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AQE EIGHT. THE PTTAWV mm TOADER-JOURNAL, FREE TRADER - JOURNAL AND OTTAWA FAIR DIALM 111 West Main Wrest Publish,! Every Afternoon Bicept gunday. Qtldl TRADER-JOURNAL. PRINTING CO PuhllaueM W. H. OSMAN Bdltor and General Manager . H. WOOLBBKT Managing Bdttor EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO. Member of the Associated Pre. TESM: Daily, (me year U ad vane fcy carrier Dally, one year In adTance, by mall, outside La Halle County Dally, one year In advance, by mall, In La fcialle County Dally, per week, by carrier The Aiaoclated Press la exclusively entitled to the use for republication f ali newa dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited to thla paper and also local news published heroin lew 4.10 4.00 It ,e5 J1!' TfRue, TueKcr's A LON CNf- AT TM d CVj-T l ASk You J TV' LwT MG A COjPit i Bntered as secoad class matter Mar. 16, 19:3. at the Post Office at Otta wa.. HI., under the Act of Oct. 3. 1917. IP SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1921. ALL RIGHT, BUT NOT FAR ENOUGH. The raids on the ''soft drink parlors" which are spotted as hootch joints, as conducted b) the police Saturday, arc all right i far as tlicy go. They demonstrate an effort on the pari of the xlicc department to .In something t" stop tin- business, all of which is highly ronimendable; but the trouble is that they don't go far enough, i'mlcr the rulings of the courts an evidence of sale is alm st absolutely necessary in order to secure a conviction, in both cases where the raids were staged hootch was found and to any ordinary person the evidence w uld be strong enough to con vince him that it was riol there for "use in the arts," lut it is loubt ful if anything serious will be A ne it; either case. These arrests are a good thing inasmuch as they will serve notice on those inclin ed to hrcak over that the citj police will not let them u" imm Jested, but they won't put much "fear of 'k" in the big fellows the men: who "iijjht I" he landed t'"r the public good. In spite of the fact that the board of supervisors evidently don't care to molest them until next September, it is not very pro bable the big boys will he let alone until that time. The conditions are t notorious tor the officials t lay off because of a lack ol nerve mi the n.-irt of some supervisors and direct objection to law enforce ment on the part of others. It is a cinch, judging from past record, that the stale's attorney will make the most of any evidence that he may le able t" get t" prosecute a cheating saloon keeper, and we don't believe the sheriff has any idea of laying down, even with an election in sight. The public demands more than a raid di a joint that cuts little ice in the game while the big ones are notorious ly doing business, and will not he satisfied with the bringing in f an occasional "still" from the hushes. The refusal of the hoard t i authorize any extraordinary expen diture of county money by no means need bl ck the game, and with the reCQra being made in Chicago and ether places in the State, I today the people of La Salle county are justified in demanding action here 1 ThCt . r, rr Yes, You cam tml MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1121. GRAND RIDGE MISS WINIFRED YOCUM Correspondent .... ' tiEfcw , ' jMmwk Mrs. Langljy Entertains Club. Mrs. X. u. La ogle and daughter, .Miss Angle, were bostassoa at an nti daj meeting Thursday to mombore of t in lift Together chili, four! WO mem bers and two vUltor; being present. A very pleasant day wi ipOBt SO ii. illy, the ladles sewing oil qUttt blocks to be used for the Detention Home at Ottawa. .t noon the host rases served a delicious dinner, The ni t meeting of this popular organi sation uill he with Mis Coorgo Wol- h nhaupt in two weeks. Miss Gertrude Lock Visits in Wrdron. Miss- Gertrude Look baa returned from a severe! days' visit in Wedron, where aho wm tho bouse luest of Miea Waive Morel. Marseilles News MARY MACARTHUR Office Phone, Black 176. House Phone, Black 3s Office over Star Theater. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1921. High School Students Enjoy Party. Uuite a number of tho high school boyi and girls divided thi't if they could not H'i i" Ransom for the basket ball names scheduled to take place Friday night, owing to the downpour of rain, thai they would hold a get I today, together party In Hlbba hall, which they did with line results. Th even ing was sjient playing various gamoa, nd also music and dancing were fen tun I inii.ii enjoyed. Miss Kd'ly. teacher of tho primary department of the public achool, was also in attend once, Tho party is reported to have ht en ,i decided success in every wav. Chrlatmaa Chorui. The Chliatmaa chorus meets In the .Methodist church at 7:30 Tues day evening, ah iiagera me we' come. This will be only practice, ,ut all who wish to he of help In P uuist be on hand promptly, so th leader can have a aeut for you on JhrlitmM night. To exchange Gifts. The 0. V. S. will hold a Christmas party at ihoir hall on the evening of Wednesday. Dec. U, for Stars and their famlliea, Each peraon ia to bring a gift worth 25c and children a 10c gift, that no one may be left out in the eiohange of parcels during the evening. No admission. Mrs. T. K. Bhanahan, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Hd Allen of Stale street, who has been visiting her parents, started for her home In tola, Kas., Peddlers' Parade Postponed. The peddlers' parade to have taken place Friday evening; in the hase mont of the church was postponed Get That 'er Ticket. Provide yourself with a ticket for tho lllpplo concert in the Congrega tional church on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 27. Gives Party for Husband. The pouring rain did not hinder Mrs. M. Marzukio of Fatrview from giving her husband a birthday party I 'tor on Saturday Crash -,nd tnen Bang t V ford i,.I'Iiik car owned by Elmer Hmlk- in Mcmlota. and a Hulck owned by Silas Peterson, collided ut the grade on the ECtckapoo hill oust Of this city yesterday morning. Roth cars were smashed in tho front part, and the occupants had their faros cut and bruised by the flying glass. Several hundred dollars of damage was done each car. Both were taken to a Senecu garage for repairs. Finds Motorbike Then Owner. A motorcycle was found by Harvey Lerette, chiel of police ar the goif grounds yesterday, and taken by him to police headquarters. A farm hand working lor lister Gage claimed the machine. Local Notes. August, O'Dille was a visitor to Ladd yesterday. Leo Adams of the Dodge Motor company of Ottawa was hero this morning on business. Oeorge Marlotte l the proud owner of a new Iluick coupe, purchased on Saturday at Uft Salle. William Lane and Bd VMilto were Ottawa visitors yesterday. Olytmpia BastUCk was a Morris vis- on Friday evening of last week, which was attended by about twenty until Saturday evening, due to the ! friends, who played ounce, and later very ipifavoreblo weather conditions talked sociably over the rerresnmentH Today's Markets WHEAT GIVEN FRESH SET BACKS THIS A. M. GRAIN Furnished by C W. Kirhv. manager Chicago, EH in th ral PAVED ROADS TO HAVE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS tne federal trm eminent seenis i -v-i i to meet mc sev states of the Utlicil at least h&lf way in the matterof tiiniishitij: fiuuis for the construction of fj "1 piads. tqugrcss last rnpnth appropri ated S75,ooo.o;X) to aiil in highway eonstriietinn, pi whijeh sum S4, 375000 is nGNV available and $48,756)00 will be January i-t. This statenient is given out by Go). Artlmr VVopfUi oi the pfesjjdept's conference on unenil yment. The alie rneritioncd sum is m addi tion to the $o8.500,fx, unexpiiuled halance from former acts, mak ing a total of $I4, g"vcriinicnt funds available for construc tion work immediately after the beginning of the new year. (.ol. W'x d makes it clear, however, that the government expects the va rious states iarticipatiiig in this fund to match the amount by ap propriations of their own tr the extent of ?i j'.ooo.r too. bringing the aggregate up to $26,006,000 available for use in 022. Nor owine Gardiner it. Van Nees & Co.. members 1 bicago Hoard of Trade, third floor Meionev Rnildlng, WHEAT Dee ln!i, lOft'i 10"U May : 114 1i:'N 1A July :oi- 102 101 12 CORN Pec 47'4 4fiiA 4714 4fi',a May 3:u 5;. July .... 