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TRADE RrJOUI i N"AL I OTTAWA FREE TRAOIH WEATHER Established : ... Probably gnow tonloht: OTTAWA JOURNAL Established 18H0 net much change in tctn I perature Friday. AND OTTAWA FAIR DEALER VOLUME ; no ;i OTTAWA, ILLINOIS, THUBSDAY, JANUARY 80, 1922, PRICE, TWO OEMTS. REGAL RITES re FREE ACCOMPANY RURAL OF 7 PERU MINERS ESCAPE FROM RURNING SHAFT ELEVATED TO SURFACE AFTER PLUMGE TO ROARING C LDRON N LEVEL ALL HANDS HAD LEFT WHEN BLAZE WAS DISCOVEHED. TWO DEPARTMENTS AND RF.SCUE CREW FIGHT TO CHECK FLAMES. Peru, Jan. 28. (Special) Fire i i s covered last nigh! 9 o'clock in thi third vela level ,n the Union Mine, this city, wu raging with unchecked intensity tins afternoon despite the combined efforts of fire departments from Pom and I .a Sail" and skilled squads frni tbe mine rescue station al La Salle to extinguish the flames Fears are expressed thai the loss will run high Into th" thousands Seven men who were being loweri I into the shaft were first to in. ike the discovery the tthe mute was afire. They telephoned the "top" and were immediately hoisted to the air aoovi away from any danger. Fight Way Through Airless Tunnel, Two men, hazarding a Journey Into tho bowels of, the eartb tiii; morning b a hope of cutting off the tire front tWO dozen 111 1 ; ; ?- near 1 1 1 - main entry, narrowly escaped death, and would have died but for the heroism of Wai ter Rochnowski, a miner, wh 1 not Only resct)cd himself hut dragged William Martens, a flic be ss, tie greater part of a mile through tin smoke filled tun nei to a point where both rescued. Make Trip for Mule' Martens ami Rochnov teered to enter the mine to asbestos curtain between tin entrance ami the stable It the burnlnc ablea, when kept Tin- twenty-tour mile., two Worked their tunnel from tin ' exit about two mil' upper works. When they came 1 they were met lie which forced them treat. ( rawling on aek Into passage, av from tie thi i close to tii" (ire blast of .-mok" into a hasty re their hands ami knees, and then, scarcer and scare th'-lr stomal be, I cover several blot before Marten . a years, collapsed. when air became '. sliding along m: two managed to of the back trail nan well along in Orders Roch owski to Leave Him. He commanded b proceed without Wn there to die. Rochri i I' Inn irt up, ed in; lining breatns tin ti dragged him entrance. ' when h threatened with one last supreme the exit After g tell uifconsi ions i Or. Grieves was later first ail f n ; ski, wh,0, after h tated, told of Mai Rescuers rushed found the d Ing lit nowatol wan forced Mules Meet Brought out Int went down, ation, With he reached the air be iffort ntng 1 a huddled bean, in hand to admin tment to Roch now had been resuacl ten's tragic plight Into the shaft and " boss whbre Etoch to abandon him. Their Fate. ) the ai d witl the aid of artificial ri spiral tens was restored to hi afternoon neither man any had effects from 11 experience. They reported that th spreading rapidly throw what is known as the " The twenty-four mult T Bami the i ist pa they pi in ige." said. Is of could not survive the dense ClOll smoke that filled the mine. No Men In Mine So far as is known, no one was In the shaft at the time the blaze broke out near tbe main entry. A check of all employes of the company revealed that none had been lowered into th pit prior to the time the discovery Was made that the shaft bad been trans formed Into a roaring caldron during the night, Th" level in which the fire is con fined is. about four hundred feet below Ih" surface of the earth, The scene1 ol the blaze is known as the "-working 1 level." as It was there all tin miners were kept at work. Whole Level in Flames. The miners who were brought to th" top informed the engineer that the wdiole interior of the level seem ed. during the momentary elance they, had of it. to he a seething mass of flame and