Newspaper Page Text
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER St, 1021. Till: OTTAWA FREE lUADICH-JOURNAr,. PAGE FIVt. la n DOINGS OF THE DUFFS What a Good Turn Will Do BY ALLMAN CKS TOM, I WISH YOU'D SEE IF YOU CAM FIX THAT WASH STAND FAUCET IN THff BATH ROOM " IT RON3 AILTHETIME OH,HELEN, I CAN'T FIX THIS THING - I HAVEN'T ANV TOOL6! I'LL CALL UP THAT PLUMUER DOWN THE STREET HERE AMD Jj 1 ILL,1T OuCH f TO M cw cn THIS ISYviR NEI6M00R, Krl?. Duff UP THE. 5T5L-ET HERE - SAY, THEREV NOTHING THE 1 MATTEIi WITH THE FAUCET ONLY' IT WASN'T M ONE Of- OUR WATER FAUCETS KOUJMH c IS LEAKIWO, A LITTI F-rAU VflU I'LL TAKE A Look AT IT COME UP A KID FIX IT R16HT AWAY? TCR!ED OFF ! Avr i TAKE II i HWk. HIM VO IT 1 T IT'S JUSTA LITTLE JOB-ONLVTAKE. YOU A Ml NOTE - ALL RIGHT DON'T FORGET 0Rk Your tools That soft , u TALK WON'T SAVE VOD AKNTHINC:- mm , n. . . ' m 1 - ...1 m ' 1 j . -mm. TT Remember, Away Back, When- those linns were In husluoss in Ot tawa; V. C, Male Co., grocers; E. O. Turk, grocer, corner .Sycamore und Latuyotto streets; II. J. 0111m, ladles' wear; Crowley & Carrity, coal and feed. 1004 Chestnut street , I. Levi & Co., the "1'rlze Store," corner La Salle and Washington streets, above thu boy's school; McCabn & Klsher; Began k Co., clothieVs and Leahy's shoo store',' o Charity or sheer silk stockings dis closes a multitude of shins. I)o yonr Christmas hocking early lit your i)awnbroker'a up In Chi. o The hemp mills are very busy these days. Ob, you Christmas cigars. o The reason that wo use ho few ex clamation marks lies in the fact that these Isn't any on our typewriter, Otherwise we would use 'beaucoup of them. See where a fire was discovered in the basement of Maxwell's store. Trying to keep the spuds from freei- j ng, Tom? o - Sure, let the prospective lirldo hnve ! their showers. The thunder showers yill come later. Washington's big show has what the movie people might call an all star cast. When the conference at the national Capitol finally comes to a close Its good resolutions must not be kept in loose leaf memorandum hooks. o John R. Thompson, nationally fa mous restaurant man, is thinking of eeking the republican nomination for congressman at large. Going after the duty on exports, Jawn? The Indians around Billings, Mon- Ta-Ba-Che Chish. Which Is Focb," in their language Good thing the marshal's name only has four letters, cause the Indiana would be jabbering their fool heads Off, trying to pronounce it. o About this time of year the weather Just fools around, waiting for a chance to begin something. o Optimists (or shall we call 'em pes simists?) still persist on talking about n open winter, contrary to the katy did's warning. . Who Is to have the honor of remov ing the barricades ncross the street on South State street? "W.VT." COURT NEWS Circuit Court 5M9 Alice C. Goodrich vs Wm. C Vittum Judg by confn for 9650.41 and costsex issuod Butters and Clark atty. Probate Court Final Settlement Est Setl Eat Jos. Kuntz. Acct and rept app Est Mary Kelly Anthony Kuntz Eat Anne O. Can tiers. Admrstn with the will annexed Est Henry C. Barton to Hnry C. McKenzie bond 130,000 appvd. Will Est Jos Dlnelll to Ottawa B & T Co bond $S,500 appsrs apptd adj Feb term. 1 I Michael 1 Petn Prob of Will Est Garvin hrg Dec 22 at 10. lnv App Est .las C Coleman. Will Est .lames Kemigh to Thoi Carroll per hood 23.nno adj Fer term. Est Philip Alt to Ottawa V & Inventory Appvd Est Elizabeth Holmes. Pet for Letters Admr Est Mary Harris to F F Follett bond appvd odj Feb term apprsrs apptd. Proof of Heirship Est Mary Harris Est Christian Walling. Probate of Will Est Christian Walling bond appvd adj Feb term apprsrs apptd. Acct & Report Appvd Est Edith A Osgood est set. Guardianship Est Chas II Dlckln eon pet for citation set for hrg Dac 9 at 1:30. 