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PAGE FOUR OTTAWA FREE TRADER - .lOtTlNAL. TRIDAV, AUGUST 12, IMt SWAIN'S FLEET OP SHIPS AGAIN WILL PLY ILLINOIS RIVER PIONEER FAMILY OF FRESH WATER NAVIGATORS LOOKS FORWARD TO PROSPEROUS SEASON WATERWAY TO HLU' THEIR BUSINESS. tVorla, 11! , Auk. 12. Am worK 1 , Vnnrr ott tliu Illinois v;iti-MV.i' H givis now Iniportonco to Illinois' t;hl i ml perhaaa only, atesmibo 't ' r the Swiilim. Kor fmiy year Mielr nlniimnr-i IlilVO tlllllll- UlC llillllll "I' Bwatn Familiar up and dofn tha llli Boia river ami on the Mi- I wlppl TIkuh- two scoin veins have also seen prosperity ami its decline on the water of the Wasisaipi I n'i it - sjreal DUnola tributary, bol proapecta are bright fur the Swains, who have itui -tn the river through Milch and thin, to be limply rewarded with it vlvnl. David If. Bwalo, whose sen-. Pi rt If, ami Verne U Swain, today op ate the business founded by tholr father, born near Qolden Prairie, III.. In 1841. As a young, man be i ranie int' rested in aieamboata ami In land navigation, ami in the early 'la,; operated a plant at BtiUwator, Minn. Biannfacturtng itoamboat machlner) Here in- perfected steamboat en gine ami boilers ami Aral appl compound condensing t" the machin ery of steamboat, grant!) ntreaslnfl their efficiency ami economy t opera tlon. After srl v inp ronttroetioB proidenn f He- steamboat, CapuSif Swain d voted hip snergloa to the bfl lueei iU of river navigation and launched his first ateajner, tie- Percj Swain, in Mtl, This fi.mous old t-.tni.-r plied the water of the Illinois for man; vears and la still in servlci a a cargo iioat opt of St l.imls. The Swain Packet line was estab lishwl five rears Inter, it operated river bouts between Rock Island, Dai enpori and Clinton. Logs and lumber formed a iar:o part of the cargo then enrried by river boats, and the Swain line wa foremost In developing thl industry In the Kiaiiaaippl river valley. Captain Swain came to Peopifl in IKKo and establish i i I a park"! tin carrying passengers and cargo He rween the Illinois liver pun- of Pe oria, Pern ami I. a Salle. .t that tine there WW no boat traffic above Herrv. III., ami the Swain packet line wi s largely responsible for opt nine up liver traffic aktng t ti Illinois Water way. The sons of Captain Swain, now residents of Peoria, are carrying on the river boat I uaineaa inherited rri m their lather, who died In Wis at l':U burgh', Pa. The boat .litlta BetM Hvntn nnrl 1 1 v David Swain ply regularly between l-.i Salle and St. T.ouK Rlv trip river ex cursion service to towns along the Illinois. Held as "Rum 'Schooner" A 1 s . Ill- nor shop T The .-ho.m,-r Henry L Maranall after she wns broogjit to port I it Ku:.rds who male ibat tht-y rontWatei 12k cases of llJuor. ;.;. LldUxlJ OUUIUC UIV lrU!-UMU M.l..v a n I roast boat 111 taken into N. J. tnm a reeenl visit In Chicago with relative. White there sin attended tin- Pageant oi Progress. Mr--. Amli rson, who has i"". vi-;i Ins. with in r sen Clarem e ami fanillv in Waterloo. Iowa, returned to her home here on Sunday morning The in- . ri am social held at tie j Mystic Worker-' hall by tie- Vmerlcan 1 Lesion was it grand success. Mr ami Mrs. William Pltlgorald -, attended UTICA Miss Hannah Condros has returned from a visit In ChlcHgrt with relatives While tln-re she attended tin- Pageant of Progreaa. Miss Anna Smith