55'i, 54 f,4Ts 54 S OATS Dec iH 33 'i 32 May .... .IS, ;!778 38 38'H July .... 3fl ;iS 39 3S4 is this all, for the bureau of public roads has inforrrtattOn sh that other state and county r6ad constructibn, in which the govern- r enra; total United State: 1 ... .in ...1 ... ...1. i. II ... , , , , .1 CineilT s, t : e,iis, J,'M lti-i 11 iiu. iiieiii win noi participate, nas plans wniCJl will bring trie grand total saofced $1.661 75 ewl t. V!:e:'t declined IranMCtlon. bear i n istttrmeUt doveloping bocause ap parently the rnnAct iras without an) aggraaelve Bumpori Trad-. was for the most part of a holi.lay character. On the dow nturn in pcios, hotrever, de mand hn proved owing more 0 less to lorpcaM.s of 1 cold srav Oiponing iniotntion-5. arhtoh varied from !4c oj td He advance, with May $1.12 t0: $1 V and Jmv SI. l. were follow- cd bv a modi rate setback ail arouoa I and then sem thing of a o-a.-ti SOUTH OTTAWA ELEVATOR Big receipts horn weakened ths coru j Wheat ... market. Alter opening '.-'.c lower ;Out to V4c nn. Mav .. 2 " to ''2c, prices N'o. 2 white underwent a slight general aag. Oats were easy wiih other ccroa, f tartlng '-i-'c off to a shade advance, May 77c to fc. but then hardening a little. Provisions bad an upward !Iant In lino with hog values. Potatoes. Chicago. Dec. t. I'otatoes steady reet ii'ts. 29 21 26 to 650,600,000 that will be available tor road construction during the coming year. This estimate is entirely independent of whatever cities and villages may do on their own behalf, a suggestion is aavanceq mat tne several states enter ml tracts during the winter for a ui- an v miles of ne N'o. 3 white Xo. 4 white Corn No. 2 white No. 2 yellow No. 3 white No. 3 yellow- No. 4 white 3", No. 4 yellow .'i."i WALLACE GRAIN MARKET. Wheat 1 '17 1 do bulk. t6- Oats- Idaho russets, sacked, $2-1 3 white 9 .3?H .36 .36 t believing that a better basis roads as u, isji,ic. for such contracts will be provided, en abh'hg contractors to btain machinery, tools and supplies, as well as securing labor for their spring and summer work. ''This coun try, says Col. Wood, "has a sufficient width In latitude to make out dour work possible in m iiic part of it all the year round, and there' never was a time when this advantage could be used to rrfore benefit to the people ol tin I nited States than right now."' u purpose in urging the early entrance upon construction is to give the masses of idle men needed employment. It is quite evident that Illinois will forge ahead during njj in construction wi rk, The plans of Governor Small and ihe state highway department call for the building of a thousand miles of payed roads before the close of the season next fall. In ion. the nrsi vcai inai contracts were awanlei on t he stall 1.80 cwt; 3.10 cwt. Poultry. Chicago, Deo. Pi. - Poultry-Ali v higher; fowl:. 14-23c; springs, Slfcc, turkeys, 3Sc; roosters, l-"!4c. Liberty Bonds. New York, Poo, 19. Liberty bonds at neon: Sfts, 94.44; first Is. 97.00 bid; second 4a, :.K2 MA; Oral 414, 1I7.1U; second tt4s, 91.81; third 4'4". 910; fourth 4',.;. 07.21 ; victory :!,s, 100.04; victor, 4'ts. 100.08, Proviriuns. Chicago. Dec. tfl.--fiutter higher; creamery extras, l-'-jc; Hrsts, 34-41o; .second", 31 ;::;(; standards, 37V4c higher, reeeipts, j,.""2 caaes: lirr'n. 17 ISc; oidinnr.. Brsta, tl-ISC, mlpc.filancou.'. H.-idc: re'riserator o. 6 wane 2s No. 4 white 26 Corn No. 2 white -1714 No. 2 yellow 37 No. .'