predicted there would he1 little possibility of preventing an j enormous loss. Hurry up calls were sent into the Peru and l,a Salle departments, both of which responded with full fire fiuht ing equipment. When they attempt rd. however, to reach the flames 400 j feet below the ground, they found the task futile. An appeal was senl to the mine rescue eomnanv. Which has a 1 StMhMI in I.a Salle, and a MMt)d Pi MEN DAYTON P. 0. ROBBED BY MEAT CLEAVER IE 4) .i THIF.VES USE BUTCHER'S "WEA PON" TO BREAK OPEN STRONG BOX CONTAINING FUNDS BE LONGING TO UNCLE SAM AND STORE KEEPER. Running a risk of facing u term In lie- o'cierai prison 10 secure ,1 ivm , tl dlars if government money, thieves I last night lobbed the Dayton postof- flee, making way with $ i'.', in postal' fntid" and 2 ' B. Fleming t from the W. The rob- been pulled imateurs, ho ft behind by Thi poatomce which li located in 1 one corner of the Fleming grocery : Store wa- closed shortly before 9 0 clock last night. This morning at 7 o'clocli Mr Fleming opened bis phi e ol business, and built a lire he-; ti re be discovered that the place had been burglarized, A small safe, which le more in the nature of a Strong box. twelve by twenty-four Inches in dimensions, which held the postoliiee funds, had been smashed open by a meat cleav er. which was taken from the butcher shop. Tho supply of stamps was passed over, the robbers evidently searching only for cash The money from tbe -ten- was la). "ii from a cash flrawer and from a dish in the candy case. The meal tver was found where Iden by the robbers, tl! coal idle, ir Entranci to the bpilding was train ed by breal ing out a basement, win dow The robbers then went up stairs by an Inside stairway. They worked with the d or. until they suc ceeded In getting th" wooden bar lock that fastened it that held it. A trail of burnt matches which ere strewn pn the floor around the room, showed that the burglars bad taken their tjme in making the search. The robbers were evidently of a hungry frame of mind, for they stopped long enough to have a lunch, opening a can of peaches, and scat tering crackers all around the crack - er dox. home oars ot can ay are also believed to the hungry The cand; evidently o n devoured bv ioys or men, and cigarette case was! rlooked for it is not I believed (o iiave been touched. The thieves left the building by a side door which they unlocked from the inside of the building. The door was carefully (dosed after the robbers and it was not until a careful inve.sti- (ration was made that it was learned that the exit had been made that way. Deputy Sheriff Fred B, Stedman went to Dayton 1 his morning to make an investigation. RAY H LISTED. 29. DIES AT CITY HOSPITAL 1, 1, , 1 1, , , nay nusiea, j..'. a weii Known resi dent of this city. Who has been resld ing at the O'Keafe rooming house on Wist Alain street, passed away yes terday afternoon about ,"i o'clock at inu illin given as the dlret Huated'a death. The deceased had Mi n poor health for a considerable time. As his condition became gradually won he was taken to the City hospital Ih 22, 1921, where he was confined unw the time of his death. Ho. was bore GET .25 in ESngland Oct. 31, 1892, and came tol,j- ace America sevt tal tflin: in Ottawa. Surviving he 1 Margaret Downej was united in m Funeral services row morning at Patrick's church in st Columba c Besides his ri surviving. Mr. Ht er and a brothel and a brother rt kota widow. Mri . to w hom h last August . from St ii he mat fit )W h aves his lath ing in England, ig in South Da- thoroughly trained rescue men were set at th" task of sa.iua the property. Reverse Huge Fans. This afternoon statements jriven out by the mine officials said tnat the i s ii" men had made littl" progress against the flames, which appeared to In snn ading fartht r and farther back into the level. In a hopp of st m aalng the spread, the hug" tans were