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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 192t, Nems OTTAWA FREE TRADER - JOURNAL PAGE nvi Look After She Leaps m m L Hit pli tare shows the Itoj-td Opera of U u John P.. Jr and President ol China HI 14, . - , ,T3 - ' I " of thi World Told By the Camera 1 : ' '1 !li!Pl East Mimics West" if11" 1 : vl 4 .,: - i i Ixxlv t'srnc I In dust, hut the Ame.r. -.. I ' ' Mffli LIU I XWM&tmt: '.USSSk: .t. EM t J .,,.. ii !..,.!...: a r- . . .. -.t vi lli!!; j U WmSflaLr-V:- .. 5.' I "' I "i" Mi UMga as .asfcrf. -j . j , v :!, t!.'': wi In- in Flandur. ; o:Pv i I 'WlTft v T GaLrt. I IAnnunzlo. poet, soldier .;' 4 I stood ot salute M bto bC UMm Ml'ltad only 1 'IJf 1 ..d nbel of Italy, snapped on v '1 ' ; on. L. L. ...1 I ? ; W J halcny of his vWa at Gat-done.. I i , , ' r ' f TTTT , kM. . -M.n Tyw.ll northern Italy. Ho is watching sea- if . . , . -1 Sahib, son and heir of Um Hanea race for a cap he offered ad j r-f-pnt On TV Wlf-poT ' ' V , , i'f ii i"! BaaheWh of Patiala, has learned nze. ; Itient DH, UeiegaieS! ; . no im- of a winter ... ,.t,y tennl and he travela to thd ,Mt-sy ( - i tmen boum on W Mooter, I aH"' n,mt assBBeBB saHSMBMBBnHSHHsaasaHgsHnaBBM il) I . - J liffliiTiiii'iiiryrr""-- nnwiiiiiT i I 1 - miiiiiMfii.i.ifflra L: safcssainiir.'-iBH I. 4 I -.Vvv.;' : ' I 121 Main St. e : - : E r - i - -n- ' i.'l.i&Y'i H It f ifi .Hi I i . m fin i .i .s !' i "'""SSMWSSeswMMWMMMMgMiai.ii 1 1 ..icS . onn I). Kockt'fuicr, Jr., snapped with smtlinB IIsu Shlh Chi n. ChirKHo president, who welcomed ti.o American at the opening ot thp l'el:in Union iledtcal OoUefe, till of tiiu Rochetellor iVundaUcu. Skirts Are Such a Nuisance! Branch No. 170 EARL O. DICKENS, Mgr. Ottawa Extra Bargains For Saturday, Nov. 19th Don'l Pay lore For Groceries Than Our Special Prices For Saturday, Nov. 19th Follow the crowds to the "Great American Stores.' Pure cane sugar, I 7 lbs., 98c ! 4u.0O0.(i(ll) vhirh denresiatos at an am PMpace ry dfty :i lessen for the Anna Conference. .A head, on view of . "Cailrnla,'' miithtlest of the i'.'ciilc fleet, it's till feet ions;, tlispUC' o waOO'wne ;;nd mounts twelve -i J inch jjuu Mothers' Ikvoy Dog Carnation or Pet milk.T tall or 6 snTal) ! cans, 32c Gold Medal Flour, 24 lb. Bag, $7.05, 49 lb. bag, $2.09 Pillsbury Flour, 24 lb. bag, $1.1 1, 49 lb. bag, $X2TT Confectioners New Crop Powdered j Nayy Beans 5 pounder, 49c 5 pounds, 35c Guaranteed Fresh Eggs Dozen, 55c Carolina Head Rice 5 pounds, 35c i IH Pure Refined White Lard, 2 pounds, 25c Lady A slot- didn't ( these nkirts arc, girls, when she kicked off ir ami Plymouth Albion uite a fair swing at the boll. Vou know hov ijrway, tv sfmde avo her a mighty cher a football game between Londou iTnu-vr.sUv Gems Adorn tieauty . & ' Mrs. Julia McCuddcn will come to the United Stated to place a wreath on tho grave of tho Un known Soldier at Arlington ceme tery on behalf of England's gold star mothers. She lout her husband snd three sons in the war. Hero ot the Past I mm ponco uog round the rev aropped by a firtlve at the cj la 40fl-yard trail. Field trials held at West Orange, Jf, j.o etofi for ix'.iicf- v orta. 1 )lvcr id of Be Had "No Gun - i Fresh Sweet New California Fresh Kirk's Olive Country Butter Lima Beans Yeast Foam Toilet Soap pound, 4Sc I 3 pounds, 29c j 3 pkgs., 25c 4 bars, 25c P. ck G. or Fels Naptha Soap, 10 bars, 59c Borden's Eagle Swansdown Calumet Fresh Baked Brand Milk Cake Flour Baking Powder Ginger Snaps 2 cans. 42c large pkg., 35c pound can, 29c 2 pounds, 25c New Crop California Prunes, 2 pounds, 25c Pillshury's Fancy Santos Fresh Select Fancy Jersey Pancake Flour Coffee Oysters Sweet 4 lb. pkg. 47c 3 pounds, 73c Quart, 50c I 7 poundsSc Walter Baker's Cocoa, lb. can, 22c, Chocolate j lb., 20c S orar Cured ! Karo Syrup Gold Post Toasties Bacsn Squares Darkj 49c Dust or eg Poind, 18c I (White, gal., 59c j large pkg., 28c jarge 15c Our Guaranteed Coffee, 3 pounds, 97c Oyste;. Gra- 1 fsJew Pack 1 Brere Rabbit Star Naptha 1 ham o. Oat- ! corn or peas Cooking Washing meal Crackers Molasses Powder Pound, 16c 2 cans, 25c Qtcan, 20c large pkg., 25c Ivory Soap, 4 Large bars, 50c Sauerkraut Kitchen Nabisco Bread or Pumpkin Kleanser Sugar Wafers Fresh Daily Large can, 15c 3 cans, 17c 3pkgs.,25c 3 loaves, 25c lime, irvninde Dtamcnt doesn't botiev in kc. iiv her money out of clrcotation, Sn,; is reputed to have ajvmt 13,0011.1, ) 101 jirotioui 1 SjuLi h.uailWE.-aring her famous diar.ond ami cmemld bracelet jwd ;carl riiig. . . . : 1 ': '"' '-y, old-..: t. uSSt I nBrossional Medal and f " tl e :i ii War, represef t:ivil War Veterans of w :.. 11, i'B nomage to Ap 's unknown Motility. H Ul true!: dc oak. It cor 1 at H.C I ' k wa- ai 1 Ray tai protcctioi.. !Ied mll r-t !t. h Vr:t iCr r. . Pure Cane Sugar Tablets, 2 pounds, 20c Special Notice: Watch this naoer Tuesdav NovpmKpr 22nA for i - big I nankagiving specials to be on sale Wednesday, November 23. Mr. Farmer: We pay cash for fresh eggs. Bring them in. . v.