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TUE8DAY, JULY 26, 1021. OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL. PAGE THREfc sport page 1 PONTIAC SERIES ENDS SUNDAY I sport page W AND f HUFF 10 CAPTAIN NINES AT U. OF L OUTING FAMOUS COACH AND ATHLETIC DIRECTOR WILL BE GUESTS THURSDAY AT STATE PARK PICNIC BASEBALL CONTEST TO BE FEATURE OF DAY S PROGRAM. I IardintfjPresentsiGoIf Trophy Tho committor having in charga ttio University o( llinola picnic July 2S at Btarved Rock bvs completed ;iii UTiutfsBMnti of trbs.1 is expected to be tho biggest gathering of collegt people in the northern part ol the state. All former itudenti of tho itato univ(?rsii, Inoludlng students of all uiiiiiatcd schools in Chicago, whether graduates or part time si" dents, and tho present students ii aro now homo on their summer vac: tion. are to Kttthor ;it the state park Thursday afternoon Every st mi -tit l eligible to bring tin nombers of his family and basket and enjoy ket and enjoy what i expected to be the tirst annual outing. O. Huff, director cf athletics, and Dob Zuppke, coach of several times champion University of Illinois foot ball teams, will be n hand to add to tho festivities. "O." and "Zup" are to choose up sides for a baseball game to start at It o'clock, with "(J." play ing at his- old familiar post f lirsi base. McCurdy, the star oi Marseie les and next year's varsity captain, will probably cover the tirst suck fur the "Zup" team. Thornton and other old varsity players will be on band. Following the ball game a meeting win be held in the dance pavilion, al which State Senator Thurlow Easing ton of streator will act as chairman. Short talks will be made by tin tinguished visitors and Illinois songs will be sung by the assembly, bl by Fred Beam of Ottawa and Neureuther of Peru. Following the me, ting a picnic sup per will be arranged in the sbad.. part of the lawn In front of the hotel, to bo arranged In one large group. Bach family or group Is expected to bring their own basket. The com mittee has arranged to furnish orange ado for the picnic. Following the supper the evening win be devoted to dancing In the pa vilion. BOOTLEGGER WINS LAKE ST. LOUIS RACE Montreal, Que . July 26. The sloop Bootlegger of St. Paul. Minn., today won the trophy defended toy boats entered by the (loyal St. Lawrence yacht club, taking first place for a second time in the international races on Lake St. Louis. Freebooter, its companion entrant from St. Paul, again finished second. This gave the Yankees a point victory over the Ca nadian sloops Bed Patch and Beaver, 14 to 6. Bootlegger covered the thirteen mile windward and return course tie day in 1:35:05. Freebooter, which crossed the starting line eight sec onds astern of its companion, finish ed one minute and three and one half second later. Beaver came in third, a little more than a minute later, and Red Patch finished last, nearly ten minutes after Bootlegger hud bean bailed as the victor. At times during the last leg it seemed that the Beaver might wrest the second position from Free booter. After the yachts squared away for tho run before tho wind towards the finish line the Beaver remained in fhlrd position and the second Canad ian, boat always was a considerable distance in the rear. Weather conditions gave the boat men everv opportunity to demonstrate their skill. Half a gale blew tho lake and the water was covered with whltocaps. i When .Tim Barnes, Pelham, N. Y.. professional Bolfer. won the Amer-, lean DPen golf Championship he received the trophy cu from the hand, of Pnsident Harding. This Ih the first time in history that the golf tropliv has been iresaiitib the naUi ruler... Barnes is a professional at i'vlharu. N..Y SOX CONFESSIONS KEEP COURT BUSY Chicago, .inly a. The confession testimony is expected to consume tho entire day and if tho state decides to call William Maharg ami Joo Osdton, their two remaining witnesses, they probably Will not take the stand before tomorrow. The state, however, may decide its case is complete without their testimony. Meanwhile preparations are going forward for the proposed investigation bv a grand jury of the newest baseball scandal, the alleged $10.Hn bribe given by Arnold Rothstein lor tin1 testimony presented to the first grand jury while the state's attorneys have also announced a wider investigation (II: -I of tin- 1!19 scandal and other possilde Indictments in case convictions are secured in the present, cases. STUDENT COACHES TO AID STADIUM FUND, III., July 26.