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? LJ U HP D A I IV 13 . JOURNA l,f fs I OTTAWA FREE TRADER SECOND SECTION Established 1840 OTTAWA JOURNAL Established 1880 J. X VJLi Jui X X t AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER VOLUME 5 -NO. 814. OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, Fill DAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1921. PRICE, TWO CENTS. 0. H. S. E NTRAINS AT THE GAYETY WEEK FOR LOCKPORT HIGH TOMORROW A. M FINAL DRILL TO BE HELD TO NIGHT AT KING FIELD FEW CHANGES MADE ON LINE, A3 PLAYERS EVIDENCE A NEW FIGHTING SPIRIT. Having passed through it hard week's sorlininnne In prprtlon tor the two rt'iiiiiiniiiK games o( ths 1921 football schedule, Coach Smith's ot- 'awa HIkIi players will 8DtrHn lOIHi tints early totnoifow morn log for 1 nckport, 111., tliey will cluuli With the LocKport eleven tOmOTTOW afternoon at I o'clock. Despite the fact that they were defcutd CM day by Fellows' olive and maroon eqnad, they are linht nf heart anil urn planning on winding up the si .1 mil In a real fashion by winning over Does port and Coach Dale's Hard' scrabble team on turkey day. Through out the week Smith has been lading Ills men through tiring drills and lor Illations In preparation for the two battles. He has made a few ehangt I on the Hue. Heal hard Scrimmage wound up last night at King Held, after both the first and second teams opposed each 'other In some touh scrimmage. Tin field wa. wet and slippery, which pre vented the red an. I white warriors from working very well. For a time It wan thought that the squad bad turned stale, but last night they show ed a real fighting spirit, and the bock port players will have to do a little humping to ket p up with the locals in their battle tomorrow. Tonight they will run through ;. very brief signal drill as the final preparation for the struggle, buck port, according to reports, has a fas: team this year and has been taking Borne good teams into camp. They expect to win the berries tomorrow in their clash with the OttawaM, but if the locals live up to their standard they will encounter a big Surprise. The outcome of this game will be of great interest to local fans, so they night judge the outcome Of the Thanksgiving game with Streator. Only a few Ottawans upian on mak ing the trip to tockport with the team to see them In action there. La Salle-Streator. This afternoon at 2:15 o'clock Streator will engage in a game with Fellows' IjH Sallr I'eru squad at the Hardecnibble field. Although Fel lows' eleven has thus far proven the strongest team In the conferenci , Streatorltes are holding that their team will give the olive and maroon iuad a good go for their money in the battle. Miriam Murray, Lillian Armstrong and Edna Noyes in the s nart musical comedy "Irene" coming to the Gayety Saturday Evening, November 26. IRENE" BOOKED AS GAYETY ATTRACTION THREE EYES LEAGUE PUjNS NEW CIRCUIT Chicago, III., Nov. 18. -Two clubs -Ilock Island and Cedar Itapids -yesterday withdrew from the Three Eyes league, but plans immediately were started to replace them. and. While no definite decision was reached by the club owners in session here indica tions were thai Fort Wayne and South Bend would be part of the cir cuit next season. Poor attendance and long trips caused the withdrawal of the two clubs, according to official announce ments. Rock Island drew only .",:!. 4: at Us home games in 1921 and Cedar Rapids little more than 30,000. To Form New Iowa League. Representatives of the Cedar Rapids and Rock Island clubs an nounced they "would form a new league which would be primarily an Iowa state circuit. Waterloo, Dubu que, and similar towns will be invited to come in, it was said. The club heads agreed to make overture to Fort Wayne and South Bend in the interest of locating clubs there, and President Al Tearney of the league will visit the two cities early in January. The magnates deferred discussion of baseball legislation until after the meeting ot the National Associa tion of Minor leagues at Buffalo next month. President Tearnev in a statement announcing the withdrawal of Cedar Rapids and Rock Island declared that the action was "for the good of the league and of the clubs." Poor Attendance a Handicap. "The long jumps these clubs had to make, combined with poor atten dance, proved a handicap to the cir cuit," said Tearney. "With two new clubs In their places I believe that next season the Three Eyes league will have its greatest success fcn his tory. There is no dissension in the league and' we are all pulling together for a great season in 1922." Warren Giles, president of the Mo llne club, 1921 pennant winner, an nounced that Earl Mack, soa of Con nie Mack, would be retained as mana ger next year. "Irene," t h e greatest musical comedy success ever known in New York, will be presented at the Qayety next week. Its record breaking run at the Vanderbilt Theatre, New York of over two years has been the most astonishing accomplishment in thea trical history. The Vanderbilt Pro ducing Company, formed shortly after the opening of the peace in 1919, points with pride to the unique record for "Irene" for simultaneous runs in London ana Australia since at- present "irene" is being played on four con tinents. James Montgomery who wrote the comedy, has not only made a fortune with it - but he