FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 19?1.
111 WMI Main ItPMt
Published Every Afternoon Except Sunday.
W H OB MAN Editor and General Maaaur
fl. H. WOOLBBRT Managing aMItor
Member of tha Asaoclated Preaa.
Dally, oaa year la advance by carrier H 00
Dally, ona year In advance, by mull, uuUlde l.a Salle County
Dally! ona year In advance, by mull, In La tsalls County 4.00
Dally, per week, by carrier M
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication
3t alt Sews dispatches credltod to It or not otherwise credited to this paper
and slso local new published herein
Entered as second class matter Mar. 28, 1920, at the Pout Office at Otta
wa. 111., under tre Art of Oct. 3, 1917.
ICK- 1
THAT VOU.(-'- ' r
aaaMaMaMaaBwaaaaaaaBaBaaaaaaaBaiaaaMaaBvaaawaamjai I
Today's Markets 1
M. aw
eurf' qN i4gE 5 1 E-
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921.
I .l.t
Then is littl
evil among auto driver
park their mschine in the -tuns at night;, especially in the residence
districts. t- keep lights burning, It is re gnized that to keep lights
burning an evening when a machine is not in use takes a l-t of juke
for which there nt eeui t" he much of an adequate return. But
in the first place it Is the law; in the second place, it is absolutely
essential for the safety Dot only of the machine in question but that 01
everyone who drives along the street where the machine is parked.
No owner "i an aut mobile lias an) more license to make a menace
to others of his machine by parking it without a light burning than
would a speed mamac to rush down a crowded street at a luh speed
and trust that everyone would get out i i his way. It you cant
afford an electric or gas lijjht. get a candle.
There are certain obligations, penalties it u will, that go with
the owing and driving i f every machine. If a man hasn't the money
or inclination to spend the money necessarj to make hi machine sate,
he has no business to own ne, or to use it for pleasure. It is up to
him to learn the laws the road and their requirements, both in the
town and in the country, and to observe them. There are a few
essentials that are generally disregarded, and this parking in the dark
is one of them. If necessary, the Department of Public Health and
Safety should publish a notice given a friendly warning and then,
after a reasonable time, turn the motor cop loose to make examples.
And while he is on the job he might gather in a few who are driving
after dark without light. The auto is too much a fixture and be
coming too general in use to allow the law s made for proer hand
ling (most of them suggested by some owners and drivers) to be
disregarded) It may be necessary it
roiiL'h." but for the BOi d name of the
Another evil that should be stopped is the allowing of mere
children to drive machine when unaccompanied by someone of
mature years and experience. The parent who allow-, the kiddies to
go joy riding aj ne has much to answer for morally as w ell as physi
cally, but if he is careless of his Own, he should be taught to respect
the right to others.
Following in the wake of I es .Moines, where there has been a! toawa ban e,at ting the winne rs. Al
, r most the enti:e mi'inle rship t the
SttSptOSlori ot electric railway service due to the competition ol Maraatawa dub at an early hour in
OCy bus lines, the electric lines in Saginaw and Bay City, Michigan, the evening aat down to a cblckea din
have been forced into bankruptcy and the service, suspended. Qbe YJff ,n ,h" 'u"i,IK """" '"'
company operates the two systems as well as an interurbari line con-j Thla mm sl)1(,n(jidlv proparcd by the
nectins them. In exolainine the cause of the company s failure an caterers. Mr Caaaldy and her son
officer of the railwav comnanv staled
upon by the councils of Saginaw and Bay City and the "jitney bus,
competition,' made it impossible to operate the lines at a profit. The
Company's liabilities were placed at something over $3,500,000 and
the assets at $5,000,000. There can be little chance for discussion
of the proposition presented by the bankrupt company, if true, that j
"unregulated and unfair jitney competition, which city authorities
not only allow but encourage." works an injustice to the regular passenger-carrying
companies that have invested large sums in their
equipment. If competition is permitted, and there is no reason why
it should not be permitted, those entering into the competition should:
be required to assist in maintaining the streets and highways over
which they travel in the same proportion as the railways do. J
This same principle applies enually well to those auto-truck lines that
operate as common earners and lor protlt between towns and cities.
itli the of hard roads at enormous cst it is only fair and
equitable that the truck operators using them, should contribute of
their earnings a fair return for the maintenance of the highways.