reversed and great rushes of air sent agalnSl the fire in a hop" of driving it out the main shaft. (Welcome i )Mfl til IJL Si iJ i U l ?i It ' li t : TIES JOIN LIVINGSTON COUNTV OFFICIALS IN MAINTAINING ORDER at works where MEN ARE ON STRIKE. Armed with nid with tu S and t,v morning o l riflgg. gnel deputies left at the (tret Interur ready to he on duty of the no ill stamni th" reopenuit' works, which the first time eek. In Stn a wa men were j wore operating today since Hi" riot ; of hist tor (he quintet of i: joined by a number o from that city and I tal deputies iy deputies from Livingston county, : body Of officers on ' numbered forty li intll tlie luty at tl " At the stamping works today work men wore busily engaged in the ply-j inn of Ihelr 'rades turning out the) company products, ami the deputies had spent a. iui"t and uneventful time up to a lale hour llii.: afternoon. I tie the building, within easy rant. i; 7 w itb ammunif Ion, r any disturbance thi luitcases I During tin- morning and tie afternoon all was quiet at the and the operation under the ope policy was carried on with ver; trouble from the organized) labc ipatntzers. I The plant v en! over bo the open i i shop Policy of operation on .Ian. '1. Last week on two days mobs formed I ! , 1 ,,. south of Streator. Th superlntettd i nt of the company, Frank Mason, was , I injured one day. while in the riot the! I following afternoon ex-Sherin William i atterson ot Livingston coimty had ut open bricks thrown by the mol deputies n i re in jit i slles. other mis ENJOY G000 MUSIC Thirty-five mi n atten ing rrf the Kiwanls clu American restaurant l clossj of the dinner a ml v as given A commun ice was held A duet lames OToole and T wa: sung by Karrell. a solo was renden .1 ol Hetherlngton cl i.a Attorney H. V. die and a nolo O' Toole. Mis it the piano. was sung by Ksther Rellej .lam. presid Banker D'es Froeport. Jan 2fi. 71. president of th of Lanark, and one lien of this v if i -I II disease last night . Suddenly. John r:. Volt, Exchange hank, of the weathiest . died of heart Wm, Or GUARDS mVm M M Mm mm mm AT nTRFATIIR P NT mi ;i : iiu . : vJii . i t THE GUEST NCjlME GUESSED i n at nrzMLm ivicr. ! iiuu n. h. s. miniTiTRinni In an effort to Inform t public on general health the Ottawa Rotary t lab ha an Invitation to aii tne r Ottawa to meet with the township high school tonii tend a "Public Health" mee meeting w in open prom n O'clock, and will follow which Will be served to all members of the club at 6:30 In the Cafeteria, rhe will be under rhe health committee of the which , is headed by le-. .1. II RJdg I In-. P. .1. Btordock will deli ; "ii ' dental Inspect ion in the i explaining its benefits to !!' ' i Dr. K. V. Weis of La Sa 1 mer Ottawa physician will the Hygenlc Institute. ak i n tl A talk on district Ileal tions will he given by Ai ence Grmcs, All teachers and mem "oaras ot Ottawa school Clfl)ly invited ti) attend th COL GREENE AGAINST BONUS BILL LINKED UP WITH BEER-WINE I Aurora, Jan. 86, layt in Greene of Aurora, who, a of the 129th Illinois, took ti (''! ; overseas, today refused ti wnthe council a petition uri and wine amendment to i "? act "so that ih" soldiers ;,lt a bonus from the federt iltlle b HEART BLAMED FOR LITTLE BOY'S DEATH inomos, u-year-oui on M w. a, uiiiiuaeiu i tffretts street, died this morning about M o'clock at 'h" family home, follow- lf' "- f brief Illness. Heart trouble was I given as thi dirt 1 1 cause of his death He was taio' ill shortly after nooi : the I passed away his condition was verj TALK ON CONDITIONS IN CENTRAL EUROPE Rev. Ii. R. Wiener, field secretary of the mlsaionarj society nr the Bv angelical a isot latien, will deliver a lecture on Observations In Centra' Europe. ' Fridaj evening at the Mad ison Street lO angelica". chnrch. H- Wiener si nt several, months last summer traveling in central Europe He is a keen observer of conditions, ami his address will he both instruc tive an dlnterestiuf. Lie TESTIFIES T 10 DRAWING Mi MEM WILLS ATTORNEY FRANK FOLLETT TELLS OF HAVING SEEN AT LEAST SEVEN LAST TESTA MENTS OF DECEASED FARM RIDGi RESIDENT. drew three wills ( ah Studebaki r ami s i last testaments c bstance of testimony d as a witness iii the in an effort lo sel aside will. Mr. Follett tn of Incidents in the life of that caused the healer: II" Stated that he di. I not draw 111, last will of Btudebaker, as lie was In the east on a trip when tin- docu nl,l llroa ill--, Hi, I II,. .,.,,.,.1 ,1,.,, .