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TTIK OTTAWA IDER-JOrHXAL. mcnday, cccuMTEn r, 1021. MARSEILLES TEAM PLAYS LEGION AT ARMORY TONIGHT PACE SIX. II ELEVEN STALEYS Ai FAST CARD! P! AY SCORE! FSS HE CHICAGO' PRO CHAMPIONSHIP CTILL REMAINS UNOfCIDBC AFTER TWO TEAMS FAH. TO SCORE IN GAME PErORC SEV ERAL THOUSAND FANS. Chlcaso. 0C& 19. Chicago's pro football title r m 11s nnd 1 Idt d. u the result of yesterday' 0 1 0 gam at Cub Dark between the national championship claimant 6taleys and We Cardinal.). thou and shh- cring rooter braved the cold to sei of the hardest It.uaht battle I tho season. Fast slay was dlfaVult.l rs the Held waa covered with snowl ivt l i:a and the 'noting was rrrach-j cru 1. Three times tho fartlliials failed at r. field goal, and th Staloy. wltMn May striking distance, iu the b: on invito when a forward 1 a.' v . Incomplete. These were the 1 nly mg rosMhiihierJ cJiirnuT tri Dunne 1 d It's "In the Blood" 4 Sitfl!2ttr -. .... - . S 10RE WINS OVER rc: Itj lay to rr u; m rr y AT I III n 1 1. a I 'till l'IHI !' 1 J Mi : ; i U it L L fill Ml h I! V C C 1 1 .'j ii 1 1 f r r I L .. r Mrs. Mark Can-.; sell ai t nna Lew enjoy ira They arc naturally proficient in thai trt, fei they ai Jake Sennet, r. former Lullu.d .-;. ..r..:i. .-.: ...... - Jr., present champion, e -J of r.arr icor moon t in the OnrdhrD. la- it 11. ..a!! :: Hi Staley territory, due largely to Padd Drlsco l superb play. Th Si had much of their strength -,t of th Came. Center Trafton b- lng forced t nit on tho side line due to an injury II the Canton battle, white Full Bar'. HuCac didn't play, and Dutch Ster nanian was unable to make many o. his llaehlag runs becausi of a limp Towaid the end of th'- battle Cardinals opened up an overhear I fame, awl bid fair soccers, thre j straight forward passes taintn of thirty yards. S.tchi and O'Connor! v.c a on the receiving end. After tin ball had been worked ' acV 1 and forth during the first quarter, the Card3 finally reach-id th. Staley' I thirty ran! line, where M bM b at a place l:ick w i I ' k l.i th I second quarter a Suits' ramble oa it own twenty yard line gate the ball to the Card-. The latter lost it 1 j co'iplo of plays later oa a fumble, After as: exchanss cf pu'its and an- oiner kick unsecu essayed . dror hick frcm the Staley thirty-five yard line at a difficult angle and r.-;is i A forward pas3. Url.'coll to Stegei rdvanced the bail to Staley t i ty-nva yard line a few minuten and VrMahon tried a place k't-k which went astray. A fumble at thi Cardinal tv - yari Mac In tha third quarter cavl the Stalcye tholi" big chance. Hi I r.'nd Stlnchccmh pet av, ;.y with a shon forward petae, but the opportunity . vco'i vanished when an Incomple'j prsr. lost the ball on downs. Several forward peases, added t scm plunge: . carried the ball dow to the Staler thirty yard line la t.V fourth quarter, whe-e another try a. LEGION TEAM 10 PLAY CERTAIN-TFEO NINE TONIGHT COMMITTEE TO BACK N. Y. BOXING CQMISH mm BOPS THREE CUSHION CROWN CHAMPION FIGHTS EVEN I N TSREE ROUND AND HAS j f.HACS IN ONE- MOORfi COP REMAINIftt SIX i ,, M Z i. MilWAUte. Wis., Pec. in. IV! Mi-ai ( Chloagn u, . it ' Ji . idt 0 ..',! nal Athletic club fht. The champion wa u effectively because) oj . 