is helping others to do the same. It is a produc tion which seems to lime upset all theatrical traditions and in a happy way for it has served to make famous not only the author, and theatre, but tile composer Harry Tier ney, the lyric writer Joseph McCarthy and at least a dozen stars who have played the title role in various parts of the world. In addition the costumes of tlie piece have established a new fashion in America and a world wine vogue for a beautiful blue color. This was used by Lady Duff Gordon as the motif for a fascinating evening gown she created to be worn by Irene O'Dare the heroine of the piece when she is transformed from a shop-girl to a veritable Princess and sings, tin' song "My Alice Blue down." The cast which will appear here has been selected from the leading mem bers of the New York and Chicago companies and the play will be pre sented with the same elaborateness and with all of the marvelous effects which were used at the Vanderbilt Theatre in New York. That "Irene'' presents a combination of interesting story, tuneful music, beautiful stage pictures, enjoyable dances, anil with a laugh in every line, is an absolute 'act. It is the marvel among musical omedies for its appeal is an irresisti ble one in mi children to the aged. COCHRAN WINS MATCH m TITLE TOURNEY Chicago, Nov. 18. Ora C. Moring star, the veteran Hoosier, who is representing San Diego, ("a!., joined the list of defeated players in the world's 18-2 iialkline championship yesterday, when Welker Cochran out pointed him. 400 to .117, in the opening game at the Congress hotel. The result left Champion Hoppe in first place with two wins, and elevat ed Cochran Into second position with two wins and one defeat Conti Beats Sutton. Roger Conti. the young Frenchman, took the second afternoon game from G. Butler Sutton, the Chicago veteran. 400 to 890, and while the averages were on the low side, it was a see saw due! that kept the spectators in thefr seats until Conti made his win ning carom Neither Cochran nor Morlngstar showed much at th start, as in four innings Morlngstar led, 28 to 13. For the next six Innings it was an even battle, with Morlngstar always a lit tle in front, but a run Ot 85 by Coch ran in his half of the eleventh Inning nut him ahead. Morlngstar in the next Inning went to the front with a run of 24. and. fol lowing with Sf, led, 246 lo 21'!. Coch ran then ran 132 and went out with 56 unfinished. WALTHAM. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson and 1 Mr. and Mrs. I.ouls Wilson returned i te (heir homes in Coodlnnd, Ind.,iWod I nesday. I Mrs. Margaret Finley. Graeme Cur- lie and David Edgecomb Jr. were Ot I lawa basinets callers Monday. PENfl ATHLETES MAY COMPETE IN ENGLAND Phiadelphia, Pa, Nov. 17. Univer sity of Pennsylvania athletic authori ties announced today that an invita tion had been received to send a relay team to Ixmdon next spring for the first English intercollegiate and inter scholastic relay meet, patterned after the Pennsylvania relay carnival. The tentative date of the meet is April 8. The faculty has given permission for a team ot five men to go to England provided they are up in their studies. FoxRiverMeat Market Geo. Goering 1 Phone 24 Each is called a roast of meat. Bite into them and see the difference one has the juicy and sweet flavor of a No. 1 piece of meat, and the other dry and tasteless. WHICH DO YOU WANT? We sell only the juicy kind at the Fox River Market, formerly owned by J. J. Morrissey, now occupied by Geo. Goering. Newly painted and cleaned from cellar up. we believe it to be the cleanest and most up to date market in town. We will let you be judge. All cuts of No. 1 beef, pork, lamb and veal. Dressed chickens and ducks. The meat shop of quality and cleanliness. WOODWARD IS 9. K. AFTER GRID INJURIES GOES TO COLUMBUS MAKES TRIP TO COLUMBUS AS SUB FOR JACK CRANGLE YALE-HARVARD TILT FEATURE OF EASTERN PLAY TOMORROW. Twenty-nix llllnl. Including Chrli Woodwiird, former Ottawa High play it, entrained last night from I'rbnna for Columbus, Ohio, win re they will meet Ohio State In their final game of the 1!21 football season. The fill Uols team will line up B-galOtt Wllee's team tomorrow exactly the same as they did against Chicago last Sutui day. For a time it was thought that Woodward would he unable to make the trip because of Injuries which h" received. During the first part Of the week the former Ottawan wa.s tack ling the dummy and in some manner twisted his body, sustaining injuries which prevented him from reporting tor practice for several nights. To morrow he will mib for Crangle, full back on the lllini, and will no doubt get a crack at the Ohio State squad. Ohio State is picked to win, hut it is reported that Coach Zuppke's team is geing to cause them a lot of trouble during the contest. Last Saturday they gave Coach Stagg's Maroons a had scare when Quarter Hack Sterna man stepped right out in the firs', half ot tin game and succeeded In making two field goals. At the end of the half the score stood 6 to 0 in favor of the 1 1 1 inf. and it looked as tlriugli Bi b Zuppke was going to live up to his reputation as being one of the greatest football coaches in the country. Hut Thomas, half back for the .Maroons, shattered all hopes in the third and fourth quarters when he tore through the lllini tline for two touchdowns. Tomorrow