Newspaper Page Text
OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOTJBtfAL. (K TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1921. PAGE SEVEN DOINGS OF THE DUFFS The Clerk Never Lot an Argument BY ALLMAN DAILY NEWSLET hey, clerk! wake up' 'TKtJE WE CAN'T STW I M "THAT VOORE WRONG! ROOM-IT'O DAMP, I THAT'S THE. SAFEST,, AMD NOT SAFE ROOM I M THE HOTEL'. TO SLEEP !M ! I 5UPP05IM THE PLACE V -ty I VJOLU-U r.t I en ur rll- l i tomth.5 is am. wmmms&rr imh r , ; ' 35 disarm " ' AMCNf j . 76? j S I . I RnUIV " - ' lW I NMPMMIMMK'MH 1' 'H I . - .-- I ''' 1 vn C. " AWFUL i'.TOKM'. (fiJ'iS ' I r-rn JMfrfyrfl1WMKfai ITo KMININfcMNi ' IPWlUllftlM fcaD Report of Chief of Fire Department. Ottawa, IU July I, 1911 To tiio Honorable Mayor and Com mlxsloners. Gentlemen: The following In my report for the month of June, 1921 : Number of Inspections r,n Number of chimneys inspected Number of chimneys found In bud condition and ordered repaired. . . ' Number of buildings Inspected BO Number of buildings ordered cleaned 2 Iliar of buildings ordered cleaned.. I Kirn ularms during the month: Rev. Qeorge Wood. 1125 Post street; cause, electric motor; still; no loss. William Hemmerle, 1185 Watuat llreet; cause, tramps; still; no loss Orphean Theater, 117 Jefferson street; false alarm; no loss, Standard Oil company, gas dine auto; cause, hack lire from engine; still; no loss tarine South Ottawa, Christie t'eet ravine; cause, rubbish; itlll! no loss, Peter La Valle, 1683 Paul atreot; Cause, unknown; loss, Ji.nou, Qua .lohusoii. 7is Mulberry street; cause, chimney ; no lobs. Mrs, Kant. 618 Bast Superior street; cause, rubbish; no loss. Rugg Brothers, in rear 800 Weal Main street; cause, rubbish; still; no lows. Number of alarms. 9. JOS. BOISSENIN, Chief of Fire Department. Report of Plumbing Inspector. Ottawa. 111.. July 6, 1M1. To his Honor the. Major and Commis sioners of the Cfty of Ottawa, Illi nois. Gentlemen: The, undersigned Plumbing In spector begs leave to submit hhi re port for the month of Jane, 1981, as follows: Miscellaneous inspections of plumb ing and sewerage Excavating penults 2i Plumbing permits 10 Inspection of sewer connections. , . . 8 Inspection of plumbing work by . water test It) Final inspection Of plumbing work ,10 Inspection of plumbing work by I x- uminutiou 2 Complaints 8 Fee collections were 08 follows: Water closets $ 8.W Bath tubs 4.00 Wash bowls 6.00 Sinks J O') Cesspools 6 00 Total amount of tees col lected $27.00 Respectfully submitted, WM. WILSON. Plumbing Inspector. Report of Chief of Police. Ottawa, 111,, June SO, 191. To His Honorable George V. IS Weeks, Mayor, and Commission ers of the City of Ottawa. Gentlemen: I herewith submit my report of the police department of the City of Ot tawa for the month of June, 1921 : Number of arrests 20 Number paid fines IS Dismissed ' Sent to county jail I During the above month the lines collected by me amounted to $17.",, all of which I delivered to Edwin Cas sldy, treasurer, City of Ottawa. Respectfully submitted, JAMES CROWE, Chief of Police. Report of Health Officer. To His Honor the Mayor and Commis sioners of the City of Ottawa: During the monthH of May and June contagious disease were reported as follows: Scarlet fever, 6; measles, 3; pneu monia, 2; chicken pox, 2, and tuber culobis, 2. Sixty houses, with a total of 10i cases, were quarantined for smallpox, all of which have'' been released with the exception of three. Of the 105 cases, 86 occurred in children, one of whom had ever been vaccinated. Of the 20 cases occurring in adults 4 elderly patients had been vaccinate-! a great many years ago. In several of the families quaran tlncd some of the children had pre viously been vaccinated, and none jf these contracted the disease, while practically all of the unvaccinateri ones did. Prior to the outbreak of the cpi-, demic less than per cent of tho chil- j dren of school age had been vacci nated. Following the outbreak ap proximately 2,300 persons, mostly Chli dren, were vaccinated. Most of the case-, at least so far as the sickness was concerned, were mild in Character and practically all of the adulte the eruption was vcrv severe. Three warrants were served by the health department for violation of sanitary regulations and in each in stance lines and costs were assessed. On account of the unusually hot weather extra precautions should be taken in the disposal of garbage, and anyone guilty of creating or maintain ing insanitary conditions cf any cha acter whatsoever will be summarily dealt with. Ke-pt i -tf ul ly submitted. W. A. PIKE. Health Officer Moved by Commissioner Dougherty that reports of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety be received end recorded. Ayes: Bradley, Dougherty, Palmer, Btlcklen, Weeks. Nays: None. Motion carried. Commissioner Btlcklen presented specifications for excavating and backfilling for water mains, as ioi- lows : Specificatlonr for Excavation and Backfilling on Trench. 