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5-A't .'RDAY, 'J2T0.1LR 1, 1051. PAGE FOUR T FOOTBALL IS KING TODAY; MOST OF BIG TEN IN ACTION OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL AMERICAN LEAGUE. PHEASANT miiStandings. LARGE' THRONGS ' OPENS TODAY FOR FIVE DAY PERI00 FINE SPORT IS PREDICTED FOR NEXT FIVE DAYS MANY LOCAL HUNTSMEN MAKE WAY TO WOODS ON OPENING DAY. Wim. Lot t. Hi t Now York M 58 .MS Clevoliind -l 58 ,111 St. Louis 7!I 7.1 .:":!. Washington "7 hi .118 Boston 78 75 ,411 Detroit 71 10 7 I Ohkatgo 80 81 .Iff PhUadelpala 68 It .8M GATHER TO WITNESS f! i OTTAWA- ALL AM With the fall lumtinK season umost In full uwIiik. today marks the Qpen- iriK of tho pssasasl season, according: to tli( Illinois laws. The Pish and Oaino Coda of tin- st aft provides thai a huntsmun run kill cock pheasants only from Oct. i to Oct. laelHsive The limit Is two birds a day, and not more thun six can 'bo in vout possi'Hsloii at any one tima during tbo season. Many local hunters have been scout tnfc the surrounding woods and brusl to locate 'bunches of these handsome birds, and some very tine ipoti is looked forward to us Ions; as the Ma son lusts, aa the birds are repotted comparatively numerous around the snmmndini localities this sea I'lieasunt shooting v; I ornlnt; a more popular sport each year and tin wuy these Ibirds are reported to ! Increasing Is mighty cheering l. i tawa huntsmen. It would be a hard matter to find a more beautiful game bird than the pheasant. The male bird in an especially pretty one, Its feathers are of various bright colors. Including 'beautitVl bin's of blue, green, red, thrown, yellow and seTer al other bright colors. The female bird In most cases Is of a brown tinge unit In sonio ease speckled. Then, too, It Is a good flyer and delicious eating, which is em ugh to make such n bird B decided favorite among oth ers. Already great numbers of game wardens employed by the state game department at Springfield, have been stationed at various posts through out northern Illinois in an effi rt to arrest gunners who violate the law regarding the hunting of the birds, but it is Ittppoaed thai it Will be very difficult for them to find I single vio lator of the law around this locality. BIG TEN ELEVENS OPEN SEASON TODAY: ILLINI TEAM IDLE yesterday's Results, Cleveland. Chicago. 2. Washington. '; Boston, I. other- not scheduled. Games Today. Philadelphia at New fork. St. Louts at Detroit Washington at Boston. Cleveland at Chicago. NATIONAL LEAGUE. ROOTERS PARADE THRU LOOP DISTRICT BEFORE GAME HEAD ED BY HIGH SCHOOL BAND1 SMITH CONFIDENT ' HIS TEAM WILL WIN. Won. Lost. P t 1 New York w 57 .618 Pittsburgh 88 88 J8 St. Louis W "'72 Host on TS 7i .497; Brooklyn 7.r. 7: .880 Cincinnati 88 81 ,488 Chicago fl'l 8J ."7: Philadelphia ."'! 12 3J'J De J it" best star and white loss of three or thell (' Shooting Is a Knack. flood shooting eyes never go hack much. K. r. Balkea, winner of the tirst Grand Ataerlcan Handicap trOMshofli In 1900 is still a con tender III Mg shoots. lli'livcs won the Uraud Atner icon with u score oi 01 at J a ids. Wool foil; of Dayton, 0., was the only other man to u in the big KfcftOt at this distance. He broke D8 targets for high score in 1914, Shooting Isn knack, especially with a shotgun at the traps, "nee you get il you keep It. lint the handicap in distances baa so fur kept any champion i t "in repeating'. FIRS ROUNDS T PLAYED IN MIXED E were all EUad to tight out m ili hc It is cxpcrlod, lllltM'U'l', that the ellll Until will he n ached and completed in time for the finals' to he thr- died out within iii" next week or ten days I Insects as Human Food. Se,iai kinds of inseeta Were eaten b the incteul Helwewa, Qreeta tod Itomans, Pahre, the Preach entotnoj. Ogiat, uiice tried a dish of cooked Cicadas hut found them tiniuilittiihle. FOURS! TOURNEY CONTEST GOTTEN UNDER WAY YESTERDAY WITH THREL: COUPLES BEING ELIMINATED MAKE PAIRINGS FOR BANQUET MATCH. Yesterday's Results. St. Louis, 12; I'ltt.