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BATHED AY, OfOHItn 1, ll'l JAGt TWO OTTAWA FREEMFRADER - JOURNAfc REVIVE BEER BILL! 10 IMPEDE ACTION ON TREATY 0E PEACE DRYS" A NO "WETS" STAGE RUM PUS IN SENATE, EACH REFUS ING TO BUDGE FROM ORIGINAL STANDS. .Washington, Oct. 1. After radical "dyi'' hud forced, Republican leadeis toplitlne thai then wti' be no ad journment ol th! present so 9lon ol congress until the unli-beer hili Is dis posed of. tli ' senate yesterday reach cd a unanimous convent agreement to vote Oct. 14 on iiie (leinntn, Austrian ami Hungarian peace treaties. Thu backers or the Herman treat; wenelateti at dispuicaea irorn Berlin that the reichstag had ratified the lOi(c,e treaty with the i nlted Btates. But in the senate here peace and boar collided head-on In yesterday's jiroetcdings and threatened to blocs each other intlelliiitily. tot I time ii seemed probable that the "drys would obstruct the whole legislative iiroKram, hut parley during the ai i rooon brought them to terms. Shortly alter the senuti eoiivonoil yesterday Senator Lodge. Republican leader, proposed a unanimous consent agreement to vote on Oct. 14 on th treaties. Senator Stirling of South Dakota, "dry" leader, promptly oh Jetted. He gave notice that be would oppose any agreement that did net In ijwde a provision for voting on the much disputed beer bill, "tyet" senators, with equal prompt ness) clearly demonstrated that they uould consent to no agreement thai did not provide for a vole n. il, lire, bm With the situation thus d"ad l0Kd Senator Lodge withdrew 1:1 proposal tt niporarlly. At the close ot til" se-si'in be of! , od it again. Senator Sterling made brief stati nieiit to the offeel Unit be had been in conference with Iteub lican leaders and bad reieived an Iron clad assurance that no adjournmej I would in attempted until the beer bill tftrs "finally disposed of. Si nator Rei .1. vitaouri. Democrat, who oppose! tie1 tyeer bill, gave notleo that be was nut 4 party to any such understanding. , The unanimous consent agreement contains several provisions. One of them provides that whenever debate op the treaties lag", Cue tax revl ton bill may be taken up al any time, Im no. attempt was made in li: a lime for vtug oa the tax bin. Another pro viso is to ths effect that the eld agTl " t'u nt to vote on Oct, U on the Borah 111 for free I'ananu eanal tolls lei Ameriran o:itwi:r shipping shall tot be abrogated. , Yesterday's action forestalls the JOMlblllty of a Democratic fllibuste gainst the treaties and virtually as sures ratilie.atlous In lore (lie interna (lonal conference on the limitation of armaments begins on Nov. 11. JVTCGUPIN-GREENE 1 COUNTIES IN RACE FOR SMALL'S TRiAL ! ... I Springfield. III., Oct. 1. -Failure of fcoitMel for Gov. Small lo agree with the state's attorney of Sangamon county as to which county should be thosan for a change of venue is ex pected to force the trial of the gover nor In either tjreene or Macoupin county. Another effort will 1i" made Tues (ktyto reach an agreeinenl between I he Juwyors. Inn it is nut expected to be neceasful. The question of whtoii pOUffiby the trial iwill take place in vill jheii depend upon which ol the iireflit judges in the Saimanion coun ty district disposes of the (notion, i 11$ Judge Jones (f Cai'i-ollinn dOSS eo H is expected to be assigned to (Macoupin county, from which Judge J", w. Burton of the Sangamon conn ty circuit court comes. If Judge Bur ton passes on the