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PAGd THRU TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1921. OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL MISSING ARBUCKL E WITNESS FOUND AT HOME IN CHICAGO GIRL WHO DISAPPEARED FOL LOWING INQUEST DISCOVERED AT OLD RESIDENCE STATE WENT SUPPORTS FATTY, WHO DENIE8 KILLING VIRGINIA RAPPE. Chicago, Nov. It, MIhh Hetty Campbell, long aoogbt us an Important witness lu the "Fatty" Arhuckle case wsh found today In her home here. Miss Campbell. 90 yours old, was a member of the party at whlrh Vir ginia Happe met her death. She denied she had attempted to hide from the Sun Franclno autorltles. "I do not bellevethat Virginia-Ritppe was killed by Fatty or that he had anything to do with her death," the girl Hald. "Here's why 1 Joined the partv at four o'clock that afternoon. Virginia according to the prosecution now, was supposed to have fatally injured by Fatty two or hours earlier She was, at that Win In an adjoining room I i three time. Mr. unci Mrs !-. M HarVBJf and Mr ' Preebury and daughter of the Clifton hotel were pMieOgen for Chicago this morning, where Hoy expect to spend the H.i Sidney Stlefel made a business trip (o Chicago (his morning, Frank l tail W8J morning las senger for ( hiCggO ThOtUM Helrose Is upending the day In I'lilrimo. i." i ( 'nrier whs smnna those who went to Chicago this miirnlug. Mrs. La Clair and daughter, Mrs Parking! BIG Baal Main street, ar spending the day in Chicago, Mrs. W. D. 8trawn and daughter Mrs. c. F. Brenn, 702 Chapal street are ChlcaKo visitors today. III!', f Rhirpfiii ii nendini the day In Chicago Kdwanl Itaffertv of Morris has rt lunied to his home after spending a ti i davs a Ottawa lrc William HMAClin of North Co IlimhlMI stieit nent to Chicago yestel' day for a nhort visit with friends. Mayor Ralph Madden of Memlot transacted business In Ottawa yest day. Helen Ilartoli of I .a Salle was an Ottawa visitor yesterday. Mrs. Warren Cladlelter and sister MUM Lillian Pike, of BOUth Ottawa i-i home lust nliflit ufti r a short visit in Chicago, vtrs .lolin C il.-li ris t of I'tica was an Ottawa visitor yesterday. Mrs T. P. Walsh and daughter. Fe tic la .lane, have gone to the southern nart of California to spend the winter Miss C.i.niL'la llauei. tloorwulker at 1 nnnlnw lit tile lMirtV Until o'clock that evening. Now we darnk, danced, and played the phdllograph all that time and the party included the same persons who had been there with Virginia there was Fatty. Al Semnacher. Vlrginlu's manager. Fred Flshback, Mrs IVlmont, Zeh I'revost. lxwell Sherman and two others be sides mysolf. "Mv point is this: It doen't seem posatble if Arhuckle had committed the terrible crime with which he is now charred that the partv would have continued thus and that same people who are now testifying against him should have remained In It. "During the entire time I was prei ent I heard not a single word from anybody to indicate that there hud been any trouble of any kind, except two statements from Arhuckle him self Once he explained that he had sent Virginia out of the party I acauve she had become too wild and noisy and later, at dinner he said to Rem nacher: i think you should take lier out of here. I do not want to be responsible for her.' "Mrs. Delmont came back Into the suite after Sherman left and had sev eral drinks. I heard her say nothing about Virginia." Says State Suborned Witnesses. San Francisco, Nov. 15, Gavin M Nab. chief special counsel for Roscoe C (Fatty) Arhuckle. declared thb morning that aside from his knowl edge that Betty Campbell had been one of those at the Arhuckle party oil St pt. 9, he did not know w hat site hu of the affair out. of which grew the death of Virginia Itappe. Mr. McNab said .Miss Campbell was oqo of the missing witnesses and thai she hud disappeared from this city. Twelve venire members examine' and five jurors accepted tentatively, tjne of them