-mi'gh. I Others not scheduled. Games Today. Pittsburgh at St fieuls. New York at Philadelphia Huston at Brooklyn. Oh! CftgO at Cincinnati. Sttehrn an excellent oportunity to de cide upon the final makeup of bis team for the eastern encounter. Howard Jones, who has been ex periencing hard luck since the open ing of practice by having men declar ed ineligible and others injured will send his Iowa eleven against Knox at Iowa City. The Hawkeyes will meet Notre Dame next Saturday, and to day's game will give tin- men the much needed workout for such a hard encounter. Ohio state, last year's coafertsnce champion, will open with Ohio Wo tsysn at Columbus. The Buckeyes will lie stronger than most fans be lieve and Coach Wild" will have one of tho best Hues in the Uig Ten, from tackle to tackle. Illinois is the only conference eleven which will not go Into action. Norte Dame which is going to be an other of Coach Rockne'S character istic smashing elevens, will meet DO Pauw at South Bend. up thts afternoon at o clock at King lield. ready to engage in their I second game of the lesson when they clash witli (he Spring V'a'.ley siu;id.' Indications point to one of th hard est fought and DtOft interesting, games it the season's schedule, when the two teams meet (;i he local grid iron. Spring Vallev's team arrived in this citv early this moraine, and alter a short sightseeing tour about the city, settled their th. nights to the nig bat tle this afternoon Member!; of their team were exceptionally heavy and big and together with their experi ence of past years at the game, they will no doubt make things Interest ing f r the locals. Long before the game stalled vast throngs of enthused football Gang gathered ,al King tield to witness th" game, it is expected that a record breaking crowd will attend the af fair. At 1:80 high school students ami alumni members of the school, a.-sombled at the local institution to j ft tan a monster parade to mark the Hrst real opening of the local grid iron season. Hundreds comprised the line of march which headed by the high school hand, paraded thru the loop district of the city and then to the football Held. Among the early arrivals at the tield. and those win- promised to be the most Interesting spectators, were .Coach Hrynstad and his football men i from P. V. L 0. college. Hrynstad's '. men received a 37 to 0 defeat at the hands of the locals last week and to day's game will no doubt be of great value to them. C. C. M.Kvoy start id j the game as umpire while Alien l-'tve-I bury, former St. Viator star, was on ! hand to referee the game. PETER DAW FEATURE WINS TURF EVENT First rounds In the mixed foursome tournament at the Ottawa QoU club were disposed of yesterday by six couples, with prospects that another Pl( I Of eliminations will he dispose.. of today and still others tomorrow. Rules of the contest provide that tho Initial matches be completed before ColtltfrhUa O. Ot t. -1 - (irand (Mr-1 next Tuesday, cuit racing can " to a close here to-1 In yesterdays games Mrs. Frank dav v ith Peter Daw. by wlnnig the Graham and .loe Meauffln eliminated '-'!" tret gaining the distinction of' Oscar Johnson and Mrs. A having captured three races during 2 up. Miss Wilson and the present meet something never were defeated by done before by any trotter In tho his tory of the local trass. Chicago, IH, Oct. l With nine western conference elevens going Into action today, and every big team n the east scheduled to meet aggrega tions which are expected to give the n the necessary early testa, champion ship contenders will begin to assert themselves. At this stage ol the year the team which has mastered the fun damentals of the game must be given u chance to win from a recognised superior eleven not well versed i i basic principales. Fumbling is hound to feature a number of the, games and the eleven which follows the ha'l BlttV be returned a victor over a Rttottg favorite. Tackling, interferon! and generalship will be important factors Jo the middle west interest will be centered around the struggle between Chicago and Northwest a. Tips Will be the first meeting of Dig Tan