of Princeton spent over Sunday at the 11. F. Smith home here. Miss Florence Anderson, who has been visiting in Chicago ami Lincoln in., returned to her home here Satur day evening ami resumed her duties in Ottawa on Monday. Mrs. LaCroii ami baity of ill . is making an extended her parents, Mr ami Mr have returned from a r niiiui While tln-r,- th the Pageant of Progn ' Mr. ami Mr-. Oeerge W in''' chil dren, Mi - : iolburn ami Maurice 1 oi fold of Chicago were gn l ' the 1ft. m, -f Mr. and Mrs Prank. Syfcw la it Sunday. fie . - A i' ha- bulll b new rrelgk! platform ol t'' elation and a small fr i'H hooae sjdjolnlng for the .onv.-nlen f the trainmen Mrs. Klahburn of Ottawa Visited In Dtica Sunday Mr. uml Airs. K'llduff of La Salle ; spent Sunday as tin- nuosts pi Mr ; .i-iii Mrs, E Im ind Connerton Mr. anil Mrs. Williams nava niovi i ,l...l.- hmuohnld ootid from thi- 'ir i, I, house on Canal street Into the Bray house, near tie- chemical worke t'c, entlv v ai ate! by Joseph Truck. William Cooper, for many years a resident ol (Jttca, paaaed away at hi., home Monday evening after a linger ing illness. Miss Rebecca Baker of Streator vis iti i over Bu Ida in Utica w. I-:, croslar has returned from EUdorado, Kan. Miss viola Allen entertained a tew friends at her home recently. Qaniee were played and all enjoy, I a plea ant evening- DeUfcieua riifroehmantt wire served. Those present vvn Louise (iei n. Mildred Selmor, 0141ys Owen, Haael Owens, Rose Dimmiek. Nona Diuimlek ami Ada Mitchell. Mr. ami Mrs. K 0. Coryell Have moved into th Dftvison house on ' hurcb street, recently Vacated by Mr. and Mrs Walter Nelson. j Mr fttid Mrs Herhi-rt f'arlisu, am! Mlnr Allliii Cai'iii.; 4,1. . v.'lUwa MUttl among those from out of town to at i lenrl the Keith Tierce funeral hereon ! Sunday afternoon. Mr .ami Mr.-. Charles Anflerson oi Princeton visited l'lica i-.nd Starved Reck on Sunday. Mrs. Btzbech "ill aaughtrrs were in Ottawa on Momlay afti rno-n. Missfs Mi: t n anil V'renn San.-en uf Wl . Morton I.. Bard el' Ottawa. Mr. ami Mrs Cecil Gastlno of Ottawa, Mr, Mrs Sylvester Bisley oi Ottawa. Mr. am! Mrs HaiT) Loach of Ottawa. Bsjle, Mr. and Mrs Oi.ti Stuart of La Salle. Mi and Mrs Herman Bet- s- Mi Vh'.-ti Taj lor of i.a Salle, Mis Charles Stout and Ray Stout Of Dimmiek, .nil John Hill of dM from a visit with relative. ami friends in Chicago. Mil w a Kathi t in,. Sliins alb r iv. Wedm I was an Ot ARM RIDGE il of cinituuiii' It.- J. f the dev. J Si veral from i. tided the ft in j Mnlb B, held at i ci aaed Tui adaj I'raine official I Frank Moore i thi. lir-t of the Week, i Miss Lois Woltenhanpl haa as her guest Mi s Dorr of Havlland, lown 1 ward s one day the past wci k In honor ol the vialttaa rojattvoi Mr ArmUfong in a Slreator caller odni .-day uioi iiiug. Mrs. m. j. iieidwin spent n daj th" i i of the week with her brother, Itoberl Jackson, in Pi ln eton, ai d did i' ii. WUIIama ami family oi Btn aior. Mr. and Mrs. Qeorgo W. llenhaupt pen! a day reeentlv v, ith Mrs, Nellie Langley, who reaidea easl ol Qrand ' liblKe. Mrs John Harris, who haa been ill or soma time is much Improved. Mi.