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I OTTAWA FRftft TRAtJn JOURNAE PAGE FOUR fr:PAY. srPTrvnr so, iiW, !gV I m " H i DISmT TEMfflff r 711 MAN MAY BE MERE av w a w gggga llm ' y y INSTITUTE OPENS Iff OTOTJ BIH TIT rtir young men (here g aid rtsty mid lie models mv e mewhai irom isi is son 'i )IVIIS(t(l I'l.lSl' ' tl'IIU IIH'lIt n s t r n to 1 S QlrK 111 '' l! " '" "r01 ;' v' '"" '"' "' UM I Lli I U 1 nude i ind styles make them vim v eorafrrrl wide ni list y-:ir. The nobby mu kbla Mini nubbj for olUtor school income inowns and grayi with t iress wear, liittii' darker shadosi ot count, bi;u Young 1 1 ' -f i will wiir till I. ''I SHU is always in Mvle Merchants are ibowlni thH (all some I'erj nobby and classy neekweai tor roan, young man nnd boya, Thi LA SALLE OCT. 20IH r LABOR ATE PHCCRAM OF KOI CATiONAL WORK LAID OUT I OR MEETING OF UPPT.R ILLINOIS VALLEY ASSOCIATION. v large number of the member ot tho Congregational Woman's luxlU ury were entertained at ;i lunchi on ..t I o'clock today In tii" parlors of lie church, Hollowing lha luncheon tl ladles spent n pleasant afternoon! working 1111 articles for the coming ba'taar. .Mr.-. P, Q, Bchoch and Mrs. Hill-.. LkWTctict .Murdock acted as bosti mm. V Misses E:u 111:1 I'ii.-v ami M.i'.h1 Vk.I-; l.UIITICC (IIILO FALL STYLE! IN iii enterU r tonight . est La .. : 111" : : : Mis" 1 Anna Devore, Halt tng, Helen Hoff, Mary Fit B ll 1 tie 1 wore, CalUs J socks and I Lansing, Andrew Bowennastm : Colo uml Bar. Qeorge C Pat I tored to Pawpaw yesterday t; ,i banquet tor the it. Y. P. V. 1 connection with the Ottawa Association meeting. by; Superintendent H Streator; Principal Mom Spring Valley High school H. Fisher, .Melton. On Oct. 20 and tl the upper Illtc valley ii i 1 D ot the Ulnoli '' Toachen' Ai ochttion will conrou I .a Salle at the N. v. MajeMit' III- al A fine program for tho two-daj hi bat d .a ranged, The llrat session op as, at tl jcKtiu St 7: SO o'ciot . '! :. : ing. This will be fi it ired by an 1 i';vss by th pt'osld at, C tunty Sup (ntendent George 0, Smith .1 Bun county, and an addi 1 by n.v. H. Hompel of JolioC n-.e i.iir. r subli will be "The American Boy." 1 The ssksIou Friday morning will be Kin at 8:30 o'clock tit tho th Two distinguished educators of mv Uonwide tame arc on the pri gram for addresses. Dr. Iiiw;.ril EL Driggs, protesor of English, I tab l nlvprsity, vill deliver an address on tho Jet t. " Americanising Our Methods," and Dr. Chariot T, MoFarlano of Co lumbia I diversity, New York, will do Hvor an address on tho subji t. t'ri ant Day Geography." On Friday, also, there wBI be held sectional meetings at the La Balle Peru Township High school. Tho e x iling session will be bold at '.. o'clock. Dean Shalor Matthews will be one, of the principal -1 aitcn Mtsa j month of October, which has b Mabel Lee Cooper, professor 'i 'iu- designated by the ministerial assoi 1 cation, state normal, Memphis, 'f on., tlon as "bo to church month." Du will deliver an address, a 0, on the big tho vacation period many pe subject, "Children in Our Midst" hH their habit of ch irch atti ndance. The elementary school work discus :and so the different pastors are mak Fiona have been assigned in rariouaiiBg special effort to stimulate attend' educators, well known In their specific ance, Th city has been supplied fields, Four high school sections ore with window posters made by the being arranged by Professor Monro young peopled societies, advertising .Melton, these to be announced later the campaign. An ample supply of u Friday afternoon al 