Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1922. THE OTTAWA FREE TRADER. JOURNAL. CHARIER MEMBERS! UM GUESTS OF HONOR a K. OF C. BANQUET twRtieth ANNIVERSARY Of FOUNDING OF COUNCIL CELE BRATED AT NEW HOME WITH FEAST FOLLOWED BY DANCE. Thirty live of the fifty nine charter members ol Starved Rock oouncil, knights Of Colllinblis. were guests o( honor nl the twentieth anniversary banquet held by the organization laal night iit thetr hoina on La Balls itreet, Btarved Rook council was formed at n banquet i"iii on Jan, M, iwil, in Dwyer'i ball on Columbus street. The organliatlon now lias 560 mem bers. The anniversary waa celebrated with a banquet and hall. The ban quet waa served at 6:80 o'clock to guests in the club house dining room, which was prettily decorated in royal purple ami white, the organ isation colore, The thirty-five guests of honor wi re seated at the speakers' table The dinner was served just at ii:l!i) by Ralph Bawden at the Flick Cater lag Co, The menue las as follows, fruit Cocktail with Nablscoa Celery branches til n olives Sweet pickles Beet tenderloin with brown gravj whipped potatoes Karl .line' peas in thimbles Hot Parker bouse rolls Head lettuce sRlail with French dressing Wafers Pistachio ice cream Assorter tigs Coffee During the dinner a very line pro prn in of songs was given by .Inslin Jaecer. grand I- light ot the coun- Mert Carroll of Beneca was an Ot tawa visitor last night, Mist: .eta White of I'tlca was all Ot tawa visitor yesterday, .Mayor Peter Coleman of La iSalle transacted business in Ottawa today. MIhh Katharine Walah or La Balle was an Ottawa visitor last night, Miss Mae Kelly who recently un derwent ;m operation at Ryburn boa' pitai win he able to he out by the firs! of tlie week, William Degnen of Seneca was an Ottawa visitor last night, Attorney .1. IS. Malbne ol La Balle transacted business in Ottawa today. Miss Ruth Qladfelter ami Mrs Lea ter Maierbofer went to La Balle today lor a abort Vlall With their sister, Mrs. Wood Me- Lillian KedWln of I'lica was nil Ottawa visitor yesterday. Joseph Hoey was an Barlvllle visitor today Prank Welsh, of Leland street, lefi today for Albuquerque, N, M . for a real and vacation. Miss I, lima t'errot of South Otta wa left last evening for Lot Angeles where she will enter the university to take a course. Kn route she will stop off tor a few dava end visit with M r and M i B Qeorgu i , rot in Kan sas Citv. Miss I, uia Bacll Of De Solo street left today for Elkhart, Ind . to accept a position as assistant paster of the first Presbyterian church there. Attorney Henry M Kelly anil Hon Lawrence left lasl night for Chicago to attend the funeral oi the former's nephew, Mr. and Mrs, Chester Qarretl ol La Porte, Ind., former residents of Ot tawa are visiting friend-; here, .iinine k it Mills was a passenger for Chicago this morning, c. li Chapman is transacting legal business in Chicago today. Miss Lillian Campbell, the La S ill,, street milliner, spent yesterday in Chicago looking over the spring styles and making purchases. ROTARY LEADS IN HEALTH CAMPAIGN Continued from !ukh 1.1 demand thai he or she he equipped for life's struggle With a normal, sound body, and If such is not the. case then either Hi" parents or the community is at fault. We know that it remain tor tba community in that parental reaponaibllity in too many cases In sadly neglected) there fore it remains for the community to iissuuie the same, just lis milch and in the same manner and Undl r the law specifically the child iH entitled to a good education, our present statutes are not sufficient to compel these grounds, it therefore remains for Individual puts of society to as sume this; responsibility, ami that means this work which you may he contemplating at the present time." Tlie closing talk of ti vening wa:- i le by Attorney Clarence Qrlggs, who explained In a very in teresting manner tlie organliatlon "! an institute cliullar to the i ii" main tained at La Salle, Attorney Gringt' Speech. In his address Mr. (irigvs laid: "Some years ago Hie late F W MaUnlessen founded the Hygienic in stitute for La Salle. !'