--Students in the stttnmer session of the University of Illinois school for athletic coaches will have an opporunily to make pledges to the new stadium fund, ac cording to a plan announced by tho executive committee this afternoon. A campaign among embryo athletic directors will be held Friday and it is hoped to raise several thousand dollars. The student coaches them selves are keenly interested and have requested the opportunity to contrib ute. Final examinations in the coaching Bchool will be held Friday. A cam paign among the I-'.OOO summer stu dents other than those in coaching will be held early next week. PESKY DEVILS QUIETUS P. D. Q. P. P. Q-. Pesky Devil Quietus Ii the nme of the m-w rhf-mical that dually ends the bus family. Deil Bugs Roaches, Ants and leas. aiP. D. Q. killi the live ones and their cess and stops imur fenerations Not an iiwect pouer ut a chemical unlike 3ou have ever used. A35-entj packaec maltci on-? quart and each paokaje contains a patent snout to ct the Pesky Devils in the cracks and crevice. Your Dnunrtst has it or ha can CM tt lor you. 1 FAMOUS ENGLISH RACE HORSE Eclipse, Bred by the Duke of Cumber land, Was the Sensation of His Generation. Thai celebrated race horse. Eclipse, which died Feb. 28, ITS'.), Ut the ripe age of '-'" years, received his name on account of bis belt g born during an eclipse of the sun, and it became curi ously significant and appropriate when in mature life he was found to pass all contemporary horses as regarding speed. Eclipse Was bred by the I Hike of Cumberland, o brother of George HI, anil afterward became the property of Dennis O'fCelly, win, on ins death be queathed tin- animal, along with n Ids brood mares and nlhcr horses, to his brother l'l.ilip. For many years Eclipse lived in retirement from the turf, but was In oilier ways a source of considerable revenue to his nwuer on account of the many visitors who came to see the renowned hero of l lii race track who was passing bis Inst days ut Clay Hill netir Epsom. In those days It was not the custom to Insure the lives of animals, ami the fact that Eclipse was Insured for an enormous sum only made his popu larity the greater. When it became necessary to remove him lie was so worn nut that a carriage had to Ik; especially constructed to carry him. The secret of his Immense success was revealed by the SUtopsy, when it was discovered thai his heart was of unusual size, as it weighed thirteen pounds.- ( !hlQBJCO Journal. Handicapped. "Ah wouldna sny MacTavish canna learn the game," said Sandy cautious ly to bis golf partner, "hut what with being both religious and tongue tied It will be deeticult, aye, verra deed-cult." Base Ball PONTIAC Romine pitching AND OTTAWA Lynch Pitching SUNDAY JULY 31 "NUFF SED" Thursday, August 4 BELOIT FAIRIES AT OTTAWA Renin er the date. How They Stand AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won, Lost. Pet Cleveland M SS .637 New York f,6 .'3 .629 Washington 4H 48 .50J Detroit 45 48 .484 St. IOuls 4;! 40 .467 Boston 41 4!t .406 Chicago 4u .",1 .440 Philadelphia 56 .38.) Yesterday's Results. No games scheduled. Games Today. Chicago at Washington. Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at Boston, NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pel. Pittsburgh 0 M .659 New York 55 .'',4 .618 Boston 61 36 Brooklyn 4'! 10 .600 St. louls 42 46 .477 Chicago 40 48 .455 Cincinnati 36 52 .409 Philadelphia 25 62 .28.' Yesterday's Results. Pittsburgh. 6; New York, No other games scheduled. Games Today. Brooklyn at Chicago. 