De Valera's
isbv" , 4 j
1. 1
: li
Airs. Pbeehr KkenWtcm la credited with 1 vino- ki . 1-
brlhifirtr about the Irish Kngrtoh peace .onfrrrnce. She wan sent to
London by Da VaUra to awMirtain pabltc ojivion n4 noW-enfivermttmia
with iofleutiat Knallahmeii abortlr Ua,, Uu, com fitr atmcm n
.. m WM Bsaw 1 1 -. 1
. I. I , !.,.!,,
in JUI .I 9iuu i" nit ui iKiii "S"1
until something is done to compel people wl
some instance:
vehicle the l'.'U
"treat em
worth the
that the low rate . .f fare insisted
Peace Aid
i ,'
CHMsie. UMTN.4 rA5 !v ' tf- -i
-1 i L-:"- zrWL
Marseilles News
Office Phone, Hack 17S.
Otflca over
FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1921.
, i;oo(l luiii aeress ni" oeean, auu jj-wi
over a week in IJari.i. BO ing the City,
The preat event of the .summer j xm,n sh.- went to Vienna, and from
wan th match game between two th re with her i laughter Julia and
Learns consisting of the entire mem- Julia s children went to a summer re
bei'Bblp of the Mursctawa Country SOIt jn Croatia, where they will n
club, with Harry Scoot as captain of nuiln until Sept IS,
cue team and Fred Daggett captain
Of the other.
The contest closed yetterday after
noon with t'aptaln Scott's team in the
lead with a score of 28 to 23. Captain
Scott's team experienced a huj scar"
Iii the finish, when Captain DaggOtt'a
aggregation very nearly nosed them
Thomas, and very offlclenUy serve.
hv four members of the Main Street
Cirls' club, Misses Sue Daggett,
Bertha Logan and Kdith Cumin and
Mrs. Leo Wescott.
The menu WKS as follows:
Fruit salad cocktail.
Fried spring chicken, southern style.
Creamed potatoes. Qiblet gravy.
Boston baked beano, Cold slaw,
Creamed fresh pea:?.
Asparagus-tomato salad, with
tomato sauce.
Olives, pickles and cheese.
Brown bread. Parker House roll.;.
Apple plo and Ice cream,
cad tea, coffee and cigars.
Before the dinner a Deane gav
an exceptionally fine exhibition of ap
proaching by a long shot over the
trees, landing within 8 few foet of the
cup on the green.
The affair was a real live, get-to
gather for the followers of the Iron
end hrastie. During the activities
Father Bogey and Cranddad Far were
extensively discussed and cussed
Postmortems were numerous and sev
eral "I told you so's" were conspicu
ous. Upon suggestion of I. N. Baughman,
who moved a rising vote of Spprecla-
tlon to the Main Street Girls, there
was added one for the caterers who
served the banquet, However,
Baughia east the one and only as
senting vote, for the reason that the
rest of the Party were unable to rise
on account of excessive "eatl
an, 1
Is in a Htate of semi collapse, though
foundered this morning. A. ( Allen
Ir, I BS State of seinl-eollapie, though
attending to business
loci Graham gave an Impromtu night,
speech In behalf of Captains Scott and William Harper goes to Chicago to
Haggett. expressing appreciation of morrow morning, where he will enter
the handling of the w hole on be
half of those iirosent.
Cards a ere played, and music was
provided during the evening.
Have a Bia Time.