-. " m , , s,,.; baiiei he had started cutting down ;reago of the complainant, Mrs pi ory, and that be was loavln life Interest In the property, . .Mary Sttmebaker, ;i r;iste-it f the ti slater, followed Mr. Fo i fh" v, Itness cha ir. -cvics on Farm Machinery. MendOta Estate of $11,000. Th late Edward N. Gtepther of ota, j h i died Dee. s, left an e ata real estate and $:i"o In casl Pdil to a petition for letters c ministration filed In the Probate ( today. The widow. Mrs. daugfatc r. Henrietta erandchild, Alic e s herli the estate. arah G :. Kiscs ELKD0M TO HAVE BIG SESSION AT ELKERIE Blkdom, particularly as (hat word applies to Ottawa, is getting all set for what gives promise tomorrow night of being one of the most fep. ti atags tn recent history of the order. Under the direction of Kx alted Ruler Phil Bchoch and bis very , ' Ii nl I nusement committe, a cab aret show, staged hy t :i Imported BI and BCtOreens Will be given, ved by one of the Eikeries well known lunchfs. Tbe evening's I , , given 100 both for the o,t performance and entertainment ba rer cent guarante" 1 1 ity of the cabarei the grade of Bta tl hd Op the Immo and visi BODY OF BENEDICT XV LAID IN CRYPT UNDER ST. PETER'S Rome, Jan. 26. Pope Benedict XV was en tombed with solemn and impressive ceremony this afternoon. His body enclosed in three caskets and dressed in the pontifical DECKS ARE BEINGfc::tiS ofst (MED FOR AUTO SHOW FEB. 23 10 25 ARRANGEMENTS ABOUT COr..-t-'LCTED For, EXPOSITION OF 1922 MOr CARS AT ARMORY I 1 1 il 2 and !. ents ill bi 1 1 of its Mm nl will r h' id. A inn p r cent renres ii o local automobile dealers main fi ature. ved to display Suae has be ll re the twelve different makes, of cars that are handled here Severn! new makes of ears will be displayed l y men who are Just open ing up with .those lines, ami nothing a ill be spared in the way of se.eur: ling the lati st models to give the pub lie an eye fail. L The Exhibitors. Starting with the ,'s, the Adams com pan j are showing a comnlete i r Buiierneia win nave an extr; irge display of his well known Ret Be, and airair. tie re is a variety ol lodels with individual cha rac' , rltstii Kit cannot help but attract attentiot nd give satisfaction to tin- man oi pman who sits behind the wheel ant alms owner-hiii. "ii Danielson will have on dis the various models of the unt il car known all over th" world ie Ford, and which needs no ta ction or description, but. suffice v, that the new models for this have features to insure their sta for the Maxwell cars, which If hat Is verj well known In this ii it v. and this year's offering questionably bring forth a mount of comment and prnlsi beauty and power, Godfrey will have oil dlpplaj hum electric and the Willi-- st These models are dlstinct'vt and demonstrate the care aim iss of their manufacturers. Hill lard has recently branchi 1'hil the Aii ie aovi attract 1 Charles Moore has something rei distinguishing features of the ne models bring it up to that high statu ard ot perfection that all manufactU i era are striving to af tain. .N'oretn X- Whit man. With their nun ity car. the Buick, which Is anothi well known make, wil have their ne :e.,rs for 1932 and will give the pro pecttve buyer something to thin for his poplar Nash car, and with their large number of appealing feature ;. both on the Inside and