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PAGE EIGHT. FREE TRADER - JOURNAL AND OTTAWA 111 West Published Kvory Afteruoon Eieept Hnndsy. rHKh; TRACER-JOURNAL PRINTING CO Puullsner. W. H. 08UAN Dditor and General Mssagcr t. H. WOOLBBRT Managing Mditor Member of the TERM: Dally, om year ta advance ky carrier 11 0 uaiiy, on year in adtaueo, by mall, outside U dalle County t.u ; Dally, on year In advanc, liy mall, In I ttalle County 100 uaiiy, per week, by carrier 1" The Associated Press h exclusively entitled to Hie "Je for republication f ali news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited to this piper and also local news published herein Entered as second class, matter wa, IU.. under the Act of Oct. 3. Mar. 1317. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1921. WHY NOT A FEW EXTRAS FOR THE KIDDIES. Ottawa lias been facing all kinds of drives looking toward relief of Buffering, from those at hotnc to women and children five thou sand miles away. The res p use in everj case ha- been all that cpuld lit- asked. Now there is one job immediately at hand that demands (and is receiving) attention; that is the Christmas baskets and Christmas cheer for those at home who would ordinarilj be overlooked and who are unable for various reasons to prov ide for their own. The amount of good done by organizations like the Elks and sonic others are incalculable. But probably the biggest success in finding the reallj deserving is attained by the Salvation Army. They are constantly ''on the job" and get the information first hand. The least deserving are usually the first to get into the limelight when any donations are being passed around, but to reach the really deserving is a job that requires an expert. The real job ahead for ail who lake part in the Christmas work is to have the basket OT el thing, or whatever is given, get by not as a charity but as a ;,rit't. There is hardly one of lis but who knows of some case not perhaps in actual need who would be brightened up wonderfully iy a httie remembrance, i rtere are lots of kiddio who are not suffering and whom Old Santa ma) not pass up entirely but w ho will be mighty shy on the little extras, Mich as candy, nuts, fruit, etc., that belong to ( hristmas lime. I -n't it worth w hile to go over the mental 1i-t and pick out a few for w hom a slight expenditure outside the necessity class would make ( hrist mas c nsiderably brighter? This is only a BUggestion, the idea arising from the knowledge that many are giving through various channels for necessities. That is all ri,dit, and it is pn per that they should come first, but a child's CTiristmaa which is limited to necessities isn't tjuite the thing and a little thought given the less fi rtunate young ters 1 1 this link will mean a hrighter day for them at a very small expenditure' See if there are not a few yt U can think of to whom a few of the extras will mean a hig day. ADVOCATING AN OLD AGE PENSION. 1 ' Jill -f.CK f) t'ii't. ' ' it ' There seems U be a persistent and growing determination oft the part of some peppe to dip their fingers into Vnclc Sam's pte SBtJWesj to obtain something for which ho adequate o'liiiictisa! it has been given. Over in Ohio, according to a bulletin Issued by the Manufacturer's Association of that stale, an effort is being Ptade to adopt an old age pensi.ori, and from present indications it looks ;ts though the voters of the question It is. estimated that more tliab sens would geeK to take acivantasrc law. The proposition p, make an 'allowance. t three or rive dollars a week to persons not having an independent animal income! of or a yearly t tal 1 t' from $12,000,000 to $2O,00Oy0oo, be- sides Ihc COSt of administration. The proposition is that die moneys for the payment of these pensions shall be raised by taxation. The measure has not yet gone beyond the barely possible stage, although it has been discussed for a number of years hi