1 . and u'vms ?i d . a of the : wcro :.;ff !i '.d shtde In 1 1 ir .. K fj all thr iu(h the ..' .. mana I to i" iff I'tle dai .71.! -an rich: ; . s FCR MAftSClLI GIN TO ccc. ; SERVICE NINE, Thl ro j '. a s a grc t. the large crowd bi ed le '.i 'i the ring btaus of h tyle of ti,bii:ig. wd saw the btttic R wis 1, .t tf ."in w. : i-:; IK and that the r Iptl to 118,000. Chfatfjo fur yroater prt of tin- crowd, idi d iu n hi till walk i of th . .v. rnoon Use b tf ndden switch bp V.v.'i at 5 le . 9 to 1 favcrit n 'i and cnatti nft r made! he rftornuon e.t 3 o'cloc":. ! TWOiViBLY ArJD 4 OTHERS TRADED FOR STATZ CbJoafo, in, pec, 17. Ailhoogh I'lediili at V'ooekj anhouncod in New V rh thai the dual for Arnold Btats, . tar i uUloldi i of the Lot Angeles club, had hoi heen closed, word from tho i ...i yoatorday eojiveyed the Inform lion thai formal sisoounoenieni f the trahsactlon is nil that li lackloff it repoi tail that live Cuba will be given ii th: uoeei leajrtM club in eebejiga toi tl " yotmgatet. The player named In connection wJtri tb swap are Catebsr Duly, out . al i r twodvhly, Ihfleldor Deal, and Pitchers Vforh and Wonder. Waivers lire mii, )omi! 10 luive been xotikht and received on tbdoe men, Twombiy, who twill Up Ottlte a reputation ns a pinch hitter dujrtyg the iupt neuson, is i'i b II 'if the lot and a string prob .. tj Will bt attached to his services. tiib u?st Pi'cn of Cake. Tf Is considered, bnl Pick to taka the hi : ' e i r ! (i or Other food on the pliite, Tul tfpf rotitlmi may be frai s i as to i at It the Hih1t where Iho Injunction tn "leave InnHl fur ir: " I i I"-" IS t'ot.irl in lOeeleslastU Foiu men went up togethar In tint play In the football came be- iween Btverton and Oardiff City, Rnadand, This wtts when Downs, r.n Kvi rtOO lack. guardeU Brewster while he swatted the tail with his h ad, Boms earns 1 We Duplicate Broken Lenses a Held goal faile: Ctaloys. Chamberiala, lc. Scott. It. Taylor, ig. &1 latum, c. Smith, rg. Blftoklcci, rt. Halas, re. Pearce, e,b. Btcrnaman, Stlnchcomb, lh. Uarley, rh. nolan, fb. Re ree - f'ahn, CI -Moon-. Soston Tech -Whltioik, Chlea . Lineup: Cardina.'3. O'Connor, re. 7vlrlncrr.y, rt. dttckeye, r?. Rydsewytici, Vckl.t, If?. Gllltee, It. Saieha, le. MeMahon, cb Stegtr. rh. ' Drtscoll, lh. Kothler, fb. ".tie Ottawa nine r.i tur aTrair t Dan i- u ir: v t'.'i lii, :he rroflns company tea'.n and .ki;mi-!i CS be .1 ud Cliff IiotIg::i face iach ci In the i, n: I Streal anly sUowed six hiis and stru :ix:er-D of tho Hiir.l rabble oa if he 1 Ir that kind ol form I ilcdgln wiu have to unravel ail war' s and v.i:'. h to pat cp Ight tit fas i : a Bitie .: their third stradgl rl iqrj However, total fans a u ; Mcnt that the iefci - naln - he third battle. Every points to ii win for Ui"rn lumber of fans are going to see the battle. On the rce;ivins end of teed chtb ftsjeimussot) wli ftasninsson is a clei 1 r nl i gocd backstop. a Icked wleloer of the hickory atj md the Marseilles funs aro depend! me weJtare of thi lt declared by the sca-t .iU that he looked fori from the errninistiloii played a car.;, rvatlve gams t and wsa especially good ink shots. The luck ln n. Uyton next m- : t Oro, Whose cbai: cge came i Usti in Oasa ICIeekhe fei LEW TEMQLES BFATS FREEDMArM IN GO Indicative Id n I:..-;-i turn out Ml'i ES BELAY TEAM ts ndvan Buff was the first to enter tho rtrgl I was dOMty foUowed by hfo re, , i two j 1 ' Dmmood, the champion's ni.