. ru and Ogleeby. After testing out tin efficacy of sue;, an institute at his PWM private ex pense of fully I00,000 and le lug sat isfied that such an Instltuti was of such Incalculable benell) to the com munlty, Mr. Matthlessen felt that tin re should In soma Beneriil law. per mttting Buch Institutes to he organ ized and maintained at public expense 'I lie law. as passed, la ubstantially along the Hie... of the institute he or " case are reported to tl.e propel citlhurllies. It I- jlO duty ol the health "II: r to auate uui sancee, to ieathat the groctey store-, and meat niarkcis ami restaurants are kept in a sanitary condition and that no persons suffering from Infectious dlraaae are employed in any place win re food is likely to he infected. "In view of the sanitary evils made possible hy the Chicago towage, which ie : he increased hy tin- instruction o. the i h cl lug is lie hat priate atonvay. and in view m i),e the waterway on out oxtsl is. die appointment of a pub l officer Is particular!', appro- CLASSIFIED ADS. FRESH K(H!S Another big sale strictly frosh eggs Saturdav mo inn. Coma early. Slier Ar Olson. WANTED Competent woman tor general housework ami care ol babj I'h 813-U I'OU SAI.i: I ne i suitable for any Inquire l)lt. ): No,;, 688-L oi 21. iln Rotary Chnrgt electi ic uui imoh B, I'Al.MKI'.. 'i I (lit ! "The alary ol tnc public health Of ficer la iixed by tlie board: in no case I I to he less than 1,S00. The law re qulrt ti fiat tin public li alth officer in :-: give bin entire time to the work ami the hoard is furnished with suf ficient means to employ an expe rienced and aide olfli I r The expenaee depend entirely upon i the amount of sen Ice which the com- munlty demands. The La Balle, Peru and Oulcshj District spends about ISO,-1 000 a year, hut it is believed thai the5 district here colli ! Ik carried mi 01 13,l ' at the utmost. "Tlie work of the Institute in La Balle, Peru and Ogleeby has been ol wonderful benefit to these three cltlet and lias met with unanimous com- mi -illation of al! the people there. "Under the !;u'. Marseilles might I hi a art of tic district, If the people' so desire, and It would seem very ad ; i- able that tle y come in. as our prob-1 I lems are largely tin same, especially' 1 in reference to sewage propositions. I he distance Between the cities IS ! obji ctlon." th u I I.K i 111 Th ir three Molln want to turn i r attractive a UK tr-nt.. Into i :. p, opo till anyone wlio Will act unlcKly, l consider i trade. Thl Is the tract r limine Itlon over offer 1 1. noi DBR'8 ' ' t; h, i ; SANDERS Now i ffers tremend ius en; on WEED CHAINS. i3 13' OFF for a period of l iii". inly Size. List Our price. :i;ixt B.50 (,35 32x3 Rid o Sid chains 1,1)6 All sites in stock. Oel yours now. 30xS tires $ii. i.". to 114 M 80x8H tires 7,05 to 19.8u Kord radiators a speciality With US. Sanders Auto Pr-.rts Co. 28 West Main si. Phone In:' FOR SALE !io once. T, I SMITH, W Good si" ! wht at. c.oi at lophone Uti i 76 I. I.IH IS altham town hip, Ottawa and So elude the i nfir petition ,if :, vol , rs in i ach may he voted r Ottawa, which 10- j oi Ottawa, on sent oi the legal n th" propositi. a, ii th,' next i " i HEAVY SNOWS FALL CN SOUTH AND f moetlng in each town and ii carried the Instltuti will he organized with a hoard composed oi the supervisors of the tu'i towns and the chairman oi tic county lie. oil. Tin board elects AST ti m h number a chairman nd 1 1 -t - a treasurer i n-.t be a membi r ol W 1 1 all. inn d d was to take ill and Ar out of town. ,1' the cliar toastraaater. r of t! v- liey of Peoria, making a very ell. George Welsl part in tlie progrt t inn- Hallagan wai Lawrence lain" ter members, act lie Introduced tin' speak enlng, Richard B. Bit in a very aide manner Witty addles: Mr. Bradley, who was a member of thp Knights of Columbus commission that visited Metl for the dedication of the monument erected to the memory of the soldiers of the world war. told of bis trip overseas. Me spoke at length on tlie journey, giving very graphic descriptions of the battle fields the organisation visited, and of their trip through France, Switzer land, Italy, Bngland and Ireland He told of two audiences the coin mission had wiiii Pope Benedict at the Vatican in Rome. Alter Mr. Bradleyfs talk the guests went upstairs. Tlie dancing started in the