8:80 o'clock a I home windows cards have been print business session will be hold i. t tho 1,1 and an intensive campaign of ad 'i'. H. S. Auditorium. hrertlslBg in the press to is be InaU- Plan are practically complete for I gurated. The ministers are prepar the entertainment tor the host of deling special sermons, while the differ e gates who win come hen to .at nd enl choirs hare been ssked to furnish the meetings of the association, &pd I special music. The co-operating ererythlng will bo dono for the pha- churches are the Flrsl Preabyterian, uru of tho visitors. First Congregation, Kir-t .Methodist Tho oflcera of this .livision of the Flrsl Baptist, the Episcopal, the Eton stato organization are: Evangelical, Trinity United Cvangel- Preatdent George O. Smith, Prince Ileal and the Trinity Lutheran. ton. MASCULINE WEAR ARE NOW ON DISPLAY IN STORES OF OTTAWA PRE DICT SHORTAGE BECAUSE Or SHUT DOWN OF MILLS. snd business, ms thai unless we hiva .1 mild winter there will to a thai the mills have not been opera ting to full capacity and the menu I re istod and elose lit t Ilia, In color bfown is the leader with plaids an I the lighter Scotch mixtures, Young men's suits are very nobby and at tractive. OvereoaU tor the older men are aboul fort six inches double breasl d many ot them with convertible col lars. Overcoats with loose back, rag Ian shoulders, (towing models, are shown for those who 'Ike real com fort, Of COUne, there are the form tittinR styles The materials and Colon are about the same as are found in suits. The Chesterfield model dress ooel is shown, plain box coat with regular collar. Young men's overcoats are of medi um length, close fitting models, con vertlabla collars. mostly double breasted, some With hall' belts and others with belts all around. A new eoat for young men is n short double breasted lialuiaeaan With raglan sleeves ami neii ail arena, 1. rather an extreme model and v Inter, bats of smaller sbapen Th 1 1 oloi 1 are grey with black band and brown. Young men's cans are go. I e rally ot light colors in tweeds ins four-ln-hands are narrow, 00! i era are eight pieee top I n new thing and '.. ! na rrower wbieh makes the Mill ill quite popular, The one-piece top with shapes In nec kwear proper. The ',uli plaited back are also considered pro-1 ted Hi's are in large demand and the m ', bal winged bows are still considered Men's hats are in the stable shapes Ith wider brim, but not quite 0 proper, Qood rs, or the man who Is sol quits so fastidious In hbi tasjte uah bo suited at Ottawa oloUlllg tores and w ill lind on display 10010 very handsome garment!, the vairy Itl l in si . colon and models. Disease Uelayeil. One CUrioUS point which is ihOWO III Insurance tables is thai ihoso orgiuii illsensee which are so frequent la mlil iii' life develop si a period from iivs to 1 1 ii i an later than they did ntty years ago TfiiEO PSDC nr r Stop at Godfrey's Cut Price Grocery Store 8 OF h CH;i.DiiEH and get icturers nave on.y empioyea reuucea t,i, trees. This statement trom MoSOn a fs mostly in the hither clssi suits. given for what it is worth as a pre- xiie hnoek-about or rain eoat of th Ida to a litue story on style tor gabardine stle. tan eolor. is again 0 loiug men and Doye. the market. During the war and in In men's clothing 1921-198! germ laterial Used in l weeds. aion blues. bed Th met prt GO TO CHURCH MONTH TO BE OBSERVED HERl The churches of Ottawa an to re ceive i"'ei:u impetus during th- rhal baa r two. i after, these coats w o hiuh that there was prec sale for them and they w a pop