elevens, and the loser will be elinii tinted from championship considera tion. Michigan, which gives every Indira tlon of developing into a povrerfil eleven, will open with Mount Union at Ann Arbor. Wisconsin's shewing against Lawrence will attract a lot, of attention because of the known abili ty of a number of Coach Richard's men. If the Badger menn.r is suc cessful in nilinsr one blank position, two line berths, and in making 9 quarter hack out of his sterling backs, Wisconsin will he a contender lor the championship honors. Minnesota will open its season by giving battle to North Dakota on Northrop Held. Indications are that Coach Williams will have an eleven worthy of any opponent In the con ference this year. Wabash, known as the Little Diantsl in football circles, will be Purdues opponent at Lafayette. Just how much success Coach William Diet, has had In changing Purdue's system will he known after this game Indiana will receive its last test be fore meeting Harvard at Cambridge one week from today. The Hoo.iers will take on Kalamazoo at Blooming ton, and the game should give ( oath OLD TIMERS DEFEAT PRESENT GIANT TEAM New York, Oct. 1. Old time mem bers of the New York Giants defeated the National League leaders j ester day, 2 to 0, In a five inning game, the proceeds of which will go to Christy Mathewson. former Giant pitcher. who is recovering from tuberculosis, Jeff Tesreau did the bulk of the twirl ing for the old timers and Warner caught. The Giants' battery was Ryan and Gaston. Old Jupiter PlttVlUS put the skids under the Giants Braves game, which was scheduled to follow the benefit performance. The contest was in sured by the Giant management against rain, therefore when the d, luge came It rained money into the coffers of the Matly fund. Rogi r Brest! shaft, who caught Ma.h ewson In the famous world series oi 1965, started the game as catch r .,' "Hooks" Wiltse, and occupied ilrst place in the batting order. Fred Tenney. red faced and fat, was on first base, while the remainder si the Inlleld was made up of the three player who Melded faultlessly behind Matty in the big series of sixteen years ago. Hilly Gilbert was on sec ond. "Dad Dili" Dahlen at short, and Arthur Devlin on third. Larry Doyh! was in left field, "Moose" McCorniii.ii in center, and .lad; .Marry ol the owl rifle arm fame In right. Mathewson souvenir books were sold, and it is estimated the Matty fund will go woll over $:tf.()u0. The premium lor the Giants' sljare of the rain insurance amounted to $1,575, leaving 130,925 clear to he devoted to the fund. Detween Innings autographed base balls were auctioned. One bearl:.;.' the signatures of President Harding, Vice President COoildge, Mathewson. Babe Ruth and George Kelly was sold for T60. The sale cf the baseballs added 1,600 to the fund. HAGEN WINS MATCH FROM CYRIL WALKER n ! II New York. Sept. ;10. Walter Hag of Detroit defeated Cyril Walker. Knglewood, N. .1., 5 and 4, In the semi final round of the professional golfers' championship tournament at the in- wood Country club today. He will i play the winner of the match between Jim Barnes, national open champion, and Emmet French of Youngstown, ()., tomorrow. In the 2:18 pate Wanda May also turned in her second victory of the v,e. after a hard battle with Direct Light and DHlie J. K.. fhi former win ning the first heat of the event. Main Direct Was a big favorite In tho 2:06 pace, hut Minor Hal took the Ilrst heat. The 8:lS trot was a split heat race. Little Dick won it after losing the lirst heat on a break. Summaries: 2:13 Pace. $1,000. Wanda May ll'alinl 2 1 1 Direct Light I fJttgg) 1 :t i Millie J. K. (Jump! 4 2 9 Hal Dee (fluids) 7 10 2 Queen Abbe, Dick. Volo. Dahy C,in ter. D. M. P.. LOUil Witt. Rocket Patch, and LolSta also fturted. Time 2:u.D,. fc0&4, 8:0614 2:13 Trot. $1,000. Little Dick i Tall man I Kll Ding (McMahon) George Walts (Horry ( Oscar Watts (Hyde) Whipcord (Sebree) nine 2:0914, 2:0!" .. 2:10. 2:10 Trot, $1,000. Peter Daw iMurpluJ Kscotillo Rilston - David C Time i:06, 2:0614. 