I A coupie or autns csrried a Joyom '
crdwd to a pleasant pot near McKln-i
t.. tlttwl, lc, A.nln 1 I
,, , n , ,,iuik. wiiere 'oey iniy-
ceaded to enjoy themselvea. The girls
brought, with the awistsncR of the
hoys, of course, material for a picnic
dinner, com po ed of the following ar-
tides: Welnioa, Which were boiled;
tnarshmallown, which were roaatod;
lea cream, which needed onlv to be 1
eaten; cake of various kinds, candv ot
many sorts, fruit of all varl ties on
the. market, mil drinks ot acceptable
coolness. A folding Vlctrola furnish
ed music, for dancing on the grans
where the pound was level. There
was singing, of course.
The party was as follows, with Miss
Bcmiah Ttmmons ss chaperon: Vera.
Fnnlna and Jennie Narctty, Til St Sail
Philllmore. ln ue Moigabon, M; rv
( erutti. Thoina Moraii, Mike Hicks
Ed Bournam. Fed ,,,, pritK 1
FUiiijttL. Frank AlarUadl ajid Thomas
, I
' I
- 'X
fii L Sc: rA
Houaa Phone, Black SS.
Star Theatre.
Mrs. Ward Arrives Overseas.
card from Mrs. Anna V. Ward
as that she made the Journey in
. .. .. . A ,,..
"Who's Who" at Bateman's.
Frank Long and Ctiarhs BUcMei
who have been lctt in charge of the
cigar store of a C. Bateman during
his absence In CbatUnooga. have been
trying to settle which one Is boss.
Frank thinks he Li. but finds it hard
to keep Charley at work.
Coffer Dam Head Off.
The coffer dam has been removed
frem the tall raca In the rear of the
new power house ot the National Ris
euit company. Water will be turned
on tin. wheel', tomorrow, and they
hope to have a test out of the entire
plant on Monday'.
Local Ncues.
Loulo Huslem. Ed Wells, Zeb Wells
and Zee Wells and Harry Scott mo
tored to Sandwich to the auto races
yesterday. The races were called off
on account of rain.
Oeraldine Pelllno went to Joliet this
Mrs. Fanrtie Parmoloo ot State
street suffered a slight relr.pse this
lest heated spell, hut the first cool
Weather will se a prompt recovery.
Mrs S. P. D'mtr.g of Estheiville, a
former resident of this city. Is here
now on a visit to relatives and friends.
Mrs. Peter Micllo went to Chicago
this morning.
Mrs. Fugenp Holland and Shlldrer
of Chicago are vlsitlns; relatives here
W'illard Hix and several friends mo
tored to Starved Rock yesterday.
Miss Mary Sehrint; w.s brought
home from the hospital In Ottawa las1
evening, where she underwent an op-
; eration for appendiettu recently. He;
! health Is much improved and she will
i soon be well as ever
Frank Palmer lias finished the exca
I vatlon for the cellar of his new house
on Fine street it is to be on the site
formerly occupied by the Catholic
Church. The concrete foundation and
basement, will bo put In under the
supervision of Ernest. Carpenter.
Ceceillia DeFlllppI Of Spring Valley
motored up with her father this morn
ing, and will remain for a few days
visit with relatives and friends
Dollie Oilille returned home yester-
i day from a vacation visit in Ladd.
Edward Lemp, who Is laying out a
: fine in the city Jail, was released last
employment for a (inn there.
Tin- grasshopper trucks carrying
gravel and sand to the hard roads near:
iw-'u 1,01 !,.,, i,., fnrhlrtil.m hv the,
..... .... ,.. riinittr tt na
much time I
the drivers stienil too
flirting vvith the pretty girls along that
The proposed High Line will run
north from Marseille through Dan
way. Norway, on to Serena. Joining
the present High Line already there,
with branch lines at all cross roads.
The line is for the purpose of fur
nishing electric lights and power ti
the farmers and country towns. We
have a good proposition and It would
pay you to call and see us. or phone
us and we will call and see you.
Phone Red Marseilles. 111.
Johnson a Fattison. Contractors
On or About August 15th
Singer & Rickerd will display a full
line of preayanDR-jskued by the Fnite.)
Cigars company in return for cou
pons Issued at their place ot busiuess,
404 aln.St.