o'ltshl" of the The Ottawa Body CompaOj Is mak ing plans to put on display a com plete line of its rjpecialty and will be ready to show some new features this year. Cars on Main Floor. Practical !j all the space on the main floor of the armory will be used by local dealers, and with the various kinds and makes of ears, the show should provide ample opportunity for the prospective buyers tn determine which one of them will provide the t,f st means of transportation, a com parattvi display of this kind gives reryone the privilege of making com- Peters, to the right of the entrance. The historic and beautiful ritual was witnessed only by members of the sacred college, members of the pontifical household and the papal nobility mid diplomats accredited to lb" Vatican. The gr at bronze doors of St. Peters h oi been closed at noon, cutting off ih" stream of people, who for more than throe days had been passinrr he fore the catafalque where the body lay in State. Ushers Carry Body. Tii" e remony began with the re- movsl at the body from ih cha-el of tie I'o'' Sacrament to the chapel of th" choir, If rested upon a bier which we borne ttpon the shoulders of the redrobed ushers, whos" usual function is to carry th" Pope in the papa chair in pontifical processions. The Vatican clergy heeded the eor t ". bearing torches and chanting Ih" anthem "Kxaltabund DomtnO." On either side ot the bier strode members of the Swiss '-'tiard. palatine guards am' the papal gendarmerie. As file procession moved the choir of the Chapel Julia, in glowing robes of purple, sang the "Miserere." Noble Guards Serve As Escort. Noble guards in dazzling full dress uniforms formed an escort of honor and the pontiff's bier was covered with a tapestry of red damask on which the body rested while lying la state Mi in the bile basilica. the members of the sa- . bishops, archbishops and nfered the chapel of the hoir with iti lides of ; Inuh stalls rising on file altar and took tin positions according to their The strains of the 'Miserere" heard as the procession approach :ie chapel and the Cardinal Arch it Merry Del Val and the cardinal iriengo, Qasparrl, took their s near the caskets which were 'ceive the body, the strains of the Miserere ended body was carried in and tbe an i "Kxaltahunt Domino" was again , followed by the chanting of Paradisum " Search Interior for Loiterers. 11 o'clock the clearing of St. r's, pn paratt ry to the burial sorv was begun bj the Italian royal is. At 11:80 o'clock a search was of the interior, so that no un orlzed in rsons remained for the tu i ! A the I hoi tn vi. tin n, w ho had ( being ov rlooked ie hour the cere id to begin. until mon; KIDNAP DICK AND GET AWAY WITH BEER Chicago, Jan. 26. Seven bandits with three large automomile trucks early today kidnapped a .Michigan Central railroad detective, stole tJfJO barrels of beer and escaped despite a fusilade of shots fired by two police. The detective McOarv was release PRINCETON MAN WINS U. OF I. CORN HONORS n lllini the state ch uupiomthlp today for Sum mer brothers ol Pekjn at the Unlver : ;i of Illinois corn show. The best single ear was entered by M LassOn Of Princeton. Uoth entries were ytl- FIRE COPS ACCUSED OF SHIELDING CROOKS Chicago, Jam 28. -Ch urged with having sultstituted six strangers for six well known police characters ar rest, d in a gambling raid, i leutonant James Doherty, two sergsmnta and thi e patrolmen sere suspended to il a; by chief Kit morris pending a grand Jury Investigation. pari on, and the automobile dealers are all re in their desire to sell ears on their individual merit The .-how w ill be free to the public during the three days, and special entertain ment and musical programs will be pr ' kted for the afternoons and oven ints. The basement of the armory Will ha, .-a ettesUive display of elec trical e alpment, auto BAosesoHee, tires and other articles of similar in- A