2:0714 2:06 Pace, $1,000. Main Direct IMeGuire) 2 Minor Hal (Hyde) 1 Hooaier Lady 4 al W.. b. g. i Jump) 2 Time 2:0414', 2:014. 2:06Vi i l l 4 I 1 1 o J 6 5 2 S 2 5 I O'Conor. lfred Taylor I. Duncan and Mrs. Guy ( arr. :t and 2. Mrs. II. H Bayse and C. P. intoa defeated Mrs.! Vera Woolbart ami l. i Hangs,, ;i and 2. Pair for Banquet Match. This afternoon pairings will be made b) Generals I.. M. Harvey and Joe Megallin for the h.muuet match to precede the annual business meet ing set for Thursday night at the Bt) glenoid cafeteria The pairings will' he made according t i the response: received to an invitation sent out hi the committee on sports with the dcrstandiug that matches can h, played Sundas or any day next week previous to the banquet. Th annual meeting, promising to lie one of the most important In the history of the Clttb. should be attend CC" by a large majority of the mem berahtp. Among the things to he di;-j CUSSed will be the addition of needed Improvements, included in which I." tin erection of a building to store machinery, and the erection of a new shelter for autOS, and Lbs proposed In crease In dues Championship Match Drags. Play in the chili championship has not moved up as rapidly as in Ihe past, due to the inubility of players to be on hand when their opponents i "New York Luck" A Five-Reel Comedy-Drama, Featuring WILLIAM RUSSEL And a Two-Reel Comedy at Schaefer's Hall Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Sunday Night at Eight O'Clock Benefit of ST. FRANCIS' CHURCH YouSavelOPerd:. ON YOUR INVESTMENT When you have your carpenter and mill-work done by us. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL i i 4 '! FUNK & HARTY TAXI Located at Interurban Station. 'PHONES 518 and 126 We Do Carpenter, Mason and Stucco Work GUST E. SCHMIDT CO. General Contractors Office and Mill Telephones 608 Columbus 463K-5 1 2W Perl tlon f' Utile I gotten before, could forget tec II A Sure Reminder. tps the must original SUggeS t a "reminder" was that of the y w hose grandmother had for- Ids birthday present the year She wished to know what she do in order that he should not It again. "You might put your in Upside tlowh," said the hoy. BOYS AND GIRLS! We have arranged to take the en tire output of a manufacturer of a high grade line of Sporting goods our prices are rock bottom, no middle men or retail profit. Foot Balls Rugby with guaranteed der, $2. regulation hand made size, blad- Soccer Balls and Punching Bags with1 guaranteed hand made bladder, ,2 each. H. NICHOLSON CO. RUBBER SUNDRIES 224 Akron Savings & Loan Bldg. AKRON. OHIO AGENTS WANTI-jn -These balls will! retail for $lu each, sell your friends, i SUNDAY, OCT. 2nd Mat. 3:00 Nite 7:30 and 9:00 T. DWIGHT PEPPLE Bobby Presents Maude ROBERTS & CLARK "A COURTSHIP IN SONG" with Harry Signan at the Piano WILLIE HALE & BROTHERS Nick Constance CRAVEN HUFFORD & "KIDDING THE ACTORS" John Geiger and his Talking Violin VANHORN &1NEZ Bring the Kiddies to the Matinee Matinee Prices Children, 25c, Adults, 44c 4 Per cent Interest Paid on Saving Deposits All deposits are protected by safe investments. We ask for you banking business on our record for service and safety. Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. ., 30,000.00 The People's Trust & Savings Bank W. D. Duncan, Vice John Pres. Garland, President. T. B. Kendrlck, Cashier. EAT at th c new Capital Lunch Kenny & Duval Rear of 21 Main St. Husinrss Xoon Lunch, 11 a. m. to .? p. M Supper, 5 p. in. to 7 p. m. 8 v. m Phone Ottawa 9000 Fried Spring Chicken Dinners, $2.00 INCLUDING i DANCING SUNDAY EVENING ON BEAUTIFUL NEW LOBBY MARBLE FLOOR SULPHUR LICK SPRINGS HOTEL On Starved Rock Trail. We cater to special dinner and stag parties on short notice. Wedron, 111. Phone Ottawa Nine Thousand t i i Stop, Look and Listen American Maid Pure Aluminum DISH PAN 14 Qt. $1.79 Last Extra Thick $1.79 each Regular Price $4.00 Special Notice This is an unusual bargain, selling regular No. 1814 dish pans the wholesale cost being more than double what our selling price is. Get yours before they are all gone. REFIOR I HARDWARE CO. i