certain circles. Those agitating the, question seem to consider the present as the most favor able time for the presentation of it to the Buckeye voters. The fact that a person shall of necessity grow old is lamentable, led, as the fabled Kountain of Perpetual Youth was not discovered by Ronce de Leon or any other person, there can be no restraining the passing years. It is equally deplorable that there shall be so many individuals who will not have an income sufficient to prov ide for their declining years. But greater than these regrets is the one thet any considerable number of citizens, through whose veins tbe red blood of Americanism courses, should find it in their conscience to advocate a measure that would class the aged men and women of this country with the mendicants and alms-takers who throng the streets of some European cities; a system which could have but I the certain tendency and womanhood of thi Ohio or any other statt measure, humane in principle as it abundant provisions for the aged, starting government pauperism. Pikis Reach L irge Sue. The piUe grow i" mi enoimuu use, 1, iii Kven it' we do ni credit 'he 11 chronicler's account of a lish whl Wiis mn liunilred year old and weigh nln 1:1 live hundred'welcht, we ha authentic records ot Hounds which have pike of leveuty been caught ml fBttglond. Several of Bfty pound huve Itecn taken during the present generation, in .some foreign countries they grow to even greater sizes. Iii the Luko of Geneva, for Instnqce, you limy see far uown In the clear water la 1 . shnii .y shuiies whose weight bo euorniniis. Most of Them Shares. Of the GMttaopolltan ctub, Thuckerty said. "Kverybody is or is supposi d to le a celebrity j uobody ever mays trhy thing worth hearing; and every one gees thete with his white choker at midnight, to appear as If he had just bfceti ilininj; wltti th aristocracy. I liave no doubt," he milled, "thai half Of US put on the white era wit after a solitary dinner at home or at our Hr!. mid so k down aMag tire Co niopolltnus," "The Corresponslcnce of John Lothrop Motley," edited by Ueorge William Cur; is. Applied Psychology. Tommy Is often told that ho will never kiow up If he (loos not eat his crusis. One day. seetag I dwarf, tommy cries, "Oh, look nt the man jWhn didn't eat his crusts KariWa turen, CltristUtnla, FAIR OCALBN Main Street Associated Press 16, lit), at the Post Offlco at Ottt state will he asked to pass upon the ;i bundred thousand her- 01 me act, were it to Decome a breaking down the independent manhood country. It can hardly be believed that ill the American Union will adopt such a may seei infirm an There are already tin ft 1 rt 1 mate without I , The ' Alligator Pear." The earliest mention ef the man ner in which the name "alligator near wns first applied to the avocado, the true name of the fruit, la found in the Writings nf .lames Grainger, a Scutch physician and ihh'i. who went to the) Wea Indies in 178D, and died there! at st. ChrlstoDher. December 16. 1768. 1 npiier, i lecember 18, 1 180, (Iratnger produced number of w orks, Including essays, ami among them, "The Bugar Cane," published In Leu- dun in i7ti."., in which he ly. "i I allusion to tne corruption it the name BVOCadO: "The eVOCUtO, avocado, nvi- gato, ' tor pt ir as the English call It, 'alllgn Face the Real Situation. Ileal misfortune is not temp fail, ire or disaster, but the helplc tltUde that so often is taken by to whom these tiii:is come, a rnry 1 at- liuse man loses money, and Somebody else or 11 -system" is blamed! a person becomes sick, and regards n as "an miction from the Lord," with acquiescence as the requirement ; a person gets down nml out, and society is held responsi. We. Too seldom is Ihc cause assigned where it frequently hclouxx, within the Individual himself. Petroleum a Real Wonder. More than .'too separate products are made from petroleum, iiinh explosives are distilled from it. medicines, ilyes ami even artificial flavorings sad yet we have imt in'irun to understand this modern wonder worker. THE OTTAWA EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO. --V ;s y ir r - 1 ffl " " '" ' H47 ' v p JfcS t7iT: . i i ' .. - I Today's Markets Livestock. Chicago, Dec. 21. -Cattle. 