Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, AUGUST IS, 1921. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS SENATE HIVES 0. K. 10 THE BUL WHICH GIVES RAIL RELIEF AMENDMENT PROHIBITS THE WAR FINANCE CORPORATION FROM RENDERING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE. (Washington, aur. IK. The adminis tration hill. tivrfcg the war thinner corporation authority to extend $60Oy 000,000 credits to the railroads was or dered favorably reported by the si n ate interstate commerce committee yesterday by n vot of 7 to 2. Senator voting for the bill were Polndexter, Kellogg, Watson. McLean, Towns end, Fr linvhuysen. Republic ans, and Pomerene. Democrat. Sena tors voting the bill won1 La toilette, Republican, and Stanley. Democrat. Under an amendment, adopted be fore the bill was ordered reported, the ymt Qnance corporation would be pro hibited from rendering financial as KUtu(tiijto U. rattt'rtd whirl; wouhl Interfere with Its luiandm- extensive ly'thc export of great products. 'ni,'iuiiendnient ; pansori df by Sena tor KfUdhn ls Intwwoo to prevent the corporation's resources being so taxed by railroad aid a .to present Moqufa iusbflit )wgWKt Vtfendv4 to the BfricuTtural Interests it is stipulated by the amendment that the corporation shall so construe and SWSInSter1 ffie provisions 'or tin rtllrMH1fflf-frsrto Rive preference to tho financing and export of ogrl- cultural, orodpet.-,. ' TfiA railway ;rr reliel liitl will be ti ported, favorably from tli- house inter state and foreign couuucrcc commit tee tDftaand-uusucd by tbv hflfJS! bib lore recess Is taken, under present plans' of the-hotua re'adfrsJ ' Final hearings in the house will be held on the bill today. The commit tee refused the request of Keprescnt.'i tlvo Ruddles ton, Alabama, to gei the testimony of former Secretary Hjous ton, Bert .vi. Jewell, representing labor organisations, and others. ifuddleston charged that railroads had flouted the government and wore sot entitled to further consideration. Tho Pennsylvania railroad, he said, had refused openly to abide by the de cision of the railroad labor board; the Krie railroad had sought d.lberately to evade the board's order by turning Clothes Make the Sophie Wachner is head of the Ooldwyn wardrole department. Her Job is to dress movie actresses so tliey live the iart they iriay. She alse deslsns suits for scarecrow beds for mice, ballet skirts for horse and it ether such uaueual things. the Marion, Ohio, repair shops ove to a fictitious Indepondt m operating concern. Pre.sideut Harding is understood to havo urged bouse action on Uio rail road bill beto.-e the recess of con gress, expected to bo taken n xt Wed- nesduy. The house Republican Steering com mittee yesterday rojuested ChaJrmaB Wlnslow of the committee consider log Uvo bill to hasten a. ilon on.H. Be cause -ol the exp"cti d opposition to the bill in the house. Winslow anJ other oomniilt' men fnvi reil delaying final action The bill tho wur finance corporation to market railroad secur ities held by the government to real ize fund tor -u by the railway ad ministration in s. tiling railroad claims. CONSTANTINE'S ARMY NEARING NATIONALISTS Smyrna, Ana. 17 -King Constat; tine's fast moving army is now within eight miles of the last real defensive positions oi the Turkish nationalists along the SftkaftM river, sixty miles west of Angora, the capital. The Creel; right wing is at present crossing the extensive salt desert lo the south Of this river, with the inten tion of cutting Off the retreat Of th" Turks toward Angora. In all then are four great columns making a thrust toward the nations, 1st seat of government and One strik ing to the north toward lsmld. CYRUS E. WOOD SAILS ON 