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Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12. 1021. . ' Page six OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL. POINT OF ORDER IS RAISED AGAINST ANTI-BEER MEASURE Alice OK's "Knickers TRAVEL IS BEING MADE ROUGH ER AND ROUGHER FOR DRY LOBBYISTS AT NATIONAL CAP ITALA LITTLE CHEER FOR WETS FROM MELLON. Washington, I). C, Aug. 12.-The CftmpbellAVllllH anti-beer bill struck an unexpected snag today. When the measure wan brought up in tho house for reference to the con ference Committee Heps. Mann. Illi nois, and Walah. Massachusetts, blocked It on a point of order. They contended that the senate had Inserted an amendment extruding the application of the Volstead act to Ha wall and the Virgin islands. This amendment, Ibey said, involved addi tional expenditures. Under the n gu latlons of tho house a hill OOfttalotUJ. such an amendment cannot be MBt to tonference without the adoption of a special rule. Speaker Qlllett sustained tho point of order and the bill will have to remain on the side track probably for several days. Hep. VolKtead, author of the orig inal act, vas unaole to cite a pro vision showing that it applied to Ha waii and the Virgin islands. After a careful examination oi me act, Volstead said it hail not I n made applicable to territory subject , to the jurisdiction of the United; Sates. A provision to this effect, put; in originally by the house, he said, evidently had been eliminated by tn senate when the measure was pass-i ed two years ago. Th" only way by which the bill can be sent to con.erence is by special i rule, although there is likelihood of its final enactment piror to the rei esa of congress. Then One More Hope. Meanwhile one more hope, for medi cal beer was held out today by Sec. .Mellon. Discussing the anti-beer bill. Mel lon said that should action upon the measure be deferred by congress un til after the recess, it was possible, that the regulations covering the uee of beer for medical purposes would be Issued by the treasury. Under the existing law, he explained, the brewers are entitled to the regula tions, although, it was probable that few would take advantage of them , and make any financial outlay in the! face of impending hostile legtsla-' tlon. Overflow Expected. Windsor, Ont.. Auk HI. Canadian . prohibition officials expect liquor will pour across the herder into the Unit ed States in greater streams than ever before boeaue oi the court rul ing here yesterday that the Ontario temperance act does not prohibit ex-; portation ot intoxicants to a foreign country. Disagreeing with American customs officials who stated today in Detroit that they 0,(1 BOt look for locr8ed ; rum running, the- Canadians said that orders from the United States already were reaching breweries and distil lArini in this district and that own ers of these plants said they would fill tho orders. QwfNews a Probate Court Vanuatu- Kt .Mice Link to Frane F Kollett bond G,2O0 ajlj Oct term Kct Clara 1 to John W Fetl bond XXJ adj Oct term Eat Caro line Wcisscnbuigi r to Dora Welsaan burger- bond $4.0tu uppers c.pptd adj Oct term Rat Julia Norby to John KricKson bond $r,o,linn appsr.