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PAGE TWO TRIDAY, SEPT'MQE.T 30, 1921. OTTA WA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL LEADERS OE BRITISH I Pattern Dep't f f i n a n ni i in n nnw LAdUK ULAtlVl UK 1 1. "t-Jtaut-n U. S. IS Ely TALE Name RETURN TO NATIVE LAND AFTER INQUIRY INTO AMERICAN PRO HIBITION, WHICH THEY PRO NOUNCE AN IMPOSSIBLE THING "THAT DOES NOT EXIST' j n ."Tliii uimnrpsaion of tho suitKdi is an achievement tor which tlie American people caanot In- too thankful," US-ells .1 Joint re-i port ot diaries if. Btltch and John K. Davison, labor lutflwi of p.irli.i incut, who recently visited the Unltedl states to iBnsttgats the operation ofl prohibition. "Prohibition, however, as we In thin country were lel to believe it pre , vsiia. iis not exist." adds the re port, which also notes the develop ment of home brewing, wine netting ami Illicit traffic in liquor -We believe the American people will demand facilitie s for the purchat or liRht wines and beers, and had the anti-saloon propaganda been in the direction of eliminating the more die Ki-aceful features of the saloons, With the provision for these simple bever apes, the bitter animosity aroused by its more drastic efforts would npl liave been provoked. "If ever it ti sought to Impose i similar law on our statute books the electors must see to it that it is not 'planted' upon them in the dark. bu( that its acceptance shall be only after a full opportunity is afforded for its adequate consideration and it is BUD mitted for their approval end CODSi U1 in a constitutional manner." People in a position to know, con tinues the report, have described ! America as "a bootlegger- paradise.", and goes on to say: "We were con stantly driven to the conviction that the resultant consequences on the moral of the peoples boded il! fori the future, particularly as regards the rising generation." A mass of information was fitr-i nished these members of parliament, and, it is asserted, "for every claim, advanced by prohibitionists it is pos sible to present conflicting views.-' li if - . , ........ : CCS .... 1 Postoflice ( 4 State J 1 1 Ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I BW sr --( V s mm,, i n If -4 Twenty-five members of the "Bush Leaguers." an organisation of runs pa; players at the Klls' club, were guests last nirflit at L, V. Hess at a delightful bat;. met at Starved Rock hotel. The spread, cue of the finest ever served a large group ni hungry men in this locality. .is the prelude to an evening at the bushers' favor ite pastime of rusnnt with deuces wild, The whoM affair was carried off on a 100 per cent efficiency basis, no de tail being left undone to make the evening's pleasures complete for the guests, First prise was won by Chas, Qletan, tecond by James Burke and the consolation .vent to Rudolph Klein. TIM dinner was served Dranotiy at 6:48 by Mine Host C ro ller of 111. ent v came the (Ids. to a hotel and and at 10 close. : : people 11 his i Dtps of the par- I A NmV ANli PASHIONABLH GOV.'..' IN MI'Ui: BTYLM Pattern Sf 07 Is shown la tins model. !- is cul In 4 slses: 31, .ig, 3s, 10, a and 44 inches bust mess urc. a ;:; Inch --ize will require Z), yards Ol 14 incli matt-rial for ar.d Panels, and ;t yards for Waist and fcJkirt. Vel veteen, b. rgfc, satin, taffeta pongee, ahanttssg. ltuen, crepe or crepe Ue chlno arc attractive for Ten yonng people Mid a very pl i-.iiit wienner roast teat night In i honor of Miss Edith Palmer, who cole hrated her eighteenth birthday yes terday and Robert iiiiii.itil who cele brated his nineteenth birthday. The guests planned a wienner roast at the : old Elm" but on account of the rain I w ere (orced to seek shelter in the 'mouth Of One of the caves in South Ottawa to eat their picnic supper Following tin supper they went up to the home of Miss Lttcile Bultman on the North Bluff Where I very pleas int evening as spent dancing. .. Jf, Twenty four members of Florence Rebekeh lodge in this city went to Streater yesterday afternoon or last night t" attend the 'Illinois First" I meeting held by the "Lily of the Val- Rebekah lodge In that ilty. Tl meetuag was held to commemorate the winning of the state wide mem bership contest by Streator, and also to celebrate tike I b.tpti r s birthda) A One pro-ram was given both in thi afternoon and the evening, follow a by a soi all hour, where refreehmenti were served. A bUnOb of students Of the Town ship High School and St. Xavlers Academy held a very enjoyable party but nlghl at the home of Mr. and Mrs Rimer 0, Peterson In the Colwell Apartments. About twenty-llvs were In attendance. 'The boy.