5,000 ; slow ; mostly steady. Some sales of hc f steers and she stock stronger; quality -plain; hulk of beef 600-725; good many e:;tt!e st teers held o.T the market. Hogs, 10.000; iietiv IB to 35 high er; mostly 25 higher; shippers buy ing liberally. Top 71r.. Ptga 10 to 1.1 higher. Sheep, 7.000. Killing classes steady. Provisions. Chicago, Dec. .1 Butter unchanged. Receipts 5S!ll ttzbs i:,.--: high' :; 202 50 to 51; Poultry spring, 2 40. irdiowy higher. ; rooste; Steady. 1 61 175; Potatoes, 15 cars North- orn whit?. ditto bulk. 70 MO. I ROY GROVE Mr w i 1 h Mr Hannah Mc Ml iltinu datives in ( hlCB and Mrs. W. P v. wen Kuests of .Mr and Mrs. K. C. Wicks ot Mend ota on Wednesday of hist wee:;. Mn-. Chirlca ftorn is on the sick Hat. Mr. end Mr. Albeit Kr&usse Of Mecdota were calling on friends last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Isaac Hurrr and Mrs. Wi It. Pester (! Ottawa were on Wednesday of last wreck. In town I Mrs. Wi. K. Mc! the I'ive Hundred c afternoon. 'Mr. and Mrs. .farm fly of Mendota m Mrs. J. A. Edward !. Iti urn 1 111) T I. Remember Andri ws Jr Mrs. her Bu taut iroin I ih n - v .it. wiiii rt Uvea In Chicago Mrs. DOyle 111 Thomas McNall; pern Monday. Peter HochsU po liter iml l;unil 1 have make mjed from Decatur anil WflJ their home in thin vicinity, H. J. Miller nml huh.;. Charl id Krunk, attended the meeting of the Perm Bureau In Ottawa last Friday. Tho third number Of the lyce 11111 course next Wednesday, Dec. 28, the Warwic k Male Quartet. Margaret Sillara cam" home from bake Forest on Friday evening and will spend the holiday with her Parent, Rev. and Mrs, Siflara. Hr Hgefner spent last wt k in augh; -"den, the guest ot relative! Mrs. ueater Klelnfi iter and ter returned on Tuc.alny from 11 vtoit in Chicago. Mrs. Nelson Woods ac companied her home and win remain during the holidays. The pupils of the SChOOl wilt hold their Christmas exorcises on Fridav an rnoon at th 1 school 1 no cnuaren or t: ami:! school at tho will have their exercis church on Saturday evi tling Mr. and Mrs. V. P, W.'xom cpIc "fated their golden wedding anniver sary on Monday, Dec. 19, A family dinner was served at noon. In th evening a numlior of their frieiii! d Ratine, d at their home in heln them ceh Urate At the reqnt st of Mr. and Assistant conductress Mrs. Dave Mrs. Wlitom there wire no eifts rmt'Wgeoomh .ir. iininv naeuunu nowers wore presented to them During the evening card-, were played, Mrs. Doyle and Mr. Tweed being the winners. Refretts mor.ts were served, and in departing all extended best wishes for many more happy wedding nt:rivcrsnns. Mrs. lizzie Peters of Missouri was the guest Of Mrs. Lizzie Reed last week. At the regular met ting of tho O E S. last Wednesday 1 renlng the follow ing officers wen elected; W. M. Mrs. W in oft W. P. Mrs Leo scribe, ( A. M. Mrs. W. R. Mctntvre. Secretary- Mrs. Otto Bern Treasurer- Miss Aether Dler weeks FREE TRADER-JOURNAL, GRAIN KitrnMi'vl by (;. V. Klrby. manager Gardiner It. Vu:i Xcss & Co., members Chicago Board of Trade, third floor uotoney uuiiding. Pre v. High. ham. Close, close. Iov High. Ixjw. (icee. closo, Whtat i e t.llH 1 .08 14 MI14 l.og May .... Lltt Ll& 1.16)4 IM July 1.05' M&M 1.06)4, 1.03Vs Corn Vpo 47m .4V .47 ,hk My H -53 .hi 'I'y 614 M M Oats Doc 33 H -32 .3314 .33 Way 3K4 $t .ZH .28 July S9f .3.s M .384 Cash Markets. Corn 1 No. 2 mixed 47Vi-.47 No, 3 mixed .4514 Xo. 4 mixed 14 - .44 Xo. 2 yellow 4714. ,4n No. 3 yellow 1 45 . .4ft No. 4 yellow 44- ,44 No. 8 White 47)4- .48 No. .". white 4.-, . 