11364 Inro Est Adam Wylie inh tax L J Horan apptd appraiser. 11365 11366 11367 1136S 11369 11370 11371 Same Thos O'Brien same. Same Thos Whalen same. Same Joseph Poole same. Same Michael Brennan same Same Amelia A Pooh; same. Same H C Barton same. Same Jno W FornotT C K Strawn. Acct and rept app Est Henry C. Barton. Final Settlement Est Setl Ets Gladys T. Olson. aupp r inai um coi aeu jusi j jPeter Schmidt. Claim Luella Fitzgerald va Eat Michael Fitzgerald rule on Claimant to file bill of particulars within 5 days. Iut app Est Emily Brundage. 34944 Bargreeo vs Hepler mo by defts to extend time to close proofs to Dec. 12 ellwd. E4602 Zimraermann vs Zimmerman mo to redocket and reinstate cause allowd order o npetn cause strick en from dotket. E5660 Eckart vs 111 F P Co Order appig rirsi irusi .o receiver oy agmt. 1 25624 Peo v Miller mo to reduce ball to $500 allwd deft recog In sum otjtrepidity in action w ith the Germans $500 with surety. 8543 Pco va Bergman case set for, trial Dec 12 at 1:30. I On, flood They Do. Some folks find fault so much that they drive ottwr foltit to finding fault at all, no. i uconip irAnro nr I1LAU1U LLMULIv Uf LOST BATTALION IS FEARED A SUICIDE COL. CHARLES W. WHITTLESEY WHOSE ANSWER "GO TO HELL" IN REPLY TO GERMAN PLEA FOR SURRENDER, MADE HIM FAMOUS, BELIEVED DEAD. New York, Nov. 28. Col. Charles W, Whittlesey, commander of the famous "Lost Battalion" of the world war, perished at sea while en route from New York to Havana on """ t'nited Fruit Company's liner Toloa sonic time Sunday night, according to wireless received by the company. It Is believe,! he was unnerved by recollections of the war brought forci bly to his memory by the ceremonies short for j attending the burial of America's Un known Hero, at which he acted as pallbearer. Word of the death of the noted hero, who. when his battalion was surrounded by Cernians and 8ur render had been demanded, ent back a message saving: "Go to Hell. Whittlesey," reached here today in wireless dispatches. The Information came as a distinct shock to Whittlesey's friends and to his la partners in the firm of White & Case, who were unaware that Col. Whittlesey had contemplated a trip to Havana. Col. Whittlesey left notes telling of his intended action, one directed to his father in Massachusetts, who has not yet been informed, and the other to a law partner, John I). I'ruyn of this city. The notes were discovered ! in his cabin on the Toloa soon after j his absence had been noticed. Efforts to reach Mr. I'rnvn tonihl were unavailing, hut a woman who, said she was his sister gave the fol- lowing message over the telephone: "Col. Whitiesey went to the , ter with friends last Friday night j and seemed to be in the best of spirits. He did not tell us nor any of his friends he was contemplating a sea voyage. "We are afraid the ceremony in honor of America's Unknown Hero, at which he was a pallbearer, un nerved him. Friends who saw him after the ceremony said he appeared profoundly Impressed by what had occurred. Usually of a cheerful dis position, he seemed on this occasion un warra n hibly dep ressed . "No, there was no romance. He was not engaged." Whittlesey was close to the cnlfltor nf the rnnl.