hall room at H o'clock, and con tinued through until midnight. Dur ing the eventng cards were played on the lirst floor. Wasliti depth vi r per eri I" ti been central otf iast thruout the iithern states- a- ci aftermath ol the storm when h the South Allantc early part of the week. Wit. i tlie statement that "qtorm warnings remain displayed between the Virginia capes and Cape llatter ji s." the weather bureau today pre dicted further snowfall in 10 states in the east and in tlie south down to the northern Alabama - Mississippi line. ntHci r i ellgibl A. E. & C. CAR TURNS OVER; 3!X INJURED U. S. JUDGE DIES AT COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. Iowa. .Ian. ,. Ith, 59, member pl reult Court of Ap- morning, Judge Council Bluffs, Judge Walter I Sin the United Stat, ! C peals, died her,- thi Smith had been in poor health for many months Of a form of paralysis He served in congress for ten years and was appointed to tlie United States hi lu ll 111 1910. Aurora, Jan. 27. A third rail car of (he A. E. K- C, Chicago hound, jump ed the tracks and turned over today thirty-live miles west of GhteagO. Five persona were cut hy broken glass and one woman suffered a sprained ankle. The car started from Geneva with about twenty passengers. SHERIFF AND AIDS RETURN TO STREAT0R Sheriff Curt Ayei of deputies returnet to do guard duty a iug works where I last week. The oi a slow, quiet day u whatever .ester. lay to Streator today tlie metal stamp ie riots occurred leers encountered ith no excitement i i.ird is authorized t levy a public health tax not to ex id and .' wo-tblrda mill, on the The tirst step i tie- appoint- I a public health officer. Thi . inU t he Ifclee I roui a I' -I of s ipplled b) the tat" dep urt men! t f public health. That h t , ay, ths state department musl Rrr.t pass upon the jCualillcationi of an) of ticer to he selected by the hoard. The hoard will select a bacteriologist whose province it is to make tests for diphtheria and other contagion dis eases, analyze milk furnished hy the dairies, test the- purity of the water supply, etc 'Tlie health officer looks aftei everything in the district pertaining to ih ' health or the community and OHfori s all iteto laws and citv" ordi nanci b pertaining to health and sani tation, eitablishes quarantines, Invea ttgates tlie existence of any contii gioua and infections diseases and adepts measures with the approval of die state department of public health to urn st the progress of the Bamet "The hoard i:; required to establish a tree dental clinic for the benefit of: the School children which N available ivithout charge to the children of pnr oata who are unable to pay for tie same. The hoard selects school amine Che eyes, ears, noses, throats ami teeth of all tin- school children, and in case of defects Bees that the children have the proper surgical and an are absent from nurses visit the homos to I GOOD THINGS TO EAT You needn't worn alxvui quality and tin- i dt" rev CiroccrV lmipIi lav i r. li y m it ic vou in uuvinc vour ininin hi: ll'dllk' Villi. Kin:-, Quality Flour, (! II, : arks $ 1 ,98 Pla-Safa Flour. l!i Ih Hacks 1.C8 How can they do it? Because we buy in tar lots for spot caih .ind pay io rent. 20 fbs. line Granulated Sugar lor ii i i :t iiis. Delicious City Club Coffi Or with a Ih of sixty cent Japan, F c.:r Ptak) fled River Ohlos per bi Pig Bean Dcil I lbs. choice Lima Beans, .29 I rba. i hoice Red Beans, . .29 7 Itis. choice Rolled Oatmeal 29 .Melha Peaches, halves. finest vou ever tasted. ( ne Armour's Pure Grape Juice 39 1.00 1.C0 or Gunpowder Ti i, bushel lots . . 1.25 Coffee, has some ta. for si co I II Electric Tapioca 29 Broken Rice .20 t ties lam y Ma raschtno Ties, per bottle '3 ins 8c Armour'a Milk .05 1 arge cans A rraour's Mill-. . 10 Armour's Baked Means. 