1' Philadelphia at St. Louis. Boston at Cincinnati. New Vmk at Pittsburgh. BASEBALL GOSSIP TURNS 10 WIND-UP OF PONTIAC SERIES ROMINE AND HIS PALS HERE SUNDAY TO DECIDE CHAMPION SHIP OF LIVINGSTON AND LA SALLE COUNTIES. At the present time, baseball gossip at sporting Headquarters is ut its highest pitch, regarding the coming game between Pontlac and the Ottawa Cubs, next Sunday afternoon at tho North side lot. A continuous buzz one that seemingly always has the name Pontiac and Romine attached to it, can he beard at various points livery local iiaseball fun Is more ban enthused over the coining game and they hare Offered great odds along tin betting that Dunn's team will win tin saw-off. in some cases the venture seme tuns ill Hie city have made bets of $100 to f70 that the locals will de feat the Poatiao Athletics. In others they have offered 2 o 1 and several others have placed good sized sums at 3 to 1 odds. At Pontiac, according to several lo cal residents who have been in that city within the past, several rays, fans are stoutly hacking their team and there seems to be a horde of "kab nei- there ready to back tho Athletics in the .Sunday battle. Pontiac fans aro dead sure that their team will win and that they will band I 'nun's nine a handsome defeat Spirit such as is reigning in both Ot tawa and Pontiac is just the thing for such a game. A lot of opposition and good backing by fans of their team will make next Sunday's battle one of the closest and best ever staged on the local diamond. The game no doubt will attract a record breaking at tendance. When Pontiac played here earlier in the season the locals handed Pitcher Komine, lormer 1 hree-Kyo leaguer, an awful trouncing. The locals proved the superior team, but when they went I to Pontiac, they were given a "raw" Pel. Ideal in every way. empires, Pontiac manager and anybody else concerned in the game in any way did their best to give Dunn's men the worst of the deal. Poor sportmansbip on the part of tin- reformatory city players and umpires reigned supreme that (lay but next Sunday, before a real crowd of Ottawa fans and playing un der tin) decisions of two of the best limps in the state, Pontiac won't get very far with the fast local club. Talk of a Jolfet Standard-Ottawa Cubs game also has reached tho top most point in local baseball discus sious. Fans are very eager and are anxiously awaiting the day that .Mana ger Dunn will announce that .Manager Zime's Standards have been booked for this city. from tin- OUtstart of the season Dunn has tried in vain to A Dozen Sport Shorts By HECK I. ate suppers will he tho order ot the day. Ladies' day at the race, y'know. o Hut. Thursday will probably lie the big day, on account of the hall holi day. o TherS are lots of paces and trots on the menu. Why not Introduce a few gullops? o Milburn Say lor of Indtanapolli will battle Anton the Greek al 13s pounds as Hie main bout ot a show to be staged tonight at 8:10 by BSddie Reno In his open air arena at Kankakee. o Babe Asher, king pin of the A. B, V bantam boxers, has received his New York stiitn boxing license, ami a match with Midget smith is about to bo made for Aug. 18 in the Bronx boxing drome of New York. Eddie Alnsmlth, the veteran cateh er of the Detroit Tigers, has been un conditionally released. Alnsmlth has been in the major leagues ten years. o "Boy" MoCormlck, who holds the light, heavy weight championship of Great. Britain, bas cabled a challenge to either Georges ( arpentler or Tommy Gibbons for a title match in New York or New Jersey any time that the promoters there can arrange a match. o Billiard men trom all parts of t'i country met at Detroit, yesterday to form a national billiard commission, designed to function much after the manner of the national baseball com mission. I'ndi r the plan tin organi zation win have complete charge or drafting rules of ptajT mid of al! championship tournaments. State and district tournaments will bo held annually, winners of these matches to contest lor national hon ors, Both profesional and amateur competition will be governed by the body, n Play in the women's New York state tennis championship tournament, be gan yesterday on the courtu of tile Crescent Athletic club, Brooklyn. Tlie Cornell track and field team, be;.b ; by Graduate .Manager Roineyi Berry and Coach .lack .Moakley, ar rived in Princeton last night to pre pave with tho Princeton team for the international match with tho Oxford Cambridge combination in New York next Thursday. o In an effort to develop boxing tal ent the stadium in Sydney, Australia, has started half a dozen more classes i ntwo big tourneys to be held there, in two big tourneys to be held there, weights, flyweights and bantams will have full sway, while in the second tho feathers, lightweights and welters will hold forth. o The national rifle matches will be conducted this year on the rifle range at Camp Perry, Ohio, from Aug. 27 to