1. AH bids for this work must be by lineal foot for the ixcavatioii and backfilling Of (he trench, combined. 'i. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check of Twt aty live ($25.00) 1 Icdlais. payable to the Cilv of Ottawa, as B forfeit in the even of the bidder's tailing to enter Into contract within ten (10) days of no t Ice of award. ah excavation shall ha done by open cut from the surface, the trench shall be two (2) feet in width in tin bottom, tho depth shall be about lour (4) feet, six Hi) inches below th" grade of the street. The contractor must also excavate to a depth ol about six (6) inches below the flow lint- of th" pipe at all places Where joint.; or bell holen fall. 4. The contractor must keep trenc ) free from water during the progn ss of the work, and at no time shall more than two hundred (800) feet of trench be opened in advance of the pipe lay ing. Backfilling shall follow closely upon the completion of the- pipe lay in),, and in case of delay or neglect of this work ths city may after one (1) day's notice cans, the work to be lone and deduct the cost from am payment due the contractor. 0. The contractor will b held r I sponsible lor all damage which may happen to the neighboring property from neglecting proper precautions, or from any other cause. Any dam age caused by his neglect shall be thoroughly repaired by him at hlo ex penao. 7. Contractor shall at night time maintain such barrier and red lignts as are necessary to prevent any ace! dent happening in consequence of his work. .S. The contractor shall provide for all water courses or drains intercept ed during the progress of the work, and replace them in as good condition Da he found them at his own expense. 9. The entire work shall be dona under the supervision of the Superin tendent of Water Work-, of th,- City of Ottawa, ami to his entire satisfac tion. 10. All bids must be In the form of the. proposal .shown below and en closed in a sealed envelope and ad dressed to the City Clerk of the City of Ottawa, Illinois. PROPOSAL. Tho undersigned hereby proposes to furnish all labor and necessary tools to complete the excavation and backfilling for tie- laying of a four inch cast Iron water main on the fo' lowjhg streets: Superior street . . 477, it., more or les i St. George street.. 475 ft., more or less Ontario street . . 300 ft., more or less Jackson street ... 660 ft., more or le s Jefferson street. . 450 ft., more or less 2,250 ft ., more or less Said proposal to be in accordance with specifications now on tile In the office of the City Clerk of said City of Ottawa, at the following price, to-Wit: Excavating and backfilling 2, 250 lln. ft., more or less, trench, in accordane with said specitl accordance with said specifi cations, per lln, ft $ The undersigned agrees to enter Into contract within ten (10) days of notice of award, should this proposal be accepted, and enter into bond of $2,500.00 with good and sufficient sure ties to complete the work on or be fore the day of , A. D. 198 , and to pay for all labor em ployed In connection with this worl' anil to adjust all claims or liens or judgments that may arise in conse quence of said work to the satisfac tion of the Council of the ( Ity of Ot tawa. In the event of the failure of th undersigned to enter lnt i such eon tract within ten (10) days of notice of award, then the enclosed check for Twthtyttvi (895.00) Dollars as surety therefor, shall be forfeited to the City of Ottawa. Dated at 1 this day of , A. 1). 192. Moved by Commissioner Btlcklen that the City Clerk be authorised to advertise for bids on specifications presented. Ayes: Bradley, Dougherty, Palmer, Btlcklen, Weeks. Nays: None, Motion carried, n (To K EC CONTJNUEUX) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids Will be received for the oonatructiou of the improvement of parts of Is- Kaih and other streets lu the northwest part of the City of Ottawa by the Council of the City of Ottawa, until the Brd day of August, A. I). 