4.514 No. 4 white v... .14- .44ii Oat No. 2 white Sflvj- .37 No. 3 whit" 33- .34 No. 1 white 3314- .35 SOUTH OTTAWA ELEVATOR. Wfheat Oats t .99 , .30 , .244 white whit No. Corn -No. wo. No. No. No. No. 4 2 White 2 yellow 3 white 3 yellow 4 white 4 vol low 3S 38 V. 37 Vt ::'. MH MARKET. .99 30 WALLACE GRAIN Wheat ;.. Oats No. 2 white No. .'! white 2 2SV No. 3 white .2 .26 .38 ..98 Mi .37 V. 37 8V4 No. I white Corn No. 2 white No. 2 yellow No. '! white No. yellow No. 4 white . . . . No 4 yellow MlZ RUCKRIGEL'S ELEVATOR. Wiicat $1.00 Oats - No. No. Corn r No. No. No. No. white 28 4 white .26 .40 .40 .38 .38 2 white 2 yellow white .'! yellow LOCAL MARKETS Lard, 10c Cream, 35c. Eggs, 53c. Butter, 40c. Springers, 17c. Geese. 12c. Ducks, J 5c. Old Toms, 20c. Pipeons, 5. Old Roosters, 8c. Stags, 8c. Hens, 17c. - tr. CondiH'tress Mrs. Charles Hlack 1 Here was the O B. S day evening. I joint Installation of and Masons on Wednes Dec. 21. 1 Osage Orange and Locust. Osage orange and black locust are much all!;e in structure. Strength, dur ability unci color, although the former usually has more of n golden brownish tliiL'e. 1 hese two woods can readily ie distinguished by the fact that osage orange gives off I yellowish color if wrapped lna wet rug or placed on 11 soaked '" loner, while black locust gives Off prat cally no color under the same conditions. mdridg MISS WINIFRED YOCUM Correspondent Guild Postpones Meetinfl. The Westminster Guild girls of the Presbyterian church postponed their regular matting, which was to have boon Meld Saturday evening at the homo of Miss Marlon Baker, due to th unfavorable weather conditions existing at that Ume, Wolves Have Been Captured. Two wolves wore siiei on Monday by the following men who wore In pur still of then: John Defenbaugh and Delbert Halfacre from south of Btreator and T. J, Weber and Mr. Manley ot farm Rhine Victor Lodge Initiates New Members. t the regular nesting of the odd Mews on Frldnv night three new members were Initiated Into the or- iter. Craines Entertain Relatives. IK v. and Mrs. j, C. Drain have as their guests th hitter's father, S. D. Johnson of Abingdon, til., and her brother, E irl Johnson, wife and two daughters of Conrad, Mont. The fam ily reunion at the parsonage is a de cidedly happy one. Mr. n-d Mis. H. L. Grubb Return. Mr ana Mrs. (Smith and children have returned from Marshalltown, owa. where they were called bj the death and burial of Mrs. Qrobb's uncle. At District Meeting. C. B, llihbs, Charles ("hrlstman and Noble Fisher represented the local lodge of Odd Fellows at the COUnt.i district meeting hold in Ottawa Mon day evening. This was a very impor tant meeting, as it was strictly of a business character, when all th year's business was closed and plans formulati d for the new year's work Also election pi officers for the ensu tn; year took place. The first meet ing of the now year will he held in Grand ttldge on Jan. 27, at w hich time the Qrand Ridge lodge will confer 'he degree work. The officers elected: 'resident Frank Fielding of Stmt tor. Secretary- Frank Ilagi. Ransom. Chaplain Rev. J. a. Circle, Qrand Ridge. The meeting at this time was very well attended. Local Notes. George Pogle and daughter. Miss Ada; Mi a Dorothy Vocum, Mrs. A. J. Redman Ir. and Miss Annetta Mad ison were Ottawa shoppers on Mon day. Detmar Jones, youngest son of !Mf. and Mrs. Forest Jones, was taken suddenly ill Saturday evening with convulsions. He is much hotter. Mrs. L l.ncky has n turned from a week's visit with in r dauglitrr, Mrs. Repnef, near Marseilles. Students froln various universities- and colleges are already beginning in return to th' tr hones ro thr holiday vacation. Men were husy Monday chopping ins n a t ree on the Hay.; k)t, whtrh olistruct:; the -.tre t ti -inme ettt-nf. Mrs. Harriett was a village caller Monday. The Missionary Society of the Pres hytcrian cb'urcn met yesterday with Mrs. Janies Patterson on Sylvan ave nue. Bfr, and Mrs. Roy Esmond and Mm. C. O. Fogle were Ottawa Christmas ahqppers Tuesday morning. It has been reported that