-. lib h,-r il.iunhti r. att ml i niumonostaeet :.t st. Andrew a ' copal church Sunday. .1 l llretencord from Ottawa I day ut his son's. ir in SVeibem ttrreslie4 Batttnlu V!:- Oihlley Sr. end Ml ooley and son wen' Streutoi pen Saturday afternoon. Mr. Muss is somewhat Lett i slegt of lllne M Jeaaki Dllley and family spent n ei ut ly at BUrved Rock The annual harvest home ol St An irevvV Bplacopal ehttrch will take place at the church two weeks from Thursday Mra Lyle. who Is the daughter of Mi - .t.rry Rowq of this parish and I w bo underwent an epilation recently, i reported aa getting along na well a can be expocti l Mlaa Ada Ptogle waa a recent vlaltt with friends in the itidK.- On account ef the funeral of eg-Sol-db-r Johnson in Btn iter Sunday afternoon there were no services at -:t Vtldrew's, as llev. CiuiK" had th--charge. The body w.i i tit !- o k from Prance. Mr. am! Mrs W. W lly entertained Mra Ridge last weik. Mr l..-i ke's nii'thrr. Arthur Yoemti and d the Jams Redd I ! o'clock dinner Fr'da K w HiHlgson i Ihelr guests Mr. and ami family recently, Mr- J Mullen and daughter, Mlaa 11 Ruth -pent Tueeday evening with Mr. 'V. i nil Mrs. Richard Khley. lc-1 I., on Deckard and wife entertained i' ,i impanj to dtnni r the I r i of the -.'ii' tin th. tin ocke and fain Porncr of the Turtn r la Mn . family entertain ik family at a (1 v evening. ml wife had M Mra, W. V. L hr t' Jtre:itn p.- fore uml ing lly wen- resldi Mr. ami Ml daughters, Mts Charlotte, and Vlncett, low.:. near Grand Rldgi William ami ii tin ir teacher. Mi ol tie- week. Mrs. John Head sister, Mrs. i i laited her si tor Lewie vvill be r to low.-, tin- Derr tarn its of Grand Ridge, . Jamea Roddick am! -.; Renclva, i-Myth and Miss Lnclle Dider of ate visit inw relative! ro and Btn at .r. Qeorgo Under visited dr. Canning, the tirst Misses L'dith and Leah Hodgson dc-i- ted for their homi i laal week after a visit with relative; in this cotnmun it v. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Roddick and family spent a couple of days aat vvc--k with streator relatives. Mr and Mrs. Irvln Wei ben are the parents of a bah boj iMrn last week IL; nam i- (layland Henry. Tin Mlssea Reddfck of Iowa spent one night of tb,- pa-I week with their leusins, Mlaae Nellie and Telma Wakey, vl of the Itiilge Mr. ami Mrs. John Albaml of Stre.i tor motored to thla parish Thursday Miss Doris Mills :., itaylng with hor uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ii. Black. Mr. and Mrs Jackson ami Mr; Mabel Crawford of the Ridge motored through Deer Park township Thura day. Mr llalley and Lawrence Sow den el Streator motored to Beer Park last Week. Mlaa Bdna Antram was a re Streator caller, when- she got illiuintrd with her new sistn- at Thomaa Matt nut) boanltaj, Lewi Antram (Uroali. d lust vv Mr Uoorge Fugle wah one of hostesses at tile AH Souhjtv ol , terlan i-hureh Wednesilav ngle Langley called on vi! lagi H i' nds recently. : Dorothy Duder called on hei ml VI is Hcnroeucr, ine nrat of tin week. Miss- Slate Harris is with Mrs. Onej ROWO, helping with the household d'.l tics. Mr. ami Mis. William (Helm enter lainod company from lowa Monday Freddie Amber of Dwlght is tin gueal of relatives in this comntunit) Th.