motion he is ex pected to send it to Jones' court, n llreene county. Morgan county (Jack sonville) is also in the circuit, but jotb Governor Small and Mortimer are opposed to trial there. i i ADDITIONAL SOCIETY NEWS At a special meeting of the W'oin fill'.s auxiliary to Ottawa, post of the IVmeriean Legion heUI Thursday nigh! Vk-lil'' 1009 rooms in the Gayety building Mrs, George il, Wcolbert waa chosen to represent the Ottawa Organization at the state convention wine.n win ne meia in ueeatur, t. mm And 11. In addition to the selection j Vif a delegate three new members I 4'ere taken into the organization Helium Atoms Frcm llPdium. ii A. gram or rndliiiii poiitinuoiist ! fends off helium atoms, known as jflttphs pari b'les." at the pate "I' I b", ;sh blMimi m (eid traveling nt a apeed i,f U'iioo mil, a mi. at- :--i-H""Mi-es Pattern Dep t I'lcase address, ii i d Pattern 'o 10 CtS, enclosed. nv If the lhadeof the Immortal Kugelie Field wanders back to earth occasion' ally it undoubtedly Would have paid a visit to the Preslbyterian church last night and laughed heartily at acme of Gene's old jokes that were cleverly present iby Parson Voncks, Bill Andrews. Profl t the oiling two ' whit i ap Otto Port looked a Kelly i eli terrible : doll and the .had." surely pathetic teal wb read the rhythm an angel called when he slept at drum and tin BOl Mushy ould and have ray r the rhana the to tio- event en place On Monday M i Ventser will enl their ' SlK'W eeka In Hildltioii already tak- s. fentser and Uh ivtuln with a lea at home. On Tuesday Miss Inal will entertain with a bridge par-; i ty at her home on Ottawa avenue Mrs. Lester II. Strawn has issued in-1 vltatlons for a bridge party whlbh she r .mhs 1 elit on i limn- kSie r State .... i . - - CSSB I ' I W Mre: '. praise service Wednesday evening !tt 7:46. " t tifl' h'lrat Congreratioiial ('hurcji, tor ner Columbus and Jaekspn wil' William s Whltsltt, mtnisMr, Buna a) school at 9:40, John 0, BctyUinacber, Hi" i intendent. Mrulng vwrah p i i.,, TTieme, "A new Concepuptj tft Chlat." Vesper service l;0O. Suh lect, "On the road to Ib.iyor " Ibtlrob. Masses Bew, at s I w . U! other pi another ayt i wo Th uiie, and on Saturday iiev Jordan will enter- First Baptist next Wednes it the church at U::;" p. in . business sus- 'P! tl i i ri fti d out to ;ers dllati night and a t he a tl alt di esipli 1 1 prog in ni plaj d W 11 I oral i ed a turm I pea reel' et and bi b one mi tin (table talent shoa Ing familial their subject and were able to pay deserved tribute tO t'ue no'inery of the renowned literary genius, Miss OatOO dctdared that Mr. Field was the nation's favnrite i hild's prose and poetical story writer be cause be lived, at least In s-pir.'t. with the children and possessed even in- hi.- manhood years, an Intimate knowl- pdsre ni' their dlsnosltlOns and feel ings and truly loved them. His fcmaH gtnation was remarkable and enabled; him to become a master in the ail In con pi sinj; expresalve sentences In J the language of children. He wrote poema and stories tor then and noti about them, she averred ha wrote many lull; bios that have been set to; music by American composers and; are esteemed highly by all classes of people who hear them. Miss Efenily Palmer accompanied by Miss Helen Koff, gang charmingly two I pretty songs and then responded to an Insistent em-ore. siie unfolded barmonlea that delighted her audi-! tors. The closing feature was the serv ing of refreshments which were pro vided