Newspaper Page Text
IE TRADER -JOU OTTAWA FREE TRADER l Established 1840 WRATHtR OTTAWA JOURNAL Established 1880 r ! I With probably rain be- I nlnnlMfi ttnlnlil .v.- tAftauL AMD OTTAWA FAIR DEALER necday; warmer. J t J I W t I . V W I ' - - . VOLUME 5-KO. 311. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBEB 15, 1981. PRICE, TWO CENTS. 4 NATIONS ACCEPT ARMS PL 75 RJN'AI J) MOONSKiNER CIOKES CHUAFFEUR OF POLICE CAR mn. ARRESTED 8EFIRE OSCAR LEIFHEIT. MENDOTMAL, STAGES SPEC TACULAR 0 E T AWAY AFTER DESTRC'ING FIVE GALLON JUG OF HOTCH FOLLOWING HIS CAPTUE. Ofbkr Lelfheit, sged 35, of endota. Who on Si ;it. 23 I 1 I 1 iii1 and was Hiicd 300 in tin d unty ittrl for an alleged violation oi the ich and seizure laws, again fell intu B hands of the law last Bight. LeleM reeded in making a sensattial dasl for freedom after having too taken In charge bj tli" ill era anpvertunv Iiik ii v gaJlons i r moonslfie which ton officers ae confiscate In m in home, Today Leifhell was sti it t largo, and ths authorities wen certain as to just what charge wold be pre forred against him should' be recan turid. Thr: fugitive ched Luman Woods, who was drivlnftho auto in which ho was neing Ken to Hi" Mondota jail, while hoStpillcd tin booze, and th"n broke ;d ran. unk ing good his getaway. About 11 o'clock las night Mr l.eiflielt called iChlef of (dice. Bee) ctt and Informed him lai her hu.-.-hand was Intoxicated si chased htr from the home. Chief seen oflicT." John Holland ad Oodfrled Ichorn to the residence o urrest. tho offender. The Authority ' xperienceJ. little difficulty la takimpharge of thu prisoner, or In getting ii supply of moonshine, tfhoy start! with liim In the auto to the lendota Jail. Kn route they passed parage when Inrge crowd had gathrcd, attracted by a fake burglar scan The officers were informed thai sontone wai bur glarlzlng the place am rushed In to apprehend the suppose rofcbi I Lei theft was lefl in i" custody of Woods. As soon as if policemen wore gone the prison r tilled the corn from the juiT i mooi:. ine and (grab bed Woods v the necl as he kicked the rvecptide over, le hung onto Wools until all the lloor was splUeo and thi n, dropping hrf aaping victim, ran. Tim offli ers returnd as soon as they found that the l uglar scare waa a f.'kie and found thelnprieoner gone. Leifhell is the fallrr of lour or live small children. BUILD WAV AQ1EDUCT FOR I. & M. ATLA SALLE The canal enmniissiiners , have un der contemplation the 'epiacomonl ol the acqueduct over ue Little Ven minion river at La Sale, on the same general plan of the me to be built Over the fox river ;l Ottawa for which a contract has been let. Just at present estimates are being pre pared for the reeling of the old structure tli La Salle if a now aque duct at l-i Salle s'ull be decided upon it is probable ttal Its construc tion will follow the building of the one at this city. They are to bo of Btecl add in every way undo (Unable and first class. MUNDAY FREED FROM PRISON ON PAROLE Chicago, Nov. IS Haggard and broken in health Charles I!. Munday, former vice presideM of William Lorimer's defunct lit Salle Street Trust. & Savin bank, was released from Joliet penitentiary early today after Serving eleven months (f a three year sentence. Parole papers iirrived last night at the prison. Munday Was convicted before Judge BtOUgh, at Morris, for his part in the wrecking of the bank in 1014. Nine other hanks collapsed as a. result of the failure of the Lorimer-Munday In stitution. jfj SUICIDE FIRST SHOOTS CANADIAN SURGEON Montreal, Canada, Nov. lf, Sir An drew McPhail. eminent surgeon and professor at McGill university, was shot and wounded today by Louis Ogulnik. who later kiileil himself. Sir Andrew was rushed to a hospital. U. S. Senator Burned. Washington. Nov It. Senator Key Pittman of Nevada was reported to have suffered light burns early today in a fire which did some damage to the senator's home on sixteenth st. SPILLS EVIDENCE WILL NEVER FIND MATES IN OWN CITY CENSUS STATISTICS REVCM. STARTLING OVERSUPPLY OF FEMALES WHEN COMPARED TO NUMBER OF MALES LIVINT. HERE. four Ii ii Mill i il and eight women (311 of whom are of