! whlto 36 N'o. 3 yellow jfi No. 4 whip I35 No. 4 yellow 35 RUCKRIGEL'S ELEVATOR. Wheat $ .96 Oata No. 3 white 28 No. 4 white 26 Corn No. 2 white 3;ii No. 2 yellow SfU No. 3 white ..; 38 No. 3 yellow 33 which prevailed at that timi 1 Miss Margaret Jeffries Improving. The man) friends of Iftea Margcret Jeffries nf Dwight Who has visited here en many QccaatOJM, will he glad to learn that sho la new able to sit up a few hours each day. She submitted to an operation before Thanksgiving for appendicitis and has been con lined ti h-.r hod ever since) hot re moval from the hospital until Tues day. when sho remained up lon enough to write thes few lines of encouraging news to Miss l.ols Wnl- lenhaupt. Local Notes. Mr. and Mrs Wahl and little daugh ter and .lames Peddly of Str-ator sponl Thursday 1 r ntng at the hem- nl Mr. and Mr Thoma.s Osbjrn of the Beat Sid -, whore they also cn joyid a visit, with the latter':-, fathir, lames Qrown,, who returned to his hone- in Cabol, 111 . Suturduy. Chrislinaa gnoppojrjs who waite I until Krkluy and Saturday of last we k to visit; Ottawa and Strotor for tho purpi .se of purchasing their gifts i ere very iiiiieh disappointed, duo to the very unfavorable weather condi tions which prevailed. .Mr: George VValkllng of West Main street onterUiined the I-'ivo Hundrei club al her homo on Tuesday after nnon, at w hich a number f her Ot tawa friends participated. The host eas served delicious refreshments arid tho aXternoop prOtVqd a very e.njoyal)! ; one for all. , Leslio Scott, who. was to have gone to his homo at Cisone some ten days ago, delayed the homeward trip until Saturday. lHn't forget that very ' enjoyable entertainment which is to take place next Wediiedsuy evening, Doc. 21, at tho town hall in Orand Rapids under tho auspices of the Home Bureau unit of that township. Thero will he an 1 SCOl lent program given, also a Christ mas tree and treat for the children. Mrs. Thomas Osborn was a north bound passener on Saturday. PREACHER REPORTS ON investigation ,.r . dl. .:i 1.. 1 ii, . .. in l.DUU lllim, Ollll I HIC 111 I II C 1 I sl' CI I 11 II (-, u ere ,-, ,11.1 rn, I... aim, .1 9 nnlnla ,,,, roiwirl, ! a ..,,c; lolld issue svteill 1 1 .,b....,,.. u ted; t the Wall Street. New York. Dec. V.K -Coalers added! to last -; izain.s at the opening ! Lard. 10c. if todays stock market Delaware. I Cream, 35c. i and m 10,30 there were but three hundred and forty miles beginning Of the present year there are abotll two hundred and forty miles ( f uncompleted contracts carried over to be built during the next season. During ioji. Including the awards made in November, contracts were lei for stji hundred and thirty-one miles. which more than tour hundred miles are carried over int construction. With feder; Wo tern advanccll Bgge, 53c I Riitter. 40c. LOCAL MARKETS Ducks, 15c. Old Toms. 20c. Pigeons, 5. Old Roosters, 8e. Stags, 8c liens. 17c. 1 922 for actual rsal and state runds available, abiinrlan, f r,i.r ... ,, , , . . ' - ' " 'i iv any negging lor employment, and an almost univ nv re hard roads to accomodate the Constant! Inlli uiviv is i , c.lsu wi ifMe e Tleit w, , .1.. . . 1 ate ail demand for iblo cash distribution to StOCkhotd- Unrini-nrfl 17 fi-s. pomesUc oils (strengthened wttbl oaeae, Me. secondary steels and equipments as I well as leathers, tobaccos and utili-i uccit V DCttim; ties, tiie latter Including Montana OTCSIILT ntVltW Power. Declines of I point in Mexi can ami Pan-American petroleums were associated with advices from standard Oil sourcos which empha sised adverse conditions in the m?x; can oil fields. Sugars, Si ars-Roob ick i nd r"amcus I'lavers also easied. I're- liminarv eiloiatlons ol' le.-'dlmr fnreiirn inerpnsmcr imrint , , i .. . .. . . . tl-er-. Jc .. ,,. ... 1....: .1 , .- " N -, exenaog, , :.- mostly aDOVO HH ...viv. i.t wo ittpuii mi ii ' r 1 TI1.T TIU' i-viriL . i I i t.