a woman, was the sitUB tlon at the opening of the second day of the trial of Roscoe C. (Fatty) Ar buckle here today on a manslaughter charge. Arhuckle went on trial yesterday on charges connected with the death of Miss Virginia Rappe, film actress, whose death followed a party in Ar btickle's room at a hotel here last September. The five Jurors seated so far, how ever, are still subject to peremptory challenge. fcJxhatistlve interrogation the venire men are being subjected to indicates t,. tnr" probably will not be completed before Thursday. The first day's session was devoid of interest except for verbal tilts be tween opposing counsel. The only in cident bordering on the sensational was an intimation In court by Gavin McNab, chief of counsel for the de fense, that District Attorney Mathew Brady had threatened to send to jail some witnesses if they refused to make certain statements. Mr. McNab added that he would produce seven witnesses to prove his assertion. "if you do," Mr. Brady rotorted, "1 will resign." Perceptibly downcast, the film co median sat intense while lawyers uueationed prospective Jurors. HIGHWAY CHIEFS LAID E. SIDE ROUTE FEDERA TONICA i- ii ROAD OVER INFORM LOCAL CIVIC ORGAN IZA TIONS THAT PLANS ARE AL READY MADE FOR TURNING CONCRETE AWAY FROM SU PERIOR STREET. By Secretary LEO CARROLL, Chamber of Commerce. th.. AAool worth 5 and 10 cent stoit Who has In en away from her dutie Tor the past four weeks, after suffe inn an attack of diphtheria, has r turned to work. ('hit f of Police Beckett Of Men, lot transacted business lu Ottawa today Mrs Kuri Dotivia of West Mail .tranl went to ( hlcaffO yesterday to short visit with fi i nds. Attornev J E Malone of l.a Sail transacted bualnesi in Ottawa today w. J, Wilkinson of tvlcago has re turned to his home iii thai city after the spending several days visiting in Ot tawa. William EUggina of Morris trans acted business In this city yesterday. Albert T. I'feiffer of Peoria spent yesterday In Ottawa on business. William Walsh motored to Lfl Salle last night John Welilon of Jollel was an Ot tawa visitor this morning. Carl Martin petit last evening vis iting with friends in La Salle. Mrs. Anthony I). Simon entertain ed the members of the Year Round , bridge Club yesterday afternoon at her home on Fast Main street. Four tables of bridge were played during the afternoon, after Which delicious refreshments were served ihy the hostess. 15 MEN INJURED IN 'GTTUMWA LABOR RIOT Ottumwa, la., Nov. 15. Between ten and fifteen employes of the John Worrell Packing company were injured none severely this morning when they attempted to break thru the line of strikers on picket duty to get Into the plant according to information Whfch has been obtained from the company. Nine .strikers were arrested during the disturbance, which assumed large proportions between 6:30 and 7 a. m., a sthe employes were going to work. The strike has been In progress nearly four weeks and during this time the force at the plant has been gradually built up. until yesterday six hundred men were reported to be at work. Thirteen hundred were at work when the strike ,was called. Minor disturbances occurred late yes terday afternoon when these started The members of Ottawa Review No. 200, W. B. A. Of Maccabees, will entertain the members of the Macca bee lodge and twenty prospective members tonight at a dinner in Mac cabee hall. The organization deputy, Mrs. Keate, of Chicago, and the dis trict deputy, Mrs. Kelt., of Joliet, will bo present. Following the din ner refreshments will be served. Mrs. James Hanlui, who was mar ried recently, was pleasantly surprls ed last night at her home on West Jackson street, thy twenty-eight of her friends. The gathering was In the nature of a variety shower. The evening was spent very pleasantly with informal entertainment and at a late hour an oyster supper was serv ed. Mrs. Hanlin was presented with many beautiful gifts. Mrs. Hanlin