affi i are doorai d never in Ottawa Tli is startling, one m alarming, truth waa broi moraltlg in a detailed just made pulille by the tnarriageabli to Bod matet i almost say mht home tills census repor' bureau of of ficial "nose counters" at Washington. in tin' check of males ami females residing within the confines of Ot tawa, the ci nsua cliani reveal the Ion- sided truth that tin re are. making up the total population of; in 1020, ' y vi maidens fair n. compared t 5,204 stem masculines. The problem can only possibly be solved in one way- girls Of the cltv with any desire whatsoever to Hip Hap jacks lor a man mast, to tin DUmbi r of the aforesaid 408, gO elsi where i r purposes ol mating or else, forev and anon, lose their chances of he oomlng in ides at the altar presided over so capably by Hymen of legend gry fame. The Vn Trader Journal is carrying on a "Buy in Ottawa" campaign, I' does not condone any other departure In m the rail to ' help those who help its," lint it qbs good friends among I tho marriageable itnwods, so it. per force of circumstance only, heralds to the world that such a large number "f its line girls and women must simp elsewhere if tiny want to gel hooke'i up to a Saturday night pay envelopi turned in by some favored "laird of tli" manor." and to hear its erstwhile possessor snarl about the cold dinner or the ''same (turned old roast heel I again." 9,386 Native Whites. Otlnr statistics there are in Ottawa : Native whites Male female Native white, natiw Native white, foreig Native white, mixed Foreign born, white di. . 0,38(1 . 1,43.1 .4,047 . 5,660 pa utav i parentage.. 2,397 p.u entage. . I .''2n ' llii 724 630 Male Female Sixty-two Negroes There are only sixty-two negroes re Biding In Ottawa, the report adds, ol whom thirty-three are males and twenty-nine females. Indians, Ja pit nose. Chinese and all others, number hut fourteen, The percentage of na-j I tive writ s Is 86.8, of foreign bi n whites IU..'i and of negroes 0.0i Thone Attending Schools. The report OH school atten follows: Total under 7 years of age Total 7 to 13 years, inclusive,.. Numbi r attending school Per cenl attending school Total 14 to I"i years Number attending school .... Per cent attending school.... Total IK and 17 years Number attending Dchool Per peat attending school..., Total is to 2' years, Inclusive... Number attending school I'er cent attending school..,., lance . I.2IS 1 ,2.'i.". ,1,173 , 03.5 . 846 . U ') , 7'i.X . 88 f . ill . .'i7.2 . fiN 7 6S . I I .ii Males 21 year.' of and over.." Native white Native parent- ago 1 Native white -Foreign or mix ed parentage I ,341 Foreign born white Naturalised 601 47! S.", !IS First papers Allen Unknown Negroes Fi males 21 years of age ami over. 3 Native white- Native parent age 1 Native white Foreign or inix fd parentage 1 Fori ign born w hih Naturalized Kirst papers i4t iOD ."iss 4 ir, no Alien I'nknown "i'i Negro 17 Males is to 44 years. Inclusive. . .8,060 Females is to H years. Inclusive. 3, 302 ARREST PAXT0N. ILL TRAIN BANDIT SUSPECT Chicago. Nov. 15. -With the arrest of John A I'aj-ry in a west side apa-t niont today and the seizure of an arsenal of guns and ammunition police today announced their belief that they had aptured one of the bandits who on Nov 7. held up and robbed an Illinois CeAtnU limited near l'axton, III. f" IT"""" ) LSTen OSCAR- IVrf & Pott O MILLION MABlcsls, f VJT jffr 1 CAN OgTHklUA aTlttJrfPT)' mB LL ! W Kfi ? Rudolph, the Most j Qf) AoolPh. Can Yoo jjfir' I JjL awaM- -info. y v., MACKS FOBA J? ' - SECURING JURY TO HEAR BOOZE CASES A TIRESOME TASK FIVE TALESMEN CALLED TO BOX IN COUNTY COURT ADMIT THEY WERE SALOONMEN 3EI-ORE. COUNTRY Vv'CNT DRY. A slow prt cess was encountered rooon and today in tie when the attorneys the Jurors to hear the d Zabhar, La Salle wft yesterday afto County Court, were selecting trial of Micha drink parlor own tried on a chary search and seizun r, who is being of violating tie laws, yesterday fifteen of the men on the regular panel were examined before court ad jounn. i lor tie' afternoon. Oul of thl number only four were selected as being desirable for both sides. Out Of the fifteen