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9 PAGE TWO CLAIM LOIR PAY WILL HELP SOLVE JOBLESS PROBLEM MANUFACTURERS' BRANCH OF NATIONAL CONFERENCE RE , PORTS THAT WAGE PROPOSI . TION IS KEY TO UNEMPLOY MENT SITUATION. Washington. Oct, s Recommenda tions for lower wafaa and prlMl ire contained In 111" majority report of the manufacturers' committee, tc- bo presented to the national oonfarem , on unemployment Tuesday Whether u minority reporl will bo submitted lias not been disclosed The mnjorlty of the W mil tee is understood to hold thut readjustment of wage tind prices Is asoeesary precedent to u commercial readjust inont from which a revival of the na tion's Industry can sprint?. The report Is understood to favor lower freight rates to permit of n greater (low of commerce. Passage of the railway funding bill for the financial relief of the carriers, now pending In congress, Is under stood to be regarded M an Important step In economic Ibetteiment and dia continuanee of functions of the Hall way Labor Hoard which come In con tiict with the interstate Commerce -nimlsBion's activities is regarded favorably. t.ovialstlon chansrlnK the Admnsnn eight-hour law, la understood to he suggested as a means of more readily accomplishing Industrial readjust ment!. Lack of unanimity upon various features was indicated hy a commit tee member, but he declined to dis cuss the report until It was made pub lic at the full conference. The resignation of W. H. Stack house of Springfield, O.. as chairman of the committee, which Includes Katmiel Oompers and Charles M Schwab, was announced. Stackhouse Bald he was compelled to return home on business. James A. Campbell of Youngsti w n, 0., was named as hi; miecessor Emergency measures for the relief of unemployment adopted by the con ference are said to be in operation in all parts of the country. Co-operation of the railroad in mak ing effective the conference's recom mendations Is understood to hare been tendered by a number of rait way executives in conference today with Sec. Hoover. The executives aro said to have reported willingness to employ as many men as possible on maintenance. Among the executive at the con ference were those from the North ern Pacific, Union Pacific. New York Central, Pennsylvania, Illinois Cen tral and the -president of the Associa tion of railway executives. VIOLINIST TO OPEN CONG. LYCEUM COURSE Irene Stolofsky, violinist, has been proclaimed by Hugh Dlmond, one time concert master of the Chicago Sym phony Orchestra, us one of the real musical sensations of the present gen eration. Miss Stolofsky pluys with a masterly touch, with a strength and virility much like a man's, but with an art that puts into her rendition the deli cacy only obtained by a woman. She Is capable of giving not only the great sonatas and concertos, but also Is gifted in the presentation of the small er and frequently the more popular numbers. As one newspaper critic remarked : "Clusslcnl music Is played deftly by Miss Stolofsky, but It is when, in encores, she gives the old familiar numbers that she steals Into the Inner recesses of one's soul." On her concert tour during the com ing season Miss Stolofsky Is to be tihly IRENE STOLOFSKY. supported- by Grace Johnson Konold, soprano. This student of Jean (le Reszke in Tnrls and Oscar Snenger in New York City Is an artist who might well be featured alone as a e-oncert singer. When site presents such num bers ns Grieg's ".Sunshine Song," "Will o' the Wisp" by Spross, and Henschel's "Spring Song," her art Is Just ns effec tive as when she sings with remark able powers of Interpretation such dif ficult arlss as "Cnro Nome'" from "lilgoletto" and the famous "Bell Sont" from "Lakme." An Qex'ompllshed