Sept. 23. The war department has sent a letter to Governor Small au thorizing this state to delegate one civilian and one National Guard rlfl-; team to represent the state at the matches. Each team will bo compos ed of ten firing members, two alter nate, a captain and a coach. HERMAN REGAINS LOST BANTAM TITLE Brooklyn, N. Y., July 26. .pete Her man regained the bantamweight, championship of the world by clearly outpointing Joe iDynch In fifteen rounds at Bbbetts' Retd last night. Tho Judges lost no time at. the end in awarding tho verdict to Herman. Herman was Dynch's master in near ly every round. Tie weight of both noys was an nounced as lit! pounds. In the very first round Herman stepped right out and rapped Joseph with a series of left and right smashes to tho face. During one of the warm serimmagOH in the opening frame Lynch wont to the flood but. it was believed to havo resulted from a slip rather than a blow fromi the little Italian. How ever, that Hop did not help Lynch, any. Tennis in Ancient Days. Henry VII was a Special devotee ot tenuis, and had a court built for him self at Windsor, whilst Henry YHI It vns who built the famous court at Hampton court, where it may be seen to this day. Tennis was indeed ever a game of kings and princes. Kings of England and kings of Prance vied witii one another in their devotion to It, whilst the courts of both countries followed tin! royal lead. The faithful Pepya is peculiarly faithful In his ref erences to tennis. I schedule a game with Joliet. But the .'ast pace the locals are traveling no loubt put a big scare into Joliet base iall magnets and their players. Zlme has flatly refused several times to play the Ottawa team. They boast if having defeated some of the fastest in the country - so does Ottawa. Pherefore an Ottawa - Joliet game vvould be another humdinger for local md surrounding fans and probably a good beating for Zime's team. OTTAWA GOLFERS TO PLAY AT STREATOR Thursday will mark the first exo dus of Ottawa golfers from their own stamping grounds to Invade "enemy" territory. On that day the club wili si nd a big quota of Its players to per form at tSreator in a return match of tin) interclul) tourneys. Lothrop Perkins, who will pilot the Ottawans to Streator as generalissimo, has been givn full charge of selecting the team. Ho has issued an appeal for a large turnout and wants the names of ail wlio will go with the team and thosi who will supply automobiles. He can be gotten at the Clegg-I'erkins elec trie shop, on Columbus street, where all who can make the trip are urged to leave their names. London. The i.,-sl airplane garage for the use of the air tourist lias made Its debut In a London suburb. It Is equipped with a staff of skilled me chanics under Qualified ground en gineers and advertises to make repairs "while you wait." Curtis Auxiliary Fuel Mixer Eliminates all Carbon Troubles. Gives a Smooth Running Engine. Adds 25 per cent more miles to every gallon of gasoline. JOHN H. GRAY 329 E. Lafayette Phone 661-Y OTTAWA RACES OTTAWA FAIR GROUNDS July 26, 27, 28, 29 j Vmvthin6 fm DUALITY V -nothing for show THAT'S OUR IDEA in making CAMELS the Quality Cigarette. ,Why, just buy Camels and look at the package! It's the best packing science has devised to keep cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste. Heavy paper outside secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the pack age and keep it air-tight. And note this! There's nothing flashy about the Camei package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Cameis wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from ciga rettv aftertaste. Camels are made for men who think for themselves. WRKTSH frpoiaand '-ARE T T E amel Judge W. L. Talbot, Starter More and Faster Horses Than Ever and They Are All Here Don't Fail to See Mrs. Doust, the Only Woman Driver in the World Ladies' Day TUESDAY Ladies' Day Admission for Ladies War Tax General Admission $ .77 War Tax 08 .85 BOX SEATS ON SALE AT DUNCAN'S DRUG STORE R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winrton-Selese, tt. C Paint Up! Clean Up! C3BV i HBF For Every Purpose and the right sort of brushes to put it on with and at the right price OILS lead VARNISHES READY SHELLACS MIXED GROUND COLORS PAINTS STAINS W. D. DUNCAN DRUG STORE. Sold by CoTbut' Drug Store, I . TSfc