was before her marriage Mrs. Lena Stuart. tjt t A meeting of the Child Welfare or ganization will be held on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the super visors' room in the court house. , Much Inters l bai been taken in ti" action proposed hy the Buslnes Mens Association and Chamber 01 t ommerce to render assistance to the Cit officials in preparing the neccs iary papers to vacate certain unin habited sMtloiis of the city in order to relieve tip- people from Hie expen of maintalnlni brldgei and from pay ing Certain sections, also for the pur pose of .securing state aid and the routing of traffic through the business section. The state highway department has practically decided that the federal aid road shall be routed Into Ottawa on tile Fast Side, and while tills plan Is not altogether undesirable, yet the business people believe that 11 it cun ba arranged to bring the road In over Superior street the advantage already pointed out will be worth their effort and In addition to thut the Beat Side pavement is not considered strong i nougli for the heavy trafile that It will naturally receive if the road la opened through that section. The chairman ol the road division lias taken ibi.-, matter up with Frank T, Sheets, superintendent of high ways, with the result that the follow log letter has Just been received from Springfield. I note your letter of Nov. 5, in which you advise that jour men pre fer to wait until I should happen to be In Ottawa on business to discuss th'3 location of our federal aid road as it enters Ottawa from the east. I will bi wry glad to abide by your wish in this matter. I will advise you frankly, however, that on account of certain plans which we have for a grade separation with the Rock Island railroad east of Ottawa for a crossing at the canal, we much prefer to enter Ottawa follow ing the diagonal location to the city limits and then coming in over the paved streets of the, city, crossing the i'ox river over the proposed new bridge just eaat of the public square. We It e this WllPbe a much more sat Isfactory proposition to this depart meat and to the traveling public than the other. "Frankly, 1 would say that we would have to be convinced that the other proposition would be a better one lie tore we would feel like adopting it. 1 believe thut if your citizens were fully conversant with our plans for solving the rather difficult situation at tho canal and the railroad crossing east of the city you would be entirely in harmony with the entrance we have proposed. "Very truly yours, "FRANK T. SHEETS." Mrs James Lambert bai been lug Toiilca friends tills week. 1). F. Fleming of ColfU was a wefg nd guest of Tonics mentis Mrs. Kregor of Los tan! is flatting her daughter. Mrs Mjrtb- lliltabraiid. Mrs woodward or Philadelphia, Pa Is a guest ill the Hoy Swill home. Herbert Abney Is doing nicely since his Operation. He will he able to re turn home In u few days. Mrs. W. A. Flint lefl Friday for Fvanstoli, where she will mane an in- uennite siay. Lee and Warren EUWi moved onto the Hiltabrand farm in ftopetown Monday, Just vacated by Hurt Hlltn hrand. Cashier J. J. Dunne and Assistant cashier Hi 3 Baldwin attended a bankers' meeting In Peru Tue da evening. Mrs. John Kiehm has returned to her home In ( 'hat n wort h after visit ing a week with Q6T son QeOrge, Mrs. James Bteela Jr and baby and Mrs. A F. Phillips were visiting Mr R. VV. I'hllllps and other friends In Bloomiugton hist week. Joseph Hose, who was formerly see Hon foreman here, Is now locatoel at DeWitt, lowu. He is doing the? sane kind of work for tie C . M & St. P. Ry. Mrs. Myrtle Hiltabrand, Doroth) Uls Garvin and Mrs. A. K. I'hllllps drove to Champaign to see their sons and attended the Illinois Michigan fiM)tl)all game on Saturday. W. O. Lynch has entered two year ling Shire stallions In both futurity and open classes at the international Live stock Exposition to be held In