-a-; of mod- was IVtff'H chief adviser, Kioj I Howard wee .ho besa In Moore's ror-J nor, After tho gloves wore odjusti 1 H ree '. alter Houlihan c:.l!i-.l the , ' I- to tho cuter of tho rinar for' .; '., ,;, InaJ Instructions, tho gone sounded , . . il tl:. brut v. a.i on. urot t.vo round wore protty both Bahtcra exchoneint .-' '"' - in a liberal manoar, Thj 1 rod went to Huff after h- hadl nded left to the j.:w of .Moore ana: , ioikwc.l with a solid right to th; b tdy'J ; i the boll rar.j;. v ' pnt ;i oft ts the body of nutf , ;t' i ;i loft, hook to the I, : -I,, tho round with solid i t;., te the I ad. Ho easily won th,- f-.;eth, round Tb9 i'o'.hwhig thro.- rotindal j ore's by a ,v)ivie. The eighth round the fsgh(3rs bt! uca cTcaiy and (ran a goad draw white Moore had a r'iade in Qts ni tn In tht tenth round they shook hand n i .Mot re- put. a left to the h,v..-l an. T A Strange C t j.-.tier,. aunts mid two nm lea .vera visiting ni Drothy's Itosne one S''n d.iv recently, and Ihji smnarrlqd state of the guoets as .ell as at her own brothers awl slaters set the utile one n-thinking, finally she remarked! "l-i. 't it strange! My mother and the Cat vjtiii tn be the only people In thU whi i" family thai have any children.4 "-J$oaton Transcript. If yoo arc so unf orto iste as to break v -ur glasses eavs tht- pieces and bri.-g tHem to us. Without rcexaminntion of your eye we will provide the same tenses ai those dsstroyed. Our repair work Is thorough: our charges reasonable We grind our own lenses S.'ekers of Trouble. In spite of the large number of nn- settled CfBcsrlons before the world the type Of l.'.eiitillH.V is RtlH ill evbleliee that rcg rtls itsclt' its dblttg the public v, r by tVing hp inprn probleajs. --'i:-uiiiK?"n fuir. Wo H. Lau Optometrist &. Optician 824 La Salle St. OPEN EVENINGS TOO. Tendter Collotwdd with a right to the TO MAKE TOUn OF EAST de ht ! Ames I.-;, Dee, 16. The Iowa State i college two mile relay team, which J broke (be world's record last May at , j the Drake relay carnival, will take r. ' i three weeks' trip Into the east during ;;the winter, according to plans an- nounced by Track Coach Art Smith ' , here this afternoon. ; .New York Dae. 16. Le v V. .'..11.. lrt S. ,1 ' ' rHir. -Cn-den Sl i,. A u- agi iJOrcut, Johnny cum'? back cn-J Bt to clbfo cnartcw, pofii!i;! ore rri ih !i-v tr m i, r... i and managed ty,,rt to ,., ohia; b't r.. V ' ball : Th betw: YANKEES ISSUED ice pi cap. "Brunnj " II) hort on t'i - team, while h . Brundase, win pit thl these two brothers tardini d lap of the annual race Ames quartet and Notre ie run off Jan 27 at the tic club's indoor carnival Yale or Harvard will be Madison Square garden Teadli r Boort d Pri edmafi i ago four time in the second round. I v-t PrecdTjati "it up -bef-?!- the count) -r ea' ms own m tno xv.x room . Uuiv. stabb-. Q . , , rite Chicago boxer catnc back the left hand , M' t md, staaati r-: :,,,,-,, Bmt .w. nk th? Phfbdfttphian with a hard ! ' ' str in in '. With met Bt th'; thai si r meet of the Millrose A. A., l-Vh. 12, and irn of th zene tiie ottuwi batsmen oo Feb. I9i the Ames quartet will meet in nave to tut s.m sf'.iri on tl,::r another strong eastern team at the left to. the jaw. He also had tho j better nf the filth round. Tendler, severely puoshod Freedman in the "My son sereBth round and a;ain in the ninth I school