15c size leiiu c. 0 Hawaiian sliced Pineapple The canneries will take no more orders, We have a full supply. No. tins Hawaiian Pineapple, slices trifle broken 29 allon or No. lo tills, sliced Pineapple 1.25 Gallon or No. in tins Logan berries 1.25 Some value--use what you want for the first meal and can th" balance Florida Strawberries, Florida Orape Fruit, Pears, Pineapples, Spiti enberg Apples, Naval Oranges, Cauliflower, Spinach, Head Lettuce, Phone 128 T. R. GODFREY P. S. Susar market jumped twenty cents a hundred. We have a ar ot 11. and K. line Eastern granulated an the way. Book your order we 11 protect you. You used to ask for a large can of bak- powder and get 16 a full pound. You can't pend on getting a full pound today because some baking powders are now put up in 12 or,, or 3 4 pound cans, and are 4 oz. short of a pound. Never ask for a can of king powder always say ' : ve me 16 oz., or full pound." A large can of Calumet always did and still does con tain 16 oz. or a full pound. 'orm the habit of care ful buying -be sure you get full vaiue for your money. Calumet lasts longer and oes farther you save when you buy it you save when you use it. Don't regret use Calumet. Iiniifiber2 11 GZe Is Not One Pound A$k for a Pound when you want it i-HiawiiSaaraa mm Free Trader-Journal Want Ads for Results FRENCH ENVOY TO ROB MAN AND WIFE ARMS MEET iLL AT SEPARAT ESTORES Washington, Jan, 27. The condl- Chicago, Jao, tion of Alert Sarraut, head of the I Dr. s. Zwlck Krench amis delegation, who was snf- $100 at a drug taring a bronchial attack, showed Int- htS wife. Mrs. I. provement today, hut it will he necert- up in another An hour after ad been robbed of lore here last night, Ulan Zwlck, was held drug store by the sary for him to remain in his room same banditt several davs. nmnd rings. and robbed of two dla- AUSTRIAN CABINET QUITS, THEN RETURNS Vienna. Ian 27. The cabinet of Chancellor Schoher. which resigned yesterday, resumed office today with some changes in the INI of ministers. Too Bad! Little Jielen. aged ,-i. was taken to her tirst baseball uame. She became quite excited when her other cheered i Ollie particular plaj and waved his J arms, Helen followed suit At the j critical stagt!, in the eighth Inning, I the halter Lot to tirst and then scented for second, w hi' h he man aged to reach just in lime hy a per fect slide. Helen was rpiite distressed and turning to Iter nether she said: "(Mi, mania. Whnl a pity! The poor nan slipped."- lloston Transcript. EGGS DROP ON NEW YORK-CHICAGO MARTS j school the see what tin- difficulty is. I TODAY 1 1 Ni w York, .Ian. 27. The fresh vkv market broke heavily today, the drop ranging from in to ii' cents per dozen. Chicago, Jan. 27. Fresh cmus drop- ped 1 to i cents a dozen today. "Old Noll." "Old Noll" was a term of contempt applied io Oliver Cromwell hy ins con- temporaries. "Nay. Old Neil, whose bones were dug up and hung in chains lane nt home, ha-- not he, inn, gol to be a very respectable grim bronze Ag ora, of whom Kn.lnnd seems proud rather than otherwise?"Thomaa Car Ijrle. Antonio Moreno "The Secret of the Hills" Also a two-reel comedy COMING 'The Son of Walling ford" Future Sle Assured. A small bOJ looked longingly into j B store vvindm, a here a Shining new j bicycle was displayed. Rliylj he en tered and, approachlug the proprietor, said: "If you'll kep thai bicycle till ; I'm growed tip to he a hi:; man I II liny It of vou.'' Woman's Complex Life Woman's complex lite .villi its mul titudinous calls is Riven as the reason I for many a ncnus breakdown. Home work, social obligations, dressmaking and the care of children keep the tOth century woman in a whirlwind of ac tivity until headache develop, hnck-j ache, nervousness and oftentimes more serious ills which are pecullat I to her sex alone. Such women should not despair, hut he guMed by the let ters so often published in this paper from women who have lieen in just even conditions, hut who have been restored to health hv Lvdia K. Pink- bams Vegetable Compound. This i- a root and herb medicine ' "'; ' contains no driifis and (an b U..A!t in safety any woman. j i mum TONIGHT The Scoffer With James Kiikwood and Mary Thurman and an all star cast. One of the season's best pictures. We guarantee it. Also a "Toonervillu Trolley C iltied TOMORROW Maurice Flynn Yale's famous Football Star in "Bucking The Line" And a New Sanshine Comedy COMING SUNDAY AND MONDAY MR. AND MRP CARTER DE HAVEN Ir, "TWIN BEOS Effective T NEW PRICE Of THE ML m. $LiL IL-sa? rnJk iftje'" ?Mh.i? F. O. B. De!roi! j W ORDER NOW This is a ReilucJion o! 230.00 DanieSson OiSawa FarSv'iJSe Sheridan PAGE THRCBt ii