Miss Viola Heth intends spending her Christmas vacation at the home of her cousin. Miss Mae Ball, at Fayette, Ohio. The Halls were former Grand Ridge peo ple. The local Bebekahs are receiving instruction in drill work, having prac ticed both Monday and Tuesday even ings. Mrs. Worrells of Streator was the Instructor. Mrs. Wilferd Hook, Mrs. Henry Wollenhaupt Jr.. Mrs. George Walk ling and Curtis Sutton spent Monday afternoon in Streator. Misses Hazel Wallinggford and Viola Heth attended the rural teach er;i' meeting held at the Streator High .school on Saturday. Mrs. Ralph Sutton of South Ottawa attended tho party at the S. L Sut ton home Saturday given in honor of the latter's little daughter Catherine's sixth birthday. Mrs. John W. Fogle was an ovei night guest with Ottawa relatives Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Catherine Scherer of Ottawa was a recent guest with Miss Nellie Wakey, east of town. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mills and little son, Glen Jr.. have gone to Mulvane. Kan., to spend tho holiday season with Mrs. Mills' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Canada. Misses Hazel Wallingford and B5va Sutton were Ottawa shoppers Mon day evening. F. EX I.ightner was a Brookfield caller the first of the week. THE DIVISION OF THE 1921 CROPS. Which shall it he? Which shall it be? 1 look at John and John looks at m. If John takes the corn and I take the wheat, As sure as you're born I'll have some thing to oat. If 1 take the oats I'll have nothing hut chaff, And John will sit hack with a good, hearty laugh. if he takes the hay and I take the clover. He'll thresh out my seed and the field over. plant I If he take:: the turnips and I take th? spuds, i can hie me to Rerry's and buy me some duds. !f he takes the popcorn and I take the beets, He can buy him a popper and hand cut "the treats." If I take the cow and he takes the calf, I'll have the cream and the butter and give him the laugh. So which shall it be? Which shell it be? I look at John and John looks at me. Say, when a hen cackles, oh. how my pulse quickens. John can have ail the crops if he gives Marseilles News MARY MACARTHUR Office Phone, Black 176. House Phone, Black 35. Office over Star Theater. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1021. Finds Lost Check. m. B. Wolf in paying a bill to i traveling .salesman of the General ligur company Issued a chock payable Id that company for $4'.. The sales man was traveling in a Ford sedan, and whSn he went out to net In bid ear must have dropped the cheek. It WU found next morning by Wolfe's clerk, John Battck, In front of the ktor. It Is hack now In Mat s posses Men. and If III' salesman sees this he will know what became Of his cheek, Rents Main Street Building. M, B, Wolfe has rented hi tjWC" -lory brick stop' on Main street to John Schlchych. who will run a soft drink parlor In the first Story and will reside with his family in flic story above. Mr. BChtChych was In the same business In the Stickles build Ini on Young strett ami recently sold out to William Bracken. Look Out, Boys. it is reported hero thai the Dying quad of Uncle Bams prohibition offi cers in on its way south from the northern part of the state, mopping up the towns as they journey. A visit in thus locality may soon be expected, May Hold Poultry Show. There will be a meeting of the poul try breeders of Marseilles and vicin ity tomorrow night in the Marseilles Telephone company office to consider the matter of holding a show this win tor. Marseilles Woman Sues. Mrs. Jennie Mot ray of Marseilles filed divorce proceedings against John .Mei ray in the Circuit Court this nfter noon, making charge of cruelty. The (ouple were married Jan. 24, 1080, ac cording to the bill, and separated on Dec 17 of this y ear. Mrs. MeCray se cured an injunction prohibiting the de fendant from Interferring with her. LELAND Mrs. Krnest Jacobs was a Sand wich