- Mlsau a Reddh k ol Ragle Drove Iowa, an- vi-itlnc relatives ami friend in Streator. Hodgson brother- threshed Tueada) Mr. and Mr- Roger Williams am! children of streator motored to Qrani Ridge Sunday, where they spent th da With Mr. Williams' parents, Mi ami Mrs Rimer B VVIUiama Mra Joni wee a riseni stn visitor. Mr and Mr- Cheater Skinner as th. Ir guests rocontly to dinni i Andrews ami Mr and Mrs. Wetter. Mr. .in.l Mrs. Alvin Doty and lainllv entertained Mrs A Ivoa bf Orand Ridge last vvet k end Mr and Mra William W Locke . n Joyed a visit with Mlaa Belle Locke u fi W days last week. Mr. and Mrs. lames Pat I rson mo tored to stnator recenUy. Mlaaea Oertrudo and Mildred Locki and company were (-ailing on relative near Leonora recently. Miss Margaret Jeffries of Dwlght i visiting in ttte vicinity of Gran Ridge. Mr. and Mrs A J Yoctim are enter talning Mrs. Yocura'a sister ami broth er in law from Iowa this week. Mr and .Mr;. Walter Foglc and faill lly motored to Starved Rock and Deei Park the tirst of tin- week Mrs Snyder was a Streator shop per recently. John Lehr of m ar th.- village wai Ito ha Mi had aa her guest her i of Utah. She also Mrs. Ki Her. M.S. ne nib. red here aa Mi. Mibireil Redman. Miss Mabel Hodgson petit Batur-1 day afternoon with her little friend.. Miaa Myrtle DeckanL Itev. Norman I!. QUlgg wa- a dinner guest recently at. Mr. ami Mra, One Rowe'a. Miss Virginia Peek ef this vicinity la one ol the young ladlea who ard camping near Manville, Mrs. A. H Blnck is enjoying a visit wjth her mother. Mrs. Mills of hast Ottawa, Mfss Lttcfie Puder was an overnlgh' guest at in-r Grandpa Duder'a Thtfra day. Mr;?. J.wse Dllley entertained com pany at hor homo recently. MX. JbBQ Ail s. IIUi ami 1 1 0 : : tl n, Dakota have and friends Parti waa gueafui oi Mlaa Mabel ,smiib, t iMimtiered s Miss Lou i: irrived to visit relative; Mr ' ttuey will be re- Wedneada Howard in Ottawa oi: Mrs. Willi; have returne with relative llarohl Th evennrg. arrar trans i Tuaaday. acted b ' and leit in ing took pit ill. A Mr. manly Wood- children Chicago nvi Mr after St. Anne, visit witli . Andrew formerly ster Vail Kastnian hen .Miss Olga Oaatmatt. Malachy Olancy is enjoying a vaca tlon from his duties as clerk in Ed Glancy's store. Mrs. Clara Cary la taking his plan- during hi- absence. Misfi itr-ssio Parrar is enjoying het vacation from her duties as clerk in the Bee store. Miss Ma vine Glancv has returned thi lu re last aunday Mrs. J. ut irt- a ml I'eoria. Mlaa .Ma of Peoria. Mrs. liet. ESugene H Prank Rowley a Port st fjowlt v Elian Rowley Stuart el' Ottav be.rt Carflsli . Ottawa, Mis s n in out ot town at ti of Keith Pierce afternoon i Mr. and daughtl r Dorothy of y and Etta Spencer Addie Stevens of Jo Hand or Jollet, Mrs. Ott,ewa, Mr ami Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. ol' Ottawa, Howard a, Mr. and Mrs. Her. Curtis Auxiliary Fuel Mixer Eliminates all Carbon Troubles. Gives a Smooth Running Engine. Adds 25 per cent more miles xo every gallon of gasoline. JOHN H. GRAY 329 E. Lafayette Phone 661-Y caller In the county seat Saturday. Mr Bhute o Dorr Park township trutiaacteo nu.- ini-s in the county nea-recently: Mr. audi Mra. Fred Wurglh ami sou iml lili'haid Herman and wife wore rent call era in Brookleld. Tim Armstrong brotfiora were out ailing on local friends recently Mis Arthur h Black called at the I-' Mills home last week. Miss lleb-ll Koltier of l Salle vi ited at the Q II Duiler home a lev. dayi tile pa-t week. Mlaa Nellie Wakey from eaal of tie' Village spent Sunday Willi In-r aun nut cousin. Mrs Catherine Behroedor iml Miss Catherine, in Btroator, Mr and Mis Samuel Uedniafi epter tallied .it dinner reeeutly Mr. nud Mrs. William PfalaBah. (dfaa ( nuui no- of rijcagoj is apoml lug lor vacation with her father, to orge Ci murine, uml