8TEAMSHIP PAfUS --w ' '-tt,-,p- New York Aug. IT.. Cyrus K. Wood Of Of ensburg,. V: . Hew JinibaH'o: to -SpaiiW'fcWiktfj i;sssi$',ln ..the steamship Paris, sailing today for France, lie was accompanied by his Wdifo aaid inutheT inlaX .flr; J, "A. MiBrtfTrt JvtttiMitmiM MteidiMiMhtfp to Paris for a short stay before taking up his official duti" ille chatted gay!., with friends who nlled Bis cabin with Bowers, but da (.lined' 'to talk iihtAlt work' problems wild reporters. "1 woujd not even discuss- the ten comtiiaiulents today," lie told tin in. MOB TAKES NEGRO FROM HOSPITAL Augusta, (la , Aug. 17. A masked mob forced Its way Into the Univer sity here shortly after 1 o'clock tliis morning, secured the body of Walter .Smalley. the negro who ran amuck and killed two White men and injured four others late yesterday, and, carry ing it beyond tho city limits, burned it to a crfep. The remtritis tlren were re lumed to the hospital. Movie Woman OTTAWA Home Sweet NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Beated bids win bo received by the Council of the City of Ottawa. Illinois, until August ir.Mh. A. 1). 1081, at 7:.'iu o'clock p. in , at the City Offices In the Central Ufo Building, for the ex cavating for the changing of the chau nel of Goose Creek and for the haul ing of excavated material, and also for tho construction of two concrete bridges ovt r the same. Plans and specifications for the above named work can be had at the office of the .'lty Clerk. All bids or proposals must he on proposal blanks furnished by the City of Ottawa A certified check In the amount of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars must accompafVy all bids and shall be made payable to the Mayor of the City of Ottawa, Illinois. The city reserves the right to re ject anv and all bids. GKOHGK V. I!. yKEKS, Mayotof the City of Ottawa, Illinois. Attest W, VV. CURTIS, City Clerk. Dr. H. Fledderman PILE and GOITER SPECIALIST PILES, I remove oy an absorbent method that removes them forever. No knife, no chloroform, no delaj from work. GOITER, I reduce by a dependable absorbent method that gives com plete and permanent results. Don't wait until your heart eyes and nerves collapse conserve your health. At Hotel Ottawa, Ottawa, III., every Saturday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m Office over Askln'a store. Room 304-305 Murray Bldg. Streator. 111. Curtis Auxiliary Fuel Mixer Eliminates all Carbon Troubles. Gives a Smooth Running Engine. Adds 25 per cent more miles to every gallon of gasoline. JOHN H. GRAY 329 E. Lafayette Phone 661-Y NEW ROAD HOUSE We have opened a new Road House, on the Deer Park road, about 2 miles out. We serve chicken dinners and short orders. Open from noon on all night. WILSON'S ROAD HOUSE Phone 9049-11. Chicken Dinner $1.00 These Want Ads Go Into Thous ands of Homes; Read them and profit. FREE TRADER JOURNAL. Home Classified Advertising HOP WANTED WANTED A maid for general house work; no washing; family of threA Phone 385-X or Inquire at r27 Chris lie St. WANTED A midrib -aged woman or girl to assist with housework; no cooking or washing. Phono 1133. WANTED A maid. Phone B8T,. AOKNTS Make $76.00 weekly sell ing guaranteed hosiery. We guar antee 184.00 weekly full time, "he. an hour spare time. Experience un necessary. Perfectwaar Hosiery, Darby, Pa. ATTENTION, Aj-ents and Mali Order Men. You can build up a good business which will mean an ncome for Ufa. Send for free booklet of unsolicited testimonials like this' Fort Dodge, Iowa, Sept. 23, 191'J. Rheumatism Horb Company. Dear Sirs: The man I treated with your Rheumatism Herbs only used it five days and he walked downtown two miles to see mo last Sunday, and now his wife is also taking tho Herb