1921, at the hour of 7:30 p. m., at the City Office In the Central Ufa Building In said city of Ottawa, Illi nois, at which time and place said bids will be publlcally opened, it is estimated that then' will be about the following amounts of work to be done and materials to be fur nished : 830 lineal feet of 8-lnch pipe sewer, 42o lineal feel of ti inch pipe sewer, for house connections; two manholes, for catch basins, ami 90 cubic yards of rock excavation. ham improvement snail be con structed ami made in accordance with the ordinance providing for the same and the maps, plats, plans and speci fl cations fyr the same on file in the of fice of the City Clerk. Proposals must be made on blanks furnished by said Council and in com pliance with the instructions thereto attached, whlcb can be had on appli cation to the City Clerk, and must he accompanied by cash or by check, payable to the order of the Mayor in his official capacity, certified by a responsible bank for an amount of not less than ten per cent (lOper cent) of the aggregate of the proposal. The contractor shall he paid in bonds, bearing the rate of five per cent (5 per cent) per annum. No bid will 'be received unless the party offering it shall furnish evi dence that he has the necessary facili ties, ability and pecuniary resources to fulfill the condition of the contract and execute the work, should the con tract be awarded to him. Bidders will examine the ordi nances, maps, plats, plans, specifica tions and also the locality in which said work is to be done and judge for themselves all of the conditions and circumstances affecting the cost and nature of the work. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as authorised by law. Dated at Oltawa, Illinois, ibis 22nd day of July, A. D. 1921. GEORGE V. It. WEEKS. Mayor of the City of Ottawa, Illinois. W.'w. CURTIS, City Clerk of the City of Ottawa, Illinois. Dr. H. Fledderman PILE and GOITER SPECIALIST PILES, I remove oy an atisorbent method that removes thean forever. No knife, no chloroform, no delaj from work. GOITER, I reduce by a dependable absorbent method that gives com plete and permanent results. Don't wait until your heart eyes and nerves collapse conserve your health. At Hotel Ottawa. Oiihwh II' over Saturday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. office over Askin's store. Room 304-305 Murray Bldg. Strrator. Ill , hannlnlium wlmSa, r, WOW tell S tUt It ISWST y ami Classified Advertising ; HELP WANTED W'ANTRD Stenographer. Steady po sition. Address D, care of tills of fice. WANTKD - A high class business man of unipiestlonable integrity who can invest or secure investment of twenty thousand dollars. A man who can qualify, can become associated with a business that should make him finan cially Independent and give him a yearly income far in excess of the or iginal investment. 1102 Webster Bldg., Chicago, 111. WANTKD District manager to ap point sub-agents, also sell our fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery roses, etc.; wholo or part time; pay weekly. PRC IT GROWERS' NUR BBRDSS, Newark. New York State. WANTKD -MetH-ith team or auto, to sell our products direct to con sumer. Also men and women for cltv work. McCONNON COMPANY, Wi nona, Minnesota. YOUNG MAN with executive ability to manage local branch for large chain of tire stores. Good references required. Tires guaranteed 8,000 m.iles, tires at prices that compel business. Manager shares in com pany's profits. Must invest $500. Won derful opportunitypermanent busi ness big profits. If you arc big enough to carry this responsibility, write or wire. National Tire Stores, 1120 Michigan Ave.. Chicago. ATTENTION, Agents and Mall Order Men. Yon can build up a good business which will menu an ncome for life. Send for free booklet of unsolicited testimonials like this' Fort Dodgft, Iowa, Sept. 23, 191!). Rheumatism Herb Company. Dear Sirs: The man I treated with your Rheumatism Herbs only used It five days and he walked downtown two miles to scr rne last Sunday, and now his wife In also taking the Herb foot, baths, ho you see I got results the iirst time. Respectfully, A. D. Hall. Price l Pound. 15 Pounds $5. Rheu matism Herb Co., K 9!t7, Ocean Park, Gal. WANTED WANTED- -Building lot within a few blocks of St. Columba church. Name price. T. B, FARKF.I.U Tel. 648-W. WANTED A house and lot in Otta-ws in exchange for raw land in Muni toba. Address A., care this office WANTED Clean rags, any color, a thp Prep Trarfer-.Torrna) office ,03 i LOST White Biegel puppy, black spot. Finder please call Thomas J. Kelly, 544 Marcy St., Phono 888-Y Foi'ND if the lady who traveled trom Omaha to Ottawa on April 2L 1881, and paid $4..".o for Pullman, will semi her name to this office, describ ing the article lost at the, armory here, she can have it by paying for this adv. NOTICE. Rector C. Hitt, Attorney. Estate of Sarah