-H hi r&rnnl nvftr. seas being one of continuous sacri flees for the welfare of his men. Their affection for their command ing officer was none the less marked. Whittlesey's war record is ono of tho most romantic adventures of the war. and so great was his heroism that. Gen. Pershing only recently ranked him next to Sergt. Woodflll as one of America's foremost heroes. He received decorations from vir tually every government associated with the United States in the war. Col. Whittlesey's modesty was one of his characteristics. Seldom could he be brought to say anything of the famous "Go to hell" message, which rang around the world as typical of the American spirit. He was at all times, however, ready to tell of the bravery of men who fought under him. The leader of the "Ixst Battalion" was one of the first American officers to see service in France and one of the first to leave the army after the armistice and the break-up of the 308th Infantry, of which he was an officer. He went first to his family homo in Pittsfleld, Mass., and later! announced his intention of resuming ! law nraetico in New York. I His heart was as great as his back-1 bone was firm. On one occasion since 17-ineh steering wheels'. value, the armistice he made a special plea 3- And we arc the only ones In Ot to Washington in order that a Polish j tawa that can give you several makes stowaway might enter the country, of $7.50 spotlights for only p.8 Just a month ago he accepted a! Extra good Ford headlights, per pair, chairmanshio in the lied Cross. 1 4-50. Ford wheels, guaranteed to plunging immediately into the work of the campaign just ended. Col.Whittlesev was not a swearing ; man. according to a one-time lady, who dismissed his famous "go K6 we have slammed the prices dovn to hell'' as merely "an excellent piece' on the wonderful new Pilaris tire, of advice to the Germans." i Wo have the most complete stock of The colonel was one of the first tires, tuben and accessories to thr. three Americans to receive the Con-jpa't of the state. We also havi the gressional Medal of Honor. He was lowest prices, figuring quality The publicly decorated in Boston in 1918 the citation reading: "p0r conspicuous gallantry and in- northeast of IMnarville, in the forest of the Argonne, France, October 2 to 1918. Incombustible Gas. 1 flas that is practically Incombustible Is yielded by some of the wells drilled or natural gas lu Oklahoma. L v HELP WANTED WAN'TKIt Experienced lady can vassers. Apply Mr:;. Hunt, Boom 23, afternoons or evenings at Otta wa hotel. i WAN'TKD Many young business' hustlers In every county In Illinois' to earn splendid sure income by help ing me to Increase, private Florida1 orange trade. Write quick and will have northern representative call. : Geo. Andrews, Palm Beach, Fla. WANTED A housekeeper for a fun lly of two men; good w;'ges to right party. JOHN GARLAND, 413 Main St., Ottawa, 111. Phone 800 Y. ATTENTION, Agents and Mali Ord:r Men. You can build up a good business which will mean an income for life. Send for free booklet of un solicited testimonials like this. Fort Dodge, Iowa, Sept. 23, 1919. Rheuma tism Hurb Company. Dear Sirs: The man I treated with your Rheumatism Herbs only used it five days and he j walked downtown two miles to seo me last Sunday, and now his wife i? also taking the Herb food bath3, so you see 1 got results the first time. .Respectfully, A. D. Hall. Price i. i'ouud, la Pounds 6. RHEUMATISM HERB CO.. K yi)7. Ocean Park, Cal. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED An elderly lady wants place as housekeeper in a family of two or three or would do cooking where there are tew boaruers In- quire Utica, 111., Box 1SS. VT .... W AXTKI) n' a rf?,,Hb,e 7r0mB'li as housekeeper for a wid ow'r w,th children. Prefer country For information call 342-K. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS EGGS WANTED We are paying 5c a doen above market price. Cash on delivery. THE OTTAWA COLONY. WANTED -About 27,400 feet, of floor space suitable for motor car paint ing. A. BAUCHLE, Phone 711 Columbus St. OH, BOY! Here are some knockout prices- on Ooodye&r, Firestone and Goodrich tires and tubes. These prices are a raving to you from nt-w low price from $6 to' $12. Tubes Included free with thi.i price. Don't wait. Get in on your next year's supply now. New. fresh stock: 32x4 Goodyear all weathf with tube. $23. fabric "2x Goodyear all with tube, $30. :;,rix5 Goodyear all weather oords, weather cord- with tube,. $4S 32x3'a Goodrich fabric no tube, $17 32x4I, Goodrich Silvertown cords. with tubes, $38. 