-. appt'1 adj Oct term I'etn I'riv Bale of Per Ppty E ! i id at not le I He Hon Is Kst Jos A uti tiling N.v Kin. boa To Aid Mother Mis AH' e Rob MWOman from Oklahoma. Inspects and T prove knickerlHk. - Si wear The voting lady is Dorothy Cameron. "However." - Robertson, "shuts will do for me- True Thrift. Modern Problem No. 8. Thrift Is steady earning, w ise spend-! Wtaal happens when an Irresistible Inc. sane savin-', careful Investing, uud Monde pjiettfl on immoviiblp bachelor 1 the avoid:. tic-.' of nil waste. Ed Brickaon sal than market price. App Hill mid Inv App ICst EdM l.ilckson. I'etn for I.eCer3 With Will Annexed to Oeo M Baldwin- $ll.00' &c. Proof of Heirship" Bat Clara L Fe rer -Alice Link -Caroline elssen burger Julia Norbv- 'ulla Mai' n. (Ma New Bond Dlaapprd Eat Syl v eater Sahwiaekt. Petn for Citation to Discover Asset.; Est Maggie C JdbaaOO set for Sept 2 at II order citation to issue. I'etn to Reopen Eat Bat Patrick Mullen set for Sept 2 at 1:30 2') days' notice. Will Est Julia Maloua to Frank H M alone per bond 14,000 adj Oc term Fst Hi rothy BasgeO to J.vb j Busgen on tiling bend 11,800, inv App H-st August Brrckaan- tteien oarwiusai oncoiur Dsrwia ski. Supp Final Ord Est Sett -Est Mon roc Anthony. Acct and Rapt Eat ( t al set for Sept l wlnskl set for final Sept term cont. Claim Alhvd Est Mary Hoard of Homo Mission Church $223. Acct and Uont App- KcHslcr. Petn for Restoration Eat Chaa III iii overruled Decree on verdict M013 l.eietlo va fl It & Q Mo by defta to extend time to hle appeoj bond &c allwd. 1542.1 Utichaal nilpah 11 Alls Peia nowakl Appeal. 24424, Suppressed :77 Adam vh Auam by aj;:nt mo for temp alimony set for lag Friday at 10. 9 ' '04 hi an 1! Co vs B treat or Pro duce Co iv to piff o niu additional counts to declaration. Ilf " Ollfoil vs O'Cortk -on trial. 2C43S Christiana Defenbaugh vs Am- binse Defenbatlgh divorce hrg and decree. G E HelfrtTfl. Bolr. 2542(5 Milf.ed (I Wirt vs Peter P Wlrtr divorce Iv to pros as poor ptl Roy Wllhelin, solr. 3B41 Eleanor Taylor vs Oha Taylor Kva Callahan divorce Iv to proa as pp mil Inj Issue. Same uolr. The Season. One RwgiioM luaj noj make i ufn tiuT, hul u grnMhepner mnkel several Springs. Cornell Widow. 29c Specials tor Saturday 11 fl Harrison M, snil-d for Iter tin 1" live his m .ili'M . Mrs Mar gar li Harrison Mrs Harrison an Ainri'-an wrtirr vn recently rrjeaand frmn a BolBbevtk vrisoi '.xff'.- ni'iiitlm imprlseum-'Bt Frank Bvetlna -Sylvester Sar settlement at M Tower- &c M E -Est Sarah honey cont Sept term. Circuit Court iSTtii Blerly n Bnrtow order appvg Ct allwd on tiling bond $10. o 0 In 20 days cert of evidence 90 days. 25421 Anna Winebrinner vs Albert Wlnebi Inner divorce -lv to pros as p p. Max Mnrdock, solr. 24973. Ullfort vs O'Corek-Mo by deft to postpone hrg until tomorrow Aug 10 at 10 aihvd. S497(, Holdorn vs Ford Verdict Will SUStd Mo to set BSldC vdet Ladies' 39c, 'Wc. 59c Union 3ults , Large White Vegetable Dishe. and Vests, each 29c each 29c Ladies' Bleach rd Vest, regular 25e White and Fancy Table Oil Cloth, va(u at 2 (or " 29c 47 In. wide, per yd 29c CoaU m yd SpooU Thread 6 ' Soap Chipc, at 3 lbs. for 29c spools for 29c Kerr's Wide ;Mouthf Self Sealing Parowax. at 2 tbs. for . ..29c Fruit Jars, quart sile at 3 for 29c White Mosquito Netting. 