by Matt Bach and Geo, Craw ford. The coffee was of the famous Crawford brew and as if always the oi the moat excellent quae The ladies Of church will hold Thursday, Dec. 8 are now busily ing f all kinds I't r their annual the Congregational their annual bazaar . at the church. They engaged In the mak- nl beaUtUlt) articles ale Miss Barah Tay:or entertained with a novelty shower this afternoon at her home on Cast Mam street, com pltmentjtrj to Mi-s Margaret Yentter whoae marriage to Robert Olover Boh ertson will take place in two week's. Garden flowers iveTo need as decora tions, i piayei which Tile i South . sure , glon 'he tables of bridge w ;e during the afternoon, after refreshment were served. a .. .;. residence of John Uanfing, hi Ottawa, was the scene of plea on Thursday evening, the occa being Mr. Lanaing's birthday. To '2L k j StM 1 :k -- -r A "mi s,j h y A STYLISH 83 Al COAT BUW ;LY FALL FOR assist Blm In properly and pleasantly remembering it the members ot the old ;Lrd club of whiih he was a inem ber aathered at the Usnsina residence and cardi tpenl an OWC wai The weekly supper of the be held next 8: :;ii o'clock. agreeabh' evening with d by rel resbmeuts. f f mixed foursome and Ottawa (loll Club will Tuesday sfterneoO at mi thone w tshing to ut- teiut Mrs. Hote will Cha please iee Cla BOtify the hostess, iden. at the Clifton Ity. Mr. ami prospect tions for ilaughler. or Robertson, Which Will be Mrs. fie., rue W. Yen tier of ivenue tcday :-si:eu mvna the marriage of their only Margaiet. and Hubert QlOV- of Lynchburg. Va.. solemnized on next ' Saturday eveninst. Oct. V: at S:.,0( o'clock at. the xjsataer home just at j LteeJae ot ll-fchlnad lUaee, Two hun dred hU'-sts have been invited to the nuptial, Vhieb will he one of the most pn minenl events bold in Otta-I Wa ro it iy this year Mta Y- : er bus rho.-en her cousin.' Miss Small Taylor, for her Bald Ol I Tuesday Study Circle will hold regular weekly meeting at the of Mrs. George Qtattt, .U'esi Ot,- Tuesday, October 4. Mis. C. llatheway will read "The orslon Sir Launlal." 9 The M. and H. Circle of the King's Daughters will meet with Mr. W. n. Osman. on West I'rospect Ave. Mon day evening. The their homo tawa, o! Comprlaing coat and Skirt J 0 : - The 6 Sizes: o4, Uii. S8, i.: he bust ni' a.- uiw Pattern 3690 Cuat Is cut In Mi 4J and 4 4 The S'.:irt in 7 Blaas: 24. i 2S, ou, ;i2. 24 and II laches Jfa.i1 mousure. The width of the skirt at tne foat is t yards. To make this suit for a medium etta Will require Wi yards ef 44 inch catc.-ii;. mis lUustratiou calls for TWO separate patterns, which will be mailed to any address on receipt oi lie FOB KACll pattern in alive or stamps. st. Francis' Catholic Caslmlr Miller, pastor. Ifcd l". Swedish Methodist Kptscopal Church, Prairl street. North Ottuwu. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. St. Patrick'! Catholic Church. Kev. Father llackett, pastor. Lof mass at S and high mass HI licltn a, in. St iiduiiiba's Catholic Churci. Dean Thomas R. Madden, pastor. LOW tnasses al v, s (tor children) and Bi high mass at W. Chrisl Kpiscopai church, Rev, t!. w. Parrar, rector. Morning prayer and communion service at 10'. 