd. daily except Sundays and holidays n Sundays and holidays only. FOIl SALE A gOOd stout, powerful i'2 ton truck In good tape. CONDE MOTOR BUl'l'LY 00 Motor Ambulance Service E. E. Gladfelter Funeral Director Phone 97 218 Madison Street OTTAWA. ILL 1NOIS BUSINESS NOTICES FOR SALE Who wants a, One home on Second Ave. and (Hover St.'.' I can interest you, Tel. 648-W. T H. FARRELL. FOR BALI Seven room Bouse will hot water heat, hath room, laundry In good condition. Three large lots, quautltjr of fruit, Center Ottawa, IS, 600.00. Miss Gertrude Harris. FOR BALB rive room aottaga, hard wrd floors, fontace, gas, electric lights. $4, "'Ml; also 5 room cottage, city water, two large lots. $1,100. both In wast Ottawa, Mis Usrtruse Bar rOR BALB-8U room, low, modnrn Electric Railway; mnise; In good location; hnatlng (HO AA Round One and plumbing worth from $1,600 to (IJ.vU in IS.O00; hardwood flours, colosades etc.; for quick sal" from $1,000 to ffi.uOO loss than house could b I erected. MIS8 OBRTRUDU HARRIS. I FAST PREIQHT SfcRVICF ALWAYS BUY TICKETS A NO SAVR MONEY. TI KET OFFICE OPEN FROM 6:40 A. M. TO 1 1 :35 P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO Via Jollet, III., and Chicago A Jollet i fit; p Way fl.Ui (Return trip limited to ten davs) ,. k. K . I'bnne Agents for cull Informatlo-!. FOR SALn Threi mod'ra nouses In i ast Ottawa, west of Orleans street ' -u for :t vaiu. Mist Uertrads Harris. F.A.Kossow Roofing Co. Tar and Gravel Roofers, All Work Guaranteed. Residence oofs of the very best. Have them iixed for a ralnv day. Phone Im Salle 1409-R UPHOLSTERING j i n T'UNITI'KK upholstering work. Furniture cabinet work Furniture finishing work. Furniture repair work. Mattress work. Done practically and well GEO ROB BAUCHLE. Phone S.17-X. roK HAL Five nouses east ot Or leais street, all of which will be sold tor much less thai the actaall vain, lflsa Qortruds Harria FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. THE FREE TRADER-JOURNAL AND FAIR DE ALfcrf, 11!) West Main Street. FREE IRADtH-JOURNAL Pit. CO. Publishers. NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE! K. C. Theil Company, 151 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO REPRE8ENTA1 IVB8 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday. June 32nd, at "::!( P. ML for the trench digging, pipe laving and backfilling in the laying Ot water mains M per I specifications on Tile In the oifico of he clt clerk. W. W. ( CUTIS j . City Clerk. FOR SALE Big type Poland China boars: cholera Immuned and record- fd. Also sows with litters at slde.lS. C. The is Company, Mil Moaadnock ITione Grand Ridge B53S or write I Block. WILLIAM iL NAGLH. annttfilini ta in ii: I MJ15VT ATI VH S. C. Theis Comoanr. 7"6 Lincoln Bid. rm baias encap, v bottom Hydro plane launch; i cyi, KernatB ma- tine motor; speedy runabout; I pas senger; auto control; top. side cur tains, etc. Phone 344-L alter 6 p. m. cigar Store The Free Trader-Journal may be found at the news depots of wheler A Malo, Kneussi Brothers and Pyle's FOR SALK l have a S,000 not drawing ti per cent that will di COUUt t per cent lor some ready cash this note is first-class an.l gilt-edge Address A. c . c ue this paper. rt R BALE also buffet! St. or phono 922-L. Boys and Girls, Hern is a chance tot 'bo hoys anl girls to earn a little speniMg money. The Ftee Trader Journal will bnv all the rlean rags yoi will brinT to their office. Lock around your home foot extension table. tall at "i Chestnut I aaj sea what you can gather up in tfca Jiuo of clean rags, auy coor.