teen examined live informed state's Attorney Kelly thai they were cither ex-saloon keepers ot x soft, drink parlor owners Tie so were excused by the state without further examination The court room was packed with spectators as the ex amination took place. "What is your business?" the prose cuting attorney asked one member of the venire. "Until recent! as a saloon keel The gpectatoi iholr mirth, bur The court rapp I have been engage ! r." was the reply. s. unable to control it Into loud laughter, d for order and the room quickly quieted Tho answer was the fourth of a s i to liar nature the state's attorney ha I been given by members of tin1 venire to the question of their occupation. This morning it was necessary to Secure a special venire of jurors. A: sheriff ( . 8, Ayers had Bled the infer mation against Zabhar, it was the re quest of the defendant's attorney, Walter Panneck, that someone outside the sheriff's office should call the spe cial venire. County Superintendent of Schcoit AY. ft. Foster. Who by virtue of his office Is an officer of tho court, was chosen by both the prosecutor and the defendant to draw the venire. The four jurors chosen before th court adjourned resterdav were I. J, llnlbert. Serena; K. O, Lathrop, Ml n jdota; Bra CSt Moows, Osage, and Frank I Oolatka. La Salle. When court adjourned at noon to . day only one additional juror was . chosen by each side. He was James J Can" Sr. of Ottawa. Marriage License. Harry .1. Lina O. Ilassing. Chicago. Miller. Compton. legal, legal. Paul Zimmerman. Chicago, legal lb rtnina R. Noel. Peru, legal. Lewis C. Peniherton, Pontiac. 35. Martha Johnson, Pontiac, 37. MID-WEST LINES ASK EMPLOYES TO TAKE UP READJUSTMENT WAGES New York. .Nov. 16.- Managers of fifty-two railroads covering the terri tory east of the Mississippi river and north of the Ohio river today began mailing notice., to the various classes of railroad emploj fere noes to eons in wages. In addition to tl separate notice wi calling for eon readjustment wage ad ise notice a the train ers desire service men that the mana to revise their working agreements particularly th directly or indirectly with (ion. ules and i le dealing l coinpensa GOV. SMALL ISSUES NOV. 24 PROCLAMATION Springfield, Nov. ir,. Governor Small today called upon the people of Illinois to observe Thanksgiving day In their homes and places of worship, giving thanks to Almighty (Jod for the blessings he has bestowed upon us." WHY BUY IN OTTAWA Because nt Ottawa vani grou The growth of Ottawa is of vital Importance to everyone in Ottawa. If you are a hanker you want to see Ottawa grow that her banking resources and lier bank deposits may grow. If you are a manufacturer, you want to see Ottawa grow that, her labor supply may be more abundant. If you are a mer chant, ynu want to see Ottawa grow, since every person added to our population means another possible customer in your store. If you are a law yer, a doctor? a Clergyman you are surely inter ested in the widening of the field of your professional efforts If you are one who works for another, in the store, the Indus trial plant or the open air, the growth of Ottawa means for you greater opportunity both for em ployment and advancement. Yes, wo are- every single one of US vitally interested in the growth of our city. "Puy in Ottawa" stimulates thut growth. Bach one of us can do our part. Tradt in Ottawa TRIES TO AWAKEN MOTHER DEATH HAO CLAUD IN NIGH DAUGHTER MAKES SAD DIS COVERY THAT MRS. BERTHA STEINKE WAS IN LAST LONG SLEEP WHEN SHE TRIED TO AROUSE HER FOR BREAKFAST. Mrs. Bertha Steineke, 44. was found dead yesterday morning about S : :: o'clock by her daughter llertha, at the home of her brother. Mark Bennett, 112 Prairie street. Cause of her death death, which was announced late yes terday afternoon at finest held at the Qlai bag establishments, heart lesions. iimncrs in or undertak- v B s given as On Sunda; tired and se good health, at the usual her daughtei night Mr Sb inoke re iparently mod to be in ap As she did not get up til yesterday mornlnc investigated, only t( Ond her dead in bed. Mrs. Steineke was born in M Wis., April I. 187i and when