foot taths, so you see I got results ho first tlmo. Respectfully, A. D. Hall. Price $1 Pound, 15 Pounds $5. Rheu matism Herb Co., K 997, Ocean Park, Gal. WANTED Oirl tor general house work. MRS. KMnVLES, !K)7 Paul St.. Phone 15. V. (OR RENT FOR RENT -Th. Fro .1. Kin honK on Ottawa ' Ave . No. VYi; ' largo house; fufnace; toilet! electric lic.hts; cement floor In cellar; barn; large lot; $2S; immediate possession, Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELD. FOR RENT Tho Ben Murphy home, 1107 West Lafayette St.; strictly modern, large house; every conveni ence; $85; immediate possession Tel. 048-W. T. 11. FARRELL. FOR RENT A good four-room house, two doors west of Johnson piano factory, on Second St., $12 per month; now paper and paint; immediate pos session. T. B. FARRELL. FOR RENT - Fine S-room dwelling at 1107 West Lafayette St.; strictly modern; $3." per month; lease on) year to responsible party. Tel. G48-W. B. B. FARRELL. BUSINESS NOTICES F.A.K0SS0W ROOFING CO. Tar and Gravel Roofers All Work Guaranteed 505 Second St. La Salle, IIL Telephone 130 UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE upholstering work. Furniture cabinet work. Furniture finishing work. Furniture repair work. Mattress work. Done practically and well ORORnrc BAUCHLE.. Phone S37-JL Professional Cards THERON L. LENA M. Warrick & Warrick CHIR0PRACT0R8. Hours: 10-12, -f, 7-1. Palmer School Graduate Room 212-14 Central Life Building, Ottawa. 111. Phono 1008. Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR. Licensed by Illinois State Hoard of Health. 111-112 Moloney Bldg. Phone 6I0-R Hours: 9-12 a. in.. 1-4 p m Dr. C. F. Van AtU Successor to Dr. Hertoa Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office 404 Central Ufa. i bone 1015 W. rORJALE HOUSES FOR SALE Cottage, on West Madi son St.; six rooms, with batb; im proved and in very good condition; must be sold immediately. Inquire r.0 Central Life Bldg. Phone 10iy-R or S4&-L. FOR SALE A good home ,at 100 Canal St., Just north of Lafayette, for kss than its value; owner has left city and will not return. Tel. 648-W. T. 15. FARRELL. FOR SALE A complete house on West Jackson St.; strictly modern; 2 story frame; H rooms; $4,"00; worth more; lot me show it to you. Tel. fl.-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALIC- Because of a separation between husband wife, I can offer you a good home, with all modern convenience, for $3,700. and place a $2,000 loan on it for you if you so de sire, payments on tho loan to be $20. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE r;-room house, West Side; city water; electric lights; $800, half down, balunco building and loan. W. 11. PUSSY, 507 Central Lite Rldg. FOR SALIC; in good condi tion; North Side; $1,800. W. 11 PUSEY, Central Life Bldg. FOR SALE 7 room hoiisti and barn. Norris St.; also oho on Jofiet St.. at a bargain. W, H. PUSEY, Central Ufo Bldg. FOR SALE Large house and baru with corner lot on good street, north side. Buildings could not be built for $7,000. But if I can torn it within 30 days will sell for less than half that amount. W. B. PUSEY. Central Life Bldg.. Ottawa, 111. FOR SALE South Ottawa, 5 room house, $2,500; C room house, two lots, $3,000; C room and bath in good condition, $2,800; 7 room house, 2 lots, $5,000; also a large house, $4, 000. W. B. PUSEY, Central Life Bide.. Ottawa, 111. FOR SALE -Seven room house, witu hot water heat, hath room, laundry; in good condition; three large lots, quantity of fruit; Center Ottawa, $3,6Q. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE Five room cottage; hard wood floors, furnace, gas, electric lights; $4,000. Also five room cot tage; city jrater; two large lots; $1,100. Both in West Ottawa. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE Six room new, modern house; in good condition; heating and plumbing worth from $2,500 to $3,000; hardwood floors, colona-lea. etc.; for quick sale from $5,000 to $6,000 less than house could be trected. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. I FOR SALE Thro modern houses in twt Ottawa, west or Orleanp street for one-half value. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. FOR SALE Five houses east of Or leans street, all of which will be sold for much less than the actual value. MISS GERTRUDE HARRIS. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Maxwell touring car; In tirst-class condition; new top and new paint; just overhauled; new tires; very reasonable. Call 155-X. FOR SALE Ford roadster, Ford tour ing car and Stutz special racer; all In first-class mechanical condition. MAX SMITH'S GARAGE. FOR SALE Ford roadster j four new cord tires, four new fenders, new hood, winter top; ail in Ai shape; $2"0; a good buy for someone. Ao drcss U.i care this ollice. FURNITURE FOR SALE Parlor best of condition. Superior St. suite, in very Apply 122 West HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE One kitchen cabinet, one. kitchen table, one dining table, six leather seated dinlnu room chairs, a sideboard, one roll top tie k. om t iectric cook stove, and an ii .'box. 'all at 215 West Jefferson si Call :s5. WANTED Clean rags, any color, a' tna Free TraderJouruai office. BY ALLMAN WANTED WANTED Washing to do at home Excellent work done. Call 38-V MARY E. BCH!.Q8ER. WANTED TO BUY All kinds of old rugti, carpets, llneoleum and old clothing; pay a first-class price. Phono 172-L. MRS. FRANK BYERS. WANTED TO RENT three furnished light housekeeping rooms, nice loca tion und' not far from town. Wanted by September 1st. Reasonable Address t;. D. R. care Free Trader Journal. WANTED TO RENT A five or six room house, on or before Sept. 16, Call LU7-K, WANTED I want to buy a small cot cottage near Columbus .school or east of it; about fl.OfNj or $1,200, and must be well worth it, else save your time. Tel. 848:W. T. B. FARREI.L. WANTED -Curtains to launder; ex cellent work done of curtains and drapes. MARY E. SCHLOSSKR, 503 St. George St. Phone 938-Y. WANTED A house and lot tn Ottawa In exchange for raw land in Man! toba. Address A., care this office. WANTED -Dressmaking and plain sewing,, ladies' and children s dresses and men's shirts; suits and coats rellned aud altered; urderii taken for all kinds of fancy work. SI t Columbus St., Burrows Apart ments. Phone 201-X, Miss E. M. Orr. WANTED To ask all men and boys ' why rob yourself and somebody to njoy the fruit:-'.' Buy overalls, 1 unipnalls, shirts and pants at the Ot tawa Overall Plactory, In the old high , school building, and enjoy the profits ' yourself. j FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Cheat) Indian motorcycle in good condition. Just overhauled. Call S10-K. FOR SALE -Some fine white oak. well seasoned fence posts; also some wood for fireplace. F. 0; AL BRBOHT, 1111 Poplar St. Phone 934-X. MISCELLANEOUS WE HAVE SPACE for two utitomo blles. Call at SDi Popular St. TO LOAN -Would like to lend $2,000 at best rates, plus usual COmmis sion. T. B. FARRELL NOTICE TO STOCK FEEDERS I have for rent about 320 acres of good pasture and meadow, several acres good timothy and clover, and about seventy acres of pretty good oats that 1 have decided not to har vest. This will make fine feed for cattle and should lake care of 200 head or more. Flowing artesian water and plenty of shado. Immed iate possession. I have also 340 acres of land for rent for 1922. Fair improvements. For particulars call on Win. Jami son, Owner, 30C Armory Block, Otta wa, 111. CLERKS - ( Men. women) over 17. for for Postal Mail Service. $130 ii m nth, Examinations September. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, of examinations, write J. Leonard i former Civil Service exam iner). H2L' Eipiitable Bldg. Washing ton. D. C. FOR SALE- Oarage business in e (client location. LOUIS DE FILlPl!, Spring Valley, 111. FBR SALE Nice clean cobs, $2.7.1 a I load, or two loads lor $5.00. Call Roy Wernstrum, Green 26. NOTICE. Estate of Clara I. Fetzer, Deceased Notice is- hereby given that the mi derslgned, Administrator of the es tate Of Clara I. Fetzer, late of the County of La Salle and State of 111' nois. deceased, will appear baton Ihe Probate Court of said County, on the first Monday i being tbe third day) of October, 19S1, at the Probate Court Room, in Ottawa, in said County, when and where all persons having claims or demand against said (-state afc Mkttfied to attend and present the sain.- in writing lor adjustment bated the nth day of August, A p. IM1, JOHN W FETZER Administrator. AOt FIVg DAILY NEWSLfeT j It HI picTuCfH U mi tri f 5, FARM LAN hi u III SI r FOR SALE Small farmB near Otta wa, as follows: 5 acres, well Improved I 4,600 10 acres, garden land , 10,000 34 acres, one-half cultivated... 10,600 35 acres, one-half tillable, bah timber 6,000 40 acres, fairly well improved. 13,003 10 acres, three-fourths timber, t, small bldgs 2.500 115 acres, mostly black, im- I proved 23,000 And others. Terms can be ar ranged . W. B. PUSEY. Central Life Bldg. Ottawa. Illlnoii 800 ACRES Improved farm in cropa. Beautiful home. Will show photos. Small lake, big fish. 24 horses, 76 cattle, 25 hogs, crops, feed, and aeed all go with sale. Accident compels owner to sell. Reasonable cash pay ment, balance long time at 6. Here ia an ideal place for a farmer and two sons to make a fortune as farm will sell much less than its value. George Crowden, Ottawa, ill. "Let George Da If . - -" , -.-.!.! Ail torf THE FREE TRADER-JOURNAL AND FAIR DEAL EH. , 115 West Main Street i FREE TBaMK-JOURHAL HG. CO. Publisher. NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVES S. C. Theis Company, 356 fifth AWy! CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVES 8. C. Theis Compauy, 84 Moaadnod Block. MINNEAPOLIS REPRESENTATIVB S. C. Theis Company. 706 Lincoln Bid. ft The Free Trader-Journal may Da found at the news depots of Wheeler & Malo, KneusHl Brethera and Pyla Cigar Stom CHICAGO, OTTAWA, & PEORIA RAILWAY OTTAWA, ILL. Effective May 20th, 1921. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CARI AT LOW RATES. EASTBOUND. Eastbound cars leave Ottawa at tion for Marseilles, Seneca, Morrla, Minooka, Rockdalo and Jollet, 111.,: la s. m. 5:40, b;30, 7:55, 8:65, 11:65, In p. m. 1:55, n2:65, 3:65, c4:66, n4:55, 8:05, 10:00. WESTBOUND. Westbound cars leave Ottawa ita tlon for Utlca, La Salle, Peru, Sprint Valley, Ladd, DePue, Bureau, Prince ton In a. m. 16:55, g6:52. 8:25, 19:66, dy:55. fl!:55. la P. m. tl;5&f3:66. d4:55. f6:55, n-d:56( d7:F, M:6$. f 80UTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa at. tlnn l..r r.rT.. UiAo MKfrilirff Park anu streator m a. m. a:o. i;t3,:;e, 11:55. In p. m. 1:55, 3:55, 5:65, 8:00, 10.00. . .-.. h Juliet, dally except: Sunday! and holiuays. c Morris. d Ladd. Jm f Princeton. g Ladd, daily except Sundays att holidays. n Sundays and holidays only. f ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SAV1 I SIDNEY. . TICKET OFFICE OPEN FROM I 4 A. M TO 11:35 P. It. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO Via Joliet, III., and Chicago A JoHat Electric Railway: , $3.00 Round One Qt Trip Way ?ICK' I (Return trip limited to ten daya) FAST FREIGHT ERVICB. Phona Agents for Full Information I