caller Tuesday. The Rum age Bale was given under the auspices of the Woman's (dub on Thursday evening, at the Mystic thea tre. Mrs. Herman Kukuk was an Aurora shopper Monday. Mrs. W. K. Chapman was a Chica go visitor Saturday. Misses Reita and Janet Clapsaddle wore Aurora shoppers Saturday. Clifford Uyons who attends school at ML Pleasant, Iowa ,is anendlng his Christmas, vacation. Clara Guard Is, a patient, it the City Hospital, Aurora, Janies Elliott. Is spending a few days with, relatives at. Dry Ridge, Kv. Miqs Monaie Ijarm'oii' arid Mrs. C. E. fyibjnson spejut Thursday with i riends at Karlvilln. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. 'Balsley' were Sandwich shoppers Tuesday. Hunytan Kukuk made a business trip to Chicago Monday. Dr. ('. H. Kellan has accepted a government appointment as Assistant Dental Surgeon in the U. S. Pubic Health service with headquarters at Philadelphia. Pa. Dr. Kellam has made I.eland his home for the past few years. Henry Miller was an Aurora pas senger Monday. Mesdames Sufferin and Spires and Misses Dorothy and- Mildred Spires were Aurora shoppers Wednesday. At the regular meeting of the Ice land Chapter, O. E. S.. held Tuesday evening, the following officers for the ensuing year were elected: W. M. Feme Decker. W. P. - 0. R. Decker. A. M. Daisy Degner. Secretary ifonora Davis. Treasurer--Nell Thompson. Condi Blanche Anderson. A. Cond. Dorothy Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Trior Thorsen spent, the week-end with relatives at Chica go and Dee. llinois. Mrs. A. B. Anderson, aged 82 years, passed away at her home Wednesday evening in the west part of town. The funeral will be held from the Luthern church Saturday afternoon at 1:30. Miss Clarice Jacobson was an Aurora shopper Thursday. Mrs. W. E. Chapman was an Aurora shopper Tuesday. R. L. Spires and daughter Dorothy were Sandwich callers Saturday. P. Bergeson received news of the death of his grandson, Billy Mills, while on his way to school was In stantly killed by an automobile at his home at Daytona Beach, Florida. Mrs. Esther Sanderson was a Sand wich passenger Monday. Alfred Anderson of Prosser, Wash., is visiting among relatives and friends. Burton Rierson and family of Au rora, spent over Sunday among rela tives. me the chickens. There s one thing I know we n ver will beg As long as a Leghorn will lay me an egg. I hop1 we'll live throueh. We hav never starved yet, But I have a grim horror of running in debt. On public occasions we hear speakers rave Of the "land of the free and the home of the. brave." The. flag makes us free oh. long may it wave. But sure for the farmer 'tis the land of the brave. He can't sell, buy nor borrow fo- each one 'tis ths same. Just work and stay broke 'till the end of the game. You can figure and plan and talk as you please. But along comes the taxes and takes the "whole cheese." MRS. JOHN FOGDB. Grand Ridge, 111. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1921. Xmas Tree For Kiddlea. The children of the Methodist Sun day school are to have a Christmas tree, with Santa Clans, and music to help along the rood time, all on Satur day evening In the basement of tho church Victor Rose (a tho chairman of the arrangement committee to secure the tree, lei it up and assist in other ways. Mrs Olson is superintendent of the Junior department, and reports pur chase of candy and fruit in quantities sufficient to Ml the pretty candy con tainers provided. The preparation committee meet to night after the oloso of the prayer meeting, and w ill (111 the candy boxes, look after DO DC on and other decora tions for the beautifying of the sym bol of Christmas to children, the tree. Clou Spicer has charge of the orchestra which win accompany singing of the children. tho Baptist Xmas Exercises. The Christmas exercises of tho Baptist Sunday school will be belli at the church on Friday evening, December 23rd, at 7:30 o'clock. "At the sign of the