Chicago, Aug l Wheal dlsplayen
unusual Irregularity in price today,
Heading ami profit taking galea were
shout I'M'niy balanced by commi moh
houaa danand baaed largely uti a.
nuinptloas that oxixirt business would
d velop in sufficient volume to absorb
Ml wh tat surplus in this country ami
I anada, On tha other hand, export
villi today appeared to have cone t ;i
halt, Opening quotations, which va
ried i rum unchanged iigurc., to J-,c
hUher, with September I1.S414 to
and December $
fOllQW( .1 bl a nu
n to l .V
, ere
ate Botback
and then b)
day's Snlah,
l.aek of at
After oponlnj
advance, Incli
rally ' nbuut yeslci
port weakened com
at I4c dei lino to a like
ilng September at B7Uc
to 'u 'Sic, It underwent a general sag
and shewed but little power to rally
Oats were easier than com. start-
nn unchanged to a shade higher, Sep
'tentbor :'tisi. and later doclinlni
High 1 r quotation of boga ku1 drov
neai to prortclons,
Wall Strict.
New York. Aug, 12. further week
neaa In industrial shares at the open-
Ing of t, day's stock market Intensified
tin prevailing dejection in speculative
rin ilea !h thli hem Steel, tJeneral
Electric, Royal lu;ch, American Writ
ing Paper preferred. Seara-Roebuck
and Qolorado and SOUthl m lost I to
l ' points and Mercantile Marine pre
tccrcd, Baldwin, Pullman, ( antral
pbalt, Sumatra Tobacco, Retail
stuns and American Linseed M to
points. Later cxporlmentaJ buying
operations In th, railroad group to
tt what would follow caused soma
sh rt covering In other Quarters.
Atchison, Union Pacific, Heading,
Northern Pacific, Moxlcan Petroleum.
Studsbaker and United States Alcohol
were lifted to point.-, and West
i m Union 1 la points, foreign ex
change rates were steady
Liberty Bonds.
New York. Aug IS. Liberty bonds
at noon: 3H 88.4S; first 4, 87.70;
second 4s. ST.'.C bid; first 4'4s. 87.84;
second 4'4s. S7.K4; third 4'4s, BJ.M;
fourth 4'iS. 87.84; victory &S.70,
victory 44s, H8.68.
Chicago, Aug. 12. Hogs Receipts,
21,000 head; held over, 11,141; open
ing 15c to 85c highc than yesterday's
average: mostly to yard traders and
a lew shippers; loji95 paid; Qgtality
fair; average cost ycH.terday $y.20.
Cattle- Receipts, ,000 head.
Sheep (Receipts, ftOOO bead.
Chicago. Aug. 12. Potatooe firm;
receipts, "i4 cur!; Jersey Irish cob
biers, sacked and hulk. 13.854; Idaho,
sacked. S9.6O-8.O0 ewt, Nebraska early
Ohlos. I&604.65 cwt; Kansas. Sg,40
:;.5 cwt.
Chicago. Aug
en emery extra
ir higher;
Kggs unchanged; receipts, MM 13
Poultry 'Alive unchanged.
Riga. Latlvia, Aug. 4. The monk
llllodar Helidorus. former preceptor
and afterward antagonist of the no
rorious Rasputin, is again attracting
attention In Russia by announcing his
purpose to start a revolution in the or
thodox Russian church. Hellodorus
fled from Russia after his break with
Rasputin in the early part of the war
but returned after the Bolshevlki
gained control. He was unfrocked
by the church.
His reappearance In public in Rus
sja was almost simultaneous with a
revival of fervor in the Orthodox
church, which the Bolshevlki now are
trying to combat. In an address at
the Tsarltsin (of which he was for
merly SfbbOt) he recently declared;
I consecrate myself to the fight for
the people's cause and to start a cam
paign against the popes (priests!
which is to make a revolution wjthin
the church."