i;a:- s irges. The oongidered off the market, but n conservative and the the price is reasonable agatn and dt own, ueat gnys and j era are showing them. :s vcrj little change In Bov'a Norfolk suits, sinale and i .1 finish and most of the hle-breasted. are still the sianaara ami similar iuithin(t. The materials and colors an n worn In the past year I about the same as the suits for nvi ami young men ami the workmanshl Mrs. Taylor's Sickness Ended by Lyria E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound Roxbury. Mass. "1 suffered contin ually svitri backache and was often de spondent, bad li..-.y Spellfl and at my monthly periods it was almost imjK sible to keep ar ound at my work. Since my last baby cam,' two yearn ago my back has been worae and no noettion 1 could gel in would j J Vies president I oru. Secretary -Anna viile. -Margaret Poppc (ii. The exit uti tho iiilow ine: Superintendent M. committee comprlsi M; son, Ogle, Swing Hangs Infant. St. louis, Sept. 30. A noose, forni ed by the rope of a back yard swine, the seat board of which had fallen I out. Strangled to death Dorothy Har rison, two years old. of St. Louis county wiien she feu an caught in the loop. HONEY I Box Comb Honey CANNED FRUIT 3 Large Cans Pineapple and Peaches OATMEAL 6 lbs. Bulk Oatmeal 25c 95c 25c 25c 25c Pumpkin, red and green peppers, apples, cran berries, peaches, oranges, bananas, head let tuce, celery, squash, carrots, parsnip rutabaga and sweet potatoes. Scannell E Successors to Pat. Slattery 3 rolls Toilet Paper 2 cans Corn and Tomatoes relieve it, and dee- tor's medicine did not help me. A friend n,i aou- recommended byaia t. nnxnam a vegj popular stable Compound and l have found roat reuct since usuitf it. .iy oacn is muni better and I can sleep well. I keep house ami have the care of live children i my work is very trying and lam very thankful 1 haw found the Compound such a help. I recommend it to my friends and if you wish to use this letter I am very elad to help any woman suf fering as I was until I used Lydia K. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com: tund." Mrs. Uaxtde K Taylor, 5 St. James Place. Roxbury, Mass. Backache is one of the most common symptoms of a dii placemen tor derange ment of the female system. No woman should make the mistake of trying t overcome it by heroic endurance, DUt profit by Sirs. Taylor's experience and try LydlaE-Pinkham'aVegetableCmpoqnd A s.irk of King Qo.ility Tlour, made from prime old wheat. Thous ands of people usl.ig King Quality Flour, There a reason. Ask your neighbor, is Ring Que list Tapped. Cask delicious Sweet Mixed Pickles, no . .$2.39 kles clal, quart Task Sliced Sweet P ier dosen .30c Cask Sour I'iikles, per doz 15c 15c Curtice Brothers Goods S00 jar's Cure 1'ruit .lams, straw berry, raanherry, green nana lam, orange and grape marma lades, BOu value 29c labels t cans . . $1.00 Loci is Imported Kl du, 19c 18c $1.00 mustard. lie Sardines cans fur . . . oil 29c Whole Ox Tongue, soma people get a dollar a can for it. spe cial price for Saturday and Monday, per ran 35c Mammoth Ripe Olives, damaged, per can, 36c fur I ,, w nej 'a Chocolate am 800 cans COCOa 90c Lowney's Bakina Chocolati Fruits, Vegetables New drape Fruit, from the Isle oi Plnea, quality Bne, heavy and full Of juice, L' lor 25c Pane) Honey Daw Melons, 8fi to 80c Italian Pluma, per basket 25c I I Sweet Potatoes of the season, lbs. lor Fancy Toaky Grapes, Jonathan and Crimes Golden Apples Our deliveries reach all parts of the city. T. R. GODFREY ,29c BOYS AND GIRLS! We have arranged