E. Smith, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned. Administrator of the estate of Sarah E. Smith, late of the County of La Salle and State of Illinois, de ceased, will appear before the Pro bate Court of said County, on the first Tuesday (being the rixth day) of Sep tember, 11121, at the Probate Court Room. In Ottawa, In said County, when and where all persons having claims or demands against said estate arc notified to attend and' present tho same In wrtltng for adjustment. Dated the 11th day of July, A. D 1(121. CHESTER SK1NNBR, Administrator. DAY NIGHT O. K TAXI Phone 126 111 TOR SALE HOUSE FOR BALB Fine bungalow; strictly modern; South Side; $ti,2U0; well worth more. T. B. FARRKU.. FOR BALB The fine dwelling, 1021 Walnut St., for 3,700.00. Six rooms. One bath; furnace; hot water heater worth $400; toilet off kitchen-; new paint; large lot; 2 story barn for garage and play room; sewer and paving all in and paid for. I sold this house B short time ago and unex pected family affairs compel its resale at once. Tel. 648-W. T. 13. Parrel. FOR BALB Large 10 room house, 1015 Post street, $4,500.00, easy terms; you will need but $1000 cash. Let me show it to you. T. B. Farrell. FOR BALB A house and two lots on Bridge street, three blocks south of car barns. W. J. Stevenson paid $250 for the house and moved it nearly one mile to above location. The house is hardly tit to live in now but some man of small means can get a good start here. Easy terms. Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR BALB I have for sale a fine home on West Lafayette for $3,600. 5 rooms, 2 floors, furnace, bath, ce ment floor in cellar, hardwood floors; you need not spend a nickel for re pairs. Some hargain. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE Complete dwelling, 607 Second Ave., former home of Pro fessor Ollbertson, Lot 66x120, paved on two sides; two story frame shin gle roof dwelling; cellar under all; cement floor and sewer drain in cel lar. Cement, walks inside and out. Furnace, bath. $8,000.00. Well worth It T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE 5-room house and small lot, within three and a half Mocks ef Washington Square; $500; pay ments $"00 down, oalauce at $5 per month without interest. W. B. PUSEY, Central Lifo Bldg.. Ottawa. FOR SALE- 5-room house, with bath, gas, water, lights and furnace' within five and a half blocks of Wash ington Square; $2,200. W. B. PUSEY, FOR SALE -Large house and barn with corner lot on good street, north side. Buildings could not !"e built for $7,000. But if I can turn it within 30 days will sell for less than half that amount. W. B. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg., Ottawa, III. FOR SALE South Oltawa, 5 room house, $2,500; 6 room house, two lots, $3,000; G room and bath in good condition, $2,800; 7 room house, 2 lots, $5,000; also a large house, $4, 000. W. B. PUSEY, Central Life Bldg.. Ottawa, 111. FOR SALE Several good houses iu Centrul Ottawa. $3,500 to $10,000. W. B. PUSEY, Real Est. and Ins., Central Life Bldg. FOR SALE Seven room house, with hot water heat, bath room, laundry; in good condition; three large lots, quantity of fruit; Center Ottawa, $3.60(1. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE Five room ccttage; hard wood floors, furnace, gaa, ejuctnc ' lights; $4,000. Also five room cot ' tage; city iraXct two large lot3; I $l,lii '. Both in West Ottawa, MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. I ! FOR SALE Six roenn new, modern ! house; in good condition; heating and plumbing worth from $2,500 to I $3,000; hardwood floors, colonades, etc.: for quick sale from $5,000 to ! $6,000 less than house could he ; ( reeled. Miss GERTRUDE HARRIS, 1 FOR SALE -Thre modern houses In List Ottawa, wect of Orleau.- Btreei, for one half value. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALt: Five houses east of Or I leans street, all of which will be ; void for much Ipss than the actual value. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. Boys and Girls. Here Is a chance for the bny asi girls to earn a little spendWig money. The Free Trader-Journal will buy all the clean rags that you will bring to their ofllce. Loek fround your home t and see what you can gather up lu Lhu Une ot cleaa rags, any color. iftaj TORRENT FOR RENT Four room flat, electric light and gas, for $20.00 per month. T. R. Godfrey. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Maxwell touring car; in first-class condition; new top and new paint; just overhauled; new tlreis; very reasonable. Call 455-X. FOR SALE Ford roadster, Ford tour ing car and Stutz special racer; all in hTst-class mechanical condition. MAX SMITH'S GARAGE. LOTS FOR SALE Fine vacant building lot, corner north side of Glover street and west side of First avenue, $1075.00 free of all assessments for paving and sewer. Terms. T. B. FARRELL. MiaCELLANKOOA FOR SALE Five-room tent screened porches; can be seen erected at 613 First Ave. Phone 105$. FOR SALE Girl's blcvcle. Inquire at 1124 Post St. or call 474-Y. FOR SALE big type Poland China boars; cholera lmmuned and record ed. Also sows with litters at side, fnone Grand Ridge B68t cv write WILLIAM M. NAGLB. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE TO STOCK FEEDERS 1 have for rent about 320 acres of good pasture and meadow, several acres good timothy and clover, and about seventy acres of pretty good oats that I have decided not to har vest. This will make fine feed for cattle and should take care of 20O head or more. Plowing artesian water and plenty of Shade. Immed iate possession. I havo also 340 acres of land for rent for 1922. Pair Improvements, For particulars call on Win. Jami son, Owner, 808 Armory Block, Otta wa, III TRUNKS, Bags. Suitcases. V7iy pay two middlemen profits? Buy from factory direct, Send for free catalog. ACME TRUNK & BAG Factory, Spring Valley, 111. Professional Cards THERON L. LENA M. Warrick & Warrick CHIROPRACTOR8. Hours: 10-12, 3-5. 7-1. Palmer School Graduates Room 212-14 Central Life Building, Ottawa, UL Phone 1008. Dr. C. A. B lea ii CHIROPRACTOR. Licensed by Illinois State Board of Health. 111-112 Moloney Bldg. Phone 6J0-H Hours; 9-12 a m.. 1-4 p. m Dr. C. F. Van Atta Successor to Dr. Herzoa Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat Office 404 Central Life. Phone 1015-W BUSINESS NOTICES F.A.K0SS0W ROOFING CO. Tar and Gravel Roofers All Work Guaranteed 505 Second St. La Salle, I1L Telephone 130 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE upholstering wort Furniture cabinet work. Furniture finishing work Furniture repair work. Mattress work. Done practically and wUl. GBORGK BAUCHLE. Phone S7-X FAPn LANDS FOR SALE Small farms near Otta wa, as follows: 5 acres, well Improved $ 4,500 10 acres, garden land 10,000 34 acres, one-half cultivated... 10,500 36 acres, one-halt tillable, bal. timber 6,000 10 acres, fuirly well Improved. 13,00 J 20 acres, three-fourths timber, small bldt;s 2,500 115 acres, mostly black, im proved 23,000 And others. Terms can be ar ranged . W. B. PUSEY. Central Life Bldg. Ottawa. Illinois. 800 ACRES Improved farm In crops. Beautiful home. Will show photos. Small lake, big fish. 24 horses, 76 cattle, 25 hogs, crops, feed, and seed all go with sale. Accident compels owner to sell. Reasonable cash pay ment, balance long time at 6. Here is an ideal place for a farmer and two sons to make a fortune as farm will sell much less than its value. George Crowden, Ottawa, 111. "Let George Do V THE FREE TRADER-JOURNAL AND FAIR OEALkri. 115 West Main Street FREE IHADEK-J0OR8AL PTO. CO. Publishers. NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES 3. C. 'fuels Company, 355 Fifth Are. CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVES S. C. Theis Company, 8G4 Moaadnock Block. MINNEAPOLIS REPRESENTATIVE S. C. Thels Company. 706 Lincoln Bid. The Free Trader-Journal may be found at the news depots of Wheeler & Malo, Kneussl Brothers and Pyle' Cigar Stor CHICAGO, OTTAWA & PfORU RAILWAY Effective May 29th, 1921. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CARi AT LOW RATES. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa st tion for .vlarseilles, Seneca, Morris, Minooka, Rockdale and Juliet, 111., la e. m. 5:40, b:35, 7:05, 9:55, 11:55, In p. m. l:5!i, u2:55, 3:65, c4:56, 114:55, 8:05, 10:00. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Utica, La Salle, Peru, Spring Valley, Ladd, DePue, Bureau. Prince ton in a. m. t5:66, r6:52, f S : 25, 19:56, d!0:55, fll:55. In v. m. fl:55, f3:56, d4:55, f5:55, n-d6:56, d7:P5, 9:65. 80UTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Grand Ridse, McKlnley Park and Streator in a. m. 5:55, 7:55, 9:55, 11:55. In p. m. 1:55, 3:55, 5:55, 8:00, 10.00. h--Joliet, daily except Sundays amd holidaj-s. c Morris, d Ladd. f Princeton. g Ladd, daily except Sundays and holidays, n Sundays and holidays only. ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SAV1 MONEY. TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM : A. M. TO 11:35 P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO Via Johet. III., and Chicago A Jollat Electric Railway: $3.00 T'i' Round One $1.85 rip Way (Return trip limited to ton days) FAST FREIGHT SEfVICE. Phone Agenta for rull Information, OTTAWA, ILL. 1