tu-compuiilst, who is also a piano soloist, will complete the company which will he heard at the Congregational Curch October 13. in the opening recital of the win ter Lyceum Course. A large number of sot lal affaire have been planned lor next week. Complimentary to .Miss Margaret fantssr, whoso marriage to Roberi mover Robartson ol Lynchburg, Va . will t.tse place it, xt Sutunlaj owning at S o'clock) On Wednesday attent ion Ml, H0 gar Raymond Bradford win entertain with a pridCI party In honor of Mill VenUCf, The affair will lie given a the home of Mrs. s H. Bradford on'ayc tte street. On Wednesday night Mr.- (Jeorg Tanticr and Miss will enter tain Willi a buffet supper at their bone on Prospect uvt nue in honor ot the bridal party.. On Thursday Mrs. Cbarltl E. Hook v. Ill entertain with a luncheon at her home on East Main street lor the num bers of the bridal party. On Thursday night Melvln French will entertain with a dinner at his bOBM in Kast Ottawa for the bridal party. On Friday al noon Mrs. A. S. Hook of Oak Park) will entertain with a luncheon for the girls in the bridai party On Friday night Miss Sarah Taylor will entertain the bridal party at a dinner. On Saturday night Mrs. V. V .lacoho will entertain all of the out o' town guests who have gathered fot the wedding at a buffet supper at her home on Prospect avenue. The first open meeting of the Wom an club will be hehl at the residence of Mrs. V. S. Slewdor, 403 Bait -Main street Tuesday. Oct. 11. It is presi dents day. Tho hostess will 'he as sisted by the social committee, Mrs. Arnold K. Wilson. Mrs. Harry Troup. Mrs. W. H. Hlne-baugh and Mrs. 1'. G. Stordock. There will be a recap tion to the past presidents of the club. Mrs. Joseph Bilker Jr.. dis trict treasurer, Mrs. Samuel Hradt. district president of De Kalb. will be guests of hoor. The reception will be followed by a muskal program. If Mrs. George (iasser Jr. entertained eight boys this afternoon at a birth day party In honorof her sou, George 111. The children were taken to downtown picture show, after which they were taken to the home of their host. Halloween decorations were used to make the house attractive. Ki freshments of ice cream, cake and Cindy were served. A large decorat ed birth lay cake wan a feature of th luncheon. Bach child was presented with a hallowed) favor. gjl p. ifi lira, John Stanley Jordan entertain ed with a ten cover luncheon today at her home on Kirst avenue, compli mentary to Miss Margaret Yentzer. Pink rose buds and pink tulle were used as table decorations. Following the luncheon the guests spent a very pleasant i.fternoon playing bridge whist. Mrs. Alex Gray entertained tho twelve memberl of her card club on Wedneiday evening at her home on Columbus itreet. The evening was spent Informally after which delicious refreshments were served. : There will be a dance tonight at the Maeeabee Hall. The general pub lic has been extended an invitation to attend. Orchestra music will be fur nished during the evening lor danc ing. The Christian Endeavor scclety of the Presbyterian church held its busi ness meeting at the church last night A supper at 7 p. in. by a committee ot young ladies and the business and social time followed. Anne. unci nicnt has been made ot the engagement of Miss Virginia Ar nold ( t Chicago and Alpha Frank of Chicago, a former well known Ottawa resident. Paul VoncUx's 'Sunday school class of boys of the Presbyterian church went out to Covel creek last night and had a wiener mist. Wordsworth and Mountain. Tie Qulncey tells us that Words worth was Impatient when anyone else Spoke eif mountains, ns if be bad a peculiar property In them. And we ... , ...l... It (in nanny uniiorsiiin'i ii.v u vnuuiu he so: no pne Is satisfied with an other's appreciation of his mistreat, Lowell. SURPLUS, $200,000 CAPITAL $150,000 Asset, $3,440,000.00 Vl 11 1 Safe Conservative Friendly m I Pattern Dep't I Plcaie ltnd Pattern to address, la Cla. enclosed. my T I Name No. Size Poatnfflra State I A COMFORTABLE ATTRACTIVE FItOCK Foil MOTHBR'8 QIBL Pattern '.ia'i'i Is here portrayed. It la rut in 4 Sizes: 6. 