to take the en tire output of a manufacturer of a hltfh grade line of Sporting gcods our prices are rock bottom, no middle men or retail profit. Foot Balls Rugby regulation size, With guaranteed hand made blad der, $2. Soccer Balls and Punchings Bags with guaranteed hand made bladder, $2 H. NICHOLSON CO. RUBBER SUNDRIES 224 Akron Savings & Loan Bldg. AKRON, OHIO AGENTS WANTED These balls will retail for $10 each, sell your friends. iiill li :i! I'vil'lli Ihjiliil I iii I i I i 8 I A H'i It '( ' !.,!, , ,i , : . , ., .in nun iii itl .mi : mm r.uin.i , imi h m i Minn iih M lilt j ll iini .IIIKI.iU. , i iiiiiiii i ,1 In -in iSS W m I Sweet ! 7 mt , fA 1AGKE2S 5 I Xims, 'Sacon and bard 228 W. Main street, 6Bm0Bi& Saturda) Special-October 1st, 1921. Lamb Slew 8e Veal Slew 8c Joilinu JJeef 8c 8c Snare Ribs 8e 20e .14c Beel Pickle. r i ) .el:' 01 .am ) . . S Kin u!iir ii an Picnic ! am . . Regular Ham 15c 25c Home Made Pork i-T1 1ZB gh Sggg l"TM H t Bacon 18i I! IS m i Rr.VL CUm Sausage. Union Market, 229 W. Madison Street i Spring Chickens. mck i,neese uc Colored Butterine 23c I I can sell cheap meat cheap, but read this ad over ntage of these quality meats, for less 11 moRey tban you can buy cheap meat elsewhere. Full H weight, quality and lowest prices at all times guaranteed. THE FIRST LINE Of your health's defense should be well stocked with high q u a 1 i t i e d meats. That is the only sort of meat-foods we sell. We are awaiting your personal or tele phonic order. Rhe best defense FOR YOU AND ME, JS EATING MEATS OF, EQUALITY MM Aft " r- ' i X . II . -li W v oi y i k r f i -r y p ecial Sale Saturday QUALITY EEEF Sirloin Steak, per lb.,.. Genuine Beef Rib Roast, lb.,... Fresh Hamburger Steak, lb. .?. Pot Roast, per lb Fancy Short Ribs for Roasting ib QUALITY PORK Fresh Boston style Pork Butts lb Fresh Pork Shoulder Hams for Roasting, per lb Bulk Sausage, per lb 14c 12k 10c ! 6c 8c 18c 10c 12 c QUALITY VEAL Fancy Veal Shoulder Steak, lb Fancy Veal Breast Roast, lb Fancy Veal Shoulder Roast, Best Cuts, lb ...,... 12k 9c 10c 19c Our Lard is strictly pure and is a real bargain at, per 10C lb (consider quality). Bring your pail. BUTTERINE SPECIAL Oak Grove Butterine, per lb 23c Liberty Nut or Troco Nut Butter 09 lb LLQ BACON HetzeVs extra fancy Breakfast Bacon, sugar cured, not strips, per lb Fancy Sugar Cured sliced Raw 25c I Ham, per lb Regular Skinned Hams, per 1 Q lb I These are regular hams, not shoulder, j like some competition call regular p hams. H CURED MEATS Sugar Cured Corned Beef, lb ,, Fancy Lean dry salted or sweet pickled side Pork, lb. . . ,. PLENTY OF Fresh Spare Ribs, all kinds of Sausage, Cooked Luncheon Meats, Canned Goods, Butter, Oleomargarine, Peanut Butter, Pickles and Cheese. Volume of Sales Purchasine; Power Eliminating Use Jess Expenses Enable you to biy Highest Quality at Lowest Prices at Piggly Wiggly. Palmoiive Toilet Soap, 5 Cakes for 34c Del Monte Peaches No. 2i can Bond Brand, extra quality Coffee, lb . . . Snider's Tomato Cat sup, large bottle . . . Overland Corn, No. 2 cans, 2 for Virginia Sweet Pota toes, 6 lb s. for . . . ' 35c 29c 29c 25c 2 5 c Van Camp Baked Pork and Beans, can Beechnut Peanut Butter, large size . . Snider s Tomato Cat sup, med. bottle . . . Keen Kleener, can Potatoes, best Ohios, per peck 12c 27c ,18c 5c 45c 5c 11c Perpkg. LUX 10c Per pkg. Mason Fruit Jars Ideal Glass Tops Pints 75c doz. , 95c doz. Quarts 85c doz. $1.10 doz. 4 Gal. $1.10 doz. $1.45 doz. M"n;iiKi;tiri.!fiin:!iri!tftMMii!Mi A.11 l.llllllltl,: B!ii'ii'iiijuiiiii iMiin;i;i;i!:;i M MMgHMM