Every Sunday and on many religious
feast "lays in Russia the churches now
are crowded. Communilsts, them
selves, are attending the services and
this has brought down on their heads
a warning irom u ,.,
to set so bad an example for the pea-
sani.-. on uiai sumcm
Pravda says that.
some ot the t oin-
munlsts even have used Soviet offcjal
automobiles to tase uhsm """""" l"
I want everyone ho know that 1 am
at Blanehard's drug store every Mon
day and want everyone in need of
glassea to give me a trial. I guaran
ti .. satisfaction end my prices are rea
sonable. W. C. GILBERT, O. D
I have taken the agency of
the Allen Nursery of Roches
tor N Y. Order now for fall
delivery. Slock guaranteed
first-class quality.
Phone Red 56. Marseilles.
1 ,
Chicago market report furutabsd by
(J. W. Klrby, manager Simons, Daj
a Co , Room 8X8 Ma'aney Building
i'boue M.
High. Low. Close, close
Sept .... I.S&b I 1 .8.1 1 24
Dee . ... I.SJ i.STVs i-f. 1 2T4
Si pt TiT'St ."(! .'ii
Dec .".CLj .r.."S, M
Bept "'''h :ii ..i'
Dec 40 M ,39 :t!,7H
Caah Markrts.
No 2 mixed
No, 8 yellow
No. 2 white
No J white
Nti. 3 white
No, 2 whlto
No. 2 yellow
No. :; white
No. 3 yellow
No. 4 while
No. 4 yellow
No. a
No, 4
lorn -No.
2 whit,
white .
hat $1.0
No. :: white ,29H
No. 4 white 2liij
No. 2 white 4!'Vs
No 2 yellow
No. 3 white
No. 3 yellow
No. 4 white
No. 4 yellow
46? .
I.ard, 10c.
Cream, 33c.
Kggs, 2ic.
Butter, 20c
Hens. lSc.
Springers, 25c.
Ducks. 15c.
Old Toms, 20c.
Plgeoas, 5.
Old Roosters, 8c.
Stags, 8c.
Ceese. Sc.
The newspaper printed the
warning from the party
"The Soviet power has no Intent jon
to compel anyone by forcible means to
leave off the services of professional
darkness but the Communist party as
a whole has a right and is bound to
demand from its responsible members
that they not only should not take
part in religious ceremonies and serv
ices but should try by example and ex
planation tO others to overcome all
relicious superstition. Every mem
ber of the party directly and op
should recognize and strengthen
the example of his own conduct
truth that religion and scientific (
This handsome navy blue awn
nyn-. tl.- new wool fabric, has the
:iev Itare hox coat. Pleats from the
sMoulder give the graceful swln::.
riie coat Is hand, d with moles skin
th same fur being used in the high
ir.Oker The skirt is stratKht lined.
Insect Powder From Flowers.
Insect powder, which is made by
grinding the flower heads of certain
species ,,f pyrethrum contains a vola
tile oil which acts iipiiti bisects by
asphyxiation. It is harmless to the
highier animals. Including man. The
WVT Rise tl who niake it fetter no more
Inconvenience tium do millers r other
eqt.'nKert m dusty trades Tie plunts
ure fed to horses and ether stock after
the flowers have been gathered.
nun Ism are absolutely Incompatible.
Box Coat
One trouble about having another
o volution In Russia Is tliut Russia,
has already tried nearly all the varie
ty, an I made a mi IS ol them.
If bobhrd hair jeopardizes the busl
ness c.irrcr cf the youna woman, so
much the vsorte for the businesa ca
rter, sayf the bobbed young woman.
'i his nation will never be than
OUShly artistic until art lq made time
nughly dwntx'ratlc, An by utronaga
Is not df inociatic or healthful.
In the next dictionary the word
"agenda" should be defined as a list
of the thinrjs people would like to do
;t they only could.
ll Is hinted that Senator Franco
nut a bogus Trotsky who bamboozled
him Did the senator buy the Navaky
Remember, A way
Back, When-
On Wednerday, Feb. 22, 1871, the em
ployes of Caton's telegraph instru
mont factory surprised their foreman,
Mr. Hennmg, by presenting him with
a gold watch valued at $175, which
was purchased St Trask'Bf The event
marked Mr. Henmng's fifty-second
birthday, and, incidntally, it was just
twelve years that he had charge of
the plant. A half holiday was then
i declared. The boys were given a
I r.leigh ride to Marseille in the after,
i noon and In the evening were treated
; to an oyster supper at Walther's.