8, It) and 12 years. A 10 year size will require f4 yards of 27 inch material. Serge, gabardine, trlcotine, velve teen, gingham and other wash tabrlcs are good for this tsyle. Blue serge with a decoration of running stitches in black or red yarn will be smart. (MM St. Prsncls' Catholic Church. Caslmir Miller, pastor. Masses Rev. at I and 10. Swedish Methodist Episcopal Church, Prairie street. North Ottawa. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. St. Patrick's Catholic Church. Rev. Father Hackett. pastor. Low mass at 8 and high mass at 10:30 a. m. St. Columba's Catholic ChurCJ. Dean Thomas B. Madden, pastor. Low masses at 7, S (for children I and 9; high mass at 10. Christ Episcopal church. Rev. O. W. Farrar, rector. Morning prayer ind communion service at 10:30; ev-1 ening prayer service at 4. Epworth Methodl-t Episcopal Church. Rov. Hiram F Lawler, pus tor. Sunday school at 9; 30 a. m.. L. C. Brand, superintendent. Trinity Norwegian Lutheran Church. Rev. O. A. Mortvedt, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45. Morning service at 10:45. Meeting ot Luther League a. 7:30 p. m. 55ion Evangelical Lutheran Church, 622 West Jelferson street. Rev. H. H. Hartman, pastor. German serv ices at ! u. in. Sunday school at 10. English service at 10:45. Madison Street Evangllcah Church, Rev. Howard A. Kramer, pastor, 'i4:) Illinois avenue. At 9:30 a. m., Sun day school. Rudolph Claus, superin tendent. Preach jug service 10:30. Young People's meeting at 6:45, even ing service, 7:30. Gospel services at the Seventh Day Advenlist Church, corner of Jefferson and Chestnut streets. Elder P. C, Hanson, 645 First avenue, pastor. Sun day, 2:30 3:30 p. m., German preach ing; Saturday (Sabbath), 10-11 a. m. English preaching. All are cordially invited. Salvation Army. Sunday uornim: services at 10 o'clocl' at cout.ty jail Sunday school at 2 o'clock. Barrack.' over 207 Main street. Young peo ple's meeting at 6:30. Preaching by the captain at 8 o'clock. Public meet ings Tuesday.!. Thursdays and Satur 3533 OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL ,', 17 M ' mmi i i . .' IK ; I Western Stories. cm-wood "Flaming Forest." This author is too wall known la ran any comment, lie not onl) has the ability to write a good tale "I adVOB turn hut ho is also a student and lovt r of nature. Ills books are publlal by the Hearst magstlnea and come q gently are wcii advertised. Gregory ' Desert Valley '' Phi l story involves a geology epeit, Ills daughter, a ranchman and a western lend. Jackson Q re goo i; a OlOSS rival of SSane orgy in popularity Ha Is the author of. Hells of B .. Juan." "Joyous Trouble Maker," Judith ol nine Lake Ranch." ftLadj i Ingara.' "Man to Man. " "Short Cut." Four," "Wolf Breed ' Mulford "BardrO-threa 1 Nelson litis run into trottbl quite, lie has bean shot in his guns taken from him. SIS Feet Johnny In Me the dark und Un money tor winch he had herd of cattle removed just SOuj a from hi:- pocket. So he lingers in the town to i ight those insults and injuries. And preaently to him rush Hopulong Cai sidy and lied Connors, Tho three cow punchera make combina tion. The Springfield Republican says that this .