Star" by Funnlo Buchmanan, Will be given, children from different countries bringing gifts to the llabe in the manger, sing ing as they come. All parents and friends aro cordial ly Invited to attend. A. E. F. Vet Home. Francis Sigler, a world war vet eran, still in the V. S. sevice, one of the A. E. F. in France, arrived this morning to spend Christmas holidays with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Sigler, of Illinois street. He was detailed as one of the guard of honor for some of our dead soldiers from New York to Omaha. He stop ped off on his way back to visit his parents and friends here. Local Notes. Only fifty cents for that ticket to the concert on Tuesday, December 27th, In the Congregational church. No finer Christmas gift could be made. Mrs. Bert Hawk of Fairvlew, Is suf fering from an attack of pneumonia. N. Lsnglol went to Ottawa this morning. Mrs. John Roilo was an Ottawa vis itor this morning. The Congregationalists will have their Sunday School Christmas tree on Friday evening. Mrs. Adam Hammer of Bluff street, is rejoicing over the news that her daughter Gertrude, whose marriage a short time ago surprised her friends, is coining with her husband, Walter Lippineott, to make her parents a vhdt over Christmas, - Frank MoOrath returned froni Rochelle last evening. He transacted business in Rockford, Elgin wd other cities near that locality on tiiis trip,,, Elwood Henti; proprietor of a lacge garage in Rochelle. motored, :,.tTorn Rochelle and is visiting friends here today. up it. tiirovrii ., ; Gecrge Marlettte of Morris Is a. JTW ftor In Miirselllas today, registering at the Thompson hotel. , , , , An Essex sedan owned by Chi cago man skidded off the Ivy Wav near Morris last night. The car wa still In the ditch this morning. Mrs. Knash, culinary artist of the Thompson hotel, is In receipt of a fine Christmas present from her brother at Pasadena, Cal. Warren DePue of Rock Falls, father of Art DePue, arrived in Marseilles on Monday, called here by the injury of his son in the Certain-teed factory last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Markley of Grand Rapids, Mich., with their daugh ter, arrived yesterday to spend the holidays with Mrs. B. F. Gage and family of Brookfield township. Mrs. Markley is Mrs. Gage's daughter. They motored through, making the en tire trip in one day, in their Ford sedan. Fred Richmond moved into town yesterday, intp the Trowbridge house on Bluff street. South Bide Coal. $6.50 per don in two ton tots or more. $6.75 per ton for single tons and on the hill. For prompt delivery 'phone Black No. 6. Manufacturers' Coal Co EAST DIMMICK Elsie and Aletha Crane visited friends in Mendota Thursday after noon. Miss Agnes Edgecomb visited her sister, Mrs. Harry Kleckner, from Tuesday until Thursday. Warren and Ethelyn Robinson en tertained friends from Da Salle and Feru Sunday at dinner. Miss Alice Coleman of Da Salle Is visiting at the Asa Hartshorn home. Miss Velma Stevenson was a shop per in Da Salle Saturday. A. H. Wlxom and Harry Kleckner uttended a cattle sale in Ottawa Thursday. Mrs. Robert Freebalrn entertained the W. D. club at a luncheon at her homo Wednesday, after which five hundred was played. Eighteen ladies were present. Mrs. Samuel Geft was shopping In La Salle last Thursday. Mrs. Lizzie Peters of Glldden, Iowa, Is a guest of Mrs. James 31ack. Mrs W. B. Cuthbertson and son James were callers at the Deeter Davis home, ast of Triumph, Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hontz of Eden township were callers at the NellU home. Tuesday afternoon. Velma Stevenson spent Saturday night with her sister, Mrs. James Ken nedy, in Waltham. Mrs. Jeanie WHlsey is staying with Mrs. Mary Dunlap for a few weeks. Albert McDowell of near lTtlca was a dinner guest at the James Black home Monday. One Reason for Mysteries. There appear to be many mysteries because there Isn't much common sense. Atchison Globe.