Chicago soon. The first concrete roadway In Filer, town ah In Is bcine poured tills week It is the drive In front ol the new high school and If around 'aid feet In length and 12 feet wide Mrs. Lawrence Dose and son Fd ward attended the funeral of Fdward I! Krels in Peril Wednesday morning The deceased saw service lu the latl war and I'eru American Legion POSl i onducted the services, Tonica played Granville at Granville In a game of basketball last Friday, the score being 21 to .'14 in favor of Granville, in suite of the weather Armistice day was a success in Tonica. A large number turned out to hear the program held In the high school audi torium, given by the three ladies' I clubs of this community. The plant ing of the memorial trees wi re for Vance Zenor, Samuel Russell. Arthur Watson, Marion llart.enbower. Earl Grelner and the G. A. R. Grade School Notes. The grades are enjoying the new records recently purchased. They are also observing the national better speech week, Nov. -1 2. Pupils of the intermediate room whose averages In the first bi-monthly examination showed 8fi and better were: Grade ti Robert Pflibsen, 87 1 Edna Mae pflibsen, B6j Verna Hanson 99; Eugene Baldwin, BO; Florence Hose, 89; Ellen Pike, HX; Abigail Ann Faton, 86, Grade 6 Florence Kasiske, U2; Dick O'Neill, '.to. Grade 1 -Llwin Naumann, 82; Hershal Phillips. 82, Garnette Cope, KT; Mamie Wolfe. 85. For the month ending Oct. 25 the following pupils in the primary room had perfect attendance: Leona Wind Ian, Mildred Schmity, Marjorle Nan man, Evelyn Signer, Ruth Flag. Har old Haszler, Flverne Barton. Helen. Quad, Dorth Stehl, Burdette Brooks LouaUen Tipton, Robert Thompson. Roy Phelps, George McKee, Rutn Long, Harvey Phelps, Levern Miller, Donna Wilson and May Phillips. 1000 RESPOND 10 RED CROSS MUSTER IN CAMPAIGN E MEMBERSHIPS PILE UP AS DRIVE APPROACHES PEAK CLOSE DOWN TOWN BOOTHS UNTIL NEXT SATURDAY. tip to last night $1,000 had been turned Into the Bed Cross "Roll Cull" lieudiiuurters which represented ap proximately I.DOI) local memberships Which had been sold to Ottawu people. The hearty and ready response with Which the local citizens have met ine drive, caused the committee In charge to make a slight change in the plans for soliciting memberships. Consequently today quite a few of the downtown hootliB were closed, and will remain closed until Saturday. When a one day intensive drive will again be staged, and all booths will be open. The booths in several places UurUOUt the loop will he kepf open thruout the week, where membership dues and secure their anyone who wishes muy turn In their Bed Cross button. Mrs. A. J. O'Conor who is chairman of the drive stated today that Ottawa unlike Chicago and many of the other large ( itles, would not continue their drive until Thanksgiving, but would close on Saturday. All liooths reported a flourishing business yesterday, but It was seen that as the Ottawa people were res ponding so freely to the appeals to buy memberships it would not be ters until Saturday, necessary to maintain but a few cen Nears 1,100 Mark. It as stated here today that the membership was hearing the 1,104 mark. Mrs. O'Connor announced thai until Saturday registration offices would be kepi open only In the merii BO Rail way Fxpress Office,' the Post oltlce ami lint Weiss Drug Shop TASTE OF COLLEGE LIFE IN MASQUERADE PARTY John Wi her Jr, and Grace l.oveland. boarding school studenta and sweet hearts, Will give Ottawa a taste ol real colli ge lire during 'The Mas querade Party" on Nov. !M and U John Weber Jr., returning from school is accompanied by bis sweetheart, Grace, under cwort ol a strict chape ron. Grace succeeds In evading t04 watchful eves of in r cbaneron, In : honor of Grace, John Jr, invites ti , number of tln-ir fellow students to Btti 1 home. Together thej plan a mas- , queradi parly, in which the unsus- peottng Father and Mother Weber, as well as the village par-on ami