-. . ,', KM I (IK ai mi m v t i"i i vtt i i , f.fw-K tx.. 1. i . . . ) 1 icavu uiv Lnuu9ctnu muc limit will not Mill contracts snould be awarded early, wxty -lavs for contractors t gel read t anu neany as much more tune to reach Starting. a U- realized. t takes from ihirtv to commence actual work maximum output after week's final prices Live Stock. Chicago, Dee. 19. Hoi's Receipts GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Dec. 17. Uncertainty about European financial conditions together with evidence that marketH were as HiimiriK a holiday character has tended this week to bring out declines in value of wheat. Compared with a week aco, wheat prices thin morning were down to tc corn off 1 to i 7-So, oats un- IS.OnO head; held over, ':; onen-l chanucl to X lower anil nrnrlalnn hiK Sbonl like BatUrdaV'! In-t line, at a setback rf IS to 2ft cents Weakness in the wheat market wan UTICA steady to 10c nilhor than Saturday's average; bulk 190 to 230 ;ionnd hogs $8.76-6.96; It I pound hhga, $7.1i; qual ity mostly good; average C0S Satur day, $i.;io. Cattle Receipts, 2:',(l(i0 head. Sheep Receipts, HI, mm head. Salle shoppers yest'erday . Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Stevlns were La Salle shoppers Saturday. Murray Kunk transacted bOSineM In Ottawa Saturday. Walter I.indeman from Ottawa at tended the dance Friday evening. Mrs. Frank Sykes and son were Ottawa shoppers Saturday. Miss Annie Oilrhris.t and nephew j Mrs. Alice "Wheeler and daughter 1 , x. P , ?P . " M ,r' F w. ,e Ottawa visitors Saturday. Mrs. Harm,,,, Fowtie, were La Bails lpJM,eon--Maynard 11 Lee Matthew .Mrs Sail) StOtlf n and Tru I MOI)tHTt Siillinlnv OF EVANGELISTS REV. H. F. LAWLER, IN LETTER TO MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION TELLS OF WORK BEING DONE AT KEWANEE. of ice crenm. cuke and coffee passed by the hospitable hostess. Mother at 80th Milestone. Mrs Tuinmel invited a few friends and relatives to assist In celebrating the eightieth birthday of her moth er. Mrs. Klvira Porter, yesterday. 01 course all had a very enjoyable time and Mrs. Porter is hardly look ing sixty, ho enjoyed the affair and responded to all wishes for many happy returns with cheerful happiness. I. O. O. F. to Ottawa. A dozen of SO Interested Odd Fel lows will go to Ottawa this evening to atetnd the district convention held there. The date being that of the meeting of the local lodge will neces sarily lessen the attendance, though not the interest all feel in this meet ing. Mrs. Dewey Irt Good Health. A; N-tter from Mrs. Celia Oewey. visiting her daughter. Mrs. Rruda ker, at Mlshawaka, Ind., says that she Is enjoying excellent health this winter. Returns To Tulsa. A letter from John Covell to IiIb father. Justice O. K Covell. says that he is back in Tulsa. Oklahoma. He has boeh In Kansas City for six months past wilh the firm of. Proettw & Gamble, but fs now with the Stan dard Roofing and Paving company of Tulsa. John Is' an expert accountant, and goes over the hooks of different comnanys for the purpose of making an' audit. COURT NEWS Probate Court ACCt and Rept Apr- Dim miek were Ottawa shoppers Sat urday. Bill Fowlie transacted business in Ottawa Saturday. Fd LeWie transacted business in i Ottawa Saturday. E Z. Mercer of Ottawa transacted ! business in I tica Saturday. lira. Allen Russell was an Ottawa hopper Saturday. JWr. and airs. II. Dicknian were La WIsi Norma FUnront a i.a , u."'Tr-:t '"Tre Hink to Mbctt shopper Saturday Deolmld-bond ,200edJ Feb term. tJM Harrington transacted btul- L?? J "n "' '' ' Settled-tot Wm in Ottawa yesterday. iv'vroU of Witt-fct Henry I Schneider set for Jan 12 at 10. On Life'a Journey. uansnip ht Mary A Dorociak to At forty a mnn ilmsni think- he 1 ,0,,n Dorociak ou mine bond IL 200. knows as much ns be thotwht he especially associated with the critical Otttloob as to Q era) as reparation pay ments and With accompanying pros pects thai Kmopean demand for food Btnffs might remain to a great extent on a hand to mouth basis, unexpected heavy deliveries on Dec. contracts