30: ev ening prayer servlfifl at (. ! Epworth Methodist Bplacopal Church. Kev. Hiram F. l.aWlcr. pas tor, Sunday school at D :S0 a. in.. L. 0 Brand, superintendent. rrlnlty Norwegian Lutheran Church. Rpv. 0. A Mertvedt. pastor. Sunday I school at 9:45, Morning service al I 10:45. Meeting of Ultfle? League u'. '7:20 p. m. Zton Evangelical Lutheran Church, 82J West JeRerson street. Hev. H. 11, Hartman. pusior. Ceiman ser loes al 9 a. m. Sunday school at 10, English service at 10:45, Madison Street Bvangltcal Chgrch, Kev. Howard A. Kramer, pastor, 54U Illinois avenue. At 9:80 a. in.. Sun day school, Rudolph Claus, superin tendent rreachjng service 10:80. Young People's meeting at tl: -la. I'Vi-n ing service, 7:8. The Lord s Btvpper will be celebrated at the morning seb vice. Evangelistic meetings will be held every evening duri'iK the week except Saturday. C.ospel services at the Seventh Hay Adventisl church, corner of Jefferson and Chestnut streets. Klder 1'. C. Hanson. 646 First avenue, pastjor. Sun day. 2:;:e-2:30 p. in.. German preach ing; Saturday (Sabbath), 10-11 a. m. BngUab preaching. Ail are cordially invited. Salvation Army. BttBday Taornlna services at 10 o'clocV at coui-ty jail. Sunday school at 2 o'clock, liarrack. over L'eT u Main street. Young peo ple's meeting at 6:80. Preaching by the captain at 8 o'clock. Public meet ings Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur days at S p. ni. Special music singing. Public i;-vi?ed First Church of Christ, Scientist 11 111 West Lafayette street. Sunday IChoOl at 11:30 o'clock. .Morning scrv ice at 10:45, Subject. "I'nrealilv." Testimonial meeting Wednesday oven IngS at S O'clock, The public la cor dially invited to attend these meei- Ings The reading room s open Avery afternoon except Sundays from 2 until fi o'clock. Illinois Avenue Kvaiptellcal Church corner Illinois avenue ami Leland Street. Kev R, P, Maue, pastor. Sun day school at 0:80, Bamuel Total superintendent. Morning worship al 10:45. Subject, "Inevitable claims oi foreign Missions." K I.. C. Iff, a 6:45. Evening service at 7:30, Sua-j- t, "Selling the Boues in Order " Regular weekly prayer and praise service Wednesday evening ai 7:45, Fust Methodist Episcopal t hurch RfV, Hiram F. I'.awbv. pastor. Sun (day school at 8:45 a. m. Warren 10 Qladfelter, suporintonuent. ttany Day, special program. Morning ser vice 10:45. Sermon. "Why 'he church Epworth League at 8:30 People's service at 7:80. Bermoo, "Why Nut." Chorus choir both ear ices. I My Work and Methods Make Blck People We". Dr.E. R. Perkins EXODONTIST 31st Season SUCCESSFUL CONDUCTION ANAESTHESIA FOR THE Painless Extraction of Teeth A positive relief fur suffering hu manity and wiihout the usual had after effects. Id' bytertan Chlurcht 9 : ' " a. in. Slliidav School. 1' m, Sunday School KKerclses, p. in.. Young People's Ueetini young Spei a! Chun b Hist people Rally Month." Baptist invited. 7:80 Day Sen ice. Hay. : 16 a. 6:48 ,. All p. in., 'Go-to ChurCh, Jefferson id Columbus St., Geo. C. Petter, minister. 8:45 a in. Sunday School, Chester Olson, superintendent. 10:46 Morn ing Worship. Harmon, "The Ministry! 0( Reconciliation." The ordinance )f lh" Lord's Supper will be observed. 3:00 Junior it. Y. P. c. 6:30 Young People' Meeting. 7:80 Evening Wor ship with sermon on "The Claims of the Church " Illinois Avenue Evangelical Church, corner Illinois avenue and Leland street. R.