33x" Firestone cords, with tube $45. We are sailing 30x3 7,W0-mll tires for $7.50. Extra good. We also have 3(ix3Vj tires, the best ever, at $9.S". We have tho best 30x3 ribbed tires, 7,000-mile guarantee, for only S.S0. Egyptian cotton. Don't forget we have the lowesi prices on tires and tubes in Ottawa. anu have tlr s at all prices to suit 'o;lr pockctbook. 32x3 . Brainder tires $11.75, and keep $7..'k their shape, etc ;our price. $4.60, Fonl prior. Ford fenders. ! $1 Ford radiators ji... lien t 1 Don'l for-! land-ihreak from freezing. prices Pbovo on tires are low prices, and pleas,, remember we. don't buy cheap tires to be sold al chi ap p Put we buy high grade tires an sell them at cheap prices. We don't gamble on poor met I diss. We buy the best. W e carry Pennine Ford parts. Wr don t overcharge yOQ EDWARD H. YNE BUPPLY CO., INC.. La Salle St.. roiith cf Bank & Trust Co., upstairs above the high rents. 1 LOST LOST, BTRAYBD OK STOLEN One brown, one black, one hay ami roan, l'hone Ctica 971. J. V. VALLAT. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE3 What Do You Need in the line of tires und supplies? If it's anything ' at all "Try Sanders." This has become the common by word amongst auto owners of Otta wa who in less than six weeks found Sanders Auto Parts Co. the ideal place for auto shopping. 229 W. Main St. Cor. Clinton. FARM LANDS FOil SALE Small f-.rms near Ott wa, as follow: 5 acres, wall improved.... 10 acres, gard.n land S4 acrerf, one-half cultivsw Sb acres, one-Unit tillable, .$ 4,50( . . M,00( bal timber 5.O0C J A , , ,1 J .1 , 'i ,', '. tv acres, lainy wen lupruvuu. io,uv. 10 scree, three-fourths timber, small bldgs 2.604 115 acres, mostly black, 'in proved 3,00 And others Term;, caa be a ranged . W. B. PC SET, Central Life Blag. Ottawa. Illlaott FOR SALE 133 acres of fairly well Improved land adjoining the village of Troy Grove. Anyone wishing to purchase a good farm and home, Ideal ly located, had better come and see me at once. WM. JAMISON. Room 306 Armory Blk, Ottawa, 111. FURNITURE FOR SALE Parlor suite, in very best of condition. Apply 122 V eot Superior St. l'hone 5S4-L. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE Gas kitchen range, for merly in use in domestic, science rooms. No reasonable offer refused. Apply at high school office. FOR SALE Household furniture and house for rent. Inquire 712 Clinton WILL SELL AT PRIVATE SALE AT residence, household furniture, rugs, kitchen cabinet, etc. Call any day between 9 and 12 o'clock a. m. MPS. EMMA CALKINS. 127 W. Van Huren St. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Brunswick Baby (Irand combination billiard and pool table, good as new. Size 4x8, two sets of cushions, I! ivory billiard halls, 1 set of pool balls, cues, etc. Phone Utica 137-W. FOR SALE Pearl White, Stay White. White Wyandottes. Cocks, cock erels, hens and pullets for breeders. Regal-Dorcas, from direct Matrin stock. Hatching eggs. Ye Quill and Apple Yards. Ottawa, 111. FOR SALE 15 barrels wood. Chop ped, ready for the stove, 50c hbl., or will sell it. in the rough at 38c, bbl. included. If yevu dont want the bbl. wo wm allow you 15c. We will deliver with an order. FRED HAKIIEULH. the Grocer. FOR SALE One car of Red Rlw early Chios at $1.31 per bu. on C. B. & Z. tracks. Phono S029. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Mrs. Gray's lot, north of Joe Pearson's home, corner Oi I and Chapel. A fine building spot.' 1 nere are out lew Dunning lots on the East side that are for sale, and this d one of the best, nicely graded.' cement walks, sewer paid; paving is ; on (he way. Will sell it for, weii let's see come in and let mo tell i you how cheap. T. P. FARRELL. PERSONAL INVESTMENT I can furnish you with the best first mortgage notes. In any sum from $100.00 up, that Ot-j tawa has seen fer many a day, aad the severest critic cannot discredit ihem. Net you 7 per cent long term. Come la and talk it over. T. B, FARUELL. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Owing to unexpected change In plans, a modern brick bungalow with every modern con venience, is now offered for sale. It is so recently completed that the "new" is not rubbed off. Fine loca tion. All special assessments paid. Sell It for $15,u00.00. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE 8 room house, S. Ottawa. All modern conveniences, fine lo cation a bargain at $3300. W. B. PTJSBT, Central Life Dldg. FOR SALE 6 room house, small lot, 6 blocks of business district, Ottawa. No modern Improvements, $050 cash. Also C r.)oni house, city water, west side, a bargain at $1.' 0(). 2-3ds cash, balance $15 per month. W. B. PUSSY, Central Life Bld-., Ottawa. FOR SALE l1? story, frame dwell ing, only ono block from St. Colum ba's; 7 rooms and bath; flue hot wa ter heating plant, sewer and paving in and paid for. Lot 40x60 teat; tood 1 repair ' $1,500.00 Tel. 648-W. T. B. FARRELL. FOR SALE One story frame shingle roof dwelling at 1517 W est Madison. Lot 50 x 150; cement walks, inside and out; gas, electric lights, city water in kitchen sink; hardwood floor In kitchen, other floors painted; four room house, all in good order, $1, 400.00; worth more. Come on, you newly weds, own your own property. T. B. FARftBLL, FOR SALE The one story frame dwelling at 917 Mulbury street. Furnace, bath, six large rooms, all in good order; paving and sewer in and paid. Will sell for hss than its mar ket value, possession in 30 days from sale; terms if desired. T 1:. FARRELL. FOR SALE If there is in Ottawa a believer in permanent values of property on De Sota, l)e Leon, Fourth and East streets and the neighbor hood I want to talk to him and offer him the Retz property at Fourth and East, strets for a fraction of its value. It is a very large property and a snap. T. B, FARRELL. FOR SALS 7 room house, bath room, furnace, laundry, barn and garage. In first class condition, ?5, 600. Also, 7 room, two story house, furnace, bath, very large lot, $4,500. S room house, hot water heat, all hard wood floor, laundry, barn, $7,200. All in South Ottawa. Have many aiore, better bargains than these. Miss Ger trude Harris. FOR SALE7 room cottage, bath, gas, electric lights, $2,800; also 5 ' room cottage, hardwood floors, fur 1 nari, hath, gas. laundry, $5,000; and 7 room house, hot water heat, coal : used in 1020 for heating an dcooking I cost $56.00; bath, fine electric iix ! tures, gas. laundry, large barn; will j be sold at a bargain. All in East Ot tawa. Miss Gertrude Harris. FOR SALEA good property at CM Christie street; will sell it to you for very little more than the lot alone is worth. It is now unoccupied; own ers would like to sell it before accept ing a new tenant. 0 rooms, electric light, toilet, city water, good cellar, House in neat order. $2,600.00 and terms. Unusual opportunity. T. B, FARRELL. FOR SALE New brick 6 room bunga low, modern, In first class condi tion. $5,300; also 6 room house, fur nace, bath, gas, laundry, $3,R00; and 7 room house, oak and ennme! wood work, hardwoeid floor.", very large front porch, nowly painted and dec orated. $5,000; all in West Ottawa. Miss Gertrude Harris. FOI1 SALE 7 room bungalow with large front porch, hot water heat, fine bath room, large barn; two lots $4, 500.00; on 8 room rmxlern house