i here added to bearish sentiment and so loo, ilifi gossip that I nited States government revised crop figures on w heat would perhaps show- an increase as proved to be the case regarding cotton. Dry weather complaints from the west and southwest led at times to considerate covering by shorts, ibut the rallies which resulted were tran sient The best upturn which the market scored was due to apparent liklihood thai congress would vote ttt.OOO.OOO to buy supplies for famine sfferers in Russia. Corn and oats were lower mainly The appended letter was written by Rev. H. F. Lawler, of the First M. E. Church, outlining results obtained by the Fairfield Business Men's evan gelist team. The letter followed over tures made by the religious workers for tabernacle meetings here, and is as follows: "Ottawa. III., Doc. It, 1921. "Rev. H. A. Kramer, "President Ministerial Association. "639 Illinois Avenue, City. "Dear Rrother: "Yesterday afternoon I went to Ke waneo to see the Fairfield Business Men's Gospel Team in their taber nacle meeting. I could not get In tho tabernacle- it was 'ladies' night,' the first of such services they have ever held. N'o man was allowed In the tain made, not even the janitor. Sev enteen hundred women and girls at tended this service and filled every seat in the tabernacle. "This special service did not inter fere with Inquiries in regard to the to the little park shone out 'Taiier nacle- Tonight' Perhaps the huild Ing and the presence of the. taber nacle itself was the best advertise ment of all. The one daily newspaper has been generous In Its reporting of this community event. "One man said the meeting had not come at the right time In this indus trial city, when people were, so de pressed by business conditions. An other told me the meeting had not made over the town, as he had hoped it would, but then he added that it would be rather a large contract for a six weeks' meeting. Still another complained that, the church people, in tnany cases did rot get interested in the meeting untol the fifth or sixth week. One lamented that the people had not been able to get some to at tend the tabernacle even as much as once. This was the only unfavorable comment. I heard, and some of the ones who made, such comment told of many things which they thought were verv good Indeed, " 'Do the evangelist! have any hob bies?' I asked of one man who had missed but one or two of the meeting;? in the entire series. " 'Yes, Harper has one that shows in nearly every sermon. It is repent ance, lie thinks that a man ought to be sorry for his sins, and be an out-and-out Christian.' ""Has the evangelist and his help ers been fair to all the churches?' I asked of the Presbyterian pastor. " 'Absolutely,' ho ansewred, 'and the longer the party stays the better we like them.' " 'Who will profit most by the meet ing?' was our Inquiry of the member ship secretary. "His answer was: 'Those who have put the most work and co-operation into it. Up to date there have been about 64 0 penltentp, and the record cards Indicate tho choice of every church In the community. German Lutheran, Catholic. Christian Science, tts well as the evangelical churches; who have worked hardest, like Pap tist, Methodist, Presbyterian and Con gregat.lonallst.' '.' 'How does this campaign compare with other tabernacle campaigns you have had in Kewanee?' was asked of a Jake Johnson and Emmett O'Noll motored to Ottawa yesterday and called on friends thero. M. B, Snooks of Seneca was a Mar seilles visitor yesterday. lco Jennings of Ottawa Is here to day on business. Mr Jennings was a former resident of this city. Sam Epp tein was an Ottawa visi tor last evening. Eddie Welter, candidate Cor Sheriff on the Republican ticket was calling on friends here and in Seneca vester day. Fred DeBolt of Wedron was hero, toda) on business Win line went to Morris this morning to do some electrical work there. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Morrison, son Clyde and Mrs. James Oallaher drove to Ottawa last Saturday evening. Mrs. Fred Maker anil Mrs. John Altieck of Kinsman are visiting friends here. Mr and Mrs Robert Dawson drove to Ottawa yesterday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. M. Engel and daugh ,.r F"i it rve to Ottawa yesterday to visit his brother, M. Enge.1, and, famih of tho east side. FOR PALE -A 1921 6-cylinder Bulck roadster; in Al condition; this Is a bargain for a quick sale. MARSEIL LES MOTOR CO., Young Street Ga- raso i -ir.r T'jifHeu South Side Coal. , .v S6.60 per son In two ton lota or more. $6.76 per ton for single tona and on the hill. For prompt delivery 'phone Black No. 6. Manufacturera' Coal Co. because' of what some of us have learned of prayer.' "Time did not permit mo to stay over and enjoy one of the meetings. I was delighted to hear Mr. Palme s,ay that the meeting had none eveu beyond their expectations in success. It was good to hear of a young man deciding to enter tho Christian min ihtry, to learn of reconciliations being effected among estranged rela tives and neighbors, to hear of a prom inent lodge man who use! all the en ergy of his winsome personality for the conversion of others, to hear of short prayer meetings being held at J each morning in downtown business places, and to hear of people who were driving as much as fifteen miles to attend the services, and also to hear two traveling men say they had arranged their trip so as to spend tho night at. Kevvaneo and attend tho meeting. "Slnco Mr. Palmer was in Ottawa they have benn invited to two cities In Iowa and to Streator. I would like " ee these earnest Christian men coma to Ottawa and work with the caaichcH in a campaign here. I be lieve their coming would result in great good to the entire community. I recommend that Ottawa Invite them, "Very sincerely, . "H. F. LAWLER,", Circuit Court 2.1737 J Rosenhaum & Son vb C I) Savage appeal. 257118 In re conservatorship of Jos A Klme, a fecblo minded person. 2.r,73fi The Valley Rldg & Loan Assis vs Le Roy Huston bill for fore closure. Rector C Hltt. in UeMille Film mmm Knew at twenty, but be knows that he knows more. I hi huu .vie ii. a:" et :u to Iush Mc. , because t liberal receipts of corn Tague-bond 2, I ItMt-e. Prnvi -,. rotwort for the most part the action of the hog market. Just and True Acct and Rent a Est Herman Qanke, character of the meetings. I talked j layman, and he relied with the Congregational pastor, the Y. M. C. A. secretary, tin Presbyte rian pastor, a local newsaper man. a prominent Methodist layman who Is head of one of the large factories there, a pelici man. two traveling men. several ni n at a men's prayer meet ing in the Y. M .0. A. I also had the privilege of talking with the evan gellBt, Mr- Harper; with 'Gene' Pal mer, whom several Ottawa men met. and 'Gus' Scott, who leads the great song services. "The meeting seemed to be well ad vertised. to half of the busi ness places had large window cards announcing nig Time,' 'Tabernacle Meeting:-.' C.ospe Team tst Tviber nacle.' A huge electric light sign stretched across a busy street lending There have been three such cam paigns. Including one conducted by Billy Sunday about fifteen years ago, and this Is far the best, because there are no sore spots and bittern ss from the methods and addresses of the evangelists.' " 'What are the best results from the meetings?' We asked the last man with whom we talked last night. " 'There have been over 600 conver sion, th" finances were handled so easily that many of us were surprissed. church folks know one another better and are delighted to see that thy think nearly the same upon all essen tial matters, but the very best thing is that we hnve learned how to pray and to expect great things in prayer. We are going to build a new church Dorothy Daltn la one ot the fea tured players In "Fool'a Paradlae," heralded as Cefil DeMJUo'a greateet BlcUr. I