- end girls had planned to go out in the count for a wienner roast, but the rain In terfered with their plans, so they went to the Peterson heme A verj pleasant evening at as spent with music, games and dancing, and about ten o'clock a delicious supper w..s served. The Home Department of the Otta wa Woman's Club Will hold a picnic at the resilience of Mrs, J J Hornung in Deer Park Township on Monday. October Jrd. All members of the club are Invited to attend. The guests will meet at the tourt house at lO'.Sfl o' clock sharp, where autos will he wail ing to take the ladies to the rtOFUttng home. A chicken dinner will be :er ved at noon. Mrs William Hornung and Miss Florence Hornung entertained with a one o'clock luncheon today at the for mer's home on Pear! street, compli mentary to Miss Margaret Yentzer Covers were laid for twelve guests at tables prettily decorated with cosmos and asters, Following the luncheon three tables of bridge were played during the afternoon. Mis. Lester H Strewn has issued invitations for a bridge party which will be held at her homo on Prospect Avenue on next Thursday afternoon. complimentary to Miss Margi rat Yentzer who is to marry ltolert QtQVer Robertson next month. A number of Ottawa Woodmen are planning to go to Marseilles tonight to attend a liic class adoption. The Ottawa delegation will leave on the Rock Island train, and will ar rive In Marseilles in time to take part in the big street parade, which Will precede the (lass adoption. ; Large numbers of Ottawa people are planning to go to Streator tonight and tomorrow night, to attend the big y. w. 0. a. Calender carnival. The carnival opened last night, with B very good attendance. It is being held in Armory hall. The members of the local pOBtOfflCO force perpstrated a surprise on Oscn l'.ruck last evening wheu tlow called to extend their congratulations on hlo birthday. Oscar wan traoll) unprt pared for their coming, bill loon re eovt n d ami proceeded to welcome hit postal associates in hin most able manner. During the ' TOnlttg cards served as the ontertalnmenl : iicu ed by refiH shntenta Mrs, Charles J. Conrad ot Superior Meet, entertained the members of her card club at a very enjoyable tuitv last night at her home on f mW after w s re lerl Superior street 1 lii'ee tab! were played during the evening ivhich delicious refreshments terved by the hostess. 0) large crowd attended the caul, party list night at Maccabee Hall ! I be affair was the tlrst Ot B scries of card parties which ure to be given this w inter. ! Ottawa Bncampment No. 33, In coi;- .Muiion vvit'i the Dapghters bf Re i bekah, will bold $ box social tonight i i oud fellows hell lor mrinbers and their families. aPndng will precede tns social. PARTY LINES DRAWN ON FORD-NEWBERRY FIGHT Washington, Bent, Opinions COnftloltlng along party Hues weWl presented today by iqajority and minority members ot the senate pri" lieges and elections commutes on the Ford-Newberrj ti'is senatorial election contest from Michigan. The majority report cleared sena tor Truman n. Newberry, the republl can candidate of corruption and all other I'barges and rei . oniuieuded that be be IdjgUl) seated The democrat!.' members on the other baud asserted that Senator Newberry was elected by "corrupt ami Illegal methods ami practices." and recommended that lib seat be declared vacant With the tiling of the reports the Case now goes to the senate for Bttsl decision which probably will not be made for several weeks. In the mean time it W understood. Senator New berry will NOT attend the senate sessions, Garden Note. The easiest wnj to remove w Robert, is to tnurr.v a wtdow.-i ton Transcript. eds, Boa- A Danger, A Ave year id, taking her Rrsl bnHi Without assistant1, and wrubblng vlgorouafy, nll: "Mother, nil you'll have to do is io tell me when 1 cf too cle: II." YOU WILL LOOK WELL IN J Our Glasses By carefully itudylng the expression and contour of each patron, we furnish classes that are attractive as well as optically correot. Moclern necs is a hobby with ue and to this we attribute our constantly Qi-owtng business. W. H. Law OPTOMETRIST OTTAWA, ILL. Get all the sport news. Read the Livest Sport Page in La Salle County, page six today. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIBIIIStnaSliehBISSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllgailllllllltllltBllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll laaeau isuikissisiaaa muiuiuniHuiu llnaSJBBBjSBBS ENGEL'S CLOAK AND SUIT STORE pecial of S B 1 6 END To ar. "UIIIIIIII'lllllllilllHI.'IIHIIIIIII" !il!i'l!!!ii!l!!il!!ll!!l!llill IIIII morrow The best bargains you were ever asked to share. Ask am ol tlie many custoniers of to day and then see for yourself tomorrow. J Autumn Modes fresh from a manufacturer of America's most fashionable dresses, each and every one with an air of distinction and individuality. they are mostly of trie o tine Sizes 16 to 46. Two Prices . j"- .. , F . "" ---I a f J L 1 I fc ' - ,ll J and bargains such as were never offered before A Special Purchase of Hats Just Received special for the two days at Hats that the Madame Would Call "Tres Correct" The Best Bargains Ever Offered in Ottawa ALLEN'S SHOP "She Wore a Stunning New Fall Dress ' ' or a suit or dress. How often does a woman make a like remark about another she meeets at the party or on the street. It is not the amount of money a woman spends upon her apparel but its upon her wise selection and taste. In a stock such as shown at this store, individual tastes as well as all purses can be satisfied. The stock is complete in all prices, ranges, and right up-to-the minute. Suits $18.75 to $47.50 Dresses $10.90 to $37.50 Coats .' $12.50 to $50.00 Children's Coats and Dresses ENGEL'S Cloak and Suit Store GAYETYBLDG. OTTAWA III aiiiii