58 in. Boyd Mason Fruit Jar Cover, doz. 29c wide, standard mesh, 2yds. for 29c Blue Bird Kitchen Cleanser, 6 can 29c I III c&j9tA The Question of Glasses Is Most Important Important for the correction of im- balanced eye muscles. Important for the relief of constant eyestrain. Important for the preservation ot your sight. Our glasses are scientifically built and meet the severest test. W. H. Law OPTOMETRIST 824 La Salle St. OTTAWA, ILL. AVE! By Buying Quality Meats at the TCVMIJIVP1bVW sjsgBjBasgBjBjgsjsjesjBjsjsjBj 'WKRBKRKKBtWHtBBKRBRKBBBKKBNRKKKKHBtBi M'.MMW MHMaVHHBWaHaVaBBiMBVHBWRArS HVKMHI. mflBHST WNMhVBHHH Chicago Butchers Market not only tomorrow-but every day in the week Lowest Prices Highest Quality Bring the Crowds to Chicago Butchers Market. Saturday, Aug. 13th is Our Greatest Sale Day Since opening the Chicago Butcher's market in Ottawa, you have noticed the big values the meat buying public has been given the high quality meats at the tremendously low prices. Since our opening day you have noticed how the prices of meats have dropped. The Chicago Butcher's keep their prices down to bottom ebb in Ottawa. We are going to stick steadfastly to our policy of keep ing prices down on high quality meats, and make it worth while to trade at our market of quality. The Chicago Butchers in their own way are doing much for the Ottawa people. For to-morrow we have 10,000 pounds native steer beef, fancy milk fed veal and genuine spring lambs. Our Hams and Bacon can't be beat. Lard, Home Renderti, Lowest Prices Highest Quality firing the Crowds to Chicago Butchers Market Saturday, Aug. 13th is Our Greatest Sale Day 111 PAY BILLS by check and know i u s t where your money goes. Avoid any contro- -i versies over the payment of obligations by having a cancelled check to show for every dollar spent. For the woman at home handling the house hold accounts, for every body in fact, this is the safe and satisfactory way. We offer you the services of our checking department in handling such an account. FANCY BEEF HAMS Native Pol lli-et' Hoast per lb 6c Beef Pol Roast, pest cuts q per It jC Beef Roil, brisket, flank and plate, per Tt Steak, lender, per lb 4c Round str;tk, tender, shoulder round (liest cut si per Pi Hamburger, fresh ftrouud per It) 8c nililer 10c 10c Picnic Hams, sugar cured per lb lie llaniM, suRar cured, in to it lbs. average, select ed 16V2C Boiled Hams. K pr ha whole, per ft) MVt Minced Ham, sliced por lb 12V2c Regular H;nis i Tl sugar cured ... X 2C VEAL Veal Roast, shoulder, per tb Veal Stew, J per lb C Veal hops, per lb 10c lV22c LAMB Leg of Lamb. per tl t- Lamb Slew, per m ImihI) Shoulder Roast, l f per Tb IwC 17c 7c Butterine LIBERTY AND NUT MARGARINE 14c CHEESE 22c llrkk Kul I Cream (,'heesei por Pi UHman'a f-ong Horn O C i-Jl Cheese, per lb. Hrinf,- this ad with you. Genuine Swiss Choose tut CANNED GOODS Peaa, Corn and Tomatoes q large cans SC Peaches, large Xo. OO cans sv April ots, largo So. :' OA . JS- cans BACON BaCOtt, a Square Den I Q Racon, iter lb OC Bacon. Ketzel's, by the strip . . lOVzc Salt. Pork, streak of lean, streak of fat, sweet pickled, por lb 10c Roast Smoked Pork 1 ( Butte Rutts, lb IOC Smoked Spare Ribs. f per lb 1 UC FRESH PORK Fresh Spare Kills, por lb 7c Pork Butts, no bones J 22C Pork Loin Roasl, Vfe or i o whole, Tb IOC Pork Roast, fi to 8 His. average, lb 7c Neck Rones, per ft) 3c Pork Chops, lean, 1 A por tb 1 OC OTTAWA BANKING & TRUST CO. I1 D F" A TL1 r PY Lakcwood, Dcllwood, BUTTER Brockfleld and other brands. Just churned. 37c MILK Large cans, 15c sellers. For this sale, each 6!c aaa