-lory would probably take any prize that might be awarded for the maximum amount of gun play, gun powder, murder and sudden death. Ralne "Chinatgbi Pass, how oil came to the cattle country and brought the new Wis! " Willsle "Enchanted Canyon." The majesty of the (irand Canyon and its effect in regenerating a New Vork boy, orphaned, Uxorrigable and a gambler. Tales of ihc South Seas. Not only are the South Seas form ing the basis of books of travel but also books dt fiction. We highly recommend the tollowing: Dodge-''Taw i, Tawi.' This story t days at 8 p. m. Special music an 1 singing. Public Invited First Church of Christ. Scientist. 11 1 West Lafayette stre, t. Sunday school at 0:;!0 o'clock Morning sen ice at 10: 1". SuhJ.-et. "Are Sin. Disease and death real?" Testimonial meeting Wednesday even- ; ings at x o ciock. ma yuuiiu is cur-1 idially invited to attend these meet- lngs. The readintr room js open every; ! afternoon except Sundays from - until, i 0 o'clock. First Methodist Episcopal Church. ! ! Rev. Hiram F. Law'.cr, pastor. Sua-j da). s(.noo at 0:4r. a. m. Warren E ' c;iaifelter, superintendent. Rally ! Day, special program ! vie" 10:45. Epworth i People's service at 7: Mi Ding ser ine at 8:30, i horna choir ! I both services. I Presbyterian Church. 0:45 a. m Sunday School. Classes for all. 10:45 la. m. Morning Worship, Sermon "God ; and Man." 6:45 p. in. Young People's j Meeting. A!! roung people invited. :7:30 p. v.. Bveatng Service, Sermon ! "The Battle of the Giants." First Baptist Church, Jefferson and j Columbus St., Geo. C. Fetter, minister, i 9:45 a. m. Sunday School, Chester Olson, superintendent. 10:45 Morn I lag Worship. Sermon. "Hidden I Springs." 3:00 Junior 15. Y. P. I" ;6:30 Senior 11. V. P. IT. 7:30 Evening Worship with sermon on "Tho Higher j Life.' Illinois Avenue Evangelical Church, corner Illinois avenue and Lelau-1 ! street. Rev. R. 1. Mauo, pastor. Sim day school at 9:30. Samuel Totel superintendent Morning Worship at 10:45. Christian Endeavor meeting j at 6:30 p. in. Evening service at 7:30. j Regular prayer and praise service I Wednesday evening at 7:45. j First Congregational Church, cor ner Columbus and Jackson streets, j William S. Whitsitt, minist-r. Sunday j school at 9:45. John G. Schumacher, I superintendent, Morning Worship 10:45. Vesper service 5:00. Sub I Ject, "The Three Denials." i DO YOU KNOW That the little Savings Accounts of your children mean more for their future, almost, than all of the advice in the world. It Gives Them the Right Start. Why Not Let them Have the Best Place to Deposit their SAVINGS. We are a National Bank under Government Supervi sion. Special Depositary for Government Funds. United States Depositary for Postal Savings. Member Federal Reserve System. We pay 3 per cent on savings accounts Open an account for your children in our Savings De partment. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OTTAWA, ILLINOIS An Old Established, Safe, Time-Tested Institution Reddick s Library Matters opens ou a ranch on th. Mexiiait hoi dor but in tninafarad to the Bouth, (hen bat " agatn Orinudiaw ' Terrible Island '' A good yarn with plenty oi adventure, ivo utyatartea, and consido rabid humor. Btacpoolfl "Satan The tltlo is mlsh adlng, Satan la no mora of i dat il than Is tho V:r tlnlsn He i i commander of the Sarah Tyler, "o Iroway-looklnCt yawl-rigged boat :i tin.- i. olio of tho seas'' His partner Is tin- ' hoy Jnd," who Is reallj his later but much prefers the i tatume ot a bo) young Bngliahman le itrta in; frlenda yaeU (or the Sarah Tyler, which ho considers s'. em bonlmenl ol adventufn and freedom, ess M irgot Asquth's Ctiuflhter. I From the August P.ookmatil "Murgol Aaquitb'a daughter" ha-, a method id' conversation that Is us bll log as her mothar'i pan. Print ss Blbeaco (Bllxabeth a qultlO awepl to tho Gossip Shop the other after noon and everything ftlti was tin -inodiaiely swept aside She was woai ng bla t ami w bite, pi . rig ;.: the neck, thin white veil oor tho face. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH WILLIAM S. WHITSITT. Mmiiler Smdoy School, 9:45 torning Worship, id;4S Theme, "A i'cw Conception ot Christ" Vesper Service at 5:00. Subject: Tho Thne Dcnia's. A CALL FOR ALL LET'S MAKE USE OF OUR BETTER POWER. By laadora Kat:. Ottawa, as I guderatand, Is one of the old :is wo tan wish for. Nature has nol denied it at its site, Its increasing capacity. Prom I I Ij Deoule moveit out than tiose moved in. 1 Blyi seen in the tmst history of Ottawa ;i it Whereby a good many people would have missed the chance ot buying a good many of their essentials to.- ain.ost only half the price thoae are paying .- -.. don't know of my industry and the prtcea, I am selling merchandise toy. What is it'.' Wnose futih i' it'.' Why DOl ;.t least analyse It7 It is too im portant a matter to let go without. Ami attar we suk,..i and ltnd on', it arJU only l;e a na'ural thing to tind a remedy for It. as than are very few diseases for which science litis not found a cure. '.von cancer they Claim that radium will cure if detected while in its infam y, although Ottawa is in a further advanced stage and radium could hardly cure it. Bui radium was found out hy human brain, and if wo will put oar brain powi r to work we nay find something which will do something better than radium does for cancer, and will cure our far advanced disease. Let tin profeaaionai men try to il ml out where tlu-ir professions have tailed to contribute their share the commercial men. tin- mechanic a. the officers, the politicians, th : rmerg, the workingmeti. the women ami all cf ns. It is the concern of .li I ia a commercial man. coatd probably point out where eonuBteri e lias ttol functl nt-l : and so all others in their lines. The journalist surely might ' be able to point out a good many things. And that we ecu surely place! ouraelre : tho right track arid after feg honest hard combined brain work. I am satis lied we can ltnd the best remedy and cure. Ottawa. Oct. g. LML I. KAT. I will sell at Ottawa, on the public auction Puck Creek rr.u Wednesday, October 12th commencing at 1 o'clock -.tharp. the following stock: 96 HEAD OF HOGS Consisting of 50 head of iigbing 100 pounds, M weei 64 HEAD Consisting of 1 1 head of milch sides, 7 will soon be fresh. W head I Old steers, 19 yearling calves. ttrmr nf SALE: All sums of - I a credit of nine months' time will be given ! security, without interest if paid when due charged from dato of sale. 7 per cent No stock to be removt il until settled COL. JOHN DAN P1TZGEH FITZGERAI.D, I Black hair, Mae), eyes, anlinuTloti, ,i Mow nervine, laugh- ,.ilid those epl- i igrama aofiugihg ki ygu ft no iho i moat unex-pei ted places in the con I ei satiofl Wo ware afraid ami I I fasetaaUd, We listened, triad t" I I hink of something lev , . to ay Icoulanl and Nataned i mora, The I Prlntaea is in WVahlngton itoa with her husband, who is connected with the Rum inian embat y liar obaar . nous nf Washington aot lot) w re 1 1 " i less iiniii iug than in i storlai ui Rngllah literary para nagea Her Itorl itoi lea are aire - .-. appoarlti l her iinl you in this uuntry Thai it i ipio .mil gj)t rtainlng an i u idor :i titb nearly everyone of I bout tin rt the Vsyultli bit.- BOYS AND GIRLS! Wg h ive arranged to take tin- an tire output of a manufacturer of a high grade line ot Bportlng gooda -our prloaa aro rook bottom, no middle tut a or ratal! profit. Fot Bails Rugby regulation size, wn!i guaranteed band made blad der, ii. Soccer Balls and Punchlntji .igs with guaranteed band mode bladder, t'J H. CO. Oui i SUBBEFt SUNUPIEO 234 Akron Savings X Loin U.Og. AKRON, OHIO ,OBN i'S WANTED- Tin M balls 111 retail for 10 each, sell your frionda. Mt towns i i the slate, pretty my of its complements. Look what i know, .there bava m ira -if w ith ray Industry ct uld I g wore not tor tl-.o mayor and my ti.iiiRi-r. 2 farm in Wallace four miles west o Twp. mlcs in, on irth sho.:U OF CATTLE ,ith s by their 1U ai under, cash. Over that amount in bankable notes with approved if not so paid 7 per cent will be discount for cash on Bums over Slv. tor. James J. 