tin chaperon, art- prevailed upon to take part. It turns out to be a real mas Iquerade a comedy of tiroes -durlir; which. I broil Kb the Ingenuity of John i Jr. and his accomplices, the eth'-iwise sedate parson und the overstrict I chaperon are brought together, and . in company with Father and Mother w her forget, lor the time l Ing, their dhrnitv and bin in the fndic ol the young folks. I Edwin Mattes, an old-timer in hotni talent productions, and Miss Sophia .lobst. Ottawa's premier meggo-ao piano, will be seen as John Weber Jr. and Grace Loveland. and will surely I captivate their audience with the ', beautiful duet and their excellent I numbers. Both these young thes plans have stamd in previous offer lagl of Ottawa home talent, and have i tabllebed an enviable reputation for themselves, which is sure to be more ! firmly established after the masquer ', ade party. I JTTm Three Inseparables Oncformiidness.VlRGINIA One for mellowness. BURLEY One for aroma. TURKISH The finest tobaccos perfectjy aged and blended 20forl5 ge)gf 111 FIFTH AVE III " " K Notice. There will be a meeting of the child welfare organization In the su pervisors' room of the court house Thursday at :'. p. m. JQSBPHINF V. STANTON, Sec. EEK C H THIS W AT S A N D W I BLOCK'S ORCHESTRA THURS., NOV. 17 DANCING 9 TO 1 COLISEUM lit; iii .1 Satisfaction Guaranteed HEAVY POLICE GUARDS FOR CHICAGO TRUCKS Chicago, Nov. 15 Trucks in Chicago today moved in caravans under strong police guard as the second day of th strike of 3,000 teamsters opened. Tho first caravan out. twenty-five wagons went to the railroad yards flanked by seven motorcycle cops and followed by automobiles carrying rifle squads from the detective bureau. FOR QUICK TtKSULTK TRY TUB WANT ADS IN THK FRhE URADER-JOITRNAL SWEETORA. OHM WITH A REASON. "There's gums enough begorra, but the only gum's sweetora." Reduces mouth Infection; cleans mouth and teeth; yet. the most delicious ever and. as Pat says, "the biniflt lasts, dy'e moind." YEASTOLE, ORIGINAL YEAST Costs less and does more cent a meal; good for sick and well; money refunded if not benefited, adds "pep;" Sold by grocers and druggists. 30 CENTS, BIG CAftTON See Veronica Brown as Bridget Fltzpatrick in "The querade Party" Nov. 24 and 3 Mar- Try the Free Trader-Journal Want Ads TONIGHT NEAL HORB "SKY FIRE" A spectacular drama of the Canadian Northwest. Also a two-reel comedy "We'll Get You Yet" TOMORROW MARY ANDERSON in "BUBBLES" DON'T MISS THIS Buehler Bros. Meat Market, 229 W. Madison St. SPECIAL SALE WEDNESDAY Fresh Pork Shoulder Hams, for 12c roasting, lb. ., . . . .. . . . . presh Sliced Liver Kg ib ,1C Fancy Steer Beef Rib Roast, 1?ir lb 2 Fresh Side Pork, per I5c Flank Steaks, per 1 7 IK Fancy Veal Chops, per 12ic Fancy Veal Stew, per C lb OK- Pure Rendered Lard, per 1 1 C lb r. . I. .1.1.1. ...l. ....... ,.:...f.1. I.I. t.l. . ,. . . . Hetzel's Fancy Breakfast Bacon, ?0r lb.. California Hams, sugar cured, 14r lb , Fresh Hamburger, 1 Ar lb , 1UL Bulk Sausage, 19 Ir lb ,. 1L2t Fancy Swiss Cheese, t)Kr lb , , LDC 3 large cans Pineapple, in RRc heavy syrup for , Watoch for our sales, they are money savers. OYSTERS Cooyrkiht 'S2t Hart Schaffnt r Marx All the Qualities that Mean Style and Long Wear SUITS Of All-Wool Materials With Extra Pair Trousers Made by nationally famous tailors of the finest domestic all-wool suitings, these suits are positively the BEST VALUE IN TOWN! Splendid style, with the semi-fitted lines and long, roll lapels that are popular this season. The extra pair of trousers will double the life of the suit; this is a chance to get decidedly MORE THAN YOUR MONEY'S WORTH! $37.50 " yfie Cltuctlity (Sfore " The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Ly tell in "THE MAN WH0! An enteitaing comedy of a man who made New York walk barefoot, also Keaton In a side splitting comedy 1 THE HAUNTED HOUSE m 9 I Admission 20, Children 10c Matinees 1:15-2:45. Niflht 7:0W:30