young girl came to this citv Hisll.'l bu' 9 where she has since made her home. Surviving she leaves to mourn her death the one daughter, Bertha, and two brothers. Mark Bennett, of Prairie street and Albert Bennett, of Des Moines, la. No arrangements have been made as yet for fi be announced era) services but a tor, will "WO ARRESTED AS LISBON DYNAMITERS Lisbon. Nov. la. Two men have been arrested (barged with placing the bomb which exploded on the stair case of the American consulate here Nov. 1. A third man who Is said to have remained outside as a guard against the police while his compan ions did their Work is being sought. At the time of the outrage the po lice attributed it to tli" agitation in connection with the cases of Baocoj and Vnnsettl, under conviction of murder in Fassaclmsetts No one was hurt1 and hut slight damage was done by tho explosion. THREATENS WOMAN WHO REFUSED TO MARRY Ooorgo CallO, aged s". a resident Of I the National Plate addition was placed under arrest this morning on a peace warrant secured bv a woman whnse name the iMithorities refuse to make public. ("alio was released under B $.vio pence bond. The woman who Is a widow accused ('alio of threatening ' her life because sho refused to ninn y j him. BRITISH II TELLS CO TO BAR S Washington, Nov. I 5. In unison the spokes men of Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan today accepted the American proposals for limitation of naval armament ' m soir- CLOTHING THIEF IS GIVEN SIXTY OAIS IN COUNTY BASTILE C, M. & ST. P. RAILWAY ROBBER PLEADS GUILTY TO PETTY LAR CENY IN CIRCUIT COURT WAS PLACED IN JAIL LAST MARCH. Mike Lynch, aged 4u, who has been a prisoner In the County jail since March, on a charge of stealing cloth ing from a Chicago. Milwaukee K- St. Paul railroad car, pleaded guilty to a charge of petty larceny before Judge BMredge hi the Circuit Court this morning, SJld was sentenced to serve a SO-day jail term. Lynch Is said to he one of a gang of four or live ban dits, who robbed the St. Paul Railroad Co., of several hundred dollars worth of clothing up in ,)e Kalb or Ogle counties, About half ot the goods was recov ered by Sheriff Ayers and railroad de tectives in the botel operated by John Ueale. at ICarlville. Ileal1 later was indicted for receiving stolen goods. Lynch is alleged to have been a pal of Ross Hail, who was shot by Roch elle policemen, in an effort to round up the gang in Rochelle In the fall of up the gang in T( 1920. Hall diet I I is also said to i man named Cun d of his injuries. He have been a pal of a iimmins who is now serv ing a term in the state penitentiary ior an alleged robbery. Lynch was indicted by the Oi grand jury. His hearing was to uii during the latter part of this toner come term of court. Attorney Alley Munis was appointed by the court in defend him. Mr. Munts and his partner. Attorney Roger ciark, represented him at the hearing this morning. Lynch Is also said to be known as Blackie Kearns, He was arrested in Cairo lor carrying a gun and is said to have served three months in the jail in that city last winter The au thorities from thai county turned him over to the La Salle county authori ties as a suspect of the railway rob bery Johnson and O'Neil Sentenced. This afternoo sentenced A. R. O'Neil, who wei crimes by juries last week, .lobn. tence of from ot robbery charge. I'er having held station agent in Harney O Neil en a sentence of u Judg Johnson e found Kid! ml lis guilt v I" in the sanu (OH was given o to ten year He was co up the Rock Peru last .inn nf Streator w from one to Island .'IV- nty t .v. years on a charge of taking ; w Itb an eleven year old Stn Me was convicted of die t liberties lor girl, arge by I a jury of twelve men Bnerin Avers will refuse to stale the time the men 'will 'be removed from the county jail to the state prison at Joliet, as Johnson Informed him and Deputy Crazier last week that he would never enter the state penitentiary, ami ii is believed lie is going to attempt to escape. BANDITS KILL OIL. STATION MANAGER ( 'b . Nov. IS old. mana 1': lilling stall".!, w Bf 1 one of t wo bandit . placo It uas he position. Jame McGrath