Still, without a Caruso to manage it,
j the Caruso larnyx as an inheritance
will not do the old home town much
' t,od.
it the crusade against cnewoig gum
gets under way there w.ll he gum
runners as well as rum runners.
Now." said the boss to tha rising
OUng salesman, "you must bo cart fill
about uanii B, When you call on a
man named Crazy,' for instance, )ou
wan) to find out bow he pronounces
it before you address him. It Is a
( inch it w ill not be pronounced as it is
cpelled, -'lid you'll make no hit at all
if yau go in and call him 'Mr. Crazy."
"If it s impoasll le to find out how
he likes his namu pronounced you
want to takt B chance on something
like 'Krawsoe.' He won't get mad if
the pronouiu iatlon is not according to
his ideas so long as you don't sav
'Crazy.' Your waj of pronouncing It
' may be an improvement on anything
j he had thought of himself. In that
! case you will have a good chance for
! an order. Just exercise yi ur Inge
nuity In finding ways of pronouncing
1 names like that tlmt have uu unfortu
i mite humorous sound.
One of my salesmen lost a large
! ordi r once by calling a man 'Mr.
' Wadd)-' instead of Mr. Waddell.'
which was unfortunate In that Mr.
I Waddell happened to be a short, fat
"it will require some little Ingenuity
Ion your part to do this, and you will
I have to study the matter of names.
' "For instance, we have a customer
at Junkvllle named 'Mr. Punk, and it
j is kind of hard to get around a name
! like that, but you can try out various
pronunciations as you address the
man, and note by bis i gpresslon which
.seems to please him the most. Try
'Pink,' Tank.' Penk,' 'Ponk,' 'Panak,'
'Pinak,' ',' and so on.
He bad a customer named 'Chick
en! hlef once, and one of the boyj
made such a hit. hv calling him 'Chyek
enthyffe1 that he gave the boy a Job as
head of the works with nothing to
do hut boss other people around and
occasionally can somebody.
"Mr Housebreaker is another man
you want to look out for. Hill House
breaker is the soul of honor and In
tegrity, his word Is his bond, and he
never told a lie in his life. Mr. Pich
pocket and Mr. Llghtflnger, Mr. Booze
guzzler and Mr. Slugger are all Sun
day echo! superintendents and things
of that sort, and must bo addressed
carefuly as 'Mr. Hoosebreker,1 'Mr.
Pykepogue' and so on. You can al
ways make use of the silent letter
rule, or pretend to think the gentle
man is entitled to the French accent
Now lie careful a bent these names.
Mr. Booh, won't, you?"
.... , .. .. ....
les, sir. repnea tin- young
addressed, "but my name is
nounced 'Bow-ob,' the first 'o'
nounced like o' In 'doughnut,'
P ro
und the second 'o pronounced like
o' lu
'doorknob.' "
"That's the Ideal You'll learn!"
and the boss placed his hand approv
Ingly upon the young man's well
rounded hi ad.
0. W. W.
Mrs. A. K. Preuss culled on friends
Iii La Salle yesterday.
George Wilfeoh was a business call
er in La Salle Wednesday.
Mrs, Frank Cooper from La Salla
is visiting friends in Ftlca.
Miss Maria Noon was a shonner In
La Salle Wednesday.
John White was an Ottawa caller
John Wylle was a caller In Ia Salle
Mrs. Harry Bender was a La Salle
shopper yesterday
Mrs. Clayton Harl ack and f.istor
Dorothy from Starved Rock were La
Salle callers yesterday.
Miss Jessie Kills called on friends
in ia Salle yesterday.
Leonard Brightmaa and Clink Card
tier were La Salle callers yesterday.
M. K Case made a business call to
I-a Salle Wednesday.
Edwin Thompson of Lu Salle spent
Wednesday in Utica on business.