their attack is expected to be stronger than ever, and the bat tle will be one of much interest. While Zupp's squad is playing Ohhi State, Richards' Badgers will be set tling their argument with Chicago V isconsin was put out of the running for big ten championship honors last Saturday, when they were held to a V to 7 tie game, but, nevertheless, they will open up with all they have got against the Chicagoans. Iowa, other contender for the con ferenco honors, wint through their last practice of 1!)21 last night in preparation for the gam with North western tomorrow afternoon at Kvans ton. Iowa is expected to have a pic nic with the Northwestern eleven and a decisive defeat for the latter Is pre dicted. Michigan will play Minnesota in an nterHstlng game. Captain Dunne, Usher, Hernle Kirk or Ted Hani; will probably not play lor Michigan in the game tomorrow. In the Kast tns big game will he the Vale-Harvard tile. Hoth teams ars picked to win and both are picked to lose. The game has caused nation wide Interest, Harvard's loss to cen ter and to the Tgers detracted from their capability of winning the game. Yale tOO. far baa proven a superior eleven, and in many case bss been picked as the decided winner of the contest. M'CARTHY IS RULED OUT AS GRID PRO Helolt, Wis., Nov. Is, IP cause he participated in a ieral-pro game "Jin1 McCarthy, captain of the Beloit col lege eleven, has been declared in eligible. McCarthy was ( barged with having played with tic Fairbanks Mores team ;ii Kl:;iu. II.- enti red DO denials. The ruling lessened Uclolt's chances to beat Klpon hen- Saturday. country's leading golfers wire yes terday limbering up Tor the raid South amateur and pro tournament which opens today. Ti ni Harmon Jr., pro fessional or the Hudson River club, tied the championship course record with a 34 :: ; 67, Jesse Guilford, na tional amateur champion, put in his appearance yesterday, TIGERS PICK HARVARD TO WIN TOMORROW Princeton, N, J., Nov. 18. A major Ity of the members of the Princeton football team think that Harvard will beat Yalo Saturday In spite of the fact they themselves won from Har vard and lost to Yale, f WHY BE WEAK AND nus RICKARD SAYS HE IS FIGHTING IN DARK New York, Nov. 18. -"Fighting in the dark isn't exactly my gam;'. I'd rather choose weapons and clear away the room, but you can't do that in every scrap," dlclarid Tex Rlckard .. i sterdny, The picturesque Rlckard, with a story bad; of him that reads like a Itcx Beach novel, may have had tougher lights when ha was prospect ing in Alaska, or battling cow raiders in Arizona, but he never had the whiizern running by his cars from so many directions as he has right now in the shadow of Hroadway. Tex hai one light in court against an alleged business partner who wants to share the profits of .Madison Square Garden, lie is battling with the wrestling trust and Sighting with a combine cf hosing managers who are trying to boycott his list palace. ' The wrestling trust tried to get me the other night, but 1 found out the way they work, and I'll be ready for them the next time," Rlckard said yesterday "Am I going to quit pro moting wrestling? Well, I never quit under fire in my life." GOLF TOURNEY OPENS AT PINEHURST TODAY Pinehurst, n. c, Nov. is. The as a result of pale, thin watery blood Nuxated Iron will help make you strong and well ag-.iin: it has been used and highly endorsed by former United States Senators, Judgesof U. S. Courts, many physicians and prominent men. Even the Pope at Rome has written especially of the merits of Nuxated Iron in a communication to the Phar macie Normale. Over 4,000,00(1 peoplo are umn? it annually to help build rod blood, strength and endurance, At all druggists. OWEN FORFEITS MATCH TO DEMETRAL Quincy. III.. Nov. 18. Rendered tin Conscious when his hands slipped from his opponent's shoulders. Youn, Owen, Hannibal, Mo., welterweight Champion wrestler of Missouri, gave. ths match to John Demetral, Quincy, here Wednesday night. The referee declared the match a draw, but Owen i refused to accept the decision when revived. Demetral won the lirst fall : with a headlock and Owen th l w!-! ond with a double toe hold. SUNDAY, NOV. 20th Mat. 3.00 Nite f& THE MINSTREL MONARCHS "A Unique Offering in Minstrelsy" WILFRED DU BOIS "Jongleur" Anna Monocle MARSTON & MANLEY In "Do You Follow Me?" Ernie Evelyn GORDON & DELMAR HARRY HAW & SISTER 'Celestial Novelty" Folly Comedy Selznick News "ALWAYS A GOOD SHOW AT THE GAYETY" AUCTION! AUCTION! RY AT LAWS Don't Forget to Attend the Great AUCTION SALE OF JEWEL JEWELRY STORE TOMORROW AFTERNOON At 2 O'clock, and Evening at 7 O'clock EVERY LADY WILL GET A BEAUTIFUL SOUVENIR FREE ON THE OPENING DAY We are going to sell out our entire stock of $20,000.00 Worth of Jewelry Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Cut Glass, etc., A T SA CRIFICE PRICES 824 La Salle STREET Ottawa, III. This sale will continue until every article is sold. We must move this stock to make room for remodeling the store. Our entire stock is entirely new and up to date, every pat tern is snappy. Every article sold during this sale is guaranteed to give satisfaction, and we will replace any article during the sale or afterwards. OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT WILL BE OPEN AS USUAL FROM 8 A. M. TILL 8 P. M. W. H. LAW 824 La Salle STREET Ottawa, HI.