room of the statin Lhe in: n i uli r arid i Sll- ird 1 hold un his hands I shot one 0f tl,,. in Prank. Tb" w r.llndi il b in as Sheen and admit in the penitentiary i Other ( .scale"! in an BODY OF LITTLE GIRL BROUGHT TO OTTAWA The rt mains of the late wick, ugul 7. of Moltnc, In this city this morning Rock island passenger Mildred Nat 111 . arrived m ih" io:in treia, for burial Funeral services were hi Id d' rect from the Rock island depot The remains were Interred at Ottawa Ave nil" cemetery. The father :' the de eased. Albert Xatwick was formerly a well knowii resident of this city. ELEGftTE it am! pi in pi-." making only reservation for sug gesting modifications ot detail, In order, Arti. ur J. Bslfour, speaking for Great Britain, Baron Admiral Kato, for Japan, Senator BchSMer, speaking for Italy ami M. Miinnd. tor Kraiiee, arise in their places and , raising in I highest terms the plan and program I suggested by the American govern- 1 'in nt , gave the adherence of their to th" general linns of I governments i the proposal. Carefully sider Hughes Plan. onsldered the groat ire -eu bj our Chalr- "We have consld scheme laid b re man, Mr. Balfour said We agree with il in spirit and in principle. We look In ii as being the basis of the greatest, reform in Hie matter of armament and preparation for war that has ever been conceived or carried out. "Taking the battle ships as a basis," said Mr. Balfour, "we think the pro positions between the various coun tries me acceptable, We think the limitation of amout is reasonable. Wo think it ought to be accepted. We believe Ihoroly il will lie accepted." Wou'd Cut Sunmarine Tonnage. Mr. Balfour suggested 'that the sub marine tonnage might well he reduced, and. thai possibly, ('instruction of large submarines Should be prohibited. The suggestions for changes in tho proposals, Mr. Balfour said, amidst applguse, would not effect "the main structure" proposed by America, Which, he said, lie believed, would bo accepted. When Mr. Balfour promised the "full, loyal and complete cnoperation" of the British nation toward the gen eral American plan the audience rose and applauded for a ball' minute. Subs Defense of the Weak. "At first" glance," said Mr. BalfOUT, "our experts think thai two largo an amount of tonnage bus been permitted fur submarines. Tin the most. The sub on of tho tu abolish abused eney of Hie war. murine Is a (le weak. II might the submarine "Our experts ii- th BUI 1 1 llll ton at cess of that possessed by ; "1 only throw this oul a tion thai the tonnage sin ther limited, it might bo or desirable to forbid altog submarines of vast, great are nix inti nded for de whose whole purpose is at! ges-flir- b iticable r. those which e, 'mt and al- lad; by methods which civilized Da tions abhor. Al thai point the audience ami dele gates again applauded. ivioui desin ed si of U. leet rout p in n -nits tew All! i an plan. When he said proceed willi a a sweeping redUl I ment," the audleni ed. The coii fi" once n Is ready to rmlnstion tor n naval ainia e and applaud- rncl al 12:41 the chairman. Pleased. neral gatftrfac ie newspapers djc to meel again ut i till of N'w papers I .niidiiu. tion is this mi .1 I In of itati nib: Hug Of t! i ppri elation sxpectcd veeter- (lay, but b vot no attention to the probable effect ol the plan on Croat. Britain's naval position It Is freely recognized that the United States ot ters to niaki sacrifices both in money ;:nd aspiration i which an greater man sh ask., ' t marked that (1 icsttered cmptr ipoi II ion from I nited .; ,t"s a are conceivable of the other two as ame time it is re i al Britain as a far Is in quite i different the self-contained ml (hit circumstances In which Great Brit- Kin mighi be called on to defend the British isles md al the same time pr-.-tect tin outlying parts of the empir". as well as guar! trade and fool routes. This, it Is urgwV, must be considered when the details of th--plan conti or diseuswlnn in tin- emit, rem Of Two Evils. Mrs Crabafcaw Tee nest go to the demist and have that tooth pulbil. Willie I oii't say (hat. ma: I'd rather get in S tialit and harp it knocked mi'. N , y.irk Sun,