wifu. P D. Q- KILLS PESKY BUGS Imoosslbls for Bed Buas, Rosobaii fli-i tnd Anti to ri-t when tin- m w ctiunlcul f. D, ij. la propsrly iim-u - A afs- pnrltHun i , , 1 1 Olio qusrt, rtiKUk'ti to kill a linllni, i el tlu iirsky dr'iU unit thru- l,s- . is w i ll BpMlsl MCWplttl ilu t si' nskoi 5 gsilons. At your druairlit or - ut praasiaDy tha t' i c ti. m. Co., rana n ...i.. lud. Sold by Corbus' Drug Store. If You Would Win Her The old saying that "the heart is won through the stomach" still holds good. To delight the palate or arouse the ap petite into activity, our tempting menu of wholesome and nourishing solids and pastries is selected to especially suit our most fastidious patrons. Chop House DeVere 127 W. Main Street. Upstairs Why not dine here Sunday? X'WjcV Consumers Wholesale Grocers 209 W. Main St. . . . JohnO. Woerner Jr., Mgr., J Consumers Best Flour Guaranteed 24 Id Bags $1.19 49 lb Bags $2.30 Pure PrcscM vc Nutro Milk Compound 3 Tall Cans . . . 25c 6 Small Cans . . 25c Palm Olive Soap 4 Bars 25c Gold Dust Large 27c 6 Small 25c N. B. C. Soda Crackers Fresh . 2tbs 25c 13 oz. Btl., . . 19c ROOT BEER EXTRACT 2 Bottles 25c Re S pnng O 1 raimon tb can 2 Cans 25c Corn h lakes or Post loasties 9c Each Cracker jack 2Pkgs 10c n Telehone 1130 ti 4 S 6 S I oilet Paper I arge Rolls 7 Rolls 25c Apple Butter Large Bottle 35c Each Bulk Rolled Oats 5 lbs 25c LIBBY'S PEAR BUTTER 2 Cans 25c n i i.i. 2? a ci.- o a 4 Regain Your Health BY Chiropractic Adjustments Safe, sure, natural and efficient. Nature the Physician, and Nature's own way of ridding the body of disease by CHIROPRACTIC There is a cause for every ill. We remove that cause. Theron L. Lena M. WARRICK & WARRICK CHIROPRACTORS Palmer School Graduates 212-214 Central Life BIdg., Ottawa Hours: 10-12, 2-5, 7-8. Phone 1008. if I HARMET ,. A TRONOUNCED V 'l ' v I I 1 1 , A Now Harmony from the Fragrant World of Flowers Th captivating qualities of CHARMET huve made it "the odor adorable " You Bnd an instant rapture in CHARMET. Ir is the blended odors of thirty-seven of the fairest blossoms of France, that surround you with their mn&ie and lift the senses into .1 fairy world of froftrance. CHAR MET also in Toilet Water Rice Powder -Cold Cream Vanishing Cream Sachet Toilet Powder-Rouftc and Lip Stick. CHARMET may m S tw at : WEISS DRUG SHOP W. D. DUNCAN CORBUS' DRUG STORE A TnnrtPT oTinef Acrpaint agca VmI may be bJ f or -7 S j''V'Sa."'w (INC) 'SPffiR CHCAOO I I i Fordsoiv jp The End of a Perfect Day and all ready for another, whether it be to plow, harrow, drill; to run the thresher, the corn sheller, the hay baler or what-not. For Fordson Tractors are not only doing in the most economical and most efficient manner, all general field work for farmers the world over, but they are saving them time, labor and money in taking care of every power job. It combines all of the qualiticb-nall of the ad vantages you have wished for in a tractor. It is light; it is powerful; it is efficient; it is economical in both fuel consumption and up keep; it is durable; it is dependable; and it is not extravagant in cost. It's hard to tell you all the facts about the Fordson here. We prefer to talk to you per sonally and to show you its many advantages. We'll gladly bring all the facts to you if you will pbone or drop us a card. DANIELSON MOTOR CO. OTTAWA, SHERIDAN, EARLVILLE, LELAND ft uuiiig oruoms . J 4