-v. It. I'. Maue. pastor. Sun day sahool at 8:80, Samuel Tn'el superintendent. Morning worship at 10:45. Sermon. "Defective and Ac ceptible Sacrifice." Christian Kn deavor meeting at H::m p. m Kvcu Ing service at 7::to. Tupic. "Christ's Reluctance to pay a few dollar or the pear of a Dentist has cost thousands of popple with bad teeth many long years of suffering. Mouth Infect inn soon means fion eral Infection, Rheumatism, Heart Troubles, ami hundreds of other troubles that take llio life out of you and Anally causoB death llf teen to twenty years before It would if you bad kept the mouth free from decay and disease. My life's work and reputation Is your protection. You cannot get the service I offer any where else and uet by with it as easily and pain less. This I can prove no matter how bad the condition you pre seut. Next Visit HOTEL OTTAWA OCTOBER 12 OFFICE HOURS 9 TO 4 LADY ATTENDANT news. Get all the sport Read the Livest bport Page in La Salle County, PAGE FOUR TODAY I boner. .-1 ! brides a: a Miss Frai burg, and ; former BC Woodward : Ottawa girl, attended sch C, with M 1st both Vincent, at Madison, John Chan serve as best and l.eishtoii the bride, ami srfh. will be tl e will Ihe attended by four ds. a sister of the groom, ces Hoberthi n. of Lynch three intimate friends and i ml mates. Miss Susanne of Horicon, Wis . a former I. Mis- Hope Neldig, who (boo! in Washington, D, I Ventser, and Miss F.liza- iiian I tents Alfred i tfshe t tending scin unctonatl w Mr Roberti '. a brother faylor. her e uptlal i entzer You can't tell i What That Cold Will Develop Into BE SAFE, TAKE an I i . . i i..- - ..n.l M an To Men, tveguitu piiici - Beginning Right stiffens the would be Ti'lV (7, "The habit df sawing money bnahtens the enerates. It VOU leoutit ve sure wit are. beginning right, betin to sree." IHEODORE ROOSLVfc.LT. IICHESTEH s PiLLS J. i III. UI.UIIIMI Hi yy mtln ; f.' 'i"-i' r . tii-tiiuu in,-ii iu t, m m . , ..v, .' l :;!, Btu .', o. V 'Tl -"-.'v3 'J ll' -: 'l- ,o.,, V 1 Jf.1.', Pl..l t iJ,!.S. ;.. r SOLD BV WW !SIS i xn mi III EACHOUT' 5c, 10c, 25c and VARIETY STORE Flowering Bulbs for Fall Planting Single and Double Tulips, at 3 for . . 5c Darwin Tulips, at 2 for 5c Hyacinths, in colors, each 5c Ciocus Bulbs at 3 for 5c .iMCA,. 732 CALIBERS fOH C0L0S. HEADACHE I'FUPatfiia i lytriu, UKirKF, PAINS, Itc i 7 ' V?""' -ar :)U, ' tu, . OMppe pains i it . one 1 t'nwe a r i n taaaibedmt p,,r Cald anj Celd i w. duncanT S5 The men t-i , . ff Mruugm kJfaVB sSsi.1 WM. D. DUNCAN DRUGS above was Roosevelt's advice to young Coming from a man who won notable successes in many lines, it is a thought well worth tucking away in the corner of your mind. Have you begun right, and are you keeping on? Since 1865 The National City Bank of OTTAWA Capital and Surplus $350,000.00 asam in vmsammasmmmmm 1 , Old Established, Safe, Conservative, Time-Tested Institutions. ' i Wj 'm Aff ir''Y MOT ON A VACATION The business man who names The First Trust Com pany as Executor, Guardian or Trustee under his Will knows that his representative is never away on a vacation, never considers the appointment an imposition never dies befor the Elstate is distributed and is always available for counsel with the heirs. There is no such named. assurance when an individual is Safe Conservative Friendly Come in and have the matter explained by one of our Trust Officers. THE FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF OTTAWA and THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OTTAWA are under the same management. DIRECTORS LORENZO LELAND, President EDWARD C. SWIFT, Attorney at Law CHARLES E. HOOK, Vice President. CLARENCE GRIGGS, Attorney at Law. LAWRENCE M. LUCEY. Merchant. ALBERT E. GILMAN, Manufacturer. W. NEVOY STRAWN. Farmer. FRED A. GRERDING. Asst. Cashier. EDWIN J. CASSIDY, Asst. Cashier. OSCAR HAEBERLE, Cashier.