ti -da but the Chicago boy came back strong; himself for in the tenth. i . , Letter to the Dean. the nVt dron. Li XI. W Ij I I ii'4J M. Inner Tube With Each HYDRO-TORON TIRE it? - ul th- bat Otl I dan's place Marseille PERMIT FOR NEW PARK '" I'. i'.m', ill W York. Dc 19. -Th laai or., ikl ,. Will ft ,1 1 i . ..II .V. flntu.j; l m Mi rjfh-'- a i I a MM i-(4tri$fi:.;;. pa Ground.: baa been removed. The board of aldermen has granted the ?ankee permission to clone a rtrcet that run through the ite. nantrac.ts for th.o stadium, which Kill be the largest in tho niijnr Colonel T. L. Huston, one of the owji ere of the fankees, doclan l th il th' hoped u lay out a football Held oa th mii.nidw so that gam oa eottM be play ed next fall. Tho' diamond will be lei'i out In ii)2:;. TO HOLD 120 MILE 1 DOG TEAM DERBY Xev- York, Dec. i:), i0 mnP ,0 tram rare, to be htJd In t w Hamp 'li'rr. Wuitine- and ending at Berlin, Feb. 2. 8 and 4. Is annnmic vl by the Naaseri Ski club tf that cltv. Two Canadian tcama and one from the wnitod States already have entered it ivaa raid. TV event is to bo known nn the eastern International team rac C, Wpnirae. lh Hennessey, res of fj. Unique Fr larknbie esani dure t ill,,- the frleae on a nt'3 entlfk; lor .f Dwyc Dm I BUTLER FIVE STARTS nW UUCCTCDiM TAitlD Indianapolis, Dec, 18. -The Butler: college basketball team, nine aien strong, loft here last nht for a foray into western conference territory. After meeting Wisconsin Coach Cat Page's team will ploy at Chicago eni- Varsity Saturdav night and at Pur due Monday night. Coach H. o.l Page, iBuiler athletic director, md A. D. Hinkic, both former Chicago , accompanied the squad am! y in an alumni game at Cblca- Btibji i hs'Ute reconsii MstOriC periods, uhiii sent contemporary li I civilized pi ::p!e. will p go. and will b.. decided according point system. Mi t)n W a , en 1 Whel Figure It Out and See. Slim--"There goes Mr. ai on. She's twenty years ' forty." Mr. S'o;:: "Ym Twice n old i.k she. Jus SS Pfty lie'!1 In- 10H." think, I Back to Pre - War Prices 1 FOR CLEANING and PRE The Same Service and Satisfaction MIKE I FORD Cleaner and Dyer Phone 309W Jt" lit 1 V-i. t li nil a SSiNG An Oavcr Typewriter for Christmas I Here's a taggi - tion tb it '.rinr; i a lasting sift, one that enrouragi ir im provciuent For j n Of DauKhtrr r.t c ll. , i r Father's home work, and for Mother, the typewriter in the home ir. a pi-a .'ire for .-'.! It replaces tedious loll band. And it is to ' afy to Ic.irnl The Oliver costs but halt the usual priceand w self it on easy payments, r-o little that v ni lirrdi - member, th Ohv r, not the ki:e used 1 acsses. Over '. been sol I SSMSdsate -.vr )iijr h- -.i-.iiiMUat Useluw ,Ut w. j. stum Local Agent 1224 Otta-a Ave. Phone 4H- H mrel .Pmtggn awoa . p ? JScMMb HtA 1 Batteries l n it i-'l Mi"'Jj m ' sS.73 -.ft .)'(. ',, iSK3 .in ' k fx ' , "7 'i'A'iiu i: . m sV s s;" 14b A : H a aws ''tsIsh tia5SssS.-'a P BBBrf f2tV sS tmzm I - W ' - J'.,W VMrrm Battery & Electrical Service Station 217 W. Main Street Phone 72: -i mm representing Wriilard Batteries A Money Saving Proposition For an indefinite period, effective now. we will give an inner tube of the same oi;e FREE with each HYDRO-TORON TIRE you buy. Once you use Hydro-Toron tires no other will do. Phone 854 re MiSeaoc Tire Co. Cor. La Salle and Mill Streets n