with glassed sun parlor, in Center Ot tawa; large lot, $3,000.00. Miss Ger trude Harris. Rick'sN I Taxi J V 601-W J FOUND POUND A small leopard fur neck piece. Owner may have same by calling at this 001 Ce, Identifying prop erty and paying for this ad. FOR RENT FOR RENT Oood 8 room house, city water and gat;. Poplar St. W. B. I'CSEY, Central Lite Bldg. PUSliCSALE CALENDAR REMHART D. ROSELAND 3 miles south-east of Ottawa Farm Sale, Horses, Cattle, Machinery, Etc. DECEM&ER 1 EMMA L. RYG 10 miles north of Ottawa Farm Sale, Horses, Cattle, Machinery, Etc. DECEMBER 8 JOHN SCRIBER , miles north-west of Troy Grove Stock, Machinery, Etc. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 BANKRUPT STOCK Stanley Edgecomb Waltham Township THURSDAY, DECEMBER GUS FEiSHER North Bluff, Ottawa Stock, Machinery, Etc. SATURDAY, DECEMBER I0 FRANK PEIRSKIE 4 miles north of La Salle Stock, Machinery, Etc. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12 CHAS. KIM AGAR Waltham Township Stock, Machinery, Etc. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 FLOYD ERICKSON 3 miles north-east of Ottnwa Stock, Machinery, Etc. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 HENRY FUNFSINN 3 miles south-east of Cherry Stock, Machinery, Etc. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 H. W. FOLEY 22 miles north of Utica Stock, Machinery, Etc. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 CHAS. HORRIGAN 2 miles north of Ransom Stock, Machinery, Etc. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 Send us your sale dates ThcseWant Ads Go Into Thous ands of Homes; Read them and profit. Day and Night Service Taxi Cab Line Hotel Ottawa Phone 113 Carr's Want N6 Professional Cards THERON L. LENA ML Warrick & Warrick CHIRCPRACTORS. Palmer School Graduates Room 212-14 Central Lite Building, Ottawa. 111- Office Phone 1008, Res. Phone 1110 L Hours: 10-12. 2-5. 7-8. Dr. C. A. Blean CHIROPRACTOR. Honrs; V-12 a. in.. 1-4 p. m. Licensee by Illinois State Hoard Of Health RENOVATING Mattresses, Featherbcds and Pillows renovated and made over. Box Springs, Sofa and chair aeat Springs reset and repaired at reason able prices. Phone 83-X or send to GEORGE BAUCHLE 1519-1523 Main St. West Slda AND FAIR DEALErt 115 West Main Street. Ml IRADEK-JODRHU PTG. CO. Publishers. NEW TORK REPRESENT ATI V3S S. C. Thels Company, 356 Fifth At. CHICAGO REPRESENTATIVES & C. Theig Company, 864 Moaadnock BlocK. I MINNEAPOLIS REPRESENTATIVE 8. C. Thels Company. 706 Lincoln Bid. i The Free Trader-journal may be ; found at the new? depots of Wheeler i & Malo, Kneussl Brothers and Pyle'a I '"MarK' Ht(r CHICAGO, OTTAWA, & PEORIA RAILWAY OTTAWA, ILL. Effective Oct. 9th, 1921. EXPRESS HANDLED ON ALL CARS AT LOW RATES. EASTBOUND Ea8tbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Marseilles, Seneca, Morris, i Minooka, Rockdalo and Joliet, 111., In a. m. 6:00, 7:55, 9:55, 11:55. In p. m 1:55, 3:55, c4:55, 5:55, 8:05, 10:00. WESTBOUND Westbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Utica, La Salle, Peru, Spring Valley, Ladd, DePue, Bureau, Prince ton in a. in. a5:55, g6:52, f8:50, a9:55, dl0:55, f 11:55. In p. m., al:55, f3:55, a5:55, f7:55, dl0:00. SOUTHBOUND. Southbound cars leave Ottawa sta tion for Grand Ridge, McKinley Park and Streator in a. m., -5:55, 7:55, 11 :M. In p. m., 1:55, 3:55, 5:55, 10. a La Salle. c Morris, daily except Sundays and holidays, d -Ladd, f Princeton. , s Ladd, daily except Sundays and . holidays. ALWAYS BUY TICKETS AND SAVB MONEY. TICKET OFFICH OPEN Fit 0.4 6:40 A. M. TO 11:36 P. M. TICKET FARES TO CHICAGO Via Joliet. III., and Chicago & Joliet Electric Railway. Round One Trip Way S3.00 $1.85 (Return trip limited to ten days.) FAST FREIGHT SERVICE. Phone agents for full information. The People's Market Plact