'Serke e OFFICERS I.ORKNZO ISLAND, President. KDWAltD C. SWIFT, Vice Pres. C1IAKI.KS E. HOOK, Vice Pres. OSCAIt HAltHKHLE, Cashier KURD A. GEUDINO, Asst. Cashier EDWIN J. CASS1DY, Asst. Cashier JOSEPH M. GEARY. Asst. Cashier SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1921. rjHiCHESTEf? S PILLS -Me i SlilDbVlWIutlSIStVEKVWUtRI FUNK & 11 ARTY TAXI Located at Interurban Station. 'PHONES 010 and 128 Vinor 01 Youth In A New Discovery tolanoa P.-olucct a Vitalircr Superior to Famous Qland Treatment Maglo Power of a Bark From Africa. i; iva you loll your youth, vigor and ! Do life seen) dull and work ml.' Don't worry. Science ha: II --ore i a new vltallaar superior 1 1 to the much discuased "goat .laud nil nt. Tli. and "monkey gland'' treat- pi ;h ip.ii Ingredient is Hn ox- mi the h irk of an African tree. H . sahl to I-,- the tubal amaalng b atOI 1184 o, i red Combined I are othai tonic and vitalizing ile i bu .t proved merit. In most tho compound produces marked i ivemeni in a day or two. and In r! fi no -!i - . italih is rnlhed, the i iuiproed and the glow of health !s felt In every part. the new vltallier contains expen- ii a! . but manufacturing in loua quantities has brought the ii t within reach of all. Furthermore, th boratorlea producing the new kitaliter, hh h ia called Re-Nu-Tabs, i confident of its power that thoy offer it on the basis of "no results, no pay." Any readi r of this paper may test the 1 i very without risk. Send D ) but just . cur name and ad o mo Re-Nu Laboratories. 1 !. Gateway station, Kansas city, ' . and a full troatment of Re-Nu-will be nailed. Deposit $2 and '. ;, with the postnaa on delivery. I delighted by the results at the ; a week, notify tho laboratories a id yo n money will bp lefunded in full. Do not hesitate shout accepting thl t st Offer, as it is fully guaran teed. My Work and Methods Psople Well, Make Sick Or. E. R. Perkins EXODONTIST 31st Ceason SUCCESSFUL CONDUCTION ANAESTHESIA FOR THE Pair.icss Lxtracticn of Teeth A , I fve relief for suffering hn tnanlty and without the usual bad after effects. Reluctance to pay a few dollars or iho Fear of a Dentist has cost thousands of people with bad teeth many long years of suffering. Mouth Infection soon means Gen eral Infection. Rheumatism, Heart Troubles; and hundreds of other trouble that take the life out of vou and finally cuuros ueath fif teen to twenty years before it would if you had kept tho month tree from decay and disease. My life's work and reputation is your protection. You cannot get the service 1 offer anywhere else and Ret by with It as easily and pain less. This I can prove no matter how bad the condition you pre sent. Next Visit. HOTEL OTTAWA OCTOBER 12 OFFICE HOURS 9 TO 4 LADY ATTENDANT Q AY BILLS by check r and know just where your money goes. Avoid any contro versies over the payment of obligations by having a cancelled check to show for every dollar : spent. For the woman at home handling the house- ! hold accounts, for every body in fact, this is the safe and satisfactory way. We offer you the I services of our checking department in handling ?uch an account. OTTAWA BANKING & TRUST CO. N " ...e. .t . :'r..fro I A f lt.',ki ,l r I,, - I r ' HI., Mj tl,iml , V l'.i . . ,(. , I ...!.( IK-V S ' tiMi :' yvur v I C 19 l.i ' lM I K ,' ! I f , S